Пример #1
def running_difference(mc, offset=1, use_offset_for_meta='mean',
    Calculate the running difference of a mapcube.

    mc : sunpy.map.MapCube
       A sunpy mapcube object

    offset : [ int ]
       Calculate the running difference between map 'i + offset' and image 'i'.

    use_offset_for_meta : {'ahead', 'behind', 'mean'}
       Which meta header to use in layer 'i' in the returned mapcube, either
       from map 'i + offset' (when set to 'ahead') and image 'i' (when set to
       'behind').  When set to 'mean', the ahead meta object is copied, with
       the observation date replaced with the mean of the ahead and behind
       observation dates.

    image_normalize : bool
        If true, return the mapcube with the same image normalization applied
        to all maps in the mapcube.

       A mapcube containing the running difference of the input mapcube.
       The value normalization function used in plotting the data is changed,
       prettifying movies of resultant mapcube.
    # Create a list containing the data for the new map object
    new_mc = []
    for i in range(0, len(mc.maps) - offset):
        new_data = mc[i + offset].data - mc[i].data
        if use_offset_for_meta == 'ahead':
            new_meta = mc[i + offset].meta
            plot_settings = mc[i + offset].plot_settings
        elif use_offset_for_meta == 'behind':
            new_meta = mc[i].meta
            plot_settings = mc[i].plot_settings
        elif use_offset_for_meta == 'mean':
            new_meta = deepcopy(mc[i + offset].meta)
            new_meta['date_obs'] = _mean_time([parse_time(mc[i + offset].date),
            plot_settings = mc[i + offset].plot_settings
            raise ValueError('The value of the keyword "use_offset_for_meta" has not been recognized.')

        # Update the plot scaling.  The default here attempts to produce decent
        # looking images
        new_map = Map(new_data, new_meta)
        new_map.plot_settings = plot_settings

    # Create the new mapcube and return
    if image_normalize:
        return movie_normalization(Map(new_mc, cube=True), stretch=LinearStretch())
        return Map(new_mc, cube=True)
Пример #2
def test_split_series_using_lytaf():
    '''test the downloading of the LYTAF file and subsequent queries'''
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'annotation_ppt.db'))

    # test split_series_using_lytaf
    # construct a dummy signal for testing purposes
    basetime = parse_time('2010-06-13 02:00')
    seconds = 3600
    dummy_time = [basetime + TimeDelta(s*u.second) for s in range(seconds)]
    dummy_data = np.random.random(seconds)

    lytaf_tmp = lyra.get_lytaf_events('2010-06-13 02:00', '2010-06-13 06:00',
    split = lyra.split_series_using_lytaf(dummy_time, dummy_data, lytaf_tmp)
    assert type(split) == list
    assert len(split) == 4
    assert is_time_equal(split[0]['subtimes'][0], parse_time((2010, 6, 13, 2, 0)))
    assert is_time_equal(split[0]['subtimes'][-1], parse_time((2010, 6, 13, 2, 7, 2)))
    assert is_time_equal(split[3]['subtimes'][0], parse_time((2010, 6, 13, 2, 59, 42)))
    assert is_time_equal(split[3]['subtimes'][-1], parse_time((2010, 6, 13, 2, 59, 58)))

    # Test case when no LYTAF events found in time series.
    split_no_lytaf = lyra.split_series_using_lytaf(dummy_time,
                                                   dummy_data, LYTAF_TEST)
    assert type(split_no_lytaf) == list
    assert type(split_no_lytaf[0]) == dict
    assert not set(split_no_lytaf[0].keys()).symmetric_difference({'subtimes', 'subdata'})
    assert split_no_lytaf[0]["subtimes"] == dummy_time
    assert split_no_lytaf[0]["subdata"].all() == dummy_data.all()
Пример #3
def test_detector_angles():
    # set a test date
    date = parse_time('2012-02-15')
    file = fermi.download_weekly_pointing_file(date)
    det = fermi.get_detector_sun_angles_for_date(date, file)
    assert len(det) == 13
    assert_almost_equal(det['n0'][0].value, 21.73944, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n1'][0].value, 30.62983, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n2'][0].value, 74.67486, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n3'][0].value, 30.46062, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n4'][0].value, 73.89734, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n5'][0].value, 58.99893, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n6'][0].value, 47.31091, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n7'][0].value, 70.63391, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n8'][0].value, 106.30992, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n9'][0].value, 70.07033, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n10'][0].value, 106.97884, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n11'][0].value, 121.09603, decimal=1)

    det2 = fermi.get_detector_sun_angles_for_time(
        parse_time('2012-02-15 02:00'), file)
    assert len(det2) == 13
    assert type(det2) == dict
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n0'].value, 83.76092, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n1'].value, 66.65847, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n10'].value, 123.28952, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n11'].value, 170.69869, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n2'].value, 58.78532, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n3'].value, 66.69068, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n4'].value, 57.16402, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n5'].value, 9.04924, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n6'].value, 112.21230, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n7'].value, 127.35783, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n8'].value, 122.98894, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n9'].value, 126.95987, decimal=1)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, start, end, near=None):
        self.start = parse_time(start)
        self.end = parse_time(end)
        self.near = None if near is None else parse_time(near)

        _Range.__init__(self, self.start, self.end, self.__class__)
Пример #5
def julian_day(t='now'):
    """Returns the (fractional) Julian day defined as the number of days 
    between the queried day and the reference date of 12:00 (noon) Jan 1, 4713 

    # Good online reference for fractional julian day
    # http://www.stevegs.com/jd_calc/jd_calc.htm    
    JULIAN_REF_DAY = parse_time('1900/1/1 12:00:00')
    time = parse_time(t)
    tdiff = time - JULIAN_REF_DAY
    julian = tdiff.days + JULIAN_DAY_ON_NOON01JAN1900
    result = julian + 1 / 24. * (time.hour + time.minute / 60.0 + 
                                 time.second / (60. * 60.))

    # This is because the days in datetime objects start at 00:00, 
    # not 12:00 as for Julian days.
    if time.hour >= 12:
        result = result - 0.5
        result = result + 0.5

    return result
Пример #6
 def from_range(cls, from_, to, **kwargs):
     url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(parse_time(from_), parse_time(to))
     filepath = cls._download(
         url, kwargs, 
         err = "Unable to download data for specified date range"
     return cls.from_file(filepath)
Пример #7
def test_lytaf_utils():
    '''test the downloading of the LYTAF file and subsequent queries'''
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmp_dir,'annotation_ppt.db'))

    #try doing a query on the temporary database
    lar=lyra.get_lytaf_events(TimeRange('2010-06-13 02:00','2010-06-13 06:00'),lytaf_dir=tmp_dir)
    assert type(lar) == list
    assert type(lar[0]) == dict
    assert type(lar[0]['start_time']) == datetime.datetime
    assert type(lar[0]['end_time']) == datetime.datetime
    assert type(lar[0]['roi_description']) == str
    assert type(lar[0]['event_type_description']) == str
    assert lar[0]['start_time'] == parse_time('2010-06-13 02:07:04')
    assert lar[0]['end_time'] == parse_time('2010-06-13 02:10:04')
    assert lar[0]['event_type_description'] == 'LAR'

    #test split_series_using_lytaf
    #construct a dummy signal for testing purposes
    basetime=parse_time('2010-06-13 02:00')
    dummy_time = [basetime + datetime.timedelta(0, s) for s in range(seconds)]

    split=lyra.split_series_using_lytaf(dummy_time, dummy_data, lar)
    assert type(split) == list
    assert len(split) == 4
    assert split[0]['subtimes'][0] == datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 13, 2, 0)
    assert split[0]['subtimes'][-1] == datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 13, 2, 7, 2)
    assert split[3]['subtimes'][0] == datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 13, 2, 59, 41)
    assert split[3]['subtimes'][-1] == datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 13, 2, 59, 58)
Пример #8
    def _get_url_for_date_range(*args):
        """Returns a URL to the GOES data for the specified date.

        args : `~sunpy.time.TimeRange`, `datetime.datetime`, str
            Date range should be specified using a TimeRange, or start
            and end dates at datetime instances or date strings.
        satellite_number : int
            GOES satellite number (default = 15)
        data_type : str
            Data type to return for the particular GOES satellite. Supported
            types depend on the satellite number specified. (default = xrs_2s)
        # TimeRange
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], TimeRange):
            start = args[0].start
            end = args[0].end
        elif len(args) == 2:
            start = parse_time(args[0])
            end = parse_time(args[1])
        if end < start:
            raise ValueError('start time > end time')

