class TestDefaults(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cs = CascadingStyles({"font": "arial", "font-size": "12pt"}) def testNone(self): self.assertEqual(str(self.cs), "") def testRemoveScope(self): self.cs.appendScope() self.cs["font"] = "newfont" self.cs.popScope() self.assertEqual(str(self.cs), "") def testIgnoreDefault(self): self.cs.appendScope() self.cs["font"] = "newfont" self.cs.appendScope() self.cs["font"] = "arial" self.assertEqual(str(self.cs), "")
class TestDefaults(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cs = CascadingStyles({"font":"arial","font-size":"12pt"}) def testNone(self): assert str(self.cs) == "" def testRemoveScope(self): self.cs.appendScope() self.cs["font"] = "newfont" self.cs.popScope() assert str(self.cs) == "" def testIgnoreDefault(self): self.cs.appendScope() self.cs["font"] = "newfont" self.cs.appendScope() self.cs["font"] = "arial" assert str(self.cs) == ""
class TargetSvg(object): def __init__(self): self.svg_dom = None self.svg_current_layer = None self.svg_current_font = "" self.svg_def = None = None self.reset() def reset(self): self.svg_dom = xml.dom.minidom.Document() self.svg_dom.doctype = "" svg_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("svg") svg_tag.setAttribute("xmlns","") svg_tag.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink","") self.svg_dom.appendChild(svg_tag) def_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("defs") svg_tag.appendChild(def_tag) self.svg_def = def_tag # set of required macros self.required_defs = set() = CascadingStyles()["fill"]="#fff"["stroke"]="#000000"["stroke-width"]="1.000000px" graphic_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") graphic_tag.setAttribute("style",str( svg_tag.appendChild(graphic_tag) self.svg_current_layer = graphic_tag @property def svg(self): """Return the svg document""" return self.svg_dom.toprettyxml(encoding='utf-8') def mkHex(self, s): # s is a string of a float h = "%02x"%(int(min(float(s)*256, 255))) return h def extract_colour(self,col): # only gets rgb values (ignores a) return "".join( [self.mkHex(col["r"]), self.mkHex(col["g"]), self.mkHex(col["b"])] ) def setGraffleFont(self, font): if font is None: return fontstuffs = [] font_col = "000000" if font.get("Color") is not None: grap_col = font.get("Color") try: font_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col) except: font_col = "000000" fontstuffs.append("fill:#%s"%font_col) fontstuffs.append("stroke:#%s"%font_col) fontstuffs.append("stroke-width:0.1px") fontfam = font.get("Font") if fontfam is not None: if fontfam == "LucidaGrande": fontfam = "Luxi Sans" elif fontfam == "Courier": fontfam = "Courier New" elif fontfam == "GillSans": fontfam = "Arial Narrow" fontstuffs.append("font-family: %s"%fontfam) size = font.get("Size") if size is not None: fontstuffs.append("font-size:%dpx"%int(size) ) self.svg_current_font = ";".join(fontstuffs) def addLayer(self, graffleInterpreter, GraphicsList): current_layer = self.svg_current_layer g_emt = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") g_emt.setAttribute("style",str( current_layer.appendChild(g_emt) self.svg_current_layer = g_emt graffleInterpreter.itterateGraffleGraphics(GraphicsList) self.svg_current_layer = current_layer def addAdjustableArrow(self, bounds, graphic,**opts): x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] ratio = float(graphic["ShapeData"]["ratio"]) neck = float(graphic["ShapeData"]["width"]) neck_delta = height*(1-ratio)/2 self.addPath([[x,y+neck_delta], [x+width-neck,y+neck_delta], [x+width-neck,y], [x+width,y+height/2], [x+width-neck,y+height], [x+width-neck,y+height-neck_delta], [x,y+height-neck_delta]],closepath=True,**opts) def addDiamond(self,bounds,**opts): x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] xmiddle = x+width/2 ymiddle = y+height/2 self.addPath([[x,ymiddle], [xmiddle,y+height], [x+width,ymiddle], [xmiddle,y]],closepath=True,**opts) def addPath(self, pts, **opts): # do geometry mapping here mypts = pts if opts.get("HFlip",False): mypts = geom.h_flip_points(mypts) if opts.get("VFlip",False): mypts = geom.v_flip_points(mypts) if opts.get("Rotation") is not None: mypts = geom.rotate_points(mypts,opts["Rotation"]) ptStrings = [",".join([str(b) for b in a]) for a in mypts] line_string = "M %s"%ptStrings[0] + " ".join(" L %s"%a for a in ptStrings[1:] ) if opts.get("closepath",False): line_string = line_string + " z" path_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("path") path_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id","")) path_tag.setAttribute("style", str( path_tag.setAttribute("d", line_string) self.svg_current_layer.appendChild(path_tag) def addHorizontalTriangle(self, bounds, **opts): """Graffle has the "HorizontalTriangle" Shape""" x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.addPath([[x,y],[x+width,y+height/2], [x,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def addImage(self, bounds, **opts): """SVG viewers should support images - unfortunately many don't :-(""" x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] image_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("image") image_tag.setAttribute("x", str(x)) image_tag.setAttribute("y", str(y)) image_tag.setAttribute("width", str(width)) image_tag.setAttribute("height", str(height)) image_tag.setAttribute("xlink:href", str(opts.get("href",""))) image_tag.setAttribute("style", str( self.svg_current_layer.appendChild(image_tag) def addRightTriangle(self, bounds, **opts): """Graffle has the "RightTriangle" Shape""" x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.addPath( [[x,y],[x+width,y+height], [x,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def addVerticalTriangle(self, bounds, **opts): """Graffle has the "RightTriangle" Shape""" x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.addPath( [[x,y],[x+width,y], [x+width/2,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def addRect(self, **opts): """Add an svg rect""" if opts is None: opts = {} rect_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("rect") rect_tag.setAttribute("id",opts.get("id","")) rect_tag.setAttribute("width",str(opts["width"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("height",str(opts["height"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("x",str(opts.get("x","0"))) rect_tag.setAttribute("y",str(opts.get("y","0"))) if opts.get("rx") is not None: rect_tag.setAttribute("rx",str(opts["rx"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("ry",str(opts["ry"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("style", str( self.svg_current_layer.appendChild(rect_tag) def addEllipse(self, bounds, **opts): c = [bounds[i] + (bounds[i+2]/2.) for i in [0,1]] # centre of circle rx = bounds[2]/2. ry = bounds[3]/2. circle_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("ellipse") circle_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id","")) circle_tag.setAttribute("style", str( circle_tag.setAttribute("cx", str(c[0])) circle_tag.setAttribute("cy", str(c[1])) circle_tag.setAttribute("rx", str(rx)) circle_tag.setAttribute("ry", str(ry)) self.svg_current_layer.appendChild(circle_tag) def addCloud(self,bounds,**opts): """Add a cloud element""" self.required_defs.add("network_cloud") x, y, dx, dy = bounds cloud_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") cloud_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id","")) cloud_tag.setAttribute("style", str( cloud_tag.setAttribute("transform","translate(%f,%f) scale(%f,%f)" % (x,y,float(dx)/500.0,float(dy)/500.0)) p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString("<use xmlns:xlink='' xlink:href='#network_cloud' />") def_node = p.childNodes[0] cloud_tag.appendChild(def_node) self.svg_current_layer.appendChild(cloud_tag) def