Пример #1
class DSMTS_001_01(DSMTS_Test):
    species = ['X']
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], ['X', 'X'], 0.1),
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], [], 0.11)
    initial_state = {'X': 100}
Пример #2
class DSMTS_004_01(DSMTS_Test):
    species = ['X']
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction([], {'X': 5}, 1.),
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], [], 0.2)
    initial_state = {}
Пример #3
class DSMTS_003_01(DSMTS_Test):
    species = ['P', 'P2']
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction(['P', 'P'], ['P2'], 0.001),
        stocal.MassAction(['P2'], ['P', 'P'], 0.01)
    initial_state = {'P': 100}
Пример #4
 def test_transitions_counts_mutliplicities(self):
     """Sampler.transitions should give access to all transitions."""
     proc = stocal.Process()
     sampler = self.Sampler(proc, {})
     sampler.add_transition(stocal.MassAction({}, {'a': 1}, 1.))
     sampler.add_transition(stocal.MassAction({}, {'a': 1}, 1.))
     sampler.add_transition(stocal.MassAction({}, {'b': 1}, 1.))
     self.assertEqual(len(sampler.transitions), 3)
Пример #5
class DSMTS_002_03(DSMTS_002_01):
    # The original test tests for the overloading of global parameters
    # by local parameters. stocal does not have these concepts.
    # We merely check whether the process produces reported results
    # for an immigration rate of 5.
    process = stocal.Process(
        [stocal.MassAction([], ['X'], 5.),
         stocal.MassAction(['X'], [], 0.1)])
Пример #6
 def test_propose_potential_transition_seed(self):
     """Samplers initialized with the same random seed propose equal transitions"""
     process = stocal.Process([stocal.MassAction([], ['a'], 1.)])
     sampler_a = self.Sampler(process, {'a': 100}, seed=10)
     sampler_b = self.Sampler(process, sampler_a.state, seed=10)
Пример #7
 def test_propose_potential_transition_in_finite_time(self):
     """Proposed (time,transition) for empty process is (inf,None)"""
     process = stocal.Process([stocal.MassAction([], ['a'], 1.)])
     sampler = self.Sampler(process, {}, tmax=100.)
     time, transition, args = sampler.propose_potential_transition()
     self.assertTrue(time < float('inf'))
     self.assertNotEqual(transition, None)
Пример #8
 def test_perform_transition_advances_time(self):
     transition = stocal.MassAction([], ['a'], 1.)
     process = stocal.Process([transition])
     sampler = self.Sampler(process, {}, tmax=100.)
     time, trans, args = sampler.propose_potential_transition()
     sampler.perform_transition(time, trans, *args)
     self.assertGreater(sampler.time, 0.)
Пример #9
 def test_perform_transition_changes_state(self):
     transition = stocal.MassAction([], ['a'], 1.)
     process = stocal.Process([transition])
     sampler = self.Sampler(process, {}, tmax=100.)
     time, trans, args = sampler.propose_potential_transition()
     sampler.perform_transition(time, trans, *args)
     self.assertEqual(sampler.state, {'a': 1})
Пример #10
 def test_iter_steps(self, steps=50):
     """If steps is given, sampler returns this many transitions"""
     transition = stocal.MassAction({'a': 1}, {}, 1.)
     sampler = self.Sampler(stocal.Process([transition]), {'a': 100},
     self.assertEqual(sum(1 for _ in sampler), steps)
     self.assertEqual(sampler.step, steps)
Пример #11
 def test_update_state_disables_static(self):
     """update_state can disable static transitions"""
     transition = stocal.MassAction({'a': 1}, {}, 1.)
     sampler = self.Sampler(stocal.Process([transition]), {'a': 1})
     sampler.update_state({'a': 0})
     with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
Пример #12
 def test_iter_steps_and_tmax(self):
     """if steps exceed, time should not be advanced to tmax"""
     transition = stocal.MassAction({'a': 1}, {}, 1.)
     proc = stocal.Process([transition])
     sampler = self.Sampler(proc, {'a': 100}, steps=0, tmax=10.)
     with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
     self.assertEqual(sampler.step, 0)
     self.assertEqual(sampler.time, 0.)
Пример #13
 def test_flatten_static_process_is_invariant(self):
     """Processes without rules return a copy of themselves"""
     process = self.Process(stocal.MassAction(['a'], ['b'], 1.))
     self.assertEqual(process, process.flatten(['a', 'b']))
Пример #14
class DSMTS_002_04(DSMTS_002_01):
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction([], ['X'], 1000.),
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], [], 0.1)
Пример #15
class DSMTS_001_07(DSMTS_001_01):
    species = ['X', 'Sink']
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], ['X', 'X'], 0.1),
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], ['Sink'], 0.11)
Пример #16
class DSMTS_002_06(DSMTS_002_01):
    species = ['X', 'Sink']
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction([], ['X'], 10.),
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], ['Sink'], 0.1)
Пример #17
class DSMTS_003_02(DSMTS_003_01):
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction(['P', 'P'], ['P2'], 0.0002),
        stocal.MassAction(['P2'], ['P', 'P'], 0.004)
    initial_state = {'P': 1000}
Пример #18
class DSMTS_004_03(DSMTS_004_01):
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction([], {'X': 100}, 1.),
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], [], 4.)
Пример #19
"""Event example

