def run(self, cmd="", file_regex="", path=""): # Try to handle killing with self.proc_lock: if self.proc: # if we are running, try to kill running process self.output("\n\n### Got request to terminate compilation ###") if sublime.platform() == 'windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW 'taskkill /t /f /pid {pid}'.format(, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell=True) else: os.killpg(, signal.SIGTERM) self.proc = None return else: # either it's the first time we run, or else we have no running processes self.proc = None view = self.view = self.window.active_view() if view.is_dirty(): print("saving...") view.run_command('save') # call this on view, not self.window if view.file_name() is None: sublime.error_message( 'Please save your file before attempting to build.') return self.file_name = getTeXRoot.get_tex_root(view) if not os.path.isfile(self.file_name): sublime.error_message(self.file_name + ": file not found.") return self.tex_base = get_jobname(view) self.tex_dir = os.path.dirname(self.file_name) if not is_tex_file(self.file_name): sublime.error_message( "%s is not a TeX source file: cannot compile." % (os.path.basename(view.file_name()), )) return # Output panel: from if not hasattr(self, 'output_view'): self.output_view = self.window.get_output_panel("latextools") output_view_settings = self.output_view.settings() output_view_settings.set("result_file_regex", file_regex) output_view_settings.set("result_base_dir", self.tex_dir) output_view_settings.set("line_numbers", False) output_view_settings.set("gutter", False) output_view_settings.set("scroll_past_end", False) if get_setting("highlight_build_panel", True): self.output_view.set_syntax_file( "Packages/LaTeXTools/LaTeXTools Console.hidden-tmLanguage") output_view_settings.set( "color_scheme", sublime.load_settings('Preferences.sublime-settings').get( 'color_scheme')) self.output_view.set_read_only(True) # Dumb, but required for the moment for the output panel to be picked # up as the result buffer self.window.get_output_panel("latextools") self.hide_panel_level = get_setting("hide_build_panel", "never") if self.hide_panel_level != "always": self.window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "output.latextools"}) self.plat = sublime.platform() if self.plat == "osx": self.encoding = "UTF-8" elif self.plat == "windows": self.encoding = getOEMCP() elif self.plat == "linux": self.encoding = "UTF-8" else: sublime.error_message("Platform as yet unsupported. Sorry!") return # Get platform settings, builder, and builder settings platform_settings = get_setting(self.plat, {}) builder_name = get_setting("builder", "traditional") self.display_bad_boxes = get_setting("display_bad_boxes", False) # This *must* exist, so if it doesn't, the user didn't migrate if builder_name is None: sublime.error_message( "LaTeXTools: you need to migrate your preferences. See the README file for instructions." ) self.window.run_command('hide_panel', {"panel": "output.latextools"}) return # Default to 'traditional' builder if builder_name in ['', 'default']: builder_name = 'traditional' # this is to convert old-style names (e.g. AReallyLongName) # to new style plugin names (a_really_long_name) builder_name = _classname_to_internal_name(builder_name) builder_settings = get_setting("builder_settings", {}) # parse root for any %!TEX directives tex_directives = parse_tex_directives( self.file_name, multi_values=['options'], key_maps={'ts-program': 'program'}) # determine the engine engine = tex_directives.get( 'program', builder_settings.get("program", "pdflatex")) engine = engine.lower() # Sanity check: if "strange" engine, default to pdflatex (silently...) if engine not in [ 'pdflatex', "pdftex", 'xelatex', 'xetex', 'lualatex', 'luatex' ]: engine = 'pdflatex' options = builder_settings.get("options", []) if isinstance(options, strbase): options = [options] if 'options' in tex_directives: options.extend(tex_directives['options']) # filter out --aux-directory and --output-directory options which are # handled separately options = [ opt for opt in options if (not opt.startswith('--aux-directory') and not opt.startswith( '--output-directory') and not opt.startswith('--jobname')) ] self.aux_directory = get_aux_directory(self.file_name) self.output_directory = get_output_directory(self.file_name) # Read the env option (platform specific) builder_platform_settings = builder_settings.get(self.plat) if builder_platform_settings: self.env = builder_platform_settings.get("env", None) else: self.env = None # Now actually get the builder builder_path = get_setting("builder_path", "") # relative to ST packages dir! # Safety check: if we are using a built-in builder, disregard # builder_path, even if it was specified in the pref file if builder_name in ['simple', 'traditional', 'script', 'basic']: builder_path = None if builder_path: bld_path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), builder_path) add_plugin_path(bld_path) try: builder = get_plugin('{0}_builder'.format(builder_name)) except NoSuchPluginException: sublime.error_message("Cannot find builder " + builder_name + ".\n" \ "Check your LaTeXTools Preferences") self.window.run_command('hide_panel', {"panel": "output.latextools"}) return print(repr(builder)) self.builder = builder(self.file_name, self.output, engine, options, self.aux_directory, self.output_directory, self.tex_base, tex_directives, builder_settings, platform_settings) # Now get the tex binary path from prefs, change directory to # that of the tex root file, and run! self.path = platform_settings['texpath'] CmdThread(self).start() print(threading.active_count())
def launchWithoutConsole(command, args): """Launches 'command' windowless and waits until finished""" startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW return subprocess.Popen([command] + args, startupinfo=startupinfo).wait()
return cmd, env ########################################################################## processingSrc = "rec.wav" processingDst = "rec.mp3" processingChain = [] recFiles = [] processingChain = [ ["lame", processingSrc, processingDst, "--noreplaygain", "--quiet"], ] # don't show box on windows if isWin: si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() try: si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except: # pylint: disable=no-member # python2.7+ si.dwFlags |= subprocess._subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW else: si = None def retryWait(proc): # osx throws interrupted system call errors frequently while 1: try: return proc.wait() except OSError:
def parse_file_structure(fi): """ Parsing file structure from selected region (the whole file if not selected) """ if fi.getDocumentCount() == 0: return length = fi.getSelectionLength() offset = fi.getSelectionOffset() if length > 0: data = fi.getSelection() else: offset = 0 data = fi.getDocument() length = fi.getLength() # Do not show command prompt window startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Structure for mouse cursor position class _point_t(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("x", ctypes.c_long), ("y", ctypes.c_long), ] # Get DPI values DEFAULT_DPI = 96 LOGPIXELSX = 88 LOGPIXELSY = 90 dc = ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC(0) dpi_x = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSX) dpi_y = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSY) ctypes.windll.user32.ReleaseDC(0, dc) # Get mouse cursor position point = _point_t() ctypes.windll.user32.GetCursorPos(ctypes.pointer(point)) point.x = point.x * DEFAULT_DPI / dpi_x point.y = point.y * DEFAULT_DPI / dpi_y # Show menu p = subprocess.Popen([ "py.exe", "-3", "Parsing/", str(point.x), str(point.y) ], startupinfo=startupinfo, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Receive selection stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate() ret = p.wait() if stdout_data == "": return else: parser = stdout_data # Execute to parse data p = subprocess.Popen( ["py.exe", "-3", "Parsing/", parser], startupinfo=startupinfo, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Receive scan result stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate(data) ret = p.wait() if ret == 1: print("Error: parse failed.") print(stderr_data) m =": at pos (\d+):", stderr_data) if not m == None: failed_pos = int( fi.setBookmark( offset + failed_pos, 1, hex(offset + failed_pos) + " position of parse error", "#ff0000") print("Added bookmark to the position of parse error.") return if fi.getSelectionLength() > 0: print("Parsed from offset %s to %s as %s." % (hex(offset), hex(offset + length), parser)) else: print("Parsed the whole file as %s." % parser) parsed_dict = json.loads(stdout_data, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) parsed_dict = collections.OrderedDict( sorted(parsed_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["start"])) i = 0 parsed_data_list = [] parsed_dict_len = len(parsed_dict) if parsed_dict_len > 100 and not bookmark_yesno_dialog(parsed_dict_len): do_bookmark = False else: do_bookmark = True for k in parsed_dict.keys(): if do_bookmark: # Adjust start offset for one byte data if parsed_dict[k]["start"] - parsed_dict[k]["end"] == 1: parsed_dict[k]["start"] -= 1 if parsed_dict[k]["start"] < 0: parsed_dict[k]["start"] = 0 if parsed_dict[k]["end"] < 0: parsed_dict[k]["end"] = 0 if i % 2 == 0: fi.setBookmark( offset + parsed_dict[k]["start"], parsed_dict[k]["end"] - parsed_dict[k]["start"] + 1, hex(offset + parsed_dict[k]["start"]) + " " + str(k), "#6d6dff") else: fi.setBookmark( offset + parsed_dict[k]["start"], parsed_dict[k]["end"] - parsed_dict[k]["start"] + 1, hex(offset + parsed_dict[k]["start"]) + " " + str(k), "#9f9fff") parsed_data_list.append(( ("%s - %s: %s -> %s\n" % (hex(offset + parsed_dict[k]["start"]), hex(offset + parsed_dict[k]["end"]), k, parsed_dict[k]["data"])), parsed_dict[k]["start"], parsed_dict[k]["end"])) i += 1 parsed_data_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2], x[0])) parsed_data = "" for p in parsed_data_list: parsed_data += p[0] if do_bookmark: print("Added bookmarks to the parsed data structure.") else: print("Skipped bookmarking.") fi.newDocument("Parsed data", 0) fi.setDocument(parsed_data) print('Parsed data is shown in the new "Parsed data" tab.') print( 'Please use "Windows" tab -> "New Vertical Tab Group" to see parsed data and file contents side by side.' ) print(stderr_data)
