Пример #1
class RegionForm(Form):

    username = UsernameField(_("Pick a username for the admin account:"),
                             help=_("Enter the administrative username."))
    password = PasswordField(
        _("Choose a password:"******"Please enter the password for this account."))

    def validate_username(self):
        if len(self.username.value) < 1:
            return _("Username missing")

        if len(self.username.value) > USERNAME_MAXLEN:
            return _("Username too long, must be < ") + str(USERNAME_MAXLEN)

        if not re.match(r'[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*', self.username.value):
            return _("Username must match NAME_REGEX, i.e. [a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*")

    def validate_password(self):
        if len(self.password.value) < 1:
            return _("Password must be set")
Пример #2
class SSHForm(Form):

    install_server = BooleanField(_("Install OpenSSH server"))

    ssh_import_id = ChoiceField(
        _("Import SSH identity:"),
            (_("No"), True, None),
            (_("from GitHub"), True, "gh"),
            (_("from Launchpad"), True, "lp"),
        help=_("You can import your SSH keys from GitHub or Launchpad."))

    import_username = UsernameField(_ssh_import_data[None]['caption'])

    pwauth = BooleanField(_("Allow password authentication over SSH"))

    cancel_label = _("Back")

    def __init__(self, initial):
            self.install_server.widget, 'change', self._toggle_server)
        self._toggle_server(None, self.install_server.value)

    def _toggle_server(self, sender, new_value):
        if new_value:
            self.ssh_import_id.enabled = True
            self.import_username.enabled = self.ssh_import_id.value is not None
            self.pwauth.enabled = self.ssh_import_id.value is not None
            self.ssh_import_id.enabled = False
            self.import_username.enabled = False
            self.pwauth.enabled = False

    # validation of the import username does not read from
    # ssh_import_id.value because it is sometimes done from the
    # 'select' signal of the import id selector, which is called
    # before the import id selector's value has actually changed. so
    # the signal handler stuffs the value here before doing
    # validation (yes, this is a hack).
    ssh_import_id_value = None

    def validate_import_username(self):
        if self.ssh_import_id_value is None:
        username = self.import_username.value
        if len(username) == 0:
            return _("This field must not be blank.")
        if len(username) > SSH_IMPORT_MAXLEN:
            return _("SSH id too long, must be < ") + str(SSH_IMPORT_MAXLEN)
        if self.ssh_import_id_value == 'lp':
            lp_regex = r"^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\+\.\-]*$"
            if not re.match(lp_regex, self.import_username.value):
                return _("A Launchpad username must start with a letter or "
                         "number. All letters must be lower-case. The "
                         "characters +, - and . are also allowed after "
                         "the first character.""")
        elif self.ssh_import_id_value == 'gh':
            if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$', username):
                return _("A GitHub username may only contain alphanumeric "
                         "characters or single hyphens, and cannot begin or "
                         "end with a hyphen.")