Пример #1
class Exp():
    A template class for running easily parallelizable event-related fMRI
    Note: Exp() can"t be run as is.  For simple run-able experiments see 
    def __init__(self, TR=2, ISI=2, prng=None):
        # ----
        # These need to be set during subclassing
        # and before use.
        self.trials = None
        self.durations = None
        self.prng = None
        ## Hang a RandomState object off
        ## of self.

        self.data = {}
        self.data["meta"] = {}
        ## meta is for model metadata

        # ----
        # Other needed functions you
        # might want to override
        self.noise_f = white
        self.hrf_params = {
            "width": 32,
            "TR": 1,
            "a1": 6.0,
            "a2": 12.,
            "b1": 0.9,
            "b2": 0.9,
            "c": 0.35
        self.hrf = double_gamma(**self.hrf_params)
        # ----

        # ----
        # Setup globals,
        self.TR = TR
        self.ISI = ISI

        # --
        # and intialize the simulation"s (private)
        # data structues
        self.dm = None  ## The design matrix (create_dm, create_dm_param).
        self.bold = None  ## The bold signal (create_bold).
        self.results = {}  ## Simulation results go here.
        ## After a save_state() call.
        self.glm = None  ## Where the GLM object is stored after a fit call.
        # ----

        # ----
        # Config:
        # --
        # Move from ISI to ITI time, if needed.
        if (self.ISI % self.TR) > 0.0:
            raise ValueError("ISI must a even multiple of the TR.")
        elif self.ISI > self.TR:
            # Use multplier to transform data and trials into units
            # of TR from their native ISI.
            mult = self.ISI / self.TR

            trials_copy = deepcopy(self.trials)
            ## Needed to prevent circular updates

            trials_mult = []
                ] + [
                ] * (mult - 1)) for t in trials_copy

            data_copy = deepcopy(self.data)
            data_mult = defaultdict(list)
            for k, vals in data_copy.items():
                    ] + [
                    ] * (mult - 1)) for v in vals

            # Finally replace results with the
            # expanded version
            self.trials = trials_mult
            self.data = data_mult

    def _normalize_array(self, arr, function_name):
        """ Normalize the <arr>ay using the <function_name> 
        of one of the functions in roi.norm """

        return getattr(norm, function_name)(arr)

    def _orth_dm(self):
        """ Orthgonalize (by regression) each col in self.dm with respect to 
        its left neighbor. """

        dm = self.dm
        ## Rename for brevity

        # Make sure conds and ncol dm
        # are divisors
        conds = list(set(self.trials))
        nconds = len(conds) - 1  ## Drop baseline
        ncols = dm.shape[1] - 1
        if ncols % nconds:
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of condtions and shape of the dm are incompatible."

        # If these are the same size there is nothing to
        # orthgonalize.
        if ncols != nconds:
            orth_dm = np.zeros_like(dm)
            orth_dm[:, 0] = dm[:, 0]
            ## Move baseline data over

            # Use num_col_per_cond, along with nconds
            # to find the strides we need to take along
            # the DM to orthgonalize each set of col(s)
            # belonging to each cond.
            num_col_per_cond = ncols / nconds
            for cond in conds:
                # Skip baseline
                if cond == 0:

                left = cond
                right = cond + nconds

                # Rolling loop over the cols_per_cond
                # orthgonalizing as we go.
                # Note: we never use cnt directly...
                for cnt in range(num_col_per_cond - 1):
                    # Orthgonalize left col to right....
                    glm = GLS(dm[:, right], dm[:, left]).fit()  ## GLS(y, x)
                    orth_dm[:, right] = glm.resid
                    orth_dm[:, left] = dm[:, left]

                    # Shift indices for next iteration.
                    left = deepcopy(right)
                    right = right + nconds

            self.dm = orth_dm
            print("Nothing to orthgonalize.")

    def _convolve_hrf(self, arr):
        Convolves hrf basis with a 1 or 2d (column-oriented) array.

        # self.hrf may or may not exist yet
        if self.hrf == None:
            raise ValueError("No hrf is defined. Try self.create_hrf()?")

        arr = np.asarray(arr)  ## Just in case

        # Assume 2d (or really N > 1 d),
        # fall back to 1d.
        arr_c = np.zeros_like(arr)
            for col in range(arr.shape[1]):
                arr_c[:, col] = np.convolve(arr[:, col],
                ## Convolve and truncate to length
                ## of arr
        except IndexError:
            arr_c = np.convolve(arr[:], self.hrf)[0:arr.shape[0]]

        return arr_c

    def _reformat_model(self):
        Use save_state() to store the simulation"s state. This private 
        method just extracts relevant data from the regression model 
        into a dict.

        tosave = {
            "beta": "params",
            "t": "tvalues",
            "fvalue": "fvalue",
            "p": "pvalues",
            "r": "rsquared",
            "ci": "conf_int",
            "resid": "resid",
            "aic": "aic",
            "bic": "bic",
            "llf": "llf",
            "mse_model": "mse_model",
            "mse_resid": "mse_resid",
            "mse_total": "mse_total"

        # Try to get each attr (a value in the dict above)
        # first as function (without args) then as a regular
        # attribute.  If both fail, silently move on.
        model_results = {}
        for k, v in tosave.items():
                model_results[k] = deepcopy(getattr(self.glm, v)())
            except TypeError:
                model_results[k] = deepcopy(getattr(self.glm, v))
            except AttributeError:

        return model_results

    def _generate_doc(self, name, bold, dm, dm_params):
        """ Generate a doc string for the current model. """

        if dm_params.get("box"):
            doc = """ {0}. Bold: {1}. DM: {2}. """.format(
                name, bold, ["baseline", "box"] + dm)
            doc = """ {0}. Bold: {1}. DM: {2}. """.format(
                name, bold, [
                ] + dm)
            ## baseline is added automigcally
            ## during create_dm... so we add
            ## it here too
        return doc

    def _template_model(self, bold, dm, bold_params, dm_params, norm):
        """ A template model used by populate_models() to create all
        the regression models used during a run().
        Note: __doc__ for this function gets redone dynamically. """

        self.data["meta"]["bold"] = deepcopy(bold)

        # If were dealing with a parametric set
        # and a univariate box is bieng used
        if dm_params.get("box"):
            self.data["meta"]["dm"] = ["baseline", "box"] + dm
            # otherwise just account for the baseline
            self.data["meta"]["dm"] = [
            ] + dm

        # Try to unpack dm_params into create_dm
        # first, but if there are too many args
        # ("TypeError") try create_dm_param
        if len(dm_params) == 2:
            # Setup the dm,

            # and the univariate bold.
            boldcol = [dm.index(b) + 1 for b in bold]
            ## +1 for baseline

            self.create_bold(self.dm[:, boldcol], **bold_params)
        elif len(dm_params) == 4:

            # Setup the dm,
            self.create_dm_param(names=dm, **dm_params)

            # then the parametric bold
            # from self.data[]
            boldarr = np.array(self.data[bold.pop()])  ## Init

            # Only goes if len(bold) > 1, see pop above.
            for b in bold:
                boldarr = np.vstack((boldarr, np.array(self.data[b])))

            self.create_bold(boldarr, **bold_params)
            raise ValueError("dm_params has the wrong number of arguments.")


    def create_dm(self, drop=None, convolve=True):
        """ Create a unit (boxcar-only) DM with one columns for each 
        condition in self.trials.  
         If <convolve> the dm is convolved with the HRF (self.hrf). """

        cond_levels = sorted(list(set(self.trials)))
        ## Find and sort conditions in trials

        # Some useful counts...
        num_conds = len(cond_levels)
        num_tr = np.sum(self.durations)

        # Map each condition in trials to a
        # 2d binary 2d array.  Each row is a trial
        # and each column is a condition.
        dm_unit = np.zeros((num_tr, num_conds))
        for col, cond in enumerate(cond_levels):
            # Create boolean array use it to
            # populate the dm with ones...
            # which must be in tr time.
            mask_in_tr = dtime(self.trials == cond, self.durations, drop,

            dm_unit[mask_in_tr, col] = 1

        self.dm = dm_unit

        if convolve:
            self.dm = self._convolve_hrf(self.dm)

    def create_dm_param(self,
        """ Create a parametric design matrix based on <names> in self.data. 
        If <box> a univariate dm is created that fills the leftmost
        side of the dm.

