def split(path, size, file_, dirpath, split_size, start_time=0, i=1, inLoop=False): parts = ceil(size/TG_SPLIT_SIZE) if EQUAL_SPLITS and not inLoop: split_size = ceil(size/parts) if file_.upper().endswith(VIDEO_SUFFIXES): base_name, extension = ospath.splitext(file_) split_size = split_size - 2500000 while i <= parts : parted_name = "{}.part{}{}".format(str(base_name), str(i).zfill(3), str(extension)) out_path = ospath.join(dirpath, parted_name) srun(["ffmpeg", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "error", "-i", path, "-ss", str(start_time), "-fs", str(split_size), "-async", "1", "-strict", "-2", "-c", "copy", out_path]) out_size = get_path_size(out_path) if out_size > 2097152000: dif = out_size - 2097152000 split_size = split_size - dif + 2500000 osremove(out_path) return split(path, size, file_, dirpath, split_size, start_time, i, inLoop=True) lpd = get_media_info(out_path)[0] if lpd <= 4 or out_size < 1000000: osremove(out_path) break start_time += lpd - 3 i = i + 1 else: out_path = ospath.join(dirpath, file_ + ".") srun(["split", "--numeric-suffixes=1", "--suffix-length=3", f"--bytes={split_size}", path, out_path])
def logs( since: str = "today", help=( "Date from which we want to see logs. String in format 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'. " "Defaults to today."), ): """ See folder custodian's user service logs from specified time. """ click.echo("Showing Folder Custodian service logs.") srun(["journalctl", "--user-unit=fcust.service", f"--since={since}"], check=True)
def restart(update, context): restart_message = sendMessage("Restarting...",, update) if Interval: Interval[0].cancel() alive.kill() procs = Process( for proc in procs.children(recursive=True): proc.kill() procs.kill() clean_all() srun(["python3", ""]) # Save restart message object in order to reply to it after restarting nox.kill() with open(".restartmsg", "w") as f: f.truncate(0) f.write(f"{}\n{restart_message.message_id}\n") osexecl(executable, executable, "-m", "bot")
def logs( since: str = "today", help=( "Date from which we want to see logs. String in format 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'. " "Defaults to today."), ): """ See podman custodian's transmission-pod user service logs from specified time. """ click.echo("Showing Podman Custodian transmission-pod service logs.") srun( [ "journalctl", "--user-unit=transmission-pod.service", f"--since={since}" ], check=True, )
def take_ss(video_file): des_dir = 'Thumbnails' if not ospath.exists(des_dir): mkdir(des_dir) des_dir = ospath.join(des_dir, f"{time()}.jpg") duration = get_media_info(video_file)[0] if duration == 0: duration = 3 duration = duration // 2 try: srun(["ffmpeg", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "error", "-ss", str(duration), "-i", video_file, "-vframes", "1", des_dir]) except: return None if not ospath.lexists(des_dir): return None"RGB").save(des_dir, "JPEG") return des_dir
def run(job_id: int, njobs: int, mask_fn: str, command: Sequence[str]): """ Runs part of the script :param job_id: job ID :param njobs: number of jobs :param mask_fn: mask filename :param command: script to run """ logger.debug(f'loading original mask from {mask_fn}') mask_img = nib.load(addExt(mask_fn, mustExist=True, unambiguous=True)) mask = mask_img.get_data() > 0 voxels = np.where(mask) nvox = voxels[0].size boundaries = np.round(np.linspace(0, nvox, njobs + 1)).astype('int') use = tuple(vox[boundaries[job_id]:boundaries[job_id + 1]] for vox in voxels) logger.debug( f'creating new mask covering voxels {boundaries[job_id]} to ' + f'{boundaries[job_id + 1]} out of {nvox} voxels') mask[()] = False mask[use] = True marker = get_markers(njobs)[job_id] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='mask' + marker, suffix='.nii.gz') as temp_mask: logger.debug(f'Storing new mask under {temp_mask}') nib.Nifti1Image(mask.astype('i4'), affine=None, header=mask_img.header).to_filename( if not any('MASK' in part for part in command): raise ValueError('MASK not found') new_cmd = [ part.replace('MASK','JOBID', marker) for part in command ]'Running {new_cmd}') srun(new_cmd, check=True)
