Пример #1
def test_nocond():
    f = ConditionalDispatch()
    # Multiply even numbers by two.
    f.add(lambda x: 2 * x, lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
        assert "Your input did not fulfill the condition for any function." in str(exc_info.value)
Пример #2
class Parent(object):
    _create = ConditionalDispatch()

    def read(cls, filename):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def read_many(cls, filenames):
        return list(map(cls.read, filenames))

    def from_glob(cls, pattern):
        """ Read out files using glob (e.g., ~/BIR_2011*) pattern. Returns
        list of objects made from all matched files.
        return cls.read_many(glob.glob(pattern))

    def from_single_glob(cls, singlepattern):
        """ Read out a single file using glob (e.g., ~/BIR_2011*) pattern.
        If more than one file matches the pattern, raise ValueError.
        matches = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(singlepattern))
        if len(matches) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Invalid number of matches: {0:d}".format(len(matches)))
        return cls.read(matches[0])

    def from_files(cls, filenames):
        """ Return list of object read from given list of
        filenames. """
        filenames = list(map(os.path.expanduser, filenames))
        return cls.read_many(filenames)

    def from_file(cls, filename):
        """ Return object from file. """
        filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
        return cls.read(filename)

    def from_dir(cls, directory):
        """ Return list that contains all files in the directory read in. """
        directory = os.path.expanduser(directory)
        return cls.read_many(
            (os.path.join(directory, elem) for elem in os.listdir(directory))

    def from_url(cls, url):
        """ Return object read from URL.

        url : str
            URL to retrieve the data from
        path = download_file(url, get_and_create_download_dir())
        return cls.read(path)
Пример #3
def test_else2():
    # This verifies else branches do not catch cases that are covered
    # by cases added later.
    f = ConditionalDispatch()
    # Because gcd(2, 3) == 1, 2 | x and 3 | x are mutually exclusive.
    f.add(lambda x: 2 * x, lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    f.add(lambda x: 3 * x)
    f.add(lambda x: 4 * x, lambda x: x % 3 == 0)
    assert f(2) == 4
    assert f(3) == 12
    assert f(5) == 15
Пример #4
def test_else():
    f = ConditionalDispatch()
    # Multiply even numbers by two.
    f.add(lambda x: 2 * x, lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    f.add(lambda x: 3 * x)
    assert f(2) == 4
    assert f(3) == 9
Пример #5
def oddeven(request):
    f = ConditionalDispatch()
    # Multiply even numbers by two.
    f.add(lambda x: 2 * x, lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    # Multiply odd numbers by three.
    f.add(lambda x: 3 * x, lambda x: x % 2 == 1)
    return f
Пример #6
class SWavesSpectrogram(LinearTimeSpectrogram):
    _create = ConditionalDispatch.from_existing(LinearTimeSpectrogram._create)
    create = classmethod(_create.wrapper())
    COPY_PROPERTIES = LinearTimeSpectrogram.COPY_PROPERTIES + [
        ('bg', REFERENCE)

    def swavesfile_to_date(filename):
        _, name = os.path.split(filename)
        date = name.split('_')[2]
        return datetime.datetime(
            int(date[0:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:])

    def read(cls, filename, **kwargs):
        """Read in FITS file and return a new SWavesSpectrogram. """
        data = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=2)
        time_axis = data[:, 0] * 60.
        data = data[:, 1:].transpose()
        header = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_footer=time_axis.size)
        freq_axis = header[0, :]
        bg = header[1, :]
        start = cls.swavesfile_to_date(filename)
        end = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_axis[-1])
        t_delt = 60.
        t_init = (start - get_day(start)).seconds
        content = ''
        t_label = 'Time [UT]'
        f_label = 'Frequency [KHz]'

        freq_axis = freq_axis[::-1]
        data = data[::-1, :]

        return cls(data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end, t_init, t_delt,
                   t_label, f_label, content, bg)

    def __init__(self, data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end,
                 t_init, t_delt, t_label, f_label, content, bg):
        # Because of how object creation works, there is no avoiding
        # unused arguments in this case.
        # pylint: disable=W0613

        super(SWavesSpectrogram, self).__init__(
            data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end,
            t_init, t_delt, t_label, f_label,
            content, set(["SWAVES"])
        self.bg = bg
Пример #7
class LightCurve(object):

    A generic light curve object.

    args : filepath, url, or start and end dates
        The input for a LightCurve object should either be a filepath, a URL,
        or a date range to be queried for the particular instrument.

    meta : string, dict
        The comment string or header associated with the light curve input
    data : pandas.DataFrame
        An pandas DataFrame prepresenting one or more fields as they vary with 
        respect to time.

