def listVms(self, showVmsFromAllUsers=False): fromAllUsers = -2 currentUserOnly = -3 if showVmsFromAllUsers: visibilitySwitch = fromAllUsers else: visibilitySwitch = currentUserOnly # Hack to retry on SSL errors. maxRetries = 3 retries = 0 while True: try: ret, info, _ =, visibilitySwitch, -1, -1, -1) break except ssl.SSLError as e: retries += 1 t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) Util.printDetail('SSL ERROR ENCOUNTERED (%s): %s' % (t, str(e))) if retries >= maxRetries: raise e if not ret: raise OneException(info) vmlist = Util.etree_from_text(info) for xml in vmlist.findall('VM'): self._addStateSummary(xml) return etree.tostring(vmlist)
def _generateOpensslConfig(self): config = """ [ req ] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name x509_extensions = v3_ca prompt = no input_password = %(certPassword)s output_password = %(certPassword)s dirstring_type = nobmp [ req_distinguished_name ] C = EU O = StratusLab Project OU = Testing Department CN = %(commonName)s [ v3_ca ] basicConstraints = CA:false nsCertType=client, email, objsign keyUsage=critical, digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment, keyAgreement subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always subjectAltName=email:%(subjectEmail)s """ % self.configHolder.options conf_filename = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'openssl.cfg') open(conf_filename, 'w').write(config) Util.printDetail("Generated openssl configuration in: %s" % conf_filename, self.configHolder.verboseLevel) Util.printDetail("Openssl configuration: %s" % open(conf_filename).read(), self.configHolder.verboseLevel, Util.VERBOSE_LEVEL_DETAILED)
def addNetworkAcl(self, users, net_id_int, rights): """ users - hex net_id_int - integer, network ID rights - hex """ # "magic" number _magic = self.ACL_USERS['UID'] net_resource = hex(self.ACL_RESOURCES['NET'] + _magic + net_id_int) # Hack to retry on SSL errors maxRetries = 3 retries = 0 while True: try: ret, info, _ =, users, net_resource, rights) break except ssl.SSLError as e: retries += 1 t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) Util.printDetail('SSL ERROR ENCOUNTERED (%s): %s' % (t, str(e))) if retries >= maxRetries: raise e if not ret: raise OneException(info) return info
def _startDhcp(self): Util.printDetail('(Re)Starting DHCP server.') serviceName = self.packages['dhcp'].initdScriptName rc = self.restartService(serviceName) if rc != 0: Util.printError('Failed to (re)start DHCP service.')
def _configureVirtualNetInterface(self, device, ip, netmask): device = device + ":privlan" Util.printDetail("Configuring network interface %s." % device) self._configureNetworkInterface(device, ip, netmask) Util.printDetail("Starting network interface %s." % device) self.executeCmd(["ifup", device])
def _installDhcp(self): Util.printDetail('Installing DHCP server.') dhcpPackage = self.getPackageName('dhcp') self.installPackages([dhcpPackage]) if not self.isPackageInstalled(dhcpPackage): Util.printError('Failed to install %s.' % dhcpPackage)
def doWork(self): configHolder = ConfigHolder(self.options.__dict__) signator = Signator(self.manifestFile, configHolder) isError = signator.sign() if isError: Util.printError('Error signing metadata file') else: Util.printDetail('Metadata file successfully signed: %s' % signator.outputManifestFile)
def _installDhcp(self): Util.printDetail("Installing DHCP server.") dhcpPackage = self.getPackageName("dhcp") self.installPackages([dhcpPackage]) if not self.isPackageInstalled(dhcpPackage): Util.printError("Failed to install %s." % dhcpPackage)
def _configureVirtualNetInterface(self, device, ip, netmask): device = device + ':privlan' Util.printDetail('Configuring network interface %s.' % device) self._configureNetworkInterface(device, ip, netmask) Util.printDetail('Starting network interface %s.' % device) self.executeCmd(['ifup', device])
def _saveFirewallRules(self, filename): # back-up self.executeCmd(('cp -fp %s %s.LAST'%((filename,)*2)).split(' ')) _,output = self.executeCmdWithOutput(['iptables-save']) Util.printDetail('Saving firewall rules to %s.' % filename) filePutContent(filename, output) os.chmod(filename, 0600)
def buildAndSave(self, filename=''): manifestText = if not filename: filename = '%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s' % (self.os, self.osversion, self.arch, self.type, self.version, Util.manifestExt) Util.filePutContent(filename, manifestText) Util.printDetail("Manifest: %s" % filename, self.verboseLevel, Util.VERBOSE_LEVEL_DETAILED)
