Пример #1
class TestOptions(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.options = Options({
            "a_default": "default",
            "another-default": "default2"

    def test_options(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("non_existing"), None)

        self.options.set("a_option", "option")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_option"), "option")

    def test_options_update(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("non_existing"), None)

        self.options.update({"a_option": "option"})
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_option"), "option")

    def test_options_name_normalised(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a-default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("another-default"), "default2")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("another_default"), "default2")
Пример #2
class TestOptions(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.options = Options({
            "a_default": "default",
            "another-default": "default2"

    def test_options(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("non_existing"), None)

        self.options.set("a_option", "option")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_option"), "option")

    def test_options_update(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("non_existing"), None)

        self.options.update({"a_option": "option"})
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_option"), "option")

    def test_options_name_normalised(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a-default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("another-default"), "default2")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("another_default"), "default2")
Пример #3
class TestOptions(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.options = Options({
            "a_default": "default"

    def test_options(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_default"), "default")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("non_existing"), None)

        self.options.set("a_option", "option")
        self.assertEqual(self.options.get("a_option"), "option")
Пример #4
class Streamlink:
    """A Streamlink session is used to keep track of plugins,
       options and log settings."""
    def __init__(self, options=None):
        self.http = api.HTTPSession()
        self.options = Options({
            "hds-live-edge": 10.0,
            "hds-segment-attempts": 3,
            "hds-segment-threads": 1,
            "hds-segment-timeout": 10.0,
            "hds-timeout": 60.0,
            "hls-live-edge": 3,
            "hls-segment-attempts": 3,
            "hls-segment-threads": 1,
            "hls-segment-timeout": 10.0,
            "hls-segment-stream-data": False,
            "hls-timeout": 60.0,
            "hls-playlist-reload-attempts": 3,
            "hls-playlist-reload-time": "default",
            "hls-start-offset": 0,
            "hls-duration": None,
            "http-stream-timeout": 60.0,
            "ringbuffer-size": 1024 * 1024 * 16,  # 16 MB
            "rtmp-timeout": 60.0,
            "rtmp-rtmpdump": is_win32 and "rtmpdump.exe" or "rtmpdump",
            "rtmp-proxy": None,
            "stream-segment-attempts": 3,
            "stream-segment-threads": 1,
            "stream-segment-timeout": 10.0,
            "stream-timeout": 60.0,
            "subprocess-errorlog": False,
            "subprocess-errorlog-path": None,
            "ffmpeg-ffmpeg": None,
            "ffmpeg-fout": None,
            "ffmpeg-video-transcode": None,
            "ffmpeg-audio-transcode": None,
            "ffmpeg-start-at-zero": None,
            "mux-subtitles": False,
            "locale": None,
            "user-input-requester": None
        if options:
        self.plugins = OrderedDict({})

    def set_option(self, key, value):
        """Sets general options used by plugins and streams originating
        from this session object.

        :param key: key of the option
        :param value: value to set the option to

        **Available options**:

        ======================== =========================================
        hds-live-edge            ( float) Specify the time live HDS
                                 streams will start from the edge of
                                 stream, default: ``10.0``

        hds-segment-attempts     (int) How many attempts should be done
                                 to download each HDS segment, default: ``3``

        hds-segment-threads      (int) The size of the thread pool used
                                 to download segments, default: ``1``

        hds-segment-timeout      (float) HDS segment connect and read
                                 timeout, default: ``10.0``

        hds-timeout              (float) Timeout for reading data from
                                 HDS streams, default: ``60.0``

        hls-live-edge            (int) How many segments from the end
                                 to start live streams on, default: ``3``

        hls-segment-attempts     (int) How many attempts should be done
                                 to download each HLS segment, default: ``3``

        hls-segment-threads      (int) The size of the thread pool used
                                 to download segments, default: ``1``

        hls-segment-stream-data  (bool) Stream HLS segment downloads,
                                 default: ``False``

        hls-segment-timeout      (float) HLS segment connect and read
                                 timeout, default: ``10.0``

        hls-timeout              (float) Timeout for reading data from
                                 HLS streams, default: ``60.0``

        http-proxy               (str) Specify a HTTP proxy to use for
                                 all HTTP requests

        https-proxy              (str) Specify a HTTPS proxy to use for
                                 all HTTPS requests

