def build(build): packages = drain_all_with_doc_into( Package(PackageID('xorgproto-dev')), Package(PackageID('xorgproto-doc')), )) packages['dev-libs/xorgproto-dev'].drain('usr/share/pkgconfig') return packages
def drain_all_into(target_package: Package) -> Dict[str, Package]: """ A very basic and primitive splitter that drains all the output files of a build into a given package. :param target_package: the :py:class:`.Package` to drain into :returns: A dictionary, with the given package's :py:func:`~stdlib.package.PackageID.short_name` as the key, and the associated :py:class:`.Package` as the value. """ target_package.drain('*') return { target_package}
def drain_all_with_doc() -> Dict[str, Package]: """ A very basic and primitive splitter that drains all the output files of a build but the documentation into a single package, named after the :py:class:`.BuildManifest`, and all the documentation in a second package, named like the first one, except with a ``-doc`` suffix. :returns: A dictionary, with the generated package's :py:func:`~stdlib.package.PackageID.short_name` as the key, and the associated :py:class:`.Package` as the value. """ build = package = Package(PackageID( documentation = Package( PackageID(f'{}-doc'), description=f"Offline documentation of {}.") return drain_all_with_doc_into(package, documentation)
def build(build): packages = packages['dev-libs/xcb-proto'].drain( 'usr/share/xcb' ) packages['dev-python/xcbgen'] = Package(PackageID('xcbgen', 'dev-python')) packages['dev-python/xcbgen'].drain( 'usr/lib/python3*/site-packages/xcbgen/*.py' ) return packages
def drain_all() -> Dict[str, Package]: """ A very basic and primitive splitter that drains all the output files of a build into a single package, named after the :py:class:`.BuildManifest`. :returns: A dictionary, with the generated package's :py:func:`~stdlib.package.PackageID.short_name` as the key, and the associated :py:class:`.Package` as the value. """ build = package = Package(PackageID( return drain_all_into(package)
def build(build): return drain_all_into( Package(PackageID('xorg-util-macros-dev'))))
def drain_all_with_doc_into(regular_package: Package, doc_package: Package) -> Dict[str, Package]: """ A very basic and primitive splitter that drains all the output files of a build but the documentation into a given package, and all the documentation in a second given package. :param regular_package: the :py:class:`.Package` to drain into :param doc_package: the :py:class:`.Package` to drain the documentation into :returns: A dictionary, with the given packages' :py:func:`~stdlib.package.PackageID.short_name` as keys, and the associated :py:class:`.Package` as values. """ target = os.environ['TARGET'] regular_package.move('{,usr/local/}{,s}bin/*', 'usr/bin/') regular_package.move('usr/sbin/*', 'usr/bin/') regular_package.move(f'usr/{target}/sbin/*', f'usr/{target}/bin/') regular_package.move('{lib,usr/local/lib}{,64}/*', 'usr/lib64/') regular_package.move('{lib,usr/local/lib}32/*', 'usr/lib32/') regular_package.move(f'usr/{target}/lib/*', f'usr/{target}/lib64/') doc_package.drain( 'usr/share/doc/', 'usr/share/info/', ) regular_package.drain('*') return { regular_package, doc_package, }