def disassemble(fi): """ Disassemble selected region (the whole file if not selected) """ if fi.getDocumentCount() == 0: return length = fi.getSelectionLength() offset = fi.getSelectionOffset() if length > 0: data = fi.getSelection() else: offset = 0 data = fi.getDocument() length = fi.getLength() # Do not show command prompt window startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Execute to show GUI p = subprocess.Popen(["py.exe", "-3", "Parsing/"], startupinfo=startupinfo, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate() ret = p.wait() # Capstone is not installed if ret == -1: print("Capstone is not installed.") print("Please install it with 'py.exe -3 -m pip install capstone'.") print("") return # dialog is closed if stdout_data == "": return # Get parameters from (arch, mode) = stdout_data.split("\t") disasm_setting = stderr_data # Create a temporary file to write data fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp() handle = os.fdopen(fd, "wb") handle.write(data) handle.close() p = subprocess.Popen([ "py.exe", "-3", "Parsing/", file_path, str(offset), arch, mode ], startupinfo=startupinfo, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Receive disassembly result stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate() ret = p.wait() os.remove(file_path) # Cleanup temporary file # exited with error if ret == 1: print(stderr_data.replace("\x0d\x0a", "\x0a")), return elif ret == -1: # Capstone is not installed print("Capstone is not installed.") print("Please install it with 'py.exe -3 -m pip install capstone'.") print("") return if fi.getSelectionLength() > 0: print("Disassembled from offset %s to %s." % (hex(offset), hex(offset + length))) else: print("Disassembled the whole file.") print('Disassembly code is shown in the new "Disassembly" tab.') # Show disassembly settings print(disasm_setting), if not stderr_data == "": end_pos = int(stderr_data) fi.setBookmark(end_pos, 1, hex(end_pos) + " end of disassembly", "#ff0000") print("Disassembly finished prematurely at offset %s." % hex(end_pos)) print("Added bookmark to the end of disassembly.") fi.newDocument("Disassembly") fi.setDocument("".join(stdout_data))
def run_command(cmd, verbose=True, shell=False, hide_window=False, d=None): """ run command in a subprocess :param cmd: string of actual command to be executed :param verbose: if true will re-route subprocess output to log() :param shell: True or False :param hide_window: True or False, hide shell window :param d: DownloadItem object mainly use "status" property to terminate subprocess :return: error (True or False), output (string of stdout/stderr output) """ # override shell parameter currently can't kill subprocess if shell=True at least on windows, more investigation required shell = False if verbose: log('running command:', cmd) error, output = True, f'error running command {cmd}' try: # split command if shell parameter set to False if not shell: cmd = shlex.split(cmd) # startupinfo to hide terminal window on windows if hide_window and config.operating_system == 'Windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE else: startupinfo = None # start subprocess using Popen instead of to get a real-time output # since run() gets the output only when finished process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace', shell=shell, startupinfo=startupinfo) # update reference in download item, it will be cancelled with status, see DownloadItem.status property setter if d: d.subprocess = process output = '' for line in process.stdout: line = line.strip() output += line if verbose: log(line) # # monitor kill switch # if d and d.status == config.Status.cancelled: # log('terminate run_command()>', cmd) # process.kill() # return 1, 'Cancelled by user' # wait for subprocess to finish, process.wait() is not recommended process.communicate() # get return code process.poll() error = process.returncode != 0 # True or False except Exception as e: log('error running command: ', e, ' - cmd:', cmd) return error, output
def find_pe_file(fi): """ Find PE file from selected region (the whole file if not selected) based on PE header information """ if fi.getDocumentCount() == 0: return length = fi.getSelectionLength() offset = fi.getSelectionOffset() if length > 0: data = fi.getSelection() else: offset = 0 data = fi.getDocument() length = fi.getLength() # Do not show command prompt window startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Execute for finding PE files p = subprocess.Popen( ["py.exe", "-3", "Parsing/", str(offset)], startupinfo=startupinfo, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Receive scan result stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate(data) ret = p.wait() if ret == -1: print("pefile is not installed.") print( "Please install it with 'py.exe -3 -m pip install pefile' and try again." ) return found = ret print(stdout_data), for l in stdout_data.splitlines(): if l[0:5] == "Win32" or l[0:5] == "Win64": off = int(l.split()[5], 0) size = int(l.split()[7], 0) if off + size > length: fi.setBookmark(off, length - off, hex(off), "#c8ffff") else: fi.setBookmark(off, size, hex(off), "#c8ffff") if fi.getSelectionLength() > 0: if found > 0: print("%d PE file(s) found from offset %s to %s." % (found, hex(offset), hex(offset + length - 1))) print("Added bookmark(s) to the found PE file(s).") else: print("No PE file found from offset %s to %s." % (hex(offset), hex(offset + length - 1))) else: if found > 0: print("%d PE file(s) found from the whole file." % found) print("Added bookmark(s) to the found PE file(s).") else: print("No PE file found from the whole file.")
def command(encoder, musicSource, musicDest, albumPath): cmd = [] startMusicTime = time.time() if XLD: xldDestDir = os.path.split(musicDest)[0] cmd = [encoder] cmd.extend([musicSource]) cmd.extend(['--profile']) cmd.extend([xldProfile]) cmd.extend(['-o']) cmd.extend([xldDestDir]) elif headphones.ENCODER == 'lame': cmd = [encoder] opts = [] if headphones.ADVANCEDENCODER == '': opts.extend(['-h']) if headphones.ENCODERVBRCBR == 'cbr': opts.extend([ '--resample', str(headphones.SAMPLINGFREQUENCY), '-b', str(headphones.BITRATE) ]) elif headphones.ENCODERVBRCBR == 'vbr': opts.extend(['-v', str(headphones.ENCODERQUALITY)]) else: advanced = (headphones.ADVANCEDENCODER.split()) for tok in advanced: opts.extend([tok.encode(headphones.SYS_ENCODING)]) opts.extend([musicSource]) opts.extend([musicDest]) cmd.extend(opts) elif headphones.ENCODER == 'ffmpeg': cmd = [encoder, '-i', musicSource] opts = [] if headphones.ADVANCEDENCODER == '': if headphones.ENCODEROUTPUTFORMAT == 'ogg': opts.extend(['-acodec', 'libvorbis']) if headphones.ENCODEROUTPUTFORMAT == 'm4a': opts.extend(['-strict', 'experimental']) if headphones.ENCODERVBRCBR == 'cbr': opts.extend([ '-ar', str(headphones.SAMPLINGFREQUENCY), '-ab', str(headphones.BITRATE) + 'k' ]) elif headphones.ENCODERVBRCBR == 'vbr': opts.extend(['-aq', str(headphones.ENCODERQUALITY)]) opts.extend(['-y', '-ac', '2', '-vn']) else: advanced = (headphones.ADVANCEDENCODER.split()) for tok in advanced: opts.extend([tok.encode(headphones.SYS_ENCODING)]) opts.extend([musicDest]) cmd.extend(opts) # Encode'Encoding %s...' % (musicSource.decode(headphones.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'))) logger.debug(subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) # stop windows opening the cmd startupinfo = None if headphones.SYS_PLATFORM == "win32": startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() try: startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except AttributeError: startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess._subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, startupinfo=startupinfo, stdin=open(os.devnull, 'rb'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(headphones.ENCODER) # error if return code not zero if p.returncode: logger.error('Encoding failed for %s' % (musicSource.decode(headphones.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'))) out = stdout if stdout else stderr out = out.decode(headphones.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace') outlast2lines = '\n'.join(out.splitlines()[-2:]) logger.error('%s error details: %s' % (headphones.ENCODER, outlast2lines)) out = out.rstrip("\n") logger.debug(out) encoded = False else:'%s encoded in %s' % (musicSource.decode(headphones.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'), getTimeEncode(startMusicTime))) encoded = True return encoded
def win_firefox_restart(message): """Handle 'win_firefox_restart' message.""" reply = {} profile_dir = None browser_cmd = None try: profile_dir = message["profiledir"].strip() browser_cmd = message["browsercmd"].strip() except KeyError: reply = { "code": -1, "cmd": "error", "error": "Error parsing 'restart' message.", } return reply if ( profile_dir and profile_dir != "auto" and not is_valid_firefox_profile(profile_dir) ): reply = { "code": -1, "cmd": "error", "error": "%s %s %s" % ( "Invalid profile directory specified.", "Vaild profile directory path(s) can be found by", "navigating to 'about:support'.", ), } elif browser_cmd and not is_command_on_path(browser_cmd): reply = { "code": -1, "cmd": "error", "error": "%s %s %s" % ( "'{0}' wasn't found on %PATH%.".format(browser_cmd), "Please set valid browser by", "'set browser [browser-command]'.", ), } else: # {{{ # Native messenger can't seem to create detached process on # Windows while Firefox is quitting, which is essential to # trigger restarting Firefox. So, below we are resorting to # create a scheduled task with the task start-time set in # the near future. # # # subprocess.Popen( # [ff_bin_path, "-profile", profile_dir], # shell=False, # creationflags=0x208 \ # | subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP) # # # 'schtasks.exe' is limited as in it doesn't support # task-time with granularity in seconds. So, falling back # to PowerShell as the last resort. # # out_str = "" # task_time = time.strftime("%H:%M", # time.localtime( # time.time() + 60)) # # out_str = subprocess.check_output( # ["schtasks.exe", # "/Create", # "/F", # "/SC", # "ONCE", # "/TN", # "tridactyl", # "/TR", # "calc", # "/IT", # "/ST", # task_time], # shell=True) # }}} ff_lock_name = "parent.lock" ff_bin_name = browser_cmd ff_bin_path = '"%s"' % shutil.which(ff_bin_name) ff_bin_dir = '"%s"' % str( pathlib.WindowsPath(shutil.which(ff_bin_name)).parent ) if profile_dir == "auto": ff_lock_path = ff_bin_path ff_args = '"%s"' % ("-foreground") else: ff_lock_path = '"%s/%s"' % (profile_dir, ff_lock_name) ff_args = '"%s","%s","%s"' % ( "-foreground", "-profile", profile_dir, ) try: restart_ps1_content = """ $env:PATH=$env:PATH;{ff_bin_dir} Set-Location -Path {ff_bin_dir} $profileDir = "{profile_dir}" if ($profileDir -ne "auto") {{ $lockFilePath = {ff_lock_path} $locked = $true $num_try = 10 }} else {{ $locked = $false }} while (($locked -eq $true) -and ($num_try -gt 0)) {{ try {{ [IO.File]::OpenWrite($lockFilePath).close() $locked=$false }} catch {{ $num_try-=1 Write-Host "[+] Trial: $num_try [lock == true]" Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }} }} if ($locked -eq $true) {{ $errorMsg = "Restarting Firefox failed. Please restart manually." Write-Host "$errorMsg" # Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show( # $errorMsg, # "Tridactyl") }} else {{ Write-Host "[+] Restarting Firefox ..." Start-Process ` -WorkingDirectory {ff_bin_dir} ` -FilePath {ff_bin_path} ` -ArgumentList {ff_args} ` -WindowStyle Normal }} """.format( ff_bin_dir=ff_bin_dir, profile_dir=profile_dir, ff_lock_path=ff_lock_path, ff_bin_path=ff_bin_path, ff_args=ff_args, ) delay_sec = 1.5 task_name = "firefox-restart" native_messenger_dirname = ".tridactyl" powershell_cmd = "powershell" powershell_args = "%s %s" % ( "-NoProfile", "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass", ) restart_ps1_path = "%s\\%s\\%s" % ( os.path.expanduser("~"), native_messenger_dirname, "win_firefox_restart.ps1", ) task_cmd = "cmd" task_arg = '/c "%s %s -File %s"' % ( powershell_cmd, powershell_args, restart_ps1_path, ) open(restart_ps1_path, "w+").write(restart_ps1_content) startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW subprocess.check_output( [ "powershell", "-NonInteractive", "-NoProfile", "-WindowStyle", "Minimized", "-InputFormat", "None", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-Command", "Register-ScheduledTask \ -TaskName '%s' \ -Force \ -Action (New-ScheduledTaskAction \ -Execute '%s' \ -Argument '%s') \ -Trigger (New-ScheduledTaskTrigger \ -Once \ -At \ (Get-Date).AddSeconds(%d).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))" % (task_name, task_cmd, task_arg, delay_sec), ], shell=False, startupinfo=startupinfo, ) reply = { "code": 0, "content": "Restarting in %d seconds..." % delay_sec, } except subprocess.CalledProcessError: reply = { "code": -1, "cmd": "error", "error": "error creating restart task.", } return reply
