Пример #1
    def stringify(self, record_or_index, fields=None, exclude=[]):
        Return element, passed in as a record or index, as the string that
        would be output by the output() method.

        record = record_or_index
        if type(record_or_index) != numpy.void:
            record = self[record_or_index]
        if fields is None: fields = [s[0] for s in self.spec]
        for skip_field in exclude:
            if skip_field in fields: fields.remove(skip_field)
        strings = []
        for field in fields:
            strings.append(self.field_spec[field][2] % record[field])
        return ' '.join(strings)
Пример #2
    def output(self, indices=None, fields=None, exclude=[], rename=[],
               select_values=None, skip_values=None, 
               sort=None, reverse=False, sliced=None, unique=None,
               filename=None, append=False, fh=None, stringify=False,
               print_spec=None, print_header=None, line_space=0, delimiter=' '):
        Print to screen, or file filename or file handle fh, the records
        given by indices (default all).

        File format is as follows --
        #fields symbol average_volume liquidity days min_close min_volume
        #types |S14 <f8 <f8 <i8 <f8 <f8
        #formats %-14s %9.0f %8.2f %3d %9.4f %9.0f
        AA+                 1190     0.08  31   56.0000       100
        ABL                 6415     0.09  48   12.8750       200

        list of fields, to selectively print, in that order.

        list of fields to exclude from printing.

        list of (field, new_name) pairs to rename fields in header of output

        sort records by this field before printing.

        reverse records to be printed.

        select records based on this slice tuple.
        print only the first occurrence for each unique value for this field.

        print to this file.

        print to this filehandle.

        return output as string.
        append to file if file already exists.
        Whether to print a three-line header or not. Defaults to true if writing
        to a new file, false otherwise.

        Whether to print a one-line header or not. Defaults to true if printing
        to standard output, false otherwise.

        (<field>, set([str1, str2, ...])) where rows are to be printed only if
        the value for <field> is in [str1, str2, ...]
        (<field>, set([str1, str2, ...])) where rows are to be printed only if
        the value for <field> is not in [str1, str2, ...]

        Print an empty line every these many lines.

        if filename:
            mode = 'w'
            if append and os.path.exists(filename):
                mode = 'a'
            elif print_spec is None and print_header is None: print_spec = True
            if filename[-3:] == '.gz':
                if mode == 'a': raise AssertionError('Can not append to .gz file ' + filename)
                fh = gzip.open(filename, 'wb')
            else: fh = open(filename, mode)
        elif fh is None and print_header is None and print_spec is None:
            print_header = True

        if stringify:
            assert filename is None and fh is None, 'Too many output options.'
            fh = cStringIO.StringIO()
        field_format = dict([(field, spec[2]) \
                             for field, spec in self.field_spec.items()])
        if fields is None: fields = [s[0] for s in self.spec]
        elif numpy.isscalar(fields): fields = [fields]

        if exclude is not None:
            if numpy.isscalar(exclude): exclude = [exclude]
            for skip_field in exclude:
                if skip_field in fields: fields.remove(skip_field)

        if print_spec or print_header:
            print >>fh, self.header(fields=fields, spec=print_spec, rename=rename, delimiter=delimiter)

        if indices is None: records = self
        else: records = self[indices]        
        if sort is not None:
            srt_idx = arrays.argsort(records, order=sort, reverse=reverse)
            records = records[srt_idx]
        elif reverse: records = records[::-1]

        if sliced is not None:
            if numpy.isscalar(sliced): sliced = [sliced]
            records = records[slice(*sliced)]
        uniques = {}
        line_count = 0
        for record in records:
            if select_values and record[select_values[0]] not in select_values[1]: continue
            if skip_values and record[skip_values[0]] in skip_values[1]: continue
            if unique:
                if record[unique] in uniques: continue
                uniques[record[unique]] = True
            strings = []
            for field in fields:
                if record[field] == '': record[field] = '#NA'
                strings.append(field_format[field] % record[field])
            if line_space and line_count and line_count % line_space == 0: print ''
            print >>fh, delimiter.join(strings)
            line_count += 1

        if stringify: return fh.getvalue()
        if fh is not None: fh.flush()
        if filename: fh.close()