Пример #1
 def get_next_slot_text(self, slot_name, slot_required):
         types_with_options = u.choices_type_list
         slot = self.get_slot(slot_name)
         useful_info = ''
         value_type = slot[u.value_type]
         required_string = fn.get_required_string(slot_required)
         if value_type in types_with_options:
             choice_list = slot[u.choice_list]
             option_string = fn.get_string_from_list(choice_list)
             if value_type in [u.dropdown, u.checkbox]:
                 string = f"Select the {slot_name} in the following list {option_string}. {required_string}"
             elif value_type == u.radio:
                 string = f"Choose your {slot_name} in the following list {option_string}. {required_string}"
             if u.DEBUG:
                 print("choice list")
             # we construct some useful info.
             if value_type in [u.number, u.decimal, u.integer]:
                 useful_info = f'\nThe value should be a number between {slot[u.min_value]} and {slot[u.max_value]}.'
             insert_style = styles.get_insert()
             please_style = styles.get_please()
             string = f"{please_style} {insert_style} the {slot_name}. {required_string}"
         string = f'{string}{useful_info}'
         return string
         print("ERROR: Fail to extract the text for the next slot")
         raise Exception
Пример #2
def verify_compatibility_integer(value,
        value = value.replace(' ', '')
        int_value = get_integer(value)
        sorry_style = styles.get_sorry()
        insert_style = styles.get_insert()
        please_style = styles.get_please()
        if int_value is None:
            text = f'{sorry_style} the value {value} is not an integer, {please_style} {insert_style} a valid value.'
            return False, text
        number = int(int_value)
        if number < min_value or number > max_value:
            if number < min_value:
                text = f'{sorry_style} the value inserted is less than the minimum value acceptable {min_value}.'
                text = f'{sorry_style} the value inserted is more than the maximum value acceptable {max_value}.'
            return False, text
        return True, int_value
            f'Fail to verify the compatibility of the value {value} for the type integer'
        raise Exception
Пример #3
def verify_compatibility_number(value,
        value = value.replace(' ', '')
        int_value = int(get_integer(value))
        interval_text = ''
        if min_value != -float('inf'):
            interval_text = f'The minimum value for this field is {min_value}. '
        if max_value != float('inf'):
            interval_text = f'{interval_text}The maximum value for this field is {max_value}.'
        if int_value is None:
            sorry_style = styles.get_sorry()
            insert_style = styles.get_insert()
            please_style = styles.get_please()
            text = f'{sorry_style} the value {value} is not a number, {please_style} {insert_style} a valid value.'
            return False, text
        if int_value < min_value or int_value > max_value:
            if int_value < min_value:
                text = f'{sorry_style} the value inserted is less than the minimum value acceptable {min_value}.'
                text = f'{sorry_style} the value inserted is more than the maximum value acceptable {max_value}.'
            return False, text
        return True, value
            f'Fail to verify the compatibility of the value {value} for the type number'
        raise Exception
Пример #4
def verify_compatibility_tel(value):
        text = value
        # we should not have the space in the final value
        if ' ' in value:
            text = text.replace(' ', '')
        if '-' in value:
            text = text.replace('-', '')
        plus_sign = "+"
        num_occur = value.count(plus_sign)
        if num_occur == 1:
            if value[0] != plus_sign:
                text = f'The character < {plus_sign} > could only be at the beginning of the number'
                return False, text
        elif num_occur > 1:
            text = f'A telephone number should not contain the character < {plus_sign} > several times'
            return False, text
        # we remove the eventual plus sign at the beginning
        number = value.replace(plus_sign, '')
        # we verify if the remaining string only contains digits from 0 to 9
        number = fn.convert_to_int(number)
        if number is None or len(value) < u.min_length_phone_number:
            sorry_style = styles.get_sorry()
            insert_style = styles.get_insert()
            please_style = styles.get_please()
            text = f'{sorry_style} the value {value} is not valid, {please_style} {insert_style} a valid phone number'
            return False, text
        return True, text
            f'Fail to verify the compatibility of {value} for the type phone number'
        raise Exception
def next_char_string():
        # we add styles to the output
        next_style = styles.get_next()
        please_style = styles.get_please()
        insert_style = styles.get_insert()
        end_style = styles.get_end()
        # we set the message to be returned to the user
        string = (f'{please_style} {insert_style} the {next_style} character, remember that you can use the expression SPACE for the blank' +
                  f' and the expression TERMINATE to {end_style} the spelling')
        return string
        print('Fail to get the string for asking the next character')
        raise Exception
Пример #6
def verify_compatibility_decimal(value,
        value = value.replace(' ', '')
        dec_value = get_decimal(value)
        sorry_style = styles.get_sorry()
        insert_style = styles.get_insert()
        please_style = styles.get_please()
        if dec_value is None:
            text = f'{sorry_style} the value {value} is not a decimal, {please_style} {insert_style} a valid value.'
