def step(self):
        Function called every unit of time to generate events,
        process changes in resource quantities, and simulate
        everything else that happens.

Пример #2
def loadDebugData(input):
    global steps
    steps = []  # Clear the container
    tree = ET.parse(input)
    root = tree.getroot()
    stepNum = 1

    for child in root:
        tempStep = step.step(stepNum,
                             [float(child.attrib.get('lat')), float(child.attrib.get('lon'))],
                             [float(child.attrib.get('windSpd')), float(child.attrib.get('windDir'))],

        if config.EN_WIND == False:
            tempStep.wind = [0., 0.]
        stepNum = stepNum + 1
def compound_smooth_impulse_response(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow):
    "a compound smoothing impulse response"

    h_step = step(Nwindow)
    h_macd = macd(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow)

    gauge = 1.0 / (Neff_neg - Neff_pos)

    candidate = np.convolve(gauge * h_macd, h_step)
    return candidate[:Nwindow]
Пример #4
def compound_smooth_impulse_response(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow):
    "a compound smoothing impulse response"

    h_step = step(Nwindow)
    h_macd = macd(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow)

    gauge = 1.0 / (Neff_neg - Neff_pos)

    candidate = np.convolve(gauge * h_macd, h_step)
    return candidate[:Nwindow]
Пример #5
def train(iteration):
    LookupTable = Q.Qtable()
    for x in range(1, iteration):
        playersum = np.zeros(30)
        actionstaken = np.zeros(30)
        playerstate = randint(1, 11)
        dealerstate = randint(1, 11)
        x = 0

        action = LookupTable.getaction(playerstate, dealerstate)
        state = play.step(dealerstate, playerstate, action)
        playersum[0] = playerstate
        actionstaken[0] = action
        # print "state action space first", playerstate, dealerstate, action
        if state[3] == 1:
            LookupTable.Qupdate(playerstate, dealerstate, action, state[2])
            # print "state action space", state[1], state[0], action
            # print "reward", state[2]

        while state[3] == 0:
            x = x + 1
            playersum[x] = state[1]
            action = LookupTable.getaction(state[1], state[0])
            actionstaken[x] = action
            state = play.step(state[0], state[1], action)

        while x > 0:
            LookupTable.Qupdate(int(playersum[x]), dealerstate,
                                int(actionstaken[x]), state[2])
            # print "state action space", int(playersum[x]), dealerstate, int(actionstaken[x])
            # print "reward", state[2]
            x = x - 1
            LookupTable.Qupdate(playerstate, dealerstate, action, state[2])

