Пример #1
def example_2():
    print info('main line')
    pool_size = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    jobs = [
        multiprocessing.Process(target=greet, args=(n, ))
        for n in ('bob', 'jane')
    mputil.launch_and_wait(jobs, pool_size)
Пример #2
def example_3():
    pool_size = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    mgr = multiprocessing.Manager()
    d = mgr.dict()
    jobs = [multiprocessing.Process(target=fill_arr, args=(d, i, i), name=i) for i in xrange(10)]
    mputil.launch_and_wait(jobs, pool_size)

    a = np.zeros((20, 10))
    for key, val in d.items():
        a[:, key] = val

    print a
Пример #3
def example_3():
    pool_size = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    mgr = multiprocessing.Manager()
    d = mgr.dict()
    jobs = [
        multiprocessing.Process(target=fill_arr, args=(d, i, i), name=i)
        for i in xrange(10)
    mputil.launch_and_wait(jobs, pool_size)

    a = np.zeros((20, 10))
    for key, val in d.items():
        a[:, key] = val

    print a
Пример #4
def rundrizCR(imgObjList, configObj, procSteps=None):
    if procSteps is not None:

    step_name = util.getSectionName(configObj, _STEP_NUM)
    if not configObj[step_name]['driz_cr']:
        log.info('Cosmic-ray identification (driz_cr) step not performed.')

    paramDict = configObj[step_name]
    paramDict['crbit'] = configObj['crbit']
    paramDict['inmemory'] = imgObjList[0].inmemory

    log.info("USER INPUT PARAMETERS for Driz_CR Step:")
    util.printParams(paramDict, log=log)

    # if we have the cpus and s/w, ok, but still allow user to set pool size
    pool_size = util.get_pool_size(configObj.get('num_cores'), len(imgObjList))
    if imgObjList[0].inmemory:
        pool_size = 1  # reason why is output in drizzle step

    subprocs = []
    if pool_size > 1:
        log.info('Executing {:d} parallel workers'.format(pool_size))
        mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork')
        for image in imgObjList:
            manager = mp_ctx.Manager()
            mgr = manager.dict({})

            p = mp_ctx.Process(
                name='drizCR._driz_cr()',  # for err msgs
                args=(image, mgr, paramDict.dict()))
        mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size)  # blocks till all done

        log.info('Executing serially')
        for image in imgObjList:
            _driz_cr(image, image.virtualOutputs, paramDict)

    if procSteps is not None:
Пример #5
def rundrizCR(imgObjList, configObj, procSteps=None):
    if procSteps is not None:

    step_name = util.getSectionName(configObj, _STEP_NUM)
    if not configObj[step_name]['driz_cr']:
        log.info('Cosmic-ray identification (driz_cr) step not performed.')

    paramDict = configObj[step_name]
    paramDict['crbit'] = configObj['crbit']
    paramDict['inmemory'] = imgObjList[0].inmemory

    log.info("USER INPUT PARAMETERS for Driz_CR Step:")
    util.printParams(paramDict, log=log)

    # if we have the cpus and s/w, ok, but still allow user to set pool size
    pool_size = util.get_pool_size(configObj.get('num_cores'), len(imgObjList))
    if imgObjList[0].inmemory:
        pool_size = 1  # reason why is output in drizzle step

    subprocs = []
    if pool_size > 1:
        log.info('Executing {:d} parallel workers'.format(pool_size))
        for image in imgObjList:
            manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
            mgr = manager.dict({})

            p = multiprocessing.Process(
                name='drizCR._driz_cr()',  # for err msgs
                args=(image, mgr, paramDict.dict())
        mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size)  # blocks till all done

        log.info('Executing serially')
        for image in imgObjList:
            _driz_cr(image, image.virtualOutputs, paramDict)

    if procSteps is not None:
Пример #6
def _process_input_wcs(infiles, wcskey, updatewcs):
    This is a subset of process_input(), for internal use only.  This is the
    portion of input handling which sets/updates WCS data, and is a performance
    hit - a target for parallelization. Returns the expanded list of filenames.

