Пример #1
class sdn_simulator(object):

    # vf_ob = [tot_ctlRate, tot_latency, tot_arrRate, tot_respTime(history_len), tot_util(history_len)]
    # ac_ob = [ [ctlRate, latency, sch_arrRate, ctlResp(history_len), ctl_util(history_len)],  [], [], ...]

    def __init__(self, ts_per_actorbatch, num, envseed):
        self.envid = num
        self.seed = envseed
        self.set = Setting(self.envid)
        self.ts_per_actorbatch = ts_per_actorbatch
        # variables used for regularization
        # self.vf_sum = np.array([0.] * 9)
        # self.vf_sumsq = np.array([0.] * 9)
        # self.vf_count = np.array([0.] * 9)
        # self.ac_sum = np.array([0.] * 9)
        # self.ac_sumsq = np.array([0.] * 9)
        # self.ac_count = np.array([0.] * 9)
        self.vf_observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(
            0, 100, (3 + self.set.history_len * 2, ))
        # ac_observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(0, 100, (Setting.ctlNum, 3 + Setting.history_len * 2))
        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.set.ctlNum)

    def close(self):
        print("End of the episode")
        # reward = 0.
        # # handle the remaining packets
        # remainPktNum = []
        # for i in range(0, self.ctlNum):
        #     remainPktNum.append(self.ctl_queues[i].queue.qsize())
        # while sum(remainPktNum) != 0:
        #     for i in range(0, self.ctlNum):
        #         remainPktNum[i] = self.ctl_queues[i].queue.qsize()
        #         if remainPktNum[i] == 0:
        #             continue
        #         else:
        #             pktLeaveTime = sample_possion(Setting.ctlRate[i], Setting.timeStep)
        #             pktLeaveTime = [x + self.currentTime for x in pktLeaveTime]
        #             for x in pktLeaveTime:
        #                 firstPktTime = self.ctl_queues[i].getFirstPktTime()
        #                 if firstPktTime is None:
        #                     break
        #                 elif x < firstPktTime:
        #                     continue
        #                 else:
        #                     pkt = self.ctl_queues[i].dequeue()
        #                     t = pkt.generateTime
        #                     reward -= x-t
        #                     self.stat.add_response_time(x, pkt.scheduler, i, x - t)
        #                     logging.info("Handling remaining pkts from ctl %s" % (i))
        #                     # print("Controller response time: %s" % (x - t))
        #     self.currentTime += Setting.timeStep

    def _init(self):
        self.tot_pktNum = self.ts_per_actorbatch * (
            sum(self.set.pktRate) * self.set.maxSimTime //
            self.ts_per_actorbatch)  # used to indicate the end of an episode
        self.stat = Stats(self.set)
        self.currentTime = 0.
        self.sch_queues = []
        self.ctl_queues = []
        self.ctl_pktLeaveTime = []  # nested list, [[list]*ctlNum]
        self.schNum = self.set.schNum
        self.ctlNum = self.set.ctlNum
        for i in range(self.schNum):
        for i in range(self.ctlNum):
        self.remainPktNum = 0
        self.tot_ctlRate = sum(self.set.ctlRate)  # used in vf_ob
        self.tot_arrRate = sum(self.set.pktRate)  # used in vf_ob
        self.tot_latency = 0.  # used in vf_ob
        for i in range(self.schNum):
            for j in range(self.ctlNum):
                self.tot_latency += self.set.pktRate[i] * self.set.sch2ctlLink[
                    i][j] / self.tot_arrRate
        self.sch = self.mapping_firstPkt2scheduler(
        )  # the scheduler that has the earliest packet

    def _init_ob(self):
        ac_ob = []
        for ctl in range(self.ctlNum):
            ac_ob[ctl] = [
                self.set.ctlRate[ctl], self.set.sch2ctlLink[self.sch][ctl],
            ac_ob[ctl] += [0.] * self.set.history_len * 2
        vf_ob = [self.tot_ctlRate, self.tot_latency, self.tot_arrRate]
        vf_ob += [0.] * self.set.history_len * 2
        vf_ob, ac_ob = self.min_max_norm(np.array(vf_ob), np.array(ac_ob))
        return vf_ob, ac_ob

