def process_touch_event(self, button_id, status): if (button_id is 4 or button_id is 3) and status is 1: if button_id is 4: button_id = std_msgs.String('right') elif button_id is 3: button_id = std_msgs.String('left') self.publishers['TouchSensorEvent'].publish(button_id)
def publish_blackboard(self, unused_tree=None): """ Lazy string publishing of the blackboard (the contents of the blackboard can be of many and varied types, so string form is the only way to transmit this across a ros message) on the **~blackboard** topic. Typically you would call this from a tree custodian (e.g. :class:`py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree`) after each and every tick. .. note:: Lazy: it will only do the relevant string processing if there are subscribers present. Args: unused_tree (:obj:`any`): if used as a post_tick_handler, needs the argument, but nonetheless, gets unused """ if self.publisher is None: self.node.get_logger().error( "Blackboard Exchange: no publishers [hint: call setup() on the exchange]" ) return # publish blackboard if self.node.count_subscribers("~/blackboard") > 0: if self._is_changed(): msg = std_msgs.String() = "{0}".format(self.blackboard) self.publisher.publish(msg) # publish watchers if len(self.views) > 0: for view in self.views: if self.node.count_publishers(view.topic_name) > 0: if view._is_changed(): msg = std_msgs.String() = "{0}".format(view) view.publisher.publish(msg)
def _publish_tree_modifications(self, tree): """ Publishes updates when the whole tree has been modified. This function is passed in as a visitor to the underlying behaviour tree and triggered when there has been a change. """ if self.publishers is None: rospy.logerr("BehaviourTree: call setup() on this tree to initialise the ros components") return self.publishers.ascii_tree.publish(std_msgs.String(py_trees.display.ascii_tree(self.root))) self.publishers.dot_tree.publish(std_msgs.String(py_trees.display.stringify_dot_tree(self.root)))
def publish(self, *_): """Publishes to any required topics, only if conditions are met""" del _ # DEBUG TODO DELETE if self._debug_publish: self._pub_am.publish( std_msgs.String(data=pickle.dumps(self._abstract_map))) # Only proceed publishing if the network has recently changed from # being settled to unsettled (or vice versa) settled = self._abstract_map._spatial_layout.isSettled() if settled == self._last_settled: return # Update the paused status if settled: self._abstract_map._spatial_layout._paused = True # Publish the abstract map as a pickled byte stream self._pub_am.publish( std_msgs.String(data=pickle.dumps(self._abstract_map))) # Publish an updated goal if the running in goal mode if (self._abstract_map._spatial_layout.isObserved(self._goal) and settled): self._goal_complete = True rospy.loginfo("MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! %s was found." % (self._goal)) elif settled and self._pub_goal is not None: # Get the suggested pose for the goal from the abstract map goal_pos = self._abstract_map.getToponymLocation(self._goal) # Send the message (only if we found a suggested pose for the goal) if goal_pos is not None: self._pub_goal.publish( geometry_msgs.PoseStamped( header=std_msgs.Header(, frame_id='map'), pose=geometry_msgs.Pose( position=geometry_msgs.Vector3( goal_pos[0], goal_pos[1], 0), orientation=tools.yawToQuaternionMsg(0)))) # Update the last_settled state self._last_settled = settled if settled: self._debug_lock = True # pudb.set_trace() self._debug_lock = False
def cancel_flashing(self, last_uuid): with self.lock: if self.last_uuid == last_uuid: # We're still relevant, publish and make us irrelevant self.display_publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(data="")) self.last_text = "" self.last_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
def debug_publish(messege): try: msg_str = msg.String(data=messege) debug_pub.publish(msg_str) rospy.loginfo("Sent on debug: " + str( except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
def __init__(self, node, publishers, introspection_topic_name="publishers"): resolved_names = [] publisher_details = [] for info in publishers: if len(info) == 3: publisher_details.append( (basename(info[0]), info[0], info[1], info[2])) else: # naively assume the user got it right and added exactly 5 fields publisher_details.append(info) # TODO: handle latched, queue size for (name, topic_name, publisher_type, latched) in publisher_details: if latched: self.__dict__[name] = node.create_publisher( msg_type=publisher_type, topic=topic_name, qos_profile=qos_profile_latched_topic()) else: self.__dict__[name] = node.create_publisher( msg_type=publisher_type, topic=topic_name) resolved_names.append(resolve_name(node, topic_name)) # TODO: handle latched, queue size self.introspection_publisher = node.create_publisher( msg_type=std_msgs.String, topic="~/introspection/" + introspection_topic_name, qos_profile=qos_profile_latched_topic()) s = console.bold + "\nPublishers\n\n" + console.reset for name in resolved_names: s += console.yellow + " " + name + "\n" + console.reset self.introspection_publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(data=s))