def connect(self, settings=False, config=False, tor_status_update_func=None): common.log('Onion', 'connect') # Either use settings that are passed in, or load them from disk if settings: self.settings = settings else: self.settings = Settings(config) self.settings.load() # The Tor controller self.c = None if self.settings.get('connection_type') == 'bundled': if not self.bundle_tor_supported: raise BundledTorNotSupported( strings._('settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported')) # Create a torrc for this session self.tor_data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() if self.system == 'Windows': # Windows needs to use network ports, doesn't support unix sockets torrc_template = open( common.get_resource_path('torrc_template-windows')).read() try: self.tor_control_port = common.get_available_port( 1000, 65535) except: raise OSError(strings._('no_available_port')) self.tor_control_socket = None self.tor_cookie_auth_file = os.path.join(, 'cookie') try: self.tor_socks_port = common.get_available_port( 1000, 65535) except: raise OSError(strings._('no_available_port')) self.tor_torrc = os.path.join(, 'torrc') else: # Linux and Mac can use unix sockets with open(common.get_resource_path('torrc_template')) as f: torrc_template = self.tor_control_port = None self.tor_control_socket = os.path.join(, 'control_socket') self.tor_cookie_auth_file = os.path.join(, 'cookie') try: self.tor_socks_port = common.get_available_port( 1000, 65535) except: raise OSError(strings._('no_available_port')) self.tor_torrc = os.path.join(, 'torrc') torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( '{{data_directory}}', torrc_template = torrc_template.replace('{{control_port}}', str(self.tor_control_port)) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( '{{control_socket}}', str(self.tor_control_socket)) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace('{{cookie_auth_file}}', self.tor_cookie_auth_file) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace('{{geo_ip_file}}', self.tor_geo_ip_file_path) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( '{{geo_ipv6_file}}', self.tor_geo_ipv6_file_path) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace('{{socks_port}}', str(self.tor_socks_port)) with open(self.tor_torrc, 'w') as f: f.write(torrc_template) # Execute a tor subprocess start_ts = time.time() if self.system == 'Windows': # In Windows, hide console window when opening tor.exe subprocess startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW self.tor_proc = subprocess.Popen( [self.tor_path, '-f', self.tor_torrc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: self.tor_proc = subprocess.Popen( [self.tor_path, '-f', self.tor_torrc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Wait for the tor controller to start time.sleep(2) # Connect to the controller try: if self.system == 'Windows': self.c = Controller.from_port(port=self.tor_control_port) self.c.authenticate() else: self.c = Controller.from_socket_file( path=self.tor_control_socket) self.c.authenticate() except Exception as e: raise BundledTorBroken( strings._('settings_error_bundled_tor_broken', True).format(e.args[0])) while True: try: res = self.c.get_info("status/bootstrap-phase") except SocketClosed: raise BundledTorCanceled() res_parts = shlex.split(res) progress = res_parts[2].split('=')[1] summary = res_parts[4].split('=')[1] # "\033[K" clears the rest of the line print("{}: {}% - {}{}".format(strings._('connecting_to_tor'), progress, summary, "\033[K"), end="\r") if callable(tor_status_update_func): if not tor_status_update_func(progress, summary): # If the dialog was canceled, stop connecting to Tor common.log( 'Onion', 'connect', 'tor_status_update_func returned false, canceling connecting to Tor' ) print() return False if summary == 'Done': print("") break time.sleep(0.2) # Timeout after 90 seconds if time.time() - start_ts > 90: print("") self.tor_proc.terminate() raise BundledTorTimeout( strings._('settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout')) elif self.settings.get('connection_type') == 'automatic': # Automatically try to guess the right way to connect to Tor Browser # Try connecting to control port found_tor = False # If the TOR_CONTROL_PORT environment variable is set, use that env_port = os.environ.get('TOR_CONTROL_PORT') if env_port: try: self.c = Controller.from_port(port=int(env_port)) found_tor = True except: pass else: # Otherwise, try default ports for Tor Browser, Tor Messenger, and system tor try: ports = [9151, 9153, 9051] for port in ports: self.c = Controller.from_port(port=port) found_tor = True except: pass # If this still didn't work, try guessing the default socket file path socket_file_path = '' if not found_tor: try: if self.system == 'Darwin': socket_file_path = os.path.expanduser( '~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor/control.socket' ) self.c = Controller.from_socket_file( path=socket_file_path) found_tor = True except: pass # If connecting to default control ports failed, so let's try # guessing the socket file name next if not found_tor: try: if self.system == 'Linux': socket_file_path = '/run/user/{}/Tor/control.socket'.format( os.geteuid()) elif self.system == 'Darwin': socket_file_path = '/run/user/{}/Tor/control.socket'.format( os.geteuid()) elif self.system == 'Windows': # Windows doesn't support unix sockets raise TorErrorAutomatic( strings._('settings_error_automatic')) self.c = Controller.from_socket_file(path=socket_file_path) except: raise TorErrorAutomatic( strings._('settings_error_automatic')) # Try authenticating try: self.c.authenticate() except: raise TorErrorAutomatic(strings._('settings_error_automatic')) else: # Use specific settings to connect to tor # Try connecting try: if self.settings.get('connection_type') == 'control_port': self.c = Controller.from_port( address=self.settings.get('control_port_address'), port=self.settings.get('control_port_port')) elif self.settings.get('connection_type') == 'socket_file': self.c = Controller.from_socket_file( path=self.settings.get('socket_file_path')) else: raise TorErrorInvalidSetting( strings._("settings_error_unknown")) except: if self.settings.get('connection_type') == 'control_port': raise TorErrorSocketPort( strings._("settings_error_socket_port").format( self.settings.get('control_port_address'), self.settings.get('control_port_port'))) else: raise TorErrorSocketFile( strings._("settings_error_socket_file").format( self.settings.get('socket_file_path'))) # Try authenticating try: if self.settings.get('auth_type') == 'no_auth': self.c.authenticate() elif self.settings.get('auth_type') == 'password': self.c.authenticate(self.settings.get('auth_password')) else: raise TorErrorInvalidSetting( strings._("settings_error_unknown")) except MissingPassword: raise TorErrorMissingPassword( strings._('settings_error_missing_password')) except UnreadableCookieFile: raise TorErrorUnreadableCookieFile( strings._('settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file')) except AuthenticationFailure: raise TorErrorAuthError( strings._('settings_error_auth').format( self.settings.get('control_port_address'), self.settings.get('control_port_port'))) # If we made it this far, we should be connected to Tor self.connected_to_tor = True # Get the tor version self.tor_version = self.c.get_version().version_str # Do the versions of stem and tor that I'm using support ephemeral onion services? list_ephemeral_hidden_services = getattr( self.c, "list_ephemeral_hidden_services", None) self.supports_ephemeral = callable( list_ephemeral_hidden_services) and self.tor_version >= '' # Do the versions of stem and tor that I'm using support stealth onion services? try: res = self.c.create_ephemeral_hidden_service( {1: 1}, basic_auth={'onionshare': None}, await_publication=False) tmp_service_id = res.content()[0][2].split('=')[1] self.c.remove_ephemeral_hidden_service(tmp_service_id) self.supports_stealth = True except: # ephemeral stealth onion services are not supported self.supports_stealth = False
def Initialize(): #-- remote PhantomJS service if Addon.getSetting('External_PhantomJS') == 'true': url = 'http://' + Addon.getSetting( 'PhantomJS_IP') + ':' + Addon.getSetting('PhantomJS_Port') try: str = get_HTML(url) except: str = get_HTML(url) f = open(os.path.join(Addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'ext_cookie.txt'), 'w') f.write(str) f.close() #-- load cookies cj.load(os.path.join(Addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'ext_cookie.txt'), True, True) return #-- local PhantomJS service startupinfo = None if == 'nt': prog = '"' + os.path.join( Addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'phantomjs.exe" --cookies-file="') + os.path.join( Addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'cookie.txt') + '" "' + os.path.join( Addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'seasonvar.js"') startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= 1 else: prog = [ os.path.join(Addon.getSetting('PhantomJS_Path'), 'phantomjs'), '--cookies-file=' + os.path.join(Addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'cookie.txt'), os.path.join(Addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'seasonvar.js') ] try: process = subprocess.Popen(prog, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, startupinfo=startupinfo) process.wait() except: xbmc.log('*** PhantomJS is not found or failed.') #-- load cookies f = open(os.path.join(Addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'cookie.txt'), 'r') fcookie = f.close() group = '' for r in fcookie.split('\n'): r = r.strip() if group == '' and r != '': group = r elif r != '': ck = cookielib.Cookie(version=0, name=r.split('=', 1)[0], value=r.split('=', 1)[1], port=None, port_specified=False, domain=group.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''), domain_specified=False, domain_initial_dot=False, path='/', path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=True, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest={'HttpOnly': None}, rfc2109=False) cj.set_cookie(ck) else: group = ''
def get_startupinfo(): """Return subprocess.STARTUPINFO instance hiding the console window.""" startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE return startupinfo