    def _init_norm_para(self):
        maxLatency = 0.
        for sch in range(len(self.set.sch2ctlLink)):
            temp = max(self.set.sch2ctlLink[sch])
            if maxLatency < temp:
                maxLatency = temp
        # self.vf_ob_max = np.array([self.tot_ctlRate, self.tot_latency, self.tot_arrRate] + [1.1*maxLatency, 1.1*maxLatency, 1.1*maxLatency] + [1., 1., 1.])
        self.vf_ob_max = np.array([2000.0, 0.1, 1000.0] + [1., 1., 1.] +
                                  [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        self.vf_ob_min = np.array([500., 0., 300.] + [0., 0., 0.] +
                                  [0., 0., 0.])
        self.vf_ob_delta = self.vf_ob_max - self.vf_ob_min
        # self.ac_ob_max = np.array([max(self.set.ctlRate), maxLatency, max(self.set.pktRate)] + [1.1*maxLatency, 1.1*maxLatency, 1.1*maxLatency] + [1., 1., 1.])
        self.ac_ob_max = np.array([1000.0, 0.1, 1000.0] + [1., 1., 1.] +
                                  [1., 1., 1.])
        self.ac_ob_min = np.array([300., 0., 300.] + [0., 0., 0.] +
                                  [0., 0., 0.])
        self.ac_ob_delta = self.ac_ob_max - self.ac_ob_min

    def min_max_norm(self, vf_ob, ac_ob):
        vf_ob = (vf_ob - self.vf_ob_min) / self.vf_ob_delta
        for ctl in range(self.ctlNum):
            ac_ob[ctl] = (ac_ob[ctl] - self.ac_ob_min) / self.ac_ob_delta
        return vf_ob, ac_ob

    # def update_RunningMeanStd(self, vf_ob, ac_ob):
    #     self.vf_sum += vf_ob
    #     self.vf_sumsq += np.power(vf_ob, 2)
    #     self.vf_count += 1
    #     vf_mean = self.vf_sum/self.vf_count
    #     temp = np.maximum(self.vf_sumsq/self.vf_count-np.power(vf_mean, 2), 1e-2)
    #     vf_std = np.sqrt(temp)
    #     self.ac_sum += np.sum(ac_ob, axis=0)
    #     self.ac_sumsq += np.sum(np.power(ac_ob, 2), axis=0)
    #     self.ac_count += len(ac_ob)
    #     ac_mean = self.ac_sum / self.ac_count
    #     temp = np.maximum(self.ac_sumsq / self.ac_count - np.power(ac_mean, 2), 1e-2)
    #     ac_std = np.sqrt(temp)
    #     vf_obz = np.clip((vf_ob - vf_mean) / vf_std, -5.0, 5.0)
    #     ac_obz = np.clip((ac_ob - ac_mean) / ac_std, -5.0, 5.0)
    #     return vf_obz, ac_obz

    def pkt_generator(self):
        for i in range(self.schNum):
            nextArrivalTime = []
            while len(nextArrivalTime) == 0:
                logging.info("Packets are generated from sch")
                nextArrivalTime = sample_possion(self.set.pktRate[i],
                nextArrivalTime = [
                    x + self.currentTime for x in nextArrivalTime
            logging.info("%s packets are generated" % (len(nextArrivalTime)))
            self.remainPktNum += len(nextArrivalTime)
            for x in nextArrivalTime:
                pkt = Packet(x, i)
                self.sch_queues[i].enqueue(pkt, x)
                logging.info("Put the packet %s into the scheduler queue %s" %
                             (pkt.enqueueTime, i))
        self.currentTime += self.set.timeStep

    def pkt_departure_generator(self):
        for i in range(0, self.ctlNum):
            pktLeaveTime = []
            while len(pktLeaveTime) == 0:
                logging.info("Packets' leaving time is generated from ctl")
                pktLeaveTime = sample_possion(self.set.ctlRate[i],
                pktLeaveTime = [x + self.currentTime for x in pktLeaveTime]

    def mapping_firstPkt2scheduler(self):
        firstPktTime = []
        for i in range(self.schNum):
            temp = self.sch_queues[i].getFirstPktTime()
            if temp is None:
                logging.info("No packet in the scheduler")
                temp = 100000
        return firstPktTime.index(min(firstPktTime))

    def reset(self):
        vf_ob, ac_ob = self._init_ob()
        return vf_ob, ac_ob
        # return self.vf_observation_space.sample(), self.ac_observation_space.sample()

    # Function prototype is vf_ob, ac_ob, rew, new, _ = env.step(ac)
    def step(self, action):
        if type(action).__module__ == np.__name__:
            schDecision = action[0]
            schDecision = action
        done = False
        # Take Action: distribute the first packet from scheduler to controller
        pkt = self.sch_queues[self.sch].dequeue()
        self.remainPktNum -= 1
        self.tot_pktNum -= 1
        # todo: communication delay between switches and schedulers can be added later
        enqueueTime = pkt.generateTime + self.set.sch2ctlLink[self.sch][
            schDecision]  # Communication latency between schedulers and controllers
        self.ctl_queues[schDecision].enqueue(pkt, enqueueTime)
        logging.info("Put the packets into the controller queue %s" %

