Пример #1
def runTestWithRandomTiebreakBetweenTwoLosers():
	description = "Random Tiebreak Between Losing Candidates Test"
	print("Generating ballots...")
	candidateOne = "Candidate One"
	candidateTwo = "Candidate Two"
	candidateThree = "Candidate Three"
	candidateFour = "Candidate Four"
	num_ballots = 15
	ballots = set()
	# Candidate-One-preferred ballots
	for i in xrange(6):
		ballot = Ballot()
		ballot.set_candidate_with_rank(candidateOne, 1)
	# Candidate-Two-preferred ballots
	for i in xrange(5):
		ballot = Ballot()
		ballot.set_candidate_with_rank(candidateTwo, 1)
	# Candidate-Three-preferred ballots
	for i in xrange(2):
		ballot = Ballot()
		ballot.set_candidate_with_rank(candidateThree, 1)
		ballot.set_candidate_with_rank(candidateFour, 2)
	# Candidate-Four-preferred ballots
	for i in xrange(2):
		ballot = Ballot()
		ballot.set_candidate_with_rank(candidateFour, 1)
		ballot.set_candidate_with_rank(candidateThree, 2)

	print("Running election...")
	election = Election()
	election.name = description
	election.seats = 2
	election.ballots = ballots
	election.is_final_tiebreak_manual = True

	winners = election.compute_winners(verbose=True)
Пример #2
def main():
	no_confidence = Ballot.NO_CONFIDENCE
	no_confidence_short = "NC"

	run_command = "run"
	file_command = "file"
	quit_command = "quit"
	undo_command = "undo"
	help_command = "help"

	election_name = None
	election_seats = None
	election_ballots = list()


	election_name = prompt_election_name()

	election_seats = prompt_election_seats()

	print_ballot_instructions(no_confidence_short, run_command, quit_command, undo_command, file_command, help_command)

	while True:
		ballot_or_command = prompt_ballot_command(len(election_ballots))

		# Empty input
		if len(ballot_or_command) == 0:

		# 'run' command
		elif ballot_or_command.lower() == run_command:
			# Create the Election
			election = Election(name=election_name, seats=election_seats)
			election.is_final_tiebreak_manual = True
			election.ballots = set(election_ballots)

			# Run the election and compute winners
			winners = election.compute_winners(verbose=True)[0]

			# Print the winners and quit the program
			print_conclusion(winners, election_seats)
			return 0

		# 'quit' command
		elif ballot_or_command.lower() == quit_command:
			# Quit the program
			return 0

		# 'undo' command
		elif ballot_or_command.lower() == undo_command:
			# Pop the last ballot from the list of ballots
			if len(election_ballots) > 0:
				print("The most-recent ballot has been removed.")
				print("There are no ballots to remove.")

		# 'help' command
		elif ballot_or_command.lower() == help_command:
			# Print the instructions again
			print_ballot_instructions(no_confidence_short, run_command, quit_command, undo_command, file_command, help_command)

		# 'file' command
		elif ballot_or_command.lower().startswith(file_command):
			filename = ballot_or_command[len('find '):]
			with open(filename) as file:
				# For each ballot in the CSV
				for ranked_candidates in csv.reader(file):
					ballot = Ballot()
					for rank, candidate in enumerate(ranked_candidates):
						if candidate:
							ballot.set_candidate_with_rank(candidate, rank + 1)

					# Add the ballot to the list of ballots

		# Ballot input
			# Parse the input into a list of strings representing candidates
			ranked_candidates = [candidate_input.strip() for candidate_input in ballot_or_command.split(',')]

			# For each candidate in the list, add them to the Ballot with increasing rank
			ballot = Ballot()
			rank = 1
			for candidate in ranked_candidates:
				# Replace No Confidence abbreviations
				if candidate == no_confidence_short:
					candidate = no_confidence
				ballot.set_candidate_with_rank(candidate, rank)
				rank += 1

			# Add the ballot to the list of ballots