Пример #1
class StallGuard2ControlRegister(Register):
  stallGuard2 Control Register (SGCSCONF)
    REGISTER = 0b110
    bits = AttributeDict({
        # 16 SFILT stallGuard2 filter enable
        #   0: Standard mode, fastest response time.
        #   1: Filtered mode, updated once for each four fullsteps to compensate for
        #      variation in motor construction, highest accuracy.
        'SFILT': Representation(16),
        # 15 0 Reserved
        # 14:8 SGT stallGuard2 threshold value
        #   The stallGuard2 threshold value controls the optimum
        #   measurement range for readout. A lower value results in
        #   a higher sensitivity and requires less torque to indicate
        #   a stall. The value is a two’s complement signed integer.
        #   Values below -10 are not recommended.
        #   Range: -64 to +63
        'SGT': Representation(8, 14),
        # 7:5 0 Reserved
        # 4:0 CS Current scale (scales digital currents A and B)
        #   Current scaling for SPI and step/direction operation.
        #   %00000 … %11111: 1/32, 2/32, 3/32, … 32/32
        #   This value is biased by 1 and divided by 32, so the
        #   range is 1/32 to 32/32.
        #   Example: CS=0 is 1/32 current
        'CS': Representation(0, 4)
Пример #2
class CoolStepControlRegister(Register):
  coolStep Control Register (SMARTEN)
    REGISTER = 0b101
    bits = AttributeDict({
        # 15 SEIMIN Minimum coolStep current
        #   0: 1/2 CS current setting
        #   1: 1/4 CS current setting
        'SEIMIN': Representation(15),
        # 14:13 SEDN Current decrement speed
        #   Number of times that the stallGuard2 value must be
        #   sampled equal to or above the upper threshold for each
        #   decrement of the coil current:
        #     %00: 32
        #     %01: 8
        #     %10: 2
        #     %11: 1
        'SEDN': Representation(13, 14),
        # 12 0 Reserved
        # 11:8 SEMAX Upper coolStep threshold as an offset from the lower threshold
        #   If the stallGuard2 measurement value SG is sampled
        #   equal to or above (SEMIN+SEMAX+1) x 32 enough times,
        #   then the coil current scaling factor is decremented.
        'SEMAX': Representation(8, 11),
        # 7 0 Reserved
        # 6:5 SEUP Current increment size
        #   Number of current increment steps for each time that
        #   the stallGuard2 value SG is sampled below the lower
        #   threshold:
        #     %00: 1
        #     %01: 2
        #     %10: 4
        #     %11: 8
        'SEUP': Representation(5, 6),
        # 4 0 Reserved
        # 3:0 SEMIN Lower coolStep threshold/coolStep disable
        #   If SEMIN is 0, coolStep is disabled. If SEMIN is nonzero
        #   and the stallGuard2 value SG falls below SEMIN x 32,
        #   the coolStep current scaling factor is increased.
        'SEMIN': Representation(0, 3)
Пример #3
 def test_float(self):
     num = 44.443355
     rep = Representation(0, 0, 24, 8)
     register_value = rep.to_register_value(num)
     self.assertEqual(register_value, 11377)
Пример #4
 def test_mismatch(self):
     """Test when first and second pair of values dont agree"""
     rep = Representation(0, 31, 24, 0, True)
     register_value = 0b11111111111111111111111111111111  # signed value 4294967295
     value = rep.from_register_value(register_value)
     self.assertEqual(value, -1)
Пример #5
 def test_like_bv(self):
     """Test that Representation covers case of _BV, ie picking out bit flags"""
     rep = Representation(3)  #
Пример #6
 def test_like_mask(self):
     register_value = 0b1101111111
     rep = Representation(0, 7)  # an 8 bit int
     value = rep.from_register_value(register_value)
     self.assertEqual(value, 127)
Пример #7
 def test_float_from_register_value(self):
     register_value = 11268  # already fixed-point encoded
     rep = Representation(0, 31, 24, 8)
     value = rep.from_register_value(register_value)
     # Note: fixed to floating point conversion is inexact
     self.assertEqual(value, 44.015625)
Пример #8
 def test_register_set_2(self):
     rep = Representation(3, 5)
     register = SpiStatusSelectionRegister()
     register.set(rep, 0)
     self.assertEqual(register.data, 0b000000)
Пример #9
class DriverControlRegister(Register):