        # generate new packets for schedulers and generate packet departure time for controllers
        if self.remainPktNum == 0:

        # update self.sch for next state and next action
        tempsch = self.sch
        self.sch = self.mapping_firstPkt2scheduler(
        )  # the scheduler that has the earliest packet

        time = self.sch_queues[
            self.sch].getFirstPktTime()  # time for next state
        reward = 0.
        resp_time = 0.
        pkt_num = 0

        # remove packets from controllers from current state to next state
        for i in range(0, self.ctlNum):
            while len(self.ctl_pktLeaveTime[i]) != 0:
                x = self.ctl_pktLeaveTime[i][0]
                firstPktTime = self.ctl_queues[i].getFirstPktTime()
                if firstPktTime is None:  # no packets in ctl_queues[i]
                elif firstPktTime > time:  # finish processing packets for this time period
                elif x > time:
                elif x < firstPktTime:
                    pkt = self.ctl_queues[i].dequeue()
                    t = pkt.generateTime
                    if tempsch == pkt.scheduler:
                        reward += 1 / (x - t +
                    resp_time += x - t + self.set.sch2ctlLink[pkt.scheduler][i]
                    pkt_num += 1
                    # reward -= x-t  # update reward

                    self.stat.add_response_time(x, pkt.scheduler, i,
                                                x - t)  # for state update
                    logging.info("Remove packets from controller queue %s" %

        # todo: whether it is the end of the episode
        if self.tot_pktNum == 0:
            done = True
            logging.info("A trajectory is sampled")
            vf_ob, ac_ob = self._init_ob()
            # sum all the remaining packets into the reward
            # for ctl in range(self.ctlNum):
            #     remainPktNum = self.ctl_queues[ctl].queue.qsize()
            #     if remainPktNum == 0:
            #         continue
            #     else:
            #         latency = 0.
            #         for sch in range(Setting.schNum):
            #             latency += Setting.sch2ctlLink[sch][ctl]
            #         reward -= remainPktNum * ((latency/Setting.schNum)+(1.0/Setting.ctlRate))
            # update response time history for both observation space, both vf_resp_his and ac_resp_his are lists
            vf_resp_his, ac_resp_his = self.stat.update_response_time_history(

            # update utilization info
            vf_util_his, ac_util_his = self.stat.update_utilization_history()

            vf_ob = [self.tot_ctlRate, self.tot_latency, self.tot_arrRate
                     ] + vf_resp_his + vf_util_his
            ac_ob = []
            for ctl_id in range(self.ctlNum):
                ac_ob[ctl_id] = [
                ac_ob[ctl_id] += ac_resp_his[ctl_id] + ac_util_his[ctl_id]

            # vf_ob, ac_ob = self.update_RunningMeanStd(np.array(vf_ob), np.array(ac_ob))
            vf_ob, ac_ob = self.min_max_norm(np.array(vf_ob), np.array(ac_ob))
        return vf_ob, ac_ob, reward, resp_time, pkt_num, done, {}
Пример #2
class sdn_simulator(object):
    def __init__(self, ts_per_actorbatch, num):
        self.set = Setting(num)
        self.ts_per_actorbatch = ts_per_actorbatch

    def close(self):
        print("End of the episode")

    def _init(self):
        self.tot_pktNum = self.ts_per_actorbatch * (
            sum(self.set.pktRate) * self.set.maxSimTime //
            self.ts_per_actorbatch)  # used to indicate the end of an episode
        self.stat = Stats(self.set)
        self.currentTime = 0.
        self.sch_queues = []
        self.ctl_queues = []
        self.ctl_pktLeaveTime = []  # nested list, [[list]*ctlNum]
        self.schNum = self.set.schNum
        self.ctlNum = self.set.ctlNum
        for i in range(self.schNum):
        for i in range(self.ctlNum):
        self.remainPktNum = 0
        self.tot_ctlRate = sum(self.set.ctlRate)  # used in vf_ob
        self.tot_arrRate = sum(self.set.pktRate)  # used in vf_ob
        self.tot_latency = 0.  # used in vf_ob
        for i in range(self.schNum):
            for j in range(self.ctlNum):
                self.tot_latency += self.set.pktRate[i] * self.set.sch2ctlLink[
                    j][i] / self.tot_arrRate
        self.sch = self.mapping_firstPkt2scheduler(
        )  # the scheduler that has the earliest packet

    def _init_ob(self):
        ac_ob = []
        for ctl in range(self.ctlNum):
            ac_ob[ctl] = [
                self.set.ctlRate[ctl], self.set.sch2ctlLink[ctl][self.sch],
            ac_ob[ctl] += [0.] * self.set.history_len * 2
        vf_ob = [self.tot_ctlRate, self.tot_latency, self.tot_arrRate]
        vf_ob += [0.] * self.set.history_len * 2
        return vf_ob, ac_ob

