def download_daily_discharge(USGS_siteCode, beginDate, endDate, outFile, Q_max_min_mean="mean"): # Example of calling GetValuesObject from a WaterOneFlow web service # Then create a time series plot using matplotlib from suds.client import Client from pandas import Series import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create the inputs needed for the web service call wsdlURL = '' NWIS = Client(wsdlURL).service variableCode = 'NWISUV:00060' siteCode = 'NWISUV:' + USGS_siteCode beginDate = beginDate #'2015-08-01' endDate = endDate #'2015-11-06' # Create a new object named "NWIS" for calling the web service methods # Call the GetValuesObject method to return datavalues response = NWIS.GetValuesObject(siteCode, variableCode, beginDate, endDate) # Get the site's name from the response try: siteName = response.timeSeries[0].sourceInfo.siteName except Exception, e: print 'ERROR: SiteCode: %s does not have the data' % USGS_siteCode return
def btn_RetrieveDataOnButtonClick(self, event): from suds.client import Client # self.m_textCtrl22.Value = 'NWISUV:10105900' # self.m_textCtrl23.Value = 'NWISUV:00060' # self.m_textCtrl24.Value = '2016-10-20' # self.m_textCtrl25.Value = '2016-11-06' # Check whether user select needed items correctly validation_check = self.check_validation() if not validation_check: return # Create the inputs needed for the web service call //daily values wsdlURL = '' # siteCode = self.m_textCtrl22.Value #'NWISUV:10105900' # variableCode = self.m_textCtrl23.Value #'NWISUV:00060' siteCode = self.comboBox_Code.Value #'NWISUV:10105900' variableCode = self.comboBox_VariableCode.Value #'NWISUV:00060' beginDate = self.m_textCtrl24.Value #'2016-10-20' endDate = self.m_textCtrl25.Value #'2016-11-06' #siteCode= NWISUV:10039500 for BEAR RIVER AT BORDER, WY # variableCode NWISDV:00060/DataType=Mean for Discharge, cubic feet per second # Create a new object named "NWIS" for calling the web service methods NWIS = Client(wsdlURL).service # Call the GetValuesObject method to return datavalues try: self.response = NWIS.GetValuesObject(siteCode, variableCode, beginDate, endDate) except Exception as e: message = msg_somethigWrong( None, msg= '\n\n\nError, The provided values do not have data in the server.\nPlease make sure to enter correct values.' ) message.ShowModal() return self.btn_Load.Enabled = True # Get the site's name from the response siteName = self.response.timeSeries[0].sourceInfo.siteName
from suds.client import Client from pandas import Series import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create the inputs needed for the web service call wsdlURL = '' siteCode = 'NWISUV:10105900' variableCode = 'NWISUV:00060' beginDate = '2016-10-20' endDate = '2016-11-06' # Create a new object named "NWIS" for calling the web service methods NWIS = Client(wsdlURL).service # Call the GetValuesObject method to return datavalues response = NWIS.GetValuesObject(siteCode, variableCode, beginDate, endDate) # Get the site's name from the response siteName = response.timeSeries[0].sourceInfo.siteName # Create some blank lists in which to put the values and their dates a = [] # The values b = [] # The dates # Get the values and their dates from the web service response values = response.timeSeries[0].values[0].value # Loop through the values and load into the blank lists using append for v in values: a.append(float(v.value)) b.append(v._dateTime)
def search_gamut_data(request): if request.method == 'GET': get_data = request.GET siteCodestr = str(get_data['siteCode']) beginDate = str(get_data['beginDate']) endDate = str(get_data['endDate']) # Create the inputs needed for the web service call if "LR" in siteCodestr: wsdlURL = '' elif "PR" in siteCodestr: wsdlURL = '' else: wsdlURL = '' siteCode = ':' + siteCodestr variableCode_pH = 'iutah:pH' variableCode_Temp = 'iutah:WaterTemp_EXO' variableCode_DO = 'iutah:ODO' variableCode_N = 'iutah:Nitrate-N' # Create a new object named "NWIS" for calling the web service methods NWIS = Client(wsdlURL).service # Call the GetValuesObject method to return datavalues response_pH = NWIS.GetValuesObject(siteCode, variableCode_pH, beginDate, endDate, '') response_Temp = NWIS.GetValuesObject(siteCode, variableCode_Temp, beginDate, endDate, '') response_DO = NWIS.GetValuesObject(siteCode, variableCode_DO, beginDate, endDate, '') response_N = NWIS.GetValuesObject(siteCode, variableCode_N, beginDate, endDate, '') # Get the site's name from the response siteName = response_pH.timeSeries[0].sourceInfo.siteName # Create some blank lists in which to put the values and their dates a1 = [] # The pH values b1 = [] # The dates a2 = [] # The Temperature values b2 = [] # The dates a3 = [] # The DO values b3 = [] # The dates a4 = [] # The Nitrate-N values b4 = [] # The dates # Get the values and their dates from the web service response pH_values = response_pH.timeSeries[0].values[0].value Temp_values = response_Temp.timeSeries[0].values[0].value DO_values = response_DO.timeSeries[0].values[0].value N_values = response_N.timeSeries[0].values[0].value # Loop through the values and load into the blank lists using append for v in pH_values: if float(v.value) > -100.0: a1.append(float(v.value)) b1.append(v._dateTime) for v in Temp_values: if float(v.value) > -100.0: a2.append(float(v.value)) b2.append(v._dateTime) for v in DO_values: if float(v.value) > -100.0: a3.append(float(v.value)) b3.append(v._dateTime) for v in N_values: if float(v.value) > -100.0: a4.append(float(v.value)) b4.append(v._dateTime) pH_ts = Series(a1, index=b1) dailyAvepH = pH_ts.resample('D', how='mean') dailyAvepH.to_csv("/tmp/avepH.csv") with open('/tmp/avepH.csv', 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) your_list = list(reader) a5 = [] b5 = [] for line in your_list: b5.append(line[0] + "T00:00:00") a5.append(float(line[1])) return JsonResponse({ 'success': "123", 'a1': a1, 'b1': b1, 'a2': a2, 'b2': b2, 'a3': a3, 'b3': b3, 'a4': a4, 'b4': b4, 'a5': a5, 'b5': b5, })
