Пример #1
def get_dv_dt(slice_indicies=(0, 0)):
    """Main function to take 1st derivative of V_trace and return an array with V_values 
    and dv_dt value for plotting
    --input tuple to use slice of trace"""

    #determine if using whole trace or slice

    if slice_indicies != 0:
        sample_start = slice_indicies[0]
        sample_end = slice_indicies[1]

        sample_start = 0
        sample_end = len(stf.get_trace())

    #get sampling interval to create dt part of dv/dt
    #dt is just sampling interval
    si = stf.get_sampling_interval()

    #read V values from trace,
    V_values = stf.get_trace()[sample_start:sample_end]

    #compute dv and by iterating over voltage vectors
    dv = [V_values[i + 1] - V_values[i] for i in range(len(V_values) - 1)]

    #compute dv/dt
    dv_dt = [(dv[i] / si) for i in range(len(dv))]
    #V values for a dv/dt / V graph is just truncated trace with final sample point removed
    V_plot = V_values[:-1]
    #combine for a plotting function/further manipulation
    V_dv_dt = np.vstack([V_plot, dv_dt])

    return (V_dv_dt)
def average_sweeps(*argv):

    sweeps = stf.get_trace(argv[0])

    for sweep in argv[1:]:
        sweep_ = stf.get_trace(sweep)
        sweeps = np.vstack((sweeps, sweep_))

    sweeps_mean = np.mean(sweeps, axis=0)


    return (sweeps_mean)
Пример #3
def remove_artifacts(first_artifact_start, length_time_to_remove,
                     time_between_artifacts, number_of_artifacts):

    #get sampling interval of current tract

    sampling_interval = stf.get_sampling_interval()

    #convert input paramenters (units of time) to samples

    first_artifact_start_samples = float(first_artifact_start) / float(

    length_time_to_remove_samples = float(length_time_to_remove) / float(

    time_between_artifacts_samples = float(time_between_artifacts) / float(

    #create variable for artifact end

    first_artifact_end_samples = first_artifact_start_samples + length_time_to_remove_samples

    #get trace, convert trace to normal list

    original_trace = list(stf.get_trace())

    #create list for section of trace up until 1st artifact

    trace_artifacts_removed = original_trace[0:int(first_artifact_start_samples

    #add remaining sections of trace with artifacts removed

    for artifact_number in range(0, number_of_artifacts):

        start_sample = int(first_artifact_end_samples +
                           (time_between_artifacts_samples * artifact_number))
        end_sample = int(first_artifact_start_samples +
                         (time_between_artifacts_samples *
                          (artifact_number + 1)))



    #plots trace in new window

    return (trace_artifacts_removed)
Пример #4
def loadnrn( file ):
    Load a NEURON datafile and opens a new Stimfit window
    with a trace with the default units (e.g ms and mV)

    file    -- (string) file to be read

    time, trace = np.loadtxt(fname = file, skiprows = 2, unpack =1)
    dt = time[1] # the second temporal sampling point is the sampling
    stf.new_window( trace )
    stf.set_sampling_interval( dt )
Пример #5
def loadnrn(file):
    Load a NEURON datafile and opens a new Stimfit window
    with a trace with the default units (e.g ms and mV)

    file    -- (string) file to be read

    time, trace = np.loadtxt(fname=file, skiprows=2, unpack=1)
    dt = time[1]  # the second temporal sampling point is the sampling
Пример #6
def plot_sweep(sweep_num, t_series_folder):

    str_sweep_num = str(sweep_num)

    y_vals = t_series_folder['voltage recording'].loc[
        'Sweep' + str(str_sweep_num.zfill(4))].loc[:, 'input 0']


    time = t_series_folder['voltage recording'].loc[
        'Sweep' + str(str_sweep_num.zfill(4))].loc[:, 'input 0'].as_matrix()

    stf.set_sampling_interval((time[1] - time[0]) / 1000)

    return ()
Пример #7
def resistance( base_start, base_end, peak_start, peak_end, amplitude):
    """Calculates the resistance from a series of voltage clamp traces.

    Keyword arguments:
    base_start -- Starting index (zero-based) of the baseline cursors.
    base_end   -- End index (zero-based) of the baseline cursors.
    peak_start -- Starting index (zero-based) of the peak cursors.
    peak_end   -- End index (zero-based) of the peak cursors.
    amplitude  -- Amplitude of the voltage command.

    The resistance.

    if not stf.check_doc():
        print('Couldn\'t find an open file; aborting now.')
        return 0

    #A temporary array to calculate the average:
    array = np.empty( (stf.get_size_channel(), stf.get_size_trace()) )
    for n in range( 0,  stf.get_size_channel() ):
        # Add this trace to set:
        array[n] = stf.get_trace( n )

    # calculate average and create a new section from it:
    stf.new_window( np.average(set, 0) )

    # set peak cursors:
    # -1 means all points within peak window.
    if not stf.set_peak_mean(-1): 
        return 0 
    if not stf.set_peak_start(peak_start): 
        return 0
    if not stf.set_peak_end(peak_end): 
        return 0

    # set base cursors:
    if not stf.set_base_start(base_start): 
        return 0
    if not stf.set_base_end(base_end): 
        return 0

    # measure everything:

    # calculate r_seal and return:
    return amplitude / (stf.get_peak()-stf.get_base())
Пример #8
def resistance(base_start, base_end, peak_start, peak_end, amplitude):
    """Calculates the resistance from a series of voltage clamp traces.

    Keyword arguments:
    base_start -- Starting index (zero-based) of the baseline cursors.
    base_end   -- End index (zero-based) of the baseline cursors.
    peak_start -- Starting index (zero-based) of the peak cursors.
    peak_end   -- End index (zero-based) of the peak cursors.
    amplitude  -- Amplitude of the voltage command.