        If <orth> each regressor is orthgonalized with respect to its
        left-hand neighbor (excluding the baseline).
        If <convolve> the dm is convolved with the HRF (self.hrf). """

        cond_levels = sorted(list(set(self.trials)))
        ## Find and sort conditions in trials

        # Some useful counts...
        num_names = len(names)
        num_tr = np.sum(self.durations)
        dm_param = None
        ## Will eventually hold the
        ## parametric DM.

        for cond in cond_levels:
            if cond == 0:
                ## We add the baseline
                ## in at the end

            # Create a temp dm to hold this
            # condition"s data
            dm_temp = np.zeros((num_tr, num_names))
            mask_in_tr = dtime(self.trials == cond, self.durations, drop,

            # Get the named data, convert to tr time
            # then add to the temp dm using the mask
            for col, name in enumerate(names):
                data_in_tr = dtime(self.data[name], self.durations, drop, 0)

                dm_temp[mask_in_tr, col] = data_in_tr[mask_in_tr]

            # Store the temporary DM in
            # the final DM.
            if dm_param == None:
                dm_param = dm_temp  ## reinit
                dm_param = np.hstack((dm_param, dm_temp))  ## adding

        # Create the unit DM too, then combine them.
        # defining self.dm in the process
        dm_unit = self.dm.copy()
        self.dm = None
        ## Copy and reset

        if box:
            self.dm = np.hstack((dm_unit, dm_param))
            baseline = dm_unit[:, 0]
            baseline = baseline.reshape(baseline.shape[0], 1)
            self.dm = np.hstack((baseline, dm_param))
            ## If not including the boxcar,
            ## we still need the baseline model.

        # Orthgonalize the regessors?
        if orth:

        # Convolve with self.hrf?
        if convolve:
            self.dm = self._convolve_hrf(self.dm)

    def create_bold(self, arr, convolve=False):
        The provided <arr>ay becomes a noisy bold signal. 
        <convolve> - if True, the dm is convolved with the HRF defined by

        arr = np.array(arr)
            self.bold = arr.sum(1)
            ## Sum cols, arr might
            ## have been 2d, need 1d.
        except ValueError:
            self.bold = arr

        # HRF?
        if convolve:
            self.bold = self._convolve_hrf(self.bold)

        # And add noise.
        noise, self.prng = self.noise_f(N=self.bold.shape[0], prng=self.prng)
        self.bold += noise

    def save_state(self, name):
        Saves most of the state of the current simulation to results, keyed
        on <name>.  Saves greedily, trading storage space for security and

        tosave = {
            "TR": "TR",
            "ISI": "ISI",
            "trials": "trials",
            "data": "data",
            "dm": "dm",
            "bold": "bold"
        ## This list is only for attr hung directly off
        ## of self.

        # Add a name to results
        self.results[name] = {}

        # Try to get each attr (a value in the dict above)
        # first as function (without args) then as a regular
        # attribute.  If both fail, silently move on.
        for k, v in tosave.items():
                self.results[name][k] = deepcopy(getattr(self, v)())
            except TypeError:
                self.results[name][k] = deepcopy(getattr(self, v))
            except AttributeError:

        # Now add the reformatted data from the current model,
        # if any.

    def populate_models(self, model_config):
        """ Use <model_config> to populate the experiment with models. 
        Models become methods that must follow the naming convention,
        model_XX.., where XX.. is more than two integers [0-9].  
        For example: model_01, model_010, and model_69 are valid, 
        while model_A1, model_1 are not. """

        # Read in the model_config and loop
        # over its
        conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        readresult = conf.read(model_config)
        ## If conf.read() can't find model_config
        ## it (annoyingly) returns an empty list
        ## in python empty lists are false, so...

        if readresult:
            ## Tell the user about the models.

            for sec in conf.sections():
                # Get the config data for sec
                dm_params = eval(conf.get(sec, "dm_params"))
                bold_params = eval(conf.get(sec, "bold_params"))
                bold = eval(conf.get(sec, "bold"))
                dm = eval(conf.get(sec, "dm"))
                norm = eval(conf.get(sec, "norm"))
                ## Note: Using eval is slow and REALLY unsafe

                # Close on _template_model, update its
                # __doc__ and hang it on self as <sec>.
                parmodel = partial(self._template_model, bold, dm, bold_params,
                                   dm_params, norm)
                parmodel.__doc__ = self._generate_doc(sec, bold, dm, dm_params)

                setattr(self, sec, parmodel)
                ## setattr magic to add
                ## <parmodel> to self as <sec>
            raise IOError("No such file: '{0}'".format(model_config))

    def fit(self, norm="zscore"):
        """ Calculate the regression parameters and statistics. """

        bold = self.bold.copy()
        dm = self.dm.copy()

        # Normalize both the bold and dm
        if norm != None:
            bold = self._normalize_array(bold, norm)
            dm = self._normalize_array(dm, norm)

        # Add movement regressors... if present
            dm_movement = self.data["movement"]
            dm = np.vstack((dm, dm_movement))
        except KeyError:

        # Append a dummy predictor and run the regression
        # Dummy is added at the last minute so it does not
        # interact with normalization or smoothing routines.
        dm_dummy = np.ones((dm.shape[0], dm.shape[1] + 1))
        dm_dummy[0:dm.shape[0], 0:dm.shape[1]] = dm

        # Truncate bold or dm_dummy if needed, and Go!
            bold = bold[0:dm_dummy.shape[0]]
            dm_dummy = dm_dummy[0:len(bold), :]
        except IndexError:

        self.glm = GLS(bold, dm_dummy).fit()

    def contrast(self, contrast):
        """ Uses the current model to statistically compare predictors 
        (t-test), returning df, t and p values.
        <contrast> - a 1d list of [1,0,-1] the same length as the number
            of predictors in the model (sans the dummy, which is added
            silently). """

        if self.glm == None:
            raise ValueError("No glm present.  Try self.fit()?")

        contrast = self.glm.t_test(contrast)
        ## This a thin wrapper for
        ## statsmodels contrast() method

        return contrast.df_denom, contrast.tvalue, contrast.pvalue

    def print_model_summary(self):
        """ Prints all defined model names and their docstrings. """

        # find all self.model_N attritubes and run them.
        all_attr = dir(self)
        past_models = []
        model_count = 0
        for attr in all_attr:
            a_s = re.split("_", attr)

            # Match only model_N where N is an integer
            if len(a_s) == 2:
                if (a_s[0] == "model") and (re.match("\A\d+\Z", a_s[1])):

                    model_count += 1
                    model = attr
                    ## Rename for clarity

                    # Model name must be unique.
                    if model in past_models:
                        raise AttributeError(
                            "{0} was not unique.".format(model))

                    # Now call the model and
                    # print its info out.
                    print("{0}. {1}:".format(model_count, model))
                        func = getattr(self, model)
                    except KeyError:
                        print("Data not Found.  Moving on.")

