Пример #1
    def test_matrix_euler(self):
        rx = math.radians(10)
        ry = math.radians(20)
        rz = math.radians(30)

        euler = [rz, ry, rx]
        m = utils.euler_to_matrix(euler)
        euler2 = utils.matrix_to_euler(m)

        for i in range(3):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(euler[i], euler2[i])
Пример #2
    def cylindrical_symmetric_rot(self, det_rot, gt_rot, axis):
        Compute rot that zeroes out the rotation error between 
        <det_rot> and <gt_rot> along axis <axis>.

        det_rot (Rot3) - rotation for detection
        gt_rot (Rot3) - rotation for ground truth
        axis (int) - cylindrical rotation axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)

        Rot3 - new rotation matrix with gt set to det rotation on target axis

        1. convert to zyx Euler angles
        2. set gt to detection value for target axis
        3. convert back to matrix rep
        det_euler = utils.matrix_to_euler(det_rot.R)
        gt_euler = utils.matrix_to_euler(gt_rot.R)
        # note e[0] is z
        det_euler[2 - axis] = gt_euler[2 - axis]
        return Rot3(utils.euler_to_matrix(det_euler))