Пример #1
class Step(ModelWithID):
    questionnaire_id = Unicode()
    label = JSON()
    description = JSON()
    presentation_order = Int(default=0)
    triggered_by_score = Int(default=0)

    unicode_keys = ['questionnaire_id']
    int_keys = ['presentation_order', 'triggered_by_score']
    localized_keys = ['label', 'description']
Пример #2
class ModelWithID(Model):
    Base class for working the database, already integrating an id.
    __storm_table__ = None
    id = Unicode(primary=True, default_factory=uuid4)

    def get(cls, store, obj_id):
        return store.find(cls, cls.id == obj_id).one()
Пример #3
class User(Storm):
    """A user of Fluidinfo.

    @param username: The username of the user.
    @param passwordHash: The hashed password of the user.
    @param fullname: The name of the user.
    @param email: The email address for the user.
    @param role: The L{Role} for the user.

    __storm_table__ = 'users'

    id = Int('id', primary=True, allow_none=False, default=AutoReload)
    objectID = UUID('object_id', allow_none=False)
    role = ConstantEnum('role', enum_class=Role, allow_none=False)
    username = Unicode('username', allow_none=False)
    passwordHash = RawStr('password_hash', allow_none=False)
    fullname = Unicode('fullname', allow_none=False)
    email = Unicode('email', validator=validateEmail)
    namespaceID = Int('namespace_id')
    creationTime = DateTime('creation_time', default=AutoReload)

    namespace = Reference(namespaceID, 'Namespace.id')

    def __init__(self, username, passwordHash, fullname, email, role):
        self.objectID = uuid4()
        self.username = username
        self.passwordHash = passwordHash
        self.fullname = fullname
        self.email = email
        self.role = role

    def isAnonymous(self):
        """Returns C{True} if this user has the anonymous role."""
        return self.role == Role.ANONYMOUS

    def isSuperuser(self):
        """Returns C{True} if this user has the super user role."""
        return self.role == Role.SUPERUSER

    def isUser(self):
        """Returns C{True} if this user has the regular user role."""
        return self.role == Role.USER
Пример #4
class SharingJob(StormBase):
    """Base class for jobs related to sharing."""


    __storm_table__ = 'SharingJob'

    id = Int(primary=True)

    job_id = Int('job')
    job = Reference(job_id, Job.id)

    product_id = Int(name='product')
    product = Reference(product_id, Product.id)

    distro_id = Int(name='distro')
    distro = Reference(distro_id, Distribution.id)

    grantee_id = Int(name='grantee')
    grantee = Reference(grantee_id, Person.id)

    job_type = EnumCol(enum=SharingJobType, notNull=True)

    _json_data = Unicode('json_data')

    def metadata(self):
        return simplejson.loads(self._json_data)

    def __init__(self, job_type, pillar, grantee, metadata):

        :param job_type: The BranchMergeProposalJobType of this job.
        :param metadata: The type-specific variables, as a JSON-compatible
        super(SharingJob, self).__init__()
        json_data = simplejson.dumps(metadata)
        self.job = Job()
        self.job_type = job_type
        self.grantee = grantee
        self.product = self.distro = None
        if IProduct.providedBy(pillar):
            self.product = pillar
            self.distro = pillar
        # XXX AaronBentley 2009-01-29 bug=322819: This should be a bytestring,
        # but the DB representation is unicode.
        self._json_data = json_data.decode('utf-8')

    def destroySelf(self):

    def makeDerived(self):
        return SharingJobDerived.makeSubclass(self)
Пример #5
class StatusLine(object):
    """A representation of a status line from a log file."""