    def run(self, code):
        Run all defined models in order, returning their tabulated results.
        <code> - the unique batch or run code for this experiment.
        Models are any method of the form "model_N" where N is an
        integer (e.g. model_2, model_1012 or model_666).  Models take no

        self.results["batch_code"] = code

        # find all self.model_N attritubes and run them.
        all_attr = dir(self)
        past_models = []
        for attr in all_attr:
            a_s = re.split("_", attr)

            # Match only model_N where N is an integer
            if len(a_s) == 2:
                if (a_s[0] == "model") and (re.match("\A\d+\Z", a_s[1])):

                    model = attr
                    ## Rename for clarity

                    # Model name must be unique.
                    if model in past_models:
                        raise AttributeError(
                            "{0} was not unique.".format(model))

                    # Now call the model and
                    # save its results.
                    print("Fitting {0}.".format(model))
                        getattr(self, model)()
                    except KeyError:
                        # Missing model should just be skipped.
                        print("Data not Found.  Moving on.")


        return self.results
Пример #2
class Roi():
    The basic. It does OLS regression. 
    def __init__(self, TR, roi_name, trials, durations, data):
        # ---
        # User defined variables
        self.TR = TR
        self.roi_name = roi_name
        self.trials = np.array(trials)
        self.durations = np.array(durations)

        self.data = data
        if self.data == None:
            self.data = {}

        self.data['meta'] = {}  ## meta is for model metadata

        # ---
        # Intialize model data structues,
        # these take on values by calling:
        self.hrf = None  ## self.create_hrf()
        self.dm = None  ## self.create_dm() or create_dm_pararm()
        self.bold = None  ## self.create_bold()

        # ---
        # The two flavors of results
        self.glm = None  ## self.fit(), fit a regrssion model
        self.results = {}  ## self.extract_results() into a dict

    def _convolve_hrf(self, arr):
        Convolves hrf basis with a 1 or 2d (column-oriented) array.

        # self.hrf may or may not exist yet
        if self.hrf == None:
            raise ValueError('No hrf is defined. Try self.create_hrf()?')

        arr = np.asarray(arr)  ## Just in case

        # Assume 2d (or really N > 1 d),
        # fall back to 1d.
        arr_c = np.zeros_like(arr)
            for col in range(arr.shape[1]):
                arr_c[:, col] = np.convolve(arr[:, col],
                ## Convolve and truncate to length
                ## of arr
        except IndexError:
            arr_c = np.convolve(arr[:], self.hrf)[0:arr.shape[0]]

        return arr_c

    def _reformat_model(self):
        Use extract_results() to store the simulation's state.
        This private method just extracts relevant data from the regression
        model into a dict.

        tosave = {
            'beta': 'params',
            't': 'tvalues',
            'f_pvalue': 'f_pvalue',
            'fvalue': 'fvalue',
            'p': 'pvalues',
            'r': 'rsquared',
            'r_adj': 'rsquared_adj',
            'ci': 'conf_int',
            'resid': 'resid',
            'wresid': 'wresid',
            'aic': 'aic',
            'bic': 'bic',
            'llf': 'llf',
            'bse': 'bse',
            'nobs': 'nobs',
            'df_model': 'df_model',
            'df_resid': 'df_resid',
            'ess': 'ess',
            'ssr': 'ssr',
            'mse_model': 'mse_model',
            'mse_resid': 'mse_resid',
            'mse_total': 'mse_total',
            'pretty_summary': 'summary'

        # Try to get each attr (a value in the dict above)
        # first as function (without args) then as a regular
        # attribute.  If both fail, silently move on.
        model_results = {}
        for key, val in tosave.items():
                model_results[key] = deepcopy(getattr(self.glm, val)())
            except TypeError:
                model_results[key] = deepcopy(getattr(self.glm, val))
            except AttributeError:

        return model_results

    def _filter_array(self, arr):
        """ Filter and smooth the 1 or 2 d <arr>ay. """

        if len(arr.shape) > 2:
            raise ValueError("<arr> must be 1 or 2d.")

        # Then use nitime to
        # high pass filte using FIR
        # (~1/128 s, same cutoff as SPM8's default)

        # FIR did well in:
        # Comparison of Filtering Methods for fMRI Datasets
        # F. Kruggela, D.Y. von Cramona, X. Descombesa
        # NeuroImage 10 (5), 1999, 530 - 543.
        filtered = np.ones_like(arr)
            # Try 2d first...
            for col in range(arr.shape[1]):
                tsi = nitime.TimeSeries(arr[:, col], 1, self.TR)
                fsi = nitime.analysis.FilterAnalyzer(tsi, ub=None, lb=0.008)
                filtered[..., col] = fsi.fir.data
        except IndexError:
            # Fall back to 1d
            tsi = nitime.TimeSeries(arr, 1, self.TR)
            fsi = nitime.analysis.FilterAnalyzer(tsi, ub=None, lb=0.008)
            filtered = fsi.fir.data

        return filtered

    def _normalize_array(self, arr, function_name):
        """ Normalize the <arr>ay using the <function_name> 
        of one of the functions in roi.norm """

        return getattr(roi.norm, function_name)(arr)

    def _orth_dm(self):
        """ Orthgonalize (by regression) each col in self.dm with respect to 
        its left neighbor. """

        dm = self.dm
        ## Rename for brevity

        # Make sure conds and ncol dm
        # are divisors
        conds = list(set(self.trials))
        nconds = len(conds) - 1
        ## Drop baseline
        ncols = dm.shape[1] - 1
        if ncols % nconds:
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of condtions and shape of the dm are incompatible."

        # If these are the same size there is nothing to
        # orthgonalize.
        if ncols != nconds:
            orth_dm = np.zeros_like(dm)
            orth_dm[:, 0] = dm[:, 0]
            ## Move baseline data over

            # Use num_col_per_cond, along with nconds
            # to find the strides we need to take along
            # the DM to orthgonalize each set of col(s)
            # belonging to each cond.
            num_col_per_cond = ncols / nconds
            for cond in conds:
                # Skip baseline
                if cond == 0: continue
                left = cond
                right = cond + nconds

                # Rolling loop over the cols_per_cond
                # orthgonalizing as we go.
                for cnt in range(num_col_per_cond - 1):
                    # Orthgonalize left col to right....
                    glm = GLS(dm[:, right], dm[:, left]).fit()  ## GLS(y, x)
                    orth_dm[:, right] = glm.resid
                    orth_dm[:, left] = dm[:, left]

                    # Shift indices for next iteration.
                    left = deepcopy(right)
                    right = right + nconds

            self.dm = orth_dm
            print("Nothing to orthgonalize.")

    def _write_bold(self):
        """ Write the bold signal to a file in ./bold. """

        no_exten = re.split('\.', self.roi_name)[0]
        pathsplit = re.split('/', no_exten)
        drop_path = pathsplit[-1]
        name = drop_path + '_bold.txt'
        ## Grab the non-file extension, non-path,
        ## parts of roi_name and
        ## append a new extention.