  DRVCTRL Register
    REGISTER = 0b00
    bits = AttributeDict({
        # 17 PHA (SPI Mode SDOFF=1)
        # Polarity A Sign of current flow through coil A:
        #   0: Current flows from OA1 pins to OA2 pins.
        #   1: Current flows from OA2 pins to OA1 pins.
        # 17:10 0 (STEP/DIR Mode SDOFF=0) Reserved
        'PHA': Representation(17),
        # 16:9 CA7-CA0 (SPI Mode SDOFF=1)
        # Current A MSB Magnitude of current flow through coil A.
        #   The range is 0 to 248, if hysteresis or offset are used up to their full
        #   extent. The resulting value after applying hysteresis or
        #   offset must not exceed 255.
        'CA': Representation(9, 16),
        # 9 INTPOL (STEP/DIR Mode SDOFF=0)
        #   Enable STEP interpolation
        #   0: Disable STEP pulse interpolation.
        #   1: Enable STEP pulse multiplication by 16.
        'INTPOL': Representation(9),
        # 8 PHB (SPI Mode SDOFF=1)
        # Polarity B Sign of current flow through coil B:
        #   0: Current flows from OB1 pins to OB2 pins.
        #   1: Current flows from OB2 pins to OB1 pins.
        'PHB': Representation(8),
        # 8 DEDGE (STEP/DIR Mode SDOFF=0)
        #   Enable double edge STEP pulses
        #   0: Rising STEP pulse edge is active, falling edge is inactive.
        #   1: Both rising and falling STEP pulse edges are active.
        'DEDGE': Representation(8),
        # 7:0 CB7 (SPI Mode SDOFF=1)
        # Current B MSB Magnitude of current flow through coil B. The range is
        #   0 to 248, if hysteresis or offset are used up to their full
        #   extent. The resulting value after applying hysteresis or
        #   offset must not exceed 255.
        # 7:4 0 (STEP/DIR Mode SDOFF=0) Reserved
        'CB': Representation(0, 7),
        # 3:0 MRES (STEP/DIR Mode SDOFF=0)
        # Microstep resolution for STEP/DIR mode
        #   Microsteps per 90°:
        #   %0000: 256
        #   %0001: 128
        #   %0010: 64
        #   %0011: 32
        #   %0100: 16
        #   %0101: 8
        #   %0110: 4
        #   %0111: 2 (halfstep)
        #   %1000: 1 (fullstep)
        'MRES': Representation(0, 3)

    def __init__(self, data=0, header=None, header_len=2, datagram_len=20):
    Overriding just to set header_len=2
Пример #10
class DriverConfigRegister(Register):
  Driver Config Register (DRVCONF)
