def install_tor(self): self.connection() if not self.alive: return print('Installing Tor ...') shell('echo "deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list \ && apt-get update && apt-get install tor -y && apt autoremove -y')
def main(): output = shell(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profiles"]).decode("ansi").split("\n") wifis = [ line.split(":")[1][1:-1] for line in output if ("Profil Tous les utilisateurs" in line) ] print("\n Wifi stored:\n ---- ------\n") for wifi in wifis: output = shell( ["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profiles", wifi, "key=clear"]).decode("ansi").split("\n") password = [ line.split(":")[1][1:-1] for line in output if ("Contenu de la cl" in line) ] try: print(f" {wifi}{' '*(30-len(wifi))}: {password[0]}") except Exception: print(f" {wifi}{' '*(30-len(wifi))}: -") return (True)
def getNewIP(self, recurrence): if not self.alive: self.exit() try: ip = self.getIP() if all([not ip, recurrence]): print( "Network unreachable! Trying Again by restarting network manager" ) retry = 2 while (retry): ip = self.getIP() if ip: break else: shell('service network-manager restart') sleep(1) if not ip: self.getNewTorIP(recurrence - 1) # If IP still not available and recurrence has exhausted, then first check internet connection if all([not self.ip, not recurrence]): self.connection() if ip not in self.recentIPs: self.ip = ip self.recentIPs.append(ip) else: print("Same IP detected restarting tor") self.getNewTorIP() except Exception as e: print(e)
def updateIp(self, recur=3): if not self.alive: self.exit() socks.socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, '', 9050, True) socket.socket = socks.socksocket try: ip = self.getIp() if all([not ip, recur]): print('Error: Network unreachable') reset_counts = 2 for _ in range(30): if not self.alive: return ip = self.getIp() if ip: break else: if reset_counts: reset_counts -= 1 shell('service network-manager restart') sleep(1) if not ip: self.restartTor(recur - 1) if all([not ip, not recur]): self.connection() if ip in self.recentIPs.queue: self.restartTor() else: self.ip = ip self.recentIPs.put(ip) except: pass
def get_en_audio(word): url = '' url += word[0] + '/' + word[0:2] + '/' + word + '_v3.mp3' try: request.urlretrieve(url, 'en.mp3') shell( 'avconv -i en.mp3 -f mp3 -ab 128k -ar 44100 -ac 2 -y -v quiet _en.mp3', shell=True) return 1 except: return 0
def get_cn_audio(word): url = '' url += urllib.parse.quote(word) + '&spd=5&source=web' try: request.urlretrieve(url, 'cn.mp3') shell( 'avconv -i cn.mp3 -f mp3 -ab 128k -ar 44100 -ac 2 -y -v quiet _cn.mp3', shell=True) return 1 except: return 0
def x(cmd): # imports from psutil import MACOS, WINDOWS, LINUX from subprocess import Popen as shell from sys import stdout # shell cfg if WINDOWS: SHELL, NEXT_CMD = "powershell", ";" elif MACOS or LINUX: SHELL, NEXT_CMD = "sh", ";" # run shell([SHELL, NEXT_CMD.join(cmd)], stdout=stdout).communicate()
def get_audio(word, filename): has_en, has_cn = 1, 1 word_en = word[0] word_cn = word[1].split('.')[-1].replace('...', '什么什么') has_en = get_en_audio(word_en) has_cn = get_cn_audio(word_cn) time.sleep(3) if has_en and has_cn: shell("cat _en.mp3 _cn.mp3 blank.mp3 >> _" + filename + ".mp3", shell=True) # shell("cat _en.mp3 blank.mp3 >> _" + filename + ".mp3", shell=True) return 1 else: return 0
def pass_the_hash(domain, ip, user_name, lm_hash, ntlm_hash, command, timeout): try: logging.debug( 'ATTEMPT - {domain}{user_name}%{lm_hash}:{ntlm_hash}//{ip} - {command}' .format(domain=domain, user_name=user_name, lm_hash=lm_hash, ntlm_hash=ntlm_hash, ip=ip, command=command)) result = shell([ 'pth-winexe', '-U', domain + user_name + '%' + '{lm_hash}:{ntlm_hash}'.format( lm_hash=lm_hash, ntlm_hash=ntlm_hash), '//' + ip, command ], stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'), timeout=timeout) '{domain}{user_name}%{lm_hash}:{ntlm_hash}//{ip} - {result}'. format(domain=domain, user_name=user_name, lm_hash=lm_hash, ntlm_hash=ntlm_hash, ip=ip, result=result)) except Exception as e: logging.debug( "{domain}{user_name}%{lm_hash}:{ntlm_hash}//{ip} - {error}".format( domain=domain, user_name=user_name, lm_hash=lm_hash, ntlm_hash=ntlm_hash, ip=ip, error=e))