def call( airfoil, alfas='none', output='Cp', Reynolds=0, Mach=0, # noqa C901 plots=False, NACA=True, GDES=False, iteration=10, flap=None, PANE=False, NORM=True): """Call xfoil through Python. The input variables are: :param airfoil: if NACA is false, airfoil is the name of the plain filewhere the airfoil geometry is stored (variable airfoil). If NACA is True, airfoil is the naca series of the airfoil (i.e.: naca2244). By default NACA is False. :param alfas: list/array/float/int of angles of attack. :param output: defines the kind of output desired from xfoil. There are four posssible choices (by default, Cp is chosen): - Cp: generates files with Pressure coefficients for desired alfas. - Dump: generates file with Velocity along surface, Delta star,theta and Cf vs s,x,y for several alfas. - Polar: generates file with CL, CD, CM, CDp, Top_Xtr, Bot_Xtr. - Alfa_L_0: generates a file with the value of the angle of attack that lift is equal to zero. - Coordinates: returns the coordinates of a NACA airfoil. :param Reynolds: Reynolds number in case the simulation is for a viscous flow. In case not informed, the code will assume inviscid. :param Mach: Mach number in case the simulation has to take in account compressibility effects through the Prandtl-Glauert correlation. If not informed, the code will not use the correction. For logical reasons, if Mach is informed a Reynolds number different from zero must also be informed. :param plots: the code is able to save in a .ps file all the plots of Cp vs.alfa. By default, this option is deactivated. :param NACA: Boolean variable that defines if the code imports an airfoil from a file or generates a NACA airfoil. :param GDES: XFOIL function that improves the airfoil shape in case the selected points do not provide a good shape. The CADD function is also used. For more information about these functions, use the XFOIL manual. :param iteration: changes how many times XFOIL will try to make the results converge. Speciallt important for viscous flows :param flap: determines if there is a flap. In case there is the expected input is [x_hinge, y_hinge, deflection(angles)]. y_hinge is determined to be exactly in the middle between the upper and lower surfaces. :param PANE: if there are more than 495 surface points, the paneling method will not be used. Need to use the PANE subroutine to solve this. It will find the best points that represent the geometry (only 160 of them). :param NORM: For good results using the panel method, Xfoil requires normalized coordinates, so this option should always be True. :rtype: dictionary with outputs relevant to the specific output type. Usually x,y coordinates will be normalized. As a side note, it is much more eficient to run a single run with multiple angles of attack rather than multiple runs, each with a single angle of attack. Created on Sun Mar 9 14:58:25 2014 Last update Fr Jul 13 15:38:40 2015 @author: Pedro Leal (Based on Hakan Tiftikci's code) """ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Functions # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def issueCmd(cmd, echo=False): """Submit a command through PIPE to the command lineself. (Therefore leading the commands to xfoil.) @author: Hakan Tiftikci """ ps.stdin.write(cmd + '\n') if echo: print(cmd) def submit(output, alfa): """Submit job to xfoil and saves file. Standard output file= function_airfoil_alfa.txt, where alfa has 4 digits, where two of them are for decimals. i.e. cp_naca2244_0200. Analysis for Pressure Coefficients for a naca2244 at an angle of degrees. Possible to output other results such as theta, delta star through the choice of the ouput, but not implemented here. @author: Pedro Leal (Based on Hakan Tiftikci's code) """ if output == "Alfa_L_0": issueCmd('CL 0') else: # Submit job for given angle of attack issueCmd('ALFA %.4f' % (alfa, )) if plots is True: issueCmd('HARD') shutil.copyfile( '', 'plot_{!s}_{!s}_{!s}.ps'.format(output, airfoil, alfa)) if output == 'Cp': # Creating the file with the Pressure Coefficients filename = file_name(airfoil, alfas, output) try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass # Before writing file, denormalize it issueCmd('CPWR %s' % filename) if output == 'Dump': # Creating the file with the Pressure Coefficients filename = file_name(airfoil, alfas, output) try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass issueCmd('DUMP %r' % filename) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Characteristics of the simulation # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # By default the code considers the flow to be inviscid. Viscid = False if Reynolds != 0: Viscid = True # Is alpha given or not?(in case of Alfa_L_0, then alfas=False) if alfas != 'none': # Single or multiple runs? if type(alfas) == list or type(alfas) == np.ndarray: Multiple = True elif type(alfas) == int or type(alfas) == float or \ type(alfas) == np.float64 or type(alfas) == np.float32: Multiple = False elif (output == "Alfa_L_0" or output == "Coordinates") and alfas == 'none': Multiple = False elif output == "Alfa_L_0" and alfas != 'none': raise Exception("To find alpha_L_0, alfas must not be defined") elif output != "Alfa_L_0" and alfas == 'none': raise Exception("To find anything except alpha_L_0, you need to " "define the values for alfa") # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Start Xfoil # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # """For communication with the xfoil through the command line the # Popen class from subprocess is used. stdin and stdout both # represent inputs and outputs with the process run on the command # line, in this case, xfoil. # # class Popen(args, bufsize=0, executable=None, # stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, # preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False, # cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False, # startupinfo=None, creationflags=0): # The following keys avoid the xfoil pop-up # source: # console-window-with-pyw-file-containing-os-system-call startupinfo = sp.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= sp.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Random output variable to avoid writing stuff from xfoil on the # console sout = 0 # Calling xfoil with Poper ps = sp.Popen(['xfoil.exe'], stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sout, stderr=None, startupinfo=startupinfo, encoding='utf8') # Loading geometry if NORM is True: issueCmd('NORM') if NACA is False: issueCmd('load %s' % airfoil) else: issueCmd('%s' % airfoil) # Once you load a set of points in Xfoil you need to create a # name, however we do not need to give it a name issueCmd('') if PANE is True: issueCmd('PANE') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Adapting points for better plots # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if GDES is True: issueCmd('GDES') # enter GDES menu issueCmd('CADD') # add points at corners issueCmd('') # accept default input issueCmd('') # accept default input issueCmd('') # accept default input issueCmd('') # accept default input issueCmd('PANEL') # regenerate paneling # ============================================================== # Flaps # =============================================================== if flap is not None: issueCmd('GDES') # enter GDES menu issueCmd('FLAP') # enter FLAP menu issueCmd('%f' % flap[0]) # insert x location issueCmd('%f' % flap[1]) # insert y location issueCmd('%f' % flap[2]) # ainsesrt deflection in degrees issueCmd('eXec') # set buffer airfoil as current airfoil issueCmd('') # exit GDES menu # If output equals Coordinates, no analysis will be realized, only the # coordinates of the shape will be outputed if output == 'Coordinates': issueCmd('SAVE') issueCmd(output + '_' + airfoil) # In case there is alread a file with that name, it will replace it. # The yes stands for YES otherwise Xfoil will do nothing with it. issueCmd('Y') else: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Opening OPER module in Xfoil issueCmd('OPER') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Applying effects of vicosity # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ issueCmd('iter') issueCmd('%d' % iteration) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Applying effects of vicosity # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if Viscid is True: # Defining the system as viscous issueCmd('v') # Defining Reynolds number issueCmd('%f' % Reynolds) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Defining Mach number for Prandtl-Gauber correlation # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # issueCmd('MACH {!s}'.format(Mach)) issueCmd('MACH %s' % Mach) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Submitting # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if output == 'Polar' or output == 'Alfa_L_0': issueCmd('PACC') # All file names in this library are generated by the # filename functon. filename = file_name(airfoil, alfas, output) try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass issueCmd('%s' % filename) issueCmd('') # For several angles of attack if Multiple is True: for alfa in alfas: submit(output, alfa) # For only one angle of attack if Multiple is False: submit(output, alfas) # Exiting # From OPER mode issueCmd('') # From xfoil issueCmd('QUIT') # From stdin ps.stdin.close() # From popen ps.wait()
def run(self): print("Welcome to thread " + self.getName()) self.caller.output("[Compiling " + self.caller.file_name + "]") # Handle custom env variables if self.caller.env: old_env = os.environ if not _ST3: os.environ.update( dict((k.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), v) for (k, v) in self.caller.env.items())) else: os.environ.update(self.caller.env.items()) # Handle path; copied from if self.caller.path: # if we had an env, the old path is already backuped in the env if not self.caller.env: old_path = os.environ["PATH"] # The user decides in the build system whether he wants to append $PATH # or tuck it at the front: "$PATH;C:\\new\\path", "C:\\new\\path;$PATH" # Handle differently in Python 2 and 3, to be safe: if not _ST3: os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.expandvars( self.caller.path).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) else: os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.expandvars(self.caller.path) # Set up Windows-specific parameters if self.caller.plat == "windows": # make sure console does not come up startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Now, iteratively call the builder iterator # cmd_iterator = self.caller.builder.commands() try: for (cmd, msg) in cmd_iterator: # If there is a message, display it if msg: self.caller.output(msg) # If there is nothing to be done, exit loop # (Avoids error with empty cmd_iterator) if cmd == "": break if isinstance(cmd, strbase) or isinstance(cmd, list): print(cmd) # Now create a Popen object try: if self.caller.plat == "windows": proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, startupinfo=startupinfo, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.caller.tex_dir) elif self.caller.plat == "osx": proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ, preexec_fn=os.setsid, cwd=self.caller.tex_dir) else: # Must be linux proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid, cwd=self.caller.tex_dir) except: self.caller.output("\n\nCOULD NOT COMPILE!