def _installFetchCrl(self): """fetch-crl 3: """ Util.printDetail('NB! Installation of fetch-crl is not implemented for Ubuntu.') Util.printDetail("""For manual installation see:""")
def _installCAs(self): """CA: """ Util.printDetail('NB! Installation of CA is not implemented for Ubuntu.') Util.printDetail("""For manual installation see:""") self._installFetchCrl()
def isPackageInstalled(self, package): cmd = self.getIsPackageInstalledCommand(package) rc, output = self._executeWithOutput(cmd, shell=True) if rc != 0: Util.printDetail(output) return False return True
def installCAs(self): def _isCertificateAuthority(): return Util.isTrueConfVal(getattr(self, 'certificateAuthority', False)) if not _isCertificateAuthority(): Util.printDetail('Requested not to install CAs.') else: self._installCAs() self._installFetchCrl() self._enableFetchCrl() self._installVomsFiles()
def _configureCloudAdminSudo(self, commands): Util.printDetail("Configuring sudo rights for '%s'" % self.oneUsername) for cmd in commands: replace = '%s ALL = NOPASSWD: %s' % (self.oneUsername, cmd) self.appendOrReplaceInFileCmd('/etc/sudoers', '%s' % replace, replace) replace = 'Defaults:%s !requiretty' % self.oneUsername self.appendOrReplaceInFileCmd('/etc/sudoers', '%s' % replace, replace) replace = 'Defaults:%s !requiretty' % 'root' self.appendOrReplaceInFileCmd('/etc/sudoers', '%s' % replace, replace)
def configureCloudAdminPdiskNode(self): pdiskAttach = "/usr/sbin/" pdiskDetach = "/usr/sbin/" if Util.isFalseConfVal(getattr(self, "persistentDisks", False)): self.executeCmd('"[ -f %(pd)s ] || { touch %(pd)s; chmod +x %(pd)s; }"' % {"pd": pdiskDetach}, shell=True) return Util.printDetail("Configuring persistent disks management for " "'%s' user." % self.oneUsername) line = "oneadmin ALL = NOPASSWD: %s, %s" % (pdiskAttach, pdiskDetach) self.appendOrReplaceInFileCmd("/etc/sudoers", "^%s.*persistent-disk.*$" % self.oneUsername, line)
def _configureQemuUserOnFrontend(self): """Add qemu user on Fronted with the same UID and GID as on the node being configured. Add qemu user to 'cloud' group both on Frontend and the node. """ if self.shareType != 'nfs': return user = group = 'qemu' getUidGidCmd = "getent passwd %s" Util.printDetail("Configuring '%s' user on Frontend as shared filesystem setup requested." % user) def getUidGidFromNode(user): rc, output = self._nodeShell(getUidGidCmd % user, withOutput=True) if rc != 0: Util.printError("Error getting '%s' user UID/GID from Node.\n%s" % (user,output)) return _extractUidGidFromGetentPasswdOutput(output) def _extractUidGidFromGetentPasswdOutput(output): uid, gid = output.split(':')[2:4] # uid, gid if not all([uid, gid]): Util.printError("Error extracting '%s' user UID/GID from output.\n%s" % (user,output)) return uid, gid uidNode, gidNode = getUidGidFromNode(user) rc, output = self._executeWithOutput((getUidGidCmd % uidNode).split()) if rc == 0: uidLocal, gidLocal = _extractUidGidFromGetentPasswdOutput(output) Util.printDetail("User with UID:%s/GID:%s already configured on Frontend." % (uidLocal, gidLocal), verboseLevel=self.verboseLevel) if gidNode != gidLocal: Util.printError("Frontend user '%s' GID:%s doesn't match GID:%s on Node %s." % (gidLocal, user, gidNode, self.nodeAddr)) else: self._execute(['groupadd', '-g', gidNode, '-r', group]) self._execute(['useradd', '-r', '-u', uidNode, '-g', group, '-d', '/', '-s', '/sbin/nologin', '-c', '"%s user"'%user, user]) # Instruct libvirt to run VMs with GID of ONE group. self.appendOrReplaceInFileCmd(self.qemuConf, '^group.*$', 'group = "%s"' % self.oneGroup)
def doWork(self): configHolder = ConfigHolder(self.options.__dict__) src = self._get_config_path() dst = configHolder.configFile if os.path.exists(dst) and not configHolder.force: Util.printError(self.existingFileMsg % dst) else: try: self._create_parent_dir(dst) self._copy_config(src, dst) Util.printDetail('wrote configuration file: %s' % dst) except Exception as e: Util.printError(e)
def installPackages(self, packages): if len(packages) < 1: return self.addRepositories(packages) packages_versioned = [] for package in packages: packages_versioned.append(self.getPackageWithVersionForInstall(package)) cmd = "%s %s" % (self.installCmd, " ".join(packages_versioned)) rc, output = self._executeWithOutput(cmd, shell=True) if rc != 0: raise ExecutionException("Failed to install: %s\n%s" % (", ".join(packages_versioned), output)) Util.printDetail(output, self.verboseLevel, Util.VERBOSE_LEVEL_DETAILED)