def get_commit(self, sha, path): try: return shell(["git", "show", sha], cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(path)), startupinfo=si) except Exception as e: return
def spawn_new_standard_repo(target_name, subdir_name): """ spawn_new_standard_repo """ shell(f"cp -r colab-env {target_name}", shell=True) shell(f"cp -r colab-env/.* {target_name}", shell=True) shell(f"mv {target_name}/colab_env {target_name}/{subdir_name}", shell=True) shell( f"mv {target_name}/k8s/live/colab-env.cron.yaml {target_name}/k8s/live/{target_name}.cron.yaml", shell=True)
def checkTorIsUp(self): if shell( 'curl --socks5 localhost:9050 --socks5-hostname localhost:9050 -s | cat | grep -m 1 Congratulations | xargs' ).startswith('Congratulations'): print("Tor is running") return True else: print('Tor restart failed') return False
def get_blame(self, line, path): try: return shell([ "git", "blame", "--minimal", "-w", "-L {0},{0}".format(line), path ], cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(path)), startupinfo=si) except Exception as e: return
def get_blame(self, line, path): try: return shell(["git", "blame", "--minimal", "-w", "-L {0},{0}".format(line), path], cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(path)), startupinfo=si, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Git blame: git error {}:\n{}".format(e.returncode, e.output.decode("UTF-8"))) except Exception as e: print("Git blame: Unexpected error:", e)
def make_thumb(self, infile, outfile, size): command = "aapt d --values badging %s" % infile data = [line.replace("'", "").split(":") for line in shell(command.split()).splitlines()] icons = [item for item in data if item[0].startswith("application-icon")] if len(icons) == 0: return False icons = sorted(icons, key = lambda item: int(item[0].split("-")[-1]), reverse = True) icon = icons[0][1] apkfile = zipfile.ZipFile(infile, mode = 'r') icondata = with open(outfile, 'wb') as of: of.write(icondata)
def _close_server(self): if self.kill_when_connection_lost: print("kill before") # os.kill(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGKILL) # self.server.kill() print(self.out)['docker', 'stop', self.out[:-1]]) while True: cmd = shell("docker ps -q") if cmd == "": break print("kill after") return
def get_blame_lines(self, path): '''Run `git blame` and get the output lines. ''' try: # The option --show-name is necessary to force file name display. command = ["git", "blame", "--show-name", "--minimal", "-w", path] output = shell(command, cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(path)), startupinfo=si, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return output.decode("UTF-8").splitlines() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Git blame: git error {}:\n{}".format( e.returncode, e.output.decode("UTF-8"))) except Exception as e: print("Git blame: Unexpected error:", e)
def relocation(target_path): """ relocation """ target_name = target_path.split("/")[-1] target_loc = "/".join(target_path.split("/")[:-1]) shell(f"mv {target_name}/* {target_path} --force", shell=True) shell(f"rm -r {target_name}", shell=True)
label='coverage distribution') plt.xlim(0, cov['percentage_at_depth'][10:].idxmax() * 3) plt.title(f'{sample} - 95% of reads over {_95}-fold coverage') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('coverage depth') # bla.text --> bla.svg svg_file = csv_file.replace('txt', 'svg') print(f"Saving {svg_file}") plt.savefig(f"{svg_file}") workdir = snakemake.config['workdir'] input = snakemake.input output = os.path.join(workdir, str(snakemake.output)) log = snakemake.log params = snakemake.params exon_cover = params.exon_cover prettifyBed = params.prettifyBed w = snakemake.wildcards sample_name = f"{w.sample}" refgen = params.refgen cmd = f"bedtools coverage -b {input.sample} -a {exon_cover} -hist -sorted -g {refgen}.genome 2>{log} | grep \'^all\' | sort -k2,2nr | {prettifyBed} | sort -k2,2n > {output}" exit = shell(cmd, shell=True) if exit == 0: get_cover_svg(output, sample_name) shell(cmd, shell=True)