\n\n") self.caller.output("Attempted command:") self.caller.output(" ".join(cmd)) self.caller.output("\nBuild engine: " + self.caller.proc = None print(traceback.format_exc()) return # Abundance of caution / for possible future extensions: elif isinstance(cmd, subprocess.Popen): proc = cmd else: # don't know what the command is continue # Now actually invoke the command, making sure we allow for killing # First, save process handle into caller; then communicate (which blocks) with self.caller.proc_lock: self.caller.proc = proc out, err = proc.communicate() self.caller.builder.set_output( out.decode(self.caller.encoding, "ignore")) # Here the process terminated, but it may have been killed. If so, stop and don't read log # Since we set self.caller.proc above, if it is None, the process must have been killed. # TODO: clean up? with self.caller.proc_lock: if not self.caller.proc: print(proc.returncode) self.caller.output( "\n\n[User terminated compilation process]\n") self.caller.finish( False) # We kill, so won't switch to PDF anyway return # Here we are done cleanly: with self.caller.proc_lock: self.caller.proc = None print("Finished normally") print(proc.returncode) # At this point, out contains the output from the current command; # we pass it to the cmd_iterator and get the next command, until completion except: self.caller.output("\n\nCOULD NOT COMPILE!\n\n") self.caller.output("\nBuild engine: " + self.caller.proc = None print(traceback.format_exc()) return finally: # restore environment if self.caller.env: os.environ = old_env elif self.caller.path: os.environ['PATH'] = old_path # Clean up cmd_iterator.close() try: # Here we try to find the log file... # 1. Check the aux_directory if there is one # 2. Check the output_directory if there is one # 3. Assume the log file is in the same folder as the main file log_file_base = self.caller.tex_base + ".log" if self.caller.aux_directory is None: if self.caller.output_directory is None: log_file = os.path.join(self.caller.tex_dir, log_file_base) else: log_file = os.path.join(self.caller.output_directory, log_file_base) if not os.path.exists(log_file): log_file = os.path.join(self.caller.tex_dir, log_file_base) else: log_file = os.path.join(self.caller.aux_directory, log_file_base) if not os.path.exists(log_file): if (self.caller.output_directory is not None and self.caller.output_directory != self.caller.aux_directory): log_file = os.path.join(self.caller.output_directory, log_file_base) if not os.path.exists(log_file): log_file = os.path.join(self.caller.tex_dir, log_file_base) # CHANGED 12-10-27. OK, here's the deal. We must open in binary mode # on Windows because silly MiKTeX inserts ASCII control characters in # over/underfull warnings. In particular it inserts EOFs, which # stop reading altogether; reading in binary prevents that. However, # that's not the whole story: if a FS character is encountered, # AND if we invoke splitlines on a STRING, it sadly breaks the line # in two. This messes up line numbers in error reports. If, on the # other hand, we invoke splitlines on a byte array (? whatever read() # returns), this does not happen---we only break at \n, etc. # However, we must still decode the resulting lines using the relevant # encoding. # Note to self: need to think whether we don't want to # this, too... Also, we may want to move part of this logic to the # builder... with open(log_file, 'rb') as f: data = except IOError: self.caller.output([ "", "" "Could not find log file {0}!".format(log_file_base), ]) try: self.handle_std_outputs(out, err) except: # if out or err don't yet exist self.caller.finish(False) else: errors = [] warnings = [] badboxes = [] try: (errors, warnings, badboxes) = parseTeXlog.parse_tex_log(data, self.caller.tex_dir) content = [""] if errors: content.append("Errors:") content.append("") content.extend(errors) else: content.append("No errors.") if warnings: if errors: content.extend(["", "Warnings:"]) else: content[-1] = content[-1] + " Warnings:" content.append("") content.extend(warnings) else: if errors: content.append("") content.append("No warnings.") else: content[-1] = content[-1] + " No warnings." if badboxes and self.caller.display_bad_boxes: if warnings or errors: content.extend(["", "Bad Boxes:"]) else: content[-1] = content[-1] + " Bad Boxes:" content.append("") content.extend(badboxes) else: if self.caller.display_bad_boxes: if errors or warnings: content.append("") content.append("No bad boxes.") else: content[-1] = content[-1] + " No bad boxes." hide_panel = { "always": True, "no_errors": not errors, "no_warnings": not errors and not warnings, "no_badboxes": not errors and not warnings and \ (not self.caller.display_bad_boxes or not badboxes), "never": False }.get(self.caller.hide_panel_level, False) if hide_panel: # hide the build panel (ST2 api is not thread save) if _ST3: self.caller.window.run_command( "hide_panel", {"panel": "output.latextools"}) else: sublime.set_timeout( lambda: self.caller.window.run_command( "hide_panel", {"panel": "output.latextools"}), 10) message = "build completed" if errors: message += " with errors" if warnings: if errors: if badboxes and self.caller.display_bad_boxes: message += "," else: message += " and" else: message += " with" message += " warnings" if badboxes and self.caller.display_bad_boxes: if errors or warnings: message += " and" else: message += " with" message += " bad boxes" if _ST3: sublime.status_message(message) else: sublime.set_timeout( lambda: sublime.status_message(message), 10) except Exception as e: # dumpt exception to console traceback.print_exc() content = ["", ""] content.append( "LaTeXTools could not parse the TeX log file {0}".format( log_file)) content.append("(actually, we never should have gotten here)") content.append("") content.append("Python exception: {0!r}".format(e)) content.append("") content.append( "The full error description can be found on the console.") content.append("Please let us know on GitHub. Thanks!") self.caller.output(content) self.caller.output("\n\n[Done!]\n") self.caller.finish(len(errors) == 0)
########################################################################## processingSrc = "rec.wav" processingDst = "rec.mp3" processingChain: List[List[str]] = [] recFiles: List[str] = [] processingChain = [ ["lame", processingSrc, processingDst, "--noreplaygain", "--quiet"], ] # don't show box on windows si: Optional[Any] if sys.platform == "win32": si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() # pytype: disable=module-attr try: si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # pytype: disable=module-attr except: # pylint: disable=no-member # python2.7+ si.dwFlags |= (subprocess._subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) # pytype: disable=module-attr else: si = None def retryWait(proc) -> Any: # osx throws interrupted system call errors frequently while 1: try: return proc.wait()
def start_elementumd(**kwargs): jsonrpc_failures = 0 while jsonrpc_enabled() is False: jsonrpc_failures += 1 log.warning( "Unable to connect to Kodi's JSON-RPC service, retrying...") if jsonrpc_failures > 1: time.sleep(5) if not jsonrpc_enabled(notify=True): log.error( "Unable to reach Kodi's JSON-RPC service, aborting...") return False else: break time.sleep(3) elementum_dir, elementum_binary = get_elementum_binary()"Binary dir: %s, item: %s " % (elementum_dir, elementum_binary)) if elementum_dir is False or elementum_binary is False: return False lockfile = os.path.join(ADDON_PATH, ".lockfile") if os.path.exists(lockfile): log.warning("Existing process found from lockfile, killing...") try: with open(lockfile) as lf: pid = int(" \t\r\n\0")) os.kill(pid, 9) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 3: # Ignore: OSError: [Errno 3] No such process log.error(repr(e)) except Exception as e: log.error(repr(e)) if binary_platform["os"] == "windows": try: library_lockfile = os.path.join( py2_decode(translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo("profile"))), "library.db.lock") log.warning("Removing library.db.lock file at %s ..." % library_lockfile) os.remove(library_lockfile) except Exception as e: log.error(repr(e)) SW_HIDE = 0 STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = 1 args = [elementum_binary] kwargs["cwd"] = elementum_dir if binary_platform["os"] == "windows": args[0] = getWindowsShortPath(elementum_binary) kwargs["cwd"] = getWindowsShortPath(elementum_dir) si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE clear_fd_inherit_flags() kwargs["startupinfo"] = si else: env = os.environ.copy() env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = "%s:%s" % (elementum_dir, env.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")) env["GODEBUG"] = "madvdontneed=1" kwargs["env"] = env kwargs["close_fds"] = True wait_counter = 1 log.debug("Checking for visible") while xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'Window.IsVisible(10140)') or xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'Window.IsActive(10140)'): if wait_counter == 1: 'Add-on settings currently opened, waiting before starting...') if wait_counter > 300: break time.sleep(1) wait_counter += 1"elementumd: start args: %s, kw: %s" % (args, kwargs)) if hasSubprocess: return subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs) return False
def tx_make_process(txmanager, queue, thread_idx): """Function executed by threads to convert images to textures with txmake. Args: - queue (Queue.Queue): The task queue maintained by the main thread. """ logger = txm_log() logger.debug('start') while not queue.empty(): ui, txfile, txitem, args = queue.get() infile = args[-2] outfile = args[-1] if txfile.is_rtxplugin: queue.task_done() return logger.debug('%r', args) if not txfile.done_callback: logger.warning('Unexpected done callback = %r: %s', txfile.done_callback, txfile.input_image) txfile.set_item_state(txitem, STATE_PROCESSING) txmanager.send_txmake_progress(txfile, txitem, txitem.state) start_t = time.time() err_msg = '' win_os = (platform.system() == 'Windows') sp_kwargs = { 'stdin': subprocess.PIPE, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.PIPE, 'shell': False } if win_os: sp_kwargs['creationflags'] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP sp_kwargs['startupinfo'] = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() sp_kwargs['startupinfo'].dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW try: p = subprocess.Popen(args, **sp_kwargs) except Exception as err: logger.warning(' |_ failed to launch: %s\n |_ args: %r', err, args) txfile.set_item_state(txitem, STATE_ERROR) else: txmanager.subprocesses[thread_idx] = p lo = p.stdout.readline() le = p.stderr.readline() while lo or le: if lo: logger.debug(lo) if le: logger.debug(le) err_msg += le lo = p.stdout.readline() le = p.stderr.readline() time.sleep(1.0) p.poll() # get the return code if os.path.exists(outfile): stats = time.strftime('%Mm:%Ss', time.localtime(time.time() - start_t)) txfile.set_item_state(txitem, STATE_EXISTS)'Converted in %s : %r', stats, outfile) # check time stamp for future dated input files # if time stamp is greater than "now", we # give the outfile the same time stamp as the # input outfile now_time = time.time() infile_time = os.path.getmtime(infile) if infile_time > now_time: logger.debug('Input file, %r, is from the future!', infile) os.utime(outfile, (infile_time, infile_time)) else: if p.returncode in KILLED_SIGNALS: logger.debug('KILLED: %s', args) txfile.set_item_state(txitem, STATE_IN_QUEUE) else: txfile.set_item_state(txitem, STATE_ERROR) txfile.error_msg += err_msg logger.error('Failed to convert: %r', infile) logger.error(' |__ args: %r', args) txitem.update_file_size() txfile.update_file_size() # update txmanager and ui txmanager.send_txmake_progress(txfile, txitem, txitem.state) txmanager.subprocesses[thread_idx] = None # mark task done in task queue queue.task_done() logger.debug('empty queue = done') unblock(txmanager)
