Пример #1
    def test_placeImagesAndSumStyles(self):
        At a loss for how to test image placement---the image is in a zip, the links are not in
        the worksheet. Openpyxl does not get the image info from load_workbook. While these asserts
        are not satisfactory, they will probably fail if something has gone wrong with the insert
        locations for images and the SumStyle forms.
        tf = TradeFormat(self.wb)
        ws = self.wb.active
        self.mistake.mstkSumStyle(ws, tf, self.a)
        self.mistake.dailySumStyle(ws, tf, self.a)

        self.t.placeImagesAndSumStyles(self.imageLocation, ws, tf)
        # self.t.saveXL(self.wb, self.jf)

        for loc in self.imageLocation:
            sumcell = tcell((1, loc[0][0][1]))
            aboveSumCell = tcell((1, loc[0][0][1] - 1))
            self.assertEqual(ws[sumcell].style, 'titleStyle', sumcell)
            self.assertEqual(ws[aboveSumCell].style, 'Normal', aboveSumCell)
            for iloc, fn in zip(loc[0], loc[1]):
                imgcell = tcell(iloc)
                sumcell = tcell((1, iloc[1]))

Пример #2
    def dailySumStyle(self, ws, tf, anchor=(1, 1)):
        Create the shape and populate the daily Summary Form
        :params ws: The openpyxl Worksheet object
        :parmas tf: The TradeFormat object. It holds the styles used.
        :params listOfTrade: A python list of DataFrames, each one a trade with multiple tickets
        :params anchor: The location of the top left corner of the form

        # Alter the anchor to place this form below the (dynamically sized) Mistake form
        anchor = (anchor[0], anchor[1] + self.numTrades + 5)

        for key in self.dailySummaryFields:
            rng = self.dailySummaryFields[key][0]
            style = self.dailySummaryFields[key][1]
            if isinstance(rng, list):
                tf.mergeStuff(ws, rng[0], rng[1], anchor=anchor)
                ws[tcell(rng[0], anchor=anchor)].style = tf.styles[style]
                mrng = tcell(rng[0], rng[1], anchor=anchor)
                style_range(ws, mrng, border=tf.styles[style].border)
                # if key in headers:
                if len(self.dailySummaryFields[key]) == 3:

                    ws[tcell(rng[0], anchor=anchor)] = self.dailySummaryFields[key][2]

                ws[tcell(rng, anchor=anchor)].style = tf.styles[style]
                # if key in headers:
                if len(self.dailySummaryFields[key]) == 3:
                    ws[tcell(rng, anchor=anchor)] = self.dailySummaryFields[key][2]
Пример #3
    def populateXLMistakeForm(self, mistake, ws, imageLocation):
        For the export to excel the mistake summary form. Populate the dynamic parts of mistake
        summaries. That includes fomulas and hyperlinks with references to tradeSummaries and
        hyperlinks to back. The cell location for the links to tradeSummaries requires then
        anchor information in imageLocation and the specific cell within tradeSummaries found in
        mistakeFields. The return hyperlinks in the tradeSummaries forms are also translated here.

        :parmas mistake: A dataframe containing the info to populate the mistake summary form.
        :params ws: The openpyxl worksheet object.
        :parmas imageLocation: A list containing the locations in the worksheet for each of the
                               trades in tradeSummaries.

        # Populate the name fields as hyperlinks to tradeSummaries title cell and back.
        for i, (iloc, tradekey) in enumerate(zip(imageLocation, self.ts)):
            tsum = self.ts[tradekey]
            key = "name" + str(i + 1)
            cell = mistake.mistakeFields[key][0][0]
            cell = tcell(cell, anchor=mistake.anchor)
            targetcell = (1, iloc[0][0][1])
            targetcell = tcell(targetcell)
            cellval = "{0} {1} {2}".format(i + 1,
            link = "#{}!{}".format(ws.title, targetcell)

            ws[cell].hyperlink = (link)
            ws[cell] = cellval
            ws[cell].font = Font(color=colors.WHITE, underline="double")

            link = "#{}!{}".format(ws.title, cell)
            ws[targetcell].hyperlink = (link)
            ws[targetcell].font = Font(color=colors.WHITE,

        # Populate the pl (loss) fields and the mistake fields. These are all formulas like =B31
        tokens = ["tpl", "pl", "mistake"]
        for token in tokens:
            for i in range(len(self.ts)):
                key = token + str(i + 1)
                if isinstance(mistake.mistakeFields[key][0], list):
                    cell = mistake.mistakeFields[key][0][0]
                    cell = cell = mistake.mistakeFields[key][0]
                cell = tcell(cell, anchor=mistake.anchor)
                formula = mistake.formulas[key][0]
                targetcell = mistake.formulas[key][1]
                targetcell = tcell(targetcell,
                                   anchor=(1, imageLocation[i][0][0][1]))
                formula = formula.format(targetcell)