    >>> import sunpy
    >>> import datetime
    >>> import numpy as np

    >>> base = datetime.datetime.today()
    >>> dates = [base - datetime.timedelta(minutes=x) for x in range(0, 24 * 60)]

    >>> intensity = np.sin(np.arange(0, 12 * np.pi, step=(12 * np.pi) / 24 * 60))

    >>> light_curve = sunpy.lightcurve.LightCurve.create(
    ...    {"param1": intensity}, index=dates
    ... )

    >>> light_curve.peek()

    | http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/dsintro.html

    _cond_dispatch = ConditionalDispatch()
    create = classmethod(_cond_dispatch.wrapper())

    def __init__(self, data, meta=None):
        self.data = pandas.DataFrame(data)
        if meta == '' or meta is None:
            self.meta = OrderedDict()
            self.meta = OrderedDict(meta)

    def header(self):
        Return the lightcurves metadata

        .. deprecated:: 0.4.0
            Use .meta instead
            """lightcurve.header has been renamed to lightcurve.meta
for compatability with map, please use meta instead""", Warning)
        return self.meta

    def from_time(cls, time, **kwargs):
        '''Called by Conditional Dispatch object when valid time is passed as input to create method.'''
        date = parse_time(time)
        url = cls._get_url_for_date(date, **kwargs)
        filepath = cls._download(
            url, kwargs, err="Unable to download data for specified date")
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_range(cls, start, end, **kwargs):
        '''Called by Conditional Dispatch object when start and end time are passed as input to create method.'''
        url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(parse_time(start), parse_time(end))
        filepath = cls._download(
            err="Unable to download data for specified date range")
        result = cls.from_file(filepath)
        result.data = result.data.truncate(start, end)
        return result

    def from_timerange(cls, timerange, **kwargs):
        '''Called by Conditional Dispatch object when time range is passed as input to create method.'''
        url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(timerange)
        filepath = cls._download(
            err="Unable to download data for specified date range")
        result = cls.from_file(filepath)
        result.data = result.data.truncate(timerange.start(), timerange.end())
        return result

    def from_file(cls, filename):
        '''Used to return Light Curve object by reading the given filename

	    filename: Path of the file to be read.


        filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
        meta, data = cls._parse_filepath(filename)
        if data.empty:
            raise ValueError("No data found!")
            return cls(data, meta)

    def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs):
	Downloads a file from the given url, reads and returns a Light Curve object.

	    url : string 
	        Uniform Resource Locator pointing to the file.

	    kwargs :Dict
	        Dict object containing other related parameters to assist in download.

            filepath = cls._download(url, kwargs)
        except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, ValueError):
            err = ("Unable to read location %s.") % url
            raise ValueError(err)
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_data(cls, data, index=None, meta=None):
	Called by Conditional Dispatch object to create Light Curve object when corresponding data is passed
	to create method.

        return cls(pandas.DataFrame(data, index=index), meta)

    def from_yesterday(cls):
        return cls.from_url(cls._get_default_uri())

    def from_dataframe(cls, dataframe, meta=None):
	Called by Conditional Dispatch object to create Light Curve object when Pandas DataFrame is passed
	to create method.

        return cls(dataframe, meta)

    def plot(self, axes=None, **plot_args):
        """Plot a plot of the light curve

        axes: matplotlib.axes object or None
            If provided the image will be plotted on the given axes. Else the 
            current matplotlib axes will be used.

        **plot_args : dict
            Any additional plot arguments that should be used
            when plotting the image.


        #Get current axes
        if axes is None:
            axes = plt.gca()

        axes = self.data.plot(ax=axes, **plot_args)

        return axes

    def peek(self, **kwargs):
        """Displays the light curve in a new figure"""

        figure = plt.figure()



        return figure

    def _download(uri, kwargs, err='Unable to download data at specified URL'):
        """Attempts to download data at the specified URI"""

        _filename = os.path.basename(uri).split("?")[0]

        # user specifies a download directory
        if "directory" in kwargs:
            download_dir = os.path.expanduser(kwargs["directory"])
            download_dir = sunpy.config.get("downloads", "download_dir")

        # overwrite the existing file if the keyword is present
        if "overwrite" in kwargs:
            overwrite = kwargs["overwrite"]
            overwrite = False

