def parseLoop(nodes: List[Element], loc: Location) -> OP.Loop: if len(nodes) < 3: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_par_loop', loc) # Parse loop kernel and set kernel = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) set_ = parseIdentifier(nodes[1]) loop_args = [] # Parse loop args for raw_arg in nodes[2:]: name = parseIdentifier(raw_arg) arg_loc = parseLocation(raw_arg) args = raw_arg.findall('name/subscripts/subscript') if name == 'op_arg_dat': loop_args.append(parseArgDat(args, arg_loc)) elif name == 'op_opt_arg_dat': loop_args.append(parseOptArgDat(args, arg_loc)) elif name == 'op_arg_gbl': loop_args.append(parseArgGbl(args, arg_loc)) elif name == 'op_opt_arg_gbl': loop_args.append(parseOptArgGbl(args, arg_loc)) else: raise ParseError(f'invalid loop argument {name}') return OP.Loop(kernel, set_, loc, loop_args)
def parseIntLit(node: Element, signed: bool = True) -> int: # Parse location loc = parseLocation(node) # Assume the literal is not negated negation = False # Check if the node is wrapped in a valid unary negation if signed and node.find('operation'): node = node.find('operation') if node.attrib['type'] == 'unary' and node.find('operator') and node.find('operator').attrib['operator'] == '-': negation = True node = node.find('operand') # Descend to child literal node node = node.find('literal') # Verify and typecheck the literal node if not node or node.attrib['type'] != 'int': if not signed: raise ParseError('expected unsigned integer literal', loc) else: raise ParseError('expected integer literal', loc) # Extract the value value = int(node.attrib['value']) return -value if negation else value
def parseLoop(nodes: List[Cursor], loc: Location) -> OP.Loop: if len(nodes) < 3: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_par_loop') # Parse loop kernel and set kernel = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) _ = parseStringLit(nodes[1]) set_ = parseIdentifier(nodes[2]) loop_args = [] # Parse loop args for node in nodes[3:]: node = descend(descend(node)) name = node.spelling arg_loc = parseLocation(node) args = list(node.get_children())[1:] if name == 'op_arg_dat': loop_args.append(parseArgDat(args, arg_loc)) elif name == 'op_opt_arg_dat': loop_args.append(parseOptArgDat(args, arg_loc)) elif name == 'op_arg_gbl': loop_args.append(parseArgGbl(args, arg_loc)) elif name == 'op_opt_arg_gbl': loop_args.append(parseOptArgGbl(args, arg_loc)) else: raise ParseError(f'invalid loop argument {name}', parseLocation(node)) return OP.Loop(kernel, set_, loc, loop_args)
def parseIdentifier(node: Cursor, regex: str = None) -> str: # TODO: Check this while node.kind == CursorKind.CSTYLE_CAST_EXPR: node = list(node.get_children())[1] # Descend to child node if node.kind == CursorKind.UNEXPOSED_EXPR: node = descend(node) # Descend to child node if node.kind == CursorKind.UNARY_OPERATOR and next( node.get_tokens()).spelling in ('&', '*'): node = descend(node) # Check for null if node.kind == CursorKind.GNU_NULL_EXPR: return '' # Validate the node if node.kind != CursorKind.DECL_REF_EXPR: raise ParseError('expected identifier') value = node.spelling # Apply conditional regex constraint if regex and not re.match(regex, value): raise ParseError(f'expected identifier matching {regex}') return value
def parseKernel(self, path: Path, name: str) -> Kernel: # Invoke Clang parser on kernel source translation_unit = Index.create().parse(path) # Collect root-level nodes nodes = translation_unit.cursor.get_children() # Search for kernel function node = safeFind( nodes, lambda n: n.kind == CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL and n.spelling == name) if not node: raise ParseError(f'failed to locate kernel function {name}', parseLocation(node)) # Collect parameter types params = [] for n in node.get_children(): if n.kind == CursorKind.PARM_DECL: type = n.type.get_pointee() or n.type type = re.sub(r'\s*const\s*', '', type.spelling) param = (n.spelling, type) params.append(param) return Kernel(name, path, translation_unit.cursor, params)