                # logging.info("ws[{0}]='{1}'".format(cell, formula))
                ws[cell] = formula
Пример #4
    def test_populateXLMistakeForm_correctTradePL(self):
        '''This method knows way too much, but how else to deal with excel and test formula results...'''
        ws = self.wb.active
        iloc = self.imageLocation
        self.t.populateXLDailyFormulas(iloc, ws)
        self.t.populateXLMistakeForm(self.mistake, ws, iloc)
        # self.t.saveXL(self.wb, self.jf)

        # Here we will get the values that the simple formulas point to and test that the trade pl matches
        for i in range(len(self.ldf)):
            tpl = 'tpl' + str(i + 1)
            cell = tcell(self.mistake.mistakeFields[tpl][0], anchor=self.a)
            vallink = ws[cell].value.replace('=', '')
            val = ws[vallink].value
                val = float(val)
            except ValueError:
                if val == '':
                    val = 0.0
                    raise ValueError('Unexpected value for a currency amount.',
                                     type(val), val)
            self.assertIsInstance(val, float, val)
            origval = float(self.ldf[i].iloc[-1].Sum)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(val, origval)
Пример #5
    def placeImagesAndSumStyles(self, imageLocation, ws, tf):
        A helper method for export to excel. Place images and the tradesummary stylesin the
        openpyxl ws object

        # tradeSummaries = list()
        CELLS = 20  # trial and error here
        srf = SumReqFields()

        for loc in imageLocation:
            # Place the format shapes/styles in the worksheet
            tf.formatTrade(ws, srf, anchor=(1, loc[0][0][1]))
            for iloc, fn in zip(loc[0], loc[1]):
                if not os.path.exists(fn):
                img = PILImage.open(fn)
                xl = XLImage()
                newSize = xl.adjustSizeByHeight(img.size, CELLS)
                img = img.resize(newSize, PILImage.ANTIALIAS)
                img.save(fn, 'png')
                img = Image(fn)
                if img:
                    cellname = tcell(iloc)
                    ws.add_image(img, cellname)
Пример #6
def loadTradeSummaries(loc, trades):
    Load up each trade summary in the excel doc into a 1 row DataFrame, return a list
    of these DataFrames. The addresses are supplied by srf plus the loc object that has the
    :params:loc: A list of the rows within the excel doc on which to find the trade summaries
    :return: A list of 1-row DataFrames Each trade is on one row from each of the trade summay forms

    ldf = list()
    ts = dict()
    srf = SumReqFields()
    reqCol = srf.rc
    newdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=reqCol.values())
    colFormat = srf.tfcolumns

    for i, rowNum in enumerate(loc):
        newdf = DataFrameUtil.createDf(newdf, 1)
        for key in reqCol.keys():
            if key in ['date', 'clean', 'id']:
            cell = colFormat[reqCol[key]][0]
            if isinstance(cell, list):
                cell = cell[0]
            cell = tcell(cell, anchor=(1, rowNum))
            newdf.iloc[-1][reqCol[key]] = trades[cell].value

        tradekey = str(i + 1) + ' ' + newdf.iloc[0].Name
        ts[tradekey] = newdf
    return ldf, ts
Пример #7
    def test_styleTopwithnothin(self):
        Test the method layoutsheet.LayoutSheet.styleTop. Test that it still works without
        table data. We still know too much about the method,. Note that we are using a protected
        member of Worksheet ws._tables
        quoteRange = [(1, 1), (13, 5)]
        noteRange = [(1, 6), (13, 24)]
        quoteStyle = 'normStyle'
        noteStyle = 'explain'
        margin = 25
        inputlen = 50  # len(df)

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active

        # Make sure the out dir exists
        if not os.path.exists("out/"):

        # Make sure the file we are about to create does not exist
        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):

        ls = LayoutSheet(margin, inputlen)
        ls.styleTop(ws, 13, TradeFormat(wb))


        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        listOfMerged = list()
            tcell((quoteRange[0])) + ':' + tcell((quoteRange[1])))
            tcell((noteRange[0])) + ':' + tcell((noteRange[1])))
        for xx in ws2.merged_cells.ranges:
            # print (str(xx) in listOfMerged)
            self.assertIn(str(xx), listOfMerged)
        self.assertEqual(ws[tcell(quoteRange[0])].style, quoteStyle)
        self.assertEqual(ws[tcell(noteRange[0])].style, noteStyle)

        self.assertEqual(len(ws._tables), 1)

        begin = tcell((1, ls.topMargin))

        end = tcell((13, ls.topMargin + ls.inputlen))
        tabRange = f'{begin}:{end}'
        key = list(ws._tables.keys())
        if key:
            self.assertEqual(tabRange, ws._tables[key[0]].ref)

Пример #8
    def mstkSumStyle(self, ws, tf, anchor=(1, 1)):
        Create the shape and stye for the Mistake summary form, populate the static values.
        The rest is done elsewhere including formulas (with cell translation) and the
        names, each with a hyperinks to the Trade Summary form.
        :params ws: The openpyx worksheet object
        :params tf: The TradeFormat object which has the styles
        :params anchor: The cell value at the Top left of the form in tuple form.
        a = anchor

