def createproject_cmd(parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() path = os.path.abspath( if os.path.exists(path): err('{0} exists. Remove it and try again or try again with ' 'a different filename.'.format(path)) return 1 # TODO: this kicks up errors. catch the errors and tell the user # something more useful out('Creating directory {0}...'.format(path)) os.makedirs(path) out('Creating steve.ini...') f = open(os.path.join(path, 'steve.ini'), 'w') f.write(CONFIG) f.close() out('{0} created.'.format(path)) out('') out('Now cd into the directory and edit the steve.ini file.') out('After you do that, you should put your project into version ' 'control. Srsly.') return 0
def scrapevideo_cmd(parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() video_url =[0] data = scrapevideo(video_url, parsed.richard, 'object') if cfg = get_project_config() projectpath = cfg.get('project', 'projectpath') jsonpath = os.path.join(projectpath, 'json') if not os.path.exists(jsonpath): os.makedirs(jsonpath) fn = 'json/' + generate_filename(data['title']) + '.json' if os.path.exists(fn): err('It already exists!') return 1 with open(fn, 'w') as fp: fp.write(convert_to_json(data)) print 'Saved as {0}'.format(fn) else: print convert_to_json(data) return 0
def fetch_cmd(cfg, parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() projectpath = cfg.get('project', 'projectpath') jsonpath = os.path.join(projectpath, 'json') # source_url -> filename source_map = dict( (item['source_url'], fn) for fn, item in load_json_files(cfg) ) if not os.path.exists(jsonpath): os.makedirs(jsonpath) try: url = cfg.get('project', 'url') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: url = '' if not url: err('url not specified in steve.ini project config file.') err('Add "url = ..." to [project] section of steve.ini file.') return 1 out('Scraping {0}...'.format(url)) videos = scrape_videos(url) print 'Found {0} videos...'.format(len(videos)) for i, video in enumerate(videos): if video['source_url'] in source_map and not parsed.force: print 'Skipping {0}... already exists.'.format( stringify(video['title'])) continue filename = generate_filename(video['title']) filename = '{index:04d}_{basename}.json'.format( index=i, basename=filename[:40]) print 'Working on {0}... ({1})'.format( stringify(video['title']), filename) f = open(os.path.join('json', filename), 'w') f.write(convert_to_json(video)) f.close() # TODO: what if there's a file there already? on the first one, # prompt the user whether to stomp on existing files or skip. return 0
def fetch_cmd(cfg, parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() projectpath = cfg.get('project', 'projectpath') jsonpath = os.path.join(projectpath, 'json') if not os.path.exists(jsonpath): os.makedirs(jsonpath) try: url = cfg.get('project', 'url') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: url = '' if not url: err('url not specified in steve.ini project config file.') err('Add "url = ..." to [project] section of steve.ini file.') return 1 if 'youtube' in url: try: youtube_embed = YOUTUBE_EMBED[cfg.get('project', 'youtube_embed')] except KeyError: err('youtube_embed must be either "iframe" or "object".') return 1 else: youtube_embed = None out('Scraping {0}...'.format(url)) video_feed = vidscraper.auto_feed(url) video_feed.load() print 'Found {0} videos...'.format(video_feed.video_count) for i, video in enumerate(video_feed): if video.title: filename = video.title.replace(' ', '_') filename = ''.join([c for c in filename if c in ALLOWED_LETTERS]) filename = '_' + filename else: filename = '' filename = '{0:04d}{1}.json'.format(i, filename[:40]) print 'Working on {0}... ({1})'.format( unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', video.title).encode( 'ascii', 'ignore'), filename) item = vidscraper_to_dict(video, youtube_embed=youtube_embed) f = open(os.path.join('json', filename), 'w') f.write(convert_to_json(item)) f.close() # TODO: what if there's a file there already? on the first one, # prompt the user whether to stomp on existing files or skip. return 0