def parseKernel(self, path: Path, name: str) -> Kernel: # Parse AST ast = parse(path) # Search for kernel function nodes = ast.findall('file/subroutine') node = safeFind(nodes, lambda n: n.attrib['name'] == name) if not node: raise ParseError(f'failed to locate kernel function {name}') # Parse parameter identifiers param_identifiers = [ n.attrib['name'] for n in node.findall('header/arguments/argument') ] params = [ ('', '') ] * len(param_identifiers) # TODO: Cleanup for decl in node.findall('body/specification/declaration'): if decl.attrib and decl.attrib['type'] == 'variable': type = decl.find('type') for variable in decl.findall('variables/variable'): if variable.attrib: identifier = variable.attrib['name'] if identifier in param_identifiers: index = param_identifiers.index(identifier) params[index] = (identifier, parseType(type)) return Kernel(name, path, ast, params)
def parseSet(nodes: List[Element], loc: Location) -> OP.Set: if len(nodes) != 3: raise ParseError('incorrect number of nodes passed to op_decl_set', loc) _ = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) ptr = parseIdentifier(nodes[1]) debug = parseStringLit(nodes[2]) return OP.Set(ptr)
def parseConst(nodes: List[Element], loc: Location) -> OP.Const: if len(nodes) != 3: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_decl_const', loc) ptr = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) dim = parseIntLit(nodes[1], signed=False) debug = parseStringLit(nodes[2]) return OP.Const(ptr, dim, debug, loc)
def parseIdentifier(node: Element, regex: str = None) -> str: # Parse location loc = parseLocation(node) # Descend to child node node = node.find('name') # Validate the node if not node or not node.attrib['id']: raise ParseError('expected identifier', loc) value = node.attrib['id'] # Apply conditional regex constraint if regex and not re.match(regex, value): raise ParseError(f'expected identifier matching {regex}', loc) return value
def parseStringLit(node: Element, regex: str = None) -> str: # Parse location loc = parseLocation(node) # Descend to child literal node node = node.find('literal') # Validate the node if not node or node.attrib['type'] != 'char': raise ParseError('expected string literal', loc) # Extract value from string delimeters value = node.attrib['value'][1:-1] # Apply conditional regex constraint if regex and not re.match(regex, value): raise ParseError(f'expected string literal matching {regex}', loc) return value
def parse(path: Path) -> Element: try: # Track the current file for parse errors global _current_file _current_file = str(path) # Invoke OFP on the source return fp.parse(path, raise_on_error=True) except CalledProcessError as error: raise ParseError(error.output)
def parseMap(nodes: List[Cursor], ptr: str, loc: Location) -> OP.Map: if len(nodes) != 5: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_decl_map', loc) from_set = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) to_set = parseIdentifier(nodes[1]) dim = parseIntLit(nodes[2], signed=False) _ = parseIdentifier(nodes[3]) debug = parseStringLit(nodes[4]) return OP.Map(from_set, to_set, dim, ptr, loc)
def parseData(nodes: List[Cursor], ptr: str, loc: Location) -> OP.Data: if len(nodes) != 5: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_decl_dat', loc) set_ = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) dim = parseIntLit(nodes[1], signed=False) typ = parseStringLit(nodes[2]) _ = parseIdentifier(nodes[3]) debug = parseStringLit(nodes[4]) return OP.Data(set_, dim, typ, ptr, loc)
def parseStringLit(node: Cursor, regex: str = None) -> str: # Validate the node if node.kind != CursorKind.UNEXPOSED_EXPR: raise ParseError('expected string literal') # Descend to child node node = descend(node) # Validate the node if node.kind != CursorKind.STRING_LITERAL: raise ParseError('expected string literal') # Extract value from string delimeters value = node.spelling[1:-1] # Apply conditional regex constraint if regex and not re.match(regex, value): raise ParseError(f'expected string literal matching {regex}') return value
def parseArgGbl(nodes: List[Element], loc: Location) -> OP.Arg: if len(nodes) != 4: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_arg_gbl', loc) access_regex = enumRegex(OP.GBL_ACCESS_TYPES) var = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) dim = parseIntLit(nodes[1], signed=False) typ = normaliseType(parseStringLit(nodes[2])) acc = parseIdentifier(nodes[3], regex=access_regex) return OP.Arg(var, dim, typ, acc, loc)