        http-cookies             (dict or str) A dict or a semi-colon (;)
                                 delimited str of cookies to add to each
                                 HTTP request, e.g. ``foo=bar;baz=qux``

        http-headers             (dict or str) A dict or semi-colon (;)
                                 delimited str of headers to add to each
                                 HTTP request, e.g. ``foo=bar;baz=qux``

        http-query-params        (dict or str) A dict or a ampersand (&)
                                 delimited string of query parameters to
                                 add to each HTTP request,
                                 e.g. ``foo=bar&baz=qux``

        http-trust-env           (bool) Trust HTTP settings set in the
                                 environment, such as environment
                                 variables (HTTP_PROXY, etc) and
                                 ~/.netrc authentication

        http-ssl-verify          (bool) Verify SSL certificates,
                                 default: ``True``

        http-ssl-cert            (str or tuple) SSL certificate to use,
                                 can be either a .pem file (str) or a
                                 .crt/.key pair (tuple)

        http-timeout             (float) General timeout used by all HTTP
                                 requests except the ones covered by
                                 other options, default: ``20.0``

        http-stream-timeout      (float) Timeout for reading data from
                                 HTTP streams, default: ``60.0``

        subprocess-errorlog      (bool) Log errors from subprocesses to
                                 a file located in the temp directory

        subprocess-errorlog-path (str) Log errors from subprocesses to
                                 a specific file

        ringbuffer-size          (int) The size of the internal ring
                                 buffer used by most stream types,
                                 default: ``16777216`` (16MB)

        rtmp-proxy               (str) Specify a proxy (SOCKS) that RTMP
                                 streams will use

        rtmp-rtmpdump            (str) Specify the location of the
                                 rtmpdump executable used by RTMP streams,
                                 e.g. ``/usr/local/bin/rtmpdump``

        rtmp-timeout             (float) Timeout for reading data from
                                 RTMP streams, default: ``60.0``

        ffmpeg-ffmpeg            (str) Specify the location of the
                                 ffmpeg executable use by Muxing streams
                                 e.g. ``/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg``

        ffmpeg-verbose           (bool) Log stderr from ffmpeg to the

        ffmpeg-verbose-path      (str) Specify the location of the
                                 ffmpeg stderr log file

        ffmpeg-fout              (str) The output file format
                                 when muxing with ffmpeg
                                 e.g. ``matroska``

        ffmpeg-video-transcode   (str) The codec to use if transcoding
                                 video when muxing with ffmpeg
                                 e.g. ``h264``

        ffmpeg-audio-transcode   (str) The codec to use if transcoding
                                 audio when muxing with ffmpeg
                                 e.g. ``aac``

        ffmpeg-start-at-zero     (bool) When used with ffmpeg and copyts,
                                 shift input timestamps so they start at zero

        mux-subtitles            (bool) Mux available subtitles into the
                                 output stream.

        stream-segment-attempts  (int) How many attempts should be done
                                 to download each segment, default: ``3``.
                                 General option used by streams not
                                 covered by other options.

        stream-segment-threads   (int) The size of the thread pool used
                                 to download segments, default: ``1``.
                                 General option used by streams not
                                 covered by other options.

        stream-segment-timeout   (float) Segment connect and read
                                 timeout, default: ``10.0``.
                                 General option used by streams not
                                 covered by other options.

        stream-timeout           (float) Timeout for reading data from
                                 stream, default: ``60.0``.
                                 General option used by streams not
                                 covered by other options.

        locale                   (str) Locale setting, in the RFC 1766 format
                                 eg. en_US or es_ES
                                 default: ``system locale``.

        user-input-requester     (UserInputRequester) instance of UserInputRequester
                                 to collect input from the user at runtime. Must be
                                 set before the plugins are loaded.
                                 default: ``UserInputRequester``.
        ======================== =========================================


        if key == "http-proxy":
            self.http.proxies["http"] = update_scheme("http://", value)
            if "https" not in self.http.proxies:
                self.http.proxies["https"] = update_scheme("http://", value)

        elif key == "https-proxy":
            self.http.proxies["https"] = update_scheme("https://", value)
        elif key == "http-cookies":
            if isinstance(value, dict):
        elif key == "http-headers":
            if isinstance(value, dict):
        elif key == "http-query-params":
            if isinstance(value, dict):
        elif key == "http-trust-env":
            self.http.trust_env = value
        elif key == "http-ssl-verify":
            self.http.verify = value
        elif key == "http-disable-dh":
            if value:
                requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS += ':!DH'
                    requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST = \
                except AttributeError:
                    # no ssl to disable the cipher on
        elif key == "http-ssl-cert":
            self.http.cert = value
        elif key == "http-timeout":
            self.http.timeout = value
            self.options.set(key, value)

    def get_option(self, key):
        """Returns current value of specified option.