def fetch_cmd(cfg, parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() projectpath = cfg.get('project', 'projectpath') jsonpath = os.path.join(projectpath, 'json') # source_url -> filename source_map = dict( (item['source_url'], fn) for fn, item in load_json_files(cfg)) if not os.path.exists(jsonpath): os.makedirs(jsonpath) try: url = cfg.get('project', 'url') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: url = '' if not url: err('url not specified in steve.ini project config file.') err('Add "url = ..." to [project] section of steve.ini file.') return 1 if 'youtube' in url: try: youtube_embed = YOUTUBE_EMBED[cfg.get('project', 'youtube_embed')] except KeyError: err('youtube_embed must be either "iframe" or "object".') return 1 else: youtube_embed = None out('Scraping {0}...'.format(url)) videos = fetch_videos_from_url(url, youtube_embed) print 'Found {0} videos...'.format(len(videos)) for i, video in enumerate(videos): if video['source_url'] in source_map and not parsed.force: print 'Skipping {0}... already exists.'.format( stringify(video['title'])) continue filename = generate_filename(video['title']) filename = '{index:04d}_{basename}.json'.format(index=i, basename=filename[:40]) print 'Working on {0}... ({1})'.format(stringify(video['title']), filename) f = open(os.path.join('json', filename), 'w') f.write(convert_to_json(video)) f.close() # TODO: what if there's a file there already? on the first one, # prompt the user whether to stomp on existing files or skip. return 0
def fetch_cmd(cfg, parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() projectpath = cfg.get('project', 'projectpath') jsonpath = os.path.join(projectpath, 'json') if not os.path.exists(jsonpath): os.makedirs(jsonpath) try: url = cfg.get('project', 'url') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: url = '' if not url: err('url not specified in steve.ini project config file.') err('Add "url = ..." to [project] section of steve.ini file.') return 1 if 'youtube' in url: try: youtube_embed = YOUTUBE_EMBED[cfg.get('project', 'youtube_embed')] except KeyError: err('youtube_embed must be either "iframe" or "object".') return 1 else: youtube_embed = None out('Scraping {0}...'.format(url)) video_feed = vidscraper.auto_feed(url) video_feed.load() print 'Found {0} videos...'.format(video_feed.video_count) for i, video in enumerate(video_feed): if video.title: filename = video.title.replace(' ', '_') filename = ''.join([c for c in filename if c in ALLOWED_LETTERS]) filename = '_' + filename else: filename = '' filename = '{0:04d}{1}.json'.format(i, filename[:40]) print 'Working on {0}... ({1})'.format( unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', video.title).encode('ascii', 'ignore'), filename) item = vidscraper_to_dict(video, youtube_embed=youtube_embed) f = open(os.path.join('json', filename), 'w') f.write(convert_to_json(item)) f.close() # TODO: what if there's a file there already? on the first one, # prompt the user whether to stomp on existing files or skip. return 0
def main(argv): parser = BetterArgumentParser( byline=BYLINE, description=wrap_paragraphs( 'steve makes it easier to aggregate and edit metadata for videos ' 'for a richard instance.' '\n\n' 'This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. ' 'This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it' 'under the terms of the GPLv3.'), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='runs steve quietly--only prints errors') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title='Commands', help='Run "%(prog)s CMD --help" for additional help') createproject_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'createproject', help='creates a new project') createproject_parser.add_argument( 'directory', help='name/path for the project directory') createproject_parser.set_defaults(func=createproject_cmd) fetch_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'fetch', help='fetches all the videos and generates .json files') fetch_parser.set_defaults(func=fetch_cmd) status_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'status', help='shows you status of the videos in this project') status_parser.add_argument( '--list', action='store_true', default=False, help='lists files one per line with no other output') status_parser.set_defaults(func=status_cmd) verify_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'verify', help='verifies json data') verify_parser.set_defaults(func=verify_cmd) scrapevideo_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'scrapevideo', help='fetches metadata for a video from a site') scrapevideo_parser.add_argument( 'video', nargs=1) scrapevideo_parser.set_defaults(func=scrapevideo_cmd) push_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'push', help='pushes metadata to a richard instance') push_parser.add_argument( '--apikey', help='pass in your API key via the command line') push_parser.add_argument( '--update', action='store_true', default=False, help='update data rather than push new data (PUT vs. POST)') push_parser.set_defaults(func=push_cmd) pull_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'pull', help='pulls metadata from a richard instance') pull_parser.add_argument( '--apikey', help='pass in your API key via the command line') pull_parser.set_defaults(func=pull_cmd) webedit_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'webedit', help='launches web server so you can edit in browser') webedit_parser.set_defaults(func=webedit_cmd) parsed, args = parser.parse_known_args(argv) try: return parsed.func(parser, parsed, args) except ConfigNotFound as cnf: # Some commands have the @with_config decorator which throws a # ConfigNotFound exception if the steve.ini file can't be # found. Print the message and return 1. err(cnf.message) return 1