    return LookupTable.Q
Пример #6
 def New(self, playersum, dealersum, lamda):
     self.E = np.zeros([22, 11, 2])
     terminal = 0
     action = self.getaction(playersum, dealersum)
     while terminal == 0:
         #print "action:", action
         state = play.step(dealersum, playersum, action)
         #print state
         self.Naction[playersum, dealersum,
                      action] = self.Naction[playersum, dealersum,
                                             action] + 1
         if state[3] == 0:
             action1 = self.getaction(state[1], state[0])
             #print "action1:", action1
             gamma = state[2] + self.Q[state[1], state[0],
                                       action1] - self.Q[playersum,
                                                         dealersum, action]
             self.E[playersum, dealersum, action] += 1
             for x in range(0, 21):
                 for y in range(0, 10):
                     for z in range(0, 1):
                         #if self.Naction[x, y, z] != 0:
                         if self.E[x, y, z] != 0:
                             self.Q[x, y, z] += (gamma * self.E[x, y, z]) / \
                                                                 (self.Naction[x, y, z])
                             self.E[x, y, z] = lamda * self.E[x, y, z]
                             #print "Q0",x,y,z, self.Q[x,y,z]
             playersum = state[1]
             dealersum = state[0]
             action = action1
             terminal = state[3]
             if state[3] == 1:
                 terminal = 1
                 self.E = np.zeros([22, 11, 2])
         if state[3] == 1:
             #print "terminating calc"
             gamma = state[2] - self.Q[playersum, dealersum, action]
             self.E[playersum, dealersum, action] += 1
             for x in range(1, 21):
                 for y in range(1, 11):
                     for z in range(0, 2):
                         #if self.Naction[x,y,z]!=0:
                         if self.E[x, y, z] != 0:
                             self.Q[x, y,
                                    z] += (gamma * self.E[x, y, z]) / (
                                        self.Naction[x, y, z])
                             self.E[x, y, z] = lamda * self.E[x, y, z]
                             #print "Q1",x,y,z, self.Q[x,y,z]
             self.E = np.zeros([22, 11, 2])
             terminal = 1
Пример #7
def execute(e, n, method, f):
    if method == '(p-1)-метод':
        p, q = pollard_p_1(n)
        f.write("The result of the algorithm is: {}*{}".format(p, q))
    elif method == 'ро-Поллард':
        p, q = po_pollard_brent(n)
        f.write("The result of the algorithm is: {}*{}".format(p, q))
    elif method == 'малый-модуль-шифрования':
        m_1 = random.randint(2, n - 2)
        a = random.randint(2, n - 2)
        b = random.randint(2, n - 2)
        m_2 = (a * m_1 + b) % n
        c_1 = pow(m_1, e, n)
        c_2 = pow(m_2, e, n)
        l = [b, a]
        f.write("Selected parameters:\n")
        f.write("First cipher-text: {}\n".format(c_1))
        f.write("Second cipher-text: {}\n".format(c_2))
        f.write("message relations: m_1 = {} * m_2 + {} mod {}\n".format(
            a, b, n))
            m_1, m_2 = small_exp(c_1, c_2, l, e, n)
        except CustomException as e:
                "Found factor during the algorithm performance: {}*{}".format(
                    e.message, n // e.message))
            f.write("The result of the algorithm is: {} and {}".format(
                m_1, m_2))
    elif method == 'атака-Винера':
        p, q = wiener(e, n)
        if p:
            f.write("The result of the algorithm is: {}*{}".format(p, q))
                "Unable to achieve the result among the successive convergents."
    elif method == 'итерация':
        m = random.randint(2, n - 2)
        c = pow(m, e, n)
        p, q = step(c, e, n)
        f.write("Used the cipher-text: {}\n".format(c))
        if q:
            f.write("The result of the algorithm is: {}*{}".format(p, q))
            f.write("The result is {}".format(p))
        exit("Unknown method")
    return 0
Пример #8
def breed(solutions, n_offspring, n_videos):
    all_offspring = []

    # assuming all solutions have the same number of caches:
    for _ in range(n_offspring):
        offspring = []
        for i in range(len(solutions[0])):
            s = random.choice(solutions)

        # Randomly introduce a mutation?
        if random.choice([True, False]):
            offspring = step(offspring, n_videos)

    return all_offspring
Пример #9
def hill_climb(description, endpoints, requests, video_sizes, search_duration):
    derv = (description, endpoints, requests, video_sizes)

    steps = 0
    start_time = time()
    s = generate_solution(description, video_sizes)

    while time() - start_time < search_duration:
        next_s = step(s, description['n_videos'])
        steps += 1

        if score_solution(next_s, *derv) > score_solution(s, *derv):
            s = next_s

    best_score, best_solution = score_solution(s, *derv), s

    return steps, best_score, best_solution
Пример #10
def simulated_annealing(description, endpoints, requests, video_sizes,
    derv = description, endpoints, requests, video_sizes
    temperature = 1.0
    cold = 0.1

    best_score, best_solution = -1, None
    s_count = 0

    start_time = time()

    s = generate_solution(description, video_sizes)

    while (temperature > cold) and (time() - start_time <= time_to_run):
        s_count += 1
        s_score = score_solution(s, *derv)

        if s_score > best_score:
            best_score, best_solution = s_score, s

        # we 1/score because we need to convert scores to values between 1 and 0
        # to produce coparible probabilities
        # NB: this inverts things. The better the solution, the lower the
        # number!!
        s_score = 1 / s_score

        s_new = step(s, description['n_videos'])
        s_new_score = 1 / score_solution(s_new, *derv)

        if s_new_score < s_score:
            s = s_new

        p = step_probability(s_score, s_new_score, temperature)
        if (p * 100) > random.randint(0, 100):
            s = s_new

    return s_count, best_score, best_solution
Пример #11
    screen.blit(start, start.get_rect())
    waiting = True
    while waiting:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    waiting = False

