Пример #1
def test_no_time_error():
    query = (a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Level(0))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert all(str(a) in str(excinfo.value) for a in query)

    query1 = (a.Instrument('EVE') & a.Level(0))
    query2 = (a.Time("2012/1/1", "2012/1/2") & a.Instrument("AIA"))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        Fido.search(query1 | query2)
    assert all(str(a) in str(excinfo.value) for a in query1.attrs)
    assert all(str(a) not in str(excinfo.value) for a in query2.attrs)
Пример #2
def test_no_time_error():
    # TODO: work out why this is failing sometimes.
    from sunpy.net import attrs as a
    query = (a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Level(0))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert all(str(a) in str(excinfo.value) for a in query)

    query1 = (a.Instrument('EVE') & a.Level(0))
    query2 = (a.Time("2012/1/1", "2012/1/2") & a.Instrument("AIA"))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        Fido.search(query1 | query2)
    assert all(str(a) in str(excinfo.value) for a in query1.attrs)
    assert all(str(a) not in str(excinfo.value) for a in query2.attrs)
Пример #3
def test_unified_response():
    start = parse_time("2012/1/1")
    end = parse_time("2012/1/2")
    qr = Fido.search(a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Level(0), a.Time(start, end))
    assert qr.file_num == 2
    strings = ['eve', 'SDO', start.strftime(TIMEFORMAT), end.strftime(TIMEFORMAT)]
    assert all(s in qr._repr_html_() for s in strings)
Пример #4
def test_fetch_working(suvi_client):
    Tests if the online server for goes_suvi is working.
    This also checks if the mock is working well.
    start = '2019/05/25 00:50'
    end = '2019/05/25 00:52'
    wave = 94 * u.Angstrom
    goes_sat = a.goes.SatelliteNumber.sixteen
    tr = a.Time(start, end)
    qr1 = suvi_client.search(tr, a.Instrument.suvi, a.Wavelength(wave),
                             goes_sat, a.Level(2))

    # Mock QueryResponse object
    mock_qr = mock_query_object(suvi_client)

    # Compare if two objects have the same attribute

    mock_qr = mock_qr[0]
    qr = qr1[0]

    assert mock_qr['Source'] == qr['Source']
    assert mock_qr['Provider'] == qr['Provider']
    assert mock_qr['Physobs'] == qr['Physobs']
    assert mock_qr['Instrument'] == qr['Instrument']
    assert mock_qr['url'] == qr['url']

    assert qr1['Start Time'] == Time("2019-05-25T00:52:00.000")
    assert qr1['End Time'] == Time("2019-05-25T00:56:00.000")

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
        download_list = suvi_client.fetch(qr1, path=tmpdirname)
    assert len(download_list) == len(qr1)
Пример #5
def test_fido_waverange_level1b(start, end, wave1, wave2, expected_num_files):
    """check that we get all wavelengths if no wavelength is given"""
    goes_sat = a.goes.SatelliteNumber.sixteen
    result = Fido.search(a.Time(start, end), a.Instrument.suvi, goes_sat,
                         a.Wavelength(wave1 * u.Angstrom, wave2 * u.Angstrom),
    assert result.file_num == expected_num_files
Пример #6
def test_levels(time):
    Test the correct handling of level 0 / 1.
    The default should be level 1 from VSO, level 0 comes from EVEClient.
    eve_a = a.Instrument('EVE')
    qr = Fido.search(time, eve_a)
    client = qr.get_response(0).client
    assert isinstance(client, VSOClient)

    qr = Fido.search(time, eve_a, a.Level(0))
    client = qr.get_response(0).client
    assert isinstance(client, eve.EVEClient)

    qr = Fido.search(time, eve_a, a.Level(0) | a.Level(1))
    clients = {type(a.client) for a in qr.responses}
    assert clients.symmetric_difference({VSOClient, eve.EVEClient}) == set()
Пример #7
def test_get_url_for_time_range_level2_allwave(suvi_client, start, end,
    """check that we get all wavelengths if no wavelength is given"""
    goes_sat = a.goes.SatelliteNumber.sixteen
    qresponse = suvi_client.search(a.Time(start, end), goes_sat, a.Level(2))
    urls = [i['url'] for i in qresponse]
    assert isinstance(urls, list)
    assert len(urls) == expected_num_files
Пример #8
def test_save_path(tmpdir):
    qr = Fido.search(a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Time("2016/10/01", "2016/10/02"), a.Level(0))