stocal.Event's can be added to a processes definition just like
Reactions. Process.trajectory returns an StochasticSimulationAlgorithm
that can cope with deterministic transitions (e.g. FirstReactionMethod).
Sampler selection and usage is entirely transparent to the user.
import stocal

process = stocal.Process([
    stocal.MassAction(['A', 'A'], ['A2'], 0.01),
    stocal.MassAction(['A2'], ['A', 'A'], 1.),
    stocal.Event([], ['A'], 0., 1.)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    traj = process.sample({}, tmax=100)
    for _ in traj:
        print(traj.time, traj.state['A'], traj.state['A2'])
Пример #20
class DSMTS_001_03(DSMTS_001_01):
    process = stocal.Process([
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], ['X', 'X'], 1.),
        stocal.MassAction(['X'], [], 1.1)
Пример #21
 def test_update_state_enables_static(self):
     """update_state can enable static transitions"""
     transition = stocal.MassAction({'a': 1}, {}, 1.)
     sampler = self.Sampler(stocal.Process([transition]), {})
     sampler.update_state({'a': 1})
     self.assertIs(next(iter(sampler)), transition)
Пример #22
A stochastic realization of the famous Brusselator system, first
proposed in I. Prigogine and R. Lefever, Symmetry Breaking Instabilities
in Dissipative Systems, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 1695 (1968).

This is a simple example of a process with only static (non-infered)
reactions. The deterministic system exhibits ascillations when b>a+1.

import stocal

a = 2.
b = 10.

process = stocal.Process([
    stocal.MassAction({}, {"x": 1}, a),
        "x": 2,
        "y": 1
    }, {"x": 3}, 1.),
    stocal.MassAction({"x": 1}, {
        "y": 1,
        "c": 1
    }, b),
    stocal.MassAction({"x": 1}, {"d": 1}, 1.),

if __name__ == '__main__':
    traj = process.sample({}, tmax=50)
    print("# time\tx\ty\tc\td")
    for dt, transitions in traj:
Пример #23
 def test_add_transition_enables_transition(self):
     """transitions added with add_transition must be executable"""
     sampler = self.Sampler(stocal.Process([]), {'a': 1})
     transition = stocal.MassAction({'a': 1}, {}, 1.)
     self.assertIs(next(iter(sampler)), transition)
Пример #24
    return low + (high - low) * (sin(2 * pi * time / period) + 1) / 2.

class Dissociation(stocal.MassAction):
    """Temperature dependent dissocition

    The normal mass action propensity is modulated by a factor that
    accounts for the system temperature at any time. The stochastic
    rate constant is therefore k = k_forward * exp((dH-T*dS)/T).
    k_forward is provided as rate constant to the MassAction constructor
    and the exponential transform is performed in the overloaded
    propensity method.
    def propensity(self, state, time):
        T = temp(time)
        return super(Dissociation, self).propensity(state) * exp(
            (dH - T * dS) / T)

process = stocal.Process([
    stocal.MassAction(['x', 'x'], ['x2'], 2 * k_forward),
    Dissociation(['x2'], ['x', 'x'], k_forward),

state = {'x2': x_tot // 3, 'x': x_tot - 2 * x_tot // 3}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    traj = process.sample(state, tmax=125.)
    for trans in traj:
        print(traj.time, traj.state['x'], traj.state['x2'], temp(traj.time))