        # find out which satellite and datatype to query from the query times
        sat_num = GOESLightCurve._get_goes_sat_num(start, end)
        base_url = 'http://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/goes/fits/'

        if start < parse_time('1999/01/15'):
            url = base_url + "{date:%Y}/go{sat:02d}{date:%y%m%d}.fits".format(
                date=start, sat=sat_num[0])
            url = base_url + "{date:%Y}/go{sat:02d}{date:%Y%m%d}.fits".format(
                date=start, sat=sat_num[0])
        return url
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, a, b=None, julian_date=False):
        """Creates a new TimeRange instance"""
        from sunpy.time import parse_time
        # if already a timeRange object just return it
        #if isinstance(a, TimeRange):
        #    return a
        # Normalize different input types
        if b is None:
            x = a[0]
            y = a[1]
            x = a
            y = b

        # Start time
        self.t1 = parse_time(x)

        # End date
        if isinstance(y, str):
            self.t2 = parse_time(y)
        # Timedelta
        if isinstance(y, timedelta):
            self.t2 = self.t1 + y
        # Seconds offset
        if isinstance(y, (float, int)):
            if julian_date:
                self.t2 = parse_time(y)
                self.t2 = self.t1 + timedelta(0, y) 
        self.dt = self.t2 - self.t1
Пример #10
def test_query(mock_search):
    qr1 = LCClient.search(
        Time('2012/8/9', '2012/8/10'), Instrument('noaa-indices'))
    assert isinstance(qr1, QueryResponse)
    assert len(qr1) == 1
    assert qr1.time_range().start == parse_time('2012/08/09')
    assert qr1.time_range().end == parse_time('2012/08/10')
Пример #11
 def from_range(cls, instrument, start, end, **kwargs):
     """ Automatically download data from instrument between start and
     end and join it together.
     instrument : str
         instrument to retrieve the data from
     start : parse_time compatible
         start of the measurement
     end : parse_time compatible
         end of the measurement
     kw = {
         'maxgap': 1,
         'fill': cls.JOIN_REPEAT,
     start = parse_time(start)
     end = parse_time(end)
     urls = query(start, end, [instrument])
     data = map(cls.from_url, urls)
     freq_buckets = defaultdict(list)
     for elem in data:
         return cls.combine_frequencies(
             [cls.join_many(elem, **kw) for elem in freq_buckets.itervalues()]
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError("No data found.")
Пример #12
def test_parse_time_int_float():
    # int and float values are not unique
    # The format has to be mentioned
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Пример #13
 def date(self):
     """Image observation time"""
     time = parse_time(self.meta.get('date-obs', 'now'))
     if time is None:
         warnings.warn_explicit("Missing metadata for observation time. Using current time.",
                                    Warning, __file__, inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno)
     return parse_time(time)
Пример #14
def get_times_from_start(mc, start_date=None):
    # Get the times of the images
    if start_date is None:
        start_time = parse_time(mc[0].date)
        start_time = parse_time(start_date)
    return np.asarray([(parse_time(m.date) - start_time).seconds for m in mc]) * u.s
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, a, b=None):
        """Creates a new TimeRange instance"""
        # If a is a TimeRange object, copy attributes to new instance.
        if isinstance(a, TimeRange):
            self.__dict__ = a.__dict__.copy()

        # Normalize different input types
        if b is None:
            x = a[0]
            y = a[1]
            x = a
            y = b

        # Start time
        self.t1 = parse_time(x)

        # End date
        if isinstance(y, str):
            self.t2 = parse_time(y)

        # Datetime
        if isinstance(y, datetime):
            self.t2 = y

        # Timedelta
        if isinstance(y, timedelta):
            self.t2 = self.t1 + y

        # Seconds offset
        if isinstance(y, (float, int)):
            self.t2 = self.t1 + timedelta(0, y)

        self.dt = self.t2 - self.t1
Пример #16
 def from_range(cls, start, end, **kwargs):
     """Called by Conditional Dispatch object when start and end time are passed as input to create method."""
     url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(parse_time(start), parse_time(end), **kwargs)
     filepath = cls._download(url, kwargs, err="Unable to download data for specified date range")
     result = cls.from_file(filepath)
     result.data = result.data.truncate(start, end)
     return result
Пример #17
def test_parse_time_ISO():
    assert parse_time('1966-02-03') == LANDING
    assert (
        parse_time('1966-02-03T20:17:40') == datetime(1966, 2, 3, 20, 17, 40)
    assert (
        parse_time('19660203T201740') == datetime(1966, 2, 3, 20, 17, 40)
    lst = [
        ('2007-05-04T21:08:12.999999', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12, 999999)),
        ('20070504T210812.999999', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12, 999999)),
        ('2007/05/04 21:08:12.999999', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12, 999999)),
        ('2007-05-04 21:08:12.999999', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12, 999999)),
        ('2007/05/04 21:08:12', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12)),
        ('2007-05-04 21:08:12', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12)),
        ('2007-05-04 21:08', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8)),
        ('2007-05-04T21:08:12', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12)),
        ('20070504T210812', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12)),
        ('2007-May-04 21:08:12', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12)),
        ('2007-May-04 21:08', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8)),
        ('2007-May-04', datetime(2007, 5, 4)),
        ('2007-05-04', datetime(2007, 5, 4)),
        ('2007/05/04', datetime(2007, 5, 4)),
        ('04-May-2007', datetime(2007, 5, 4)),
        ('20070504_210812', datetime(2007, 5, 4, 21, 8, 12))
    for k, v in lst:
        assert parse_time(k) == v
Пример #18
def test_parse_observing_summary_dbase_file():
    Test that we get the observing summary dbase file with the content
    we expect.
    obssum = rhessi.parse_observing_summary_dbase_file(get_test_filepath("hsi_obssumm_filedb_201104.txt"))

    assert obssum['filename'][0][0:20] == 'hsi_obssumm_20110401'
    assert obssum['filename'][1][0:20] == 'hsi_obssumm_20110402'

    assert obssum['orb_st'][0] == 0
    assert obssum['orb_st'][-1] == 0

    assert obssum['orb_end'][0] == 0
    assert obssum['orb_end'][-1] == 0

    assert obssum['start_time'][0] == parse_time((2011, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0))
    assert obssum['start_time'][-1] == parse_time((2011, 4, 30, 0, 0, 0))

    assert obssum['end_time'][0] == parse_time((2011, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0))
    assert obssum['end_time'][-1] == parse_time((2011, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0))

    assert obssum['status_flag'][0] == 0
    assert obssum['status_flag'][-1] == 0

    assert obssum['npackets'][0] == 0
    assert obssum['npackets'][-1] == 0
Пример #19
def test_payload_protocol():
    start = parse_time('2012/1/1T00:00:00')
    end = parse_time('2012/1/1T00:00:45')

    payload = client._make_query_payload(
        start, end, 'hmi.M_42s', protocol='as-is')

    payload_expected = {

    assert payload == payload_expected
Пример #20
def test_parse_observing_summary_dbase_file_mock():
    Ensure that all required data are extracted from the RHESSI
    observing summary database file mocked in `hessi_data()`
    # We need to mock this test differently for <= 3.7.0 and below.
    if LooseVersion(platform.python_version()) <= LooseVersion("3.7.0"):
        mock_file = mock.mock_open()
        mock_file.return_value.__iter__.return_value = hessi_data().splitlines()
        mock_file = mock.mock_open(read_data=hessi_data())

    dbase_data = {}
    with mock.patch('sunpy.instr.rhessi.open', mock_file, create=True):
        dbase_data = rhessi.parse_observing_summary_dbase_file(None)

    assert len(dbase_data.keys()) == 7

    # verify each of the 7 fields
    assert dbase_data['filename'] == ['hsi_obssumm_19721101_139.fit',
    assert dbase_data['orb_st'] == [7, 9]
    assert dbase_data['orb_end'] == [8, 10]
    assert dbase_data['start_time'] == [parse_time((1972, 11, 1, 0, 0)),
                                        parse_time((1972, 11, 2, 0, 0))]
    assert dbase_data['end_time'] == [parse_time((1972, 11, 2, 0, 0)),
                                      parse_time((1972, 11, 3, 0, 0))]
    assert dbase_data['status_flag'] == [3, 4]
    assert dbase_data['npackets'] == [2, 1]
Пример #21
def time_from_file_name(f, fits_level=1.0):
    if fits_level == 1.0:
        start = 14

    year = f[start:start+4]
    month = f[start+5:start+7]
    day = f[start+8:start+10]
    hour = f[start+11:start+13]
    minute = f[start+14:start+16]
    second = f[start+17:start+19]

