Пример #1
class FactLib(DataLib):
    Used by CertManager to update a system's facts with the server, used
    primarily by the cron job but in a couple other places as well.

    Makes use of the facts module as well.
    def __init__(self, lock=None, uep=None, facts=None):
        DataLib.__init__(self, lock, uep)
        self.facts = facts
        if not self.facts:
            self.facts = Facts()

    def _do_update(self):
        updates = 0

        # figure out the diff between latest facts and
        # report that as updates

        if self.facts.has_changed():
            updates = len(self.facts.get_facts())
            if not ConsumerIdentity.exists():
                return updates
            consumer = ConsumerIdentity.read()
            consumer_uuid = consumer.getConsumerId()

            self.facts.update_check(self.uep, consumer_uuid)
            log.info("Facts have not changed, skipping upload.")
        return updates