            return False, text
        # float takes the 'dot' as separator, so we should transform it before getting the float
        number = float(dec_value.replace(',', '.'))
        if number < min_value or number > max_value:
            if number < min_value:
                text = f'{sorry_style} the value inserted is less than the minimum value acceptable {min_value}.'
                text = f'{sorry_style} the value inserted is more than the maximum value acceptable {max_value}.'
            return False, text
        if ',' not in dec_value:
            return True, dec_value
        # the value has a decimal part
        if precision == float('inf'):
            return True, dec_value
        dec_part = dec_value[dec_value.index(',') + 1:]
        if len(dec_part) <= 2:
            # the precision is respected
            return True, dec_value
        # the precision is more accurate then what required, we decide to troncate, no rounding
        dec_value = dec_value[:dec_value.index(',') + precision + 1]
        return True, dec_value
            f'Fail to verify the compatibility of the value {value} for the type decimal with precision {precision}'
        raise Exception
Пример #7
 def fillGenericField(self):
         entities = self.state.get_latest_message()["entities"]
         intent = self.state.get_latest_message()["intent"]["name"]
         count = len(entities)
         if count == 0:
             # the user wants to modify a field but did not specify which field
             modify_style = styles.get_modify()
             insert_style = styles.get_insert()
             string = (
                 f"Which field exactly do you want to {modify_style}, and which value"
                 + f" do you want to {insert_style} for that field?")
             return string
         slot_name_list, slot_value_list = fn.extract_fields_names_and_values(
         # we first verify if each slot_name corresponds to a field in the dorm
         correct, string = self.state.all_fields_present(slot_name_list)
         if not correct:
             return string
         """we extract now the spelling field and we insert them in the spelling list
         after that we fill the generic fields before passing the floor to 
         fillSpellingField to complete the fields in spelling list."""
         slot_name_list, slot_value_list = self.state.set_spelling_list(
             slot_name_list, slot_value_list)
         # the spelling list have been set and we can continue
         if len(slot_value_list) + len(slot_name_list) == 0:
             string = self.fillSpellingField()
             return string
         if len(slot_value_list) + len(slot_name_list) >= 1:
             # there is at least one generic info
             # the use of possible_next_action here is to mitigate training error. with a perfect training they are not necessary
             if len(slot_value_list) == 1 and len(slot_name_list) == 0 and (
                     == u.fill_field_action
                     or intent == u.fill_field_action):
                 # we are inserting a value for the current field
                 slot_name = self.state.get_next_slot(
                 )  # return also if the next slot is required or not
                 # We make verify if the current field is spelling
                 spelling_fields = self.state.get_spelling_fields()
                 if slot_name in spelling_fields:
                     string = self.fillSpellingField()
                     return string
                 slot_value = slot_value_list[0]
                 # the slot value can change, being put in the right format
                 # we go to the filling procedure insuring that the field is not spelling
                 string = self.state.filling_procedure(
                     slot_name, slot_value)
             elif self.state.get_possible_next_action(
             ) != u.fill_field_action and intent != u.fill_field_action:
                 # probably bad destination due to misinterpretation
                 sorry_style = styles.get_sorry()
                 please_style = styles.get_please()
                 text = f'{sorry_style} i do not understand your request, could you reformulate {please_style}?'
                 _, required = self.state.get_next_slot()
                 if not required:
                     text = f'{text} otherwise, you can {u.fun_skip} or {u.fun_submit}'
                     text = f'{text} otherwise, you can {u.fun_explain_field} or {u.fun_complete_field}'
                 raise Exception
                 # we have a list of fields with their values
                 string = self.state.fill_generic_slots(
         next_field_before = self.state.get_next_slot(only_name=True)
         # we verify if the spelling_list is empty or not
         if len(self.state.get_spelling_list()) != 0:
             string_spelling = self.fillSpellingField()
             next_field_after = self.state.get_next_slot(only_name=True)
             if next_field_before == next_field_after:
                 # the spelling did not modified the Web page, we return the string from the non spelling fields
                 return string
             # the spelling mofified the Web Form, so we use its string
             return string_spelling
         return string
         if not self.state.get_warning_present():
                 "A problem occured while a registration form bot tries to fill a camp"
         raise Exception