    time = '{:s}-{:s}-{:s} {:s}:{:s}:{:s}'.format(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

        return parse_time(time)
    except ValueError:
        if fits_level == 1.0:
            start = 17

        year = f[start:start+4]
        month = f[start+5:start+7]
        day = f[start+8:start+10]
        hour = f[start+11:start+13]
        minute = f[start+13:start+15]
        second = f[start+15:start+17]

        time = '{:s}-{:s}-{:s} {:s}:{:s}:{:s}'.format(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
        return parse_time(time)
Пример #22
def test_detector_angles():
    #set a test date
    date = parse_time('2012-02-15')
    file = fermi.download_weekly_pointing_file(date)
    assert len(det) == 13
    #assert type(det) == collections.OrderedDict
    assert_almost_equal(det['n0'][0].value, 20.30309,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n1'][0].value, 30.30430, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n2'][0].value, 74.86032, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n3'][0].value, 31.24400, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n4'][0].value, 75.10403, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n5'][0].value, 60.40967, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n6'][0].value, 46.14087, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n7'][0].value, 69.71780, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n8'][0].value, 106.08064, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n9'][0].value, 68.543067, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n10'][0].value, 105.76825, decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det['n11'][0].value, 119.69057, decimal=1)

    det2=fermi.get_detector_sun_angles_for_time(parse_time('2012-02-15 02:00'),file)
    assert len(det2) == 13
    assert type(det2) == dict
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n0'].value, 87.24744,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n1'].value, 69.90883,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n10'].value, 123.56429,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n11'].value, 167.26615,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n2'].value, 59.82642,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n3'].value, 69.18959,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n4'].value, 56.83158,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n5'].value, 12.49959,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n6'].value, 115.31259,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n7'].value, 129.49283,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n8'].value, 121.91083,decimal=1)
    assert_almost_equal(det2['n9'].value, 130.04144,decimal=1)
Пример #23
def test_unified_response():
    start = parse_time("2012/1/1")
    end = parse_time("2012/1/2")
    qr = Fido.search(a.Instrument('EVE'), a.Level(0), a.Time(start, end))
    assert qr.file_num == 2
    strings = ['eve', 'SDO', start.strftime(TIMEFORMAT), end.strftime(TIMEFORMAT)]
    assert all(s in qr._repr_html_() for s in strings)
Пример #24
def testFilesRange_sameDirectory_months_remote():
    pattern = ('http://www.srl.caltech.edu/{spacecraft}/DATA/{instrument}/'
    s = Scraper(pattern, spacecraft='STEREO', instrument='HET')
    startdate = parse_time((2007, 8, 1))
    enddate = parse_time((2007, 9, 10))
    timerange = TimeRange(startdate, enddate)
    assert len(s.filelist(timerange)) == 2
Пример #25
def test_query(mock_get_observing_summary_dbase_file,
    qr1 = LCClient.search(a.Time('2003-11-01', '2003-11-03'), a.Instrument('rhessi'))
    assert isinstance(qr1, QueryResponse)
    assert len(qr1) == 3
    assert qr1.time_range().start == parse_time('2003/11/01')
    assert qr1.time_range().end == parse_time('2003/11/03T23:59:59.999')
Пример #26
def test_HEE_creation():
    # Smoke test to make sure HEE constructors work fine
    _ = HeliographicStonyhurst(lon=0*u.deg, lat=90*u.deg,
    _ = HeliographicStonyhurst(lon=0*u.deg, lat=90*u.deg, radius=1*u.km,
    _ = HeliographicStonyhurst(x=1*u.km, y=1*u.km, z=1*u.km,
Пример #27
def test_parse_time_leap_second():
    dt1 = parse_time('1995-12-31 23:59:60')
    dt2 = Time('1995-12-31T23:59:60')

    assert dt1.jd == dt2.jd

    dt3 = parse_time('1995-Dec-31 23:59:60')

    assert dt2.jd == dt3.jd
Пример #28
 def from_range(cls, start, end, **kwargs):
     url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(parse_time(start), parse_time(end))
     filepath = cls._download(
         url, kwargs, 
         err = "Unable to download data for specified date range"
     result = cls.from_file(filepath)
     result.data = result.data.ix[result.data.index.indexer_between_time(start, end)]
     return result
Пример #29
def test_reprs():
    map_ = {}
    map_['Time_start'] = parse_time("2012/1/1")
    map_['Time_end'] = parse_time("2012/1/2")
    resp = QueryResponse.create(map_, [''])
    assert isinstance(resp, QueryResponse)
    strs = ["2012-01-01 00:00:00", "2012-01-02 00:00:00"]
    assert all(s in str(resp) for s in strs)
    assert all(s in repr(resp) for s in strs)
Пример #30
def download_weekly_pointing_file(date):
    Downloads the FERMI/LAT weekly pointing file corresponding to the specified
    date. This file contains 1 minute cadence data on the spacecraft pointing,
    useful for calculating detector angles.


    date : `datetime.datetime`
        A datetime object or other date format understood by the parse_time

    date = parse_time(date)
    # use a temp directory to hold the file
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    # use Fermi data server to access weekly LAT pointing file.
    base_url = 'ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/glast/data/lat/weekly/spacecraft/'
    fbasename = 'lat_spacecraft_weekly_w'

    # find out which file to get based on date
    # earliest full file in the FERMI server is for mission week 10,
    # beginning 2008 August 7.
    weekly_file_start = parse_time('2008-08-07')
    base_week = 10

    # find out which mission week corresponds to date
    time_diff = date - weekly_file_start
    weekdiff = time_diff.days // 7
    week = weekdiff + base_week
    # weekstr = ('%03.0f' % week)
    weekstr = '{:03.0f}'.format(week)

    # construct the full url for the weekly pointing file
    full_fname = fbasename + weekstr + '_p202_v001.fits'
    pointing_file_url = base_url + full_fname

    # try to download the file from the FTP site
        resp = urllib.request.urlopen(pointing_file_url)
        exists = True
        exists = False

    # if no matches at all were found, then the pointing file doesn't exist
    if not exists:
        raise ValueError('No Fermi pointing files found for given date!')

    # download the file
    destination = os.path.join(tmp_dir, full_fname)
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(pointing_file_url, destination)

    # return the location of the downloaded file
    return destination
Пример #31
def test_date_aia(aia171_test_map):
    assert aia171_test_map.date == parse_time('2011-02-15T00:00:00.34')
Пример #32
#t_end   ='2018-Dec-06'

#t_start ='2018-Dec-03'
#t_end   ='2018-Dec-06'
#orbit all

t_start ='2018-Oct-01'
t_end   ='2019-Dec-28'

#Time resolution
res_in_days=1/24. #1hour =1/24
#make time range
time_array = [ parse_time(t_start).datetime + timedelta(hours=1*n) \
         for n in range(int ((parse_time(t_end).datetime - parse_time(t_start).datetime).days*24))]  


days_window=3     #size of in situ timerange

if os.path.isdir(outputdirectory) == False: os.mkdir(outputdirectory)
if os.path.isdir(animdirectory) == False: os.mkdir(animdirectory)

if os.path.isdir(positions_plot_directory) == False: os.mkdir(positions_plot_directory)

Пример #33
def test_roi_times_str():
    region = roi(times='2012-06-20 05:00')
    expected_time = parse_time((2012, 6, 20, 5, 0))
    assert (region.start_time == expected_time)
    assert (region.end_time == expected_time)
Пример #34
def test_roi_times_list_two_elements():
    region = roi(times=['2012-06-20 05:00', '2012-06-20 07:00'])
    expected_start_time = parse_time((2012, 6, 20, 5, 0))
    expected_end_time = parse_time((2012, 6, 20, 7, 0))
    assert (region.start_time == expected_start_time)
    assert (is_time_equal(region.end_time, expected_end_time))  # A float comparison error
Пример #35
def get_horizons_coord(body,
    Queries JPL HORIZONS and returns a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` for the location of a
    solar-system body at a specified time.  This location is the instantaneous or "true" location,
    and is not corrected for light travel time or observer motion.

    .. note::
        This function requires the Astroquery package to be installed and
        requires an Internet connection.

    body : `str`
        The solar-system body for which to calculate positions.  One can also use the search form
        linked below to find valid names or ID numbers.
    id_type : `None`, `str`
        See the astroquery documentation for information on id_types: `astroquery.jplhorizons`.
        If the installed astroquery version is less than 0.4.4, defaults to ``'majorbody'``.
    time : {parse_time_types}, `dict`
        Time to use in a parse_time-compatible format.