        # Merge the cells, apply the styles, and populate the fields we can--the
        # fields that don't know any details todays trades (other than how many trades)
        # That includes the non-formula fields and the sum formula below
        for key in self.mistakeFields:
            rng = self.mistakeFields[key][0]
            style = self.mistakeFields[key][1]

            if isinstance(self.mistakeFields[key][0], list):
                tf.mergeStuff(ws, rng[0], rng[1], anchor=a)
                ws[tcell(rng[0], anchor=a)].style = tf.styles[style]
                mrng = tcell(rng[0], rng[1], anchor=a)
                style_range(ws, mrng, border=tf.styles[style].border)
                if len(self.mistakeFields[key]) == 3:
                    ws[tcell(rng[0], anchor=a)] = self.mistakeFields[key][2]

                ws[tcell(rng, anchor=a)].style = tf.styles[style]
                if len(self.mistakeFields[key]) == 3:
                    # ws[tcell(rng, anchor=a)] = headers[key]
                    ws[tcell(rng, anchor=a)] = self.mistakeFields[key][2]

        # The total sum formulas are done here. It is self contained to references to the Mistake
        # Summary form
        totcell = self.mistakeFields['total'][0]
        begincell = (totcell[0], totcell[1] - self.numTrades)
        endcell = (totcell[0], totcell[1] - 1)
        rng = tcell(begincell, endcell, anchor=a)
        totcell = tcell(totcell, anchor=a)
        f = '=SUM({0})'.format(rng)
        ws[totcell] = f

        totcell2 = self.mistakeFields['total2'][0]
        begincell = (totcell2[0], totcell2[1] - self.numTrades)
        endcell = (totcell2[0], totcell2[1] - 1)
        rng = tcell(begincell, endcell, anchor=a)
        totcell2 = tcell(totcell2, anchor=a)
        f = '=SUM({0})'.format(rng)
        ws[totcell2] = f
Пример #9
 def populateXLDailyNote(self, ws):
     Export the daily note as found in the DailyControl dialog.
     cell = (1, 6)
     cell = tcell(cell)
     dc = DailyControl(self.jf.theDate)
     note = dc.getNote()
     if note:
         ws[cell] = note
Пример #10
    def styleTop(self, ws, widthDF, tf):
        Style the table, and the top bit. Here we style the table and the things above it. The
        table data is already there. Above the table are two merged groups. At the top is the
        inspire quote. Next is an introductory notes section. There is currently no external
        control to set the sizes of these two things. Its hard coded here here.
        :params ws: The openpyxl Worksheet to use.
        :params widthDF: The width of the dataFrame holding the trades.
        :params tf: The TradeFormat object
        :prerequisites: Depends that ws has the table data beginning A25 (1,25), beginning with
                        column headers on row 25. The length of the table is defined in
                        self.inputlen. If topMargin changes, this code will need change.
        # Hard coded sizes here
        quoteRange = [(1, 1), (13, 5)]
        noteRange = [(1, 6), (13, 24)]

        tblRng = "{0}:{1}".format(
            tcell((1, self.topMargin)),
            tcell((widthDF, self.topMargin + self.inputlen)))
        tab = Table(displayName="Table1", ref=tblRng)
        style = TableStyleInfo(name="TableStyleMedium1",
        tab.tableStyleInfo = style


        # A1:M5 inspire quote. Style the quote and insert the quote
        tf.mergeStuff(ws, quoteRange[0], quoteRange[1])
        ws["A1"].style = tf.styles["normStyle"]
        style_range(ws, "A1:M5", border=tf.styles["normStyle"].border)
        inspire = Inspire()
        ws["A1"] = inspire.getrandom().replace("\t", "        ")

        # A6:M24 introductory notes. Style the cells and enter minimal text.
        tf.mergeStuff(ws, noteRange[0], noteRange[1])
        ws["A6"].style = tf.styles["explain"]
        style_range(ws, "A6:M24", border=tf.styles["explain"].border)
Пример #11
    def test_dailySumStyle(self):
        Test the method MistakeSummary.mstkSumStyle.
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active
        tf = TradeFormat(wb)

        numTrades = 5

        ms = MistakeSummary(numTrades)

        ms.dailySumStyle(ws, tf)

        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):


        anchor = (1, ms.anchor[1] + ms.numTrades + 5)

        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        # test that each listed item in ms.mistakeFields has a corresponding style set in the
        # appropriate cell in the re-opened workbook.
        for x in ms.dailySummaryFields:
            cell = ''
            entry = ms.dailySummaryFields[x]
            if isinstance(entry[0], list):
                cell = tcell(entry[0][0], anchor=anchor)
                cell = tcell(entry[0], anchor=anchor)
            self.assertEqual(entry[1], ws2[cell].style)