        # Create a bold dir nested where roi_name is stored,
        # if needed that is.
        bold_path = '/'.join(pathsplit[0:-1] + [
        if not os.path.exists(bold_path):

        # Write!
        fid = open('/'.join([bold_path, name]), 'w')
        self.bold.tofile(fid, sep='\n')

    def create_hrf(self, function_name, params=None):
        """ Creates an hemodynamic response model using the 
        function named <function_name> in roi.hrfs using
        <params> which should be a dictionary of parameters that 
        function_name will accept when called.
        If <params> is None the default parameters are used, if 
        hrf function_names are 'mean_fir' and 'double_gamma'. """

        if params == None:
            self.hrf = getattr(roi.hrfs, function_name)(self)
            self.hrf = getattr(roi.hrfs, function_name)(self, **params)

    def create_dm(self, drop=None, convolve=True):
        """ Create a unit (boxcar-only) DM with one columns for each 
        condition in self.trials.  
         If <convolve> the dm is convolved with the HRF (self.hrf). """

        cond_levels = sorted(list(set(self.trials)))
        ## Find and sort conditions in trials

        # Some useful counts...
        num_conds = len(cond_levels)
        num_tr = np.sum(self.durations)
        num_trials = len(self.trials)

        # Map each condition in trials to a
        # 2d binary 2d array.  Each row is a trial
        # and each column is a condition.
        dm_unit = np.zeros((num_tr, num_conds))
        for col, cond in enumerate(cond_levels):
            # Create boolean array use it to
            # populate the dm with ones...
            # which must be in tr time.
            mask_in_tr = roi.timing.dtime(self.trials == cond, self.durations,
                                          None, False)

            dm_unit[mask_in_tr, col] = 1

        self.dm = dm_unit

        if convolve:
            self.dm = self._convolve_hrf(self.dm)

    def create_dm_param(self,
        """ Create a parametric design matrix based on <names> in self.data. 
        If <box> a univariate dm is created that fills the leftmost
        side of the dm.

        If <orth> each regressor is orthgonalized with respect to its
        left-hand neighbor (excluding the baseline).
        If <convolve> the dm is convolved with the HRF (self.hrf). """

        cond_levels = sorted(list(set(self.trials)))
        ## Find and sort conditions in trials

        # Some useful counts...
        num_trials = len(self.trials)
        num_names = len(names)
        num_tr = np.sum(self.durations)

        dm_param = None
        ## Will eventually hold the
        ## parametric DM.

        for cond in cond_levels:
            if cond == 0:
                ## We add the baseline
                ## in at the end

            # Create a temp dm to hold this
            # condition's data
            dm_temp = np.zeros((num_tr, num_names))

            mask_in_tr = roi.timing.dtime(self.trials == cond, self.durations,
                                          drop, False)

            # Get the named data, convert to tr time
            # then add to the temp dm using the mask
            for col, name in enumerate(names):
                data_in_tr = roi.timing.dtime(self.data[name], self.durations,
                                              drop, 0)

                dm_temp[mask_in_tr, col] = data_in_tr[mask_in_tr]

            # Store the temporary DM in
            # the final DM.
            if dm_param == None:
                dm_param = dm_temp  ## reinit
                dm_param = np.hstack((dm_param, dm_temp))  ## adding

        # Create the unit DM too, then combine them.
        # defining self.dm in the process
        dm_unit = self.dm.copy()
        self.dm = None
        ## Copy and reset

        if box:
            self.dm = np.hstack((dm_unit, dm_param))
            baseline = dm_unit[:, 0]
            baseline = baseline.reshape(baseline.shape[0], 1)
            self.dm = np.hstack((baseline, dm_param))
            ## If not including the boxcar,
            ## we still need the baseline model.

        # Orthgonalize the regessors?
        if orth:

        # Convolve with self.hrf?
        if convolve:
            self.dm = self._convolve_hrf(self.dm)

    def create_bold(self, preprocess=True):
        """ Extract the fMRI data from roi_name and <preprocess> it,
        if True. """

        # TODO - test
        nifti = nibabel.nifti1.load(self.roi_name)

        # Isolate non-zero timecourses
        data = nifti.get_data()
        mask = data < 0.1
        ## Bold data will alway be greater than 0.1
        ## but we want an inverted mask...

        # Create a masked array...
        mdata = np.ma.MaskedArray(data=data, mask=mask)

        # Use masked array to average over x, y, z
        # only for non-zero fMRI data,
        # resulting in a 1d times series
        self.bold = np.asarray(mdata.mean(0).mean(0).mean(0).data)

        # Now archive the bold signal,
        # prior to any preprocessing

        if preprocess:
            self.bold = self._filter_array(self.bold)

    def fit(self, norm='zscore'):
        """ Calculate the regression parameters and statistics. """

        bold = self.bold.copy()
        dm = self.dm.copy()

        # Normalize both the bold and dm
        if norm != None:
            bold = self._normalize_array(bold, norm)
            dm = self._normalize_array(dm, norm)

        # Add movement regressors... if present
            dm_movement = self.data['movement']
            dm = np.vstack((dm, dm_movement))
        except KeyError:

        # Append a dummy predictor and run the regression
        # Dummy is added at the last minute so it does not
        # interact with normalization or smoothing routines.
        dm_dummy = np.ones((dm.shape[0], dm.shape[1] + 1))
        dm_dummy[0:dm.shape[0], 0:dm.shape[1]] = dm

        # Truncate bold or dm_dummy if needed, and Go!
            bold = bold[0:dm_dummy.shape[0]]
            dm_dummy = dm_dummy[0:len(bold), :]
        except IndexError:

        self.glm = GLS(bold, dm_dummy).fit()

    def contrast(self, contrast, name):
        """ Uses the current model to statistically compare predictors 
        (t-test), returning df, t and p values.
        <contrast> - a 1d list of [1,0,-1] the same length as the number
            of predictors in the model (sans the dummy, which is added
            silently). """

        if self.glm == None:
            raise ValueError("No glm present.  Try self.fit()?")

        contrast = self.glm.t_test(contrast)
        ## This a thin wrapper for
        ## statsmodels contrast() method

        return contrast.df_denom, contrast.tvalue, contrast.pvalue

    def model_00(self):
        """ The simplest model, a univariate analysis of all conditions in 
        trials. """

        self.data['meta']['bold'] = self.roi_name
        self.data['meta']['dm'] = [str(cond) for cond in set(self.trials)]



    def print_model_summary(self):
        """ Prints all defined model names and their docstrings. """

        # find all self.model_N attritubes and run them.
        all_attr = dir(self)
        past_models = []
        model_count = 0
        for attr in all_attr:
            a_s = re.split('_', attr)

            # Match only model_N where N is an integer
            if len(a_s) == 2:
                if (a_s[0] == 'model') and (re.match('\A\d+\Z', a_s[1])):

                    model_count += 1
                    model = attr
                    ## Rename for clarity

                    # Model name must be unique.
                    if model in past_models:
                        raise AttributeError(
                            '{0} was not unique.'.format(model))

                    # Now call the model and
                    # print its info out.
                    print("{0}. {1}:".format(model_count, model))
                        func = getattr(self, model)
                    except KeyError:
                        print("Data not Found.  Moving on.")

    def run(self, code):
        Run all defined models in order, returning their tabulated results.
        <code> - the unique batch or run code for this experiment.
        Models are any method of the form 'model_N' where N is an
        integer (e.g. model_2, model_1012 or model_666).  
        Models take no arguments (besides self).

        self.results['batch_code'] = code

        # find all self.model_N attritubes and run them.
        all_attr = dir(self)
        past_models = []
        for attr in all_attr:
            a_s = re.split('_', attr)

            # Match only model_N where N is an integer
            if len(a_s) == 2:
                if (a_s[0] == 'model') and (re.match('\A\d+\Z', a_s[1])):

                    model = attr
                    ## Rename for clarity

                    # Model name must be unique.
                    if model in past_models:
                        raise AttributeError(
                            '{0} was not unique.'.format(model))

                    # Now call the model and
                    # save its results.
                    print('Fitting {0}.'.format(model))
                        getattr(self, model)()
                    except KeyError:
                        print("Data not Found.  Moving on.")


        return self.results

    def extract_results(self, name):
        Saves most of the state of the current model to results, keyed
        on <name>.  Saves greedily, trading storage space for security 
        and redundancy.

        tosave = {
            'roi_name': 'roi_name',
            'TR': 'TR',
            'trials': 'trials',
            'duration;fs': 'durations',
            'data': 'data',
            'dm': 'dm',
            'hrf': 'hrf',
            'bold': 'bold'
        ## This list is only for attr hung directly off
        ## of self.