def __init__( self, cmd, shell_cmd, user_input, env, listener, # "path" is an option in build systems path="", # "shell" is an options in build systems shell=False): if not shell_cmd and not cmd: raise ValueError("shell_cmd or cmd is required") if sys.version > '3' and (shell_cmd and not isinstance(shell_cmd, str)): raise ValueError("shell_cmd must be a string") self.listener = listener self.killed = False self.start_time = time.time() # Hide the console window on Windows startupinfo = None if == "nt": startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Set temporary PATH to locate executable in cmd if path: old_path = os.environ["PATH"] # The user decides in the build system whether he wants to append $PATH # or tuck it at the front: "$PATH;C:\\new\\path", "C:\\new\\path;$PATH" os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.expandvars(path) proc_env = os.environ.copy() proc_env.update(env) for k, v in proc_env.items(): proc_env[k] = os.path.expandvars(v) if shell_cmd and not sys.platform == "win32": echo_input = subprocess.Popen('echo "' + user_input + '"', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) if shell_cmd and sys.platform == "win32": # Since, Windows doesn't allow multiline echo, create concatenated echo statements split_input = user_input.split('\n') parsed_user_input = "" print(shell_cmd) for i in split_input: parsed_user_input += 'echo ' + i + "&" parsed_user_input = parsed_user_input[0:-1] echo_input = subprocess.Popen(parsed_user_input, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) # Use shell=True on Windows, so shell_cmd is passed through with the correct escaping self.proc = subprocess.Popen(shell_cmd, stdin=echo_input.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, env=proc_env, shell=True) elif shell_cmd and sys.platform == "darwin": # Use a login shell on OSX, otherwise the users expected env vars won't be setup self.proc = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-l", "-c", shell_cmd], stdin=echo_input.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, env=proc_env, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp, shell=False) elif shell_cmd and (sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2" or sys.platform == "linux3"): # Explicitly use /bin/bash on Linux, to keep Linux and OSX as # similar as possible. A login shell is explicitly not used for # linux, as it's not required self.proc = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-c", shell_cmd], stdin=echo_input.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, env=proc_env, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp, shell=False) else: # Old style build system, just do what it asks self.proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=echo_input.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, env=proc_env, shell=shell) if path: os.environ["PATH"] = old_path if self.proc.stdout: threading.Thread(target=self.read_stdout).start() if self.proc.stderr: threading.Thread(target=self.read_stderr).start()
def run(self, edit): vsize = self.view.size() region = sublime.Region(0, vsize) src = self.view.substr(region) window = self.view.window() settings = sublime.load_settings('Crystal.sublime-settings') #command = [settings.get("crystal_cmd"), "tool", "format", "-", "--format", "json"] command = [ settings.get("crystal_cmd"), "tool", "format", "-", "--no-color" ] # for Windows Subsystem for Linux if == "nt": command.insert(0, "wsl") popen_args = dict(args=command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Prevent flashing terminal windows if sys.platform.startswith('win'): popen_args['startupinfo'] = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() popen_args[ 'startupinfo'].dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW proc = subprocess.Popen(**popen_args) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(src.encode('utf-8')) stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8') stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') exit = proc.returncode pos = 0 if exit == 0: if not self.has_redo(): for op, text in diff_match_patch().diff_main(src, stdout): if op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_DELETE: self.view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(pos, pos + len(text))) if op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_INSERT: self.view.insert(edit, pos, text) pos += len(text) if op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_EQUAL: pos += len(text) self.view.erase_regions('crystal_errors') window.run_command("hide_panel") else: error_pos = None pattern = r"Error: Syntax error in .+?:(\d+): (.+)" match = re.match(pattern, stderr) if match: error_pos = int( error = else: error_pos = None error = stderr # error = json.loads(stderr) # error_pos = self.view.text_point(error[0]["line"] - 1, error[0]["column"] - 1) if error_pos: line_region = self.view.full_line(error_pos) self.view.add_regions('crystal_errors', [line_region], 'comment', 'dot', sublime.HIDDEN) error_panel = window.create_output_panel('crystal_errors') # error_panel.run_command("append", {"characters": # "Error at line %d, column %d: %s" % (error[0]["line"], error[0]["column"], error[0]['message']) # }) if error_pos: error_panel.run_command("append", { "characters": "Error at line %d: %s" % (error_pos, error) }) else: error_panel.run_command("append", {"characters": error}) window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "output.crystal_errors"})
def communicateWithCommandLine3(list0): shell = "powershell -Sta" plat = getplatform() #if(plat == "Windows"): # shell = os.environ.get('COMSPEC') + ' ' + "/q /d /s /a /v:on /e:on /f:on" #else: # shell = os.environ.get('SHELL') #print ( 'Running under', shell ) global cmd_event cmd_event = threading.Event() global cmd_exit_flag cmd_exit_flag = 0 startupinfo = None createflags = 0 if (plat == 'Windows'): startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE #createflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE p = subprocess.Popen( shell, shell=False, bufsize=-1, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, #if dont do this, windows stdout piory is high, stderr cant output full message #when split stdout and stderr, lots of app wont manager the output order stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, startupinfo=startupinfo, creationflags=createflags) read_thread = threading.Thread(target=powershell_read_thread_function, args=(p, )) read_thread.start() read_err_thread = threading.Thread(target=read_stderr_thread_function, args=(p, )) #read_err_thread.start() write_command_thread = threading.Thread( target=powershell_write_command_thread_function, args=(p, list0)) write_command_thread.start() write_thread = threading.Thread(target=write_thread_function, args=(p, )) write_thread.start() # time.sleep(1) try: p.wait() except (KeyboardInterrupt): p.returncode = 1 if (read_thread.isAlive()): stopThread(read_thread) if (read_err_thread.isAlive()): stopThread(read_err_thread) if (write_command_thread.isAlive()): stopThread(write_command_thread) if (write_thread.isAlive()): stopThread(write_thread) # time.sleep(1) return p.returncode
def strings(fi): """ Extract text strings from selected region (the whole file if not selected) """ if fi.getDocumentCount() == 0: return length = fi.getSelectionLength() offset = fi.getSelectionOffset() if length > 0: data = fi.getSelection() else: offset = 0 data = fi.getDocument() # Do not show command prompt window startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Execute to show GUI # GUI portion is moved to external script to avoid hangup of FileInsight p = subprocess.Popen(["py.exe", "-3", "Parsing/"], startupinfo=startupinfo, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Receive parameters stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate() if stdout_data == "": return stdout_data = stdout_data.rstrip() (mode, min_len, postprocess, decode_hex) = stdout_data.split("\t") min_len = int(min_len) if decode_hex == "True": decode_hex = True else: decode_hex = False newdata = "" decoded = "" if mode == "ASCII + UTF-16": expression = "[ -~]{%d,}" % min_len matched = re.finditer(expression, data) newdata += "ASCII strings:\r\n" decoded += "Decoded ASCII strings:\r\n" if postprocess == "Remove duplicates": (plain_list, decoded_list) = strings_dedupe(matched, False, decode_hex) for s_plain in plain_list: newdata += s_plain + "\r\n" for s_decoded in decoded_list: decoded += s_decoded + "\r\n" else: for m in matched: (s_plain, s_decoded) = strings_decode(, decode_hex) if postprocess == "Show offset": newdata += "0x%x: %s\r\n" % (offset + m.start(), s_plain) if s_decoded != "": decoded += "0x%x: %s -> %s\r\n" % (offset + m.start(), s_plain, s_decoded) else: newdata += s_plain + "\r\n" if s_decoded != "": decoded += "%s -> %s \r\n" % (s_plain, s_decoded) expression = "(?:(?:[ -~]\x00)|(?:\x00[ -~])){%d,}" % min_len matched = re.finditer(expression, data) newdata += "\r\nUTF-16 strings:\r\n" decoded += "\r\nDecoded UTF-16 strings:\r\n" if postprocess == "Remove duplicates": (plain_list, decoded_list) = strings_dedupe(matched, True, decode_hex) for s_plain in plain_list: newdata += s_plain + "\r\n" for s_decoded in decoded_list: decoded += s_decoded + "\r\n" else: for m in matched: s = re.sub("\x00+", "", (s_plain, s_decoded) = strings_decode(s, decode_hex) if postprocess == "Show offset": newdata += "0x%x: %s\r\n" % (offset + m.start(), s_plain) if s_decoded != "": decoded += "0x%x: %s -> %s\r\n" % (offset + m.start(), s_plain, s_decoded) else: newdata += s_plain + "\r\n" if s_decoded != "": decoded += "%s -> %s \r\n" % (s_plain, s_decoded) elif mode == "ASCII": expression = "[ -~]{%d,}" % min_len matched = re.finditer(expression, data) newdata += "ASCII strings:\r\n" decoded += "Decoded ASCII strings:\r\n" if postprocess == "Remove duplicates": (plain_list, decoded_list) = strings_dedupe(matched, False, decode_hex) for s_plain in plain_list: newdata += s_plain + "\r\n" for s_decoded in decoded_list: decoded += s_decoded + "\r\n" else: for m in matched: (s_plain, s_decoded) = strings_decode(, decode_hex) if postprocess == "Show offset": newdata += "0x%x: %s\r\n" % (offset + m.start(), s_plain) if s_decoded != "": decoded += "0x%x: %s -> %s\r\n" % (offset + m.start(), s_plain, s_decoded) else: newdata += s_plain + "\r\n" if s_decoded != "": decoded += "%s -> %s \r\n" % (s_plain, s_decoded) elif mode == "UTF-16": expression = "(?:(?:[ -~]\x00)|(?:\x00[ -~])){%d,}" % min_len matched = re.finditer(expression, data) newdata += "UTF-16 strings:\r\n" decoded += "Decoded UTF-16 strings:\r\n" if postprocess == "Remove duplicates": (plain_list, decoded_list) = strings_dedupe(matched, True, decode_hex) for s_plain in plain_list: newdata += s_plain + "\r\n" for s_decoded in decoded_list: decoded += s_decoded + "\r\n" else: for m in matched: s = re.sub("\x00+", "", (s_plain, s_decoded) = strings_decode(s, decode_hex) if postprocess == "Show offset": newdata += "0x%x: %s\r\n" % (offset + m.start(), s_plain) if s_decoded != "": decoded += "0x%x: %s -> %s\r\n" % (offset + m.start(), s_plain, s_decoded) else: newdata += s_plain + "\r\n" if s_decoded != "": decoded += "%s -> %s \r\n" % (s_plain, s_decoded) fi.newDocument("Strings output", 0) # Open a new tab with text mode if decode_hex: fi.setDocument(decoded + "\r\n" + newdata) else: fi.setDocument(newdata) if length > 0: print("Extracted text strings from offset %s to %s." % (hex(offset), hex(offset + length))) else: print("Extracted text strings from the whole file.")