    # Test when path is str
    files = Fido.fetch(qr, path=str(tmpdir / "{instrument}" / "{level}"))
    for f in files:
        assert str(tmpdir) in f
        assert "eve{}0".format(os.path.sep) in f
Пример #9
def online_query(draw, instrument=online_instruments()):
    query = draw(instrument)

    if isinstance(query, a.Instrument) and query.value == 'eve':
        query &= a.Level(0)
    if isinstance(query, a.Instrument) and query.value == 'norh':
        query &= a.Wavelength(17 * u.GHz)

    return query
Пример #10
def test_get_url_for_time_range_level2(suvi_client, start, end, wave,
    goes_sat = a.goes.SatelliteNumber.sixteen
    qresponse = suvi_client.search(a.Time(start, end),
                                   a.Wavelength(wave * u.Angstrom), goes_sat,
    urls = [i['url'] for i in qresponse]
    assert isinstance(urls, list)
    assert len(urls) == expected_num_files
Пример #11
def test_save_path_pathlib(tmpdir):
    qr = Fido.search(a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Time("2016/10/01", "2016/10/02"), a.Level(0))

    # Test when path is pathlib.Path
    target_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("down")
    path = pathlib.Path(target_dir, "{instrument}", "{level}")
    files = Fido.fetch(qr, path=path)
    for f in files:
        assert target_dir.strpath in f
        assert "eve{}0".format(os.path.sep) in f
Пример #12
def offline_instruments():
    Returns a strategy for any instrument that does not need the internet to do
    a query
    offline_instr = ['lyra', 'norh', 'noaa-indices', 'noaa-predict', 'goes']
    offline_instr = st.builds(a.Instrument, st.sampled_from(offline_instr))

    eve = st.just(a.Instrument('eve') & a.Level(0))
    return st.one_of(offline_instr, eve)
Пример #13
def test_deprecated_identifier():
    id = a.Instrument('EUI')
    time = a.Time('2021-02-01', '2021-02-02')
    level = a.Level(1)
    with pytest.warns(SunpyDeprecationWarning):
        identifier = a.soar.Identifier('EUI-FSI174-IMAGE')
    product = a.soar.Product('EUI-FSI174-IMAGE')
    res1 = Fido.search(id, time, level, identifier)
    res2 = Fido.search(id, time, level, product)

    assert res1.__str__() == res2.__str__()
Пример #14
def fido_search_result():
    # A search query with responses from all instruments
    # No JSOC query
    return Fido.search(
        net_attrs.Time("2012/1/1", "2012/1/2"),
        net_attrs.Instrument('lyra') | net_attrs.Instrument('eve')
        | net_attrs.Instrument('XRS') | net_attrs.Instrument('noaa-indices')
        | net_attrs.Instrument('noaa-predict') |
        (net_attrs.Instrument('norh') & net_attrs.Wavelength(17 * u.GHz))
        | net_attrs.Instrument('rhessi') |
        (net_attrs.Instrument('EVE') & net_attrs.Level(0)))
Пример #15
def test_save_path():
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as target_dir:
        qr = Fido.search(a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Time("2016/10/01",
                                                     "2016/10/02"), a.Level(0))
        files = Fido.fetch(qr,
                               "{instrument}" + os.path.sep + "{level}"))
        for f in files:
            assert target_dir in f
            assert "eve{}0".format(os.path.sep) in f
Пример #16
def test_save_path_pathlib():
    pathlib = pytest.importorskip('pathlib')
    qr = Fido.search(a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Time("2016/10/01", "2016/10/02"),

    # Test when path is pathlib.Path
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as target_dir:
        path = pathlib.Path(target_dir, "{instrument}", "{level}")
        files = Fido.fetch(qr, path=path)
        for f in files:
            assert target_dir in f
            assert "eve{}0".format(os.path.sep) in f
Пример #17
def test_levels(time):
    Test the correct handling of level
    Level 0 comes from EVEClient, other levels from EVE.
    eve_a = a.Instrument('EVE')
    qr = Fido.search(time, eve_a)
    clients = {type(a.client) for a in qr.responses}
    assert clients == {VSOClient}

    qr = Fido.search(time, eve_a, a.Level(0))
    clients = {type(a.client) for a in qr.responses}
    assert clients == {eve.EVEClient}
Пример #18
def test_can_handle_query(suvi_client, time):
    ans1 = suvi_client._can_handle_query(time, a.Instrument('suvi'))
    assert ans1 is True
    ans2 = suvi_client._can_handle_query(time, a.Instrument('suvi'),
                                         a.Wavelength(131 * u.Angstrom))
    assert ans2 is True
    ans3 = suvi_client._can_handle_query(time, a.Instrument('suvi'),
                                         a.Wavelength(131 * u.Angstrom),
    assert ans3 is True
    ans4 = suvi_client._can_handle_query(time)
    assert ans4 is False
    ans5 = suvi_client._can_handle_query(time, a.Instrument('aia'))
    assert ans5 is False
    ans6 = suvi_client._can_handle_query(time, a.Instrument('suvi'),
    assert ans6 is True
Пример #19
def test_search():
    id = a.Instrument('EUI')
    time = a.Time('2021-02-01', '2021-02-02')
    level = a.Level(1)
    product = a.soar.Product('EUI-FSI174-IMAGE')