        Alternatively, this can be a dictionary defining a range of times and
        dates; the range dictionary has to be of the form
        {{'start': start_time, 'stop': stop_time, 'step':'n[y|d|m|s]'}}.
        ``start_time`` and ``stop_time`` must be in a parse_time-compatible format,
        and are interpreted as UTC time. ``step`` must be a string with either a
        number and interval length (e.g. for every 10 seconds, ``'10s'``), or a
        plain number for a number of evenly spaced intervals. For more information
        see the docstring of `astroquery.jplhorizons.HorizonsClass`.

    include_velocity : `bool`, optional
        If True, include the body's velocity in the output coordinate.  Defaults to False.

        Location of the solar-system body

    Be aware that there can be discrepancies between the coordinates returned by JPL HORIZONS,
    the coordinates reported in mission data files, and the coordinates returned by

    * `JPL HORIZONS <https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?horizons>`_
    * `JPL HORIZONS form to search bodies <https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?s_target=1#top>`_
    * `Astroquery <https://astroquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_

    >>> from sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris import get_horizons_coord

    Query the location of Venus

    >>> get_horizons_coord('Venus barycenter', '2001-02-03 04:05:06')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for Venus Barycenter (2) [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2001-02-03T04:05:06.000, rsun=695700.0 km): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (-33.93155836, -1.64998443, 0.71915147)>

    Query the location of the SDO spacecraft

    >>> get_horizons_coord('SDO', '2011-11-11 11:11:11')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for Solar Dynamics Observatory (spac [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2011-11-11T11:11:11.000, rsun=695700.0 km): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (0.01019118, 3.29640728, 0.99011042)>

    Query the location of the SOHO spacecraft via its ID number (-21)

    >>> get_horizons_coord(-21, '2004-05-06 11:22:33')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for SOHO (spacecraft) (-21) [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2004-05-06T11:22:33.000, rsun=695700.0 km): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (0.25234902, -3.55863633, 0.99923086)>

    Query the location and velocity of the asteroid Juno

    >>> get_horizons_coord('Juno', '1995-07-18 07:17', 'smallbody', include_velocity=True)  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for 3 Juno (A804 RA) [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=1995-07-18T07:17:00.000, rsun=695700.0 km): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (-25.16107532, 14.59098438, 3.17667664)
     (d_lon, d_lat, d_radius) in (arcsec / s, arcsec / s, km / s)
        (-0.03306548, 0.00052415, -2.66709222)>

    Query the location of Solar Orbiter at a set of 12 regularly sampled times

    >>> get_horizons_coord('Solar Orbiter',
    ...                    time={{'start': '2020-12-01',
    ...                           'stop': '2020-12-02',
    ...                           'step': '12'}})  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for Solar Orbiter (spacecraft) (-144 [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    # Import here so that astroquery is not a module-level dependency
    import astroquery
    from astroquery.jplhorizons import Horizons

    if id_type is None and version.parse(
            astroquery.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.4'):
        # For older versions of astroquery retain default behaviour of this function
        # if id_type isn't manually specified.
        id_type = 'majorbody'

    if isinstance(time, dict):
        if set(time.keys()) != set(['start', 'stop', 'step']):
            raise ValueError(
                'time dictionary must have the keys ["start", "stop", "step"]')
        epochs = time
        jpl_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        epochs['start'] = parse_time(epochs['start']).tdb.strftime(jpl_fmt)
        epochs['stop'] = parse_time(epochs['stop']).tdb.strftime(jpl_fmt)
        obstime = parse_time(time)
        array_time = np.reshape(obstime,
                                (-1, ))  # Convert to an array, even if scalar
        epochs = array_time.tdb.jd.tolist()  # Time must be provided in JD TDB

    query = Horizons(
        location='500@10',  # Heliocentric (mean ecliptic)
        result = query.vectors()
    except Exception as e:  # Catch and re-raise all exceptions, and also provide query URL if generated
        if query.uri is not None:
                f"See the raw output from the JPL HORIZONS query at {query.uri}"
        raise e
    log.info(f"Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for {result[0]['targetname']}")
    log.debug(f"See the raw output from the JPL HORIZONS query at {query.uri}")

    if isinstance(time, dict):
        obstime = parse_time(result['datetime_jd'], format='jd', scale='tdb')
        # JPL HORIZONS results are sorted by observation time, so this sorting needs to be undone.
        # Calling argsort() on an array returns the sequence of indices of the unsorted list to put the
        # list in order.  Calling argsort() again on the output of argsort() reverses the mapping:
        # the output is the sequence of indices of the sorted list to put that list back in the
        # original unsorted order.
        unsorted_indices = obstime.argsort().argsort()
        result = result[unsorted_indices]

    vector = CartesianRepresentation(result['x'], result['y'], result['z'])
    if include_velocity:
        velocity = CartesianDifferential(result['vx'], result['vy'],
        vector = vector.with_differentials(velocity)
    coord = SkyCoord(vector, frame=HeliocentricEclipticIAU76, obstime=obstime)

    return coord.transform_to(HeliographicStonyhurst).reshape(obstime.shape)
Пример #36
def diffrot_map(smap, time=None, dt=None, pad=False, **diffrot_kwargs):
    Function to apply solar differential rotation to a sunpy map.

    smap : `~sunpy.map`
        Original map that we want to transform.
    time : sunpy-compatible time
        date/time at which the input co-ordinate will be rotated to.
    dt : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `datetime`
        Desired interval between the input map and returned map.
    pad : `bool`
        Whether to create a padded map for submaps to don't loose data

    diffrot_map : `~sunpy.map`
        A map with the result of applying solar differential rotation to the
        input map.
    if (time is not None) and (dt is not None):
        raise ValueError('Only a time or an interval is accepted')
    elif not (time or dt):
        raise ValueError(
            'Either a time or an interval (`dt=`) needs to be provided')
    elif time:
        new_time = parse_time(time)
        dt = (new_time - smap.date).total_seconds() * u.s
        new_time = smap.date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt.to(u.s).value)

    # Check for masked maps
    if smap.mask is not None:
        smap_data = np.ma.array(smap.data, mask=smap.mask)
        smap_data = smap.data

    submap = False
    # Check whether the input is a submap
    if ((2 * smap.rsun_obs >
         smap.top_right_coord.Tx - smap.bottom_left_coord.Tx)
            or (2 * smap.rsun_obs >
                smap.top_right_coord.Ty - smap.bottom_left_coord.Ty)):

        submap = True
        if pad:
            # Calculating the largest distance between the corners and their rotation values
            deltax = deltay = 0
            for corner in product(*product([0 * u.pix], smap.dimensions)):
                corner_world = smap.pixel_to_world(*corner)
                corner_world_rotated = solar_rotate_coordinate(
                    corner_world, new_time, **diffrot_kwargs)
                corner_px_rotated = smap.world_to_pixel(corner_world_rotated)
                dx = np.abs(corner_px_rotated.x - corner[0])
                dy = np.abs(corner_px_rotated.y - corner[1])
                deltax = dx if dx > deltax else deltax
                deltay = dy if dy > deltay else deltay

            deltax = np.int(np.ceil(deltax.value))
            deltay = np.int(np.ceil(deltay.value))
            # Create a new `smap` with the padding around it
            smap_data = np.pad(smap.data, ((deltay, deltay), (deltax, deltax)),
            smap_meta = deepcopy(smap.meta)
            smap_meta['naxis2'], smap_meta['naxis1'] = smap_data.shape
            smap_meta['crpix1'] += deltax
            smap_meta['crpix2'] += deltay
            smap = sunpy.map.Map(smap_data, smap_meta)

    warp_args = {'smap': smap, 'dt': dt}
    # Apply solar differential rotation as a scikit-image warp
    out = transform.warp(to_norm(smap_data),

    # Recover the original intensity range.
    out = un_norm(out, smap.data)

    # Update the meta information with the new date and time, and reference pixel.
    out_meta = deepcopy(smap.meta)
    if out_meta.get('date_obs', False):
        del out_meta['date_obs']
    out_meta['date-obs'] = "{:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}".format(new_time)

    if submap:
        crval_rotated = solar_rotate_coordinate(smap.reference_coordinate,
                                                new_time, **diffrot_kwargs)
        out_meta['crval1'] = crval_rotated.Tx.value
        out_meta['crval2'] = crval_rotated.Ty.value

    return sunpy.map.Map((out, out_meta))
Пример #37
def testExtractDates_notSeparators():
    s = Scraper('data/%Y/%m/swap%m%d_%H%M%S')
    testURL = 'data/2014/05/swap0514_200135'
    timeURL = parse_time((2014, 5, 14, 20, 1, 35))
    assert s._extractDateURL(testURL) == timeURL
Пример #38
def test_download_weekly_pointing_file():
    # set a test date
    date = parse_time('2011-10-01')
    afile = fermi.download_weekly_pointing_file(date)
    assert isinstance(afile, str)
    assert afile.endswith('.fits')
Пример #39
def test_met_to_utc():
    time = fermi.met_to_utc(500000000)
    assert (time - parse_time('2016-11-05T00:53:16.000')) < 1e-7 * u.s
Пример #40
def get_detector_sun_angles_for_date(date, file):
    Get the GBM detector angles vs the Sun as a function of time for a given

    date : {parse_time_types}
        A date specified as a parse_time-compatible
        time string, number, or a datetime object.
    file : `str`
        A filepath to a Fermi/LAT weekly pointing file (e.g. as obtained by the
        download_weekly_pointing_file function).