    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    state = 0

    while state == 0:
        state = step(screen)


    winImage = None

    if state == 1:
        winImage = pygame.image.load("assets/welldone.png")
    if state > 1 and state < 4:
        winImage = pygame.image.load("assets/tryharder.png")
    if state >= 4:
        winImage = pygame.image.load("assets/toodirty.png")

    screen.blit(winImage, winImage.get_rect())
Пример #12
def compound_smooth_impulse_response(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow):
    "a compound smoothing impulse response"

    h_step = step(Nwindow)
    h_macd = macd(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow)

    gauge = 1.0 / (Neff_neg - Neff_pos)

    candidate = np.convolve(gauge * h_macd, h_step)
    return candidate[:Nwindow]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    Nwindow = 500
    Neff_pos = 7
    Neff_neg = 14
    h_step = step(Nwindow)
    h_macd = macd(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow)
    h_csir = compound_smooth_impulse_response(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow)

    axarr.set_title('Unit step, macd, and compound impulse responses')

Пример #13
def dispcal(data, samprate, fcs, hs, gap, volts, displ, bfc=0.0, bm=0):
    dt = 1.0 / samprate
    npts = len(data)
    npol = 3
    perc1 = 50
    perc2 = 95
    fac = volts / displ * 0.001
    # remove offset using the first 6 seconds that have to be quiet!
    z = np.ones(npts)
    offset = np.sum(data[0:int(6.0*samprate)])
    data = data - offset

    # apply butterworth low pass filter if required
    if bfc > 0.0 and bm > 0:
        bt0 = 1.0 / bfc
        mm = int(bm / 2.0)

        # if odd order apply first order low pass
        if bm > 2 * mm:
            f0_lp1, f1_lp1, f2_lp1, g1_lp1, g2_lp1 = lp1(bt0*samprate)
            data = rekfl(data, npts, f0_lp1, f1_lp1, f2_lp1, g1_lp1, g2_lp1)

        # now apply second order low pass
        for i in range(mm):
            h = np.sin(np.pi / 2.0 * (2.0 * i - 1.0) / bm)
            f0_lp2, f1_lp2, f2_lp2, g1_lp2, g2_lp2 = lp2(bt0*samprate, h)
            data = rekfl(data, npts, f0_lp2, f1_lp2, f2_lp2, g1_lp2, g2_lp2)

        # report filtering
        print 'Input data filtered with low pass Butterworth filter:'
        print '         corner frequency: ' + str(bfc) + 'Hz'
        print '         order: ' + str(bm) + '.'

    raw = data.copy()
    # deconvolution to velocity step
    # done by appling an exact invers second order high pass filter (infinit period)
    t0 = 1.0e12
    h = 1.0
    t0s = 1.0 / fcs

    f0_he2, f1_he2, f2_he2, g1_he2, g2_he2 = he2(t0/dt, t0s/dt, h, hs)
    data = rekfl(data, npts, f0_he2, f1_he2, f2_he2, g1_he2, g2_he2)
    data = politrend(npol, data, npts, z)

    x = data.copy()
    deconv = data.copy()
    # store deconvolves data
    np.savetxt('dispcal_vel.txt', deconv)

    # loop over fife trial values if no gap is given
    if gap > 0.0:
        onegap = True
        ngap = 1
        #gap = 0.125
        #onegap = False
        #ngap = 5
        print 'parameter "gap" not specified!'

    for k in range(ngap):
        avglen = 6.0 * gap
        iab = int(gap / dt)
        iavg = int(avglen / dt)
        data = x
        z = np.ones(npts)
        P0 = np.zeros(npts)
        y = np.zeros(npts)

        ja = np.ones(99)

        # search for quiet section of minimum length 2*iab+1 samples
        P = krum(data, npts, 2*iab+1, P0)
        for j in range(npts):
            P[j] = np.log10(max(P[j], 1.0e-6))
        P1 = P.copy()

#        import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        z = heapsort(npts, P1)
        n50 = int(perc1 * npts / 100.0)
        n95 = int(perc2 * npts / 100.0)

        zlim = 0.5 * (z[n50] + z[n95])
        P = P - zlim
        z = z - zlim

    # create trigger z = 0 if quiet, z = 1 if pulse
        for j in range(npts):
            if P[j] < 0:
                z[j] = 1.0
                z[j] = 0.0

