Пример #1
    print('nsqnorm  pdf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(nxx), negsquarenormalg.pdf(nxx,loc=l, scale=s))

    print('\nsquare of a t distributed random variable with dof=10 is')
    print('        F with dof=1,10 distributed')
    print('sqt  cdf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx), squaretg.cdf(xx,10))
    print('sqt 1-sf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx), 1-squaretg.sf(xx,10))
    print('f    cdf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx), stats.f.cdf(xx,1,10))
    print('sqt  pdf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx), squaretg.pdf(xx,10))
    print('f    pdf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx), stats.f.pdf(xx,1,10))
    print('sqt  ppf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(ppfq), squaretg.ppf(ppfq,10))
    print('f    ppf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(ppfq), stats.f.ppf(ppfq,1,10))
    print('sqt  cdf for 100:', squaretg.cdf(100,10))
    print('f    cdf for 100:', stats.f.cdf(100,1,10))
    print('sqt  stats:', squaretg.stats(10, moments='mvsk'))
    print('f    stats:', stats.f.stats(1,10, moments='mvsk'))
    #Note the results differ for skew and kurtosis. I think the 3rd and 4th moment
    #    in the scipy.stats.f distribution is incorrect.
    # I corrected it now in stats.distributions.py in bzr branch
    g1 = 2*(v2+2*v1-2.)/(v2-6.)*np.sqrt(2*(v2-4.)/(v1*(v2+v1-2.)))
    g2 = 3/(2.*v2-16)*(8+g1*g1*(v2-6.))
    print('corrected skew, kurtosis of f(1,10) is', g1, g2)
    print('sqt random variables')
Пример #2
       squaretg.cdf(xx, 10))
 print('sqt 1-sf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx),
       1 - squaretg.sf(xx, 10))
 print('f    cdf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx),
       stats.f.cdf(xx, 1, 10))
 print('sqt  pdf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx),
       squaretg.pdf(xx, 10))
 print('f    pdf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(xx),
       stats.f.pdf(xx, 1, 10))
 print('sqt  ppf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(ppfq),
       squaretg.ppf(ppfq, 10))
 print('f    ppf for (%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f):' % tuple(ppfq),
       stats.f.ppf(ppfq, 1, 10))
 print('sqt  cdf for 100:', squaretg.cdf(100, 10))
 print('f    cdf for 100:', stats.f.cdf(100, 1, 10))
 print('sqt  stats:', squaretg.stats(10, moments='mvsk'))
 print('f    stats:', stats.f.stats(1, 10, moments='mvsk'))
 #Note the results differ for skew and kurtosis. I think the 3rd and 4th moment
 #    in the scipy.stats.f distribution is incorrect.
 # I corrected it now in stats.distributions.py in bzr branch
 v1 = 1
 v2 = 10
 g1 = 2 * (v2 + 2 * v1 - 2.) / (v2 - 6.) * np.sqrt(2 * (v2 - 4.) /
                                                   (v1 * (v2 + v1 - 2.)))
 g2 = 3 / (2. * v2 - 16) * (8 + g1 * g1 * (v2 - 6.))
 print('corrected skew, kurtosis of f(1,10) is', g1, g2)
 print(squarenormalg.rvs(size=(2, 4)))
 print('sqt random variables')
 print(stats.f.rvs(1, 10, size=4))
 print(squaretg.rvs(10, size=4))