def _publish_tree_snapshots(self, tree): """ Callback that runs on a :class:`BehaviourTree <py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree>` after it has ticked. :param tree: the behaviour tree :type tree: :py:class:`BehaviourTree <py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree>` """ if self.publishers is None: rospy.logerr("BehaviourTree: call setup() on this tree to initialise the ros components") return snapshot = "\n\n%s" % py_trees.display.ascii_tree(self.root, snapshot_information=self.snapshot_visitor) self.publishers.ascii_snapshot.publish(std_msgs.String(snapshot)) for behaviour in self.logging_visitor.tree.behaviours: behaviour.is_active = True if unique_id.fromMsg(behaviour.own_id) in self.snapshot_visitor.nodes else False # We're not interested in sending every single tree - only send a # message when the tree changes. if self.logging_visitor.tree.behaviours != self.last_tree.behaviours: if self.root.tip() is None: rospy.logerr("Behaviours: your tree is returning in an INVALID state (should always be FAILURE, RUNNING or SUCCESS)") return self.publishers.tip.publish(conversions.behaviour_to_msg(self.root.tip())) self.publishers.log_tree.publish(self.logging_visitor.tree) with self.lock: if not self._bag_closed: self.bag.write(, self.logging_visitor.tree) self.last_tree = self.logging_visitor.tree
def main(): # Parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Delete frames being broadcast by a multi_static_transform_publisher') parser.add_argument('--node-name', metavar=('node_name'), default=['multi_tf_pub'], type=str, nargs=1, help='The name of the multi publisher that should publish this transform. Default is \'multi_tf_pub\'') parser.add_argument('frame_ids', metavar=('frame_id'), type=str, nargs='+', help='The frame_ids of each frame to stop broadcasting.') myargv = rospy.myargv(argv=sys.argv) args = parser.parse_args(args=myargv[1:]) rospy.init_node('multi_static') topic_name = args.node_name[0]+'/del_frame' # Publish the transform pub = rospy.Publisher(topic_name, std_msgs.String, latch=True) for frame_id in args.frame_ids: pub.publish(std_msgs.String(frame_id)) # Wait for sigint rospy.spin()
def command_callback(self, msg: std_msgs.String): """ If the requested state is different from the existing state, update and restart a periodic timer to affect the flashing effect. Args: msg (:class:`std_msgs.msg.String`): incoming command message """ with self.lock: text = self.generate_led_text( # don't bother publishing if nothing changed. if self.last_text != text: self.node.get_logger().info("{}".format(text)) self.last_text = text self.last_uuid = uuid.uuid4() self.display_publisher.publish(std_msgs.String( if self.flashing_timer is not None: self.flashing_timer.cancel() self.node.destroy_timer(self.flashing_timer) # TODO: convert this to a one-shot once rclpy has the capability # Without oneshot, it will keep triggering, but do nothing while # it has the uuid check self.flashing_timer = self.node.create_timer( timer_period_sec=self.duration_sec, callback=functools.partial( self.cancel_flashing, this_uuid=self.last_uuid ) )
def _writeDescription(self, Bag, Info): # Write description of the bag. # Only 1 information message is allowed. if Info != "": metadata = rosmsg.String() = self.Info Bag.write("info", metadata)
def __init__(self): super(ConcertClient, self).__init__() # parameters self.concert_parameters = ConcertParameters() # working with the gateway try: self._match_robot_name_to_gateway_name() self._set_gateway_flip_rules() except GatewayNotFoundException: return # error messages already in the underlying functions # ros api latched = True queue_size_five = 5 self.concert_publishers = rocon_python_comms.utils.Publishers( [ ('~introspection/concert_parameters', std_msgs.String, latched, queue_size_five), ] ) # let the publishers come up rospy.rostime.wallsleep(0.5) self.concert_publishers.concert_parameters.publish(std_msgs.String("%s" % self.concert_parameters))
def publish_resolved_names(publisher, ros_communication_handles): """ Worker that provides a string representation of all the resolved names and publishes it so we can use it as an introspection topic in runtime. """ s = console.bold + "\nResolved Names\n\n" + console.reset for handle in ros_communication_handles: s += console.yellow + " " + handle.resolved_name + "\n" + console.reset publisher.publish(std_msgs.String("%s" % s))
def terminate(self, new_status): """ Shoot off a clearing command to the led strip. Args: new_status (:class:`~py_trees.common.Status`): the behaviour is transitioning to this new status """ self.publisher.publish(std_msgs.String("")) self.feedback_message = "cleared"