            # Get the entries with the static values-- the headers
            if len(entry) == 3:
                self.assertEqual(ws2[cell].value, ms.dailySummaryFields[x][2])
Пример #12
    def populateXLDailyFormulas(self, imageLocation, ws):
        Helper method for export to excel. Populate the excel formulas in the daily summary forms.
        The formulas are in self.ts and the information to transalte cell location is in
        srf = SumReqFields()
        for loc, tradekey in zip(imageLocation, self.ts):
            tto = self.ts[tradekey]

            # populate the trade information
            for key in srf.tfcolumns:
                cell = srf.tfcolumns[key][0]
                if isinstance(cell, list):
                    cell = cell[0]
                tradeval = tto[key].unique()[0]

                # Put some formulas in each trade Summary
                if key in srf.tfformulas:

                    anchor = (1, loc[0][0][1])
                    formula = srf.tfformulas[key][0]
                    args = []
                    for c in srf.tfformulas[key][1:]:
                        args.append(tcell(c, anchor=anchor))
                    tradeval = formula.format(*args)

                if not tradeval:
                if isinstance(tradeval,
                              (pd.Timestamp, dt.datetime, np.datetime64)):
                    tradeval = pd.Timestamp(tradeval)
                elif isinstance(tradeval, bytes):
                    tradeval = None

                ws[tcell(cell, anchor=(1, loc[0][0][1]))] = tradeval

Пример #13
    def test_mstkSumStyles(self):
        Test the method MistakeSummary.mstkSumStyle.
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active
        tf = TradeFormat(wb)

        ms = MistakeSummary(5)

        ms.mstkSumStyle(ws, tf)

        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):


        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        # test that each listed item in ms.mistakeFields has a corresponding style set in the
        # appropriate cell in the re-opened workbook.
        for x in ms.mistakeFields:
            cell = ''
            entry = ms.mistakeFields[x]
            if isinstance(entry[0], list):
                cell = tcell(entry[0][0])
                cell = tcell(entry[0])

            # print(cell, entry[1], ws[cell].style)
            self.assertEqual(entry[1], ws[cell].style)

            if len(entry) == 3:
                self.assertEqual(ws2[cell].value, ms.mistakeFields[x][2])
Пример #14
    def test_populateXLDailySummaryForm(self):
        Test the method populateXLDailySummaryForm. Specifically test that given a specific anchor,
        12 specific spots are written to by default.
        for jf, lf, df, ldf in zip(self.jfs, self.lfs, self.dframes,
            NUMROWS = 6
            mstkAnchor = (3, 3)  # arbitrary
            mistake = MistakeSummary(numTrades=len(ldf), anchor=mstkAnchor)
            t = ExportToExcel(lf.ts, jf, df)
            wb = Workbook()

            t.populateXLDailySummaryForm(mistake, wb.active, mstkAnchor)
            # t.saveXL(wb, self.jf)

            anchor = (mstkAnchor[0], mstkAnchor[1] + len(ldf) + 5)
            cell = tcell(mstkAnchor, anchor=anchor)
            for i in range(0, NUMROWS):
                cell = tcell((mstkAnchor[0], mstkAnchor[1] + i), anchor=anchor)
                cell2 = tcell((mstkAnchor[0] + 1, mstkAnchor[1] + i),
                self.assertIsInstance(wb.active[cell].value, str)
                self.assertIsInstance(wb.active[cell2].value, str)
Пример #15
    def test_populateXLMistakeForm_hyperlinks(self):
        Test the method populateXLMistakeForm has set up correct hyperlinks to the daily summary
        ws = self.wb.active
        iloc = self.imageLocation
        self.t.populateXLDailyFormulas(iloc, ws)
        self.t.populateXLMistakeForm(self.mistake, ws, iloc)
        # self.t.saveXL(self.wb, self.jf)

        # cell = tcell(self.mistake.mistakeFields['tpl1'][0])
        for i in range(len(self.ldf)):
            n = 'name' + str(i + 1)
            cell = tcell(self.mistake.mistakeFields[n][0][0], anchor=self.a)
            link = ws[cell].hyperlink.target.split('!')[1]
            link2 = ws[link].hyperlink.target.split('!')[1]
            self.assertEqual(cell, link2)
Пример #16
    def test_populateXLMistakeForm_noteLinks(self):
        This method knows way too much, but how else to deal with excel and test formula results...
        Test that when data is included for the mistake note in ts, that data is linked with a
        simple formula (e.g. '=X98') in the mistake summary form
        ws = self.wb.active
        iloc = self.imageLocation
        self.t.populateXLDailyFormulas(iloc, ws)
        self.t.populateXLMistakeForm(self.mistake, ws, iloc)
        # self.t.saveXL(self.wb, self.jf)

        # Here we will get the values that the simple formulas point to and test that the note is what we wrote
        for i in range(len(self.ldf)):
            m = 'mistake' + str(i + 1)
            note = self.note + str(i + 1)
            cell = tcell(self.mistake.mistakeFields[m][0][0], anchor=self.a)
            vallink = ws[cell].value.replace('=', '')
            val = ws[vallink].value
            self.assertEqual(val, note)
Пример #17
    def populateXLDailySummaryForm(self, mistake, ws, anchor):
        For the export to excel daily summary forms.
        Populate the daily Summary Form. The values are retrieved from self.ts via the
        DailyControl dialog object-without calling runDialog. The static labels are set earlier
        at the creation of the form shape/style. This method sets some statistics and notes for
        things like  average winners/losers etc.