def configureCloudAdminSshKeys(self): keyFileName = "%s/.ssh/id_rsa" % self.oneHome if os.path.exists(keyFileName): Util.printDetail("Key file %s already exists, skipping this step" % keyFileName) return self.createDirsCmd(os.path.dirname(keyFileName)) self.setOwnerCmd(os.path.dirname(keyFileName)) self.executeCmd(['ssh-keygen -f %s -N "" -q' % keyFileName], shell=True) self.setOwnerCmd(keyFileName) self.setOwnerCmd("" % keyFileName) self.copyCmd("" % keyFileName, "%s/.ssh/authorized_keys" % self.oneHome) self.setOwnerCmd("%s/.ssh/authorized_keys" % self.oneHome) self._configureCloudAdminSsh()
def generateP12(self): self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() Util.printDetail('Temporary directory for certificate generation: %s' % self.tmp_dir, self.configHolder.verboseLevel, Util.VERBOSE_LEVEL_DETAILED) try: self._generateOpensslConfig() self._runCommandsP12() finally: if self.configHolder.noCleanup: Util.printInfo('Intermediate files are in %s' % self.tmp_dir) else: try: shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True) except: pass
def _vmInfo(self, vmId): # Hack to retry on SSL errors. maxRetries = 3 retries = 0 while True: try: isSuccess, info, _ =, vmId) break except ssl.SSLError as e: retries += 1 t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) Util.printDetail('SSL ERROR ENCOUNTERED (%s): %s' % (t, str(e))) if retries >= maxRetries: raise e self._raiseIfError(isSuccess, info) return info
def configureDatabase(self): if self.oneDbHost in ['localhost', '']: Util.printDetail('Installing MySQL server.') mysqlPackage = self.getPackageName('MySQLServer') self.installPackages([mysqlPackage]) Util.printDetail('Starting MySQL server.') mysqlService = self.getPackageInitdScriptName('MySQLServer') self.startService(mysqlService) Util.printDetail('Changing db root password') self._configureRootDbUser(self.oneDbRootPassword) Util.printDetail('Creating oneadmin db account') self._configureDbUser(self.oneDbUsername, self.oneDbPassword) else: Util.printDetail('Skipping MySQL installation/configuration. It is assumed to be configured on %s' % self.oneDbHost)
def listHosts(self): # Hack to retry on SSL errors maxRetries = 3 retries = 0 while True: try: ret, info, _ = break except ssl.SSLError as e: retries += 1 t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) Util.printDetail('SSL ERROR ENCOUNTERED (%s): %s' % (t, str(e))) if retries >= maxRetries: raise e if not ret: raise OneException(info) return info
def hostRemove(self, id): # Hack to retry on SSL errors maxRetries = 3 retries = 0 while True: try: ret =, id) break except ssl.SSLError as e: retries += 1 t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) Util.printDetail('SSL ERROR ENCOUNTERED (%s): %s' % (t, str(e))) if retries >= maxRetries: raise e if not ret: raise OneException(id) return id
def hostCreate(self, hostname, im, vmm, tm, vnm='dummy', inDomain=True): # Hack to retry on SSL errors maxRetries = 3 retries = 0 while True: try: ret, id, _ =, hostname, im, vmm, vnm, tm, inDomain) break except ssl.SSLError as e: retries += 1 t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) Util.printDetail('SSL ERROR ENCOUNTERED (%s): %s' % (t, str(e))) if retries >= maxRetries: raise e if not ret: raise OneException(id) return id
def configureDatabase(self): if self.oneDbHost in ["localhost", ""]: Util.printDetail("Installing MySQL server.") mysqlPackage = self.getPackageName("MySQLServer") self.installPackages([mysqlPackage]) Util.printDetail("Starting MySQL server.") mysqlService = self.getPackageInitdScriptName("MySQLServer") self.startService(mysqlService) Util.printDetail("Changing db root password") self._configureRootDbUser(self.oneDbRootPassword) Util.printDetail("Creating oneadmin db account") self._configureDbUser(self.oneDbUsername, self.oneDbPassword) else: Util.printDetail( "Skipping MySQL installation/configuration. It is assumed to be configured on %s" % self.oneDbHost )
def vmStart(self, vmTpl): # Hack to retry on SSL errors maxRetries = 3 retries = 0 while True: try: isSuccess, detail, _ =, vmTpl) break except ssl.SSLError as e: retries += 1 t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) Util.printDetail('SSL ERROR ENCOUNTERED (%s): %s' % (t, str(e))) if retries >= maxRetries: raise e self._raiseIfError(isSuccess, detail) vmId = detail return vmId
def networkCreate(self, vnetTpl): # Hack to retry on SSL errors. maxRetries = 3 retries = 0 while True: try: ret, vnetId, _ =, vnetTpl) break except ssl.SSLError as e: retries += 1 t = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) Util.printDetail('SSL ERROR ENCOUNTERED (%s): %s' % (t, str(e))) if retries >= maxRetries: raise e if not ret: error = vnetId raise OneException('Error creating ONE network:\n%s' % error) return vnetId