        #zn1 = z[npts-1]
        #zn = z[n]
        #z[n-1] = -0.4
        #z[n] = 1.4
        #z[n-1] = zn1
        #z[n] = zn
        data = politrend(npol, data, npts, z)
        data_c = data.copy()
        # cut out pulses
        quiet = data * z

        # identifiy pulses
        number = 0
        i = 0
        while i < npts and z[i] < 0.5:
            i = i + 1
        n1 = i

        while i < npts and z[i] > 0.5:
            i = i + 1
        n2 = i - 1
        if i == npts:
            print 'No pulses found! Check dispcal.??? for pulses!'
        # continue if interval is too small (< gap)
        while n2 < n1 + iab:
            while i < npts and z[i] < 0.5:
                i = i + 1
            n1 = i

            while i < npts and z[i] > 0.5:
                i = i + 1
            n2 = i - 1
        # now we have the first (n1) and the last (n2) sample of the first quiet interval
            if i == n:
                print 'No pulses found! Check dispcal.??? for pulses!'
        # now continue with the next pulses
        steps = []
        marks = []
        while i < npts:
            while i < npts and z[i] < 0.5:
                i = i + 1
            if i == npts: break
            n3 = i

            while i < npts and z[i] > 0.5:
                i = i + 1
            if i == npts: break
            n4 = i - 1

            # continue if interval is too small (< gap)
            while n4 < n3 + iab:
                while i < npts and z[i] < 0.5:
                    i = i + 1
                if i == npts: break
                n3 = i

                while i < npts and z[i] > 0.5:
                    i = i + 1
                if i == npts: break
                n4 = i - 1
            # now we have the first (n1) and the last (n2) sample of the next quiet interval
            number = number + 1
            if number == 1:
                data_c = zspline('zsp', 1, n2, n3, npts, data_c, npts)
                n2null = n2
            elif n4 >= n3+iab:
                data_c = zspline('zsp', n1, n2, n3, npts, data_c, npts)
            n3null = n3

            print 'found pulse # ' + str(number) + ': from sample ' + str(n2) + ' to sample ' + str(n3 - 1)
            n1a = 0
            n2a = n2 - n1 
            n3a = n3 - n1 
            n4a = n4 - n1
            n1a = max(n1a, n2a-iavg)
            n4a = min(n4a, n3a+iavg)
            for ii in range(n4a):
                y[ii] = data[n1-1+ii]

            y_z = zspline('zsp', n1a, n2a, n3a, n4a, y, n4a)
            y_int = integrate(y_z, npts, dt)
            stp = step(y_int, n1a, n2a, n3a, n4a, n4a)

            n1 = n3
            n2 = n4


        dtr = trend('tre', 0, n2-n1+1, 0, 0, data_c[n1:], npts-n1)
        data2 = data_c.copy()
        for i in np.arange(n1, npts, 1):
            data2[i] = dtr[i-n1]

        y = data_c * z
        ymin = 0.0
        ymax = 0.0
        for i in np.arange(n2null+1, n3null-1,1):
            ymin = min(ymin,y[i])
            ymax = max(ymax,y[i])
        for i in range(n2null):
            y[i] = min(ymax, max(ymin, y[i]))
        for i in np.arange(n3null, npts, 1):
            y[i] = min(ymax, max(ymin, y[i]))
        np.savetxt('dispcal_res.txt', y)

        y_dis = integrate(data2, npts, dt)
        # remove offset from displacement
        offset =  np.mean(y_dis)
        y_dis = y_dis - offset
        displ = y_dis.copy()
        np.savetxt('dispcal_dis.txt', displ)