    __storm_table__ = 'status_lines'

    id = Int(primary=True)
    time = DateTime(allow_none=False)
    code = Int(allow_none=False)
    method = Unicode(allow_none=False)
    endpoint = Unicode(allow_none=False)
    contentLength = Int('content_length', allow_none=False)
    agent = Unicode()

    def __init__(self, time, code, method, endpoint, contentLength, agent):
        self.time = time
        self.code = code
        self.method = unicode(method)
        self.endpoint = unicode(endpoint)
        self.contentLength = contentLength
        self.agent = unicode(agent)
Пример #6
class InternalTip_v_22(Model):
    __storm_table__ = 'internaltip'
    creation_date = DateTime()
    context_id = Unicode()
    wb_steps = JSON()
    preview = JSON()
    progressive = Int()
    tor2web = Bool()
    expiration_date = DateTime()
    last_activity = DateTime()
    new = Int()
Пример #7
class InternalFile(ModelWithID):
    This model keeps track of files before they are packaged
    for specific receivers.
    creation_date = DateTime(default_factory=datetime_now)

    internaltip_id = Unicode()

    name = Unicode(validator=longtext_v)
    file_path = Unicode()

    content_type = Unicode()
    size = Int()

    new = Int(default=True)

    submission = Int(default=False)

    processing_attempts = Int(default=0)
Пример #8
class User(Storm):
    I am a website user.  I can browse the site, view boards, and potentially modify other User objects.

    @ivar username: A unique name to identify me
    @ivar email: The email address tied to me
    @ivar first_name: My first name
    @ivar last_name: My surname

    @ReferenceSet board_perms: A storm ReferenceSet of all my Board permissions
    __storm_table__ = 'users'
    id = Int(primary=True)
    username = Unicode(validator=unicoder)
    email = Unicode(validator=unicoder)
    first_name = Unicode(validator=unicoder)
    last_name = Unicode(validator=unicoder)

    board_perms = ReferenceSet(id, _LinkUserBoardPerms.user_id,
                               _LinkUserBoardPerms.perm_id, BoardPerms.id)
Пример #9
class ReceiverTip(Model):
    This is the table keeping track of ALL the receivers activities and
    date in a Tip, Tip core data are stored in StoredTip. The data here
    provide accountability of Receiver accesses, operations, options.
    internaltip_id = Unicode()
    receiver_id = Unicode()

    last_access = DateTime(default_factory=datetime_null)

    access_counter = Int(default=0)

    label = Unicode(default=u'')

    can_access_whistleblower_identity = Bool(default=False)

    new = Int(default=True)

    unicode_keys = ['label']
Пример #10
class ReceiverTip(Model):
    This is the table keeping track of ALL the receivers activities and
    date in a Tip, Tip core data are stored in StoredTip. The data here
    provide accountability of Receiver accesses, operations, options.
    internaltip_id = Unicode()
    receiver_id = Unicode()
    # internaltip = Reference(ReceiverTip.internaltip_id, InternalTip.id)
    # receiver = Reference(ReceiverTip.receiver_id, Receiver.id)

    last_access = DateTime(default_factory=datetime_null)
    access_counter = Int(default=0)
    notification_date = DateTime()

    label = Unicode(default=u"")

    new = Int(default=True)

    unicode_keys = ['label']
Пример #11
class ArchiveAuthToken(Storm):
    """See `IArchiveAuthToken`."""
    __storm_table__ = 'ArchiveAuthToken'

    id = Int(primary=True)

    archive_id = Int(name='archive', allow_none=False)
    archive = Reference(archive_id, 'Archive.id')

    person_id = Int(name='person', allow_none=True)
    person = Reference(person_id, 'Person.id')

    date_created = DateTime(name='date_created',

    date_deactivated = DateTime(name='date_deactivated',

    token = Unicode(name='token', allow_none=False)

    name = Unicode(name='name', allow_none=True)

    def deactivate(self):
        """See `IArchiveAuthTokenSet`."""
        self.date_deactivated = UTC_NOW

    def archive_url(self):
        """Return a custom archive url for basic authentication."""
        normal_url = URI(self.archive.archive_url)
        if self.name:
            name = '+' + self.name
            name = self.person.name
        auth_url = normal_url.replace(userinfo="%s:%s" % (name, self.token))
        return str(auth_url)

    def asDict(self):
        return {"token": self.token, "archive_url": self.archive_url}
Пример #12
class SnapBase(Storm):
    """See `ISnapBase`."""