def publish_blackboard(self, unused_tree=None): """ Lazy string publishing of the blackboard (the contents of the blackboard can be of many and varied types, so string form is the only way to transmit this across a ros message) on the **~blackboard** topic. Typically you would call this from a tree custodian (e.g. :class:`py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree`) after each and every tick. .. note:: Lazy: it will only do the relevant string processing if there are subscribers present. Args: unused_tree (:obj:`any`): if used as a post_tick_handler, needs the argument, but nonetheless, gets unused """ if self.publisher is None: self.node.get_logger().error( "Blackboard Exchange: no publishers [hint: call setup() on the exchange]" ) return # publish blackboard # the blackboard watcher doesn't actually use the lazy publisher, but # if latching and string formatting in ROS gets up to speed, it will be a # more useful thing to have around - easy to detect and rostopic echo the contents if self.node.count_subscribers(self.publisher.topic) > 0: if self._is_changed(): msg = std_msgs.String() = "{0}".format(self.blackboard) self.publisher.publish(msg) # publish watchers # print("DJS: publish_blackboard()") # print(" DJS: # views = %s" % len(self.views)) if len(self.views) > 0: for view in self.views: # print(" DJS: view publisher topic: %s" % (view.publisher.topic)) # print(" DJS: # view publishers = %s" % self.node.count_publishers(view.topic_name)) # print(" DJS: # view subscribers = %s" % self.node.count_subscribers(view.topic_name)) if self.node.count_subscribers(view.topic_name) > 0: if view.is_changed(): # print(" DJS: # printing on: %s" % view.topic_name) msg = std_msgs.String() = "{0}".format(view) view.publisher.publish(msg)
def chat(): pub = rospy.Publisher('chatter', Chat, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber('chatter', Chat, callback) name = raw_input('What is your username? ') rospy.init_node(name) rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): hello_str = raw_input('Type new message below: \n') header = msg.Header() header.stamp = source_id = msg.String(rospy.get_name()) message = msg.String(hello_str) c = Chat(header, source_id, message) push_data(log, c) pub.publish(c) print_log(log) rate.sleep()
def update(self): """ Annoy the led strip to keep firing every time it ticks over (the led strip will clear itself if no command is forthcoming within a certain period of time). This behaviour will only finish if it is terminated or interrupted from above. """ self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__) self.publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(self.colour)) self.feedback_message = "flashing {0}".format(self.colour) return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
def command_callback(self, msg): with self.lock: text = self.generate_led_text( # don't bother publishing if nothing changed. if self.last_text != text: self.display_publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(text)) if self.flashing_timer is not None: self.flashing_timer.shutdown() self.flashing_timer = rospy.Timer(period=self.duration, callback=self.cancel_flashing, oneshot=True) self.last_text = text
def _ros_publish_paired_interactions(self): """ For debugging purposes only we publish the currently running pairing interactions. """ # Disabled for now pass s = console.bold + console.white + "\nRuntime Pairings\n" + console.reset for signature in self.active_paired_interactions: s += " %s\n" % signature rospy.logdebug("Interactions : updated paired interactions list\n%s" % s) self.publishers.paired_interactions.publish(std_msgs.String("%s" % s))
def run(self): tf_publisher = rospy.Publisher('tf', tf_msgs.tfMessage) status_publisher = rospy.Publisher('status', std_msgs.String) rospy.Subscriber('tf', tf_msgs.tfMessage, self.callback) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): tf_publisher.publish(tf_msgs.tfMessage()) if ( - self.time) > rospy.Duration(5): status_publisher.publish( std_msgs.String('%.2f Hz' % (next(self.count) / 5.0))) with self.lock: self.count = itertools.count() self.time =
def terminate(self, new_status: py_trees.common.Status): """ Shoot off a clearing command to the led strip. Args: new_status: the behaviour is transitioning to this new status """ self.logger.debug("{}.terminate({})".format( self.qualified_name, "{}->{}".format(self.status, new_status) if self.status != new_status else "{}".format(new_status))) self.publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(data="")) self.feedback_message = "cleared"
def publish_resolved_names(publisher, ros_communication_handles): """ Worker that provides a string representation of all the resolved names and publishes it so we can use it as an introspection topic in runtime. Args: publisher (:obj:`rospy.Publisher`): use this object to publish with ros_communication_handles ([]): list of handles with their resolved names to to publish """ s = console.bold + "\nResolved Names\n\n" + console.reset for handle in ros_communication_handles: s += console.yellow + " " + handle.resolved_name + "\n" + console.reset publisher.publish(std_msgs.String("%s" % s))