        :param key: key of the option


        if key == "http-proxy":
            return self.http.proxies.get("http")
        elif key == "https-proxy":
            return self.http.proxies.get("https")
        elif key == "http-cookies":
            return self.http.cookies
        elif key == "http-headers":
            return self.http.headers
        elif key == "http-query-params":
            return self.http.params
        elif key == "http-trust-env":
            return self.http.trust_env
        elif key == "http-ssl-verify":
            return self.http.verify
        elif key == "http-ssl-cert":
            return self.http.cert
        elif key == "http-timeout":
            return self.http.timeout
            return self.options.get(key)

    def set_plugin_option(self, plugin, key, value):
        """Sets plugin specific options used by plugins originating
        from this session object.

        :param plugin: name of the plugin
        :param key: key of the option
        :param value: value to set the option to


        if plugin in self.plugins:
            plugin = self.plugins[plugin]
            plugin.set_option(key, value)

    def get_plugin_option(self, plugin, key):
        """Returns current value of plugin specific option.

        :param plugin: name of the plugin
        :param key: key of the option


        if plugin in self.plugins:
            plugin = self.plugins[plugin]
            return plugin.get_option(key)

    def resolve_url(self, url, follow_redirect=True):
        """Attempts to find a plugin that can use this URL.

        The default protocol (http) will be prefixed to the URL if
        not specified.

        Raises :exc:`NoPluginError` on failure.

        :param url: a URL to match against loaded plugins
        :param follow_redirect: follow redirects

        url = update_scheme("http://", url)

        available_plugins = []
        for name, plugin in self.plugins.items():
            if plugin.can_handle_url(url):

        available_plugins.sort(key=lambda x: x.priority(url), reverse=True)
        if available_plugins:
            return available_plugins[0](url)

        if follow_redirect:
            # Attempt to handle a redirect URL
                res = self.http.head(url,

                # Fall back to GET request if server doesn't handle HEAD.
                if res.status_code == 501:
                    res = self.http.get(url, stream=True)

                if res.url != url:
                    return self.resolve_url(res.url,
            except PluginError:

        raise NoPluginError

    def resolve_url_no_redirect(self, url):
        """Attempts to find a plugin that can use this URL.

        The default protocol (http) will be prefixed to the URL if
        not specified.

        Raises :exc:`NoPluginError` on failure.

        :param url: a URL to match against loaded plugins

        return self.resolve_url(url, follow_redirect=False)

    def streams(self, url, **params):
        """Attempts to find a plugin and extract streams from the *url*.

        *params* are passed to :func:`Plugin.streams`.

        Raises :exc:`NoPluginError` if no plugin is found.

        plugin = self.resolve_url(url)
        return plugin.streams(**params)

    def get_plugins(self):
        """Returns the loaded plugins for the session."""

        return self.plugins

    def load_builtin_plugins(self):

    def load_plugins(self, path):
        """Attempt to load plugins from the path specified.

        :param path: full path to a directory where to look for plugins

        for loader, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([path]):
            file, pathname, desc = imp.find_module(name, [path])
            # set the full plugin module name
            module_name = "streamlink.plugin.{0}".format(name)

                self.load_plugin(module_name, file, pathname, desc)
            except Exception:
                sys.stderr.write("Failed to load plugin {0}:\n".format(name))


    def load_plugin(self, name, file, pathname, desc):
        # Set the global http session for this plugin
        user_input_requester = self.get_option("user-input-requester")
        api.http = self.http

        module = imp.load_module(name, file, pathname, desc)

        if hasattr(module, "__plugin__"):
            module_name = getattr(module, "__name__")
            plugin_name = module_name.split(".")[
                -1]  # get the plugin part of the module name