    def pkt_generator(self):
        for i in range(self.schNum):
            nextArrivalTime = []
            while len(nextArrivalTime) == 0:
                logging.info("Packets are generated from sch")
                nextArrivalTime = sample_possion(self.set.pktRate[i],
                nextArrivalTime = [
                    x + self.currentTime for x in nextArrivalTime
            logging.info("%s packets are generated" % (len(nextArrivalTime)))
            self.remainPktNum += len(nextArrivalTime)
            for x in nextArrivalTime:
                pkt = Packet(x, i)
                self.sch_queues[i].enqueue(pkt, x)
                logging.info("Put the packet %s into the scheduler queue %s" %
                             (pkt.enqueueTime, i))
        self.currentTime += self.set.timeStep

    def pkt_departure_generator(self):
        for i in range(0, self.ctlNum):
            pktLeaveTime = []
            while len(pktLeaveTime) == 0:
                logging.info("Packets' leaving time is generated from ctl")
                pktLeaveTime = sample_possion(self.set.ctlRate[i],
                pktLeaveTime = [x + self.currentTime for x in pktLeaveTime]

    def mapping_firstPkt2scheduler(self):
        firstPktTime = []
        for i in range(self.schNum):
            temp = self.sch_queues[i].getFirstPktTime()
            if temp is None:
                logging.info("No packet in the scheduler")
                temp = 100000
        return firstPktTime.index(min(firstPktTime))

    def reset(self):
        vf_ob, ac_ob = self._init_ob()
        return vf_ob, ac_ob
        # return self.vf_observation_space.sample(), self.ac_observation_space.sample()

    # Function prototype is vf_ob, ac_ob, rew, new, _ = env.step(ac)
    def step(self, action):
        if type(action).__module__ == np.__name__:
            schDecision = action[0]
            schDecision = action
        done = False
        # Take Action: distribute the first packet from scheduler to controller
        pkt = self.sch_queues[self.sch].dequeue()
        self.remainPktNum -= 1
        self.tot_pktNum -= 1
        # todo: communication delay between switches and schedulers can be added later
        enqueueTime = pkt.generateTime + self.set.sch2ctlLink[schDecision][
            sch]  # Communication latency between schedulers and controllers
        self.ctl_queues[schDecision].enqueue(pkt, enqueueTime)
        logging.info("Put the packets into the controller queue %s" %

        # generate new packets for schedulers and generate packet departure time for controllers
        if self.remainPktNum == 0:

        # update self.sch for next state and next action
        self.sch = self.mapping_firstPkt2scheduler(
        )  # the scheduler that has the earliest packet

        time = self.sch_queues[
            self.sch].getFirstPktTime()  # time for next state
        resp_time = 0.
        pkt_num = 0

        # remove packets from controllers from current state to next state
        for i in range(0, self.ctlNum):
            while len(self.ctl_pktLeaveTime[i]) != 0:
                x = self.ctl_pktLeaveTime[i][0]
                firstPktTime = self.ctl_queues[i].getFirstPktTime()
                if firstPktTime is None:  # no packets in ctl_queues[i]
                elif firstPktTime > time:  # finish processing packets for this time period
                elif x < firstPktTime:
                    pkt = self.ctl_queues[i].dequeue()
                    t = pkt.generateTime
                    resp_time += x - t + self.set.sch2ctlLink[i][pkt.scheduler]
                    pkt_num += 1

                        x, pkt.scheduler, i,
                        x - t + self.set.sch2ctlLink[i][pkt.scheduler]
                    )  # for state update
                    logging.info("Remove packets from controller queue %s" %

        # todo: whether it is the end of the episode
        if self.tot_pktNum == 0:
            done = True
            logging.info("A trajectory is sampled")
            vf_ob, ac_ob = self._init_ob()
            # update response time history for both observation space, both vf_resp_his and ac_resp_his are lists
            vf_resp_his, ac_resp_his = self.stat.update_response_time_history(

            # update utilization info
            vf_util_his, ac_util_his = self.stat.update_utilization_history()

            vf_ob = [self.tot_ctlRate, self.tot_latency, self.tot_arrRate
                     ] + vf_resp_his + vf_util_his
            ac_ob = []
            for ctl_id in range(self.ctlNum):
                ac_ob[ctl_id] = [
                ac_ob[ctl_id] += ac_resp_his[ctl_id] + ac_util_his[ctl_id]

        return vf_ob, ac_ob, resp_time, pkt_num, done, {}