Пример #1
def compile_select_sqlite(compile, select, state):
    if select.offset is not Undef and select.limit is Undef:
        select.limit = sys.maxint
    statement = compile_select(compile, select, state)
    if state.context is SELECT:
        # SQLite breaks with (SELECT ...) UNION (SELECT ...), so we
        # do SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) instead.  This is important
        # because SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... ORDER BY binds the ORDER BY
        # to the UNION instead of SELECT.
        return "SELECT * FROM (%s)" % statement
    return statement
Пример #2
def compile_select_sqlite(compile, select, state):
    if select.offset is not Undef and select.limit is Undef:
        select.limit = sys.maxint
    statement = compile_select(compile, select, state)
    if state.context is SELECT:
        # SQLite breaks with (SELECT ...) UNION (SELECT ...), so we
        # do SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) instead.  This is important
        # because SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... ORDER BY binds the ORDER BY
        # to the UNION instead of SELECT.
        return "SELECT * FROM (%s)" % statement
    return statement
Пример #3
def compile_set_expr_oracle(compile, expr, state):
    if isinstance(expr, Minus):
        # Build new set expression without arguments (order_by, etc).
        new_expr = expr.__class__()
        new_expr.exprs = expr.exprs
        new_expr.all = expr.all

        if expr.order_by is not Undef:
            # Make sure that state.aliases isn't None, since we want them to
            # compile our order_by statement below.
            no_aliases = state.aliases is None
            if no_aliases:
                state.push("aliases", {})

            aliases = {}
            for subexpr in expr.exprs:
                if isinstance(subexpr, Select):
                    columns = subexpr.columns
                    if not isinstance(columns, (tuple, list)):
                        columns = [columns]
                        columns = list(columns)
                    for i, column in enumerate(columns):
                        if column not in aliases:
                            if isinstance(column, Column):
                                aliases[column] = columns[i] = Alias(column)
                            elif isinstance(column, Alias):
                                aliases[column.expr] = column
                    subexpr.columns = columns
            state.aliases = aliases
            aliases = None

        set_stmt = SQLRaw('(%s)' % compile(expr.exprs, state, join=expr.oper))

        if expr.order_by is not Undef:
            # Build order_by statement, using aliases.
            state.push("context", COLUMN_NAME)
            order_by_stmt = SQLRaw(compile(expr.order_by, state))
            order_by_stmt = Undef

        # Build wrapping select statement.
        select = Select(SQLRaw("*"),

        return compile_select(compile, select, state)
    return compile_set_expr(compile, expr, state)
Пример #4
def compile_select_sqlite(compile, select, state):
    if select.offset is not Undef and select.limit is Undef:
        select.limit = sys.maxint
    # SQLite does not support SELECT ... FOR UPDATE
    # Can we just ignore it?
    if select.for_update:
        select.for_update = False
    statement = compile_select(compile, select, state)
    if state.context is SELECT:
        # SQLite breaks with (SELECT ...) UNION (SELECT ...), so we
        # do SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) instead.  This is important
        # because SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... ORDER BY binds the ORDER BY
        # to the UNION instead of SELECT.
        return "SELECT * FROM (%s)" % statement
    return statement
Пример #5
def compile_select_sqlite(compile, select, state):
    if select.offset is not Undef and select.limit is Undef:
        select.limit = sys.maxint
    # SQLite does not support SELECT ... FOR UPDATE
    # Can we just ignore it?
    if select.for_update:
        select.for_update = False
    statement = compile_select(compile, select, state)
    if state.context is SELECT:
        # SQLite breaks with (SELECT ...) UNION (SELECT ...), so we
        # do SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) instead.  This is important
        # because SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... ORDER BY binds the ORDER BY
        # to the UNION instead of SELECT.
        return "SELECT * FROM (%s)" % statement
    return statement
Пример #6
def compile_select_sqlite(compile, select, state):
    if select.offset is not Undef and select.limit is Undef:
        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
            # On OS X sqlite doesn't like maxint as LIMIT. See also
            # https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/storm/2013-June/001492.html
            select.limit = sys.maxint - 1
            select.limit = sys.maxint
    statement = compile_select(compile, select, state)
    if state.context is SELECT:
        # SQLite breaks with (SELECT ...) UNION (SELECT ...), so we
        # do SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) instead.  This is important
        # because SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... ORDER BY binds the ORDER BY
        # to the UNION instead of SELECT.
        return "SELECT * FROM (%s)" % statement
    return statement
Пример #7
def compile_select_sqlite(compile, select, state):
    if select.offset is not Undef and select.limit is Undef:
        if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
            # On 64-bit platforms sqlite doesn't like maxint as LIMIT. See also
            # https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/storm/2013-June/001492.html
            select.limit = sys.maxsize - 1
            select.limit = sys.maxsize
    statement = compile_select(compile, select, state)
    if state.context is SELECT:
        # SQLite breaks with (SELECT ...) UNION (SELECT ...), so we
        # do SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) instead.  This is important
        # because SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... ORDER BY binds the ORDER BY
        # to the UNION instead of SELECT.
        return "SELECT * FROM (%s)" % statement
    return statement
Пример #8
def compile_set_expr_postgres(compile, expr, state):
    if expr.order_by is not Undef:
        # The following statement breaks in postgres:
        #     SELECT 1 AS id UNION SELECT 1 ORDER BY id+1
        # With the error:
        #     ORDER BY on a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT result must
        #     be on one of the result columns
        # So we transform it into something close to:
        #     SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 AS id UNION SELECT 1) AS a ORDER BY id+1