    __storm_table__ = "SnapBase"

    id = Int(primary=True)

    date_created = DateTime(
        name="date_created", tzinfo=pytz.UTC, allow_none=False)

    registrant_id = Int(name="registrant", allow_none=False)
    registrant = Reference(registrant_id, "Person.id")

    name = Unicode(name="name", allow_none=False)

    display_name = Unicode(name="display_name", allow_none=False)

    distro_series_id = Int(name="distro_series", allow_none=False)
    distro_series = Reference(distro_series_id, "DistroSeries.id")

    build_channels = JSON(name="build_channels", allow_none=False)

    is_default = Bool(name="is_default", allow_none=False)

    def __init__(self, registrant, name, display_name, distro_series,
                 build_channels, date_created=DEFAULT):
        super(SnapBase, self).__init__()
        self.registrant = registrant
        self.name = name
        self.display_name = display_name
        self.distro_series = distro_series
        self.build_channels = build_channels
        self.date_created = date_created
        self.is_default = False

    def destroySelf(self):
        """See `ISnapBase`."""
        # Guard against unfortunate accidents.
        if self.is_default:
            raise CannotDeleteSnapBase("Cannot delete the default base.")
Пример #13
class DummyModelTwo(Model):
    """Dummy Model for testing purposes"""

    __storm_table__ = 'dummy_two'
    id = Int(primary=True, auto_increment=True, unsigned=True)
    name = Unicode(size=64, allow_none=False)

    def __init__(self, name=None):
        super(DummyModelTwo, self).__init__()

        if name is not None:
            self.name = unicode(name)
Пример #14
class PersonTransferJob(StormBase):
    """Base class for team membership and person merge jobs."""

    __storm_table__ = 'PersonTransferJob'

    id = Int(primary=True)

    job_id = Int(name='job')
    job = Reference(job_id, Job.id)

    major_person_id = Int(name='major_person')
    major_person = Reference(major_person_id, Person.id)

    minor_person_id = Int(name='minor_person')
    minor_person = Reference(minor_person_id, Person.id)

    job_type = EnumCol(enum=PersonTransferJobType, notNull=True)

    _json_data = Unicode('json_data')

    def metadata(self):
        return simplejson.loads(self._json_data)

    def __init__(self,

        :param minor_person: The person or team being added to or removed
                             from the major_person.
        :param major_person: The person or team that is receiving or losing
                             the minor person.
        :param job_type: The specific membership action being performed.
        :param metadata: The type-specific variables, as a JSON-compatible
        super(PersonTransferJob, self).__init__()
        self.job = Job(requester=requester)
        self.job_type = job_type
        self.major_person = major_person
        self.minor_person = minor_person

        json_data = simplejson.dumps(metadata)
        # XXX AaronBentley 2009-01-29 bug=322819: This should be a bytestring,
        # but the DB representation is unicode.
        self._json_data = json_data.decode('utf-8')

    def makeDerived(self):
        return PersonTransferJobDerived.makeSubclass(self)
Пример #15
class Network(object):
    __storm_table__ = 'networks'
    bssid = Unicode(primary=True)
    essid = Unicode()
    key = Unicode()
    on_remote = Bool()

    def __init__(self, bssid, essid, key=None, on_remote=False):
        self.bssid = bssid
        self.essid = essid
        self.key = key
        self.on_remote = on_remote

    def __str__(self):
        return u'{}::{}::{}'.format(self.bssid, self.essid, self.key)

    def __eq__(self, n):
        return self.bssid == n.bssid and self.essid == n.essid and self.key == n.key and self.on_remote == n.on_remote

    def __ne__(self, n):
        return not self == n
Пример #16
class Comment(Model):
    This table handle the comment collection, has an InternalTip referenced
    __storm_table__ = 'comment'

    internaltip_id = Unicode()

    author = Unicode()
    content = Unicode(validator=longtext_v)