        :params mistke:
        :params ws: The openpyxl Worksheet object
        :raise Value Error: When pl is misformatted and cannot be used.

        dc = DailyControl()
        dailySumData = dc.gatherDSumData(self.ts)
        anchor = (anchor[0], anchor[1] + mistake.numTrades + 5)
        for key in dailySumData.keys():
            cell = mistake.dailySummaryFields[key][0]
            if isinstance(cell, list):
                cell = cell[0]
            ws[tcell(cell, anchor=anchor)] = dailySumData[key]
Пример #18
    def test_populateXLDailyNote(self):
        Test the method populateXLDailyNote. Specifically test after setting a note, calling the
        method the workbook contains the note as expected
        for jf, lf, df in zip(self.jfs, self.lfs, self.dframes):
            dc = DailyControl(jf.theDate)
            note = 'Ipsum solarium magus coffeum brewum'

            t = ExportToExcel(lf.ts, jf, df)
            wb = Workbook()
            ws = wb.active
            t.saveXL(wb, jf)
            wb2 = load_workbook(jf.outpathfile)

            cell = (1, 6)
            cell = tcell(cell)
            val = wb2.active[cell].value
            self.assertEqual(note, val)
Пример #19
    def test_populateXLDailyFormulas(self):
        Test populateXLDailyFormulas. Specifically test that the value written to the
        ws is a formula (it begins with =).
        srf = SumReqFields()
        self.t.populateXLDailyFormulas(self.imageLocation, self.wb.active)
        # self.t.saveXL(self.wb, self.jf)
        ws = self.wb.active

        # Get the anchor from imageLocation, Get the form coord from tfcolumns using a key
        # common to tfcolumns and tfformulas
        for loc in self.imageLocation:
            anchor = (1, loc[0][0][1])
            for key in srf.tfformulas:
                cell = srf.tfcolumns[key][0]
                if isinstance(cell, list):
                    cell = cell[0]
                valcell = tcell(cell, anchor=anchor)
                # print(ws[valcell].value)
                self.assertEqual(ws[valcell].value.find('='), 0)
Пример #20
    def test_styleTop(self):
        Test the method layoutsheet.LayoutSheet.styleTop. This  will probably produce warnings from
        openpyxl as there is empty data when it makes the headers. No worries.
        Note that we are using a protected member of Worksheet ws._tables, so if it this fails, look
        at that. openpyxl does not provide a public attribute for tables.
        Note that knowing the quoteRange and noteRange is bad design. Eventually these two bits of
        design data should be abstracted to somewhere accessible by the user. (and testing too)
        quoteRange = [(1, 1), (13, 5)]
        noteRange = [(1, 6), (13, 24)]
        quoteStyle = 'normStyle'
        noteStyle = 'explain'
        margin = 25
        inputlen = 50  # len(df)

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active

        # Make sure the out dir exists
        if not os.path.exists("out/"):

        # Make sure the file we are about to create does not exist
        dispath = "out/SCHNOrK.xlsx"
        if os.path.exists(dispath):

        # Create table header and data in the ws
        headers = [
            'Its', 'the', 'end', 'of', 'the', 'world', 'as', 'we', 'know',
            'it.', 'Bout', 'Fn', 'Time!'
        for i in range(1, 14):
            ws[tcell((i, 25))] = headers[i - 1]

        ls = LayoutSheet(margin, inputlen)
        for x in range(ls.topMargin + 1, ls.inputlen + ls.topMargin + 1):
            for xx in range(1, 14):
                ws[tcell((xx, x))] = randint(-1000, 10000)

        ls.styleTop(ws, 13, TradeFormat(wb))


        wb2 = load_workbook(dispath)
        ws2 = wb2.active

        listOfMerged = list()
            tcell((quoteRange[0])) + ':' + tcell((quoteRange[1])))
            tcell((noteRange[0])) + ':' + tcell((noteRange[1])))
        for xx in ws2.merged_cells.ranges:
            # print (str(xx) in listOfMerged)
            self.assertTrue(str(xx) in listOfMerged)
        self.assertEqual(ws[tcell(quoteRange[0])].style, quoteStyle)
        self.assertEqual(ws[tcell(noteRange[0])].style, noteStyle)

        self.assertEqual(len(ws._tables), 1)

        begin = tcell((1, ls.topMargin))

        end = tcell((13, ls.topMargin + ls.inputlen))
        tabRange = f'{begin}:{end}'
        self.assertEqual(tabRange, ws._tables[0].ref)