        # Statistics
        total = sum(np.abs(steps))
        avgs = total / number

        sigma = np.std(np.abs(steps))
        print ''
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'Raw average step: ' + str(np.round(avgs,3)) + ' +/- ' + str(np.round(sigma, 3))
        print 'Raw generator constant: ' + str(np.round((avgs * fac) * 1e6,3)) + ' +/- ' + str(np.round((sigma * fac) *1e6, 3)) + 'Vs/m'
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------'
        if number <= 2:
            return raw, deconv, displ, marks
#        import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        ja = np.ones(len(steps))
        for nrest in np.arange(number-1,int(float(number+1.0)/2.0),-1):
            siga = sigma
            kmax = np.argmax(steps)
            ja[kmax] = 0
            total = 0
            #for k in range(number):
            #    total = total + ja[k] * steps[k]
            stepsa = ja * steps
            total = sum(np.abs(stepsa))
            #print total
            avgs = total / nrest
            #print avgs
            total = 0
            for k in range(number):
                total = total + ja[k] * (abs(steps[k]) - avgs)**2
            sigma = np.sqrt(total / nrest)
            print 'Pulse ' + str(kmax) + ' eliminated; ' + str(nrest) + ' pulses remaning: ' + str(np.round((avgs * fac) * 1e6,3)) + ' +/- ' + str(np.round((sigma * fac) *1e6, 3)) + 'Vs/m'
#            if sigma < 0.05*avgs and siga-sigma < siga/ nrest: break
            steps[kmax] = 0.0
        print '------------------------------------------------------------'
        print ''

        return raw, deconv, displ, marks
Пример #14
from step import step

state, r = step([20, 20], 0)
print("New State", state, r)
Пример #15
 def test_step(self):
     # mock_class.func.set_return_value(1) #.func = 1
     self.assertTrue("start at" in _log_mem[0])
     self.assertTrue("stop  at" in _log_mem[1])
Пример #16
episodes = 1000

for i in range(episodes):

    sum_p = rd.randint(1,10)
    sum_d = rd.randint(1,10)
    s = [sum_p,sum_d]
    sp = [sum_p,sum_d]
    terminal = False
    G = 0
    while terminal == False:
        a = pi[s[0]-1,s[1]-1]
        ns[s[0]-1,s[1]-1] += 1
        s, sp, r, terminal = step(s,a,sp)

        if a == 'hit':
            G += r
            alpha = 1/nsa[s[0]-1,s[1]-1,0]
            Q[s[0]-1,s[1]-1,0] += alpha*(G - Q[s[0]-1,s[1]-1,0])
            G += r
            alpha = 1/nsa[s[0]-1,s[1]-1,1]
            Q[s[0]-1,s[1]-1,1] += alpha*(G - Q[s[0]-1,s[1]-1,1])
        s = sp[:]

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ema import ema
from step import step
from macd import macd
from compound_smooth_impulse_response import compound_smooth_impulse_response

f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 1)

Nwindow = 500
Neff = 21
Neff_pos = 7
Neff_neg = 14
h_ema = ema(Neff, Nwindow)
h_step = step(Nwindow)
h_macd = macd(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow)

with open('jpm_trades.csv', 'r') as trades_csv:
    trades = np.array(list(csv.reader(trades_csv))[1:]).astype('double')
    volumes = trades[:,4]

    print("Problem 10 (a): Ema on trade volume series")
    candidate1 = np.convolve(volumes-volumes[0], h_ema) + volumes[0]
    truncated1 = candidate1[:len(volumes)]
    axarr[0].set_title('Ema applied to volume series with Neff = 21')
    print("Problem 10 (b): Compound smoothing on volume series with Neff+ = 7, Neff- = 14")
Пример #18
def tiltcal(data, samprate, fcs, hs, gap, volts, tilt, bfc=0.0, bm=0):

    dt = 1.0 / samprate
    npts = len(data)
    npol = 3
    perc1 = 50
    perc2 = 95
    fac = volts / tilt * 0.001
    # remove offset using the first 6 seconds that have to be quiet!
    z = np.ones(npts)
    offset = np.sum(data[0:int(6.0 * samprate)])
    data = data - offset

    # apply butterworth low pass filter if required
    if bfc > 0.0 and bm > 0:
        bt0 = 1.0 / bfc
        mm = int(bm / 2.0)

        # if odd order apply first order low pass
        if bm > 2 * mm:
            f0_lp1, f1_lp1, f2_lp1, g1_lp1, g2_lp1 = lp1(bt0 * samprate)
            data = rekfl(data, npts, f0_lp1, f1_lp1, f2_lp1, g1_lp1, g2_lp1)