        # Add a name to results
        self.results[name] = {}

        # Try to get each attr (a value in the dict above)
        # first as function (without args) then as a regular
        # attribute.  If both fail, silently move on.
        for key, val in tosave.items():
                self.results[name][key] = deepcopy(getattr(self, val)())
            except TypeError:
                self.results[name][key] = deepcopy(getattr(self, val))
            except AttributeError:

        # Now add the reformatted data from the current model,
        # if any.
Пример #3
class Roi():
    The basic. It does OLS regression. 
    def __init__(self, TR, roi_name, trials, durations, data):
        # ---
        # User defined variables
        self.TR = TR
        self.roi_name = roi_name
        self.trials = np.array(trials)
        self.durations = np.array(durations)

        self.data = data
        if self.data == None:
            self.data = {}

        self.data['meta'] = {}  ## meta is for model metadata

        # ---
        # Intialize model data structues,
        # these take on values by calling:
        self.hrf = None     ## self.create_hrf()
        self.dm = None      ## self.create_dm() or create_dm_pararm()
        self.bold = None    ## self.create_bold()

        # --- 
        # The two flavors of results
        self.glm = None     ## self.fit(), fit a regrssion model
        self.results = {}   ## self.extract_results() into a dict

    def _convolve_hrf(self, arr):
        Convolves hrf basis with a 1 or 2d (column-oriented) array.
        # self.hrf may or may not exist yet
        if self.hrf == None:
            raise ValueError('No hrf is defined. Try self.create_hrf()?')
        arr = np.asarray(arr)   ## Just in case 

        # Assume 2d (or really N > 1 d), 
        # fall back to 1d.
        arr_c = np.zeros_like(arr)
            for col in range(arr.shape[1]):
                arr_c[:,col] = np.convolve(
                        arr[:,col], self.hrf)[0:arr.shape[0]]
                    ## Convolve and truncate to length
                    ## of arr
        except IndexError:
            arr_c = np.convolve(arr[:], self.hrf)[0:arr.shape[0]]
        return arr_c

    def _reformat_model(self):
        Use extract_results() to store the simulation's state.
        This private method just extracts relevant data from the regression
        model into a dict.
        tosave = {
        # Try to get each attr (a value in the dict above)
        # first as function (without args) then as a regular
        # attribute.  If both fail, silently move on.
        model_results = {}
        for key, val in tosave.items():
                model_results[key] = deepcopy(getattr(self.glm, val)())
            except TypeError:
                model_results[key] = deepcopy(getattr(self.glm, val))
            except AttributeError:
        return model_results

    def _filter_array(self, arr):
        """ Filter and smooth the 1 or 2 d <arr>ay. """    
        if len(arr.shape) > 2:
            raise ValueError("<arr> must be 1 or 2d.")

        # Then use nitime to 
        # high pass filte using FIR
        # (~1/128 s, same cutoff as SPM8's default)

        # FIR did well in:
        # Comparison of Filtering Methods for fMRI Datasets
        # F. Kruggela, D.Y. von Cramona, X. Descombesa
        # NeuroImage 10 (5), 1999, 530 - 543.
        filtered = np.ones_like(arr)
            # Try 2d first...
            for col in range(arr.shape[1]):         
                tsi = nitime.TimeSeries(arr[:,col], 1, self.TR)
                fsi = nitime.analysis.FilterAnalyzer(tsi, ub=None, lb=0.008)
                filtered[...,col] = fsi.fir.data
        except IndexError:
            # Fall back to 1d
            tsi = nitime.TimeSeries(arr, 1, self.TR)
            fsi = nitime.analysis.FilterAnalyzer(tsi, ub=None, lb=0.008)
            filtered = fsi.fir.data

        return filtered

    def _normalize_array(self, arr, function_name):
        """ Normalize the <arr>ay using the <function_name> 
        of one of the functions in roi.norm """

        return getattr(roi.norm, function_name)(arr)

    def _orth_dm(self):
        """ Orthgonalize (by regression) each col in self.dm with respect to 
        its left neighbor. """
        dm = self.dm  
            ## Rename for brevity
        # Make sure conds and ncol dm
        # are divisors
        conds = list(set(self.trials))
        nconds = len(conds) - 1;     ## Drop baseline
        ncols = dm.shape[1] - 1
        if ncols % nconds:
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of condtions and shape of the dm are incompatible.")

        # If these are the same size there is nothing to
        # orthgonalize.
        if ncols != nconds:
            orth_dm = np.zeros_like(dm)
            orth_dm[:,0] = dm[:,0]
                ## Move baseline data over

            # Use num_col_per_cond, along with nconds 
            # to find the strides we need to take along
            # the DM to orthgonalize each set of col(s) 
            # belonging to each cond.
            num_col_per_cond = ncols / nconds
            for cond in conds:
                # Skip baseline
                if cond == 0: continue
                left = cond
                right = cond + nconds
                # Rolling loop over the cols_per_cond
                # orthgonalizing as we go.
                for cnt in range(num_col_per_cond-1):
                    # Orthgonalize left col to right....
                    glm = GLS( dm[:,right], dm[:,left]).fit()  ## GLS(y, x)
                    orth_dm[:,right] = glm.resid
                    orth_dm[:,left] = dm[:,left]
                    # Shift indices for next iteration.
                    left = deepcopy(right)
                    right = right + nconds

            self.dm = orth_dm
            print("Nothing to orthgonalize.")

    def _write_bold(self):
        """ Write the bold signal to a file in ./bold. """
        no_exten = re.split('\.', self.roi_name)[0]
        pathsplit = re.split('/', no_exten)
        drop_path = pathsplit[-1]
        name = drop_path + '_bold.txt'
            ## Grab the non-file extension, non-path, 
            ## parts of roi_name and
            ## append a new extention.
        # Create a bold dir nested where roi_name is stored, 
        # if needed that is.
        bold_path = '/'.join(pathsplit[0:-1] + ['bold', ])
        if not os.path.exists(bold_path):

        # Write!
        fid = open('/'.join([bold_path, name]), 'w')
        self.bold.tofile(fid, sep='\n')

    def create_hrf(self, function_name, params=None):
        """ Creates an hemodynamic response model using the 
        function named <function_name> in roi.hrfs using
        <params> which should be a dictionary of parameters that 
        function_name will accept when called.
        If <params> is None the default parameters are used, if 
        hrf function_names are 'mean_fir' and 'double_gamma'. """

        if params == None:
            self.hrf = getattr(roi.hrfs, function_name)(self)
            self.hrf = getattr(roi.hrfs, function_name)(self, **params)

    def create_dm(self, drop=None, convolve=True):
        """ Create a unit (boxcar-only) DM with one columns for each 
        condition in self.trials.  
         If <convolve> the dm is convolved with the HRF (self.hrf). """

        cond_levels = sorted(list(set(self.trials)))
            ## Find and sort conditions in trials

        # Some useful counts...
        num_conds = len(cond_levels)
        num_tr = np.sum(self.durations)
        num_trials = len(self.trials)

        # Map each condition in trials to a
        # 2d binary 2d array.  Each row is a trial
        # and each column is a condition.
        dm_unit = np.zeros((num_tr, num_conds))
        for col, cond in enumerate(cond_levels):
            # Create boolean array use it to 
            # populate the dm with ones... 
            # which must be in tr time.
            mask_in_tr = roi.timing.dtime(
                    self.trials == cond, self.durations, None, False)

            dm_unit[mask_in_tr,col] = 1

        self.dm = dm_unit
        if convolve:
            self.dm = self._convolve_hrf(self.dm)

    def create_dm_param(self, names, drop=None, box=True, 
            orth=False, convolve=True):
        """ Create a parametric design matrix based on <names> in self.data. 
        If <box> a univariate dm is created that fills the leftmost
        side of the dm.