def pull_cmd(cfg, parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() username = get_from_config(cfg, 'username') api_url = get_from_config(cfg, 'api_url') cat_title = get_from_config(cfg, 'category') # Command line api_key overrides config-set api_key api_key = parsed.apikey if not api_key: try: api_key = cfg.get('project', 'api_key') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass if not api_key: err('Specify an api key either in steve.ini, on command line, ' 'or in API_KEY file.') return 1 if not username or not api_url or not cat_title or not api_key: return 1 api = steve.restapi.API(api_url) all_categories = steve.restapi.get_content( api.category.get(username=username, api_key=api_key, limit=0)) cat = [cat_item for cat_item in all_categories['objects'] if cat_item['title'] == cat_title] if not cat: err('Category "{0}" does not exist.'.format(cat_title)) return 1 # Get the category from the list of 1. cat = cat[0] out('Retrieved category.') data = [] for counter, video_url in enumerate(cat['videos']): # Lame, but good enough for now. video_id = video_url.split('/')[-2] video_data = steve.restapi.get_content(, api_key=api_key)) out('Working on "{0}"'.format(video_data['slug'])) # Nix some tastypie bits from the data. for bad_key in ('resource_uri',): if bad_key in video_data: del video_data[bad_key] # Add id. video_data['id'] = video_id fn = 'json/{0:4d}_{1}.json'.format(counter, video_data['slug']) data.append((fn, video_data)) out('Saving files....') save_json_files(cfg, data) return 0
def push_cmd(cfg, parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() # Get username, api_url and api_key. username = get_from_config(cfg, 'username') api_url = get_from_config(cfg, 'api_url') update = parsed.update # Command line api_key overrides config-set api_key api_key = parsed.apikey if not api_key: try: api_key = cfg.get('project', 'api_key') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass if not api_key: err('Specify an api key either in steve.ini, on command line, ' 'or in API_KEY file.') return 1 if not username or not api_url or not api_key: return 1 data = load_json_files(cfg) if args: data = [(fn, contents) for fn, contents in data if fn in args] # There are two modes: # # 1. User set category in configuration. Then the json files can # either have no category set or they have to have the same # category set. # # 2. User has NOT set category in configuration. Then the json # files must all have the category set. The categories can be # different. # # Go through and make sure there aren't any problems with # categories. api = steve.restapi.API(api_url) all_categories = dict( [(cat['title'], cat) for cat in steve.richardapi.get_all_categories(api_url)]) try: category = cfg.get('project', 'category') category = category.strip() if category not in all_categories: err('Category "{0}" does not exist on server. Build it there ' 'first.'.format(category)) return 1 except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: category = None errors = False for fn, contents in data: if category is None: this_cat = contents.get('category') if not this_cat: err('No category set in configuration and {0} has no ' 'category set.'.format(fn)) errors = True elif this_cat != this_cat.strip(): err('Category "{0}" has whitespace at beginning or ' 'end.'.format(this_cat)) return 1 elif this_cat not in all_categories: err('Category "{0}" does not exist on server. ' 'Build it there first.'.format(this_cat)) return 1 else: this_cat = contents.get('category') if this_cat is not None and str(this_cat).strip() != category: err('Category set in configuration ({0}), but {1} has ' 'different category ({2}).'.format( category, fn, this_cat)) errors = True if update: for fn, contents in data: if not 'id' in contents: err('id not in contents for "{0}".'