        # now apply second order low pass
        for i in range(mm):
            h = np.sin(np.pi / 2.0 * (2.0 * i - 1.0) / bm)
            f0_lp2, f1_lp2, f2_lp2, g1_lp2, g2_lp2 = lp2(bt0 * samprate, h)
            data = rekfl(data, npts, f0_lp2, f1_lp2, f2_lp2, g1_lp2, g2_lp2)

        # report filtering
        print 'Input data filtered with low pass Butterworth filter:'
        print '         corner frequency: ' + str(bfc) + 'Hz'
        print '         order: ' + str(bm) + '.'

    raw = data.copy()
    # deconvolution to ground acceleration
    # done by appling an exact invers second order high pass filter (infinit period)
    t0 = 1.0e12
    h = 1.0
    t0s = 1.0 / fcs

    f0_he2, f1_he2, f2_he2, g1_he2, g2_he2 = he2(t0 / dt, t0s / dt, h, hs)
    data = rekfl(data, npts, f0_he2, f1_he2, f2_he2, g1_he2, g2_he2)
    data = politrend(npol, data, npts, z)

    x = data.copy()
    deconv_vel = data.copy()
    np.savetxt('tiltcal_vel.txt', deconv_vel)

    # differentiate to get ground acceleration
    data_diff = differentiate(data, npts, dt, 1)
    #np.savetxt('diff_test', data_diff)

    # loop over fife trial values if no gap is given
    if gap > 0.0:
        onegap = True
        ngap = 1
        gap = 0.125
        onegap = False
        ngap = 5

    for k in range(ngap):
        avglen = 6.0 * gap
        iab = int(gap / dt)
        iavg = int(avglen / dt)
        data = x
        z = np.ones(npts)
        P0 = np.zeros(npts)
        y = np.zeros(npts)

        ja = np.ones(99)

        # search for quiet section of minimum length 2*iab+1 samples
        P = krum(data, npts, 2 * iab + 1, P0)
        for j in range(npts):
            P[j] = np.log10(max(P[j], 1.0e-6))
        P1 = P.copy()

        #        import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        z = heapsort(npts, P1)
        n50 = int(perc1 * npts / 100.0)
        n95 = int(perc2 * npts / 100.0)

        zlim = 0.5 * (z[n50] + z[n95])
        P = P - zlim
        z = z - zlim

        # create trigger z = 0 if quiet, z = 1 if pulse
        for j in range(npts):
            if P[j] < 0:
                z[j] = 1.0
                z[j] = 0.0

        #zn1 = z[npts-1]
        #zn = z[n]
        #z[n-1] = -0.4
        #z[n] = 1.4
        #z[n-1] = zn1
        #z[n] = zn

        mpol = npol - 2
        if mpol < 1:
            print 'npol too small!'

        # compute residual signal
        data2 = data_diff.copy()
        quiet = differentiate(data2, npts, dt, 0)

        quiet = quiet * z

        res, a = politrendTilt(npol, quiet, npts, z)
        res = res * z

        res_int = integrate(res, npts, dt)

        np.savetxt('tiltcal_res.txt', res_int)

        # final trend removal on acceleration signal
        xpolint = 0.0
        xavg = 0.0
        for i in range(npts):
            xpol = a[mpol]
            for j in np.arange(mpol - 1, 0, -1):
                xpol = xpol * (float(i + 1) / fnh - 1.0) + a[j]
            xpolint = xpolint + xpol * dt
            data_diff[i] = data_diff[i] - xpolint
            xavg = xavg + data_diff[i]
        xavg = xavg / npts
        for i in range(npts):
            data_diff[i] = data_diff[i] - xavg

        acc = data_diff.copy()
        np.savetxt('tiltcal_acc.txt', acc)

        data_c = data_diff.copy()

        # identifiy pulses
        number = 0
        i = 0
        while i < npts and z[i] < 0.5:
            i = i + 1
        n1 = i

        while i < npts and z[i] > 0.5:
            i = i + 1
        n2 = i - 1

        if i == npts:
            print 'No pulses found! Check dispcal.??? for pulses!'

        # continue if interval is too small (< gap)
        while n2 < n1 + iab:
            while i < npts and z[i] < 0.5:
                i = i + 1
            n1 = i

            while i < npts and z[i] > 0.5:
                i = i + 1
            n2 = i - 1
            # now we have the first (n1) and the last (n2) sample of the first quiet interval

            if i == n:
                print 'No pulses found! Check dispcal.??? for pulses!'