    # Run parseinput though it's likely already been done in processFilenames
    outfiles = parseinput.parseinput(infiles)[0]

    # Disable parallel processing here for now until hardware I/O gets "wider".
    # Since this part is IO bound, parallelizing doesn't help more than a little
    # in most cases, and may actually slow this down on some desktop nodes.
    #   cfgval_num_cores = None # get this from paramDict
    #   pool_size = util.get_pool_size(cfgval_num_cores, len(outfiles))
    pool_size = 1

    # do the WCS updating
    if wcskey in ['', ' ', 'INDEF', None]:
        if updatewcs:
            log.info('Updating input WCS using "updatewcs"')
        log.info('Resetting input WCS to be based on WCS key = %s' % wcskey)

    if pool_size > 1:
        log.info('Executing %d parallel workers' % pool_size)
        subprocs = []
        mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork')

        for fname in outfiles:
            p = mp_ctx.Process(
                name='processInput._process_input_wcs()',  # for err msgs
                args=(fname, wcskey, updatewcs))
        mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size)  # blocks till all done
        log.info('Executing serially')
        for fname in outfiles:
            _process_input_wcs_single(fname, wcskey, updatewcs)

    return outfiles
Пример #7
def _process_input_wcs(infiles, wcskey, updatewcs):
    This is a subset of process_input(), for internal use only.  This is the
    portion of input handling which sets/updates WCS data, and is a performance
    hit - a target for parallelization. Returns the expanded list of filenames.

    # Run parseinput though it's likely already been done in processFilenames
    outfiles = parseinput.parseinput(infiles)[0]

    # Disable parallel processing here for now until hardware I/O gets "wider".
    # Since this part is IO bound, parallelizing doesn't help more than a little
    # in most cases, and may actually slow this down on some desktop nodes.
#   cfgval_num_cores = None # get this from paramDict
#   pool_size = util.get_pool_size(cfgval_num_cores, len(outfiles))
    pool_size = 1

    # do the WCS updating
    if wcskey in ['', ' ', 'INDEF', None]:
        if updatewcs:
            log.info('Updating input WCS using "updatewcs"')
        log.info('Resetting input WCS to be based on WCS key = %s' % wcskey)

    if pool_size > 1:
        log.info('Executing %d parallel workers' % pool_size)
        subprocs = []
        for fname in outfiles:
            p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_process_input_wcs_single,
                name='processInput._process_input_wcs()', # for err msgs
                args=(fname, wcskey, updatewcs) )
        mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size) # blocks till all done
        log.info('Executing serially')
        for fname in outfiles:
            _process_input_wcs_single(fname, wcskey, updatewcs)

    return outfiles
Пример #8
def run_driz(imageObjectList,
    """ Perform drizzle operation on input to create output.
    The input parameters originally was a list
    of dictionaries, one for each input, that matches the
    primary parameters for an ``IRAF`` `drizzle` task.

    This method would then loop over all the entries in the
    list and run `drizzle` for each entry.

    Parameters required for input in paramDict:
    # Insure that input imageObject is a list
    if not isinstance(imageObjectList, list):
        imageObjectList = [imageObjectList]

    # Setup the versions info dictionary for output to PRIMARY header
    # The keys will be used as the name reported in the header, as-is
    _versions = {
        'AstroDrizzle': __version__,
        'PyFITS': util.__fits_version__,
        'Numpy': util.__numpy_version__

    # Set sub-sampling rate for drizzling
    # stepsize = 2.0
    log.info('  **Using sub-sampling value of %s for kernel %s' %
             (paramDict['stepsize'], paramDict['kernel']))

    maskval = interpret_maskval(paramDict)

    outwcs = copy.deepcopy(output_wcs)

    # Check for existance of output file.
    if (not single and build
            and fileutil.findFile(imageObjectList[0].outputNames['outFinal'])):
        log.info('Removing previous output product...')

