Пример #1
def steam3_to_tuple(value):
    :param value: steam3 (e.g. ``[U:1:1234]``)
    :type value: :class:`str`
    :return: (accountid, type, universe, instance)
    :rtype: :class:`tuple` or :class:`None`
    match = re.match(r"^\["
                     r"(?P<type>[%s]):"        # type char
                     r"(?P<universe>\d+):"     # universe
                     r"(?P<id>\d+)"            # accountid
                     r"(:(?P<instance>\d+))?"  # instance
                     r"\]$" % ETypeChars,
    if not match:
        return None

    steam32 = int(match.group('id'))
    universe = EUniverse(int(match.group('universe')))
    etype = ETypeChar[match.group('type')]
    instance = match.group('instance')

    if instance is None:
        if etype in (EType.Individual, EType.GameServer):
            instance = 1
            instance = 0
        instance = int(instance)

    return (steam32, etype, universe, instance)
Пример #2
def invite_code_to_tuple(code, universe=EUniverse.Public):
    Invites urls can be generated at https://steamcommunity.com/my/friends/add

    :param code: invite code (e.g. ``https://s.team/p/cv-dgb``, ``cv-dgb``)
    :type  code: :class:`str`
    :param universe: Steam universe (default: ``Public``)
    :type  universe: :class:`EType`
    :return: (accountid, type, universe, instance)
    :rtype: :class:`tuple` or :class:`None`
    if not code:
        return None

    m = re.match(
        r'(https?://s\.team/p/(?P<code1>[\-' + _icode_all_valid + ']+))'
        r'|(?P<code2>[\-' + _icode_all_valid + ']+$)', code)
    if not m:
        return None

    code = (m.group('code1') or m.group('code2')).replace('-', '')

    def repl_mapper(x):
        return _icode_map_inv[x.group()]

    accountid = int(re.sub("[" + _icode_custom + "]", repl_mapper, code), 16)

    if 0 < accountid < 2**32:
        return (accountid, EType(1), EUniverse(universe), 1)
Пример #3
def steam2_to_tuple(value):
    :param value: steam2 (e.g. ``STEAM_1:0:1234``)
    :type value: :class:`str`
    :return: (accountid, type, universe, instance)
    :rtype: :class:`tuple` or :class:`None`

    .. note::
        The universe will be always set to ``1``. See :attr:`SteamID.as_steam2`
    match = re.match(
        r":(?P<id>\d+)$", value)

    if not match:
        return None

    steam32 = (int(match.group('id')) << 1) | int(match.group('reminder'))
    universe = int(match.group('universe'))

    # Games before orange box used to incorrectly display universe as 0, we support that
    if universe == 0:
        universe = 1

    return (steam32, EType(1), EUniverse(universe), 1)
Пример #4
def from_csgo_friend_code(code, universe=EUniverse.Public):
    Takes CS:GO friend code and returns SteamID

    :param code: CS:GO friend code (e.g. ``AEBJA-ABDC``)
    :type  code: :class:`str`
    :param universe: Steam universe (default: ``Public``)
    :type  universe: :class:`EType`
    :return: SteamID instance
    :rtype: :class:`.SteamID` or :class:`None`
    if not re.match(r'^['+_csgofrcode_chars+'\-]{10}$', code):
        return None

    code = ('AAAA-' + code).replace('-', '')
    result = 0

    for i in range(13):
        index = _csgofrcode_chars.find(code[i])
        if index == -1:
            return None
        result = result | (index << 5 * i)

    result, = struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('>Q', result))
    accountid = 0

    for i in range(8):
        result = result >> 1
        id_nib = result & 0xF
        result = result >> 4
        accountid = (accountid << 4) | id_nib

    return SteamID(accountid, EType.Individual, EUniverse(universe), 1)
    def load(self, data):
        ) = struct.unpack_from("<II", data)

        self.universe = EUniverse(universe)

        if len(data) > 8:
            self.challenge = data[8:]
Пример #6
def steam2_to_tuple(value):
    :param value: steam2 (e.g. ``STEAM_1:0:1234``)
    :type value: :class:`str`
    :return: (accountid, type, universe, instance)
    :rtype: :class:`tuple` or :class:`None`