    # In case of system_content usage, content has repr() equiv
    system_content = Pickle()

    type = Unicode()
    _types = [u'receiver', u'whistleblower', u'system']
    mark = Unicode()
    _marker = [
        u'not notified', u'notified', u'unable to notify', u'disabled',
Пример #17
class Notification_v_16(Model):
    __storm_table__ = 'notification'
    server = Unicode()
    port = Int()
    username = Unicode()
    password = Unicode()
    source_name = Unicode()
    source_email = Unicode()
    security = Unicode()
    admin_anomaly_template = JSON()
    encrypted_tip_template = JSON()
    encrypted_tip_mail_title = JSON()
    plaintext_tip_template = JSON()
    plaintext_tip_mail_title = JSON()
    encrypted_file_template = JSON()
    encrypted_file_mail_title = JSON()
    plaintext_file_template = JSON()
    plaintext_file_mail_title = JSON()
    encrypted_comment_template = JSON()
    encrypted_comment_mail_title = JSON()
    plaintext_comment_template = JSON()
    plaintext_comment_mail_title = JSON()
    encrypted_message_template = JSON()
    encrypted_message_mail_title = JSON()
    plaintext_message_template = JSON()
    plaintext_message_mail_title = JSON()
    pgp_expiration_alert = JSON()
    pgp_expiration_notice = JSON()
    zip_description = JSON()
    ping_mail_template = JSON()
    ping_mail_title = JSON()
    disable_admin_notification_emails = Bool()
    disable_receivers_notification_emails = Bool()
Пример #18
class Notification_v_14(Model):
    __storm_table__ = 'notification'
    server = Unicode()
    port = Int()
    username = Unicode()
    password = Unicode()
    source_name = Unicode()
    source_email = Unicode()
    security = Unicode()
    encrypted_tip_template = Pickle()
    encrypted_tip_mail_title = Pickle()
    plaintext_tip_template = Pickle()
    plaintext_tip_mail_title = Pickle()
    encrypted_file_template = Pickle()
    encrypted_file_mail_title = Pickle()
    plaintext_file_template = Pickle()
    plaintext_file_mail_title = Pickle()
    encrypted_comment_template = Pickle()
    encrypted_comment_mail_title = Pickle()
    plaintext_comment_template = Pickle()
    plaintext_comment_mail_title = Pickle()
    encrypted_message_template = Pickle()
    encrypted_message_mail_title = Pickle()
    plaintext_message_template = Pickle()
    plaintext_message_mail_title = Pickle()
    zip_description = Pickle()
Пример #19
class Receiver_version_7(Model):
    __storm_table__ = 'receiver'

    user_id = Unicode()
    name = Unicode()
    description = Pickle()
    gpg_key_info = Unicode()
    gpg_key_fingerprint = Unicode()
    gpg_key_status = Unicode()
    gpg_key_armor = Unicode()
    gpg_enable_notification = Bool()
    gpg_enable_files = Bool()
    receiver_level = Int()
    last_update = DateTime()
    tags = Pickle()
    tip_notification = Bool()
    file_notification = Bool()
    comment_notification = Bool()
    # + is added
    # message_notification = Bool()

    # this is going to be removed
    notification_fields = Pickle()
    # + and substituted without being a dict
    # mail_address = Unicode()

    can_delete_submission = Bool()
Пример #20
class InternalTip(ModelWithID):
    This is the internal representation of a Tip that has been submitted to the
    GlobaLeaks node.

    It has a not associated map for keep track of Receivers, Tips,
    Comments and WhistleblowerTip.
    All of those element has a Storm Reference with the InternalTip.id,
    never vice-versa
    creation_date = DateTime(default_factory=datetime_now)
    update_date = DateTime(default_factory=datetime_now)

    context_id = Unicode()

    questionnaire_hash = Unicode()
    preview = JSON()
    progressive = Int(default=0)
    tor2web = Bool(default=False)
    total_score = Int(default=0)
    expiration_date = DateTime()

    identity_provided = Bool(default=False)
    identity_provided_date = DateTime(default_factory=datetime_null)

    enable_two_way_comments = Bool(default=True)
    enable_two_way_messages = Bool(default=True)
    enable_attachments = Bool(default=True)
    enable_whistleblower_identity = Bool(default=False)

    wb_last_access = DateTime(default_factory=datetime_now)
    wb_access_counter = Int(default=0)

    def wb_revoke_access_date(self):
        revoke_date = self.wb_last_access + timedelta(
        return revoke_date

    def is_wb_access_revoked(self):
        return self.whistleblowertip is None
Пример #21
class Field_v_20(Model):
    __storm_table__ = 'field'
    label = JSON()
    description = JSON()
    hint = JSON()
    multi_entry = Bool()
    required = Bool()
    preview = Bool()
    stats_enabled = Bool()
    is_template = Bool()
    x = Int()
    y = Int()
    type = Unicode()
Пример #22
class Category(Storm):
    A thread category

