def main(): print("Using device: {}" "\n".format(str(device))) # Load the training dataset, and create a dataloader to generate a batch. textField = data.Field(lower=True, include_lengths=True, batch_first=True, tokenize=student.tokenise, preprocessing=student.preprocessing, postprocessing=student.postprocessing, stop_words=student.stopWords) labelField = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False, is_target=True) dataset = data.TabularDataset( 'train.json', 'json', { 'reviewText': ('reviewText', textField), 'rating': ('rating', labelField), 'businessCategory': ('businessCategory', labelField) }) textField.build_vocab(dataset, vectors=student.wordVectors) # Allow training on the entire dataset, or split it for training and validation. if student.trainValSplit == 1: trainLoader = data.BucketIterator(dataset, shuffle=True, batch_size=student.batchSize, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.reviewText), sort_within_batch=True) else: train, validate = dataset.split(split_ratio=student.trainValSplit) trainLoader, valLoader = data.BucketIterator.splits( (train, validate), shuffle=True, batch_size=student.batchSize, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.reviewText), sort_within_batch=True) # Get model and optimiser from student. net = lossFunc = student.lossFunc optimiser = student.optimiser # Train. for epoch in range(student.epochs): runningLoss = 0 for i, batch in enumerate(trainLoader): # Get a batch and potentially send it to GPU memory. inputs = textField.vocab.vectors[batch.reviewText[0]].to(device) length = batch.reviewText[1].to(device) rating = businessCategory = # PyTorch calculates gradients by accumulating contributions to them # (useful for RNNs). Hence we must manually set them to zero before # calculating them. optimiser.zero_grad() # Forward pass through the network. ratingOutput, categoryOutput = net(inputs, length) loss = lossFunc(ratingOutput, categoryOutput, rating, businessCategory) # Calculate gradients. loss.backward() # Minimise the loss according to the gradient. optimiser.step() runningLoss += loss.item() if i % 32 == 31: print("Epoch: %2d, Batch: %4d, Loss: %.3f" % (epoch + 1, i + 1, runningLoss / 32)) runningLoss = 0 # Save model., 'savedModel.pth') print("\n" "Model saved to savedModel.pth") # Test on validation data if it exists. if student.trainValSplit != 1: net.eval() correctRatingOnlySum = 0 correctCategoryOnlySum = 0 bothCorrectSum = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for batch in valLoader: # Get a batch and potentially send it to GPU memory. inputs = textField.vocab.vectors[batch.reviewText[0]].to( device) length = batch.reviewText[1].to(device) rating = businessCategory = # Convert network output to integer values. ratingOutputs, categoryOutputs = student.convertNetOutput( *net(inputs, length)) # Calculate performance correctRating = rating == ratingOutputs.flatten() correctCategory = businessCategory == categoryOutputs.flatten() correctRatingOnlySum += torch.sum(correctRating & ~correctCategory).item() correctCategoryOnlySum += torch.sum(correctCategory & ~correctRating).item() bothCorrectSum += torch.sum(correctRating & correctCategory).item() correctRatingOnlyPercent = correctRatingOnlySum / len(validate) correctCategoryOnlyPercent = correctCategoryOnlySum / len(validate) bothCorrectPercent = bothCorrectSum / len(validate) neitherCorrectPer = 1 - correctRatingOnlyPercent \ - correctCategoryOnlyPercent \ - bothCorrectPercent score = 100 * (bothCorrectPercent + 0.5 * correctCategoryOnlyPercent + 0.1 * correctRatingOnlyPercent) print("\n" "Rating incorrect, business category incorrect: {:.2%}\n" "Rating correct, business category incorrect: {:.2%}\n" "Rating incorrect, business category correct: {:.2%}\n" "Rating correct, business category correct: {:.2%}\n" "\n" "Weighted score: {:.2f}".format(neitherCorrectPer, correctRatingOnlyPercent, correctCategoryOnlyPercent, bothCorrectPercent, score))
def main(): # Use a GPU if available, as it should be faster. device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') student.device = device print("Using device: {}" "\n".format(str(device))) # Load the training dataset, and create a dataloader to generate a batch. textField = data.Field(lower=True, include_lengths=True, batch_first=True, preprocessing=student.preprocessing, postprocessing=student.postprocessing, stop_words=student.stopWords) labelField = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False, is_target=True) dataset = data.TabularDataset('train.json', 'json', { 'reviewText': ('reviewText', textField), 'rating': ('rating', labelField) }) textField.build_vocab(dataset, vectors=student.wordVectors) # Allow training on the entire dataset, or split it for training and validation. if student.trainValSplit == 1: trainLoader = data.BucketIterator(dataset, shuffle=True, batch_size=student.batchSize, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.reviewText), sort_within_batch=True) else: train, validate = dataset.split(split_ratio=student.trainValSplit, stratified=True, strata_field='rating') trainLoader, valLoader = data.BucketIterator.splits( (train, validate), shuffle=True, batch_size=student.batchSize, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.reviewText), sort_within_batch=True) # Get model and optimiser net = criterion = student.lossFunc optimiser = student.optimiser # Train. for epoch in range(student.epochs): runningLoss = 0 for i, batch in enumerate(trainLoader): # Get a batch and potentially send it to GPU memory. inputs = textField.vocab.vectors[batch.reviewText[0]].to(device) length = batch.reviewText[1].to(device) labels = batch.rating.type(torch.FloatTensor).to(device) # PyTorch calculates gradients by accumulating contributions # to them (useful for RNNs). # Hence we must manually set them to zero before calculating them. optimiser.zero_grad() # Forward pass through the network. output = net(inputs, length) loss = criterion(output, student.convertLabel(labels)) # Calculate gradients. loss.backward() # Minimise the loss according to the gradient. optimiser.step() runningLoss += loss.item() if i % 32 == 31: print("Epoch: %2d, Batch: %4d, Loss: %.3f" % (epoch + 1, i + 1, runningLoss / 32)) runningLoss = 0 # Save model., 'savedModel.pth') print("\n" "Model saved to savedModel.pth") # Test on validation data if it exists. if student.trainValSplit != 1: net.eval() closeness = [0 for _ in range(5)] with torch.no_grad(): for batch in valLoader: # Get a batch and potentially send it to GPU memory. inputs = textField.vocab.vectors[batch.reviewText[0]].to( device) length = batch.reviewText[1].to(device) labels = batch.rating.type(torch.FloatTensor).to(device) # Convert network output to integer values. outputs = student.convertNetOutput(net(inputs, length)).flatten() for i in range(5): closeness[i] += torch.sum(abs(labels - outputs) == i).item() accuracy = [x / len(validate) for x in closeness] score = 100 * (accuracy[0] + 0.4 * accuracy[1]) print("\n" "Correct predictions: {:.2%}\n" "One star away: {:.2%}\n" "Two stars away: {:.2%}\n" "Three stars away: {:.2%}\n" "Four stars away: {:.2%}\n" "\n" "Weighted score: {:.2f}".format(*accuracy, score))