    The resistance.

    if not stf.check_doc():
        print('Couldn\'t find an open file; aborting now.')
        return 0

    #A temporary array to calculate the average:
    array = np.empty((stf.get_size_channel(), stf.get_size_trace()))
    for n in range(0, stf.get_size_channel()):
        # Add this trace to set:
        array[n] = stf.get_trace(n)

    # calculate average and create a new section from it:
    stf.new_window(np.average(set, 0))

    # set peak cursors:
    # -1 means all points within peak window.
    if not stf.set_peak_mean(-1):
        return 0
    if not stf.set_peak_start(peak_start):
        return 0
    if not stf.set_peak_end(peak_end):
        return 0

    # set base cursors:
    if not stf.set_base_start(base_start):
        return 0
    if not stf.set_base_end(base_end):
        return 0

    # measure everything:

    # calculate r_seal and return:
    return amplitude / (stf.get_peak() - stf.get_base())
Пример #9
def rmean(binwidth, trace=-1, channel=-1):
    Calculates a running mean of a single trace


    binwidth    -- size of the bin in sampling points (pt).
    Obviously, it should be smaller than the length of the trace.

    trace:  -- ZERO-BASED index of the trace within the channel.
    Note that this is one less than what is shown in the drop-down box.
    The default value of -1 returns the currently displayed trace.

    channel  -- ZERO-BASED index of the channel. This is independent
    of whether a channel is active or not. The default value of -1
    returns the currently active channel.


    A smoothed traced in a new stf window.

    # loads the current trace of the channel in a 1D Numpy Array
    sweep = stf.get_trace(trace, channel)

    # creates a destination python list to append the data
    dsweep = np.empty((len(sweep)))

    # running mean algorithm
    for i in range(len(sweep)):

        if (len(sweep)-i) > binwidth:
            # append to list the running mean of `binwidth` values
            # np.mean(sweep) calculates the mean of list
            dsweep[i] = np.mean( sweep[i:(binwidth+i)] )

            # use all remaining points for the average:
            dsweep[i] = np.mean( sweep[i:] )

Пример #10
def load():

    # wx Widgets to create a file selection window
    fname = wx.FileSelector(
        "Import Ephus file",
        default_extension="Ephus XSG",
        wildcard="Matlab Ephus xsg. text import (*.xsg)|*.xsg",
        flags=wx.OPEN | wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST)

    data_sio = sio.loadmat(fname, squeeze_me=True)
    data = data_sio.get('data')
    trace = data['ephys'].item().item()[0]
    header = data_sio.get('header')
    dt = header['ephys'].item().item()[0]['sampleRate'].item()

    stf.set_sampling_interval(1000 / np.double(dt))
Пример #11
def rmean(binwidth, trace=-1, channel=-1):
    Calculates a running mean of a single trace


    binwidth    -- size of the bin in sampling points (pt).
    Obviously, it should be smaller than the length of the trace.

    trace:  -- ZERO-BASED index of the trace within the channel.
    Note that this is one less than what is shown in the drop-down box.
    The default value of -1 returns the currently displayed trace.

    channel  -- ZERO-BASED index of the channel. This is independent
    of whether a channel is active or not. The default value of -1
    returns the currently active channel.


    A smoothed traced in a new stf window.

    # loads the current trace of the channel in a 1D Numpy Array
    sweep = stf.get_trace(trace, channel)

    # creates a destination python list to append the data
    dsweep = np.empty((len(sweep)))

    # running mean algorithm
    for i in range(len(sweep)):

        if (len(sweep) - i) > binwidth:
            # append to list the running mean of `binwidth` values
            # np.mean(sweep) calculates the mean of list
            dsweep[i] = np.mean(sweep[i:(binwidth + i)])

            # use all remaining points for the average:
            dsweep[i] = np.mean(sweep[i:])

Пример #12
def loadtxt(freq=400):
    Loads an ASCII file with extension *.GoR. This file contains 
    ratiometric fluorescent measurements (i.e Green over Red fluorescence) 
    saved in one column. This function opens a new Stimfit window and
    sets the x-units to "ms" and y-units to "Delta G over R".   
    freq  -- (float) the sampling rate (in Hz) for fluorescence acquistion.
             the default value is 400 Hz
    fname = wx.FileSelector("Import Ca transients" , 
        default_extension="Ratiometric" ,
        default_path="." , 
        wildcard = "Ratiometric fluorescence (*.GoR)|*.GoR" , 
        flags = wx.OPEN | wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST)

    stf.new_window( np.loadtxt(fname) )
    stf.set_yunits('Delta G/R')

    stf.set_sampling_interval(1.0/freq*1000) # acquisition at 400 Hz
Пример #13
def loadtxt(freq=400):
    Loads an ASCII file with extension *.GoR. This file contains 
    ratiometric fluorescent measurements (i.e Green over Red fluorescence) 
    saved in one column. This function opens a new Stimfit window and
    sets the x-units to "ms" and y-units to "Delta G over R".   
    freq  -- (float) the sampling rate (in Hz) for fluorescence acquistion.
             the default value is 400 Hz

    fname = wx.FileSelector("Import Ca transients",
                            wildcard="Ratiometric fluorescence (*.GoR)|*.GoR",
                            flags=wx.OPEN | wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST)

    stf.set_yunits('Delta G/R')

    stf.set_sampling_interval(1.0 / freq * 1000)  # acquisition at 400 Hz
def filter_1d_numpy(array_to_filter, sigma, *argv):
    trace_ = array_to_filter
    trace_filtered = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(trace_, sigma)
    if argv[0] == True:
    return (trace_filtered)
def filter_current_trace(sigma):
    trace_ = stf.get_trace()
    trace_filtered = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(trace_, sigma)

    return (trace_filtered)