Пример #1
  def _determine_import_context(self, globals):
    """Returns the context in which a module should be imported.

    The context could be a loaded (package) module and the imported module
    will be looked for within that package. The context could also be None,
    meaning there is no context -- the module should be looked for as a
    "top-level" module.

    if not globals or not globals.get('__importer__'):
      # globals does not refer to one of our modules or packages. That
      # implies there is no relative import context (as far as we are
      # concerned), and it should just pick it off the standard path.
      return None

    # The globals refer to a module or package of ours. It will define
    # the context of the new import. Get the module/package fqname.
    parent_fqname = globals['__name__']

    # if a package is performing the import, then return itself (imports
    # refer to pkg contents)
    if globals['__ispkg__']:
      parent = sys.modules[parent_fqname]
      assert globals is parent.__dict__
      return parent

    i = strop.rfind(parent_fqname, '.')

    # a module outside of a package has no particular import context
    if i == -1:
      return None

    # if a module in a package is performing the import, then return the
    # package (imports refer to siblings)
    parent_fqname = parent_fqname[:i]
    parent = sys.modules[parent_fqname]
    assert parent.__name__ == parent_fqname
    return parent
Пример #2
 def test_rfind(self):
     self.assertTrue(strop.rfind("abcdefghiabc", "abc") == 9)
Пример #3
import warnings
 def test_rfind(self):
     self.assertTrue(strop.rfind("abcdefghiabc", "abc") == 9)
Пример #5
import warnings