        # If the file is not already there, download it
        filepath = os.path.join(download_dir, _filename)

        if not (os.path.isfile(filepath)) or (overwrite
                                              and os.path.isfile(filepath)):
                response = urllib2.urlopen(uri)
            except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError):
                raise urllib2.URLError(err)
            with open(filepath, 'wb') as fp:
                shutil.copyfileobj(response, fp)
                "Using existing file rather than downloading, use overwrite=True to override.",

        return filepath

    def _get_default_uri(cls):
        """Default data to load when none is specified"""
        msg = "No default action set for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _get_url_for_date(cls, date, **kwargs):
        """Returns a URL to the data for the specified date"""
        msg = "Date-based downloads not supported for for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _get_url_for_date_range(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns a URL to the data for the specified date range"""
        msg = "Date-range based downloads not supported for for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _parse_csv(filepath):
        """Place holder method to parse CSV files."""
        msg = "Generic CSV parsing not yet implemented for LightCurve"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def _parse_fits(filepath):
        """Place holder method to parse FITS files."""
        msg = "Generic FITS parsing not yet implemented for LightCurve"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def _parse_filepath(cls, filepath):
        """Check the file extension to see how to parse the file"""
        filename, extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)

        if extension.lower() in (".csv", ".txt"):
            return cls._parse_csv(filepath)
            return cls._parse_fits(filepath)

    def truncate(self, a, b=None):
        """Returns a truncated version of the timeseries object"""
        if isinstance(a, TimeRange):
            time_range = a
            time_range = TimeRange(a, b)

        truncated = self.data.truncate(time_range.start(), time_range.end())
        return self.__class__.create(truncated, self.meta.copy())

    def extract(self, a):
        """Extract a set of particular columns from the DataFrame"""
        # TODO allow the extract function to pick more than one column
        if isinstance(self, pandas.Series):
            return self
            return LightCurve(self.data[a], self.meta.copy())

    def time_range(self):
        """Returns the start and end times of the LightCurve as a TimeRange
        return TimeRange(self.data.index[0], self.data.index[-1])
Пример #8
class Spectrogram(Parent):
    Spectrogram Class.

    .. warning:: This module is under development! Use at your own risk.

    data : `~numpy.ndarray`
        two-dimensional array of the image data of the spectrogram.
    time_axis : `~numpy.ndarray`
        one-dimensional array containing the offset from the start
        for each column of data.
    freq_axis : `~numpy.ndarray`
        one-dimensional array containing information about the
        frequencies each row of the image corresponds to.
    start : `~datetime.datetime`
        starting time of the measurement
    end : `~datetime.datetime`
        end time of the measurement
    t_init : int
        offset from the start of the day the measurement began. If None
        gets automatically set from start.
    t_label : str
        label for the time axis
    f_label : str
        label for the frequency axis
    content : str
        header for the image
    instruments : str array
        instruments that recorded the data, may be more than one if
        it was constructed using combine_frequencies or join_many.
    # Contrary to what pylint may think, this is not an old-style class.
    # pylint: disable=E1002,W0142,R0902

    # This needs to list all attributes that need to be
    # copied to maintain the object and how to handle them.
        ('time_axis', COPY),
        ('freq_axis', COPY),
        ('instruments', COPY),
        ('start', REFERENCE),
        ('end', REFERENCE),
        ('t_label', REFERENCE),
        ('f_label', REFERENCE),
        ('content', REFERENCE),
        ('t_init', REFERENCE),
    _create = ConditionalDispatch.from_existing(Parent._create)

    def shape(self):
        return self.data.shape

    def dtype(self):
        return self.data.dtype

    def _get_params(self):
        """Implementation detail."""
        return dict(
            (name, getattr(self, name)) for name, _ in self.COPY_PROPERTIES

    def _slice(self, y_range, x_range):
        """Return new spectrogram reduced to the values passed
        as slices. Implementation detail."""
        data = self.data[y_range, x_range]
        params = self._get_params()

        soffset = 0 if x_range.start is None else x_range.start
        soffset = int(soffset)
        eoffset = self.shape[1] if x_range.stop is None else x_range.stop  # pylint: disable=E1101
        eoffset -= 1
        eoffset = int(eoffset)