        # now continue with the next pulses
        steps = []
        marks = []
        while i < npts:
            while i < npts and z[i] < 0.5:
                i = i + 1
            if i == npts: break
            n3 = i

            while i < npts and z[i] > 0.5:
                i = i + 1
            if i == npts: break
            n4 = i - 1

            # continue if interval is too small (< gap)
            while n4 < n3 + iab:
                while i < npts and z[i] < 0.5:
                    i = i + 1
                if i == npts: break
                n3 = i

                while i < npts and z[i] > 0.5:
                    i = i + 1
                if i == npts: break
                n4 = i - 1
            # now we have the first (n1) and the last (n2) sample of the next quiet interval
            number = number + 1

            #if number == 1:
            #    data_c = zspline('zsp', 1, n2, n3, npts, data_c, npts)
            #    n2null = n2
            #elif n4 >= n3+iab:
            #    #print 'bin da!'
            #    data_c = zspline('zsp', n1, n2, n3, npts, data_c, npts)
            #n3null = n3

            marks.append((n2, n3 - 1))
            print 'found pulse # ' + str(number) + ': from sample ' + str(
                n2) + ' to sample ' + str(n3 - 1)

            n1a = 0
            n2a = n2 - n1
            n3a = n3 - n1
            n4a = n4 - n1
            n1a = max(n1a, n2a - iavg)
            n4a = min(n4a, n3a + iavg)
            for ii in range(n4a):
                y[ii] = data_diff[n1 - 1 + ii]

            #print n1a, n2a, n3a, n4a

            y_m = mspline('msp', n1a, n2a, n3a, n4a, y, n4a)
            #y_int = integrate(y_z, npts, dt)
            #y_int = cumtrapz(y_z) * dt
            stp = step(y_m, n1a, n2a, n3a, n4a, n4a)

            n1 = n3
            n2 = n4


            #np.savetxt('y_z'+str(number), y_z)
            #np.savetxt('y_int'+str(number), y_int)
        #print steps

        #dtr = trend('tre', 0, n2-n1+1, 0, 0, data_c[n1:], npts-n1)
        #for i in np.arange(n1, npts, 1):
        #    data_c[i] = dtr[i-n1]
        #y = data_c * z
        #ymin = 0.0
        #ymax = 0.0
        #for i in np.arange(n2null+1, n3null-1,1):
        #    ymin = min(ymin,y[i])
        #    ymax = max(ymax,y[i])
        #for i in range(n2null):
        #    y[i] = min(ymax, max(ymin, y[i]))
        #for i in np.arange(n3null, npts, 1):
        #    y[i] = min(ymax, max(ymin, y[i]))
        #y_dis = integrate(data_c, npts, dt)

        # remove offset from displacement
        #offset =  np.mean(y_dis)
        #y_dis = y_dis - offset
        #displ = y_dis.copy()

        # Statistics
        total = sum(np.abs(steps))
        avgs = total / number

        sigma = np.std(np.abs(steps))

        print ''
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'Raw average step: ' + str(np.round(avgs, 3)) + ' +/- ' + str(
            np.round(sigma, 3))

        print 'Raw generator constant: ' + str(np.round(
            (avgs * fac) * 1e6, 3)) + ' +/- ' + str(
                np.round((sigma * fac) * 1e6, 3)) + 'Vs/m'
        print '-------------------------------------------------------------'
        if number <= 2:
            return raw, deconv, displ, marks

#        import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        ja = np.ones(len(steps))
        for nrest in np.arange(number - 1, int(float(number + 1.0) / 2.0), -1):
            siga = sigma
            kmax = np.argmax(steps)
            ja[kmax] = 0
            total = 0
            #for k in range(number):
            #    total = total + ja[k] * steps[k]
            stepsa = ja * steps
            total = sum(np.abs(stepsa))
            #print total
            avgs = total / nrest
            #print avgs
            total = 0
            for k in range(number):
                total = total + ja[k] * (abs(steps[k]) - avgs)**2
            sigma = np.sqrt(total / nrest)

            print 'Pulse ' + str(kmax) + ' eliminated; ' + str(
                nrest) + ' pulses remaning: ' + str(
                    np.round((avgs * fac) * 1e6, 3)) + ' +/- ' + str(
                        np.round((sigma * fac) * 1e6, 3)) + 'Vs/m'

