def host2(listen_port, remote_port): s = Streamer(dst_ip="localhost", dst_port=remote_port, src_ip="localhost", src_port=listen_port) # send small pieces of data for i in range(NUMS): buf = ("%d " % i) print("sending {%s}" % buf) s.send(buf.encode('utf-8')) receive(s) s.close() print("STAGE 2 TEST PASSED!")
def host1(listen_port, remote_port): s = Streamer(dst_ip="localhost", dst_port=remote_port, src_ip="localhost", src_port=listen_port) receive(s) print("STAGE 1 TEST PASSED!") # send large chunks of data i = 0 buf = "" while i < NUMS: buf += ("%d " % i) if len(buf) > 12345 or i == NUMS-1: print("sending {%s}" % buf) s.send(buf.encode('utf-8')) buf = "" i += 1 s.close() print("CHECK THE OTHER SCRIPT FOR STAGE 2 RESULTS.")