def test_enter_exit(self):
        topo = Topology()
        streamsx.spl.toolkit.add_toolkit(topo, stu._tk_dir('testtkpy'))
        source = op.Source(topo, '', schema.StreamSchema('tuple<rstring from, int32 enter, int32 exit>').as_tuple(), params={'period':0.1}), drain_timeout=40, reset_timeout=40, max_consecutive_attempts=6))

        transit = op.Map('',, schema.StreamSchema('tuple<rstring from, int32 enter, int32 exit>').as_tuple())

        tester = Tester(topo)

        # On each operator, __enter__ and __exit__ should be called once for 
        # each reset.  Also __enter__ should be called at startup and __exit__
        # at shutdown.  It is hard to verify the final __exit__ call (and that
        # is handled by python rather than our code), so 
        # the test is valid if the number of __enter__ calls is one more than
        # the number of resets, and the number of __exit__ calls is equal to
        # number of resets.  The tuples on the two streams indicate the number
        # of times __enter__ and __exit__ have been called. 
        # We are looking for two specific tuples:
        # ('source', 6, 5) and ('transit', 6, 5)
        tester.eventual_result(, lambda tuple_ : True if tuple_[1] >= 6 and tuple_[1] == tuple_[2] + 1 else Fale if tuple_[1] != tuple_[2] + 1 else None)
        tester.eventual_result(, lambda tuple_ : True if tuple_[1] >= 6 and tuple_[1] == tuple_[2] + 1 else Fale if tuple_[1] != tuple_[2] + 1 else None)

        job_config = streamsx.topology.context.JobConfig(tracing='debug')

        tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config)
Пример #2
    def test_enter_exit(self):
        topo = Topology()
        streamsx.spl.toolkit.add_toolkit(topo, stu._tk_dir('testtkpy'))
        source = op.Source(topo, '', schema.StreamSchema('tuple<rstring from, int32 enter, int32 exit>').as_tuple(), params={'period':0.1}), drain_timeout=40, reset_timeout=40, max_consecutive_attempts=6))

        transit = op.Map('',, schema.StreamSchema('tuple<rstring from, int32 enter, int32 exit>').as_tuple())

        tester = Tester(topo)

        # On each operator, __enter__ and __exit__ should be called once for 
        # each reset.  Also __enter__ should be called at startup and __exit__
        # at shutdown.  It is hard to verify the final __exit__ call (and that
        # is handled by python rather than our code), so 
        # the test is valid if the number of __enter__ calls is one more than
        # the number of resets, and the number of __exit__ calls is equal to
        # number of resets.  The tuples on the two streams indicate the number
        # of times __enter__ and __exit__ have been called. 
        # We are looking for two specific tuples:
        # ('source', 6, 5) and ('transit', 6, 5)
        tester.eventual_result(, lambda tuple_ : True if tuple_[1] >= 6 and tuple_[1] == tuple_[2] + 1 else Fale if tuple_[1] != tuple_[2] + 1 else None)
        tester.eventual_result(, lambda tuple_ : True if tuple_[1] >= 6 and tuple_[1] == tuple_[2] + 1 else Fale if tuple_[1] != tuple_[2] + 1 else None)

        job_config = streamsx.topology.context.JobConfig(tracing='debug')

        tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config)
    def test_aggregate(self):
        iterations = 3000
        reset_count = 5
        topo = Topology()
        # Generate integers from [0,3000)
        s = topo.source(TimeCounter(iterations=iterations, period=0.01))
        if self.is_cr():

        # Filter the odd ones
        s = s.filter(StatefulEvenFilter())
        # Halve the even ones and add one.  Now have integers [1,(iterations/2))
        s =

        sc = s.last(10).trigger(3).aggregate(StatefulAverage())
        st = s.last(17).trigger(timedelta(seconds=2)).aggregate(

        # non-stateful aggregation functions
        nsc = s.last(19).trigger(13).aggregate(lambda tuples: sum(tuples))

        tester = Tester(topo)
        if self.is_cr():

        # Find the expected results.
        # mimic the processing using Python builtins
        iv = filter(StatefulEvenFilter(), range(iterations))
        iv = list(map(StatefulHalfPlusOne(), iv))

        # Expected stateful averages sc,st
        sagg = StatefulAverage()
        ers = [
            sagg(iv[0:i + 3][-10:]) for i in range(0, 3 * int(len(iv) / 3), 3)
        tester.contents(sc, ers)

        tester.tuple_check(st, TimedStatefulAverageChecker())