    res = Fido.search(id, time, level, product)
    assert len(res) == 1
    assert len(res[0]) == 43
    assert u.allclose(res[0, 0]['Filesize'], 18.896 * u.Mbyte)

    files = Fido.fetch(res[0, 0])
    assert len(files) == 1
    fname = files[0]
    assert u.allclose(os.path.getsize(fname) * u.byte,
                      res[0, 0]['Filesize'],
                      atol=1e-3 * u.Mbyte)
    # Smoke test that we can read this into a map
    eui_map = sunpy.map.Map(fname)
Пример #20
def test_fido_waverange_level1b(start, end, wave1, wave2, expected_num_files):
    """check that we get all wavelengths if no wavelength is given"""
    result = Fido.search(a.Time(start, end), a.Instrument('suvi'),
                         a.Wavelength(wave1 * u.Angstrom, wave2 * u.Angstrom),
    assert result.file_num == expected_num_files
Пример #21

@pytest.mark.parametrize("time,instrument", [
    (Time('2012/11/27', '2012/11/27'), Instrument('eve')),
def test_get(time, instrument):
    qr1 = LCClient.search(time, instrument)
    res = LCClient.fetch(qr1)
    assert len(res) == len(qr1)

    [(a.Time('2012/10/4', '2012/10/6') & a.Instrument('eve') & a.Level(0))])
def test_fido(query):
    qr = Fido.search(query)
    client = qr.get_response(0).client
    assert isinstance(qr, UnifiedResponse)
    assert isinstance(client, eve.EVEClient)
    response = Fido.fetch(qr)
    assert len(response) == qr._numfile

    [(a.Time('2012/10/4', '2012/10/6')), (a.Time('2012/11/27', '2012/11/27'))])
def test_levels(time):
Пример #22
def test_fido_onewave_level1b(start, end, wave, expected_num_files):
    goes_sat = a.goes.SatelliteNumber.sixteen
    result = Fido.search(a.Time(start, end), a.Instrument.suvi, goes_sat,
                         a.Wavelength(wave * u.Angstrom), a.Level('1b'))
    assert result.file_num == expected_num_files
Пример #23
def test_fetch():
    qr = Fido.search(a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Time("2016/10/01", "2016/10/02"),
    res = Fido.fetch(qr)
    assert isinstance(res, Results)
Пример #24
def test_attr_reg():
    assert a.Instrument.lyra == a.Instrument('LYRA')
    assert a.Level.one == a.Level('1')
    assert a.Level.two == a.Level('2')
    assert a.Level.three == a.Level('3')
Пример #25
    return query

def test_offline_fido(query):
    unifiedresp = Fido.search(query)
    check_response(query, unifiedresp)

# Until we get more mocked, we can't really do this to online clients.
# TODO: Hypothesis this again
@pytest.mark.parametrize("query", [
    (a.Instrument('eve') & a.Time('2014/7/7', '2014/7/14') & a.Level(0)),
    (a.Instrument('rhessi') & a.Time('2014/7/7', '2014/7/14')),
    (a.Instrument('norh') & a.Time('2014/7/7', '2014/7/14')
     & a.Wavelength(17 * u.GHz)),
def test_online_fido(query):
    unifiedresp = Fido.search(query)
    check_response(query, unifiedresp)

def check_response(query, unifiedresp):
    Common test for online or offline query
    query_tr = None
    query_instr = None
Пример #26
def test_no_wait_fetch():
    qr = Fido.search(a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Time("2016/10/01", "2016/10/02"),
    res = Fido.fetch(qr, wait=False)
    assert isinstance(res, DownloadResponse)
    assert isinstance(res.wait(), list)
Пример #27
def test_attr_reg():
    assert a.Instrument.eve == a.Instrument('EVE')
    assert a.Level.zero == a.Level('0')
Пример #28
def test_fido_onewave_level1b(start, end, wave, expected_num_files):
    result = Fido.search(a.Time(start, end), a.Instrument.suvi,
                         a.Wavelength(wave * u.Angstrom), a.Level('1b'))
    assert result.file_num == expected_num_files
Пример #29
    HealthCheck.too_slow, HealthCheck.function_scoped_fixture
def test_can_handle_query(client, query):
    # Can handle query never gets passed an AttrOr
    # It also never passes an AttrAnd, just the components of it
    if isinstance(query, attr.AttrAnd):
        assert client._can_handle_query(*query.attrs)
        assert client._can_handle_query(query)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("query", (
    a.Physobs("who's got the button"),
    (a.Instrument("VBI"), a.Level(0)),
    (a.Instrument("VBI"), a.Detector("test")),
def test_cant_handle_query(client, query):
    """Some examples of invalid queries."""
    assert not client._can_handle_query(query)

    HealthCheck.too_slow, HealthCheck.function_scoped_fixture
@given(st.one_of(dst.query_and(), dst.query_or(), dst.query_or_composite()))