def rkhunter_version_check(): cp = srun([RKHUNTER_PATH, '--version'], stdout=stdPIPE) output_lst = cp.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') for index in range(0, len(output_lst)): line = output_lst[index].strip() if line == '': continue #vmatch = rsearch('^\[ Rootkit Hunter version (.*?) \]$', line) vmatch = rsearch('^Rootkit Hunter ([0-9\.]+?)$', line) if vmatch: rkhunter_version = vmatch.groups()[0] if rkhunter_version != WORKING_VERSION: print('Incompatible version found! Aborting.') sexit(255) return rkhunter_version print('Unable to identify RKHunter Version! Aborting.') sexit(255) return False
def onDownloadComplete(self): with download_dict_lock:"Download completed: {download_dict[self.uid].name()}") download = download_dict[self.uid] name = str('/', '') gid = download.gid() size = download.size_raw() if name == "None" or self.isQbit: name = listdir(f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}')[-1] m_path = f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}/{name}' if self.isZip: try: with download_dict_lock: download_dict[self.uid] = ZipStatus(name, m_path, size) pswd = self.pswd path = m_path + ".zip"'Zip: orig_path: {m_path}, zip_path: {path}') if pswd is not None: if self.isLeech and int(size) > TG_SPLIT_SIZE: path = m_path + ".zip" srun(["7z", f"-v{TG_SPLIT_SIZE}b", "a", "-mx=0", f"-p{pswd}", path, m_path]) else: srun(["7z", "a", "-mx=0", f"-p{pswd}", path, m_path]) elif self.isLeech and int(size) > TG_SPLIT_SIZE: path = m_path + ".zip" srun(["7z", f"-v{TG_SPLIT_SIZE}b", "a", "-mx=0", path, m_path]) else: srun(["7z", "a", "-mx=0", path, m_path]) except FileNotFoundError:'File to archive not found!') self.onUploadError('Internal error occurred!!') return try: rmtree(m_path) except: osremove(m_path) elif self.extract: try: if ospath.isfile(m_path): path = get_base_name(m_path)"Extracting: {name}") with download_dict_lock: download_dict[self.uid] = ExtractStatus(name, m_path, size) pswd = self.pswd if ospath.isdir(m_path): for dirpath, subdir, files in walk(m_path, topdown=False): for file_ in files: if search(r'\.part0*1.rar$', file_) or search(r'\.7z.0*1$', file_) \ or (file_.endswith(".rar") and not search(r'\.part\d+.rar$', file_)) \ or file_.endswith(".zip") or search(r'\.zip.0*1$', file_): m_path = ospath.join(dirpath, file_) if pswd is not None: result = srun(["7z", "x", f"-p{pswd}", m_path, f"-o{dirpath}", "-aot"]) else: result = srun(["7z", "x", m_path, f"-o{dirpath}", "-aot"]) if result.returncode != 0: LOGGER.error('Unable to extract archive!') for file_ in files: if file_.endswith(".rar") or search(r'\.r\d+$', file_) \ or search(r'\.7z.\d+$', file_) or search(r'\.z\d+$', file_) \ or search(r'\.zip.\d+$', file_) or file_.endswith(".zip"): del_path = ospath.join(dirpath, file_) osremove(del_path) path = f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}/{name}' else: if pswd is not None: result = srun(["bash", "pextract", m_path, pswd]) else: result = srun(["bash", "extract", m_path]) if result.returncode == 0:"Extract Path: {path}") osremove(m_path)"Deleting archive: {m_path}") else: LOGGER.error('Unable to extract archive! Uploading anyway') path = f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}/{name}' except NotSupportedExtractionArchive:"Not any valid archive, uploading file as it is.") path = f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}/{name}' else: path = f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}/{name}' up_name = PurePath(path).name up_path = f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}/{up_name}' size = get_path_size(f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}') if self.isLeech and not self.isZip: checked = False for dirpath, subdir, files in walk(f'{DOWNLOAD_DIR}{self.uid}', topdown=False): for file_ in files: f_path = ospath.join(dirpath, file_) f_size = ospath.getsize(f_path) if int(f_size) > TG_SPLIT_SIZE: if not checked: checked = True with download_dict_lock: download_dict[self.uid] = SplitStatus(up_name, up_path, size)"Splitting: {up_name}") fssplit(f_path, f_size, file_, dirpath, TG_SPLIT_SIZE) osremove(f_path) if self.isLeech:"Leech Name: {up_name}") tg = TgUploader(up_name, self) tg_upload_status = TgUploadStatus(tg, size, gid, self) with download_dict_lock: download_dict[self.uid] = tg_upload_status update_all_messages() tg.upload() else:"Upload Name: {up_name}") drive = GoogleDriveHelper(up_name, self) upload_status = UploadStatus(drive, size, gid, self) with download_dict_lock: download_dict[self.uid] = upload_status update_all_messages() drive.upload(up_name)
