Пример #1
def xmro(iterable):
    Extract classes in the :term:`method resolution order` of classes or objects
    in :term:`class`\es in :term:`iterable`.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`
    :return: :term:`iterator` of :term:`class`\es

    >>> from blade.xfilter import xmro
    >>> class stooges:
    ...    name = 'moe'
    ...    age = 40
    >>> class stoog2(stooges):
    ...    name = 'larry'
    ...    age = 50
    >>> class stoog3(stoog2):
    ...    name = 'curly'
    ...    age = 60
    ...    class stoog4:
    ...        name = 'beastly'
    ...        age = 969
    >>> results = list(xmro([stoog3]))
    >>> stooges in results
    >>> stoog3 in results
    >>> stoog2 in results
    return xmerge(xmap(getmro, iterable))
Пример #2
def xmembers(iterable, test, inverse=False):
    Collect values shallowly from classes or objects in :term:`class`\es in
    :term:`iterable` matched by `test`.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`

    :argument test: filtering :func:`callable`

    :keyword bool invert: collect items in :term:`iterable` that
      `test` is :data:`False` rather than :data:`True` for

    :return: :term:`iterator` of values

    >>> from blade.xfilter import xmembers
    >>> class stooges:
    ...    name = 'moe'
    ...    age = 40
    >>> class stoog2:
    ...    name = 'larry'
    ...    age = 50
    >>> class stoog3:
    ...    name = 'curly'
    ...    age = 60
    ...    class stoog4:
    ...        name = 'beastly'
    ...        age = 969
    >>> list(xmembers([stoog3], lambda x: not x[0].startswith('__'))) # doctest: +SKIP
    [('age', 60), ('name', 'curly'), ('stoog4', stoog3.stoog4)]
    return xfilter(xmerge(xmap(members, iterable)), test, inverse)
Пример #3
def xmro(iterable):
    Extract classes in the :term:`method resolution order` of classes or objects
    in :term:`class`\es in :term:`iterable`.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`
    :return: :term:`iterator` of :term:`class`\es

    >>> from blade.xfilter import xmro
    >>> class stooges:
    ...    name = 'moe'
    ...    age = 40
    >>> class stoog2(stooges):
    ...    name = 'larry'
    ...    age = 50
    >>> class stoog3(stoog2):
    ...    name = 'curly'
    ...    age = 60
    ...    class stoog4:
    ...        name = 'beastly'
    ...        age = 969
    >>> results = list(xmro([stoog3]))
    >>> stooges in results
    >>> stoog3 in results
    >>> stoog2 in results
    return xmerge(xmap(getmro, iterable))
Пример #4
def xmembers(iterable, test, inverse=False):
    Collect values shallowly from classes or objects in :term:`class`\es in
    :term:`iterable` matched by `test`.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`

    :argument test: filtering :func:`callable`

    :keyword bool invert: collect items in :term:`iterable` that
      `test` is :data:`False` rather than :data:`True` for

    :return: :term:`iterator` of values

    >>> from blade.xfilter import xmembers
    >>> class stooges:
    ...    name = 'moe'
    ...    age = 40
    >>> class stoog2:
    ...    name = 'larry'
    ...    age = 50
    >>> class stoog3:
    ...    name = 'curly'
    ...    age = 60
    ...    class stoog4:
    ...        name = 'beastly'
    ...        age = 969
    >>> list(xmembers([stoog3], lambda x: not x[0].startswith('__'))) # doctest: +SKIP
    [('age', 60), ('name', 'curly'), ('stoog4', stoog3.stoog4)]
    return xfilter(xmerge(xmap(members, iterable)), test, inverse)
Пример #5
def xcopy(iterable):
    Duplicate each items in `iterable`.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`

    >>> from blade.xmap import xcopy
    >>> list(xcopy([[1, [2, 3]], [4, [5, 6]]]))
    [[1, [2, 3]], [4, [5, 6]]]
    return xmap(deepcopy, iterable)
Пример #6
def xcopy(iterable):
    Duplicate each items in `iterable`.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`

    >>> from blade.xmap import xcopy
    >>> list(xcopy([[1, [2, 3]], [4, [5, 6]]]))
    [[1, [2, 3]], [4, [5, 6]]]
    return xmap(deepcopy, iterable)
Пример #7
def xall(iterable, test):
    Discover if `test` is :data:`True` for **all** items in :term:`iterable`.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`
    :argument test: filtering :func:`callable`
    :return: :func:`bool`

    >>> from blade.xcmp import xall
    >>> xall([2, 4, 6, 8], lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    return all(xmap(test, iterable))
Пример #8
def xkeyvalue(iterable, callable=None, keys=False, values=False):
    Run `callable` on incoming :term:`mapping` things.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`
    :argument callable: mapped :func:`callable`
    :keyword bool keys: collect mapping keys only
    :keyword bool values: collect mapping values only

    >>> from blade.xmap import xkeyvalue
    >>> # filter items
    >>> list(xkeyvalue(
    ... [dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)])],
    ... lambda x, y: x * y))
    [2, 6, 12, 2, 6, 12]
    >>> # mapping keys only
    >>> list(xkeyvalue(
    ... [dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)])],
    ... keys=True
    ... ))
    [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
    >>> # mapping values only
    >>> list(xkeyvalue(
    ... [dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)])],
    ... values=True
    ... ))
    [2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4]
    if keys:
        callable = identity if callable is None else callable
        return xmap(callable, xmerge(xmap(keyz, iterable)))
    elif values:
        callable = identity if callable is None else callable
        return xmap(callable, xmerge(xmap(valuez, iterable)))
    callable = dualidentity if callable is None else callable
    return starmap(callable, xmerge(xmap(items, iterable)))
Пример #9
def xkeyvalue(iterable, callable=None, keys=False, values=False):
    Run `callable` on incoming :term:`mapping` things.

    :argument iterable: :term:`iterable`
    :argument callable: mapped :func:`callable`
    :keyword bool keys: collect mapping keys only
    :keyword bool values: collect mapping values only

    >>> from blade.xmap import xkeyvalue
    >>> # filter items
    >>> list(xkeyvalue(
    ... [dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)])],
    ... lambda x, y: x * y))
    [2, 6, 12, 2, 6, 12]
    >>> # mapping keys only
    >>> list(xkeyvalue(
    ... [dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)])],
    ... keys=True
    ... ))
    [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
    >>> # mapping values only
    >>> list(xkeyvalue(
    ... [dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), dict([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)])],
    ... values=True
    ... ))
    [2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4]
    if keys:
        callable = identity if callable is None else callable
        return xmap(callable, xmerge(xmap(keyz, iterable)))
    elif values:
        callable = identity if callable is None else callable
        return xmap(callable, xmerge(xmap(valuez, iterable)))
    callable = dualidentity if callable is None else callable
    return starmap(callable, xmerge(xmap(items, iterable)))