def parseData(nodes: List[Element], loc: Location) -> OP.Data: if len(nodes) != 6: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_decl_dat', loc) set_ = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) dim = parseIntLit(nodes[1], signed=False) typ = normaliseType(parseStringLit(nodes[2])) _ = parseIdentifier(nodes[3]) ptr = parseIdentifier(nodes[4]) debug = parseStringLit(nodes[5]) return OP.Data(set_, dim, typ, ptr, loc)
def parseIntLit(node: Cursor, signed: bool = True) -> int: # Assume the literal is not negated negation = False # Check if the node is wrapped in a valid unary negation if signed and node.kind == CursorKind.UNARY_OPERATOR and next( node.get_tokens()).spelling == '-': negation = True node = descend(node) # Validate the node if node.kind != CursorKind.INTEGER_LITERAL: if not signed: raise ParseError('expected unsigned integer literal') else: raise ParseError('expected integer literal') # Extract the value value = int(next(node.get_tokens()).spelling) return -value if negation else value
def parseOptArgGbl(nodes: List[Element], loc: Location) -> OP.Arg: if len(nodes) != 5: ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_opt_arg_gbl', loc) # Parse opt argument opt = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) # Parse standard argGbl arguments dat = parseArgGbl(nodes[1:], loc) # Return augmented dat dat.opt = opt return dat
def parseArgGbl(nodes: List[Cursor], loc: Location) -> OP.Arg: if len(nodes) != 4: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_arg_gbl', loc) access_regex = enumRegex(OP.GBL_ACCESS_TYPES) var = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) dim = parseIntLit(nodes[1], signed=False) typ = parseStringLit(nodes[2]) acc = macro_instances[(nodes[3].location.line, nodes[3].location.column)] # TODO: Cleanup return OP.Arg(var, dim, typ, acc, loc)
def parseArgDat(nodes: List[Cursor], loc: Location) -> OP.Arg: if len(nodes) != 6: raise ParseError('incorrect number of args passed to op_arg_dat', loc) access_regex = enumRegex(OP.DAT_ACCESS_TYPES) var = parseIdentifier(nodes[0]) idx = parseIntLit(nodes[1], signed=True) map_ = parseIdentifier(nodes[2]) or OP.ID dim = parseIntLit(nodes[3], signed=False) typ = parseStringLit(nodes[4]) acc = macro_instances[(nodes[5].location.line, nodes[5].location.column)] # TODO: Cleanup return OP.Arg(var, dim, typ, acc, loc, map_, idx)
def parseProgram(self, path: Path, include_dirs: Set[Path]) -> Program: # Locate OP2 install op2_install = os.getenv('OP2_INSTALL_PATH') if not op2_install: exit('Fatal: OP2_INSTALL_PATH not set') # Add OP2 includes op2_include = Path(op2_install).joinpath('c/include') include_dirs.add(op2_include) # Form Clang args args = [f'-I{dir}' for dir in include_dirs] # Invoke Clang parser on the program source translation_unit = Index.create().parse( path, args=args, options=TranslationUnit.PARSE_DETAILED_PROCESSING_RECORD) # Throw the parse error first parse error caught in the diagnostics error = next(iter(translation_unit.diagnostics), None) if error: raise ParseError(error.spelling, parseLocation(error)) # Initialise search stack program = Program(path) stack = [] for child in translation_unit.cursor.get_children(): # Ignore macro definitions and cursors outside of the program file if child.kind != CursorKind.MACRO_DEFINITION and == translation_unit.spelling: # Collect the locations and identifiers of macro instances if child.kind == CursorKind.MACRO_INSTANTIATION: macro_instances[(child.location.line, child.location.column)] = child.displayname # Populate with the top-level cursors from the target file else: stack.append(child) ptr: str # DFS while stack: # Manage the stack node = stack.pop() stack.extend(node.get_children()) # TODO: This is a bit of a hack. Cleanup if node.kind == CursorKind.VAR_DECL: if safeFind(node.get_children(), lambda n: n.kind == CursorKind.CALL_EXPR): ptr = node.spelling # Focus on function calls if node.kind == CursorKind.CALL_EXPR: name = node.spelling args = list(node.get_children())[1:] loc = parseLocation(node) if name == 'op_init': program.recordInit(loc) elif name == 'op_decl_set': program.sets.append(parseSet(args, ptr, loc)) elif name == 'op_decl_map': program.maps.append(parseMap(args, ptr, loc)) elif name == 'op_decl_dat': program.datas.append(parseData(args, ptr, loc)) elif name == 'op_decl_const': program.consts.append(parseConst(args, loc)) elif name == 'op_par_loop': program.loops.append(parseLoop(args, loc)) elif name == 'op_exit': program.recordExit() return program