def calc_check_digits(number): """Calculate the check digits that should be put in the number to make it valid. Check digits in the supplied number are ignored.""" number = compact(number) # replace check digits with placeholders number = ''.join((number[:2], '00', number[4:])) return mod_97_10.calc_check_digits(_to_base10(number)[:-2])
def calc_check_digits(number): """Calculate the check digits that should be put in the number to make it valid. Check digits in the supplied number are ignored..""" number = compact(number) # replace check digits with placeholders number = ''.join((number[:2], '00', number[4:])) return mod_97_10.calc_check_digits(_to_base10(number)[:-2])
def calculate_sepa_creditor_identifier(cls, companies, _save=True): for company in companies: if not cls.raise_user_error('without_creditor_identifier', ( number = _to_base10([:2] + '00' + company.creditor_business_code +[2:].upper()) check_sum = mod_97_10.calc_check_digits(number[:-2]) company.sepa_creditor_identifier = ([:2] + check_sum + company.creditor_business_code +[2:].upper()) if _save:
def calculate_sepa_creditor_identifier(cls, companies, _save=True): for company in companies: if not cls.raise_user_error('without_creditor_identifier', ( number = _to_base10([:2] + '00' + company.creditor_business_code +[2:].upper() ) check_sum = mod_97_10.calc_check_digits(number[:-2]) company.sepa_creditor_identifier = ([:2] + check_sum + company.creditor_business_code +[2:].upper() ) if _save:
def calc_check_digits(number): """Calculate the check digits that should be put in the number to make it valid. Check digits in the supplied number are ignored.""" number = compact(number) return mod_97_10.calc_check_digits(number[4:] + number[:2])
def _parse_file(self, data_file): if not self._check_coda(data_file): return super(AccountBankStatementImport, self)._parse_file(data_file) def rmspaces(s): return " ".join(s.split()) recordlist = data_file.decode('windows-1252').split(u'\n') statements = [] globalisation_comm = {} for line in recordlist: if not line: pass elif line[0] == '0': #Begin of a new Bank statement statement = {} statements.append(statement) statement['version'] = line[127] if statement['version'] not in ['1', '2']: raise UserError(_('Error') + ' R001: ' + _('CODA V%s statements are not supported, please contact your bank') % statement['version']) statement['globalisation_stack'] = [] statement['lines'] = [] statement['date'] = time.strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime(rmspaces(line[5:11]), '%d%m%y')) statement['separateApplication'] = rmspaces(line[83:88]) elif line[0] == '1': #Statement details if statement['version'] == '1': statement['acc_number'] = rmspaces(line[5:17]) statement['currency'] = rmspaces(line[18:21]) elif statement['version'] == '2': if line[1] == '0': # Belgian bank account BBAN structure statement['acc_number'] = rmspaces(line[5:17]) # '11' and '14' stand respecively for characters 'B' and 'E', it's a constant for Belgium, that we need to append to the account number before computing the check digits statement['acc_number'] = 'BE%s%s' % (mod_97_10.calc_check_digits(statement['acc_number'] + '1114'), statement['acc_number']) statement['currency'] = rmspaces(line[18:21]) elif line[1] == '1': # foreign bank account BBAN structure raise UserError(_('Error') + ' R1001: ' + _('Foreign bank accounts with BBAN structure are not supported ')) elif line[1] == '2': # Belgian bank account IBAN structure statement['acc_number'] = rmspaces(line[5:21]) statement['currency'] = rmspaces(line[39:42]) elif line[1] == '3': # foreign bank account IBAN structure raise UserError(_('Error') + ' R1002: ' + _('Foreign bank accounts with IBAN structure are not supported ')) else: # Something else, not supported raise UserError(_('Error') + ' R1003: ' + _('Unsupported bank account structure ')) statement['description'] = rmspaces(line[90:125]) statement['balance_start'] = float(rmspaces(line[43:58])) / 1000 if line[42] == '1': # 1 = Debit, the starting balance is negative statement['balance_start'] = - statement['balance_start'] statement['balance_start_date'] = time.strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime(rmspaces(line[58:64]), '%d%m%y')) statement['accountHolder'] = rmspaces(line[64:90]) statement['paperSeqNumber'] = rmspaces(line[2:5]) statement['codaSeqNumber'] = rmspaces(line[125:128]) elif