def run_io(command_line_): command_line = command_line_.replace('\n', ' ').strip('\n').strip() print('>', command_line) srun(command_line, shell=True, check=True)
logging.error(f"Failed to download config.env {res.status_code}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"CONFIG_FILE_URL: {e}") except TypeError: pass load_dotenv('config.env', override=True) UPSTREAM_REPO = environ.get('UPSTREAM_REPO', None) try: if len(UPSTREAM_REPO) == 0: raise TypeError except TypeError: UPSTREAM_REPO = None if UPSTREAM_REPO is not None: if ospath.exists('.git'): srun(["rm", "-rf", ".git"]) srun([ f"git init -q \ && git config --global [email protected] \ && git config --global mltb \ && git add . \ && git commit -sm update -q \ && git remote add origin {UPSTREAM_REPO} \ && git fetch origin -q \ && git reset --hard origin/master -q" ], shell=True)
if args.verbose: print('> Running RKHunter ...') # check version if args.verbose: print('> Version check: ', end='') rkhunter_version = rkhunter_version_check() if not rkhunter_version: if args.verbose: print('not supported!') else: print('unsupported version!', file=sstderr) sexit(255) if args.verbose: print(rkhunter_version) # run rkhunter as subprocess cp = srun([RKHUNTER_PATH, '-c', '--sk', '--nocolors', '--noappend-log'], stdout=stdPIPE) output_lst = cp.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') # run report parser on output hunter_report = {'information': {}, 'summary': {}} section = None for index in range(0, len(output_lst)): line = output_lst[index].strip() if line == '': continue # search for rkhunter version if 'information' in hunter_report.keys() and 'version' not in hunter_report['information'].keys(): if rkhunter_version: hunter_report['information']['version'] = rkhunter_version # generic parser if line.startswith('Performing '): perf, rest = line.split(' ', 1)
try: SERVER_PORT = getConfig('SERVER_PORT') if len(SERVER_PORT) == 0: raise KeyError except KeyError: SERVER_PORT = 80 PORT = environ.get('PORT', SERVER_PORT) web = Popen([ f"gunicorn wserver:start_server --bind{PORT} --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker" ], shell=True) alive = Popen(["python3", ""]) nox = Popen(["qbittorrent-nox", "--profile=."]) if not ospath.exists('.netrc'): srun(["touch", ".netrc"]) srun(["cp", ".netrc", "/root/.netrc"]) srun(["chmod", "600", ".netrc"]) srun(["chmod", "+x", ""]) srun(["./"], shell=True) sleep(0.5) Interval = [] DRIVES_NAMES = [] DRIVES_IDS = [] INDEX_URLS = [] try: if bool(getConfig('_____REMOVE_THIS_LINE_____')): logging.error('The file there to be read! Exiting now!') exit()
def run(self): srun(self.exepath)
logging.error(f"Failed to download .netrc {res.status_code}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"NETRC_URL: {e}") except KeyError: pass try: SERVER_PORT = getConfig('SERVER_PORT') if len(SERVER_PORT) == 0: raise KeyError except KeyError: SERVER_PORT = 80 PORT = environ.get('PORT', SERVER_PORT) web = Popen([f"gunicorn web.wserver:app --bind{PORT}"], shell=True) alive = Popen(["python3", ""]) srun(["qbittorrent-nox", "-d", "--profile=."]) if not ospath.exists('.netrc'): srun(["touch", ".netrc"]) srun(["cp", ".netrc", "/root/.netrc"]) srun(["chmod", "600", ".netrc"]) srun(["chmod", "+x", ""]) a2c = Popen(["./"], shell=True) sleep(1) Interval = [] DRIVES_NAMES = [] DRIVES_IDS = [] INDEX_URLS = [] try: if bool(getConfig('_____REMOVE_THIS_LINE_____')):
#! /bin/python from __future__ import print_function import os from subprocess import run as srun print("-" * 50) print("Updating git repos...") os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~/Prog/PyCharm")) with open("/dev/null", "w") as null: for dirnm in os.listdir("."): os.chdir(dirnm) print("Updating", dirnm) srun(["git", "pull"], stdout=null, stderr=null) os.chdir("..") print("-" * 50) print("Updated all git repos!")