            plugin = getattr(module, "__plugin__")
            plugin.bind(self, plugin_name, user_input_requester)

            if plugin.module in self.plugins:
                log.debug("Plugin {0} is being overridden by {1}".format(
                    plugin.module, pathname))

            self.plugins[plugin.module] = plugin

        if file:

    def version(self):
        return __version__

    def localization(self):
        return Localization(self.get_option("locale"))
Пример #5
class Streamlink:
    """A Streamlink session is used to keep track of plugins,
       options and log settings."""
    def __init__(self, options=None):
        self.http = HTTPSession()
        self.options = Options({
            "interface": None,
            "ipv4": False,
            "ipv6": False,
            "hls-live-edge": 3,
            "hls-segment-ignore-names": [],
            "hls-playlist-reload-attempts": 3,
            "default",  # default, duration, segment, average
            "hls-start-offset": 0,
            "hls-duration": None,
            "hls-live-restart": False,
            "ringbuffer-size": 1024 * 1024 * 16,  # 16 MB
            "stream-segment-attempts": 3,
            "stream-segment-threads": 1,
            "stream-segment-timeout": 10.0,
            "stream-timeout": 60.0,
            "ffmpeg-ffmpeg": None,
            "ffmpeg-fout": None,
            "ffmpeg-video-transcode": None,
            "ffmpeg-audio-transcode": None,
            "ffmpeg-copyts": False,
            "ffmpeg-start-at-zero": False,
            "mux-subtitles": False,
            "locale": None,
            "user-input-requester": None,
            "chunk-size": 8192
        if options:
        self.plugins: Dict[str, Type[Plugin]] = OrderedDict({})

    def set_option(self, key, value):
        """Sets general options used by plugins and streams originating
        from this session object.

        :param key: key of the option
        :param value: value to set the option to

        **Available options**:

        ======================== =========================================
        interface                (str) Set the network interface,
                                 default: ``None``
        ipv4                     (bool) Resolve address names to IPv4 only.
                                 This option overrides ipv6, default: ``False``
        ipv6                     (bool) Resolve address names to IPv6 only.
                                 This option overrides ipv4, default: ``False``

        hls-live-edge            (int) How many segments from the end
                                 to start live streams on, default: ``3``

        hls-segment-ignore-names (str[]) List of segment names without
                                 file endings which should get filtered out,
                                 default: ``[]``

        hls-segment-stream-data  (bool) Stream HLS segment downloads,
                                 default: ``False``

        http-proxy               (str) Specify a HTTP proxy to use for
                                 all HTTP requests

        https-proxy              (str) Specify a HTTPS proxy to use for
                                 all HTTPS requests

        http-cookies             (dict or str) A dict or a semi-colon (;)
                                 delimited str of cookies to add to each
                                 HTTP request, e.g. ``foo=bar;baz=qux``

        http-headers             (dict or str) A dict or semi-colon (;)
                                 delimited str of headers to add to each
                                 HTTP request, e.g. ``foo=bar;baz=qux``

        http-query-params        (dict or str) A dict or a ampersand (&)
                                 delimited string of query parameters to
                                 add to each HTTP request,
                                 e.g. ``foo=bar&baz=qux``

        http-trust-env           (bool) Trust HTTP settings set in the
                                 environment, such as environment
                                 variables (HTTP_PROXY, etc) and
                                 ~/.netrc authentication

        http-ssl-verify          (bool) Verify SSL certificates,
                                 default: ``True``

        http-ssl-cert            (str or tuple) SSL certificate to use,
                                 can be either a .pem file (str) or a
                                 .crt/.key pair (tuple)

        http-timeout             (float) General timeout used by all HTTP
                                 requests except the ones covered by
                                 other options, default: ``20.0``

        ringbuffer-size          (int) The size of the internal ring
                                 buffer used by most stream types,
                                 default: ``16777216`` (16MB)

        ffmpeg-ffmpeg            (str) Specify the location of the
                                 ffmpeg executable use by Muxing streams
                                 e.g. ``/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg``

        ffmpeg-verbose           (bool) Log stderr from ffmpeg to the

        ffmpeg-verbose-path      (str) Specify the location of the
                                 ffmpeg stderr log file

        ffmpeg-fout              (str) The output file format
                                 when muxing with ffmpeg
                                 e.g. ``matroska``

        ffmpeg-video-transcode   (str) The codec to use if transcoding
                                 video when muxing with ffmpeg
                                 e.g. ``h264``

        ffmpeg-audio-transcode   (str) The codec to use if transcoding
                                 audio when muxing with ffmpeg
                                 e.g. ``aac``

        ffmpeg-copyts            (bool) When used with ffmpeg, do not shift input timestamps.