.format(fn)) errors = True break if errors: err('Aborting.') return 1 # Everything looks ok. So double-check with the user and push. out('Pushing to: {0}'.format(api_url)) out('Username: {0}'.format(username)) out('api_key: {0}'.format(api_key)) out('update?: {0}'.format(update)) out('Once you push, you can not undo it. Push for realz? Y/N') if not raw_input().strip().lower().startswith('y'): err('Aborting.') return 1 for fn, contents in data: contents['category'] = category or contents.get('category') if not update: # Nix any id field since that causes problems. if 'id' in contents: del contents['id'] out('Pushing {0}'.format(fn)) try: vid = steve.restapi.get_content(, username=username, api_key=api_key)) if 'id' in vid: contents['id'] = vid['id'] out(' Now has id {0}'.format(vid['id'])) else: err(' Errors?: {0}'.format(vid)) except steve.restapi.RestAPIException as exc: err(' Error?: {0}'.format(exc)) err(' "{0}"'.format(exc.response.content)) else: out('Updating {0} "{1}" ({2})'.format( contents['id'], contents['title'], fn)) try: vid = steve.restapi.get_content(['id']).put( contents, username=username, api_key=api_key)) except steve.restapi.RestAPIException as exc: err(' Error?: {0}'.format(exc)) err(' "{0}"'.format(exc.response.content)) save_json_file(cfg, fn, contents) return 0
def main(argv): parser = BetterArgumentParser( byline=BYLINE, description=wrap_paragraphs( 'steve makes it easier to aggregate and edit metadata for videos ' 'for a richard instance.' '\n\n' 'This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. ' 'This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it' 'under the terms of the GPLv3.'), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='runs steve quietly--only prints errors') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title='Commands', help='Run "%(prog)s CMD --help" for additional help') createproject_parser = subparsers.add_parser('createproject', help='creates a new project') createproject_parser.add_argument( 'directory', help='name/path for the project directory') createproject_parser.set_defaults(func=createproject_cmd) fetch_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'fetch', help='fetches all the videos and generates .json files') fetch_parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', default=False, help='forces steve to stomp on existing files') fetch_parser.set_defaults(func=fetch_cmd) status_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'status', help='shows you status of the videos in this project') status_parser.add_argument( '--list', action='store_true', default=False, help='lists files one per line with no other output') status_parser.set_defaults(func=status_cmd) verify_parser = subparsers.add_parser('verify', help='verifies json data') verify_parser.set_defaults(func=verify_cmd) scrapevideo_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'scrapevideo', help='fetches metadata for a video from a site') scrapevideo_parser.add_argument('--richard', action='store_true', default=False, help='return richard JSON format') scrapevideo_parser.add_argument( '--save', action='store_true', default=False, help='saves it to the filesystem using the title as the filename') scrapevideo_parser.add_argument('video', nargs=1) scrapevideo_parser.set_defaults(func=scrapevideo_cmd) push_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'push', help='pushes metadata to a richard instance') push_parser.add_argument('--apikey', help='pass in your API key via the command line') push_parser.add_argument( '--update', action='store_true', default=False, help='update data rather than push new data (PUT vs. POST)') push_parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true', default=False, help='if it exists, overwrite it') push_parser.set_defaults(func=push_cmd) pull_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'pull', help='pulls metadata from a richard instance') pull_parser.add_argument('--apikey', help='pass in your API key via the command line') pull_parser.set_defaults(func=pull_cmd) webedit_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'webedit', help='launches web server so you can edit in browser') webedit_parser.set_defaults(func=webedit_cmd) parsed, args = parser.parse_known_args(argv) try: return parsed.func(parser, parsed, args) except ConfigNotFound as cnf: # Some commands have the @with_config decorator which throws a # ConfigNotFound exception if the steve.ini file can't be # found. Print the message and return 1. err(cnf.message) return 1