        # Must eventually aggregate on the last 17 items in iv
        # but only if cr otherwise the final marker stops
        # the window before the final trigger
        if self.is_cr():
                st, lambda av: True if av[1] == sagg(iv[-17:])[1] else None)

        # Expected non-stateful averages nsc
        ernsc = [
            sum(iv[0:i + 13][-19:])
            for i in range(0, 13 * int(len(iv) / 13), 13)
        tester.contents(nsc, ernsc)

        tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config)
Пример #4
 def test_eventual_result_bad(self):
     topo = Topology()
     s = topo.source(range(N))
     w = s.batch(datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=300))
     a = w.aggregate(lambda t : (len(t), sum(t)))
     tester = Tester(topo)
     tester.tuple_count(s, N)
     tester.eventual_result(a, _EROK(int(N/4)))
     ok = tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config, assert_on_fail=False)
Пример #5
 def test_eventual_result_bad(self):
     topo = Topology()
     s = topo.source(range(N))
     w = s.batch(datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=300))
     a = w.aggregate(lambda t : (len(t), sum(t)))
     tester = Tester(topo)
     tester.tuple_count(s, N)
     tester.eventual_result(a, _EROK(int(N/4)))
     ok = tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config, assert_on_fail=False)
Пример #6
 def test_eventual_result_ok(self):
     N = 500000
     topo = Topology()
     s = topo.source(range(N))
     w = s.batch(datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=300))
     a = w.aggregate(lambda t: (len(t), sum(t)))
     tester = Tester(topo)
     tester.tuple_count(s, N)
     tester.eventual_result(a, _EROK(N))
     # Ensure we perform dependency checking for the check function
     import fns_test2_test
     tester.eventual_result(s, fns_test2_test.tc_dep)
     tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config)
Пример #7
 def test_eventual_result_ok(self):
     topo = Topology()
     s = topo.source(range(N))
     w = s.batch(datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=300))
     a = w.aggregate(lambda t : (len(t), sum(t)))
     tester = Tester(topo)
     tester.tuple_count(s, N)
     tester.eventual_result(a, _EROK(N))
     # Ensure we perform dependency checking for the check function
     import fns_test2_test
     tester.eventual_result(s, fns_test2_test.tc_dep)
     tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config)
    def test_aggregate(self):
        iterations = 3000
        reset_count = 5
        topo = Topology()
        # Generate integers from [0,3000)
        s = topo.source(TimeCounter(iterations=iterations, period=0.01))
        if self.is_cr():
            s.set_consistent(ConsistentRegionConfig.periodic(5, drain_timeout=40, reset_timeout=40, max_consecutive_attempts=6))

        # Filter the odd ones 
        s = s.filter(StatefulEvenFilter())
        # Halve the even ones and add one.  Now have integers [1,(iterations/2))
        s =

        sc = s.last(10).trigger(3).aggregate(StatefulAverage())
        st = s.last(17).trigger(datetime.timedelta(seconds=2)).aggregate(StatefulAverage())

        # non-stateful aggregation functions
        nsc = s.last(19).trigger(13).aggregate(lambda tuples : sum(tuples))

        tester = Tester(topo)
        if self.is_cr():

        # Find the expected results.
        # mimic the processing using Python builtins
        iv = filter(StatefulEvenFilter(), range(iterations))
        iv = list(map(StatefulHalfPlusOne(), iv))

        # Expected stateful averages sc,st
        sagg = StatefulAverage()
        ers = [ sagg(iv[0:i+3][-10:]) for i in range(0, 3*int(len(iv)/3), 3) ]
        tester.contents(sc, ers)

        tester.tuple_check(st, TimedStatefulAverageChecker())

        # Must eventually aggregate on the last 17 items in iv
        # but only if cr otherwise the final marker stops
        # the window before the final trigger
        if self.is_cr():
            tester.eventual_result(st, lambda av : True if av[1] == sagg(iv[-17:])[1] else None)

        # Expected non-stateful averages nsc
        ernsc = [ sum(iv[0:i+13][-19:]) for i in range(0, 13*int(len(iv)/13), 13) ]
        tester.contents(nsc, ernsc)

        tester.test(self.test_ctxtype, self.test_config)