Пример #21
def registerTradesOLD(tsList, wb):
    for fname, theDate in tsList:
        wb2 = load_workbook(fname)
        trades = wb2["Sheet"]

        tradeLocation = getTradeSummaryFormLocations(trades)

        ldf, ts = loadTradeSummaries(tradeLocation, trades)

        drc = DisReqCol(theDate)

        tlog = wb["Trade Log"]

        startSearch = False
        ix = -2
        cols = drc.tfcolumns
        # Here is a list of the keys to use cols.keys() of the trade log DataFrame
        # ['date', 'time', 'side', 'symb', 'entry1', 'acctbal', 'shares',
        # 'stoploss', 'targ', 'avgexit', 'pl', 'notes'])
        # Not bothering with the abstraction (drc.name) because this is entirely ours.

        srf = SumReqFields()

        for row in tlog.iter_rows():
            anchor = (1, row[0].row)

            if startSearch is True:
                if not row[0].value:
                    startSearch = False
                    ix = 0
            if row[0].value == 'Date':
                startSearch = True

            if ix >= 0:
                tdf = ldf[ix]
                if not gotAnyExits(tdf):

                # date
                cell = tcell(cols['date'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tlog[cell] = theDate

                # time
                cell = tcell(cols['time'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tim = tdf[srf.start].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = tim

                # side
                name = tdf[srf.name].unique()[0]
                if name:
                    cell = tcell(cols['side'][0], anchor=anchor)
                    tlog[cell] = name.split()[1]

                # symb
                cell = tcell(cols['symb'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tlog[cell] = name.split()[0]

                # entry1
                cell = tcell(cols['entry1'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tlog[cell] = tdf[srf.entry1].unique()[0]

                # Account Balance (setting an excel formula)
                cell = tcell(cols['acctbal'][0], anchor=anchor)
                formula = "=$M$3+SUM($N$7:$N{})".format(row[0].row - 1)
                tlog[cell] = formula

                # "shares"
                cell = tcell(cols['shares'][0], anchor=anchor)
                shares = tdf[srf.shares].unique()[0].split()[0]
                if len(shares) > 0:
                        ishares = int(shares)
                    except ValueError:
                        ishares = 0
                tlog[cell] = ishares

                # stoploss
                cell = tcell(cols['stoploss'][0], anchor=anchor)
                sl = tdf[srf.stoploss].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = sl

                # target
                cell = tcell(cols['targ'][0], anchor=anchor)
                target = tdf[srf.targ].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = target

                # avgExit
                cell = tcell(cols['avgexit'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tlog[cell] = getAvgExit(tdf)

                # P/L
                cell = tcell(cols['pl'][0], anchor=anchor)
                pl = tdf[srf.pl].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = pl

                # Strategy
                cell = tcell(cols['strat'][0], anchor=anchor)
                strat = tdf[srf.strat].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = strat

                # notes (from the mistake note field)
                cell = tcell(cols['notes'][0], anchor=anchor)
                note = tdf[srf.mstknote].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = note

                ix = ix + 1
                if ix == len(ldf):
Пример #22
def registerTrades(wb, theDate):

    ibdb = StatementDB()
    df = ibdb.getStatement(theDate)
    x = ibdb.getNumTicketsForDay(theDate)
    if not x[0] or not x[1]:
        msg = f'''found {x[0]} tickets and {x[1]} trades. Nothing to process for the date {theDate.strftime('%A %d, %Y')}in the DB'''
        return msg
    tu = DefineTrades('DB')
    df, ldf = tu.processDBTrades(df)

    ts, entries = ibdb.getTradeSummaries(theDate)
    # self.ts = setTradeSummaryHeaders(ts)

    drc = DisReqCol(theDate)

    tlog = wb["Trade Log"]
    account = tlog['I1'].value

    startSearch = False
    ix = -2
    cols = drc.tfcolumns
    # Here is a list of the keys to use cols.keys() of the trade log DataFrame
    # ['date', 'time', 'side', 'symb', 'entry1', 'acctbal', 'shares',
    # 'stoploss', 'targ', 'avgexit', 'pl', 'notes'])
    # Not bothering with the abstraction (drc.name) because this is entirely ours.

    srf = SumReqFields()

    ids = list()

    for row in tlog.iter_rows():
        # Unconventional loop stuff
        anchor = (1, row[0].row)
        keys = list(ts.keys())
        if startSearch is True:
            idcol = cols['id'][0][0] - 1
            if row[idcol].value:
            if not row[0].value:
                startSearch = False
                ix = 0

        if row[0].value == 'Date':
            startSearch = True

        if ix >= 0 and ix < len(keys):

            while True and ix < len(keys):
                key = keys[ix]
                tdf = ts[key]
                if not gotAnyExits(tdf) or tdf['id'].unique()[0] in ids or (
                        tdf['Account'].unique()[0] != account):
                    if tdf['Account'].unique()[0] not in ['SIM', 'Live']:
                        raise ValueError('Programmer exception in search of weird data')
                    # Continue the inner loop -- keep row from the outer loop loop
                    ix += 1