addText(self,**opts): """Add an svg text element""" text_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("text") text_tag.setAttribute("id",str(opts.get("id",""))+"_text") text_tag.setAttribute("x",str(opts.get("x","0"))) text_tag.setAttribute("y",str(opts.get("y","0"))) # text_tag.setAttribute("dominant-baseline","mathematical") text_tag.setAttribute("style", self.svg_current_font) self.svg_current_layer.appendChild(text_tag) # Generator lines = extractRTFString(opts["rtftext"]) font_info = opts.get("fontinfo",None) if font_info is not None: font_height = int(font_info.get("Size")) else: font_height = 12 total_height = 0.0 for span in lines: total_height += float(span["style"].get("font-size","%.1fpx"%font_height)[:-2]) y_diff = float(opts.get("y", "12.0")) + opts.get("height",0)/2 -total_height/2 line_id=opts["id"] linenb = 0 for span in lines: y_diff+= float(span["style"].get("font-size","%.1fpx"%font_height)[:-2]) linenb+=1 opts["id"]=str(line_id)+"_line"+str(linenb) self.addLine(text_tag,text = span["string"], style = span["style"],\ y_pos=y_diff, line_height =font_height, **opts) def addLine(self,textnode, **opts): """Add a line of text""" tspan_node = self.svg_dom.createElement("tspan") tspan_node.setAttribute("id",opts.get("id","")) align = opts.get("style", {"text-align":"left"}).get("text-align", "left") x = opts.get("x",0) if align=="center": tspan_node.setAttribute("text-anchor","middle") x+=opts.get("width", 0)/2 elif align == "right": x+=opts.get("width", 0) tspan_node.setAttribute("x",str(x)) y_pos = float(opts.get("y_pos",0)) tspan_node.setAttribute("y",str(y_pos)) if (opts.get("style") is not None) and len(opts.get("style"))>0: thestyle = opts.get("style") for (k,v) in thestyle.items(): tspan_node.setAttribute(k,v) actual_string = self.svg_dom.createTextNode(opts.get("text"," ")) tspan_node.appendChild(actual_string) textnode.appendChild(tspan_node) def add_requirements(self): for required in self.required_defs: if required.startswith("Arrow1Lend"): (shape, color, width) = required.split( "_") scale=1.0/((float(width[0:-2])-1.0)/20.0+1.0) p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker orient='auto' refY='0.0' refX='0.0' id='%(id)s' style='overflow:visible;'> <path id='path_%(id)s' d='M -5,0.0 L -5,-2.0 L 0.0,0.0 L -5,2.0 z ' style='fill:#%(color)s;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#%(color)s;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;' transform='scale(%(scale)f)' /> </marker></defs>"""%{"id":required, "color":color, "scale":scale}) def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if required.startswith("Arrow1Lstart"): (shape, color, width) = required.split( "_") scale=1.0/((float(width[0:-2])-1.0)/20.0+1.0) p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker orient='auto' refY='0.0' refX='0.0' id='%(id)s' style='overflow:visible'> <path id='path_%(id)s' d='M 5,0.0 L 5.0,-2.0 L 0.0,0.0 L 5.0,2.0 z' style='fill:#%(color)s;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#%(color)s;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none' transform='scale(%(scale)f)'/> </marker></defs>"""%{"id":required, "color":color, "scale":scale}) def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "Arrow2Lend" in self.required_defs: # TODO p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker orient='auto' refY='0.0' refX='0.0' id='Arrow2Lend' overflow='visible' stroke='currentColor'> <path id='Arrow2Lend' d='M 10.0,-2.0 L 0.0,0.0 L 10.0,2.0' style='fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none' /> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "Arrow2Lstart" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker orient='auto' refY='0.0' refX='0.0' id='Arrow2Lstart' overflow='visible' stroke='currentColor'> <path id='pathStickArrow' d='M -10.0,-2.0 L 0.0,0.0 L -10.0,2.0' style='fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none'/> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "DropShadow" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><filter id='DropShadow' filterRes='100' x='0' y='0'> <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation='3' result='MyBlur'/> <feOffset in='MyBlur' dx='2' dy='4' result='movedBlur'/> <feMerge> <feMergeNode in='movedBlur'/> <feMergeNode in='SourceGraphic'/> </feMerge> </filter></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "CrowBall" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker refX='0' refY='0' orient='auto' id='mCrowBall' style='overflow:visible'> <path d='M 0.0,2.5 L 7.5,0.0 L 0.0,-2.5' style='stroke:#000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;fill:none;' /> <circle cx='10' cy='0' r='2.5' style='stroke-width:1px; stroke: #000; fill:none;'/> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "Bar" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker refX='0' refY='0' orient='auto' id='mBar' style='overflow:visible'> <path d='M -7.5,-2.5 L -7.5,2.5' style='stroke:#000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;fill:none;' /> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "network_cloud" in self.required_defs: ''' cloud shape 500x500 ''' p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><g id='network_cloud'> <path d='M 127.5 106.25 C 127.5 106.25 126.25 18.7501 231.25 45 C 336.25 71.25 317.5 115 318.75 115 C 320 115 300 61.25 380 51.25 C 452.5 57.5 486.25 71.25 482.5 117.5 C 478.75 163.75 443.75 175 443.75 175 C 443.75 175 507.5 181.25 490 275 C 462.5 340 462.5 333.75 398.75 341.25 C 370 330 368.75 320 368.75 320 C 368.75 320 421.25 368.75 342.5 400 C 253.75 423.75 242.5 402.5 205 391.25 C 168.75 368.75 176.25 341.25 176.25 341.25 C 176.25 341.25 198.75 387.5 122.5 396.25 C 46.25 405 17.5 387.5 3.75 316.25 C 2.08616e-06 262.5 67.5 257.5 67.5 257.5 C 67.5 257.5 26.25 258.75 15 231.25 C 3.75 203.75 -3.75 167.5 30 118.75 C 92.5 60 135 98.75 127.5 106.25 z '/> </g></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) def setGraffleStyle(self, style): if style.get("fill") is not None: fill = style.get("fill") if fill.get("Draws","") == "NO": # don't display["fill"]="none" else: grap_col = fill.get("Color") if grap_col is not None: fill_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col)["fill"]="#%s"%fill_col if style.get("stroke") is not None: stroke = style.get("stroke") if stroke.get("Draws","") == "NO":["stroke"]="none" else: grap_col = stroke.get("Color",{"r":0.,"g":0.,"b":0.}) if grap_col is not None: stroke_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col)["stroke"]="#%s"%stroke_col if stroke.get("Width") is not None: width = stroke["Width"]["stroke-width"]="%fpx"%float(width) if stroke.get("HeadArrow") is not None: headarrow = stroke["HeadArrow"] marker_end = "none" headscale = stroke.get("HeadScale", 1.0) if headarrow == "FilledArrow": marker_end = "Arrow1Lend_" +["stroke"] [1:] + "_" + "%fpx"%(float(["stroke-width"][0:-2])*headscale)["marker-end"]="url(#%s)"%marker_end self.required_defs.add(marker_end) elif headarrow == "StickArrow":["marker-end"]="url(#Arrow2Lend)" self.required_defs.add("Arrow2Lend") elif headarrow == "Bar": #TODO["marker-end"]="url(#mBar)" self.required_defs.add("Bar") elif headarrow == "0":["marker-end"] = "none" else: print "unknown HeadArrow "+ headarrow["marker-end"]="url(#Arrow2Lend)" self.required_defs.add("Arrow2Lend") if stroke.get("TailArrow") is not None: tailarrow = stroke["TailArrow"] tailscale = stroke.get("TailScale",1.0) if tailarrow == "FilledArrow": marker_start = "Arrow1Lstart_" +["stroke"] [1:] + "_" + "%fpx"%(float(["stroke-width"][0:-2])*tailscale)["marker-start"]="url(#%s)"%marker_start self.required_defs.add(marker_start) elif tailarrow =="StickArrow":["marker-end"]="url(#Arrow2Lstart)" self.required_defs.add("Arrow2Lstart") elif tailarrow == "CrowBall":["marker-start"] = "url(#mCrowBall)" self.required_defs.add("CrowBall") elif tailarrow == "0":["marker-start"]="none" else: print "unknown TailArrow "+ headarrow["marker-end"]="url(#Arrow2Lstart)" self.required_defs.add("Arrow2Lstart") if stroke.get("Pattern") is not None: pattern = stroke["Pattern"] if pattern == 1:["stroke-dasharray"]="3 3" elif pattern == 2:["stroke-dasharray"]="5 5" else: print "unknown pattern " + str(pattern)["stroke-dasharray"]="1 1" if style.get("shadow",{}).get("Draws","NO") != "NO": # for some reason graffle has a shadow by default self.required_defs.add("DropShadow")["filter"]="url(#DropShadow)"
