Пример #1
    def requestMatches(self, data, request):

        if data == None or request == None:
            return data == None and request == None

        requestLength = len(request)
        dataLength = len(data)

        if (requestLength > 25 or dataLength > 25): # do not perform distance ignorance if payload is short - a five byte payload may match even with a 20% length difference
            if (requestLength < (0.9 * dataLength)): # if request is much shorter than data
                return False
            if (dataLength < (0.9 * requestLength)): # if data is much shorter than request            
                return False

        matcher = NormalizedLevenshtein()
        score = matcher.similarity(data, request)

        return score > 0.8
Пример #2
def lexical_similarity(w1, w2):
    normalized_levenshtein = NormalizedLevenshtein()
    return normalized_levenshtein.similarity(w1, w2)
Пример #3
class LectureVideoIndexer:
    config: Config = {
        'frame_step': 2,
        'image_similarity_threshold': 0.9,
        'text_similarity_threshold': 0.85,
        'hash_size': 16,
    progress_callback: ProgressCallback

    __normalized_levenshtein = None

    def __init__(self,
                 config: Optional[Config] = None,
                 progress_callback: ProgressCallback = lambda stage, progress: None):
        if config is not None:
            self.config = {**self.config, **config}

        self.progress_callback = progress_callback
        self.__normalized_levenshtein = NormalizedLevenshtein()

    def index(
        video_path: os.PathLike,
        skip_converting: bool = False,
        crop_region: CropRegion = None,
        toc: TableOfContents = None,
    ) -> VideoIndex:
        if not skip_converting:
            self.__convert_to_frames(video_path, crop_region=crop_region)

        _, _, frames = next(os.walk(FRAMES_DIR))
        filtered_frames = self.__filter_similar_frames(frames_count=len(frames))

        processor = BasicFrameProcessor(
            self.config['text_similarity_threshold']) if toc is None else TOCProcessor(
                toc, self.config['text_similarity_threshold'])
        index = self.__process_frames(filtered_frames, processor)

        return index

    def __clean(self):
        dirpath = Path(FRAMES_DIR)

        if dirpath.exists() and dirpath.is_dir():
        dirpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    def __convert_to_frames(self, video_path: os.PathLike, crop_region: CropRegion = None):
        converter = VideoConverter(
            progress_callback=lambda progress: self.progress_callback(Stage.CONVERTING, progress))

        converter.convert_to_frames(video_path=video_path, crop_region=crop_region)

    def __filter_similar_frames(self, frames_count: int) -> [int]:
        filtered_frames: [int] = [0]
        prev_frame = 0
        max_frame = frames_count * self.config['frame_step']
        prev_progress = 0

        for frame in range(self.config['frame_step'], max_frame, self.config['frame_step']):
            frame_path = self.__create_frame_path(frame)
            similarity = self.__compare_images(self.__create_frame_path(prev_frame), frame_path)

            if (similarity < self.config['image_similarity_threshold']):
            prev_frame = frame

            progress = round((frame + 1) / max_frame * 100)
            if progress > prev_progress:
                self.progress_callback(Stage.FILTERING, progress)
                prev_progress = progress

        return filtered_frames

    def __compare_images(self, img_path_a: os.PathLike, img_path_b: os.PathLike) -> float:
        hash_a = imagehash.phash(Image.open(img_path_a), hash_size=self.config['hash_size'])
        hash_b = imagehash.phash(Image.open(img_path_b), hash_size=self.config['hash_size'])

        return self.__normalized_levenshtein.similarity(str(hash_a), str(hash_b))

    def __process_frames(self, frames: [int], processor: FrameProcessor) -> VideoIndex:
        index: VideoIndex = []
        prev_progress = 0

        for i in range(len(frames)):
            frame = frames[i]
            frame_path = self.__create_frame_path(frame)
            image = self.__preprocess_image(frame_path)

            text = pytesseract.image_to_string(image)
            title, text = self.__extract_title(text)

            entry = processor.process_frame(frame, title, text)

            if entry:

            progress = round(((i + 1) * 100) / len(frames))
            if progress > prev_progress:
                self.progress_callback(Stage.PROCESSING, progress)
                prev_progress = progress

        return index

    def __preprocess_image(self, path: os.PathLike):
        img = cv.imread(path)

        img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        img = cv.adaptiveThreshold(img, 255, cv.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 2)
        img = cv.medianBlur(img, 3)

        return img

    def __extract_title(self, text) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        lines = [line for line in text.strip().split('\n') if not line.isspace() and len(line) > 1]
        title = lines[0] if lines else None
        text = '\n'.join(lines[1:])

        return title, text

    def __create_frame_path(self, frame) -> str:
        return os.path.join(FRAMES_DIR, f"{FRAME_PREFIX}{frame}.png")
Пример #4
fourgram = NGram(4)
print(fourgram.distance(s1, s2))

jarowinkler = JaroWinkler()
print(jarowinkler.similarity('My string', 'My tsring'))
print(jarowinkler.similarity('My string', 'My ntrisg'))

optimal_string_alignment = OptimalStringAlignment()
print(optimal_string_alignment.distance('CA', 'ABC'))

damerau = Damerau()
print(damerau.distance('ABCDEF', 'ABDCEF'))
print(damerau.distance('ABCDEF', 'BACDFE'))
print(damerau.distance('ABCDEF', 'ABCDE'))
print(damerau.distance('ABCDEF', 'BCDEF'))
print(damerau.distance('ABCDEF', 'ABCGDEF'))
print(damerau.distance('ABCDEF', 'POIU'))

normalized_levenshtein = NormalizedLevenshtein()
print(normalized_levenshtein.distance('My string', 'My $string'))
print(normalized_levenshtein.distance('My string', 'My $string'))
print(normalized_levenshtein.distance('My string', 'My $string'))

print(normalized_levenshtein.similarity('My string', 'My $string'))
print(normalized_levenshtein.similarity('My string', 'My $string'))
print(normalized_levenshtein.similarity('My string', 'My $string'))

levenshtein = Levenshtein()
print(levenshtein.distance('My string', 'My $string'))
print(levenshtein.distance('My string', 'My $string'))
print(levenshtein.distance('My string', 'My $string'))