class Workflow(object): """ Class for creating and managing a workflow. """ @classmethod def list_workflows(cls, max_items=100, client=None, html=False): """ Lists all the workflows in the account. Args: max_items (int, optional): The maximum number of items to be returned. (default: 100) client (SFN.Client, optional): boto3 client to use for the query. If not provided, a default boto3 client for Step Functions will be automatically created and used. (default: None) html (bool, optional): Renders the list as an HTML table (If running in an IPython environment). If the parameter is not provided, or set to False, a Python list is returned. (default: False) Returns: list: The list of workflows. Refer to :meth:`.SFN.Client.list_state_machines()` for the response structure. """ if client is None: logger.debug( "The argument 'client' is not provided. Creating a new boto3 client instance with default settings." ) client = boto3.client('stepfunctions') logger.debug("Retrieving list of workflows from AWS Step Functions.") paginator = client.get_paginator('list_state_machines') params = { 'PaginationConfig': { 'MaxItems': max_items, 'PageSize': 1000 } } response_iterator = paginator.paginate(**params) workflows = [] for page in response_iterator: for workflow in page['stateMachines']: workflows.append(workflow) workflows_list = WorkflowList(workflows) if html: return HTML(workflows_list.to_html()) else: return workflows_list @classmethod def attach(cls, state_machine_arn, client=None): """ Factory method to create an instance attached to an exisiting workflow in Step Functions. Arguments: state_machine_arn (str): The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the existing workflow. client (SFN.Client, optional): boto3 client to use for attaching the existing workflow in Step Functions to the Workflow object. If not provided, a default boto3 client for Step Functions will be automatically created and used. (default: None) Returns: Workflow: Workflow object attached to the existing workflow in Step Functions. """ if client is None: logger.debug( "The argument 'client' is not provided. Creating a new boto3 client instance with default settings." ) client = boto3.client('stepfunctions') response = client.describe_state_machine( stateMachineArn=state_machine_arn) return Workflow(name=response['name'], definition=FrozenGraph.from_json( response['definition']), role=response['roleArn'], state_machine_arn=response['stateMachineArn'], client=client) def __init__(self, name, definition, role, tags=[], execution_input=None, timeout_seconds=None, comment=None, version=None, state_machine_arn=None, format_json=True, client=None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the workflow. A name must not contain: * whitespace * brackets < > { } [ ] * wildcard characters ? * * special characters " # % \\ ^ | ~ ` $ & , ; : / * control characters (U+0000-001F , U+007F-009F ) definition (str): The `Amazon States Language <>`_ definition of the workflow. role (str): The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to use for creating, managing, and running the workflow. tags (list): Tags to be added when creating a workflow. Tags are key-value pairs that can be associated with Step Functions workflows and activities. (default: []) execution_input (ExecutionInput, optional): Placeholder collection that defines the placeholder variables for the workflow execution. \ This is also used to validate inputs provided when executing the workflow. (default: None) timeout_seconds (int, optional): The maximum number of seconds an execution of the workflow can run. If it runs longer than the specified time, the workflow run fails with a `States.Timeout` Error Name. (default: None) comment (str, optional): A human-readable description of the workflow. (default: None) version (str, optional): The version of the Amazon States Language used in the workflow. (default: None) state_machine_arn (str, optional): The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the workflow. (default: None) format_json (bool, optional): Boolean flag set to `True` if workflow definition and execution inputs should be prettified for this workflow. `False`, otherwise. (default: True) client (SFN.Client, optional): boto3 client to use for creating, managing, and running the workflow on Step Functions. If not provided, a default boto3 client for Step Functions will be automatically created and used. (default: None) """ self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds self.comment = comment self.version = version if isinstance(definition, Graph): self.definition = definition else: self.definition = Graph(definition, timeout_seconds=self.timeout_seconds, comment=self.comment, version=self.version) = name self.role = role self.tags = tags self.workflow_input = execution_input if client: self.client = client else: self.client = boto3.client('stepfunctions') append_user_agent_to_client(self.client) self.format_json = format_json self.state_machine_arn = state_machine_arn def create(self): """ Creates the workflow on Step Functions. Returns: str: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the workflow created. If the workflow already existed, the ARN of the existing workflow is returned. """ if self.state_machine_arn is not None: logger.warning( "The workflow already exists on AWS Step Functions. No action will be performed." ) return self.state_machine_arn try: self.state_machine_arn = self._create() except self.client.exceptions.StateMachineAlreadyExists as e: self.state_machine_arn = self._extract_state_machine_arn(e) logger.error( "A workflow with the same name already exists on AWS Step Functions. To update a workflow, use Workflow.update()." ) return self.state_machine_arn def _create(self): response = self.client.create_state_machine(, definition=self.definition.to_json(pretty=self.format_json), roleArn=self.role, tags=self.tags)"Workflow created successfully on AWS Step Functions.") return response['stateMachineArn'] def update(self, definition=None, role=None): """ Updates an existing state machine by modifying its definition and/or role. Executions started immediately after calling this method may use the previous definition and