    __storm_table__ = "category"

    id = Int(primary=True)
    name = Unicode()
    threads = ReferenceSet(id, Thread.category_id)

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = unicode(name)
Пример #23
class DummyInvalidModel(Model):
    """Dummy Model without primary key for testing purposes

    __storm_table__ = 'dummy'
    id = Int(auto_increment=True, unigned=True)
    name = Unicode(size=64, allow_none=False)

    def __init__(self, name=None):
        super(DummyInvalidModel, self).__init__()

        if name is not None:
            self.name = unicode(name)
Пример #24
class Context_v_34(models.ModelWithID):
    __storm_table__ = 'context'
    show_small_receiver_cards = Bool(default=False)
    show_context = Bool(default=True)
    show_recipients_details = Bool(default=False)
    allow_recipients_selection = Bool(default=False)
    maximum_selectable_receivers = Int(default=0)
    select_all_receivers = Bool(default=True)
    enable_comments = Bool(default=True)
    enable_messages = Bool(default=False)
    enable_two_way_comments = Bool(default=True)
    enable_two_way_messages = Bool(default=True)
    enable_attachments = Bool(default=True)
    tip_timetolive = Int(default=15)
    name = JSON(validator=shortlocal_v)
    description = JSON(validator=longlocal_v)
    recipients_clarification = JSON()
    status_page_message = JSON()
    show_receivers_in_alphabetical_order = Bool(default=False)
    presentation_order = Int(default=0)
    questionnaire_id = Unicode()
    img_id = Unicode()
Пример #25
Файл: sf.py Проект: iKuba/Bicho
class DBSourceForgeIssueExt(object):
    Maps elements from X{issues_ext_sf} table.

    @param category: category of the issue
    @type category: C{str}
    @param group: group of the issue
    @type group: C{str}
    @param issue_id: identifier of the issue
    @type issue_id: C{int}

    @ivar __storm_table__: Name of the database table.
    @type __storm_table__: C{str}

    @ivar id: Extra issue fields identifier.
    @type id: L{storm.locals.Int}
    @ivar category: Category of the issue.
    @type category: L{storm.locals.Unicode}
    @ivar group_sf: Group of the issue.
    @type group_sf: L{storm.locals.Unicode}
    @ivar issue_id: Issue identifier.
    @type issue_id: L{storm.locals.Int}
    @ivar issue: Reference to L{DBIssue} object.
    @type issue: L{storm.locals.Reference}
    __storm_table__ = 'issues_ext_sf'

    id = Int(primary=True)
    category = Unicode()
    group_sf = Unicode()
    issue_id = Int()

    issue = Reference(issue_id, DBIssue.id)

    #def __init__(self, category, group, issue_id):
    def __init__(self, issue_id):
        #self.category = unicode(category)
        #self.group_sf = unicode(group)
        self.issue_id = issue_id
Пример #26
class Node(Storm):
    """A PubSub node."""
    __storm_table__ = u'nodes'

    node = Unicode(primary=True, allow_none=False)
    config = ReferenceSet(node, 'NodeConfig.node')
    items = ReferenceSet(node, 'Item.node')
    subscriptions = ReferenceSet(node, 'Subscription.node')
    affiliations = ReferenceSet(node, 'Affiliation.node')

    def __init__(self, node):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.node = unicode(node)
Пример #27
class Context(Model):
    This model keeps track of contexts settings.
    show_small_cards = Bool(default=False)
    show_context = Bool(default=True)
    show_recipients_details = Bool(default=False)
    allow_recipients_selection = Bool(default=False)
    maximum_selectable_receivers = Int(default=0)
    select_all_receivers = Bool(default=False)

    enable_comments = Bool(default=True)
    enable_messages = Bool(default=False)
    enable_two_way_comments = Bool(default=True)
    enable_two_way_messages = Bool(default=True)
    enable_attachments = Bool(default=True)

    tip_timetolive = Int()