def get_startupinfo() -> subprocess.STARTUPINFO: # pytype: disable=module-attr """Return subprocess.STARTUPINFO instance hiding the console window.""" startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() # pytype: disable=module-attr startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # pytype: disable=module-attr startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE # pytype: disable=module-attr return startupinfo
def binwalk_scan(fi): """ Scan selected region (the whole file if not selected) to find embedded files """ if fi.getDocumentCount() == 0: return time_start = time.time() length = fi.getSelectionLength() offset = fi.getSelectionOffset() offset_found = [] if length > 0: data = fi.getSelection() else: offset = 0 data = fi.getDocument() length = fi.getLength() # Create a temporary file fd, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp() handle = os.fdopen(fd, "wb") handle.write(data) handle.close() # Do not show command prompt window startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Execute for scanning with binwalk p = subprocess.Popen( ["py.exe", "-3", "Parsing/", filepath, str(offset)], startupinfo=startupinfo, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Receive scan result stdout_data, stderr_data = p.communicate() ret = p.wait() os.remove(filepath) # Cleanup if ret == -1: print("binwalk is not installed.") print( "Please get it from and install it (pip cannot be used to install binwalk)." ) return if fi.getSelectionLength() > 0: print( 'Scanned from offset %s to %s and the output is shown in the new "Binwalk output" tab.' % (hex(offset), hex(offset + length))) else: print( 'Scanned the whole file and the output is shown in the new "Binwalk output" tab.' ) for l in stdout_data.splitlines(): offset_found.append(int(l.split()[1], 0)) num_found = len(offset_found) if num_found == 0: print("No file has been detected.") print("Elapsed time (scan): %f (sec)" % (time.time() - time_start)) time_start = time.time() if num_found > 0: if num_found > 100 and not bookmark_yesno_dialog(num_found): return # "No" is clicked else: for i in range(0, num_found): if i + 1 == num_found: fi.setBookmark(offset_found[i], offset + length - offset_found[i], hex(offset_found[i]), "#c8ffff") else: fi.setBookmark(offset_found[i], offset_found[i + 1] - offset_found[i], hex(offset_found[i]), "#c8ffff") print("\r\nAdded bookmarks to the detected files.") print("Elapsed time (bookmark): %f (sec)" % (time.time() - time_start)) fi.newDocument("Binwalk output", 0) fi.setDocument(stdout_data)
import threading import platform from time import sleep import logging logger = logging.getLogger('GITIGNORE') # Used for output suppression when calling subprocess functions; see # devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') # Used to prevent a new command prompt window from popping up every time a new # process is spawned on Windows. See # if platform.system() == 'Windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE else: startupinfo = None def start(): # Gets invoked at the bottom of this file. """ Regularly (every 5s) updates the file_exclude_patterns setting. """ if is_first_launch(): migrate_exclude_patterns() record_first_launch() def run():
def Ghostscript(tile, size, fp, scale=1): """Render an image using Ghostscript""" # Unpack decoder tile decoder, tile, offset, data = tile[0] length, bbox = data # Hack to support hi-res rendering scale = int(scale) or 1 # orig_size = size # orig_bbox = bbox size = (size[0] * scale, size[1] * scale) # resolution is dependent on bbox and size res = (float((72.0 * size[0]) / (bbox[2] - bbox[0])), float((72.0 * size[1]) / (bbox[3] - bbox[1]))) import subprocess import tempfile out_fd, outfile = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(out_fd) infile_temp = None if hasattr(fp, 'name') and os.path.exists( infile = else: in_fd, infile_temp = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(in_fd) infile = infile_temp # Ignore length and offset! # Ghostscript can read it # Copy whole file to read in Ghostscript with open(infile_temp, 'wb') as f: # fetch length of fp, 2) fsize = fp.tell() # ensure start position # go back lengthfile = fsize while lengthfile > 0: s =, 100 * 1024)) if not s: break lengthfile -= len(s) f.write(s) # Build Ghostscript command command = [ "gs", "-q", # quiet mode "-g%dx%d" % size, # set output geometry (pixels) "-r%fx%f" % res, # set input DPI (dots per inch) "-dBATCH", # exit after processing "-dNOPAUSE", # don't pause between pages "-dSAFER", # safe mode "-sDEVICE=ppmraw", # ppm driver "-sOutputFile=%s" % outfile, # output file # adjust for image origin "-c", "%d %d translate" % (-bbox[0], -bbox[1]), "-f", infile, # input file # showpage (see "-c", "showpage", ] if gs_windows_binary is not None: if not gs_windows_binary: raise WindowsError('Unable to locate Ghostscript on paths') command[0] = gs_windows_binary # push data through Ghostscript try: with open(os.devnull, 'w+b') as devnull: startupinfo = None if sys.platform.startswith('win'): startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW subprocess.check_call(command, stdin=devnull, stdout=devnull, startupinfo=startupinfo) im = im.load() finally: try: os.unlink(outfile) if infile_temp: os.unlink(infile_temp) except OSError: pass return
if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): for subitem in cls._flatten(item): yield subitem else: yield item # Reinitialize the CLI_LAME, CLI_SI, IS_WINDOWS, and IS_MACOSX constants # on the base class, if necessary given the running operating system. if sys.platform == 'win32': Service.CLI_DECODINGS.append('mbcs') Service.CLI_LAME = 'lame.exe' Service.CLI_MPLAYER = 'mplayer.exe' Service.CLI_SI = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() Service.IS_WINDOWS = True try: Service.CLI_SI.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except AttributeError: try: Service.CLI_SI.dwFlags |= ( subprocess._subprocess. # workaround, pylint:disable=W0212 STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW ) except AttributeError: pass
def setup_ccx(self, ccx_binary=None, ccx_binary_sig="CalculiX"): """Set Calculix binary path and validate its execution. Parameters ---------- ccx_binary : str, optional It defaults to `None`. The path to the `ccx` binary. If it is `None`, the path is guessed. ccx_binary_sig : str, optional Defaults to 'CalculiX'. Expected output from `ccx` when run empty. Raises ------ Exception """ error_title = "No CalculiX binary ccx" error_message = "" from platform import system ccx_std_location = FreeCAD.ParamGet( "User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Fem/Ccx").GetBool( "UseStandardCcxLocation", True) if ccx_std_location: if system() == "Windows": ccx_path = FreeCAD.getHomePath() + "bin/ccx.exe" FreeCAD.ParamGet( "User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Fem/Ccx" ).SetString("ccxBinaryPath", ccx_path) self.ccx_binary = ccx_path elif system() in ("Linux", "Darwin"): p1 = subprocess.Popen(["which", "ccx"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if p1.wait() == 0: if sys.version_info.major >= 3: ccx_path ="utf8").split( "\n")[0] else: ccx_path ="\n")[0] elif p1.wait() == 1: error_message = ( "FEM: CalculiX binary ccx not found in " "standard system binary path. " "Please install ccx or set path to binary " "in FEM preferences tab CalculiX.\n") if FreeCAD.GuiUp: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, error_title, error_message) raise Exception(error_message) self.ccx_binary = ccx_path else: if not ccx_binary: self.ccx_prefs = FreeCAD.ParamGet( "User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Fem/Ccx") ccx_binary = self.ccx_prefs.GetString("ccxBinaryPath", "") if not ccx_binary: FreeCAD.ParamGet( "User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Fem/Ccx" ).SetBool("UseStandardCcxLocation", True) error_message = ( "FEM: CalculiX binary ccx path not set at all. " "The use of standard path was activated in " "FEM preferences tab CalculiX. Please try again!\n") if FreeCAD.GuiUp: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, error_title, error_message) raise Exception(error_message) self.ccx_binary = ccx_binary startup_info = None if system() == "Windows": # Windows workaround to avoid blinking terminal window startup_info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startup_info.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW ccx_stdout = None ccx_stderr = None try: p = subprocess.Popen([self.ccx_binary], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, startupinfo=startup_info) ccx_stdout, ccx_stderr = p.communicate() if ccx_binary_sig in str(ccx_stdout): self.ccx_binary_present = True else: raise Exception("FEM: wrong ccx binary") # since we raise an exception the try will fail and # the exception later with the error popup will be raised # TODO: I'm still able to break it. # If user doesn't give a file but a path without a file or # a file which is not a binary no exception at all is raised. except OSError as e: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("{}\n".format(e)) if e.errno == 2: error_message = ( "FEM: CalculiX binary ccx \'{}\' not found. " "Please set the CalculiX binary ccx path in " "FEM preferences tab CalculiX.\n".format(ccx_binary)) if FreeCAD.GuiUp: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, error_title, error_message) raise Exception(error_message) except Exception as e: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("{}\n".format(e)) error_message = ( "FEM: CalculiX ccx \'{}\' output \'{}\' doesn't " "contain expected phrase \'{}\'. " "There are some problems when running the ccx binary. " "Check if ccx runs standalone without FreeCAD.\n".format( ccx_binary, ccx_stdout, ccx_binary_sig)) if FreeCAD.GuiUp: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, error_title, error_message) raise Exception(error_message)