        A tuple of all the detector angles.

    date = parse_time(date)
    tran = TimeRange(date, date + TimeDelta(1 * u.day))
    scx, scz, times = get_scx_scz_in_timerange(tran, file)

    # retrieve the detector angle information in spacecraft coordinates
    detectors = nai_detector_angles()

    detector_to_sun_angles = []
    # get the detector vs Sun angles for each t and store in a list of
    # dictionaries.
    for i in range(len(scx)):
        detector_radecs = nai_detector_radecs(detectors, scx[i], scz[i],

        # this gets the sun position with RA in hours in decimal format
        # (e.g. 4.3). DEC is already in degrees
        sunpos_ra_not_in_deg = [
        # now Sun position with RA in degrees
        sun_pos = [sunpos_ra_not_in_deg[0].to('deg'), sunpos_ra_not_in_deg[1]]
        # now get the angle between each detector and the Sun
            get_detector_separation_angles(detector_radecs, sun_pos))

    # slice the list of dictionaries to get the angles for each detector in a
    # list form
    angles = OrderedDict()
    key_list = [
        'n0', 'n1', 'n2', 'n3', 'n4', 'n5', 'n6', 'n7', 'n8', 'n9', 'n10',
        'n11', 'time'
    for i in range(13):
        if not key_list[i] == 'time':
            angles[key_list[i]] = [
                item[key_list[i]].value for item in detector_to_sun_angles
            ] * u.deg
            angles[key_list[i]] = [
                item[key_list[i]] for item in detector_to_sun_angles

    return angles
Пример #41
def download_weekly_pointing_file(date):
    Downloads the FERMI/LAT weekly pointing file corresponding to the specified

    This file contains 1 minute cadence data on the spacecraft pointing,
    useful for calculating detector angles.

    date : {parse_time_types}
        A date specified as a parse_time-compatible
        time string, number, or a datetime object.

        The filepath to the downloaded file.

    date = parse_time(date)
    # use a temp directory to hold the file
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    # use Fermi data server to access weekly LAT pointing file.
    base_url = 'https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/fermi/data/lat/weekly/spacecraft/'
    fbasename = 'lat_spacecraft_weekly_w'

    # find out which file to get based on date
    # earliest full file in the FERMI server is for mission week 10,
    # beginning 2008 August 7.
    weekly_file_start = parse_time('2008-08-07')
    base_week = 10

    # find out which mission week corresponds to date
    time_diff = date - weekly_file_start
    weekdiff = time_diff.to(u.day).value // 7
    week = weekdiff + base_week
    # weekstr = ('%03.0f' % week)
    weekstr = f'{week:03.0f}'

    # construct the full url for the weekly pointing file
    full_fname = fbasename + weekstr + '_p202_v001.fits'
    pointing_file_url = base_url + full_fname

    # try to download the file
        exists = True
    except urllib.error.HTTPError:
        exists = False

    # if no matches at all were found, then the pointing file doesn't exist
    if not exists:
        raise ValueError('No Fermi pointing files found for given date!')

    # download the file
    destination = os.path.join(tmp_dir, full_fname)
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(pointing_file_url, destination)

    # return the location of the downloaded file
    return destination
Пример #42
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # sampling with probability from SIDC
        print("Sampling from SIDC...")
        row = self.sidc_csv.sample(weights=self.sidc_csv[4])
        day = '/'.join(map(str, row.iloc[0][:-1]))
        date = datetime.strptime(day + ' 12:00:00', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')

        # loading sunspot data from DPD
        print("Loading sunspot data...", date)
        dpd = self.fenyi_sunspot.query(("year == @date.year & "
                                        "month == @date.month & "
                                        "day == @date.day"))
        dpd = dpd[(dpd[['projected_umbra', 'projected_whole_spot']].T !=

        time = datetime.strptime(
            '-'.join([str(i) for i in list(dpd.iloc[0])[1:7]]),
        start_time = (time -
        end_time = (time + timedelta(minutes=30)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

            print("Searching VSO...")
            continuum_file, magnetic_file = None, None
            continuum_file, magnetic_file = search_VSO(start_time, end_time)
            hmi_cont = Map(continuum_file)
            hmi_mag = Map(magnetic_file)
        except Exception as e:
            return self.__getitem__(idx)

        # get the data from the maps
        img_cont = normalize_map(hmi_cont)
        img_mag = 2 * normalize_map(hmi_mag) - 1
        inputs = np.array([img_cont, img_mag])

        # get the coordinates and the date of the sunspots from DPD
        print("Creating mask...")
        ss_coord = dpd[['heliographic_latitude', 'heliographic_longitude']]
        ss_date = parse_time(time)
        sunspots = rotate_coord(hmi_cont, ss_coord, ss_date)

        # mask = (255 * img_cont).astype(np.uint8)
        mask = np.zeros(img_cont.shape, dtype=np.float32)

        ws = dpd[['projected_whole_spot', 'group_number', 'group_spot_number']]

        for index, row in ws.iterrows():
            wsa = row['projected_whole_spot']
            if wsa < 0:
                match = ws.query(("group_number == @row.group_number & "
                                  "group_spot_number == -@wsa"))
                area = match['projected_whole_spot'].iloc[0]
                ws.loc[row.name, 'projected_whole_spot'] = area

        groups = list(ws['group_number'].unique())
        disk_mask = np.where(255 * img_cont > 10)
        disk_mask = {(c[0], c[1]) for c in np.column_stack(disk_mask)}
        disk_mask_num_px = len(disk_mask)
        whole_spot_mask = set()

        for i in range(len(sunspots)):
            o = 4  # offset
            p = sunspots[i]
            # g_number = groups.index(ws.iloc[i]['group_number'])
            group = img_cont[int(p[1]) - o:int(p[1]) + o,
                             int(p[0]) - o:int(p[0]) + o]
            low = np.where(group == np.amin(group))

            center = (img_cont.shape[0] / 2, img_cont.shape[1] / 2)
            distance = np.linalg.norm(tuple(j - k for j, k in zip(center, p)))
            cosine_amplifier = math.cos(math.radians(1) * distance / center[0])
            norm_num_px = cosine_amplifier * ws.iloc[i]['projected_whole_spot']
            ss_num_px = 8.6 * norm_num_px * disk_mask_num_px / 10e6

            new = set([(p[1] - o + low[1][0], p[0] - o + low[0][0])])
            whole_spot = set()
            candidates = set()
            expansion_rate = 3
            while len(whole_spot) < ss_num_px:
                expand = {(n[0] + i, n[1] + j)
                          for i in [-1, 0, 1] for j in [-1, 0, 1] for n in new}
                for e in set(expand - whole_spot):
                new = heapq.nsmallest(expansion_rate,
                                      key=lambda k: img_cont[k])
                for n in new:


        for c in set.intersection(whole_spot_mask, disk_mask):
            mask[c] = 1

        # show_mask(img_cont, mask)

        return {"img": inputs.astype(np.float32), "mask": mask}
Пример #43
import pandas
import pytest

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import TimeDelta

from sunpy import timeseries
from sunpy.data.test import rootdir
from sunpy.instr import lyra
from sunpy.time import is_time_equal, parse_time

# Define location for test LYTAF database files
TEST_DATA_PATH = rootdir

# Define some test data for test_remove_lytaf_events()
TIME = parse_time(np.array([datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 1) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=i)
                            for i in range(120)]))
CHANNELS = [np.zeros(len(TIME)) + 0.4, np.zeros(len(TIME)) + 0.1]
EMPTY_LYTAF = np.empty((0,), dtype=[("insertion_time", object),
                                    ("begin_time", object),
                                    ("reference_time", object),
                                    ("end_time", object),
                                    ("event_type", object),
                                    ("event_definition", object)])
LYTAF_TEST = np.append(
               "LAR", "Large Angle Rotation.")],
Пример #44
def testDirectoryObsPattern():
    s = Scraper('%y%m%d/{observatory}_%Y%m%d.fits', observatory='SDO')
    testpath = '140305/SDO_20140305.fits'
    d = parse_time((2014, 3, 5))
    assert s.matches(testpath, d)
Пример #45
def testDirectoryDatePatternFalse():
    s = Scraper('%Y/%m/%d/%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_59.fit.gz')
    testpath = '2013/03/05/20140305_013000_59.fit.gz'
    d = parse_time((2014, 3, 5, 1, 30))
    assert not s.matches(testpath, d)
Пример #46
    def peek(self, title="GOES Xray Flux"):
        """Plots GOES XRS light curve is the usual manner. An example is shown

        .. plot::

            import sunpy.timeseries
            import sunpy.data.sample
            ts_goes = sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(sunpy.data.sample.GOES_XRS_TIMESERIES, source='XRS')

        title : `str`
            The title of the plot.