    # print out parameters being used for drizzling
    log.info("Running Drizzle to create output frame with WCS of: ")

    # Will we be running in parallel?
    pool_size = util.get_pool_size(paramDict.get('num_cores'),
    run_parallel = single and pool_size > 1
    if run_parallel:
        log.info(f'Executing {pool_size:d} parallel workers')
        if single:  # not yet an option for final drizzle, msg would confuse
            log.info('Executing serially')

    # Set parameters for each input and run drizzle on it here.
    # Perform drizzling...

    numctx = 0
    for img in imageObjectList:
        numctx += img._nmembers
    _numctx = {'all': numctx}

    #            if single:
    # Determine how many chips make up each single image
    for img in imageObjectList:
        for chip in img.returnAllChips(extname=img.scienceExt):
            plsingle = chip.outputNames['outSingle']
            if plsingle in _numctx: _numctx[plsingle] += 1
            else: _numctx[plsingle] = 1

    # Compute how many planes will be needed for the context image.
    _nplanes = int((_numctx['all'] - 1) / 32) + 1
    # For single drizzling or when context is turned off,
    # minimize to 1 plane only...
    if single or imageObjectList[0][1].outputNames['outContext'] in [
            None, '', ' '
        _nplanes = 1

    # An image buffer needs to be setup for converting the input
    # arrays (sci and wht) from FITS format to native format
    # with respect to byteorder and byteswapping.
    # This buffer should be reused for each input if possible.
    _outsci = _outwht = _outctx = _hdrlist = None
    if (not single) or \
       (single and (not run_parallel) and (not imageObjectList[0].inmemory)):
        # Note there are four cases/combinations for single drizzle alone here:
        # (not-inmem, serial), (not-inmem, parallel), (inmem, serial), (inmem, parallel)
        _outsci = np.empty(output_wcs.array_shape, dtype=np.float32)
        _outwht = np.zeros(output_wcs.array_shape, dtype=np.float32)
        # initialize context to 3-D array but only pass appropriate plane to drizzle as needed
        _outctx = np.zeros((_nplanes, ) + output_wcs.array_shape,
        _hdrlist = []

    # Keep track of how many chips have been processed
    # For single case, this will determine when to close
    # one product and open the next.
    _chipIdx = 0

    # Remember the name of the 1st image that goes into this particular product
    # Insure that the header reports the proper values for the start of the
    # exposure time used to make this; in particular, TIME-OBS and DATE-OBS.
    template = None

    # Work on each image
    subprocs = []
    for img in imageObjectList:

        chiplist = img.returnAllChips(extname=img.scienceExt)

        # How many inputs should go into this product?
        num_in_prod = _numctx['all']
        if single:
            num_in_prod = _numctx[chiplist[0].outputNames['outSingle']]

        # The name of the 1st image
        fnames = []
        for chip in chiplist:

        if _chipIdx == 0:
            template = fnames

        # Work each image, possibly in parallel
        if run_parallel:
            # use multiprocessing.Manager only if in parallel and in memory
            mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork')

            if img.inmemory:
                manager = mp_ctx.Manager()
                dproxy = manager.dict(
                    img.virtualOutputs)  # copy & wrap it in proxy
                img.virtualOutputs = dproxy

            # parallelize run_driz_img (currently for separate drizzle only)
            p = mp_ctx.Process(
                name='adrizzle.run_driz_img()',  # for err msgs
                args=(img, chiplist, output_wcs, outwcs, template, paramDict,
                      single, num_in_prod, build, _versions, _numctx, _nplanes,
                      _chipIdx, None, None, None, None, wcsmap))
            # serial run_driz_img run (either separate drizzle or final drizzle)
            run_driz_img(img, chiplist, output_wcs, outwcs, template,
                         paramDict, single, num_in_prod, build, _versions,
                         _numctx, _nplanes, _chipIdx, _outsci, _outwht,
                         _outctx, _hdrlist, wcsmap)

        # Increment/reset master chip counter
        _chipIdx += len(chiplist)
        if _chipIdx == num_in_prod:
            _chipIdx = 0

    # do the join if we spawned tasks
    if run_parallel:
        mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size)  # blocks till all done

    del _outsci, _outwht, _outctx, _hdrlist
Пример #9
def run_driz(imageObjectList,output_wcs,paramDict,single,build,wcsmap=None):
    """ Perform drizzle operation on input to create output.
    The input parameters originally was a list
    of dictionaries, one for each input, that matches the
    primary parameters for an ``IRAF`` `drizzle` task.

    This method would then loop over all the entries in the
    list and run `drizzle` for each entry.