def executeGrass(commands, feedback, outputCommands=None): loglines = [] loglines.append('GRASS GIS 7 execution console output')) grassOutDone = False command, grassenv = Grass7Utils.prepareGrassExecution(commands) #QgsMessageLog.logMessage('exec: {}'.format(command), 'DEBUG', Qgis.Info) # For MS-Windows, we need to hide the console window. if isWindows(): si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE with subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True if isMac() else False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, env=grassenv, startupinfo=si if isWindows() else None) as proc: for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ''): if 'GRASS_INFO_PERCENT' in line: try: feedback.setProgress( int(line[len('GRASS_INFO_PERCENT') + 2:])) except: pass else: if 'r.out' in line or 'v.out' in line: grassOutDone = True loglines.append(line) feedback.pushConsoleInfo(line) # Some GRASS scripts, like r.mapcalculator or r.fillnulls, call # other GRASS scripts during execution. This may override any # commands that are still to be executed by the subprocess, which # are usually the output ones. If that is the case runs the output # commands again. if not grassOutDone and outputCommands: command, grassenv = Grass7Utils.prepareGrassExecution( outputCommands) with subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True if isMac() else False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, env=grassenv, startupinfo=si if isWindows() else None) as proc: for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ''): if 'GRASS_INFO_PERCENT' in line: try: feedback.setProgress( int(line[len('GRASS_INFO_PERCENT') + 2:])) except: pass else: loglines.append(line) feedback.pushConsoleInfo(line) if ProcessingConfig.getSetting(Grass7Utils.GRASS_LOG_CONSOLE): QgsMessageLog.logMessage('\n'.join(loglines), 'Processing', Qgis.Info)
def convert_from_path( pdf_path, dpi=200, output_folder=None, first_page=None, last_page=None, fmt="ppm", jpegopt=None, thread_count=1, userpw=None, use_cropbox=False, strict=False, transparent=False, single_file=False, output_file=uuid_generator(), poppler_path=None, grayscale=False, size=None, paths_only=False, use_pdftocairo=False, ): """ Description: Convert PDF to Image will throw whenever one of the condition is reached Parameters: pdf_path -> Path to the PDF that you want to convert dpi -> Image quality in DPI (default 200) output_folder -> Write the resulting images to a folder (instead of directly in memory) first_page -> First page to process last_page -> Last page to process before stopping fmt -> Output image format jpegopt -> jpeg options `quality`, `progressive`, and `optimize` (only for jpeg format) thread_count -> How many threads we are allowed to spawn for processing userpw -> PDF's password use_cropbox -> Use cropbox instead of mediabox strict -> When a Syntax Error is thrown, it will be raised as an Exception transparent -> Output with a transparent background instead of a white one. single_file -> Uses the -singlefile option from pdftoppm/pdftocairo output_file -> What is the output filename or generator poppler_path -> Path to look for poppler binaries grayscale -> Output grayscale image(s) size -> Size of the resulting image(s), uses the Pillow (width, height) standard paths_only -> Don't load image(s), return paths instead (requires output_folder) use_pdftocairo -> Use pdftocairo instead of pdftoppm, may help performance """ if use_pdftocairo and fmt == "ppm": fmt = "png" # We make sure that if passed arguments are Path objects, they're converted to strings if isinstance(pdf_path, pathlib.PurePath): pdf_path = pdf_path.as_posix() if isinstance(output_folder, pathlib.PurePath): output_folder = output_folder.as_posix() if isinstance(poppler_path, pathlib.PurePath): poppler_path = poppler_path.as_posix() page_count = pdfinfo_from_path(pdf_path, userpw, poppler_path=poppler_path)["Pages"] # We start by getting the output format, the buffer processing function and if we need pdftocairo parsed_fmt, final_extension, parse_buffer_func, use_pdfcairo_format = _parse_format( fmt, grayscale) # We use pdftocairo is the format requires it OR we need a transparent output use_pdfcairo = (use_pdftocairo or use_pdfcairo_format or (transparent and parsed_fmt in TRANSPARENT_FILE_TYPES)) poppler_version = _get_poppler_version( "pdftocairo" if use_pdfcairo else "pdftoppm", poppler_path=poppler_path) if poppler_version <= 57: jpegopt = None # If output_file isn't a generator, it will be turned into one if not isinstance(output_file, types.GeneratorType) and not isinstance( output_file, ThreadSafeGenerator): if single_file: output_file = iter([output_file]) else: output_file = counter_generator(output_file) if thread_count < 1: thread_count = 1 if first_page is None: first_page = 1 if last_page is None or last_page > page_count: last_page = page_count if first_page > last_page: return [] auto_temp_dir = False if output_folder is None and use_pdfcairo: auto_temp_dir = True output_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Recalculate page count based on first and last page page_count = last_page - first_page + 1 if thread_count > page_count: thread_count = page_count reminder = page_count % thread_count current_page = first_page processes = [] for _ in range(thread_count): thread_output_file = next(output_file) # Get the number of pages the thread will be processing thread_page_count = page_count // thread_count + int(reminder > 0) # Build the command accordingly args = _build_command( ["-r", str(dpi), pdf_path], output_folder, current_page, current_page + thread_page_count - 1, parsed_fmt, jpegopt, thread_output_file, userpw, use_cropbox, transparent, single_file, grayscale, size, ) if use_pdfcairo: args = [_get_command_path("pdftocairo", poppler_path)] + args else: args = [_get_command_path("pdftoppm", poppler_path)] + args # Update page values current_page = current_page + thread_page_count reminder -= int(reminder > 0) # Add poppler path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH env = os.environ.copy() # Added for hiding console startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE if poppler_path is not None: env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = poppler_path + ":" + env.get( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "") # Spawn the process and save its uuid processes.append((thread_output_file, Popen(args, env=env, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo))) images = [] for uid, proc in processes: data, err = proc.communicate() if b"Syntax Error" in err and strict: raise PDFSyntaxError(err.decode("utf8", "ignore")) if output_folder is not None: images += _load_from_output_folder(output_folder, uid, final_extension, paths_only, in_memory=auto_temp_dir) else: images += parse_buffer_func(data) if auto_temp_dir: shutil.rmtree(output_folder) return images
def LINK(mname, murl, thumb): print "LIVE MURL IS =" + murl ok = True namelist = [] urllist = [] playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) playlist.clear() if '_whole' in murl: link = main.OPEN_URL(murl) link = link.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace( ' ', '').replace(' ', '') part = re.findall('/([^/]+)ipad.mp4.m3u8', murl)[0] match = re.compile('BANDWIDTH=.+?' + part + '(.+?)_ipad.mp4.m3u8', re.DOTALL).findall(link) for band in sorted(match): namelist.append(band) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() answer ="Pick A Bandwidth", namelist) if answer != -1: nurl = murl.split('ipad.mp4.m3u8')[0] stream_url = nurl + namelist[int( answer )] + '_ipad.mp4.m3u8' + '|User-Agent=PS4 libhttp/1.76 (PlayStation 4)' NHLRESOLVE(mname, stream_url, thumb) else: return elif '/live/' in murl: import subprocess #jarfile = xbmc.translatePath('special://home/addons/') #jarfile = selfAddon + '/resources/modules/FuckNeulionV2.jar' print "JARFILE IS = " + jarfile if 'Home' in mname: Side = 'home' if 'Away' in mname: Side = 'away' SelectGame = murl.split('x0xe')[1] murl = murl.split('x0xe')[0] startupinfo = None if == 'nt': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW command = ['java', '-jar', jarfile, SelectGame, Side] proxy_hack_process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, startupinfo=startupinfo) if == 'posix': # Run the proxy hack before playing the stream success = False success, output = FuckNeulionClient.request_proxy_hack( SelectGame, Side) xbmc.sleep(1000) link = main.OPEN_URL(murl) link = link.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace( ' ', '').replace(' ', '') part = re.findall('/([^/]+)ipad.m3u8', murl)[0] match = re.compile('BANDWIDTH=.+?' + part + '(.+?)_ipad.m3u8', re.DOTALL).findall(link) for band in sorted(match): namelist.append(band) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() answer ="Pick A Bandwidth", namelist) if answer != -1: nurl = murl.split('ipad.m3u8')[0] stream_url = nurl + namelist[int( answer )] + '_ipad.m3u8' + '|User-Agent=PS4 libhttp/1.76 (PlayStation 4)' NHLRESOLVE(mname, stream_url, thumb) else: return else: stream_url = murl + '|User-Agent=PS4 libhttp/1.76 (PlayStation 4)' NHLRESOLVE(mname, stream_url, thumb)