        ffmpeg-start-at-zero     (bool) When used with ffmpeg and copyts,
                                 shift input timestamps so they start at zero
                                 default: ``False``

        mux-subtitles            (bool) Mux available subtitles into the
                                 output stream.

        stream-segment-attempts  (int) How many attempts should be done
                                 to download each segment, default: ``3``.

        stream-segment-threads   (int) The size of the thread pool used
                                 to download segments, default: ``1``.

        stream-segment-timeout   (float) Segment connect and read
                                 timeout, default: ``10.0``.

        stream-timeout           (float) Timeout for reading data from
                                 stream, default: ``60.0``.

        locale                   (str) Locale setting, in the RFC 1766 format
                                 eg. en_US or es_ES
                                 default: ``system locale``.

        user-input-requester     (UserInputRequester) instance of UserInputRequester
                                 to collect input from the user at runtime. Must be
                                 set before the plugins are loaded.
                                 default: ``UserInputRequester``.
        ======================== =========================================


        if key == "interface":
            for scheme, adapter in self.http.adapters.items():
                if scheme not in ("http://", "https://"):
                if not value:
                        # https://docs.python.org/3/library/socket.html#socket.create_connection
                        source_address=(value, 0))
            self.options.set(key, None if not value else value)

        elif key == "ipv4" or key == "ipv6":
            self.options.set(key, value)
            if value:
                self.options.set("ipv6" if key == "ipv4" else "ipv4", False)
                urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family = \
                    (lambda: AF_INET) if key == "ipv4" else (lambda: AF_INET6)
                urllib3_connection.allowed_gai_family = allowed_gai_family

        elif key in ("http-proxy", "https-proxy"):
            self.http.proxies["http"] = update_scheme("https://",
            self.http.proxies["https"] = self.http.proxies["http"]
            if key == "https-proxy":
                    "The https-proxy option has been deprecated in favour of a single http-proxy option"

        elif key == "http-cookies":
            if isinstance(value, dict):
        elif key == "http-headers":
            if isinstance(value, dict):
        elif key == "http-query-params":
            if isinstance(value, dict):
        elif key == "http-trust-env":
            self.http.trust_env = value
        elif key == "http-ssl-verify":
            self.http.verify = value
        elif key == "http-disable-dh":
            if value:
                requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS += ':!DH'
                    requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST = \
                except AttributeError:
                    # no ssl to disable the cipher on
        elif key == "http-ssl-cert":
            self.http.cert = value
        elif key == "http-timeout":
            self.http.timeout = value

        # deprecated: {dash,hls}-segment-attempts
        elif key in ("dash-segment-attempts", "hls-segment-attempts"):
            self.options.set("stream-segment-attempts", int(value))
        # deprecated: {dash,hls}-segment-threads
        elif key in ("dash-segment-threads", "hls-segment-threads"):
            self.options.set("stream-segment-threads", int(value))
        # deprecated: {dash,hls}-segment-timeout
        elif key in ("dash-segment-timeout", "hls-segment-timeout"):
            self.options.set("stream-segment-timeout", float(value))
        # deprecated: {hls,dash,http-stream}-timeout
        elif key in ("dash-timeout", "hls-timeout", "http-stream-timeout"):
            self.options.set("stream-timeout", float(value))

            self.options.set(key, value)

    def get_option(self, key):
        """Returns current value of specified option.

        :param key: key of the option

        if key == "http-proxy":
            return self.http.proxies.get("http")
        elif key == "https-proxy":
            return self.http.proxies.get("https")
        elif key == "http-cookies":
            return self.http.cookies
        elif key == "http-headers":
            return self.http.headers
        elif key == "http-query-params":
            return self.http.params
        elif key == "http-trust-env":
            return self.http.trust_env
        elif key == "http-ssl-verify":
            return self.http.verify
        elif key == "http-ssl-cert":
            return self.http.cert
        elif key == "http-timeout":
            return self.http.timeout
            return self.options.get(key)

    def set_plugin_option(self, plugin, key, value):
        """Sets plugin specific options used by plugins originating
        from this session object.