    # localized strings
    name = JSON(validator=shortlocal_v)
    description = JSON(validator=longlocal_v)
    recipients_clarification = JSON(validator=longlocal_v)

    status_page_message = JSON(validator=longlocal_v)

    show_receivers_in_alphabetical_order = Bool(default=False)

    presentation_order = Int(default=0)

    questionnaire_id = Unicode()

    unicode_keys = ['questionnaire_id']

    localized_keys = [
        'name', 'description', 'recipients_clarification',

    int_keys = [
        'tip_timetolive', 'maximum_selectable_receivers', 'presentation_order',

    bool_keys = [
        'select_all_receivers', 'show_small_cards', 'show_context',
        'show_recipients_details', 'show_receivers_in_alphabetical_order',
        'allow_recipients_selection', 'enable_comments', 'enable_messages',
        'enable_two_way_comments', 'enable_two_way_messages',
Пример #28
class DBJiraIssuesLog(DBIssuesLog):
    __storm_table__ = 'issues_log_jira'
    issue_key = Unicode()
    link = Unicode()
    environment = Unicode()
    security = Unicode()
    updated = DateTime()
    version = Unicode()
    component = Unicode()
    votes = Int()
    project = Unicode()
    project_id = Int
    project_key = Unicode()
Пример #29
class BugTrackerComponent(StormBase):
    """The software component in the remote bug tracker.

    Most bug trackers organize bug reports by the software 'component'
    they affect.  This class provides a mapping of this upstream component
    to the corresponding source package in the distro.
    __storm_table__ = 'BugTrackerComponent'

    id = Int(primary=True)
    name = Unicode(allow_none=False)

    component_group_id = Int('component_group')
    component_group = Reference(

    is_visible = Bool(allow_none=False)
    is_custom = Bool(allow_none=False)

    distribution_id = Int('distribution')
    distribution = Reference(

    source_package_name_id = Int('source_package_name')
    source_package_name = Reference(

    def _get_distro_source_package(self):
        """Retrieves the corresponding source package"""
        if self.distribution is None or self.source_package_name is None:
            return None
        return self.distribution.getSourcePackage(

    def _set_distro_source_package(self, dsp):
        """Links this component to its corresponding source package"""
        if dsp is None:
            self.distribution = None
            self.source_package_name = None
            self.distribution = dsp.distribution
            self.source_package_name = dsp.sourcepackagename

    distro_source_package = property(
        """The distribution's source package for this component""")
Пример #30
class Node_v_18(Model):
    __storm_table__ = 'node'
    name = Unicode()
    public_site = Unicode()
    hidden_service = Unicode()
    email = Unicode()
    receipt_salt = Unicode()
    last_update = DateTime()
    receipt_regexp = Unicode()
    languages_enabled = JSON()
    default_language = Unicode()
    default_timezone = Int()
    description = JSON()
    presentation = JSON()
    footer = JSON()
    security_awareness_title = JSON()
    security_awareness_text = JSON()
    stats_update_time = Int()
    maximum_namesize = Int()
    maximum_textsize = Int()
    maximum_filesize = Int()
    tor2web_admin = Bool()
    tor2web_submission = Bool()
    tor2web_receiver = Bool()
    tor2web_unauth = Bool()
    allow_unencrypted = Bool()
    allow_iframes_inclusion = Bool()
    postpone_superpower = Bool()
    can_delete_submission = Bool()
    ahmia = Bool()
    wizard_done = Bool()
    disable_privacy_badge = Bool()
    disable_security_awareness_badge = Bool()
    disable_security_awareness_questions = Bool()
    whistleblowing_question = JSON()
    whistleblowing_button = JSON()
    enable_custom_privacy_badge = Bool()
    custom_privacy_badge_tor = JSON()
    custom_privacy_badge_none = JSON()
    header_title_homepage = JSON()
    header_title_submissionpage = JSON()
    landing_page = Unicode()
    exception_email = Unicode()