def extractRTFString(s): """Extract a string and some styling info""" bracket_depth = 0 instruction = False inst_code = "" ftable = FontTable() # The string being generated: std_string = "" style = CascadingStyles() # Want to set these as defaults even if not specified style.appendScope() style["fill"]="#000000" """TODO: extract styling e.g. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf460 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs28 \cf0 Next ads are represented in a book-ended carousel on end screen} """ def do_instruction(inst_code, i): if inst_code == "b": style["font-weght"] = "bold" if inst_code == "ql": style["text-align"] = "left" elif inst_code == "qr": style["text-align"] = "right" elif inst_code == "qj": style["text-align"] = "justify" elif inst_code == "qc": style["text-align"] = "center" elif inst_code == "fonttbl": i = ftable.parseTable(s,i) elif inst_code[0]=="f" and inst_code[1:].isdigit(): # Font looked up in font table font = ftable.fonts.get(int(inst_code[1:]),{}) for k,v in font.items(): if k != "": style[k] = v elif inst_code[:2]=="fs" and isint(inst_code[2:]): # font size - RTF specifies half pt sizes style["font-size"] = "%.1fpt"%(float(inst_code[2:])/2.) elif inst_code[:2]=="cf" and isint(inst_code[2:]): # font colour is enytry int(inst_code[2:]) in the colour table :-( # font is chosen from font table using fN (N\in\int) pass return i i = -1 while i < len(s)-1: i += 1 c = s[i] if c == "{": bracket_depth +=1 style.appendScope() elif c == "}": if std_string != "": yield {"string":std_string, "style":str(style)} std_string = "" style.popScope() bracket_depth -=1 elif c == "\\": if len(inst_code) > 0: i = do_instruction(inst_code, i) instruction = True inst_code = "" if instruction: if c == " ": instruction = False i = do_instruction(inst_code, i) elif c == "\n": instruction = False if inst_code == "": # new line so yield yield {"string":std_string, "style":str(style)} std_string = "" else: i = do_instruction(inst_code, i) elif c != "\\": inst_code += c else: if bracket_depth == 1: if not c in "{}\\\n\r": # those characters are escaped std_string += c style.popScope()
class GraffleParser(object): g_dom = None svg_dom = None svg_current_layer = None svg_current_font = "" svg_def = None def __init__(self): self.svg_dom = xml.dom.minidom.Document() self.svg_dom.doctype = "" svg_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("svg") svg_tag.setAttribute("xmlns","") svg_tag.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink","") self.svg_dom.appendChild(svg_tag) def_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("defs") svg_tag.appendChild(def_tag) self.svg_def = def_tag # set of required macros self.required_defs = set() = CascadingStyles()["fill"]="#fff"["stroke"]="#000000" graphic_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") graphic_tag.setAttribute("style",str( svg_tag.appendChild(graphic_tag) self.svg_current_layer = graphic_tag @property def svg(self): """Return the svg document""" return self.svg_dom.toprettyxml() def walkGraffle(self, xmlstr, **kwargs): """Walk over the file""" self.g_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr) self.walkGraffleDoc(self.g_dom, **kwargs) self.svg_add_requirements() def walkGraffleDoc(self, parent, page = 0): # want to pass this around like a continuation cont = nodeListGen(parent.childNodes) i = 0 mydict = None for e in cont: if e.nodeType == e.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: pass localname = e.localName if localname == "plist": # Apple's main container self.walkGraffleDoc(e,page) if localname == "dict": mydict = self.ReturnGraffleDict(e) if mydict is not None: # Extract file information self.fileinfo = fileinfo.FileInfo(mydict) # Graffle lists it's image references separately self.imagelist = mydict.get("ImageList",[]) # Sometimes have multiple sheets if mydict.get("Sheets") is not None: self.extractPage(mydict["Sheets"][page]) else: self.extractPage(mydict) def extractPage(self, grafflenodeasdict): mydict = grafflenodeasdict if self.fileinfo.fmt_version >= 6: # Graffle version 6 has a background graphic background = mydict["BackgroundGraphic"] # draw this self.svgItterateGraffleGraphics([background]) elif self.fileinfo.fmt_version < 6: # Version 5 has a CanvasColor property instead colour = mydict.get("CanvasColor") if colour is not None: sty = {} # We have to guess the document's dimensions from the print size # - these numbers appear to match up with the background size in # version 6. origin = parseCoords(mydict.get("CanvasOrigin","{0,0}")) print_info = self.fileinfo.printinfo paper_size = print_info.paper_size Lmargin = print_info.left_margin Rmargin = print_info.right_margin Tmargin = print_info.top_margin Bmargin = print_info.bottom_margin x, y = origin width = paper_size[0] - Lmargin - Rmargin height = paper_size[1] - Bmargin - Tmargin self.svg_addRect(self.svg_current_layer, x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height, rx=None, ry=None) graphics = mydict["GraphicsList"] self.svgItterateGraffleGraphics(graphics) def ReturnGraffleNode(self, parent): """Return a python representation of the node passed""" if parent.nodeType == parent.TEXT_NODE: return parent.wholeText elif parent.localName == "dict": return self.ReturnGraffleDict(parent) elif parent.localName == "array": return self.ReturnGraffleArray(parent) elif parent.localName == "true": return True elif parent.localName == "false": return False elif parent.localName in ["string","real","integer"]: return self.ReturnGraffleNode(parent.firstChild) return parent.nodeType def ReturnGraffleDict(self, parent): """Graffle has dicts like <dict> <key /> <integer /> <key /> <string /> </dict> - pass the <dict> node to this method """ retdict = {} cont = nodeListGen(parent.childNodes) key, val = None, None for e in cont: if e.nodeType == e.TEXT_NODE: continue localname = e.localName if localname == "key": key = self.ReturnGraffleNode(e.firstChild) else: val = self.ReturnGraffleNode(e) retdict[key] = val return retdict def ReturnGraffleArray(self, parent): """Graffle has arrays like <array> <string /> <string /> </array> - pass the <array> node to this method """ retlist = [] cont = nodeListGen(parent.childNodes) for e in cont: if e.nodeType == e.TEXT_NODE: continue retlist.append(self.ReturnGraffleNode(e)) return retlist def extractMagnetCoordinates(self,mgnts): pts = [parseCoords(a) for a in mgnts] return pts def extractBoundCOordinates(self,bnds): bnds = bnds[1:-1].strip() bnds = bnds.split(",") coords = [] for bnd in bnds: bnd = bnd.replace("{","") bnd = bnd.replace("}","") coords.append(float(bnd)) return coords def svgItterateGraffleGraphics(self,GraphicsList): """parent should be a list of """ for graphics in GraphicsList: # Styling if graphics.get("Style") is not None: self.svgSetGraffleStyle(graphics.get("Style")) cls = graphics["Class"] if cls == "SolidGraphic": # used as background - add a shallowcopy = {"Shape":"Rectangle"} shallowcopy.update(graphics) self.svgAddGraffleShapedGraphic(shallowcopy) elif cls == "ShapedGraphic": try: self.svgAddGraffleShapedGraphic(graphics) except: raise print "could not show shaped graphic" elif cls == "LineGraphic": pts = self.extractMagnetCoordinates(graphics["Points"])["fill"] = "none" if graphics.get("OrthogonalBarAutomatic") == False: bar_pos = graphics.get("OrthogonalBarPosition") if bar_pos is not None: # Decide where to place the orthogonal position bar_pos = float(bar_pos) """ # This isn't right out_pts = [] i = 0 while i < len(pts) - 1: p1 = pts[i] p2 = pts[i+1] newpt = [p1[0] + bar_pos, p1[1]] out_pts.append(p1) out_pts.append(newpt) out_pts.append(p2) i+=2 pts = out_pts """ self.svg_addPath(self.svg_current_layer, pts) elif cls == "TableGroup": # In Progress table_graphics = graphics.get("Graphics") if table_graphics is not None: current_layer = self.svg_current_layer g_emt = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") g_emt.setAttribute("style",str( current_layer.appendChild(g_emt) self.svg_current_layer = g_emt self.svgItterateGraffleGraphics(reversed(table_graphics)) self.svg_current_layer = current_layer elif cls == "Group": subgraphics = graphics.get("Graphics") if subgraphics is not None: current_layer = self.svg_current_layer g_emt = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") g_emt.setAttribute("style",str( current_layer.appendChild(g_emt) self.svg_current_layer = g_emt self.svgItterateGraffleGraphics(reversed(subgraphics)) self.svg_current_layer = current_layer else: print "Don't know how to display Class \"%s\""%cls if graphics.get("Text") is not None: # have to write some text too ... coords = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphics['Bounds']) self.svgSetGraffleFont(graphics.get("FontInfo")) x, y, width, height = coords x += float(graphics['Text'].get('Pad',0)) y += float(graphics['Text'].get('VerticalPad',0)) self.svg_addText(self.svg_current_layer, rtftext = graphics.get("Text").get("Text",""), x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height) def svgAddGraffleShapedGraphic(self, graphic): shape = graphic['Shape'] extra_opts = {} if graphic.get("HFlip","NO")=="YES": extra_opts["HFlip"] = True if graphic.get("VFlip","NO")=="YES": extra_opts["VFlip"] = True if graphic.get("Rotation") is not None: extra_opts["Rotation"] = float(graphic["Rotation"]) if shape in ("Rectangle", "RoundRect"): coords = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic['Bounds']) if graphic.get("ImageID") is not None: # TODO: images image_id = int(graphic["ImageID"]) if len(self.imagelist) <= image_id: print "Error - image out of range" return image = self.imagelist[image_id] self.svg_addImage(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = coords, \ href = image) print "Insert Image - " + str(image) else: # radius of corners is stored on the style in graffle sty = graphic.get("Style",{}) stroke = sty.get("stroke",{}) radius = stroke.get("CornerRadius",None) x, y = coords[0], coords[1] width = coords[2]# - coords[0] height = coords[3]# - coords[1] self.svg_addRect(self.svg_current_layer, x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height, rx=radius, ry=radius, **extra_opts) elif shape == "HorizontalTriangle": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic['Bounds']) self.svg_addHorizontalTriangle(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "RightTriangle": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic['Bounds']) self.svg_addRightTriangle(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "VerticalTriangle": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic['Bounds']) self.svg_addVerticalTriangle(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Circle": # Actually can be an ellipse bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addEllipse(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Bezier": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addBezier(self.svg_current_layer, bounds, graphic["ShapeData"], **extra_opts) elif shape == "AdjustableArrow": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addAdjustableArrow(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, graphic = graphic, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Diamond": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addDiamond(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Subprocess": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addSubprocess(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Cloud": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addCloud(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) else: print "Don't know how to display Shape %s"%str(graphic['Shape']) def extract_colour(self,col): # only gets rgb values (ignores a) return "".join( [mkHex(col["r"]), mkHex(col["g"]), mkHex(col["b"])] ) def svgSetGraffleStyle(self, style): style_string = "" styles_list = [] if style.get("fill") is not None: fill = style.get("fill") if fill.get("Draws","") == "NO": # don't display["fill"]="none" else: grap_col = fill.get("Color") if grap_col is not None: fill_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col)["fill"]="#%s"%fill_col if style.get("stroke") is not None: stroke = style.get("stroke") if stroke.get("Draws","") == "NO":["stroke"]="none" else: grap_col = stroke.get("Color",{"r":0.,"g":0.,"b":0.}) if grap_col is not None: stroke_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col)["stroke"]="#%s"%stroke_col if stroke.get("HeadArrow") is not None: headarrow = stroke["HeadArrow"] if headarrow == "FilledArrow":["marker-end"]=":url(#Arrow1Lend)" self.required_defs.add("Arrow1Lend") elif headarrow == "Bar": #TODO["marker-end"]="url(#mBar)" self.required_defs.add("Bar") elif headarrow == "0":["marker-end"] = "none" if stroke.get("TailArrow") is not None: tailarrow = stroke["TailArrow"] if tailarrow == "FilledArrow":["marker-start"]="url(#Arrow1Lstart)" self.required_defs.add("Arrow1Lstart") elif tailarrow == "CrowBall":["marker-start"] = "url(#mCrowBall)" self.required_defs.add("CrowBall") elif tailarrow == "0":["marker-start"]="none" if stroke.get("Width") is not None: width = stroke["Width"]["stroke-width"]="%fpx"%float(width) if stroke.get("Pattern") is not None: pattern = stroke["Pattern"] if pattern == 1:["stroke-dasharray"]="3 3" elif pattern == 2:["stroke-dasharray"]="5 5" if style.get("shadow",{}).get("Draws","NO") != "NO": # for some reason graffle has a shadow by default self.required_defs.add("DropShadow")["filter"]="url(#DropShadow)" def svgSetGraffleFont(self, font): if font is None: return fontstuffs = [] if font.get("Color") is not None: grap_col = font.get("Color") try: font_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col) except: font_col = "000000" fontstuffs.append("fill:#%s"%font_col) fontfam = font.get("Font") if fontfam is not None: if fontfam == "LucidaGrande": fontfam = "Luxi Sans" elif fontfam == "Courier": fontfam = "Courier New" elif fontfam == "GillSans": fontfam == "Arial Narrow" fontstuffs.append("font-family: %s"%fontfam) size = font.get("Size") if size is not None: fontstuffs.append("font-size:%dpx"%int(size) ) self.svg_current_font = ";".join(fontstuffs) def svg_add_requirements(self): if "Arrow1Lend" in self.required_defs: # TODO p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker orient='auto' refY='0.0' refX='0.0' id='Arrow1Lend' style='overflow:visible;'> <path id='path3666' d='M -10,0.0 L -10.0,-2.0 L 0.0,0.0 L -10.0,2.0 z ' style='fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;' /> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "Arrow1Lstart" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker orient='auto' refY='0.0' refX='0.0' id='Arrow1Lstart' style='overflow:visible'> <path id='path3663' d='M 10,0.0 L 10.0,-2.0 L 0.0,0.0 L 10.0,2.0 z' style='fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none'/> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "DropShadow" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><filter