        **kwargs : `dict`
            Any additional plot arguments that should be used when plotting.
        """  # noqa
        # Check we have a timeseries valid for plotting

        figure = plt.figure()
        axes = plt.gca()

        dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(parse_time(self.data.index).datetime)

                       label=r'0.5--4.0 $\AA$',
                       label=r'1.0--8.0 $\AA$',

        axes.set_ylim(1e-9, 1e-2)
        axes.set_ylabel('Watts m$^{-2}$')

        ax2 = axes.twinx()
        ax2.set_ylim(1e-9, 1e-2)
        ax2.set_yticks((1e-9, 1e-8, 1e-7, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2))
        ax2.set_yticklabels((' ', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'M', 'X', ' '))

        axes.yaxis.grid(True, 'major')
        axes.xaxis.grid(False, 'major')

        # @todo: display better tick labels for date range (e.g. 06/01 - 06/05)
        formatter = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')

        axes.fmt_xdata = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')
Пример #47
def solar_rotate_coordinate(coordinate,
    Given a coordinate on the Sun, calculate where that coordinate maps to
    at some later or earlier time, given the solar rotation profile.

    Note that if the new observer location is defined using a
    BaseCoordinateFrame or SkyCoord, then it is assumed that the new observer
    location is correct for the new observer time that was also passed in.

    coordinate : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        Any valid coordinate which is transformable to Heliographic Stonyhurst.

    new_observer_time : sunpy-compatible time
        date/time at which the input co-ordinate will be rotated to.

    new_observer_location : `str`, `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        The solar-system body for which to calculate observer locations.  Note
        that spacecraft are not explicitly supported as yet.  Instruments in
        Earth orbit can be approximated by using the default setting.  If a
        BaseCoordinateFrame or SkyCoord are passed in, it is assumed that
        this observer location is correct for the observer time that was also
        passed in.

    **diff_rot_kwargs : keyword arguments
        Keyword arguments are passed on as keyword arguments to `~sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.diff_rot`.
    coordinate : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord``
        The locations of the input coordinates after the application of
        solar rotation in the input coordinate frame.

    >>> import astropy.units as u
    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    >>> from sunpy.coordinates import frames
    >>> from sunpy.physics.differential_rotation import solar_rotate_coordinate
    >>> from sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris import get_earth
    >>> obstime = '2010-09-10 12:34:56'
    >>> c = SkyCoord(-570*u.arcsec, 120*u.arcsec, obstime=obstime, observer=get_earth(obstime), frame=frames.Helioprojective)
    >>> solar_rotate_coordinate(c, '2010-09-10 13:34:56') # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
    <SkyCoord (Helioprojective: obstime=2010-09-10 13:34:56, rsun=695508.0 km, observer=<HeliographicStonyhurst Coordinate (obstime=2010-09-10 13:34:56): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
    ( 0.,  7.24822784,  1.00695436)>): (Tx, Ty, distance) in (arcsec, arcsec, km)
    (-562.37689548,  119.26840368,   1.50083152e+08)>


    # Calculate the interval between the start and end time
    interval = (parse_time(new_observer_time) -
                parse_time(coordinate.obstime)).total_seconds() * u.s

    # Compute Stonyhurst Heliographic co-ordinates - returns (longitude,
    # latitude). Points off the limb are returned as nan.
    heliographic_coordinate = coordinate.transform_to(

    # Compute the differential rotation
    drot = diff_rot(interval, heliographic_coordinate.lat.to(u.degree),

    # Rotate the input co-ordinate and update the observer
    heliographic_rotated = SkyCoord(heliographic_coordinate.lon + drot,

    # Return the rotated coordinates to the input coordinate frame
    return heliographic_rotated.transform_to(coordinate.frame.name)
Пример #48
 def __init__(self, start, end):
     self.start = parse_time(start)
     self.end = parse_time(end)
     self.inverted = False
     vso_attrs._Range.__init__(self, start, end, self.__class__)
Пример #49
def get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst(body,
    Return a `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst` frame for the location of a
    solar-system body at a specified time.  The location can be corrected for light travel time
    to an observer.

    body : `str`
        The solar-system body for which to calculate positions
    time : {parse_time_types}
        Time to use in a parse_time-compatible format
    observer : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        If None, the returned coordinate is the instantaneous or "true" location.
        If not None, the returned coordinate is the astrometric location (i.e., accounts for light
        travel time to the specified observer)
    include_velocity : `bool`, optional
        If True, include the body's velocity in the output coordinate.  Defaults to False.

    out : `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst`
        Location of the solar-system body in the `~sunpy.coordinates.HeliographicStonyhurst` frame

    There is no correction for aberration due to observer motion.  For a body close to the Sun in
    angular direction relative to the observer, the correction can be negligible because the
    apparent location of the body will shift in tandem with the Sun.

    >>> from sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris import get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst

    Obtain the location of Venus

    >>> get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst('venus', '2012-06-06 04:07:29')
    <HeliographicStonyhurst Coordinate (obstime=2012-06-06T04:07:29.000, rsun=695700.0 km): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (0.07349535, 0.05223575, 0.72605496)>

    Obtain the location of Venus as seen from Earth when adjusted for light travel time

    >>> earth = get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst('earth', '2012-06-06 04:07:29')
    >>> get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst('venus', '2012-06-06 04:07:29', observer=earth)
    INFO: Apparent body location accounts for 144.07 seconds of light travel time [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <HeliographicStonyhurst Coordinate (obstime=2012-06-06T04:07:29.000, rsun=695700.0 km): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (0.07084926, 0.0520573, 0.72605477)>

    Obtain the location and velocity of Mars

    >>> mars = get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst('mars', '2001-02-03', include_velocity=True)
    >>> mars
    <HeliographicStonyhurst Coordinate (obstime=2001-02-03T00:00:00.000, rsun=695700.0 km): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (63.03105777, -5.20656151, 1.6251161)
     (d_lon, d_lat, d_radius) in (arcsec / s, arcsec / s, km / s)
        (-0.02323686, 0.00073376, -1.4798387)>

    Transform that same location and velocity of Mars to a different frame using

    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    >>> from sunpy.coordinates import Helioprojective
    >>> SkyCoord(mars).transform_to(Helioprojective(observer=earth))
    <SkyCoord (Helioprojective: obstime=2001-02-03T00:00:00.000, rsun=695700.0 km, observer=<HeliographicStonyhurst Coordinate (obstime=2012-06-06T04:07:29.000, rsun=695700.0 km): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (6.2686056e-15, -0.00766698, 1.01475668)>): (Tx, Ty, distance) in (arcsec, arcsec, AU)
        (-298654.73268523, -21726.6154073, 1.40134156)
     (d_Tx, d_Ty, d_distance) in (arcsec / s, arcsec / s, km / s)
        (-0.01663438, -0.00058027, -15.08908184)>
    obstime = parse_time(time)

    if observer is None:
        # If there is no observer, there is not adjustment for light travel time
        emitted_time = obstime
        observer_icrs = SkyCoord(observer).icrs.cartesian

        # This implementation is modeled after Astropy's `_get_apparent_body_position`
        light_travel_time = 0. * u.s
        emitted_time = obstime
        delta_light_travel_time = 1. * u.s  # placeholder value
        while np.any(np.fabs(delta_light_travel_time) > 1.0e-8 * u.s):
            body_icrs = get_body_barycentric(body, emitted_time)
            distance = (body_icrs - observer_icrs).norm()
            delta_light_travel_time = light_travel_time - distance / speed_of_light
            light_travel_time = distance / speed_of_light
            emitted_time = obstime - light_travel_time

        if light_travel_time.isscalar:
            ltt_string = f"{light_travel_time.to_value('s'):.2f}"
            ltt_string = f"{light_travel_time.to_value('s')}"
            f"Apparent body location accounts for {ltt_string} seconds of light travel time"

    if include_velocity:
        pos, vel = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, emitted_time)
        body_icrs = pos.with_differentials(
        body_icrs = get_body_barycentric(body, emitted_time)

    body_hgs = ICRS(body_icrs).transform_to(

    return body_hgs
Пример #50
def test_attrs_time():
    times = a.Time("2020/10/01T00:00", "2020/10/01T00:00")
    times.start == parse_time("2020/10/01T00:00")
    times.end == parse_time("2020/10/01T00:00")
Пример #51
def testNoDirectory():
    s = Scraper('files/%Y%m%d_%H%M.dat')
    startdate = parse_time((2010, 1, 10, 20, 30))
    enddate = parse_time((2010, 1, 20, 20, 30))
    timerange = TimeRange(startdate, enddate)
    assert len(s.range(timerange)) == 1
Пример #52
def _get_new_observer(initial_obstime, observer, time):
    Helper function that interprets the possible ways of specifying the
    input to the solar coordinate rotation function.