            'time_axis': self.time_axis[
            ] - self.time_axis[soffset],
            'freq_axis': self.freq_axis[
            'start': self.start + datetime.timedelta(
            'end': self.start + datetime.timedelta(
            't_init': self.t_init + self.time_axis[soffset],
        return self.__class__(data, **params)

    def _with_data(self, data):
        new = copy(self)
        new.data = data
        return new

    def __init__(self, data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end, t_init=None,
                 t_label="Time", f_label="Frequency", content="",
        # Because of how object creation works, there is no avoiding
        # unused arguments in this case.
        self.data = data

        if t_init is None:
            diff = start - get_day(start)
            t_init = diff.seconds
        if instruments is None:
            instruments = set()

        self.start = start
        self.end = end

        self.t_label = t_label
        self.f_label = f_label

        self.t_init = t_init

        self.time_axis = time_axis
        self.freq_axis = freq_axis

        self.content = content
        self.instruments = instruments

    def time_formatter(self, x, pos):
        """This returns the label for the tick of value x at
        a specified pos on the time axis."""
        # Callback, cannot avoid unused arguments.
        # pylint: disable=W0613
        x = int(x)
        if x >= len(self.time_axis) or x < 0:
            return ""
        return self.format_time(
            self.start + datetime.timedelta(

    def format_time(time):
        """Override to configure default plotting."""
        return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")

    def format_freq(freq):
        """Override to configure default plotting."""
        return "{freq:0.1f}".format(freq=freq)

    def peek(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot spectrum onto current axes.

        *args : dict

        **kwargs : dict
            Any additional plot arguments that should be used
            when plotting.

        fig : `~matplotlib.Figure`
            A plot figure.
        ret = self.plot(*args, **kwargs)
        return ret

    def plot(self, figure=None, overlays=[], colorbar=True, vmin=None,
             vmax=None, linear=True, showz=True, yres=DEFAULT_YRES,
             max_dist=None, **matplotlib_args):
        Plot spectrogram onto figure.

        figure : `~matplotlib.Figure`
            Figure to plot the spectrogram on. If None, new Figure is created.
        overlays : list
            List of overlays (functions that receive figure and axes and return
            new ones) to be applied after drawing.
        colorbar : bool
            Flag that determines whether or not to draw a colorbar. If existing
            figure is passed, it is attempted to overdraw old colorbar.
        vmin : float
            Clip intensities lower than vmin before drawing.
        vmax : float
            Clip intensities higher than vmax before drawing.
        linear : bool
            If set to True, "stretch" image to make frequency axis linear.
        showz : bool
            If set to True, the value of the pixel that is hovered with the
            mouse is shown in the bottom right corner.
        yres : int or None
            To be used in combination with linear=True. If None, sample the
            image with half the minimum frequency delta. Else, sample the
            image to be at most yres pixels in vertical dimension. Defaults
            to 1080 because that's a common screen size.
        max_dist : float or None
            If not None, mask elements that are further than max_dist away
            from actual data points (ie, frequencies that actually have data
            from the receiver and are not just nearest-neighbour interpolated).
        # [] as default argument is okay here because it is only read.
        # pylint: disable=W0102,R0914
        if linear:
            delt = yres
            if delt is not None:
                delt = max(
                    (self.freq_axis[0] - self.freq_axis[-1]) / (yres - 1),
                    _min_delt(self.freq_axis) / 2.
                delt = float(delt)

            data = _LinearView(self.clip_values(vmin, vmax), delt)
            freqs = np.arange(
                self.freq_axis[0], self.freq_axis[-1], -data.delt
            data = np.array(self.clip_values(vmin, vmax))
            freqs = self.freq_axis

        figure = plt.gcf()

        if figure.axes:
            axes = figure.axes[0]
            axes = figure.add_subplot(111)

        params = {
            'origin': 'lower',
            'aspect': 'auto',
        if linear and max_dist is not None:
            toplot = ma.masked_array(data, mask=data.make_mask(max_dist))
            toplot = data
        im = axes.imshow(toplot, **params)

        xa = axes.get_xaxis()
        ya = axes.get_yaxis()


        if linear:
            # Start with a number that is divisible by 5.
            init = (self.freq_axis[0] % 5) / data.delt
            nticks = 15.
            # Calculate MHz difference between major ticks.
            dist = (self.freq_axis[0] - self.freq_axis[-1]) / nticks
            # Round to next multiple of 10, at least ten.
            dist = max(round(dist, -1), 10)
            # One pixel in image space is data.delt MHz, thus we can convert
            # our distance between the major ticks into image space by dividing
            # it by data.delt.