line[0] == '2': if line[1] == '1': #New statement line statementLine = {} statementLine['ref'] = rmspaces(line[2:10]) statementLine['ref_move'] = rmspaces(line[2:6]) statementLine['ref_move_detail'] = rmspaces(line[6:10]) statementLine['sequence'] = len(statement['lines']) + 1 statementLine['transactionRef'] = rmspaces(line[10:31]) statementLine['debit'] = line[31] # 0 = Credit, 1 = Debit statementLine['amount'] = float(rmspaces(line[32:47])) / 1000 if statementLine['debit'] == '1': statementLine['amount'] = - statementLine['amount'] statementLine['transactionDate'] = time.strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime(rmspaces(line[47:53]), '%d%m%y')) statementLine['transaction_type'] = int(rmspaces(line[53:54])) statementLine['transaction_family'] = rmspaces(line[54:56]) statementLine['transaction_code'] = rmspaces(line[56:58]) statementLine['transaction_category'] = rmspaces(line[58:61]) if line[61] == '1': #Structured communication statementLine['communication_struct'] = True statementLine['communication_type'] = line[62:65] statementLine['communication'] = '+++' + line[65:68] + '/' + line[68:72] + '/' + line[72:77] + '+++' else: #Non-structured communication statementLine['communication_struct'] = False statementLine['communication'] = rmspaces(line[62:115]) statementLine['entryDate'] = time.strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime(rmspaces(line[115:121]), '%d%m%y')) statementLine['type'] = 'normal' statementLine['globalisation'] = int(line[124]) if statementLine['globalisation'] > 0: if statementLine['ref_move'] in statement['globalisation_stack']: statement['globalisation_stack'].remove(statementLine['ref_move']) else: statementLine['type'] = 'globalisation' statement['globalisation_stack'].append(statementLine['ref_move']) globalisation_comm[statementLine['ref_move']] = statementLine['communication'] if not statementLine.get('communication'): statementLine['communication'] = globalisation_comm.get(statementLine['ref_move'], '') statement['lines'].append(statementLine) elif line[1] == '2': if statement['lines'][-1]['ref'][0:4] != line[2:6]: raise UserError(_('Error') + 'R2004: ' + _('CODA parsing error on movement data record 2.2, seq nr %s! Please report this issue via your Odoo support channel.') % line[2:10]) statement['lines'][-1]['communication'] += rmspaces(line[10:63]) statement['lines'][-1]['payment_reference'] = rmspaces(line[63:98]) statement['lines'][-1]['counterparty_bic'] = rmspaces(line[98:109]) elif line[1] == '3': if statement['lines'][-1]['ref'][0:4] != line[2:6]: raise UserError(_('Error') + 'R2005: ' + _('CODA parsing error on movement data record 2.3, seq nr %s! Please report this issue via your Odoo support channel.') % line[2:10]) if statement['version'] == '1': statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyNumber'] = rmspaces(line[10:22]) statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyName'] = rmspaces(line[47:73]) statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyAddress'] = rmspaces(line[73:125]) statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyCurrency'] = '' else: if line[22] == ' ': statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyNumber'] = rmspaces(line[10:22]) statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyCurrency'] = rmspaces(line[23:26]) else: statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyNumber'] = rmspaces(line[10:44]) statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyCurrency'] = rmspaces(line[44:47]) statement['lines'][-1]['counterpartyName'] = rmspaces(line[47:82]) statement['lines'][-1]['communication'] += rmspaces(line[82:125]) else: # movement data record 2.x (x != 1,2,3) raise UserError(_('Error') + 'R2006: ' + _('\nMovement data records of type 2.