id='DropShadow' filterRes='100' x='0' y='0'> <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation='3' result='MyBlur'/> <feOffset in='MyBlur' dx='2' dy='4' result='movedBlur'/> <feMerge> <feMergeNode in='movedBlur'/> <feMergeNode in='SourceGraphic'/> </feMerge> </filter></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "CrowBall" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker refX='0' refY='0' orient='auto' id='mCrowBall' style='overflow:visible'> <path d='M 0.0,2.5 L 7.5,0.0 L 0.0,-2.5' style='stroke:#000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;fill:none;' /> <circle cx='10' cy='0' r='2.5' style='stroke-width:1px; stroke: #000; fill:none;'/> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "Bar" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker refX='0' refY='0' orient='auto' id='mBar' style='overflow:visible'> <path d='M -7.5,-2.5 L -7.5,2.5' style='stroke:#000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;fill:none;' /> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) def svg_addBezier(self, node, bounds, shapeopts, **opts): points = shapeopts["UnitPoints"] points =[self.extractBoundCOordinates(pt) for pt in points] c = [bounds[i] + (bounds[i+2]/2.) for i in [0, 1]] #centre rx = bounds[2]/2. ry = bounds[3]/2. # These points are relative to the bounds points = [ [c[0] + pt[0] * rx, c[1] + pt[1] * ry] for pt in points] if opts.get("HFlip", False): points = geom.h_flip_points(points) if opts.get("VFlip", False): points = geom.v_flip_points(points) if opts.get("Rotation") is not None: points = geom.rotate_points(points, opts["Rotation"]) ptStrings = [",".join([str(b) for b in a]) for a in points] line_string = "M %s"%ptStrings[0] + " ".join(" L %s"%a for a in ptStrings[1:]) path_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("path") path_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id","")) path_tag.setAttribute("style", str( path_tag.setAttribute("d", line_string) node.appendChild(path_tag) def svg_addEllipse(self, node, bounds, **opts): c = [bounds[i] + (bounds[i+2]/2.) for i in [0,1]] # centre of circle rx = bounds[2]/2. ry = bounds[3]/2. circle_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("ellipse") circle_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id","")) circle_tag.setAttribute("style", str( circle_tag.setAttribute("cx", str(c[0])) circle_tag.setAttribute("cy", str(c[1])) circle_tag.setAttribute("rx", str(rx)) circle_tag.setAttribute("ry", str(ry)) node.appendChild(circle_tag) def svg_addAdjustableArrow(self, node, bounds, graphic,**opts): x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] ratio = float(graphic["ShapeData"]["ratio"]) neck = float(graphic["ShapeData"]["width"]) neck_delta = height*(1-ratio)/2 self.svg_addPath(node,[[x,y+neck_delta], [x+width-neck,y+neck_delta], [x+width-neck,y], [x+width,y+height/2], [x+width-neck,y+height], [x+width-neck,y+height-neck_delta], [x,y+height-neck_delta]],closepath=True,**opts) def svg_addDiamond(self, node, bounds, **opts): x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addPath(node,[[x + (width / 2), y], [x + width, y + (height / 2)], [x + (width / 2), y + height], [x, y + (height / 2)]], closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addSubprocess(self, node, bounds, **opts): # TODO: check ISO flowchart specification for correct ratio? x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addRect(node, width=width, height=height, x=x, y=y, **opts) # add the vertical lines x_offset = width * 0.1 self.svg_addPath(node, [[x + x_offset, y], [x + x_offset, y + height]], closepath=False, **opts) self.svg_addPath(node, [[x + width - x_offset, y], [x + width - x_offset, y + height]], closepath=False, **opts) def svg_addCloud(self, node, bounds, **opts): x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] #TODO: draw an actual shape (should abstract the shape scaling etc) self.svg_addRect(node, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, **opts) def svg_addPath(self, node, pts, **opts): # do geometry mapping here mypts = pts if opts.get("HFlip",False): mypts = geom.h_flip_points(mypts) if opts.get("VFlip",False): mypts = geom.v_flip_points(mypts) if opts.get("Rotation") is not None: mypts = geom.rotate_points(mypts,opts["Rotation"]) ptStrings = [",".join([str(b) for b in a]) for a in mypts] line_string = "M %s"%ptStrings[0] + " ".join(" L %s"%a for a in ptStrings[1:] ) if opts.get("closepath",False) == True: line_string = line_string + " z" path_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("path") path_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id","")) path_tag.setAttribute("style", str( path_tag.setAttribute("d", line_string) node.appendChild(path_tag) def svg_addHorizontalTriangle(self, node, bounds, rotation = 0, **opts): """Graffle has the "HorizontalTriangle" Shape""" x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addPath(node, [[x,y],[x+width,y+height/2], [x,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addImage(self, node, bounds, **opts): """SVG viewers should support images - unfortunately many don't :-(""" x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] image_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("image") image_tag.setAttribute("x", str(x)) image_tag.setAttribute("y", str(y)) image_tag.setAttribute("width", str(width)) image_tag.setAttribute("height", str(height)) image_tag.setAttribute("xlink:href", str(opts.get("href",""))) image_tag.setAttribute("style", str( node.appendChild(image_tag) def svg_addRightTriangle(self, node, bounds, rotation = 0, **opts): """Graffle has the "RightTriangle" Shape""" x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addPath(node, [[x,y],[x+width,y+height], [x,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addVerticalTriangle(self, node, bounds, rotation = 0, **opts): """Graffle has the "RightTriangle" Shape""" x,y,width,height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addPath(node, [[x,y],[x+width,y], [x+width/2,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addRect(self, node, **opts): """Add an svg rect""" if opts is None: opts = {} rect_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("rect") rect_tag.setAttribute("id",opts.get("id","")) rect_tag.setAttribute("width",str(opts["width"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("height",str(opts["height"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("x",str(opts.get("x","0"))) rect_tag.setAttribute("y",str(opts.get("y","0"))) if opts.get("rx") is not None: rect_tag.setAttribute("rx",str(opts["rx"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("ry",str(opts["ry"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("style", str( node.appendChild(rect_tag) def svg_addText(self,node,**opts): """Add an svg text element""" text_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("text") text_tag.setAttribute("id",opts.get("id","")) text_tag.setAttribute("x",str(opts.get("x","0"))) text_tag.setAttribute("y",str(opts.get("y","0"))) text_tag.setAttribute("style", ";".join( \ [str(,self.svg_current_font])) node.appendChild(text_tag) # TODO: lines need to be moved down by the correct size # Generator lines = extractRTFString(opts["rtftext"]) i = 0 for span in lines: self.svg_addLine(text_tag,text = span["string"], style = span["style"],\ y_offset = i, line_height = 12, **opts) i+=1 def svg_addLine(self,textnode, **opts): """Add a line of text""" tspan_node = self.svg_dom.createElement("tspan") tspan_node.setAttribute("id",opts.get("id","")) tspan_node.setAttribute("x",str(opts.get("x","0"))) y_pos = float(opts.get("y",0)) + \ opts.get("line_height",12) * (opts.get("y_offset",0)+1) if opts.get("style") is not None: tspan_node.setAttribute("style",str(opts["style"])) tspan_node.setAttribute("y",str(y_pos)) actual_string = self.svg_dom.createTextNode(opts.get("text"," ")) tspan_node.appendChild(actual_string) textnode.appendChild(tspan_node)