    REGISTER = 0b111
    bits = AttributeDict({
        # 16 TST Reserved TEST mode
        #   Must be cleared for normal operation. When set, the
        #   SG_TST output exposes digital test values, and the
        #   TEST_ANA output exposes analog test values. Test value
        #   selection is controlled by SGT1 and SGT0:
        #   TEST_ANA:
        #     %00: anatest_2vth,
        #     %01: anatest_dac_out,
        #     %10: anatest_vdd_half.
        #   SG_TST: %00: comp_A,
        #     %01: comp_B,
        #     %10: CLK,
        #     %11: on_state_xy
        'SG_TST': Representation(16),
        # 15:14 SLPH Slope control, high side
        #   %00: Minimum
        #   %01: Minimum temperature compensation mode.
        #   %10: Medium temperature compensation mode.
        #   %11: Maximum
        #   In temperature compensated mode (tc), the MOSFET gate
        #   driver strength is increased if the overtemperature
        #   warning temperature is reached. This compensates for
        #   temperature dependency of high-side slope control.
        'SLPH': Representation(14, 15),
        # 13:12 SLPL Slope control, low side
        #   %00: Minimum.
        #   %01: Minimum.
        #   %10: Medium.
        #   %11: Maximum.
        'SLPL': Representation(12, 13),
        # 11 0 Reserved
        # 10 DISS2G Short to GND protection disable
        #   0: Short to GND protection is enabled.
        #   1: Short to GND protection is disabled.
        'DISS2G': Representation(10),
        # 9:8 TS2G Short to GND detection timer
        #   %00: 3.2µs.
        #   %01: 1.6µs.
        #   %10: 1.2µs.
        #   %11: 0.8µs.
        'TS2G': Representation(8, 9),
        # 7 SDOFF STEP/DIR interface disable
        #   0: Enable STEP and DIR interface.
        #   1: Disable STEP and DIR interface. SPI interface is used to move motor.
        'SDOFF': Representation(7),
        # 6 VSENSE Sense resistor voltage-based current scaling
        #   0: Full-scale sense resistor voltage is 305mV.
        #   1: Full-scale sense resistor voltage is 165mV.
        #   (Full-scale refers to a current setting of 31 and a DAC value of 255.)
        'VSENSE': Representation(6),
        # 5:4 RDSEL Select value for read out (RD bits)
        #   %00 Microstep position read back
        #   %01 stallGuard2 level read back
        #   %10 stallGuard2 and coolStep current level read back
        #   %11 Reserved, do not use
        'RDSEL': Representation(4, 5)
        # 3:0 Reserved
Пример #11
class ChopperControllRegister(Register):
  Chopper Control Register (CHOPCONF)
    REGISTER = 0b100
    bits = AttributeDict({
        # 16:15 TBL Blanking time Blanking time interval, in system clock periods:
        #   %00: 16
        #   %01: 24
        #   %10: 36
        #   %11: 54
        'TB': Representation(15, 16),
        # 14 CHM Chopper mode This mode bit affects the interpretation of the HDEC,
        #   HEND, and HSTRT parameters shown below.
        #   0 Standard mode (spreadCycle)
        #   1 Constant tOFF with fast decay time.
        #     Fast decay time is also terminated when the
        #     negative nominal current is reached. Fast
        #     decay is after on time.
        'CHM': Representation(14),
        # 13 RNDTF Random TOFF time Enable randomizing the slow decay phase duration:
        #   0: Chopper off time is fixed as set by bits tOFF
        #   1: Random mode, tOFF is random modulated by [...]
        'RNDTF': Representation(13),
        # 12:11 HDEC Hysteresis decrement interval or Fast decay mode
        #   CHM=0 Hysteresis decrement period setting, in system clock periods:
        #     %00: 16
        #     %01: 32
        #     %10: 48
        #     %11: 64
        #   CHM=1 HDEC1=0: current comparator can terminate
        #     the fast decay phase before timer expires.
        #     HDEC1=1: only the timer terminates the fast
        #     decay phase.
        #     HDEC0: MSB of fast decay time setting.
        'HDEC': Representation(11, 12),
        # 10:7 HEND Hysteresis end (low) value or
        #   Sine wave offset
        #   CHM=0 %0000 … %1111:
        #     Hysteresis is -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, …, 12
        #     (1/512 of this setting adds to current setting)
        #     This is the hysteresis value which becomes
        #     used for the hysteresis chopper.
        #   CHM=1 %0000 … %1111:
        #     Offset is -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, …, 12
        #     This is the sine wave offset and 1/512 of the
        #     value becomes added to the absolute value
        #     of each sine wave entry.
        'HEND': Representation(7, 10),
        # 6:4 HSTRT Hysteresis start value or
        #   Fast decay time
        #   setting
        #   CHM=0 Hysteresis start offset from HEND:
        #     %000: 1 %100: 5
        #     %001: 2 %101: 6
        #     %010: 3 %110: 7
        #     %011: 4 %111: 8
        #   Effective: HEND+HSTRT must be ≤ 15
        #   CHM=1 Three least-significant bits of the duration of
        #   the fast decay phase. The MSB is HDEC0.
        #   Fast decay time is a multiple of system clock
        #   periods: NCLK= 32 x (HDEC0+HSTRT)
        'HSTRT': Representation(4, 6),
        # 3:0 TOFF Off time/MOSFET disable
        #   Duration of slow decay phase. If TOFF is 0, the MOSFETs
        #   are shut off. If TOFF is nonzero, slow decay time is a
        #   multiple of system clock periods:
        #   NCLK= 12 + (32 x TOFF) (Minimum time is 64clocks.)
        #     %0000: Driver disable, all bridges off
        #     %0001: 1 (use with TBL of minimum 24 clocks)
        #     %0010 … %1111: 2 … 15
        'TOFF': Representation(0, 3)