                    dist / data.delt, init
                    dist / data.delt / 10, init

            def freq_fmt(x, pos):
                # This is necessary because matplotlib somehow tries to get
                # the mid-point of the row, which we do not need here.
                x = x + 0.5
                return self.format_freq(self.freq_axis[0] - x * data.delt)
            freq_fmt = _list_formatter(freqs, self.format_freq)
            ya.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True, steps=[1, 5, 10]))


        # figure.suptitle(self.content)

            ' '.join([
                get_day(self.start).strftime("%d %b %Y"),
                'Radio flux density',
                '(' + ', '.join(self.instruments) + ')',

        for tl in xa.get_ticklabels():

        if showz:
            axes.format_coord = self._mk_format_coord(
                data, figure.gca().format_coord)

        if colorbar:
            if len(figure.axes) > 1:
                Colorbar(figure.axes[1], im).set_label("Intensity")

        for overlay in overlays:
            figure, axes = overlay(figure, axes)

        for ax in figure.axes:
        if isinstance(figure, SpectroFigure):
            figure._init(self, freqs)
        return axes

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        only_y = not isinstance(key, tuple)

        if only_y:
            return self.data[int(key)]
        elif isinstance(key[0], slice) and isinstance(key[1], slice):
            return self._slice(key[0], key[1])
        elif isinstance(key[1], slice):
            # return Spectrum( # XXX: Right class
            #     super(Spectrogram, self).__getitem__(key),
            #     self.time_axis[key[1].start:key[1].stop:key[1].step]
            # )
            return np.array(self.data[key])
        elif isinstance(key[0], slice):
            return Spectrum(

        return self.data[int(key)]

    def clip_freq(self, vmin=None, vmax=None):
        """Return a new spectrogram only consisting of frequencies
        in the interval [vmin, vmax].

        vmin : float
            All frequencies in the result are greater or equal to this.
        vmax : float
            All frequencies in the result are smaller or equal to this.
        left = 0
        if vmax is not None:
            while self.freq_axis[left] > vmax:
                left += 1

        right = len(self.freq_axis) - 1

        if vmin is not None:
            while self.freq_axis[right] < vmin:
                right -= 1

        return self[left:right + 1, :]

    def auto_find_background(self, amount=0.05):
        """Automatically find the background. This
        is done by first subtracting the average value in each channel and then
        finding those times which have the lowest standard deviation.

        amount : float
            The percent amount (out of 1) of lowest standard deviation to
        # pylint: disable=E1101,E1103
        data = self.data.astype(to_signed(self.dtype))
        # Subtract average value from every frequency channel.
        tmp = (data - np.average(self.data, 1).reshape(self.shape[0], 1))
        # Get standard deviation at every point of time.
        # Need to convert because otherwise this class's __getitem__
        # is used which assumes two-dimensionality.
        sdevs = np.asarray(np.std(tmp, 0))

        # Get indices of values with lowest standard deviation.
        cand = sorted(range(self.shape[1]), key=lambda y: sdevs[y])
        # Only consider the best 5 %.
        return cand[:max(1, int(amount * len(cand)))]

    def auto_const_bg(self):
        """Automatically determine background."""
        realcand = self.auto_find_background()
        bg = np.average(self.data[:, realcand], 1)
        return bg.reshape(self.shape[0], 1)

    def subtract_bg(self):
        """Perform constant background subtraction."""
        return self._with_data(self.data - self.auto_const_bg())

    def randomized_auto_const_bg(self, amount):
        """Automatically determine background. Only consider a randomly
        chosen subset of the image.

        amount : int
            Size of random sample that is considered for calculation of
            the background.
        cols = [randint(0, self.shape[1] - 1) for _ in range(amount)]

        # pylint: disable=E1101,E1103
        data = self.data.astype(to_signed(self.dtype))
        # Subtract average value from every frequency channel.
        tmp = (data - np.average(self.data, 1).reshape(self.shape[0], 1))
        # Get standard deviation at every point of time.
        # Need to convert because otherwise this class's __getitem__
        # is used which assumes two-dimensionality.
        tmp = tmp[:, cols]
        sdevs = np.asarray(np.std(tmp, 0))

        # Get indices of values with lowest standard deviation.
        cand = sorted(range(amount), key=lambda y: sdevs[y])
        # Only consider the best 5 %.
        realcand = cand[:max(1, int(0.05 * len(cand)))]

        # Average the best 5 %
        bg = np.average(self[:, [cols[r] for r in realcand]], 1)

        return bg.reshape(self.shape[0], 1)

    def randomized_subtract_bg(self, amount):
        """Perform randomized constant background subtraction.
        Does not produce the same result every time it is run.

        amount : int
            Size of random sample that is considered for calculation of
            the background.
        return self._with_data(self.data - self.randomized_auto_const_bg(amount))

    def clip_values(self, vmin=None, vmax=None, out=None):
        Clip intensities to be in the interval [vmin, vmax].