                # date
                cell = tcell(cols['date'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tlog[cell] = theDate

                # time
                cell = tcell(cols['time'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tim = tdf[srf.start].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = tim

                # side
                name = tdf[srf.name].unique()[0]
                if name:
                    cell = tcell(cols['side'][0], anchor=anchor)
                    tlog[cell] = name.split()[1]

                # symb
                cell = tcell(cols['symb'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tlog[cell] = name.split()[0]

                # entry1
                cell = tcell(cols['entry1'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tlog[cell] = tdf[srf.entry1].unique()[0]

                # Account Balance (setting an excel formula)
                cell = tcell(cols['acctbal'][0], anchor=anchor)
                formula = "=$M$3+SUM($N$7:$N{})".format(row[0].row - 1)
                tlog[cell] = formula

                # "shares"
                cell = tcell(cols['shares'][0], anchor=anchor)
                shares = tdf[srf.shares].unique()[0].split()[0]
                if len(shares) > 0:
                        ishares = int(shares)
                    except ValueError:
                        ishares = 0
                tlog[cell] = ishares

                # stoploss
                cell = tcell(cols['stoploss'][0], anchor=anchor)
                sl = tdf[srf.stoploss].unique()[0]
                if isinstance(sl, bytes):
                    sl = None
                tlog[cell] = sl

                # target
                cell = tcell(cols['targ'][0], anchor=anchor)
                target = tdf[srf.targ].unique()[0]
                if isinstance(target, bytes):
                    target = None
                tlog[cell] = target

                # avgExit
                cell = tcell(cols['avgexit'][0], anchor=anchor)
                tlog[cell] = getAvgExit(tdf)

                # P/L
                cell = tcell(cols['pl'][0], anchor=anchor)
                pl = tdf[srf.pl].unique()[0]

                # Don't know how these are sneaking through-- Is it only on legacy files?
                if isinstance(pl, bytes):
                    pl = 0.0
                tlog[cell] = pl

                # Strategy
                cell = tcell(cols['strat'][0], anchor=anchor)
                strat = tdf[srf.strat].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = strat

                # notes (from the mistake note field)
                cell = tcell(cols['notes'][0], anchor=anchor)
                note = tdf[srf.mstknote].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = note

                # id (from the database)
                cell = tcell(cols['id'][0], anchor=anchor)
                id = tdf['id'].unique()[0]
                tlog[cell] = id

                # break the inner loop

            ix += 1
            if ix >= len(keys):
                # done with outer loop
    return None
Пример #23
    def populateDailySummaryForm(self, TheTradeList, mistake, ws, anchor):
        Populate the daily Summary Form. The PL values are retrieved from TheTradeList. The static
        labels are set earlier. This method sets some statistics and notes for things like
        regarding average winners/losers etc.
        :params listOfTrade: A python list of the Summary Trade DataFrame, aka TheTrade, each one
                             is a single row DataFrame containg all the data for trade summaries.
        :params mistke:
        :params ws: The openpyxl Worksheet object
        :raise Value Error: When pl is misformatted and cannot be used.
        srf = SumReqFields()
        liveWins = list()
        liveLosses = list()
        simWins = list()
        simLosses = list()
        maxTrade = (0, "notrade")
        minTrade = (0, "notrade")
        # Didnot save the Trade number in TheTrade.  These should be the same order...
        count = 0

        for TheTrade in TheTradeList:
            pl = TheTrade[srf.pl].unique()[0]
            live = True if TheTrade[srf.acct].unique()[0] == "Live" else False
            count = count + 1

            # A bug-ish inspired baby-sitter
            if isinstance(pl, str):
                if pl == '':
                    pl = 0
                        pl = float(pl)
                    except NameError:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Malformed float for variable pl in createDailySummary'

            if float(pl) > maxTrade[0]:
                maxTrade = (pl, "Trade{0}, {1}, {2}".format(
                    count, TheTrade[srf.acct].unique()[0],
            if pl < minTrade[0]:
                minTrade = (pl, "Trade{0}, {1}, {2}".format(
                    count, TheTrade[srf.acct].unique()[0],

            if live:
                if pl > 0:
                if pl > 0:

        anchor = (anchor[0], anchor[1] + mistake.numTrades + 5)
        self.DSFAnchor = anchor

        dailySumData = dict()
        dailySumData['livetot'] = sum([sum(liveWins), sum(liveLosses)])

        numt = len(liveWins) + len(liveLosses)
        if numt == 0:
            dailySumData['livetotnote'] = "0 Trades"
            note = "{0} Trade{1}, {2} Winner{3}, {4}, Loser{5}"
            note = note.format(numt, "" if numt == 1 else "s", len(liveWins),
                               "" if len(liveWins) == 1 else "s",
                               "" if len(liveLosses) == 1 else "s")
            dailySumData['livetotnote'] = note
        dailySumData['simtot'] = sum([sum(simWins), sum(simLosses)])