    If the "observer" argument is not `None`, it is used to specify the location
    of the new observer in space and time.

    If the "time" argument is not `None`, it is used to calculate the duration
    over which to the amount of solar rotation is calculated. Note that using
    the "time" keyword assumes that the new observer is on the Earth. This may
    be a reasonable assumption depending on the application.

    Either the "observer" or "time" argument must be specified, but both
    cannot be specified at the same time and both cannot be None.

    initial_obstime : `~astropy.time.Time`
        The initial time before solar rotation has been applied.

    observer : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, None
        The location of the new observer in space and time (the observer must have an
        interpretable obstime property).

    time : `~astropy.time.Time`, `~astropy.time.TimeDelta`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, None
        Used to define the duration over which the amount of solar rotation is
        calculated.  If 'time' is an `~astropy.time.Time` then the time interval is
        "time - initial_obstime"; if 'time' is `~astropy.time.TimeDelta` or
        `~astropy.units.Quantity` then the calculation is "initial_obstime + time".

    new_observer : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`
        The position of the observer in space and time. If the "time" keyword is used
        the output is an `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`. If the "observer" keyword
        is not None the output has the same type as the "observer" keyword.  In all cases
        the output is specified in the heliographic Stonyhurst coordinate system.
    # Check the input and create the new observer
    if (observer is not None) and (time is not None):
        raise ValueError(
            "Either the 'observer' or the 'time' keyword must be specified, but not both simultaneously."
    elif observer is not None:
        # Check that the new_observer is specified correctly.
        if not (isinstance(observer, (BaseCoordinateFrame, SkyCoord))):
            raise ValueError(
                "The 'observer' must be an astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame or an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord."
        if observer.obstime is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "The observer 'obstime' property must not be None.")
        new_observer = observer
    elif time is not None:
        warnings.warn("Using 'time' assumes an Earth-based observer.")
        if isinstance(time, TimeDelta) or isinstance(time, u.Quantity):
            new_observer_time = initial_obstime + time
            new_observer_time = parse_time(time)

        new_observer = get_body("earth", new_observer_time)
        raise ValueError(
            "Either the 'observer' or the 'time' keyword must not be None.")

    return new_observer
Пример #53
def test_roi_times_list_one_element():
    region = roi(times=['2012-06-20 05:00'])
    expected_time = parse_time((2012, 6, 20, 5, 0))
    assert (region.start_time == expected_time)
    assert (region.end_time == expected_time)
Пример #54
def get_horizons_coord(body,
    Queries JPL HORIZONS and returns a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` for the location of a
    solar-system body at a specified time.  This location is the instantaneous or "true" location,
    and is not corrected for light travel time or observer motion.

    .. note::
        This function requires the Astroquery package to be installed and
        requires an Internet connection.

    body : `str`
        The solar-system body for which to calculate positions.  One can also use the search form
        linked below to find valid names or ID numbers.
    id_type : `str`
        If 'majorbody', search by name for planets, satellites, or other major bodies.
        If 'smallbody', search by name for asteroids or comets.
        If 'id', search by ID number.
    time : {parse_time_types}
        Time to use in a parse_time-compatible format

    Keyword Arguments
    include_velocity : `bool`
        If True, include the body's velocity in the output coordinate.  Defaults to False.

        Location of the solar-system body

    Be aware that there can be discrepancies between the coordinates returned by JPL HORIZONS,
    the coordinates reported in mission data files, and the coordinates returned by

    * `JPL HORIZONS <https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?horizons>`_
    * `JPL HORIZONS form to search bodies <https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?s_target=1#top>`_
    * `Astroquery <https://astroquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_

    >>> from sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris import get_horizons_coord

    Query the location of Venus

    >>> get_horizons_coord('Venus barycenter', '2001-02-03 04:05:06')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for Venus Barycenter (2) [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2001-02-03T04:05:06.000): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (-33.93155836, -1.64998443, 0.71915147)>

    Query the location of the SDO spacecraft

    >>> get_horizons_coord('SDO', '2011-11-11 11:11:11')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for Solar Dynamics Observatory (spac [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2011-11-11T11:11:11.000): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (0.01019118, 3.29640728, 0.99011042)>

    Query the location of the SOHO spacecraft via its ID number (-21)

    >>> get_horizons_coord(-21, '2004-05-06 11:22:33', 'id')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for SOHO (spacecraft) (-21) [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2004-05-06T11:22:33.000): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (0.25234902, -3.55863633, 0.99923086)>

    Query the location and velocity of the asteroid Juno

    >>> get_horizons_coord('Juno', '1995-07-18 07:17', 'smallbody', include_velocity=True)  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for 3 Juno [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=1995-07-18T07:17:00.000): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (-25.16107572, 14.59098456, 3.17667662)
     (d_lon, d_lat, d_radius) in (arcsec / s, arcsec / s, km / s)
        (-0.00514936, -0.00205857, 8.89781348)>
    obstime = parse_time(time)
    array_time = np.reshape(obstime,
                            (-1, ))  # Convert to an array, even if scalar

    # Import here so that astroquery is not a module-level dependency
    from astroquery.jplhorizons import Horizons
    query = Horizons(
        location='500@10',  # Heliocentric (mean ecliptic)
        epochs=array_time.tdb.jd.tolist())  # Time must be provided in JD TDB
        result = query.vectors()
    except Exception:  # Catch and re-raise all exceptions, and also provide query URL if generated
        if query.uri is not None:
                f"See the raw output from the JPL HORIZONS query at {query.uri}"
    log.info(f"Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for {result[0]['targetname']}")
    log.debug(f"See the raw output from the JPL HORIZONS query at {query.uri}")

    # JPL HORIZONS results are sorted by observation time, so this sorting needs to be undone.
    # Calling argsort() on an array returns the sequence of indices of the unsorted list to put the
    # list in order.  Calling argsort() again on the output of argsort() reverses the mapping:
    # the output is the sequence of indices of the sorted list to put that list back in the
    # original unsorted order.
    unsorted_indices = obstime.argsort().argsort()
    result = result[unsorted_indices]

    vector = CartesianRepresentation(result['x'], result['y'], result['z'])
    if include_velocity:
        velocity = CartesianDifferential(result['vx'], result['vy'],
        vector = vector.with_differentials(velocity)
    coord = SkyCoord(vector, frame=HeliocentricEclipticIAU76, obstime=obstime)

    return coord.transform_to(HeliographicStonyhurst).reshape(obstime.shape)
Пример #55
def _warp_sun_coordinates(xy, smap, new_observer, **diff_rot_kwargs):
    This function takes pixel coordinates in the warped image (`xy`) and
    calculates the pixel locations of those pixels in the map.

    To do this it converts the input pixel coordinates to helioprojective
    coordinates as seen by new_observer, then transforms them to heliographic
    Stonyhurst, adds the differential rotation correction and then transforms
    them back to helioprojective coordinates as seen by the map observer and
    then calculates their corresponding pixel coordinates in the input map.