        Any values greater than the maximum will be assigned the maximum,
        any values lower than the minimum will be assigned the minimum.
        If either is left out or None, do not clip at that side of the interval.

        min : int or float
            New minimum value for intensities.
        max : int or float
            New maximum value for intensities
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        if vmin is None:
            vmin = int(self.data.min())

        if vmax is None:
            vmax = int(self.data.max())

        return self._with_data(self.data.clip(vmin, vmax, out))

    def rescale(self, vmin=0, vmax=1, dtype=np.dtype('float32')):
        Rescale intensities to [vmin, vmax].
        Note that vmin ≠ vmax and spectrogram.min() ≠ spectrogram.max().

        vmin : float or int
            New minimum value in the resulting spectrogram.
        vmax : float or int
            New maximum value in the resulting spectrogram.
        dtype : `numpy.dtype`
            Data-type of the resulting spectrogram.
        if vmax == vmin:
            raise ValueError("Maximum and minimum must be different.")
        if self.data.max() == self.data.min():
            raise ValueError("Spectrogram needs to contain distinct values.")
        data = self.data.astype(dtype)  # pylint: disable=E1101
        return self._with_data(
            vmin + (vmax - vmin) * (data - self.data.min()) /  # pylint: disable=E1101
            (self.data.max() - self.data.min())  # pylint: disable=E1101

    def interpolate(self, frequency):
        Linearly interpolate intensity at unknown frequency using linear
        interpolation of its two neighbours.

        frequency : float or int
            Unknown frequency for which to linearly interpolate the intensities.
            freq_axis[0] >= frequency >= self_freq_axis[-1]
        lfreq, lvalue = None, None
        for freq, value in zip(self.freq_axis, self.data[:, :]):
            if freq < frequency:
            lfreq, lvalue = freq, value
            raise ValueError("Frequency not in interpolation range")
        if lfreq is None:
            raise ValueError("Frequency not in interpolation range")
        diff = frequency - freq  # pylint: disable=W0631
        ldiff = lfreq - frequency
        return (ldiff * value + diff * lvalue) / (diff + ldiff)  # pylint: disable=W0631

    def linearize_freqs(self, delta_freq=None):
        """Rebin frequencies so that the frequency axis is linear.

        delta_freq : float
            Difference between consecutive values on the new frequency axis.
            Defaults to half of smallest delta in current frequency axis.
            Compare Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem.
        if delta_freq is None:
            # Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem
            delta_freq = _min_delt(self.freq_axis) / 2.
        nsize = (self.freq_axis.max() - self.freq_axis.min()) / delta_freq + 1
        new = np.zeros((int(nsize), self.shape[1]), dtype=self.data.dtype)

        freqs = self.freq_axis - self.freq_axis.max()
        freqs = freqs / delta_freq

        midpoints = np.round((freqs[:-1] + freqs[1:]) / 2)
        fillto = np.concatenate(
            [midpoints - 1, np.round([freqs[-1]]) - 1]
        fillfrom = np.concatenate(
            [np.round([freqs[0]]), midpoints - 1]

        fillto = np.abs(fillto)
        fillfrom = np.abs(fillfrom)

        for row, from_, to_ in zip(self, fillfrom, fillto):
            new[int(from_): int(to_)] = row

        vrs = self._get_params()
            'freq_axis': np.linspace(
                self.freq_axis.max(), self.freq_axis.min(), nsize

        return self.__class__(new, **vrs)

    def freq_overlap(self, other):
        """Get frequency range present in both spectrograms. Returns
        (min, max) tuple.

        other : Spectrogram
            other spectrogram with which to look for frequency overlap
        lower = max(self.freq_axis[-1], other.freq_axis[-1])
        upper = min(self.freq_axis[0], other.freq_axis[0])
        if lower > upper:
            raise ValueError("No overlap.")
        return lower, upper

    def time_to_x(self, time):
        """Return x-coordinate in spectrogram that corresponds to the
        passed `~datetime.datetime` value.