        If <orth> each regressor is orthgonalized with respect to its
        left-hand neighbor (excluding the baseline).
        If <convolve> the dm is convolved with the HRF (self.hrf). """

        cond_levels = sorted(list(set(self.trials)))
            ## Find and sort conditions in trials
        # Some useful counts...
        num_trials = len(self.trials)
        num_names = len(names)
        num_tr = np.sum(self.durations)
        dm_param = None
            ## Will eventually hold the 
            ## parametric DM.

        for cond in cond_levels:
            if cond == 0:
                    ## We add the baseline 
                    ## in at the end

            # Create a temp dm to hold this
            # condition's data
            dm_temp = np.zeros((num_tr, num_names))

            mask_in_tr = roi.timing.dtime(
                    self.trials == cond, self.durations, drop, False)

            # Get the named data, convert to tr time 
            # then add to the temp dm using the mask
            for col, name in enumerate(names):
                data_in_tr = roi.timing.dtime(
                            self.data[name], self.durations, drop, 0)

                dm_temp[mask_in_tr,col] = data_in_tr[mask_in_tr]
            # Store the temporary DM in 
            # the final DM.
            if dm_param == None:
                dm_param = dm_temp  ## reinit
                dm_param = np.hstack((dm_param, dm_temp))  ## adding

        # Create the unit DM too, then combine them.
        # defining self.dm in the process
        dm_unit = self.dm.copy(); self.dm = None  
            ## Copy and reset

        if box:
            self.dm = np.hstack((dm_unit, dm_param))
            baseline = dm_unit[:,0]
            baseline = baseline.reshape(baseline.shape[0], 1)
            self.dm = np.hstack((baseline, dm_param))
                ## If not including the boxcar,
                ## we still need the baseline model.

        # Orthgonalize the regessors?
        if orth: 

        # Convolve with self.hrf?
        if convolve: 
            self.dm = self._convolve_hrf(self.dm)

    def create_bold(self, preprocess=True):
        """ Extract the fMRI data from roi_name and <preprocess> it,
        if True. """
       # TODO - test 
        nifti = nibabel.nifti1.load(self.roi_name)

        # Isolate non-zero timecourses 
        data = nifti.get_data()
        mask = data < 0.1
            ## Bold data will alway be greater than 0.1
            ## but we want an inverted mask...
        # Create a masked array...
        mdata = np.ma.MaskedArray(data=data, mask=mask)

        # Use masked array to average over x, y, z
        # only for non-zero fMRI data, 
        # resulting in a 1d times series
        self.bold = np.asarray(mdata.mean(0).mean(0).mean(0).data)
        # Now archive the bold signal, 
        # prior to any preprocessing

        if preprocess:
            self.bold = self._filter_array(self.bold)

    def fit(self, norm='zscore'):
        """ Calculate the regression parameters and statistics. """
        bold = self.bold.copy()
        dm = self.dm.copy()
        # Normalize both the bold and dm
        if norm != None:
            bold = self._normalize_array(bold, norm)
            dm = self._normalize_array(dm, norm)

        # Add movement regressors... if present
            dm_movement = self.data['movement']
            dm = np.vstack((dm, dm_movement))
        except KeyError:
        # Append a dummy predictor and run the regression
        # Dummy is added at the last minute so it does not
        # interact with normalization or smoothing routines.
        dm_dummy = np.ones((dm.shape[0], dm.shape[1] + 1))
        dm_dummy[0:dm.shape[0], 0:dm.shape[1]] = dm
        # Truncate bold or dm_dummy if needed, and Go!
            bold = bold[0:dm_dummy.shape[0]]
            dm_dummy = dm_dummy[0:len(bold),:]
        except IndexError:

        self.glm = GLS(bold, dm_dummy).fit()

    def contrast(self, contrast, name):
        """ Uses the current model to statistically compare predictors 
        (t-test), returning df, t and p values.
        <contrast> - a 1d list of [1,0,-1] the same length as the number
            of predictors in the model (sans the dummy, which is added
            silently). """
        if self.glm == None:
            raise ValueError("No glm present.  Try self.fit()?")
        contrast = self.glm.t_test(contrast)
            ## This a thin wrapper for 
            ## statsmodels contrast() method

        return contrast.df_denom, contrast.tvalue, contrast.pvalue

    def model_00(self):
        """ The simplest model, a univariate analysis of all conditions in 
        trials. """

        self.data['meta']['bold'] = self.roi_name
        self.data['meta']['dm'] = [str(cond) for cond in set(self.trials)]



    def print_model_summary(self):
        """ Prints all defined model names and their docstrings. """

        # find all self.model_N attritubes and run them.
        all_attr = dir(self)
        past_models = []
        model_count = 0
        for attr in all_attr:
            a_s = re.split('_', attr)
            # Match only model_N where N is an integer
            if len(a_s) == 2:
                if (a_s[0] == 'model') and (re.match('\A\d+\Z', a_s[1])):
                    model_count += 1
                    model = attr
                        ## Rename for clarity

                    # Model name must be unique.
                    if model in past_models:
                        raise AttributeError(
                                '{0} was not unique.'.format(model))

                    # Now call the model and
                    # print its info out.
                    print("{0}. {1}:".format(model_count, model))
                        func = getattr(self, model)
                    except KeyError:
                        print("Data not Found.  Moving on.")

    def run(self, code):
        Run all defined models in order, returning their tabulated results.
        <code> - the unique batch or run code for this experiment.
        Models are any method of the form 'model_N' where N is an
        integer (e.g. model_2, model_1012 or model_666).  
        Models take no arguments (besides self).
        self.results['batch_code'] = code
        # find all self.model_N attritubes and run them.
        all_attr = dir(self)
        past_models = []
        for attr in all_attr:
            a_s = re.split('_', attr)
            # Match only model_N where N is an integer
            if len(a_s) == 2:
                if (a_s[0] == 'model') and (re.match('\A\d+\Z', a_s[1])):
                    model = attr
                        ## Rename for clarity

                    # Model name must be unique.
                    if model in past_models:
                        raise AttributeError(
                                '{0} was not unique.'.format(model))

                    # Now call the model and
                    # save its results.
                    print('Fitting {0}.'.format(model))
                        getattr(self, model)()
                    except KeyError:
                        print("Data not Found.  Moving on.")

        return self.results

    def extract_results(self, name):
        Saves most of the state of the current model to results, keyed
        on <name>.  Saves greedily, trading storage space for security 
        and redundancy.

        tosave = {
            ## This list is only for attr hung directly off
            ## of self.
        # Add a name to results
        self.results[name] = {}
        # Try to get each attr (a value in the dict above)
        # first as function (without args) then as a regular
        # attribute.  If both fail, silently move on.
        for key, val in tosave.items():
                self.results[name][key] = deepcopy(getattr(self, val)())
            except TypeError:
                self.results[name][key] = deepcopy(getattr(self, val))
            except AttributeError:

        # Now add the reformatted data from the current model,
        # if any.
Пример #4
class Exp():
    A template class for running easily parallelizable event-related fMRI
    Note: Exp() can"t be run as is.  For simple run-able experiments see 
    def __init__(self, TR=2, ISI=2, prng=None):
        # ----
        # These need to be set during subclassing
        # and before use.
        self.trials = None
        self.durations = None
        self.prng = None
            ## Hang a RandomState object off
            ## of self.
        self.data = {}
        self.data["meta"] = {}
            ## meta is for model metadata
        # ----
        # Other needed functions you
        # might want to override
        self.noise_f = white
        self.hrf_params = {"width":32,"TR":1,"a1":6.0,"a2":12.,
        self.hrf = double_gamma(**self.hrf_params)
        # ----
        # ----
        # Setup globals,
        self.TR = TR
        self.ISI = ISI
        # --
        # and intialize the simulation"s (private) 
        # data structues
        self.dm = None      ## The design matrix (create_dm, create_dm_param).
        self.bold = None    ## The bold signal (create_bold).
        self.results = {}   ## Simulation results go here.
                            ## After a save_state() call.
        self.glm = None     ## Where the GLM object is stored after a fit call.
        # ----
        # ----
        # Config:
        # --
        # Move from ISI to ITI time, if needed.
        if (self.ISI % self.TR) > 0.0:
            raise ValueError("ISI must a even multiple of the TR.")
        elif self.ISI > self.TR:
            # Use multplier to transform data and trials into units
            # of TR from their native ISI.
            mult = self.ISI/self.TR
            trials_copy = deepcopy(self.trials)
                ## Needed to prevent circular updates
            trials_mult = []
            [trials_mult.extend([t,] + [0,]*(mult-1)) for t in trials_copy]
            data_copy = deepcopy(self.data)
            data_mult = defaultdict(list)
            for k,vals in data_copy.items():
                [data_mult[k].extend([v,] + [0,]*(mult-1)) for v in vals]
            # Finally replace results with the
            # expanded version
            self.trials = trials_mult
            self.data = data_mult
    def _normalize_array(self, arr, function_name):
        """ Normalize the <arr>ay using the <function_name> 
        of one of the functions in roi.norm """

        return getattr(norm, function_name)(arr)

    def _orth_dm(self):
        """ Orthgonalize (by regression) each col in self.dm with respect to 
        its left neighbor. """
        dm = self.dm  
            ## Rename for brevity
        # Make sure conds and ncol dm
        # are divisors
        conds = list(set(self.trials))
        nconds = len(conds) - 1     ## Drop baseline
        ncols = dm.shape[1] - 1
        if ncols % nconds:
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of condtions and shape of the dm are incompatible.")

        # If these are the same size there is nothing to
        # orthgonalize.
        if ncols != nconds:
            orth_dm = np.zeros_like(dm)
            orth_dm[:,0] = dm[:,0]
                ## Move baseline data over

            # Use num_col_per_cond, along with nconds 
            # to find the strides we need to take along
            # the DM to orthgonalize each set of col(s) 
            # belonging to each cond.
            num_col_per_cond = ncols / nconds
            for cond in conds:
                # Skip baseline
                if cond == 0: 
                left = cond
                right = cond + nconds
                # Rolling loop over the cols_per_cond
                # orthgonalizing as we go.
                # Note: we never use cnt directly...
                for cnt in range(num_col_per_cond-1):
                    # Orthgonalize left col to right....
                    glm = GLS( dm[:,right], dm[:,left]).fit()  ## GLS(y, x)
                    orth_dm[:,right] = glm.resid
                    orth_dm[:,left] = dm[:,left]
                    # Shift indices for next iteration.
                    left = deepcopy(right)
                    right = right + nconds

            self.dm = orth_dm
            print("Nothing to orthgonalize.")
    def _convolve_hrf(self, arr):
        Convolves hrf basis with a 1 or 2d (column-oriented) array.
        # self.hrf may or may not exist yet
        if self.hrf == None:
            raise ValueError("No hrf is defined. Try self.create_hrf()?")
        arr = np.asarray(arr)   ## Just in case 

        # Assume 2d (or really N > 1 d), 
        # fall back to 1d.
        arr_c = np.zeros_like(arr)
            for col in range(arr.shape[1]):
                arr_c[:,col] = np.convolve(
                        arr[:,col], self.hrf)[0:arr.shape[0]]
                    ## Convolve and truncate to length
                    ## of arr
        except IndexError:
            arr_c = np.convolve(arr[:], self.hrf)[0:arr.shape[0]]
        return arr_c
    def _reformat_model(self):
        Use save_state() to store the simulation"s state. This private 
        method just extracts relevant data from the regression model 
        into a dict.

        tosave = {
        # Try to get each attr (a value in the dict above)
        # first as function (without args) then as a regular
        # attribute.  If both fail, silently move on.
        model_results = {}
        for k,v in tosave.items():
                model_results[k] = deepcopy(getattr(self.glm,v)())
            except TypeError:
                model_results[k] = deepcopy(getattr(self.glm,v))
            except AttributeError:
        return model_results
    def _generate_doc(self, name, bold, dm, dm_params):
        """ Generate a doc string for the current model. """
        if dm_params.get("box"):
            doc =  """ {0}. Bold: {1}. DM: {2}. """.format(
                    name, bold, ["baseline", "box"] + dm)
            doc =  """ {0}. Bold: {1}. DM: {2}. """.format(
                    name, bold, ["baseline", ] + dm)
                    ## baseline is added automigcally
                    ## during create_dm... so we add 
                    ## it here too
        return doc

    def _template_model(self, bold, dm, bold_params, dm_params, norm):
        """ A template model used by populate_models() to create all
        the regression models used during a run().
        Note: __doc__ for this function gets redone dynamically. """
        self.data["meta"]["bold"] = deepcopy(bold)

        # If were dealing with a parametric set
        # and a univariate box is bieng used
        if dm_params.get("box"):
            self.data["meta"]["dm"] = ["baseline", "box"] + dm
            # otherwise just account for the baseline
            self.data["meta"]["dm"] = ["baseline", ] + dm
        # Try to unpack dm_params into create_dm
        # first, but if there are too many args
        # ("TypeError") try create_dm_param
        if len(dm_params) == 2:
            # Setup the dm,
            # and the univariate bold.
            boldcol = [dm.index(b)+1 for b in bold]  
                ## +1 for baseline
            self.create_bold(self.dm[:,boldcol], **bold_params)
        elif len(dm_params) == 4:

            # Setup the dm,
            self.create_dm_param(names=dm, **dm_params)
            # then the parametric bold 
            # from self.data[]
            boldarr = np.array(self.data[bold.pop()])  ## Init

            # Only goes if len(bold) > 1, see pop above.
            for b in bold:
                boldarr = np.vstack((boldarr, np.array(self.data[b])))
            self.create_bold(boldarr, **bold_params)
            raise ValueError(
                "dm_params has the wrong number of arguments.")

    def create_dm(self, drop=None, convolve=True):
        """ Create a unit (boxcar-only) DM with one columns for each 
        condition in self.trials.  
         If <convolve> the dm is convolved with the HRF (self.hrf). """

        cond_levels = sorted(list(set(self.trials)))
            ## Find and sort conditions in trials
        # Some useful counts...
        num_conds = len(cond_levels)
        num_tr = np.sum(self.durations)

        # Map each condition in trials to a
        # 2d binary 2d array.  Each row is a trial
        # and each column is a condition.
        dm_unit = np.zeros((num_tr, num_conds))
        for col, cond in enumerate(cond_levels):
            # Create boolean array use it to 
            # populate the dm with ones... 
            # which must be in tr time.
            mask_in_tr = dtime(
                    self.trials == cond, self.durations, drop, False)

            dm_unit[mask_in_tr,col] = 1

        self.dm = dm_unit
        if convolve:
            self.dm = self._convolve_hrf(self.dm)

    def create_dm_param(self, names, drop=None, box=True, orth=False, convolve=True):
        """ Create a parametric design matrix based on <names> in self.data. 
        If <box> a univariate dm is created that fills the leftmost
        side of the dm.