role. definition (str, optional): The `Amazon States Language <>`_ definition to update the workflow with. (default: None) role (str, optional): The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to use for creating, managing, and running the workflow. (default: None) Returns: str: The state machine definition and/or role updated. If the update fails, None will be returned. """ if definition is None and role is None: raise MissingRequiredParameter( "A new definition and/or role must be provided to update an existing workflow." ) if self.state_machine_arn is None: raise WorkflowNotFound( "Local workflow instance does not point to an existing workflow on AWS StepFunctions. Please consider using Workflow.create(...) to create a new workflow, or Workflow.attach(...) to attach the instance to an existing workflow on AWS Step Functions." ) if definition: if isinstance(definition, Graph): self.definition = definition else: self.definition = Graph(definition, timeout_seconds=self.timeout_seconds, comment=self.comment, version=self.version) if role: self.role = role response = self.client.update_state_machine( stateMachineArn=self.state_machine_arn, definition=self.definition.to_json(pretty=self.format_json), roleArn=self.role) "Workflow updated successfully on AWS Step Functions. All execute() calls will use the updated definition and role within a few seconds. " ) return self.state_machine_arn def _extract_state_machine_arn(self, exception): """ Message Example: { 'Error': { 'Message': "State Machine Already Exists: 'arn:aws:states:us-east-1:1234567890:stateMachine:test'" } } """ message = exception.response['Error']['Message'] return message.split("'")[1] def execute(self, name=None, inputs=None): """ Starts a single execution of the workflow. Args: name (str, optional): The name of the workflow execution. If one is not provided, a workflow execution name will be auto-generated. (default: None) inputs (str, list or dict, optional): Input data for the workflow execution. (default: None) Returns: stepfunctions.workflow.Execution: An execution instance of the workflow. """ if self.workflow_input: validation_result = self.workflow_input.validate(inputs) if validation_result.valid is False: raise ValueError( "Expected run input with the schema: {}".format( self.workflow_input.get_schema_as_json())) if self.state_machine_arn is None: raise WorkflowNotFound( "Local workflow instance does not point to an existing workflow on AWS StepFunctions. Before executing a workflow, call Workflow.create(...) or Workflow.attach(...)." ) params = {'stateMachineArn': self.state_machine_arn} if name is not None: params['name'] = name if inputs is not None: if self.format_json: params['input'] = json.dumps(inputs, indent=4) else: params['input'] = json.dumps(inputs) response = self.client.start_execution(**params) "Workflow execution started successfully on AWS Step Functions.") # name is None because boto3 client.start_execution only returns startDate and executionArn return Execution(workflow=self, execution_arn=response['executionArn'], start_date=response['startDate'], status=ExecutionStatus.Running, client=self.client) def list_executions(self, max_items=100, status_filter=None, html=False): """ Lists the executions for the workflow. Args: max_items (int, optional): The maximum number of items to be returned. (default: 100) status_filter (ExecutionStatus, optional): If specified, only list the executions whose current status matches the given filter. (default: None) html (bool, optional): Renders the list as an HTML table (If running in an IPython environment). If the parameter is not provided, or set to False, a Python list is returned. (default: False) Returns: list(stepfunctions.workflow.Execution): List of workflow run instances. """ if self.state_machine_arn is None: return ExecutionsList() logger.debug("Retrieving list of executions from AWS Step Functions.") paginator = self.client.get_paginator('list_executions') params = { 'stateMachineArn': self.state_machine_arn, 'PaginationConfig': { 'MaxItems': max_items, 'PageSize': 1000 } } if status_filter is not None: params['statusFilter'] = status_filter.value response_iterator = paginator.paginate(**params) runs = [ Execution(name=execution['name'], workflow=self, execution_arn=execution['executionArn'], start_date=execution['startDate'], stop_date=execution.get('stopDate', None), status=execution['status'], client=self.client) for page in response_iterator for execution in page['executions'] ] executions_list = ExecutionsList(runs) if html: return HTML(executions_list.to_html()) else: return executions_list def delete(self): """ Deletes the workflow, if it exists. """ if self.state_machine_arn is not None: self.client.delete_state_machine( stateMachineArn=self.state_machine_arn) "Workflow has been marked for deletion. If the workflow has running executions, it will be deleted when all executions are stopped." ) def render_graph(self, portrait=False): """ Renders a visualization of the workflow graph. Args: portrait (bool, optional): Boolean flag set to `True` if the workflow graph should be rendered in portrait orientation. Set to `False`, if the graph should be rendered in landscape orientation. (default: False) """ widget = WorkflowGraphWidget(self.definition.to_json()) return def get_cloudformation_template(self): """ Returns a CloudFormation template that contains only the StateMachine resource. To reuse the CloudFormation template in a different region, please make sure to update the region specific AWS resources (e.g: Lambda ARN, Training Image) in the StateMachine definition. """ return build_cloudformation_template(self) def __repr__(self): return '{}(name={!r}, role={!r}, state_machine_arn={!r})'.format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.role, self.state_machine_arn) def _repr_html_(self): if self.state_machine_arn: return 'Workflow: <a target="_blank" href="{}">{}</a>'.format( create_sfn_workflow_url(self.state_machine_arn), self.state_machine_arn) else: return 'Workflow: Does Not Exist.'
def test_graph_from_string(): g = Graph(Chain([Pass('HelloWorld')])) g1 = FrozenGraph.from_json(g.to_json()) assert isinstance(g1, Graph) assert g.to_dict() == g1.to_dict()