%s are not supported ') % line[1]) elif line[0] == '3': if line[1] == '1': infoLine = {} infoLine['entryDate'] = statement['lines'][-1]['entryDate'] infoLine['type'] = 'information' infoLine['sequence'] = len(statement['lines']) + 1 infoLine['ref'] = rmspaces(line[2:10]) infoLine['transactionRef'] = rmspaces(line[10:31]) infoLine['transaction_family'] = rmspaces(line[32:34]) infoLine['transaction_code'] = rmspaces(line[34:36]) infoLine['transaction_category'] = rmspaces(line[36:39]) infoLine['communication'] = rmspaces(line[40:113]) statement['lines'].append(infoLine) elif line[1] == '2': if infoLine['ref'] != rmspaces(line[2:10]): raise UserError(_('Error') + 'R3004: ' + _('CODA parsing error on information data record 3.2, seq nr %s! Please report this issue via your Odoo support channel.') % line[2:10]) statement['lines'][-1]['communication'] += rmspaces(line[10:100]) elif line[1] == '3': if infoLine['ref'] != rmspaces(line[2:10]): raise UserError(_('Error') + 'R3005: ' + _('CODA parsing error on information data record 3.3, seq nr %s! Please report this issue via your Odoo support channel.') % line[2:10]) statement['lines'][-1]['communication'] += rmspaces(line[10:100]) elif line[0] == '4': comm_line = {} comm_line['type'] = 'communication' comm_line['sequence'] = len(statement['lines']) + 1 comm_line['ref'] = rmspaces(line[2:10]) comm_line['communication'] = rmspaces(line[32:112]) statement['lines'].append(comm_line) elif line[0] == '8': # new balance record statement['debit'] = line[41] statement['paperSeqNumber'] = rmspaces(line[1:4]) statement['balance_end_real'] = float(rmspaces(line[42:57])) / 1000 statement['balance_end_realDate'] = time.strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime(rmspaces(line[57:63]), '%d%m%y')) if statement['debit'] == '1': # 1=Debit statement['balance_end_real'] = - statement['balance_end_real'] elif line[0] == '9': statement['balanceMin'] = float(rmspaces(line[22:37])) / 1000 statement['balancePlus'] = float(rmspaces(line[37:52])) / 1000 if not statement.get('balance_end_real'): statement['balance_end_real'] = statement['balance_start'] + statement['balancePlus'] - statement['balanceMin'] ret_statements = [] for i, statement in enumerate(statements): statement['coda_note'] = '' statement_line = [] statement_data = { 'name': int(statement['paperSeqNumber']), 'date': statement['date'], 'balance_start': statement['balance_start'], 'balance_end_real': statement['balance_end_real'], } for line in statement['lines']: if line['type'] == 'information': statement['coda_note'] = "\n".join([statement['coda_note'], line['type'].title() + ' with Ref. ' + str(line['ref']), 'Date: ' + str(line['entryDate']), 'Communication: ' + line['communication'], '']) elif line['type'] == 'communication': statement['coda_note'] = "\n".join([statement['coda_note'], line['type'].title() + ' with Ref. ' + str(line['ref']), 'Ref: ', 'Communication: ' + line['communication'], '']) elif line['type'] == 'normal'\ or (line['type'] == 'globalisation' and line['ref_move'] in statement['globalisation_stack'] and line['transaction_type'] in [1, 2]): note = [] if line.get('counterpartyName'): note.append(_('Counter Party') + ': ' + line['counterpartyName']) else: line['counterpartyName'] = False if line.get('counterpartyNumber'): try: if int(line['counterpartyNumber']) == 0: line['counterpartyNumber'] = False except: pass if line['counterpartyNumber']: note.append(_('Counter Party Account') + ': ' + line['counterpartyNumber']) else: line['counterpartyNumber'] = False if line.get('counterpartyAddress'): note.append(_('Counter Party Address') + ': ' + line['counterpartyAddress']) structured_com = False if line['communication_struct'] and 'communication_type' in line and line['communication_type'] == '101': structured_com = line['communication'] if line.get('communication', ''): note.append(_('Communication') + ': ' + line['communication']) line_data = { 'name': structured_com or (line.get('communication', '') != '' and line['communication'] or '/'), 'note': "\n".join(note), 'date': line['entryDate'], 'amount': line['amount'], 'account_number': line.get('counterpartyNumber', None), 'partner_name': line['counterpartyName'], 'ref': line['ref'], 'sequence': line['sequence'], 'unique_import_id': str(statement['codaSeqNumber']) + '-' + str(statement['date']) + '-' + str(line['ref']), } if line_data['amount'] != 0: statement_line.append(line_data) if statement['coda_note'] != '': statement_data.update({'coda_note': statement['coda_note']}) statement_data.update({'transactions': statement_line}) ret_statements.append(statement_data) currency_code = statement['currency'] acc_number = statements[0] and statements[0]['acc_number'] or False return currency_code, acc_number, ret_statements