    .. note::
        The universe will be always set to ``1``. See :attr:`SteamID.as_steam2`
    match = re.match(r"^STEAM_(?P<universe>[01])"
                     r":(?P<id>\d+)$", value

    if not match:
        return None

    steam32 = (int(match.group('id')) << 1) | int(match.group('reminder'))

    return (steam32, EType(1), EUniverse(1), 1)
Пример #7
def steam3_to_tuple(value):
    :param value: steam3 (e.g. ``[U:1:1234]``)
    :type value: :class:`str`
    :return: (accountid, type, universe, instance)
    :rtype: :class:`tuple` or :class:`None`
    match = re.match(
        r"(?P<type>[i%s]):"  # type char
        r"(?P<universe>[0-4]):"  # universe
        r"(?P<id>\d{1,10})"  # accountid
        r"(:(?P<instance>\d+))?"  # instance
        r"\]$" % ETypeChars,
    if not match:
        return None

    steam32 = int(match.group('id'))
    universe = EUniverse(int(match.group('universe')))
    typechar = match.group('type').replace('i', 'I')
    etype = EType(ETypeChar[typechar])
    instance = match.group('instance')

    if typechar in 'gT':
        instance = 0
    elif instance is not None:
        instance = int(instance)
    elif typechar == 'L':
        instance = EInstanceFlag.Lobby
    elif typechar == 'c':
        instance = EInstanceFlag.Clan
    elif etype in (EType.Individual, EType.GameServer):
        instance = 1
        instance = 0

    instance = int(instance)

    return (steam32, etype, universe, instance)
Пример #8
 def universe(self):
     :rtype: :py:class:`steam.enum.EUniverse`
     return EUniverse((int(self) >> 56) & 0xFF)
Пример #9
def make_steam64(id=0, *args, **kwargs):
    Returns steam64 from various other representations.

    .. code:: python

        make_steam64()  # invalid steamid
        make_steam64(12345)  # accountid
        make_steam64(id=12345, type='Invalid', universe='Invalid', instance=0)
        make_steam64(103582791429521412)  # steam64
        make_steam64('STEAM_1:0:2')  # steam2
        make_steam64('[g:1:4]')  # steam3

    accountid = id
    etype = EType.Invalid
    universe = EUniverse.Invalid
    instance = None

    if len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0:
        value = str(accountid)

        # numeric input
        if value.isdigit():
            value = int(value)

            # 32 bit account id
            if 0 < value < 2**32:
                accountid = value
                etype = EType.Individual
                universe = EUniverse.Public
            # 64 bit
            elif value < 2**64:
                return value

        # textual input e.g. [g:1:4]
            result = steam2_to_tuple(value) or steam3_to_tuple(value)

            if result:
                 ) = result
                accountid = 0

    elif len(args) > 0:
        length = len(args)
        if length == 1:
            etype, = args
        elif length == 2:
            etype, universe = args
        elif length == 3:
            etype, universe, instance = args
            raise TypeError("Takes at most 4 arguments (%d given)" % length)

    if len(kwargs) > 0:
        etype = kwargs.get('type', etype)
        universe = kwargs.get('universe', universe)
        instance = kwargs.get('instance', instance)

    etype = (EType(etype)
             if isinstance(etype, (int, EType))
             else EType[etype]

    universe = (EUniverse(universe)
                if isinstance(universe, (int, EUniverse))
                else EUniverse[universe]

    if instance is None:
        instance = 1 if etype in (EType.Individual, EType.GameServer) else 0

    assert instance <= 0xffffF, "instance larger than 20bits"

    return (universe << 56) | (etype << 52) | (instance << 32) | accountid