            #            if sigma < 0.05*avgs and siga-sigma < siga/ nrest: break
            steps[kmax] = 0.0
        print '------------------------------------------------------------'
        print ''

        gap = gap * 2.0
        return raw, deconv_vel, acc, marks
Пример #19
    screen.blit(start, start.get_rect())
    waiting = True
    while waiting:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    waiting = False

    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    state = 0

    while state == 0:
        state = step(screen)


    winImage = None

    if state == 1:
        winImage = pygame.image.load("assets/welldone.png")
    if state > 1 and state < 4:
        winImage = pygame.image.load("assets/tryharder.png")
    if state >= 4:
        winImage = pygame.image.load("assets/toodirty.png")

    screen.blit(winImage, winImage.get_rect())
Пример #20
#     generator, discriminator,
#     generator.generate_6, discriminator.discriminate_6,
#     generator_optimizer, discriminator_optimizer,
#     dataroot, device
# )
# step(
#     24, 20,
#     generator, discriminator,
#     generator.generate_7, discriminator.discriminate_7,
#     generator_optimizer, discriminator_optimizer,
#     dataroot, device
# )
#, f'./generator')
#, f'./discriminator')


# interpolation_step(
#     48, 40,
#     generator, discriminator,
#     generator.generate_8, discriminator.discriminate_8,
#     generator_optimizer, discriminator_optimizer,
#     dataroot, device
# )
step(48, 40, generator, discriminator, generator.generate_9,
     discriminator.discriminate_9, generator_optimizer,
     discriminator_optimizer, dataroot, device)
#, f'./generator_final')
#, f'./discriminator_final')
Пример #21
accumulate(inference_generator, generator, 0.)

discriminator_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(discriminator.parameters(),
                                           betas=(.0, .99))
generator_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(generator.parameters(),
                                       betas=(.0, .99))
with torch.no_grad():
    test_noise = torch.Tensor(
        # np.random.normal(size = (256, 256))
        np.random.uniform(-5., 5., size=(256, 256))).to(device)

step(4, 400, test_noise, generator, inference_generator, discriminator,
     accumulate, generator.generate_1, inference_generator.generate_1,
     discriminator.discriminate_1, generator_optimizer,
     discriminator_optimizer, dataroot, device)

interpolation_step(8, 400, test_noise, generator, inference_generator,
                   discriminator, accumulate, generator.generate_2,
                   discriminator.discriminate_2, generator_optimizer,
                   discriminator_optimizer, dataroot, device)
step(8, 400, test_noise, generator, inference_generator, discriminator,
     accumulate, generator.generate_3, inference_generator.generate_3,
     discriminator.discriminate_3, generator_optimizer,
     discriminator_optimizer, dataroot, device)
#, f'./split_generator')
#, f'./split_discriminator')
#, f'./split_inference_generator')
Пример #22
import time
import step
import motor
import tempControl
import param

steps = []

for i in range(5):
    steps.append(step.step(0, 0, 0))

currentStep = 0
currentTime = 0
startTime = 0

isRunning = False

def start():
    global startTime
    startTime = time.time()

def update():
    global currentStep
    currentTime = time.time() - startTime
    print("Zeit:", currentTime, "von", steps[currentStep].time, "Sekunden")
    if (currentTime >= steps[currentStep].time):
        if (currentStep > 4):
            param.isOn = False
Пример #23
 def addStep(self, stepString):
     self.steps.append(step(stepString, self.stepIndex))
     self.stepIndex = self.stepIndex + 1
z[:] = [x * 4 for x in z]

plt.step(t, z)

plt.ylabel('function value')

t = np.arange(-10, 10, 0.01)
x = []
comb_step_ramp4(t, x)

t = np.arange(-10, 10, 0.01)
u = []
step(t, u)

z = []
for j in range(len(t)):
    z.append(u[j] * x[j])

plt.step(t, z)
plt.axhline(0, color='black')
plt.axvline(0, color='black')
plt.ylabel('function value')

t = np.arange(-10, 10, 0.01)
u = []