        time : `~sunpy.time.parse_time` compatible str
            `~datetime.datetime` to find the x coordinate for.
        diff = time - self.start
        diff_s = SECONDS_PER_DAY * diff.days + diff.seconds
        if self.time_axis[-1] < diff_s < 0:
            raise ValueError("Out of bounds")
        for n, elem in enumerate(self.time_axis):
            if diff_s < elem:
                return n - 1
        # The last element is the searched one.
        return n

    def at_freq(self, freq):
        return self[np.nonzero(self.freq_axis == freq)[0], :]

    def _mk_format_coord(spec, fmt_coord):
        def format_coord(x, y):
            shape = list(map(int, spec.shape))

            xint, yint = int(x), int(y)
            if 0 <= xint < shape[1] and 0 <= yint < shape[0]:
                pixel = spec[yint][xint]
                pixel = ""

            return '{0!s} z={1!s}'.format(fmt_coord(x, y), pixel)

        return format_coord
Пример #9
class CallistoSpectrogram(LinearTimeSpectrogram):
    """ Classed used for dynamic spectra coming from the Callisto network.

    header : fits.Header
        main header of the FITS file
    axes_header : fits.Header
        header foe the axes table
    swapped : boolean
        flag that specifies whether originally in the file the x-axis was
    # XXX: Determine those from the data.
    SIGMA_SUM = 75
    _create = ConditionalDispatch.from_existing(LinearTimeSpectrogram._create)
    create = classmethod(_create.wrapper())
    # Contrary to what pylint may think, this is not an old-style class.
    # pylint: disable=E1002,W0142,R0902

    # This needs to list all attributes that need to be
    # copied to maintain the object and how to handle them.
    COPY_PROPERTIES = LinearTimeSpectrogram.COPY_PROPERTIES + [
        ('header', REFERENCE),
        ('swapped', REFERENCE),
        ('axes_header', REFERENCE)

    # List of instruments retrieved in July 2012 from
    # http://soleil.i4ds.ch/solarradio/data/2002-20yy_Callisto/
    INSTRUMENTS = set([
        'ALASKA', 'ALMATY', 'BIR', 'DARO', 'HB9SCT', 'HUMAIN',
        'MRT2', 'OOTY', 'OSRA', 'SWMC', 'TRIEST', 'UNAM'

    def save(self, filepath):
        """ Save modified spectrogram back to filepath.

        filepath : str
            path to save the spectrogram to
        main_header = self.get_header()
        data = fits.PrimaryHDU(self, header=main_header)
        ## XXX: Update axes header.

        freq_col = fits.Column(
            name="frequency", format="D8.3", array=self.freq_axis
        time_col = fits.Column(
            name="time", format="D8.3", array=self.time_axis
        cols = fits.ColDefs([freq_col, time_col])
        table = fits.new_table(cols, header=self.axes_header)

        hdulist = fits.HDUList([data, table])

    def get_header(self):
        """ Return updated header. """
        header = self.header.copy()

        if self.swapped:
            header['NAXIS2'] = self.shape[1] # pylint: disable=E1101
            header['NAXIS1'] = self.shape[0] # pylint: disable=E1101
            header['NAXIS1'] = self.shape[1] # pylint: disable=E1101
            header['NAXIS2'] = self.shape[0] # pylint: disable=E1101
        return header

    def read(cls, filename, **kwargs):
        """ Read in FITS file and return a new CallistoSpectrogram.
        Any unknown (i.e. any except filename) keyword arguments get
        passed to fits.open.

        filename : str
            path of the file to read
        fl = fits.open(filename, **kwargs)
        data = fl[0].data
        axes = fl[1]
        header = fl[0].header

        start = _parse_header_time(
            header['DATE-OBS'], header.get('TIME-OBS', header.get('TIME$_OBS'))
        end = _parse_header_time(
            header['DATE-END'], header.get('TIME-END', header.get('TIME$_END'))

        swapped = "time" not in header["CTYPE1"].lower()

        # Swap dimensions so x-axis is always time.
        if swapped:
            t_delt = header["CDELT2"]
            t_init = header["CRVAL2"] - t_delt * header["CRPIX2"]
            t_label = header["CTYPE2"]

            f_delt = header["CDELT1"]
            f_init = header["CRVAL1"] - t_delt * header["CRPIX1"]
            f_label = header["CTYPE1"]
            data = data.transpose()
            t_delt = header["CDELT1"]
            t_init = header["CRVAL1"] - t_delt * header["CRPIX1"]
            t_label = header["CTYPE1"]

            f_delt = header["CDELT2"]
            f_init = header["CRVAL2"] - t_delt * header["CRPIX2"]
            f_label = header["CTYPE2"]