        # 9 trades,  3 Winners, 6 Losers
        numt = len(simWins) + len(simLosses)
        if numt == 0:
            dailySumData['simtotnote'] = "0 Trades"
        else:  # 4 trades, 1 Winner, 3 Losers
            note = "{0} Trade{1}, {2} Winner{3}, {4}, Loser{5}"
            note = note.format(numt, "" if numt == 1 else "s",
                               len(simWins), "" if len(simWins) == 1 else "s",
                               "" if len(simLosses) == 1 else "s")
            dailySumData['simtotnote'] = note

        dailySumData['highest'] = maxTrade[0]
        dailySumData['highestnote'] = maxTrade[1]
        dailySumData['lowest'] = minTrade[0]
        dailySumData['lowestnote'] = minTrade[1]
        if (len(liveWins) + len(simWins)) == 0:
            dailySumData['avgwin'] = 0
            dailySumData['avgwin'] = sum(
                [sum(liveWins), sum(simWins)]) / (len(liveWins) + len(simWins))
        dailySumData['avgwinnote'] = "X {} =  ${:.2f}".format(
            len(liveWins) + len(simWins), sum([sum(liveWins),
        if len(liveLosses) + len(simLosses) == 0:
            dailySumData['avgloss'] = 0
            dailySumData['avgloss'] = sum([
                sum(liveLosses), sum(simLosses)
            ]) / (len(liveLosses) + len(simLosses))
        dailySumData['avglossnote'] = "X {} =  (${:.2f})".format(
            len(liveLosses) + len(simLosses),
            abs(sum([sum(liveLosses), sum(simLosses)])))

        for key in dailySumData.keys():
            rng = mistake.dailySummaryFields[key][0]
            if isinstance(rng, list):
                rng = rng[0]
            ws[tcell(rng, anchor=anchor)] = dailySumData[key]
Пример #24
    def populateMistakeForm(self, tradeSummaries, mistake, ws, imageLocation):
        Populate the dynamic parts of mistake summaries. That includes fomulas with references to
        tradeSummaries and hyperlinks to the same. The anchor info for the tradeSummaries cell translation is in
        imageLocation and the specific location of the transaltions is in the mistakeFields. Th
        return hyperlinks in the tradeSummaries forms are also translated here.
        The form and the static content are already created presumably in the ws in the arguments.
        Either way we create the info into the given ws.
        :Programming note: MistakeSummaries form is not a one-place creation because of the hard-
                           coded stuff in this method. With some careful work, it could be. It
                           would involve placing all the data we need for the hyperlinks (other
                           than cell transation), in the mistakeFields or in the formula dict.
        :params tradeSummaries: A dataframe containing the the trade summaries info, one line per
        :parmas mistake: A dataframe containing the info to populate the mistake summary form.
        :params ws: The openpyxl worksheet object.
        :parmas imageLocation: A list containing the locations in the worksheet for each of the
                               trades in tradeSummaries.

        # Populate the name fields as hyperlinks to tradeSummaries title cell and back.
        for i, (iloc, tsum) in enumerate(zip(imageLocation, tradeSummaries)):
            key = "name" + str(i + 1)
            cell = mistake.mistakeFields[key][0][0]
            cell = tcell(cell, anchor=mistake.anchor)
            targetcell = (1, iloc[0])
            targetcell = tcell(targetcell)
            cellval = "{0} {1} {2}".format(i + 1,
            link = "#{}!{}".format(ws.title, targetcell)

            ws[cell].hyperlink = (link)
            ws[cell] = cellval
            ws[cell].font = Font(color=colors.WHITE, underline="double")

            link = "#{}!{}".format(ws.title, cell)
            ws[targetcell].hyperlink = (link)
            ws[targetcell].font = Font(color=colors.WHITE,

        # Populate the pl (loss) fields and the mistake fields. These are all simple formulas
        # like =B31
        tokens = ["tpl", "pl", "mistake"]
        for token in tokens:
            for i in range(len(tradeSummaries)):
                key = token + str(i + 1)
                if isinstance(mistake.mistakeFields[key][0], list):
                    cell = mistake.mistakeFields[key][0][0]
                    cell = cell = mistake.mistakeFields[key][0]
                cell = tcell(cell, anchor=mistake.anchor)
                formula = mistake.formulas[key][0]
                targetcell = mistake.formulas[key][1]
                targetcell = tcell(targetcell, anchor=(1, imageLocation[i][0]))
                formula = formula.format(targetcell)

                # logging.debug("ws[{0}]='{1}'".format(cell, formula))
                ws[cell] = formula