def test_refresh_access_token_raises(self, monkeypatch): """Test that an error is raised when the access token could not be generated while creating the Connection object.""" monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "post", mock_return(MockResponse(500, {}))) conn = Connection(token=test_token, host=test_host) with pytest.raises(RequestFailedError, match="Could not retrieve access token"): conn._refresh_access_token()
def test_init(self): """Tests that a ``Connection`` is initialized correctly.""" token, host, port, use_ssl = "token", "host", 123, True connection = Connection(token, host, port, use_ssl) assert connection.token == token assert == host assert connection.port == port assert connection.use_ssl == use_ssl # pylint: disable=protected-access assert connection._url("/abc") == "https://host:123/abc"
def test_configuration_deleted_integration(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir): """Check that once two Connection instances indeed differ in their configuration if the configuration is being deleted in the meantime. The logic of the test goes as follows: 1. Two temporary paths and files are being created 2. The directories to be checked are mocked out to the temporary paths 3. A connection object is created, using the configuration from the first config 4. The first configuration is deleted, leaving the second config as default 5. Another connection object is created, using the configuration from the second config 6. Checks for the configuration for each Connection instances """ test_file_name = "config.toml" # Creating the two temporary paths and files path1 = tmpdir.mkdir("sub1") path2 = tmpdir.mkdir("sub2") file1 = path1.join(test_file_name) file2 = path2.join(test_file_name) with open(file1, "w") as f: f.write(TEST_CONFIG_FILE_1) with open(file2, "w") as f: f.write(TEST_CONFIG_FILE_2) with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(os, "getcwd", lambda: path1) m.delenv("SF_CONF", raising=False) m.setattr(conf, "user_config_dir", lambda *args: path2) a = Connection() assert os.path.exists(file1) assert a.token == "DummyToken" assert == "DummyHost" assert a.port == 1234 assert a.use_ssl == False conf.delete_config(directory=path1) assert not os.path.exists(file1) b = Connection() assert b.token == "071cdcce-9241-4965-93af-4a4dbc739135" assert == "" assert b.port == 443 assert b.use_ssl == True
def test_wrapped_request_refreshes(self, mocker, monkeypatch): """Test that the _request method refreshes the access token when getting a 401 response.""" # Mock post function used while refreshing monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "post", mock_return(MockResponse(200, {}))) # Mock request function used for general requests monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "request", mock_return(MockResponse(401, {}))) conn = Connection(token=test_token, host=test_host) spy = mocker.spy(conn, "_refresh_access_token") conn._request("SomeRequestMethod", "SomePath") spy.assert_called_once_with()
def ping(): """Tests the connection to the remote backend.""" if Connection().ping(): sys.stdout.write( "You have successfully authenticated to the platform!\n") else: sys.stdout.write( "There was a problem when authenticating to the platform!\n")
def __init__(self, target: str, connection: Connection = None, backend_options: dict = None): self._target = self.DEFAULT_TARGETS.get(target, target) self._spec = None self._connection = connection or Connection() self._backend_options = backend_options or {} self.log = create_logger(__name__)
def test_refresh_access_token(self, mocker, monkeypatch): """Test that the access token is created by passing the expected headers.""" path = "/auth/realms/platform/protocol/openid-connect/token" data={ "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": test_token, "client_id": "public", } monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "post", mock_return(MockResponse(200, {}))) spy = mocker.spy(requests, "post") conn = Connection(token=test_token, host=test_host) conn._refresh_access_token() expected_headers = {'Accept-Version': conn.api_version} expected_url = f"https://{test_host}:443{path}" spy.assert_called_once_with(expected_url, headers=expected_headers, data=data)
def __init__(self, target: str, connection: Connection = None, backend_options: dict = None): self._target = self.DEFAULT_TARGETS.get(target, target) if self._target not in self.VALID_TARGETS: raise ValueError( "Invalid engine target: {} (valid targets: {})".format( target, tuple(self.DEFAULT_TARGETS.keys()) + self.VALID_TARGETS ) ) self._connection = connection or Connection() self._backend_options = backend_options or {} self.log = create_logger(__name__)
def connection(): """A mock connection object.""" return Connection(token="token", host="host", port=123, use_ssl=True)