        # Build new set expression without arguments (order_by, etc).
        new_expr = expr.__class__()
        new_expr.exprs = expr.exprs
        new_expr.all = expr.all

        # Make sure that state.aliases isn't None, since we want them to
        # compile our order_by statement below.
        no_aliases = state.aliases is None
        if no_aliases:
            state.push("aliases", {})

        # Build set expression, collecting aliases.
        set_stmt = SQLRaw("(%s)" % compile_set_expr(compile, new_expr, state))

        # Build order_by statement, using aliases.
        state.push("context", COLUMN_NAME)
        order_by_stmt = SQLRaw(compile(expr.order_by, state))

        # Discard aliases, if they were not being collected previously.
        if no_aliases:

        # Build wrapping select statement.
        select = Select(SQLRaw("*"),
        return compile_select(compile, select, state)
        return compile_set_expr(compile, expr, state)
Пример #9
def compile_set_expr_postgres(compile, expr, state):
    if expr.order_by is not Undef:
        # The following statement breaks in postgres:
        #     SELECT 1 AS id UNION SELECT 1 ORDER BY id+1
        # With the error:
        #     ORDER BY on a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT result must
        #     be on one of the result columns
        # So we transform it into something close to:
        #     SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 AS id UNION SELECT 1) AS a ORDER BY id+1

        # Build new set expression without arguments (order_by, etc).
        new_expr = expr.__class__()
        new_expr.exprs = expr.exprs
        new_expr.all = expr.all

        # Make sure that state.aliases isn't None, since we want them to
        # compile our order_by statement below.
        no_aliases = state.aliases is None
        if no_aliases:
            state.push("aliases", {})

        # Build set expression, collecting aliases.
        set_stmt = SQLRaw("(%s)" % compile_set_expr(compile, new_expr, state))

        # Build order_by statement, using aliases.
        state.push("context", COLUMN_NAME)
        order_by_stmt = SQLRaw(compile(expr.order_by, state))

        # Discard aliases, if they were not being collected previously.
        if no_aliases:

        # Build wrapping select statement.
        select = Select(SQLRaw("*"), tables=Alias(set_stmt), limit=expr.limit,
                        offset=expr.offset, order_by=order_by_stmt)
        return compile_select(compile, select, state)
        return compile_set_expr(compile, expr, state)
Пример #10
def compile_select_mysql(compile, select, state):
    if select.offset is not Undef and select.limit is Undef:
        select.limit = sys.maxint
    return compile_select(compile, select, state)
Пример #11
def compile_select_oracle(compile, select, state):
    limit = select.limit
    offset = select.offset
    # make sure limit is Undef'ed
    select.offset = select.limit = Undef

    if select.default_tables is Undef:
        select.default_tables = ['DUAL']

    if select.order_by is not Undef:
        # copied from expr.py's compile_set_expr
        aliases = {}
        columns = select.columns
        if not isinstance(columns, (tuple, list)):
            columns = [columns]
            columns = list(columns)
        for i, column in enumerate(columns):
            if column not in aliases:
                if isinstance(column, Column):
                    aliases[column] = columns[i] = Alias(column)
                elif isinstance(column, Alias):
                    aliases[column.expr] = column
        select.columns = columns
        # /copied from expr.py's compile_set_expr
        stmt = SQLRaw("(%s)" % compile_select(compile, select, state))
        stmt_alias = Alias(stmt)
        # In order to force the alias to generate its auto-name.
        select = Select(SQLRaw('*'), tables=stmt_alias)

    if (limit is not Undef) and (offset is not Undef):
        rownum_alias = Alias(SQLRaw('ROWNUM'))

        # if we have an SQLRaw here that is because we are dealing
        # with a subquery
        if isinstance(select.columns, SQLRaw):
            select.columns = [
                SQLRaw('"' + select.tables.name + '".*'), rownum_alias

        where_expr = Le(SQLRaw('ROWNUM'), limit + offset)
        if select.where is Undef:
            select.where = where_expr
            select.where = And(select.where, where_expr)

        stmt = SQLRaw("(%s)" % compile_select(compile, select, state))
        stmt_alias = Alias(stmt)
        # In order to force the alias to generate its auto-name.
        select = Select(SQLRaw('*'),
                        where=Gt(rownum_alias, offset))
    elif limit is not Undef:
        expr = Le(SQLRaw('ROWNUM'), limit)
        if select.where is Undef:
            select.where = expr
            select.where = And(select.where, expr)
    elif offset is not Undef:
        rownum_alias = Alias(SQLRaw('ROWNUM'))

        # if we have an SQLRaw here that is because we are dealing
        # with a subquery
        if isinstance(select.columns, SQLRaw):
            select.columns = [
                SQLRaw('"' + select.tables.name + '".*'), rownum_alias

        stmt = SQLRaw("(%s)" % compile_select(compile, select, state))
        stmt_alias = Alias(stmt)
        # In order to force the alias to generate its auto-name.
        select = Select(SQLRaw('*'),
                        where=Gt(rownum_alias, offset))

    return compile_select(compile, select, state)
Пример #12
def compile_select_mysql(compile, select, state):
    if select.offset is not Undef and select.limit is Undef:
        select.limit = sys.maxsize
    return compile_select(compile, select, state)