Пример #1
def execute(cmd, workdir=None, timeout=60):
    cmd = ["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd]
        response = run(
    except TimeoutExpired:
        response = CompletedProcess(args=cmd, returncode=124, stderr="Timeout")
        response = CompletedProcess(args=cmd,
                                    stderr="Internal Checker Error")

    response.stdout = "" if not response.stdout else str(response.stdout)
    response.returncode, response.stderr = _error_decode(response)
    return response
Пример #2
def _run_python_script(path, args):
    Run the given python script without launching a new process.

    Starting a python process is expensive, so when we need to run a python 
    script, we can save a lot of time by running it in directly in this 
    process.  In order for this to work, though, we need to temporarily 
    configure this process to look like a new one:

    - Replace `sys.path[0]` with the directory of the script being executed.  
      This allows the script to use local imports.
    - Put the desired arguments in `sys.argv`.
    - Set `__name__` to `'__main__'`.
    - Catch `SystemExit` exceptions.
    - Replace the stdout file descriptor with a pipe, so that we can read any 
      output generated by the script no matter how it's generated.
    - Replace the stdin file descriptor with an empty pipe, so that the script 
      read input on stdin that's meant for us.

        code: int
        stdout: bytes

    Note that stderr is not captured.
    from runpy import run_path
    from traceback import print_exc
    from subprocess import CompletedProcess

    argv = [str(path), *args]
    dir = path.parent.resolve()
    p = CompletedProcess(argv, 0)

    with \
            _capture_stdout() as stdout, \
            _preserve_stdin(), \
            _munge_sys_argv(argv), \
            _munge_sys_path(dir) \
            run_path(str(path), run_name='__main__')

        except Exception as err:
            p.returncode = 1

        except SystemExit as err:
            # We need to handle SystemExit as if we were the python
            # interpreter.  From the python documentation:
            #    If [err.code] is an integer, it specifies the system exit
            #    status (passed to C's exit() function); if it is None, the
            #    exit status is zero; if it has another type (such as a
            #    string), the object's value is printed and the exit status is
            #    one.
            # https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html?highlight=systemexit#SystemExit

            if isinstance(err.code, int):
                p.returncode = err.code
            elif err.code is None:
                p.returncode = 0
                print(err.code, file=sys.stderr)
                p.returncode = 1

    p.stdout = stdout.getvalue()
    assert isinstance(p.returncode, int), repr(p.returncode)
    return p