def get(imdb_id):
    from streamajoker.caching import shelf
    with shelf("" % imdb_id) as movie:
        if not movie:
                import urllib2
                from streamajoker.utils import url_get_json
                movie.update(url_get_json("%s/movie/%s" % (BASE_URL, imdb_id), params={"api_key": API_KEY, "append_to_response": "credits"}, headers=HEADERS, with_immunicity=False) or {})
            except urllib2.HTTPError:
        return dict(movie)
def search(query, **kwargs):
    from streamajoker.utils import url_get_json

    kwargs["query"] = query
    return url_get_json("%s/search/movie" % BASE_URL, params=kwargs, headers=HEADERS, with_immunicity=False)
def tmdb_config():
    from streamajoker.utils import url_get_json
    return url_get_json("%s/configuration" % BASE_URL, params={"api_key": API_KEY}, headers=HEADERS, with_immunicity=False)
def yify_show_data(callback):
    import xbmc
    import xbmcgui
    from contextlib import nested, closing
    from itertools import izip, chain
    from concurrent import futures
    from streamajoker import tmdb
    from streamajoker.utils import url_get_json, terminating, SafeDialogProgress

    args = dict((k, v[0]) for k, v in plugin.request.args.items())

    current_page = int(args["set"])
    limit = int(args["limit"])

    with closing(SafeDialogProgress(delay_close=0)) as dialog:
        dialog.update(percent=0, line1="Fetching movie information...", line2="", line3="")

            search_result = url_get_json("%s/api/list.json" % BASE_URL, params=args, headers=HEADERS)
            plugin.notify("Unable to connect to %s." % BASE_URL)
        movies = search_result.get("MovieList") or []

        if not movies:

        state = {"done": 0}

        def on_movie(future):
            data = future.result()
            state["done"] += 1
                percent=int(state["done"] * 100.0 / len(movies)),
                line2=data.get("title") or data.get("MovieTitleClean") or "",

        with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as pool_tmdb:
            tmdb_list = [pool_tmdb.submit(tmdb.get, movie["ImdbCode"]) for movie in movies]
            [future.add_done_callback(on_movie) for future in tmdb_list]
            while not all(job.done() for job in tmdb_list):
                if dialog.iscanceled():

        tmdb_list = map(lambda job: job.result(), tmdb_list)
        for movie, tmdb_meta in izip(movies, tmdb_list):
            if tmdb_meta:
                item = tmdb.get_list_item(tmdb_meta)
                if args.get("quality") == "all" and movie["Quality"] != "720p":
                    item["label"] = "%s (%s)" % (item["label"], movie["Quality"])
                item.update({"path": plugin.url_for("play", uri=movie["TorrentMagnetUrl"]), "is_playable": True})
                item.setdefault("info", {}).update(
                        "count": movie["MovieID"],
                        "genre": "%s (%s S:%s P:%s)"
                        % (item["info"]["genre"], movie["Size"], movie["TorrentSeeds"], movie["TorrentPeers"]),
                        "plot_outline": tmdb_meta["overview"],
                        "video_codec": "h264",
                width = 1920
                height = 1080
                if movie["Quality"] == "720p":
                    width = 1280
                    height = 720
                item.setdefault("stream_info", {}).update(
                    {"video": {"codec": "h264", "width": width, "height": height}, "audio": {"codec": "aac"}}
                yield item

        if current_page < (int(search_result["MovieCount"]) / limit):
            next_args = args.copy()
            next_args["set"] = int(next_args["set"]) + 1
            yield {"label": ">> Next page", "path": plugin.url_for(callback, **next_args)}