        :param plugin: name of the plugin
        :param key: key of the option
        :param value: value to set the option to


        if plugin in self.plugins:
            plugin = self.plugins[plugin]
            plugin.set_option(key, value)

    def get_plugin_option(self, plugin, key):
        """Returns current value of plugin specific option.

        :param plugin: name of the plugin
        :param key: key of the option


        if plugin in self.plugins:
            plugin = self.plugins[plugin]
            return plugin.get_option(key)

    def resolve_url(self,
                    url: str,
                    follow_redirect: bool = True) -> Tuple[Type[Plugin], str]:
        """Attempts to find a plugin that can use this URL.

        The default protocol (https) will be prefixed to the URL if
        not specified.

        Raises :exc:`NoPluginError` on failure.

        :param url: a URL to match against loaded plugins
        :param follow_redirect: follow redirects

        url = update_scheme("https://", url, force=False)

        matcher: Matcher
        candidate: Optional[Type[Plugin]] = None
        priority = NO_PRIORITY
        for name, plugin in self.plugins.items():
            if plugin.matchers:
                for matcher in plugin.matchers:
                    if matcher.priority > priority and matcher.pattern.match(
                            url) is not None:
                        candidate = plugin
                        priority = matcher.priority
            # TODO: remove deprecated plugin resolver
            elif hasattr(plugin, "can_handle_url") and callable(
                    plugin.can_handle_url) and plugin.can_handle_url(url):
                prio = plugin.priority(url) if hasattr(
                    plugin, "priority") and callable(
                        plugin.priority) else NORMAL_PRIORITY
                if prio > priority:
                        f"Resolved plugin {name} with deprecated can_handle_url API"
                    candidate = plugin
                    priority = prio

        if candidate:
            return candidate, url

        if follow_redirect:
            # Attempt to handle a redirect URL
                # noinspection PyArgumentList
                res = self.http.head(url,

                # Fall back to GET request if server doesn't handle HEAD.
                if res.status_code == 501:
                    res = self.http.get(url, stream=True)

                if res.url != url:
                    return self.resolve_url(res.url,
            except PluginError:

        raise NoPluginError

    def resolve_url_no_redirect(self, url: str) -> Tuple[Type[Plugin], str]:
        """Attempts to find a plugin that can use this URL.

        The default protocol (https) will be prefixed to the URL if
        not specified.

        Raises :exc:`NoPluginError` on failure.

        :param url: a URL to match against loaded plugins

        return self.resolve_url(url, follow_redirect=False)

    def streams(self, url: str, **params):
        """Attempts to find a plugin and extract streams from the *url*.

        *params* are passed to :func:`Plugin.streams`.

        Raises :exc:`NoPluginError` if no plugin is found.

        pluginclass, resolved_url = self.resolve_url(url)
        plugin = pluginclass(resolved_url)

        return plugin.streams(**params)

    def get_plugins(self):
        """Returns the loaded plugins for the session."""

        return self.plugins

    def load_builtin_plugins(self):

    def load_plugins(self, path: str) -> bool:
        """Attempt to load plugins from the path specified.

        :param path: full path to a directory where to look for plugins
        :return: success
        success = False
        user_input_requester = self.get_option("user-input-requester")
        for loader, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([path]):
            # set the full plugin module name
            module_name = f"streamlink.plugins.{name}"
                mod = load_module(module_name, path)
            except ImportError:
                log.exception(f"Failed to load plugin {name} from {path}\n")

            if not hasattr(mod, "__plugin__") or not issubclass(
                    mod.__plugin__, Plugin):
            success = True
            plugin = mod.__plugin__
            plugin.bind(self, name, user_input_requester)
            if plugin.module in self.plugins:
                    f"Plugin {plugin.module} is being overridden by {mod.__file__}"
            self.plugins[plugin.module] = plugin

        return success

    def version(self):
        return __version__

    def localization(self):
        return Localization(self.get_option("locale"))