def _init_private_publishers(self): ''' Generate some private publishers for internal nodes to introspect on (these do not sit on the shifting namespace used for the remote controller and never get advertised/flipped). ''' private_publishers = {} # this might be worth upgrading to a rocon_app_manager_msgs.srv.Status-like publisher at some point in the future private_publishers['remote_controller'] = rospy.Publisher( '~remote_controller', std_msgs.String, latch=True) # initialise some of the bastards private_publishers['remote_controller'].publish( std_msgs.String(rapp_manager_msgs.Constants.NO_REMOTE_CONTROLLER)) return private_publishers
def cancel_flashing(self, this_uuid: uuid.UUID): """ If the notification identified by the given uuid is still relevant (i.e. new command requests haven't come in) then publish an update with an empty display message. Args: this_uuid: the uuid of the notification to cancel """ with self.lock: if self.last_uuid == this_uuid: # We're still relevant, publish and make us irrelevant self.display_publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(data="")) self.last_text = "" self.last_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
def test_sent_message_gets_received_over_bridge(self): # setup send_topic = rospy.get_param("/udp_bridge/topics")[0] receive_topic = f"{gethostname()}/{send_topic}".replace("//", "/") subscriber = MockSubscriber(receive_topic, msg.String) # execution publisher = rospy.Publisher(send_topic, msg.String, latch=True, queue_size=1) publisher.publish(msg.String("Hello World")) # verification self.with_assertion_grace_period(subscriber.assertOneMessageReceived, 1000 * 5)
def monitor_update(self,id): """ updates Monitor interface :return: rostopic pub -1 /ged/listener std_msgs/String "cursor_move(0,510.123456,50,true);" rostopic pub -1 /ged/listener std_msgs/String "cursor_rotate(0,25.3);" rostopic pub -1 /ged/listener std_msgs/String "trail_points(0,'');" rostopic pub -1 /ged/listener std_msgs/String "trail_points(0,'0 0 50 50 1000 0');" """ msgs=cursors_collection[id].move(self.pose) pubWebMsg=smsg.String() for msg in msgs: self.pubWeb.publish(pubWebMsg)
def test_topic_gets_published_and_sent(self): # setup makeshift receiver port = rospy.get_param("/udp_bridge/port") sock = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind(("", port)) sock.settimeout(1.0) # publish a test message topic = rospy.get_param("/udp_bridge/topics")[0] publisher = rospy.Publisher(topic, msg.String, latch=True, queue_size=1) publisher.publish(msg.String("Hello World")) # assert that a message is sent by trying to receive it self.with_assertion_grace_period( lambda: self.assertIsNotNone(sock.recv(10240)), 1000 * 5)
def command_callback(self, msg): with self.lock: text = self.generate_led_text( # don't bother publishing if nothing changed. if self.last_text != text: print("{}".format(text)) self.last_text = text self.last_uuid = uuid.uuid4() self.display_publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(data=text)) if self.flashing_timer is not None: self.flashing_timer.cancel() self.node.destroy_timer(self.flashing_timer) # TODO: convert this to a one-shot once rclpy has the capability # Without oneshot, it will keep triggering, but do nothing while # it has the uuid check self.flashing_timer = self.node.create_timer( timer_period_sec=self.duration_sec, callback=functools.partial(self.cancel_flashing, last_uuid=self.last_uuid))
def post_tick_handler(self, visited_client_ids: typing.List[uuid.UUID]=None): """ Update blackboard watcher views, publish changes and clear the activity stream. Publishing is lazy, depending on blackboard watcher connections. Typically you would call this from a tree custodian (e.g. :class:`py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree`) after each and every tick. Args: visited_client_ids: blackboard client unique identifiers """ # update watcher views and publish if len(self.views) > 0: for view in self.views: if self.node.count_subscribers(view.topic_name) > 0: if view.is_changed(visited_client_ids): # update in here msg = std_msgs.String() if view.with_activity_stream: = + "Blackboard Data\n" + console.reset += "{}\n".format(view.sub_blackboard) += py_trees.display.unicode_blackboard_activity_stream( ) else: = "{}".format(view.sub_blackboard) view.publisher.publish(msg) # manage the activity stream if py_trees.blackboard.Blackboard.activity_stream is not None: if self.activity_stream_clients == 0: py_trees.blackboard.Blackboard.disable_activity_stream() else: py_trees.blackboard.Blackboard.activity_stream.clear() elif self.activity_stream_clients > 0: py_trees.blackboard.Blackboard.enable_activity_stream()
def test_String_custom(): msg = std_msgs.String("teststr") msgconv.populate_instance({"data": "teststr2"}, msg) # we shouldnt need "data" here val = msgconv.extract_values(msg) assert val["data"] == "teststr2"