        If <orth> each regressor is orthgonalized with respect to its
        left-hand neighbor (excluding the baseline).
        If <convolve> the dm is convolved with the HRF (self.hrf). """

        cond_levels = sorted(list(set(self.trials)))
            ## Find and sort conditions in trials
        # Some useful counts...
        num_names = len(names)
        num_tr = np.sum(self.durations)
        dm_param = None
            ## Will eventually hold the 
            ## parametric DM.

        for cond in cond_levels:
            if cond == 0:
                    ## We add the baseline 
                    ## in at the end

            # Create a temp dm to hold this
            # condition"s data
            dm_temp = np.zeros((num_tr, num_names))
            mask_in_tr = dtime(
                    self.trials == cond, self.durations, drop, False)

            # Get the named data, convert to tr time 
            # then add to the temp dm using the mask
            for col, name in enumerate(names):
                data_in_tr = dtime(
                            self.data[name], self.durations, drop, 0)

                dm_temp[mask_in_tr,col] = data_in_tr[mask_in_tr]
            # Store the temporary DM in 
            # the final DM.
            if dm_param == None:
                dm_param = dm_temp  ## reinit
                dm_param = np.hstack((dm_param, dm_temp))  ## adding

        # Create the unit DM too, then combine them.
        # defining self.dm in the process
        dm_unit = self.dm.copy()
        self.dm = None  
            ## Copy and reset

        if box:
            self.dm = np.hstack((dm_unit, dm_param))
            baseline = dm_unit[:,0]
            baseline = baseline.reshape(baseline.shape[0], 1)
            self.dm = np.hstack((baseline, dm_param))
                ## If not including the boxcar,
                ## we still need the baseline model.

        # Orthgonalize the regessors?
        if orth: 

        # Convolve with self.hrf?
        if convolve: 
            self.dm = self._convolve_hrf(self.dm)
    def create_bold(self, arr, convolve=False):
        The provided <arr>ay becomes a noisy bold signal. 
        <convolve> - if True, the dm is convolved with the HRF defined by
        arr = np.array(arr)
            self.bold = arr.sum(1)
                ## Sum cols, arr might 
                ## have been 2d, need 1d.
        except ValueError:
            self.bold = arr
        # HRF?
        if convolve:
            self.bold = self._convolve_hrf(self.bold)
        # And add noise.
        noise, self.prng = self.noise_f(N=self.bold.shape[0], prng=self.prng)
        self.bold += noise
    def save_state(self, name):
        Saves most of the state of the current simulation to results, keyed
        on <name>.  Saves greedily, trading storage space for security and
        tosave = {
            ## This list is only for attr hung directly off
            ## of self.
        # Add a name to results
        self.results[name] = {}
        # Try to get each attr (a value in the dict above)
        # first as function (without args) then as a regular
        # attribute.  If both fail, silently move on.
        for k,v in tosave.items():
                self.results[name][k] = deepcopy(getattr(self,v)())
            except TypeError:
                self.results[name][k] = deepcopy(getattr(self,v))
            except AttributeError:

        # Now add the reformatted data from the current model,
        # if any.

    def populate_models(self, model_config):
        """ Use <model_config> to populate the experiment with models. 
        Models become methods that must follow the naming convention,
        model_XX.., where XX.. is more than two integers [0-9].  
        For example: model_01, model_010, and model_69 are valid, 
        while model_A1, model_1 are not. """
        # Read in the model_config and loop
        # over its
        conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        readresult = conf.read(model_config)
            ## If conf.read() can't find model_config
            ## it (annoyingly) returns an empty list
            ## in python empty lists are false, so...

        if readresult:
                ## Tell the user about the models.
            for sec in conf.sections():
                # Get the config data for sec
                dm_params = eval(conf.get(sec, "dm_params"))
                bold_params = eval(conf.get(sec, "bold_params"))
                bold = eval(conf.get(sec, "bold"))
                dm = eval(conf.get(sec, "dm"))
                norm = eval(conf.get(sec, "norm"))
                    ## Note: Using eval is slow and REALLY unsafe

                # Close on _template_model, update its
                # __doc__ and hang it on self as <sec>.
                parmodel = partial(self._template_model, bold, dm, 
                        bold_params, dm_params, norm)
                parmodel.__doc__ = self._generate_doc(sec, bold, dm, dm_params)
                print("Created:{0}" .format(parmodel.__doc__))
                setattr(self, sec, parmodel)
                    ## setattr magic to add 
                    ## <parmodel> to self as <sec>
            raise IOError("No such file: '{0}'".format(model_config))
    def fit(self, norm="zscore"):
        """ Calculate the regression parameters and statistics. """
        bold = self.bold.copy()
        dm = self.dm.copy()
        # Normalize both the bold and dm
        if norm != None:
            bold = self._normalize_array(bold, norm)
            dm = self._normalize_array(dm, norm)

        # Add movement regressors... if present
            dm_movement = self.data["movement"]
            dm = np.vstack((dm, dm_movement))
        except KeyError:
        # Append a dummy predictor and run the regression
        # Dummy is added at the last minute so it does not
        # interact with normalization or smoothing routines.
        dm_dummy = np.ones((dm.shape[0], dm.shape[1] + 1))
        dm_dummy[0:dm.shape[0], 0:dm.shape[1]] = dm
        # Truncate bold or dm_dummy if needed, and Go!
            bold = bold[0:dm_dummy.shape[0]]
            dm_dummy = dm_dummy[0:len(bold),:]
        except IndexError:

        self.glm = GLS(bold, dm_dummy).fit()
    def contrast(self, contrast):
        """ Uses the current model to statistically compare predictors 
        (t-test), returning df, t and p values.
        <contrast> - a 1d list of [1,0,-1] the same length as the number
            of predictors in the model (sans the dummy, which is added
            silently). """
        if self.glm == None:
            raise ValueError("No glm present.  Try self.fit()?")
        contrast = self.glm.t_test(contrast)
            ## This a thin wrapper for 
            ## statsmodels contrast() method

        return contrast.df_denom, contrast.tvalue, contrast.pvalue

    def print_model_summary(self):
        """ Prints all defined model names and their docstrings. """

        # find all self.model_N attritubes and run them.
        all_attr = dir(self)
        past_models = []
        model_count = 0
        for attr in all_attr:
            a_s = re.split("_", attr)
            # Match only model_N where N is an integer
            if len(a_s) == 2:
                if (a_s[0] == "model") and (re.match("\A\d+\Z", a_s[1])):
                    model_count += 1
                    model = attr
                        ## Rename for clarity

                    # Model name must be unique.
                    if model in past_models:
                        raise AttributeError(
                                "{0} was not unique.".format(model))

                    # Now call the model and
                    # print its info out.
                    print("{0}. {1}:".format(model_count, model))
                        func = getattr(self, model)
                    except KeyError:
                        print("Data not Found.  Moving on.")

    def run(self,code):
        Run all defined models in order, returning their tabulated results.
        <code> - the unique batch or run code for this experiment.
        Models are any method of the form "model_N" where N is an
        integer (e.g. model_2, model_1012 or model_666).  Models take no
        self.results["batch_code"] = code
        # find all self.model_N attritubes and run them.
        all_attr = dir(self)
        past_models = []
        for attr in all_attr:
            a_s = re.split("_",attr)
            # Match only model_N where N is an integer
            if len(a_s) == 2:
                if (a_s[0] == "model") and (re.match("\A\d+\Z",a_s[1])):
                    model = attr
                        ## Rename for clarity

                    # Model name must be unique.
                    if model in past_models:
                        raise AttributeError(
                                "{0} was not unique.".format(model))

                    # Now call the model and
                    # save its results.
                    print("Fitting {0}.".format(model))
                        getattr(self, model)()
                    except KeyError:
                        # Missing model should just be skipped.
                        print("Data not Found.  Moving on.")
        return self.results