Пример #1
def createText(parent, text, sources=()):
    global nodeDict
    t = TextNode()
    t.parent = lookupNode(parent, Slot)
    t.text = text
    for s in sources:
    nodeDict[t.getTextPath()] = t
    return t
Пример #2
def submit_slot_with_text(request):
    short_title = request.POST['short_title']
    if not  short_title:
        return "ERROR: Short Title darf nicht leer sein."
    parent_id = int(request.POST['parent_id'])
    # lookup if slot exists
    slots = Slot.objects.filter(parent__id=parent_id, short_title=short_title)
    if slots:
        s = slots[0]
    else :
        s = Slot()
        s.short_title = request.POST['short_title']
        s.parent_id = parent_id

    t = TextNode()
    t.text = request.POST['text']
    t.parent = s
    add_auto_upvote(request.user, t)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(t.getTextPath())
Пример #3
def parse(s, parent_slot):
    #make sure we start with a heading 1
    m = h1_start.match(s) # TODO: match short titles and warn about
    if m :
        title = m.groups("title")[0]
        title = title.partition("§")[0] # silently remove attempt to set short_title in H1
        s = h1_start.sub("", s)
    else :
        # TODO: warn about missing title
        title = parent_slot.short_title

    # do we need a StructureNode or will a TextNode do?
    if not general_h.search(s) :
        # TextNode
        t = TextNode()
        t.text = "= %s =\n"%title.strip() + s.strip()
        t.parent = parent_slot
        return t
    # else : StructureNode

    node = StructureNode()
    node.parent = parent_slot

    # determine used header depth:
    level = 0
    for i in range(2, 7):
        m = getHeadingMatcher(i)
        if m.search(s):
            level = i
    assert 1 < level < 7

    split_doc = m.split(s)
    # now the text before, between and after headings is split_doc[0::3]
    # the text of the headings are split_doc[1::3]
    # and the short titles (or None if omitted) are split_doc[2::3]
    # what do we do now?

    # leading text is used to construct an "Einleitung" Slot and TextNode
    introduction = Slot()
    introduction.parent = node
    introduction.short_title = "Einleitung"
    introduction_text = TextNode()
    introduction_text.parent = introduction
    intro_text = split_doc[0]
    # assert that no headings are in intro-text
    if general_h.search(intro_text):
        # TODO: Warn!
        intro_text = general_h.sub(r"~\1", intro_text)
    introduction_text.text = "= %s =\n"%title + intro_text

    # iterate the headings, short_titles, and corresponding texts:
    short_title_set = set()
    for title, short_title, text in zip(split_doc[1::3], split_doc[2::3], split_doc[3::3]):
        # check if short_title is valid/unique/exists
        if not short_title or len(short_title.strip()) == 0:
            short_title=title[:min(15, len(title))]

        # make short titles valid
        short_title = short_title[:min(20, len(short_title))]
        short_title = strip_accents(short_title)
        short_title = invalid_symbols.sub('',short_title)
        if short_title in short_title_set:
            i = 1
            while short_title + str(i) in short_title_set:
                i += 1
            short_title += str(i)

        slot = Slot()
        slot.parent = node
        slot.short_title = short_title.strip().replace(" ", "_")
        parse("= %s =\n"%title.strip() + text.strip(), slot)
    return node