def extractRTFString(s): """Extract a string and some styling info""" bracket_depth = 0 instruction = False inst_code = "" ftable = FontTable() colortable = ColorTable() # The string being generated: std_string = "" style = CascadingStyles() # Want to set these as defaults even if not specified style.appendScope() """TODO: extract styling e.g. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf460 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs28 \cf0 Next ads are represented in a book-ended carousel on end screen} """ def do_instruction(inst_code, i): if inst_code == "b": style["font-weight"] = "bold" if inst_code == "ql": style["text-align"] = "left" elif inst_code == "qr": style["text-align"] = "right" elif inst_code == "qj": style["text-align"] = "justify" elif inst_code == "qc": style["text-align"] = "center" elif inst_code == "fonttbl": i = ftable.parseTable(s, i) elif inst_code == "colortbl": i = colortable.parseTable(s, i) elif inst_code[0] == "f" and inst_code[1:].isdigit(): # Font looked up in font table font = ftable.fonts.get(int(inst_code[1:]), {}) for k, v in font.items(): if k != "": style[k] = v elif inst_code[:2] == "fs" and isint(inst_code[2:]): # font size - RTF specifies half pt sizes style["font-size"] = "%.1fpx" % (float(inst_code[2:]) / 2.0) elif inst_code[:2] == "cf" and isint(inst_code[2:]): # font colour is enytry int(inst_code[2:]) in the colour table style["fill"] = "#" + colortable[int(inst_code[2:])] style["stroke"] = "#" + colortable[int(inst_code[2:])] return i i = -1 result_lines = [] while i < len(s) - 1: i += 1 c = s[i] if c == "{": bracket_depth += 1 style.appendScope() elif c == "}": if std_string != "": yield {"string": std_string, "style": str(style)} std_string = "" style.popScope() bracket_depth -= 1 elif c == "\\": if len(inst_code) > 0: i = do_instruction(inst_code, i) instruction = True inst_code = "" if instruction: if c == " ": instruction = False i = do_instruction(inst_code, i) elif c == "\n": instruction = False if inst_code == "": # new line so yield yield {"string": std_string, "style": str(style)} std_string = "" else: i = do_instruction(inst_code, i) elif not c in "\\;": inst_code += c else: if bracket_depth == 1: if not c in "{}\\\n\r": # those characters are escaped std_string += c style.popScope()
class GraffleParser(object): g_dom = None svg_dom = None svg_current_layer = None svg_current_font = "" svg_def = None def __init__(self): self.svg_dom = xml.dom.minidom.Document() self.svg_dom.doctype = "" svg_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("svg") svg_tag.setAttribute("xmlns", "") svg_tag.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink", "") self.svg_dom.appendChild(svg_tag) def_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("defs") svg_tag.appendChild(def_tag) self.svg_def = def_tag # set of required macros self.required_defs = set() = CascadingStyles()["fill"] = "#fff"["stroke"] = "#000000" graphic_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") graphic_tag.setAttribute("style", str( svg_tag.appendChild(graphic_tag) self.svg_current_layer = graphic_tag @property def svg(self): """Return the svg document""" return self.svg_dom.toprettyxml() def walkGraffle(self, xmlstr, **kwargs): """Walk over the file""" self.g_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr) self.walkGraffleDoc(self.g_dom, **kwargs) self.svg_add_requirements() def walkGraffleDoc(self, parent, page=0): # want to pass this around like a continuation cont = nodeListGen(parent.childNodes) i = 0 mydict = None for e in cont: if e.nodeType == e.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: pass localname = e.localName if localname == "plist": # Apple's main container self.walkGraffleDoc(e, page) if localname == "dict": mydict = self.ReturnGraffleDict(e) if mydict is not None: # Extract file information self.fileinfo = fileinfo.FileInfo(mydict) # Graffle lists it's image references separately self.imagelist = mydict.get("ImageList", []) # Sometimes have multiple sheets if mydict.get("Sheets") is not None: self.extractPage(mydict["Sheets"][page]) else: self.extractPage(mydict) def extractPage(self, grafflenodeasdict): mydict = grafflenodeasdict if self.fileinfo.fmt_version >= 6: # Graffle version 6 has a background graphic background = mydict["BackgroundGraphic"] # draw this self.svgItterateGraffleGraphics([background]) elif self.fileinfo.fmt_version < 6: # Version 5 has a CanvasColor property instead colour = mydict.get("CanvasColor") if colour is not None: sty = {} # We have to guess the document's dimensions from the print size # - these numbers appear to match up with the background size in # version 6. origin = parseCoords(mydict.get("CanvasOrigin", "{0,0}")) print_info = self.fileinfo.printinfo paper_size = print_info.paper_size Lmargin = print_info.left_margin Rmargin = print_info.right_margin Tmargin = print_info.top_margin Bmargin = print_info.bottom_margin x, y = origin width = paper_size[0] - Lmargin - Rmargin height = paper_size[1] - Bmargin - Tmargin self.svg_addRect(self.svg_current_layer, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, rx=None, ry=None) graphics = mydict["GraphicsList"] self.svgItterateGraffleGraphics(graphics) def ReturnGraffleNode(self, parent): """Return a python representation of the node passed""" if parent.nodeType == parent.TEXT_NODE: return parent.wholeText elif parent.localName == "dict": return self.ReturnGraffleDict(parent) elif parent.localName == "array": return self.ReturnGraffleArray(parent) elif parent.localName == "true": return True elif parent.localName == "false": return False elif parent.localName in ["string", "real", "integer"]: return self.ReturnGraffleNode(parent.firstChild) return parent.nodeType def ReturnGraffleDict(self, parent): """Graffle has dicts like <dict> <key /> <integer /> <key /> <string /> </dict> - pass the <dict> node to this method """ retdict = {} cont = nodeListGen(parent.childNodes) key, val = None, None for e in cont: if e.nodeType == e.TEXT_NODE: continue localname = e.localName if localname == "key": key = self.ReturnGraffleNode(e.firstChild) else: val = self.ReturnGraffleNode(e) retdict[key] = val return retdict def ReturnGraffleArray(self, parent): """Graffle has arrays like <array> <string /> <string /> </array> - pass the <array> node to this method """ retlist = [] cont = nodeListGen(parent.childNodes) for e in cont: if e.nodeType == e.TEXT_NODE: continue retlist.append(self.ReturnGraffleNode(e)) return retlist def extractMagnetCoordinates(self, mgnts): pts = [parseCoords(a) for a in mgnts] return pts def extractBoundCOordinates(self, bnds): bnds = bnds[1:-1].strip() bnds = bnds.split(",") coords = [] for bnd in bnds: bnd = bnd.replace("{", "") bnd = bnd.replace("}", "") coords.append(float(bnd)) return coords def svgItterateGraffleGraphics(self, GraphicsList): """parent should be a list of """ for graphics in GraphicsList: # Styling if graphics.get("Style") is not None: self.svgSetGraffleStyle(graphics.get("Style")) cls = graphics["Class"] if cls == "SolidGraphic": # used as background - add a shallowcopy = {"Shape": "Rectangle"} shallowcopy.update(graphics) self.svgAddGraffleShapedGraphic(shallowcopy) elif cls == "ShapedGraphic": try: self.svgAddGraffleShapedGraphic(graphics) except: raise print "could not show shaped graphic" elif cls == "LineGraphic": pts = self.extractMagnetCoordinates(graphics["Points"])["fill"] = "none" if graphics.get("OrthogonalBarAutomatic") == False: bar_pos = graphics.get("OrthogonalBarPosition") if bar_pos is not None: # Decide where to place the orthogonal position bar_pos = float(bar_pos) """ # This isn't right out_pts = [] i = 0 while i < len(pts) - 1: p1 = pts[i] p2 = pts[i+1] newpt = [p1[0] + bar_pos, p1[1]] out_pts.append(p1) out_pts.append(newpt) out_pts.append(p2) i+=2 pts = out_pts """ self.svg_addPath(self.svg_current_layer, pts) elif cls == "TableGroup": # In Progress table_graphics = graphics.get("Graphics") if table_graphics is not None: current_layer = self.svg_current_layer g_emt = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") g_emt.setAttribute("style", str( current_layer.appendChild(g_emt) self.svg_current_layer = g_emt self.svgItterateGraffleGraphics(reversed(table_graphics)) self.svg_current_layer = current_layer elif cls == "Group": subgraphics = graphics.get("Graphics") if subgraphics is not None: current_layer = self.svg_current_layer g_emt = self.svg_dom.createElement("g") g_emt.setAttribute("style", str( current_layer.appendChild(g_emt) self.svg_current_layer = g_emt self.svgItterateGraffleGraphics(reversed(subgraphics)) self.svg_current_layer = current_layer else: print "Don't know how to display Class \"%s\"" % cls if graphics.get("Text") is not None: # have to write some text too ... coords = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphics['Bounds']) self.svgSetGraffleFont(graphics.get("FontInfo")) x, y, width, height = coords x += float(graphics['Text'].get('Pad', 0)) y += float(graphics['Text'].get('VerticalPad', 0)) self.svg_addText(self.svg_current_layer, rtftext=graphics.get("Text").get("Text", ""), x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height) def svgAddGraffleShapedGraphic(self, graphic): shape = graphic['Shape'] extra_opts = {} if graphic.get("HFlip", "NO") == "YES": extra_opts["HFlip"] = True if graphic.get("VFlip", "NO") == "YES": extra_opts["VFlip"] = True if graphic.get("Rotation") is not None: extra_opts["Rotation"] = float(graphic["Rotation"]) if shape in ("Rectangle", "RoundRect"): coords = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic['Bounds']) if graphic.get("ImageID") is not None: # TODO: images image_id = int(graphic["ImageID"]) if len(self.imagelist) <= image_id: print "Error - image out of range" return image = self.imagelist[image_id] self.svg_addImage(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = coords, \ href = image) print "Insert Image - " + str(image) else: # radius of corners is stored on the style in graffle sty = graphic.get("Style", {}) stroke = sty.get("stroke", {}) radius = stroke.get("CornerRadius", None) x, y = coords[0], coords[1] width = coords[2] # - coords[0] height = coords[3] # - coords[1] self.svg_addRect(self.svg_current_layer, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, rx=radius, ry=radius, **extra_opts) elif shape == "HorizontalTriangle": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic['Bounds']) self.svg_addHorizontalTriangle(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "RightTriangle": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic['Bounds']) self.svg_addRightTriangle(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "VerticalTriangle": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic['Bounds']) self.svg_addVerticalTriangle(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Circle": # Actually can be an ellipse bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addEllipse(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Bezier": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addBezier(self.svg_current_layer, bounds, graphic["ShapeData"], **extra_opts) elif shape == "AdjustableArrow": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addAdjustableArrow(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, graphic = graphic, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Diamond": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addDiamond(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Subprocess": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addSubprocess(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) elif shape == "Cloud": bounds = self.extractBoundCOordinates(graphic["Bounds"]) self.svg_addCloud(self.svg_current_layer, bounds = bounds, **extra_opts \ ) else: print "Don't know how to display Shape %s" % str(graphic['Shape']) def extract_colour(self, col): # only gets rgb values (ignores a) return "".join([mkHex(col["r"]), mkHex(col["g"]), mkHex(col["b"])]) def svgSetGraffleStyle(self, style): style_string = "" styles_list = [] if style.get("fill") is not None: fill = style.get("fill") if fill.get("Draws", "") == "NO": # don't display["fill"] = "none" else: grap_col = fill.get("Color") if grap_col is not None: fill_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col)["fill"] = "#%s" % fill_col if style.get("stroke") is not None: stroke = style.get("stroke") if stroke.get("Draws", "") == "NO":["stroke"] = "none" else: grap_col = stroke.get("Color", {"r": 0., "g": 0., "b": 0.}) if grap_col is not None: stroke_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col)["stroke"] = "#%s" % stroke_col if stroke.get("HeadArrow") is not None: headarrow = stroke["HeadArrow"] if headarrow == "FilledArrow":["marker-end"] = ":url(#Arrow1Lend)" self.required_defs.add("Arrow1Lend") elif headarrow == "Bar": #TODO["marker-end"] = "url(#mBar)" self.required_defs.add("Bar") elif headarrow == "0":["marker-end"] = "none" if stroke.get("TailArrow") is not None: tailarrow = stroke["TailArrow"] if tailarrow == "FilledArrow":["marker-start"] = "url(#Arrow1Lstart)" self.required_defs.add("Arrow1Lstart") elif tailarrow == "CrowBall":["marker-start"] = "url(#mCrowBall)" self.required_defs.add("CrowBall") elif tailarrow == "0":["marker-start"] = "none" if stroke.get("Width") is not None: width = stroke["Width"]["stroke-width"] = "%fpx" % float(width) if stroke.get("Pattern") is not None: pattern = stroke["Pattern"] if pattern == 1:["stroke-dasharray"] = "3 3" elif pattern == 2:["stroke-dasharray"] = "5 5" if style.get("shadow", {}).get("Draws", "NO") != "NO": # for some reason graffle has a shadow by default self.required_defs.add("DropShadow")["filter"] = "url(#DropShadow)" def svgSetGraffleFont(self, font): if font is None: return fontstuffs = [] if font.get("Color") is not None: grap_col = font.get("Color") try: font_col = self.extract_colour(grap_col) except: font_col = "000000" fontstuffs.append("fill:#%s" % font_col) fontfam = font.get("Font") if fontfam is not None: if fontfam == "LucidaGrande": fontfam = "Luxi Sans" elif fontfam == "Courier": fontfam = "Courier New" elif fontfam == "GillSans": fontfam == "Arial Narrow" fontstuffs.append("font-family: %s" % fontfam) size = font.get("Size") if size is not None: fontstuffs.append("font-size:%dpx" % int(size)) self.svg_current_font = ";".join(fontstuffs) def svg_add_requirements(self): if "Arrow1Lend" in self.required_defs: # TODO p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker orient='auto' refY='0.0' refX='0.0' id='Arrow1Lend' style='overflow:visible;'> <path id='path3666' d='M -10,0.0 L -10.0,-2.0 L 0.0,0.0 L -10.0,2.0 z ' style='fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;' /> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "Arrow1Lstart" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker orient='auto' refY='0.0' refX='0.0' id='Arrow1Lstart' style='overflow:visible'> <path id='path3663' d='M 10,0.0 L 10.0,-2.0 L 0.0,0.0 L 10.0,2.0 z' style='fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none'/> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "DropShadow" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><filter id='DropShadow' filterRes='100' x='0' y='0'> <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation='3' result='MyBlur'/> <feOffset in='MyBlur' dx='2' dy='4' result='movedBlur'/> <feMerge> <feMergeNode in='movedBlur'/> <feMergeNode in='SourceGraphic'/> </feMerge> </filter></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "CrowBall" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker refX='0' refY='0' orient='auto' id='mCrowBall' style='overflow:visible'> <path d='M 0.0,2.5 L 7.5,0.0 L 0.0,-2.5' style='stroke:#000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;fill:none;' /> <circle cx='10' cy='0' r='2.5' style='stroke-width:1px; stroke: #000; fill:none;'/> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) if "Bar" in self.required_defs: p = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(""" <defs><marker refX='0' refY='0' orient='auto' id='mBar' style='overflow:visible'> <path d='M -7.5,-2.5 L -7.5,2.5' style='stroke:#000;stroke-width:1.0px;marker-start:none;fill:none;' /> </marker></defs>""") def_node = p.childNodes[0] for node in def_node.childNodes: self.svg_def.appendChild(node) def svg_addBezier(self, node, bounds, shapeopts, **opts): points = shapeopts["UnitPoints"] points = [self.extractBoundCOordinates(pt) for pt in points] c = [bounds[i] + (bounds[i + 2] / 2.) for i in [0, 1]] #centre rx = bounds[2] / 2. ry = bounds[3] / 2. # These points are relative to the bounds points = [[c[0] + pt[0] * rx, c[1] + pt[1] * ry] for pt in points] if opts.get("HFlip", False): points = geom.h_flip_points(points) if opts.get("VFlip", False): points = geom.v_flip_points(points) if opts.get("Rotation") is not None: points = geom.rotate_points(points, opts["Rotation"]) ptStrings = [",".join([str(b) for b in a]) for a in points] line_string = "M %s" % ptStrings[0] + " ".join(" L %s" % a for a in ptStrings[1:]) path_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("path") path_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id", "")) path_tag.setAttribute("style", str( path_tag.setAttribute("d", line_string) node.appendChild(path_tag) def svg_addEllipse(self, node, bounds, **opts): c = [bounds[i] + (bounds[i + 2] / 2.) for i in [0, 1]] # centre of circle rx = bounds[2] / 2. ry = bounds[3] / 2. circle_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("ellipse") circle_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id", "")) circle_tag.setAttribute("style", str( circle_tag.setAttribute("cx", str(c[0])) circle_tag.setAttribute("cy", str(c[1])) circle_tag.setAttribute("rx", str(rx)) circle_tag.setAttribute("ry", str(ry)) node.appendChild(circle_tag) def svg_addAdjustableArrow(self, node, bounds, graphic, **opts): x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] ratio = float(graphic["ShapeData"]["ratio"]) neck = float(graphic["ShapeData"]["width"]) neck_delta = height * (1 - ratio) / 2 self.svg_addPath( node, [[x, y + neck_delta], [x + width - neck, y + neck_delta], [x + width - neck, y], [x + width, y + height / 2], [x + width - neck, y + height], [x + width - neck, y + height - neck_delta], [x, y + height - neck_delta]], closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addDiamond(self, node, bounds, **opts): x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addPath( node, [[x + (width / 2), y], [x + width, y + (height / 2)], [x + (width / 2), y + height], [x, y + (height / 2)]], closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addSubprocess(self, node, bounds, **opts): # TODO: check ISO flowchart specification for correct ratio? x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addRect(node, width=width, height=height, x=x, y=y, **opts) # add the vertical lines x_offset = width * 0.1 self.svg_addPath(node, [[x + x_offset, y], [x + x_offset, y + height]], closepath=False, **opts) self.svg_addPath( node, [[x + width - x_offset, y], [x + width - x_offset, y + height]], closepath=False, **opts) def svg_addCloud(self, node, bounds, **opts): x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] #TODO: draw an actual shape (should abstract the shape scaling etc) self.svg_addRect(node, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, **opts) def svg_addPath(self, node, pts, **opts): # do geometry mapping here mypts = pts if opts.get("HFlip", False): mypts = geom.h_flip_points(mypts) if opts.get("VFlip", False): mypts = geom.v_flip_points(mypts) if opts.get("Rotation") is not None: mypts = geom.rotate_points(mypts, opts["Rotation"]) ptStrings = [",".join([str(b) for b in a]) for a in mypts] line_string = "M %s" % ptStrings[0] + " ".join(" L %s" % a for a in ptStrings[1:]) if opts.get("closepath", False) == True: line_string = line_string + " z" path_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("path") path_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id", "")) path_tag.setAttribute("style", str( path_tag.setAttribute("d", line_string) node.appendChild(path_tag) def svg_addHorizontalTriangle(self, node, bounds, rotation=0, **opts): """Graffle has the "HorizontalTriangle" Shape""" x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addPath(node, [[x,y],[x+width,y+height/2], [x,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addImage(self, node, bounds, **opts): """SVG viewers should support images - unfortunately many don't :-(""" x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] image_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("image") image_tag.setAttribute("x", str(x)) image_tag.setAttribute("y", str(y)) image_tag.setAttribute("width", str(width)) image_tag.setAttribute("height", str(height)) image_tag.setAttribute("xlink:href", str(opts.get("href", ""))) image_tag.setAttribute("style", str( node.appendChild(image_tag) def svg_addRightTriangle(self, node, bounds, rotation=0, **opts): """Graffle has the "RightTriangle" Shape""" x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addPath(node, [[x,y],[x+width,y+height], [x,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addVerticalTriangle(self, node, bounds, rotation=0, **opts): """Graffle has the "RightTriangle" Shape""" x, y, width, height = [float(a) for a in bounds] self.svg_addPath(node, [[x,y],[x+width,y], [x+width/2,y+height]], \ closepath=True, **opts) def svg_addRect(self, node, **opts): """Add an svg rect""" if opts is None: opts = {} rect_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("rect") rect_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id", "")) rect_tag.setAttribute("width", str(opts["width"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("height", str(opts["height"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("x", str(opts.get("x", "0"))) rect_tag.setAttribute("y", str(opts.get("y", "0"))) if opts.get("rx") is not None: rect_tag.setAttribute("rx", str(opts["rx"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("ry", str(opts["ry"])) rect_tag.setAttribute("style", str( node.appendChild(rect_tag) def svg_addText(self, node, **opts): """Add an svg text element""" text_tag = self.svg_dom.createElement("text") text_tag.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id", "")) text_tag.setAttribute("x", str(opts.get("x", "0"))) text_tag.setAttribute("y", str(opts.get("y", "0"))) text_tag.setAttribute("style", ";".join( \ [str(,self.svg_current_font])) node.appendChild(text_tag) # TODO: lines need to be moved down by the correct size # Generator lines = extractRTFString(opts["rtftext"]) i = 0 for span in lines: self.svg_addLine(text_tag,text = span["string"], style = span["style"],\ y_offset = i, line_height = 12, **opts) i += 1 def svg_addLine(self, textnode, **opts): """Add a line of text""" tspan_node = self.svg_dom.createElement("tspan") tspan_node.setAttribute("id", opts.get("id", "")) tspan_node.setAttribute("x", str(opts.get("x", "0"))) y_pos = float(opts.get("y",0)) + \ opts.get("line_height",12) * (opts.get("y_offset",0)+1) if opts.get("style") is not None: tspan_node.setAttribute("style", str(opts["style"])) tspan_node.setAttribute("y", str(y_pos)) actual_string = self.svg_dom.createTextNode(opts.get("text", " ")) tspan_node.appendChild(actual_string) textnode.appendChild(tspan_node)