    This is an inverse function needed by `skimage.transform.warp`.

    xy : `numpy.ndarray`
        Pixel coordinates in the warped image.
    smap : `~sunpy.map.GenericMap`
        Original map that we want to transform.

    xy2 : `numpy.ndarray`
        Pixel coordinates in the map corresponding to the input pixels in the
        warped image.
    # Suppress NaN warnings in coordinate transforms
    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        # The time interval between the new observer time and the map observation time.
        interval = (parse_time(new_observer.obstime) -

        # We need to get the input pixel coordinates into the OUTPUT HPC frame.
        # To save us having to construct a WCS etc, we do the transformation
        # using the output map, and then replace the observer in place before
        # transforming to HGS. This is acceptable because the pixel -> world
        # transformation is independent of the observer.
        input_pixels = xy.T * u.pix
        map_coord = smap.pixel_to_world(*input_pixels)
        output_hpc_coords = SkyCoord(map_coord.Tx,

        heliographic_coordinate = output_hpc_coords.transform_to(
        # Now transform the HGS coordinates to the obstime of the input map (to account for movement of Earth)
        heliographic_coordinate = heliographic_coordinate.transform_to(

        # Compute the differential rotation.
        drot = diff_rot(interval, heliographic_coordinate.lat.to(u.degree),

        # The change in longitude is negative because we are mapping from the
        # new coordinates to the old.
        rotated_coord = SkyCoord(heliographic_coordinate.lon - drot,

        # As seen from the map observer, which coordinates are on disk and which are behind the Sun.
        where_off_disk_from_map_observer = rotated_coord.transform_to(
            Heliocentric(observer=smap.observer_coordinate)).z.value < 0

        # Re-project the pixels which are on disk back to location of the original observer
        coordinates_at_map_observer = rotated_coord.transform_to(

        # Go back to pixel co-ordinates
        x2, y2 = smap.world_to_pixel(coordinates_at_map_observer)

    # Re-stack the data to make it correct output form
    xy2 = np.dstack([x2.T.value.flat, y2.T.value.flat])[0]
    # Set the off disk coordinates to NaN so they are not included in the output image.
    xy2[where_off_disk_from_map_observer.flat] = np.nan

    return xy2
Пример #56
def get_horizons_coord(body, time='now', id_type='majorbody'):
    Queries JPL HORIZONS and returns a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` for the location of a
    solar-system body at a specified time.  This location is the instantaneous or "true" location,
    and is not corrected for light travel time or observer motion.  This function requires the
    Astroquery package to be installed and requires an Internet connection.

    body : `str`
        The solar-system body for which to calculate positions
    id_type : `str`
        If 'majorbody', search by name for planets or satellites.  If 'id', search by ID number.
    time : various
        Time to use as `~astropy.time.Time` or in a parse_time-compatible format

        Location of the solar-system body

    Be aware that there can be discrepancies between the coordinates returned by JPL HORIZONS,
    the coordinates reported in mission data files, and the coordinates returned by

    * `JPL HORIZONS <https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?horizons>`_
    * `Astroquery <https://astroquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_

    .. Run these tests with a temp cache dir
    .. testsetup::
        >>> from astropy.config.paths import set_temp_cache
        >>> import tempfile
        >>> c = set_temp_cache(tempfile.mkdtemp())
        >>> _ = c.__enter__()

    >>> from sunpy.coordinates import get_horizons_coord

    Query the location of Venus

    >>> get_horizons_coord('Venus barycenter', '2001-02-03 04:05:06')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for Venus Barycenter (2) [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2001-02-03T04:05:06.000): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (326.06844114, -1.64998481, 0.71915147)>

    Query the location of the SDO spacecraft

    >>> get_horizons_coord('SDO', '2011-11-11 11:11:11')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for Solar Dynamics Observatory (spac [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2011-11-11T11:11:11.000): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (0.01018888, 3.29640407, 0.99011042)>

    Query the location of the SOHO spacecraft via its ID number (-21)

    >>> get_horizons_coord(-21, '2004-05-06 11:22:33', 'id')  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    INFO: Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for SOHO (spacecraft) (-21) [sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris]
    <SkyCoord (HeliographicStonyhurst: obstime=2004-05-06T11:22:33.000): (lon, lat, radius) in (deg, deg, AU)
        (0.2523461, -3.55863351, 0.99923086)>

    .. testcleanup::
        >>> _ = c.__exit__()
    obstime = parse_time(time)

    # Import here so that astroquery is not a module-level dependency
    from astroquery.jplhorizons import Horizons
    query = Horizons(id=body, id_type=id_type,
                     location='500@10',      # Heliocentric (mean ecliptic)
                     epochs=obstime.tdb.jd)  # Time must be provided in JD TDB
        result = query.vectors()
    except Exception:  # Catch and re-raise all exceptions, and also provide query URL if generated
        if query.uri is not None:
            log.error(f"See the raw output from the JPL HORIZONS query at {query.uri}")
    log.info(f"Obtained JPL HORIZONS location for {result[0]['targetname']}")

    vector = CartesianRepresentation(result[0]['x', 'y', 'z'])*u.AU
    coord = SkyCoord(vector, frame=HeliocentricMeanEcliptic, obstime=obstime)

    return coord.transform_to(HGS)
Пример #57
# equator:
area = 0.0
for i, response in enumerate(responses):
    if response['area_atdiskcenter'] > area and np.abs(
            response['hgc_y']) < 60.0:
        area = response['area_atdiskcenter']
        response_index = i

# Now let's get the boundary of the coronal hole
ch = responses[response_index]
p1 = ch["hpc_boundcc"][9:-2]
p2 = p1.split(',')
p3 = [v.split(" ") for v in p2]
ch_boundary = np.asarray([(eval(v[0]), eval(v[1])) for v in p3])
ch_date = parse_time(ch['event_starttime'])

# The coronal hole was detected at a certain time.  To plot it on a map, we
# need to rotate it to the map observation time.
rotated_boundary = np.zeros_like(ch_boundary)
n = ch_boundary.shape[0]
for i in range(0, n):
    new_coords = rot_hpc(ch_boundary[i, 0] * u.arcsec,
                         ch_boundary[i, 1] * u.arcsec, ch_date, aia_map.date)
    rotated_boundary[i, 0] = new_coords[0].value
    rotated_boundary[i, 1] = new_coords[1].value

# Now let's plot the rotated coronal hole boundary on the AIA map, and fill
# it with some matplotlib hatching.
Пример #58
def testDirectoryRange_single():
    s = Scraper('%Y%m%d/%H_%M.csv')
    startdate = parse_time((2010, 10, 10, 5, 0))
    enddate = parse_time((2010, 10, 10, 7, 0))
    timerange = TimeRange(startdate, enddate)
    assert len(s.range(timerange)) == 1
Пример #59
    def plot(self, gamma=None, annotate=True, axes=None, **imshow_args):
        """ Plots the map object using matplotlib, in a method equivalent
        to plt.imshow() using nearest neighbour interpolation.

        gamma : float
            Gamma value to use for the color map

        annotate : bool
            If true, the data is plotted at it's natural scale; with
            title and axis labels.

        axes: matplotlib.axes object or None
            If provided the image will be plotted on the given axes. Else the
            current matplotlib axes will be used.

        **imshow_args : dict
            Any additional imshow arguments that should be used
            when plotting the image.

        #Simple Plot with color bar

        #Add a limb line and grid

        #Get current axes
        if not axes:
            axes = plt.gca()

        # Normal plot
        if annotate:
            axes.set_title("%s %s" % (self.name, parse_time(
                self.date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")))

            # x-axis label
            if self.coordinate_system['x'] == 'HG':
                xlabel = 'Longitude [%s]' % self.units['x']
                xlabel = 'X-position [%s]' % self.units['x']

            # y-axis label
            if self.coordinate_system['y'] == 'HG':
                ylabel = 'Latitude [%s]' % self.units['y']
                ylabel = 'Y-position [%s]' % self.units['y']


        # Determine extent
        extent = self.xrange + self.yrange

        cmap = deepcopy(self.cmap)
        if gamma is not None:

            #make imshow kwargs a dict

        kwargs = {
            'origin': 'lower',
            'cmap': cmap,
            'norm': self.mpl_color_normalizer,
            'extent': extent,
            'interpolation': 'nearest'

        ret = axes.imshow(self.data, **kwargs)

        #Set current image (makes colorbar work)
        return ret
Пример #60
results = Fido.search(tr, a.Instrument.xrs & a.goes.SatelliteNumber(15)
                      | a.hek.FL & (a.hek.FRM.Name == 'SWPC'))  # NOQA

# Then download the XRS data and load it into a TimeSeries.

files = Fido.fetch(results)
goes = TimeSeries(files)

# Next let's retrieve `~sunpy.net.hek.HEKTable` from the Fido result
# and then load the first row from HEK results into ``flares_hek``.

hek_results = results['hek']
flares_hek = hek_results[0]

# Lets plot everything together.