def startTor(self): # Ignore error if it is already running shell('service tor start') sleep(5)
def name_replacement(f_name, target_name, subdir_name): """ name_replacement """ if not os.path.isfile(f_name): return shell(f"sed -i 's/colab-env/{target_name}/g' {f_name}", shell=True) shell(f"sed -i 's/colab_env/{subdir_name}/g' {f_name}", shell=True)
def check_if_git_tracked(path): result = shell(["git", "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree"], cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(path))) print("check_if_git_tracked", result) return result
def stopTor(self): shell('service tor stop') self.alive = False
def add_short_description(target_name): """ add short description """ description = input("Enter short description for repo: ") shell( f"sed -i 's/SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE/{description}/g' {target_name}/", shell=True)
div = "-" * 75 f = open("/app/input.txt", "r+") tl ="\n") f.close() bl = [] ul = [] count = 0 for t in tl: count = count + 1 print(f"loading token {count}...") if " --user" not in t: if showtokens: cmd = f"python3 /app/ {t}" else: cmd = f"python3 /app/ {t} h" bl.append(procout(shell(cmd, shell=True, text=True).replace("\n", ""))) if " --user" in t: t = t.replace(" --user", "") if showtokens: cmd = f"python3 /app/ {t}" else: cmd = f"python3 /app/ {t} h" ul.append(procout(shell(cmd, shell=True, text=True).replace("\n", ""))) print("processing data...") d = {} count = 0 if len(bl) > 0: bd = {} for i in bl: count = count + 1 bd.update({n2w(count): i})
def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', choices = ['stats', 'text', 'textpad', 'interactive', 'music'], default = 'interactive') parser.add_argument('-t', '--text', default = "Hello world!") parser.add_argument('-c', '--cursor', action = 'store_true') parser.add_argument('-cb', '--cursor-blink', action = 'store_true') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wrap', action = 'store_true') parser.add_argument('-s', '--scroll', action = 'store_true') parser.add_argument('-sd', '--scroll-delay', type = float, default = 0.25) parser.add_argument('-si', '--skip-init', action = 'store_true') parser.add_argument('-a', '--align', choices = ['left', 'center', 'right'], default = 'left') args = parser.parse_args() # k = pyk8055.k8055(0) k = None display = K80554BitLCDController(board = k, pinmap = PINMAP, charmap = CHARMAP, lines = 2, columns = 16, skip_init = args.skip_init, debug = False) display.set_display_enable(cursor = args.cursor, cursor_blink = args.cursor_blink) display.clear() display.home() try: if args.mode == 'interactive': key_reader = KeyReader() ui = K8055LCDUI(display, key_reader) """ui.dim(0, animate = True, duration = 1.0) ui.dim(1023, animate = True, duration = 1.0) ui.dim(0, animate = True, duration = 1.0) ui.dim(1023, animate = True, duration = 1.0) ui.dim(800, animate = False) time.sleep(0.25) ui.dim(600, animate = False) time.sleep(0.25) ui.dim(400, animate = False) time.sleep(0.25) ui.dim(200, animate = False) time.sleep(0.25) ui.dim(0, animate = False) time.sleep(0.25) ui.dim(1023, animate = True, duration = 1.0)""" while True: res = ui.list_dialog("Welcome!", ("Textpad mode", "Clock", "System info", "Demos", "Settings", "Quit"), align = 'center') if res[1] == "Textpad mode": ui.clear() try: while True: char = key_reader.read_key() if char: display.write(char) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass ui.clear() elif res[1] == "Clock": try: while True: data = time.strftime("%a, %d.%m.