def pull_cmd(cfg, parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() username = get_from_config(cfg, 'username') api_url = get_from_config(cfg, 'api_url') cat_title = get_from_config(cfg, 'category') # Command line api_key overrides config-set api_key api_key = parsed.apikey if not api_key: try: api_key = cfg.get('project', 'api_key') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass if not api_key: err('Specify an api key either in steve.ini, on command line, ' 'or in API_KEY file.') return 1 if not username or not api_url or not cat_title or not api_key: return 1 api = steve.restapi.API(api_url) all_categories = steve.restapi.get_content( api.category.get(username=username, api_key=api_key, limit=0)) cat = [ cat_item for cat_item in all_categories['objects'] if cat_item['title'] == cat_title ] if not cat: err('Category "{0}" does not exist.'.format(cat_title)) return 1 # Get the category from the list of 1. cat = cat[0] out('Retrieved category.') data = [] for counter, video_url in enumerate(cat['videos']): # Lame, but good enough for now. video_id = video_url.split('/')[-2] video_data = steve.restapi.get_content(, api_key=api_key)) out('Working on "{0}"'.format(video_data['slug'])) # Nix some tastypie bits from the data. for bad_key in ('resource_uri', ): if bad_key in video_data: del video_data[bad_key] # Add id. video_data['id'] = video_id fn = 'json/{0:4d}_{1}.json'.format(counter, video_data['slug']) data.append((fn, video_data)) out('Saving files....') save_json_files(cfg, data) return 0
def push_cmd(cfg, parser, parsed, args): if not parsed.quiet: parser.print_byline() # Get username, api_url and api_key. username = get_from_config(cfg, 'username') api_url = get_from_config(cfg, 'api_url') update = parsed.update # Command line api_key overrides config-set api_key api_key = parsed.apikey if not api_key: try: api_key = cfg.get('project', 'api_key') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass if not api_key: err('Specify an api key either in steve.ini, on command line, ' 'or in API_KEY file.') return 1 if not username or not api_url or not api_key: return 1 data = load_json_files(cfg) if args: data = [(fn, contents) for fn, contents in data if fn in args] # There are two modes: # # 1. User set category in configuration. Then the json files can # either have no category set or they have to have the same # category set. # # 2. User has NOT set category in configuration. Then the json # files must all have the category set. The categories can be # different. # # Go through and make sure there aren't any problems with # categories. all_categories = dict([ (cat['title'], cat) for cat in steve.richardapi.get_all_categories(api_url) ]) try: category = cfg.get('project', 'category') category = category.strip() if category not in all_categories: err('Category "{0}" does not exist on server. Build it there ' 'first.'.format(category)) return 1 else: out('Category {0} exists on site.'.format(category)) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: category = None errors = False for fn, contents in data: if category is None: this_cat = contents.get('category') if not this_cat: err('No category set in configuration and {0} has no ' 'category set.'.format(fn)) errors = True elif this_cat != this_cat.strip(): err('Category "{0}" has whitespace at beginning or ' 'end.'.format(this_cat)) return 1 elif this_cat not in all_categories: err('Category "{0}" does not exist on server. ' 'Build it there first.'.format(this_cat)) return 1 else: this_cat = contents.get('category') if this_cat is not None and str(this_cat).strip() != category: err('Category set in configuration ({0}), but {1} has ' 'different category ({2}).'.format(category, fn, this_cat)) errors = True if update: for fn, contents in data: if not 'id' in contents: err('id not in contents for "{0}".'.format(fn)) errors = True break if errors: err('Aborting.') return 1 # Everything looks ok. So double-check with the user and push. out('Pushing to: {0}'.format(api_url)) out('Username: {0}'.format(username)) out('api_key: {0}'.format(api_key)) out('update?: {0}'.format(update)) out('# videos: {0}'.format(len(data))) out('Once you push, you can not undo it. Push for realz? Y/N') if not raw_input().strip().lower().startswith('y'): err('Aborting.') return 1 for fn, contents in data: contents['category'] = category or contents.get('category') if not update: # Nix any id field since that causes problems. if 'id' in contents: if not parsed.overwrite: print 'Skipping... already exists' continue del contents['id'] out('Pushing {0}'.format(fn)) try: vid = steve.richardapi.create_video(api_url, api_key, contents) if 'id' in vid: contents['id'] = vid['id'] out(' Now has id {0}'.format(vid['id'])) else: err(' Errors?: {0}'.format(vid)) except steve.restapi.RestAPIException as exc: err(' Error?: {0}'.format(exc)) err(' "{0}"'.format(exc.response.content)) else: out('Updating {0} "{1}" ({2})'.format(contents['id'], contents['title'], fn)) try: vid = steve.richardapi.update_video(api_url, api_key, contents['id'], contents) except steve.restapi.RestAPIException as exc: err(' Error?: {0}'.format(exc)) err(' "{0}"'.format(exc.response.content)) save_json_file(cfg, fn, contents) return 0