    Parameters required for input in paramDict:
    # Insure that input imageObject is a list
    if not isinstance(imageObjectList, list):
        imageObjectList = [imageObjectList]

    # Setup the versions info dictionary for output to PRIMARY header
    # The keys will be used as the name reported in the header, as-is
    _versions = {'AstroDrizzle':__version__,

    # Set sub-sampling rate for drizzling
    #stepsize = 2.0
    log.info('  **Using sub-sampling value of %s for kernel %s' %
             (paramDict['stepsize'], paramDict['kernel']))

    maskval = interpret_maskval(paramDict)

    outwcs = copy.deepcopy(output_wcs)

    # Check for existance of output file.
    if single == False and build == True and fileutil.findFile(
        log.info('Removing previous output product...')

    # print out parameters being used for drizzling
    log.info("Running Drizzle to create output frame with WCS of: ")

    # Will we be running in parallel?
    pool_size = util.get_pool_size(paramDict.get('num_cores'), len(imageObjectList))
    will_parallel = single and pool_size > 1
    if will_parallel:
        log.info('Executing %d parallel workers' % pool_size)
        if single: # not yet an option for final drizzle, msg would confuse
            log.info('Executing serially')

    # Set parameters for each input and run drizzle on it here.
    # Perform drizzling...

    numctx = 0
    for img in imageObjectList:
        numctx += img._nmembers
    _numctx = {'all':numctx}

    #            if single:
    # Determine how many chips make up each single image
    for img in imageObjectList:
        for chip in img.returnAllChips(extname=img.scienceExt):
            plsingle = chip.outputNames['outSingle']
            if plsingle in _numctx: _numctx[plsingle] += 1
            else: _numctx[plsingle] = 1

    # Compute how many planes will be needed for the context image.
    _nplanes = int((_numctx['all']-1) / 32) + 1
    # For single drizzling or when context is turned off,
    # minimize to 1 plane only...
    if single or imageObjectList[0][1].outputNames['outContext'] in [None,'',' ']:
        _nplanes = 1

    # An image buffer needs to be setup for converting the input
    # arrays (sci and wht) from FITS format to native format
    # with respect to byteorder and byteswapping.
    # This buffer should be reused for each input if possible.
    _outsci = _outwht = _outctx = _hdrlist = None
    if (not single) or \
       ( (single) and (not will_parallel) and (not imageObjectList[0].inmemory) ):
        # Note there are four cases/combinations for single drizzle alone here:
        # (not-inmem, serial), (not-inmem, parallel), (inmem, serial), (inmem, parallel)
        # initialize context to 3-D array but only pass appropriate plane to drizzle as needed
        _hdrlist = []

    # Keep track of how many chips have been processed
    # For single case, this will determine when to close
    # one product and open the next.
    _chipIdx = 0

    # Remember the name of the 1st image that goes into this particular product
    # Insure that the header reports the proper values for the start of the
    # exposure time used to make this; in particular, TIME-OBS and DATE-OBS.
    template = None

    # Work on each image
    subprocs = []
    for img in imageObjectList:

        chiplist = img.returnAllChips(extname=img.scienceExt)

        # How many inputs should go into this product?
        num_in_prod = _numctx['all']
        if single:
            num_in_prod = _numctx[chiplist[0].outputNames['outSingle']]

        # The name of the 1st image
        fnames = []
        for chip in chiplist:

        if _chipIdx == 0:
            template = fnames

        # Work each image, possibly in parallel
        if will_parallel:
            # use multiprocessing.Manager only if in parallel and in memory
            if img.inmemory:
                manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
                dproxy = manager.dict(img.virtualOutputs) # copy & wrap it in proxy
                img.virtualOutputs = dproxy

            # parallelize run_driz_img (currently for separate drizzle only)
            p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_driz_img,
                name='adrizzle.run_driz_img()', # for err msgs
            # serial run_driz_img run (either separate drizzle or final drizzle)

        # Increment/reset master chip counter
        _chipIdx += len(chiplist)
        if _chipIdx == num_in_prod:
            _chipIdx = 0

    # do the join if we spawned tasks
    if will_parallel:
        mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size) # blocks till all done

    del _outsci,_outwht,_outctx,_hdrlist
Пример #10
def example_2():
    print info("main line")
    pool_size = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    jobs = [multiprocessing.Process(target=greet, args=(n,)) for n in ("bob", "jane")]
    mputil.launch_and_wait(jobs, pool_size)