Пример #1
Файл: eq.py Проект: wesselb/gpcm
noise = 0.1
t = B.linspace(-44, 44, n)
t_plot = B.linspace(44, 44, 500)

# Setup true model and GPCM models.
kernel = EQ()
window = 2
scale = 1
n_u = 40
n_z = 88

# Sample data.
m = Measure()
gp_f = GP(kernel, measure=m)
gp_y = gp_f + GP(noise * Delta(), measure=m)
truth, y = map(B.flatten, m.sample(gp_f(t_plot), gp_y(t)))

# Remove region [-8.8, 8.8].
inds = ~((t >= -8.8) & (t <= 8.8))
t = t[inds]
y = y[inds]

def comparative_kernel(vs_):
    return vs_.pos(1) * kernel.stretch(vs_.pos(1.0)) + vs_.pos(noise) * Delta()

e_exp = GP(Exp(), measure=prior)

e = e_indep + 0.3 * e_exp

# Sum the latent function and observation noise to get a model for the observations.
y = f + 0.5 * e

# Sample a true, underlying function and observations.
) = prior.sample(f_smooth(x), f_wiggly(x), f_periodic(x), f_linear(x), f(x),

# Now condition on the observations and make predictions for the latent function and
# its various components.
post = prior | (y(x_obs), y_obs)

pred_smooth = post(f_smooth(x)).marginals()
pred_wiggly = post(f_wiggly(x)).marginals()
pred_periodic = post(f_periodic(x)).marginals()
pred_linear = post(f_linear(x)).marginals()
pred_f = post(f(x)).marginals()

# Plot results.
def plot_prediction(x, f, pred, x_obs=None, y_obs=None):
    plt.plot(x, f, label="True", style="test")
# Define points to predict at.
x = B.linspace(0, 10, 100)
x_obs = B.linspace(0, 10, 20)

# Constuct a prior:
prior = Measure()
w = lambda x: B.exp(-(x**2) / 0.5)  # Window
b = [(w * GP(EQ(), measure=prior)).shift(xi)
     for xi in x_obs]  # Weighted basis funs
f = sum(b)  # Latent function
e = GP(Delta(), measure=prior)  # Noise
y = f + 0.2 * e  # Observation model

# Sample a true, underlying function and observations.
f_true, y_obs = prior.sample(f(x), y(x_obs))

# Condition on the observations to make predictions.
post = prior | (y(x_obs), y_obs)

# Plot result.
for i, bi in enumerate(b):
    mean, lower, upper = post(bi(x)).marginals()
    kw_args = {"label": "Basis functions"} if i == 0 else {}
    plt.plot(x, mean, style="pred2", **kw_args)
plt.plot(x, f_true, label="True", style="test")
plt.scatter(x_obs, y_obs, label="Observations", style="train", s=20)
mean, lower, upper = post(f(x)).marginals()
plt.plot(x, mean, label="Prediction", style="pred")
plt.fill_between(x, lower, upper, style="pred")
p = 4
H = B.randn(p, m)

# Construct latent functions.
prior = Measure()
us = VGP([GP(EQ(), measure=prior) for _ in range(m)])
fs = us.lmatmul(H)

# Construct noise.
e = VGP([GP(0.5 * Delta(), measure=prior) for _ in range(p)])

# Construct observation model.
ys = e + fs

# Sample a true, underlying function and observations.
samples = prior.sample(*(p(x) for p in fs.ps), *(p(x_obs) for p in ys.ps))
fs_true, ys_obs = samples[:p], samples[p:]

# Compute the posterior and make predictions.
post = prior | (*((p(x_obs), y_obs) for p, y_obs in zip(ys.ps, ys_obs)), )
preds = [post(p(x)).marginals() for p in fs.ps]

# Plot results.
def plot_prediction(x, f, pred, x_obs=None, y_obs=None):
    plt.plot(x, f, label="True", style="test")
    if x_obs is not None:
        plt.scatter(x_obs, y_obs, label="Observations", style="train", s=20)
    mean, lower, upper = pred
    plt.plot(x, mean, label="Prediction", style="pred")
    plt.fill_between(x, lower, upper, style="pred")
Пример #5
from stheno import B, Measure, GP, EQ

# Define points to predict at.
x = B.linspace(0, 10, 100)

# Construct a prior.
prior = Measure()
f1 = GP(3, EQ(), measure=prior)
f2 = GP(3, EQ(), measure=prior)

# Compute the approximate product.
f_prod = f1 * f2

# Sample two functions.
s1, s2 = prior.sample(f1(x), f2(x))

# Predict.
post = prior | ((f1(x), s1), (f2(x), s2))
mean, lower, upper = post(f_prod(x)).marginals()

# Plot result.
plt.plot(x, s1, label="Sample 1", style="train")
plt.plot(x, s2, label="Sample 2", style="train", ls="--")
plt.plot(x, s1 * s2, label="True product", style="test")
plt.plot(x, mean, label="Approximate posterior", style="pred")
plt.fill_between(x, lower, upper, style="pred")

Пример #6
# Define points to predict at.
x = B.linspace(0, 10, 200)
x_obs = B.linspace(0, 10, 10)

# Construct the model.
prior = Measure()
slope = GP(1, measure=prior)
intercept = GP(5, measure=prior)
f = slope * (lambda x: x) + intercept

e = 0.2 * GP(Delta(), measure=prior)  # Noise model

y = f + e  # Observation model

# Sample a slope, intercept, underlying function, and observations.
true_slope, true_intercept, f_true, y_obs = prior.sample(
    slope(0), intercept(0), f(x), y(x_obs))

# Condition on the observations to make predictions.
post = prior | (y(x_obs), y_obs)
mean, lower, upper = post(f(x)).marginals()

out.kv("True slope", true_slope[0, 0])
out.kv("Predicted slope", post(slope(0)).mean[0, 0])
out.kv("True intercept", true_intercept[0, 0])
out.kv("Predicted intercept", post(intercept(0)).mean[0, 0])

# Plot result.
plt.plot(x, f_true, label="True", style="test")
plt.scatter(x_obs, y_obs, label="Observations", style="train", s=20)
plt.plot(x, mean, label="Prediction", style="pred")
plt.fill_between(x, lower, upper, style="pred")