%Y\n%H:%M:%S") ui.message(data, align = 'center') time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif res[1] == "System info": while True: ires = ui.list_dialog("System info", ("Load average", "Disk space", "Memory", "Back"), align = 'center') if ires[1] == "Load average": try: while True: with open("/proc/loadavg", 'r') as f: loadavg = data = "* LOAD AVERAGE *\n" + " ".join(loadavg.split()[:3]) ui.message(data, align = 'center') time.sleep(5) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif ires[1] == "Disk space": try: while True: space = os.statvfs("/") free = (space.f_bavail * space.f_frsize) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 total = (space.f_blocks * space.f_frsize) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 data = "Total\t%.2fMB\nFree\t%.2fMB" % (total, free) ui.message(data) time.sleep(5) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif ires[1] == "Memory": try: while True: mem = psutil.phymem_usage() free = mem[2] / 1024.0 / 1024.0 total = mem[0] / 1024.0 / 1024.0 data = "Total\t%.2fMB\nFree\t%.2fMB" % (total, free) ui.message(data) time.sleep(5) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif ires[1] == "Back": break elif res[1] == "Demos": while True: dres = ui.list_dialog("Demos", ("Progress bar", "Input dialog", "Back"), align = 'center') if dres[1] == "Progress bar": x = 0.0 bar = ui.progress_bar("Testing...", fraction = x, char = "*") while x < 1.0: x += 1.0 / 16.0 bar.update(fraction = x) time.sleep(1.5) ui.message("Done :)", align = 'center') time.sleep(3) elif dres[1] == "Input dialog": name = ui.input_dialog("Your name?") ui.message("Hello %s!" % name, align = 'center') time.sleep(3) elif dres[1] == "Back": break elif res[1] == "Settings": while True: sres = ui.list_dialog("Settings", ("Brightness", "Back"), align = 'center') if sres[1] == "Brightness": count = ui.slider_dialog("Brightness", 0, 1023, step = 5, big_step = 100, value = ui.display.brightness) ui.dim(count) elif sres[1] == "Back": break elif res[1] == "Quit": ui.clear() ui.dim(0) break elif args.mode == 'music': while True: data = shell(['mocp', '--info']) if "FATAL_ERROR" in data: string = "Not running" else: metadata = [line.split(": ") for line in data.splitlines()] metadata = dict([(line[0], ": ".join(line[1:])) for line in metadata]) string = "%(Artist)s\n%(Title)s" % metadata display.write(string, align = 'center') time.sleep(5) elif args.mode == 'textpad': while True: char = key_reader.read_key() if char: display.write(char) elif args.mode == 'text': text = args.text.replace("\\n", "\n") display.write(text, wrap = args.wrap, align = args.align) while args.scroll and len(args.text) > display.column_count: display.scroll() time.sleep(args.scroll_delay) elif args.mode == 'stats': while True: with open("/proc/loadavg", 'r') as f: loadavg = data = "* LOAD AVERAGE *\n" + " ".join(loadavg.split()[:3]) display.write(data, wrap = args.wrap, update = True, align = args.align) time.sleep(5) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except: raise finally: display.shutdown()
def lt_proc(self, type, data): return shell(self.cmds[type], input=data)
import sys from subprocess import check_output as shell command = ["docker", "node", "ls"] nodes = shell(command).decode().split("\n")[1:] n = len(nodes) for i in range(n): nodes[i] = nodes[i].split(" ") count = 0 if sys.argv[1]=="me": for i in range(n): if "*" in nodes[i]: print(nodes[i][4]) break else: for i in range(n): if "*" not in nodes[i]: count+=1 if str(count)==sys.argv[1]: print(nodes[i][5]) break
def init_filename(filename): shell("cat blank.mp3 > _" + filename + ".mp3", shell=True)
def restart_tor(self, num=3): shell('service tor restart') sleep(1.5) self.update_ip(num)
def lt_proc_txt(self, type, string): string = bytes(string, 'UTF-8') deformated = shell("apertium-destxt", input=string) piped = self.lt_proc(type, deformated) reformated = shell("apertium-retxt", input=piped) return str(reformated, 'UTF-8')
def stop_tor(): shell('service tor stop')
def run_cmd(cmd, multi=False): show_command(cmd, multi=multi) exit = shell(cmd, shell=True) return exit == 0
#!/usr/bin/env python from subprocess import Popen as shell shell("python install", shell=True, cwd="deps/APScheduler").wait()