def download_daily_discharge(USGS_siteCode, beginDate, endDate,outFile, Q_max_min_mean= "mean"): """ HW7 in hydroinformatics startDate, endDate: string, format- yyyy-mm-dd Q_max_min_mean: string, "max", "mean" or "min" """ # GetValuesObject from a WaterOneFlow web service # Then create a time series plot using matplotlib from suds.client import Client from pandas import Series # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create the inputs needed for the web service call wsdlURL = '' siteCode = 'NWISUV:%s'%USGS_siteCode variableCode = 'NWISUV:00060' # Create a new object named "NWIS" for calling the web service methods NWIS = Client(wsdlURL).service # Call the GetValuesObject method to return datavalues response = NWIS.GetValuesObject(siteCode, variableCode, beginDate, endDate) # Get the site's name from the response siteName = response.timeSeries[0].sourceInfo.siteName # Create some blank lists in which to put the values and their dates a = [] # The values b = [] # The dates # Get the values and their dates from the web service response values = response.timeSeries[0].values[0].value # Loop through the values and load into the blank lists using append for v in values: a.append(float(v.value)) b.append(v._dateTime) # Create a Pandas Series object from the lists # Set the index of the Series object to the dates ts = Series(a, index=b) # # resample is like group by clause in SQL # # summed = ts.resample('1D', how='sum') #ts.resample('1440T', how='sum') # ts_maxx = ts.resample('1D', how='max') # ts_minn = ts.resample('1D', how='min') # ts_mean = ts.resample('1D', how='mean') # # Use MatPlotLib to create a plot of the time series # # Create a plot of the streamflow statistics # # ------------------------------------------ # # Create a figure object and add a subplot # # figure() creates a big area where we can create multiple or single drawings # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # arguments for add_subplot - add_subplot(nrows, ncols, plot_number) # # # Call the plot() methods on the series object to plot the data # ts.plot(color='0.9', linestyle='solid', label='15-minute streamflow values') # ts_maxx.plot(color='red', linestyle='solid', label='Daily streamflow values', marker="o") # ts_mean.plot(color='green', linestyle='solid', label='Daily streamflow values', marker="o") # ts_minn.plot(color='blue', linestyle='solid', label='Daily streamflow values', marker="o") # # # Set some properties of the subplot to make it look nice # ax.set_ylabel('Discharge, cubic feet per second') # ax.set_xlabel('Date') # ax.grid(True) # ax.set_title(siteName) # # # Add a legend with some customizations # legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True) # # # Create a frame around the legend. # frame = legend.get_frame() # frame.set_facecolor('0.95') # # Set the font size in the legend # for label in legend.get_texts(): # label.set_fontsize('large') # # for label in legend.get_lines(): # label.set_linewidth(1.5) # the legend line width # # plt.savefig("HW7.png") # if Q_max_min_mean.lower() == "max": ts_maxx = ts.resample('1D').max() r = ts_maxx elif Q_max_min_mean.lower() == "min": ts_minn = ts.resample('1D').min r = ts_minn else: # old syntax was ts_mean = ts.resample('1D' , how='mean') ts_mean = ts.resample('1D').mean() r = ts_mean r.to_csv(outFile) # change format of the date in the saved file # replace - with , f = file(outFile, "r") str_to_save ='-',",") f.close() #save it again f = file(outFile, "w") f.write(str_to_save) f = np.loadtxt(outFile, delimiter=",") q = f[:,-1] q = q * 0.028316847 # to make shape of q (x,1) instead of (x,) qq = np.zeros((q.shape[0], 1)) qq[:, 0] = q # take the first 3 columns, # add two extra colum = 0 0 for min and sec # add third column = q # save by seperating by space " " date_part = f[:,:-1] empty_col = np.zeros((f.shape[0],1)) date_n_hour = np.append(date_part,empty_col, axis =1 ) date_hour_n_min = np.append(date_n_hour, empty_col, axis=1) date_hr_min_n_Q = np.append(date_hour_n_min,qq, axis=1) np.savetxt(outFile,date_hr_min_n_Q, fmt='%i %i %i %i %i %f' , delimiter= "\t") return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from suds.client import Client from pandas import Series #Create a new object named NWIS for calling the web service methods ( NWIS = Client( "").service #Call the GetValuesObject method ( response = NWIS.GetValuesObject("USGS:10109000", "USGS:00060", "2014-10-31", "2014-11-04") #(If you get an error message saying ‘Error connecting to USGS’, double check your Internet connection and the input parameters above.) #create a Pandas Series object from the response a = [] b = [] values = response.timeSeries.values.value for v in values: a.append(float(v.value)) b.append(v._dateTime) ts = Series(a, index=b) #print the site’s minimum value and datetime of occurrence to the console print "Minimum streamflow was %s cfs on %s" % (ts.min(), ts.idxmin()) #(this should produce the following output: Minimum streamflow was 81.0 cfs on 2014-11-03 16:30:00)