        # Table may contain the axes data. If it does, the other way of doing
        # it might be very wrong.
        if axes is not None:
                # It's not my fault. Neither supports __contains__ nor .get
                tm = axes.data['time']
            except KeyError:
                tm = None
                fq = axes.data['frequency']
            except KeyError:
                fq = None

        if tm is not None:
            # Fix dimensions (whyever they are (1, x) in the first place)
            time_axis = np.squeeze(tm)
            # Otherwise, assume it's linear.
            time_axis = \
                np.linspace(0, data.shape[1] - 1) * t_delt + t_init # pylint: disable=E1101

        if fq is not None:
            freq_axis = np.squeeze(fq)
            freq_axis = \
                np.linspace(0, data.shape[0] - 1) * f_delt + f_init # pylint: disable=E1101

        content = header["CONTENT"]
        instruments = set([header["INSTRUME"]])

        return cls(
            data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end, t_init, t_delt,
            t_label, f_label, content, instruments,
            header, axes.header, swapped

    def __init__(self, data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end,
            t_init=None, t_delt=None, t_label="Time", f_label="Frequency",
            content="", instruments=None, header=None, axes_header=None,
        # Because of how object creation works, there is no avoiding
        # unused arguments in this case.
        # pylint: disable=W0613

        super(CallistoSpectrogram, self).__init__(
            data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end,
            t_init, t_delt, t_label, f_label,
            content, instruments

        self.header = header
        self.axes_header = axes_header
        self.swapped = swapped

    def is_datasource_for(cls, header):
        """ Check if class supports data from the given FITS file.

        header : fits.Header
            main header of the FITS file
        return header.get('instrume', '').strip() in cls.INSTRUMENTS

    def remove_border(self):
        """ Remove duplicate entries on the borders. """
        left = 0
        while self.freq_axis[left] == self.freq_axis[0]:
            left += 1
        right = self.shape[0] - 1
        while self.freq_axis[right] == self.freq_axis[-1]:
            right -= 1
        return self[left-1:right+2, :]

    def read_many(cls, filenames, sort_by=None):
        """ Return list of CallistoSpectrogram objects read from filenames.

        filenames : list of str
            list of paths to read from
        sort_by : str
            optional attribute of the resulting objects to sort from, e.g.
            start to sort by starting time.
        objs = map(cls.read, filenames)
        if sort_by is not None:
            objs.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, sort_by))
        return objs

    def from_range(cls, instrument, start, end, **kwargs):
        """ Automatically download data from instrument between start and
        end and join it together.

        instrument : str
            instrument to retrieve the data from
        start : parse_time compatible
            start of the measurement
        end : parse_time compatible
            end of the measurement
        kw = {
            'maxgap': None,
            'fill': cls.JOIN_REPEAT,

        start = parse_time(start)
        end = parse_time(end)
        urls = query(start, end, [instrument])
        data = map(cls.from_url, urls)
        freq_buckets = defaultdict(list)
        for elem in data:
            return cls.combine_frequencies(
                [cls.join_many(elem, **kw) for elem in freq_buckets.itervalues()]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("No data found.")

    def _overlap(self, other):
        """ Find frequency and time overlap of two spectrograms. """
        one, two = self.intersect_time([self, other])
        ovl = one.freq_overlap(two)
        return one.clip_freq(*ovl), two.clip_freq(*ovl)

    def _to_minimize(a, b):
        Function to be minimized for matching to frequency channels.
        def _fun(p):
            if p[0] <= 0.2 or abs(p[1]) >= a.max():
                return float("inf")
            return a - (p[0] * b + p[1])
        return _fun

    def _homogenize_params(self, other, maxdiff=1):
        Return triple with a tuple of indices (in self and other, respectively),
        factors and constants at these frequencies.

        other : CallistoSpectrogram
            Spectrogram to be homogenized with the current one.
        maxdiff : float
            Threshold for which frequencies are considered equal.

        pairs_indices = [
            (x, y) for x, y, d in minimal_pairs(self.freq_axis, other.freq_axis)
            if d <= maxdiff

        pairs_data = [
            (self[n_one, :], other[n_two, :]) for n_one, n_two in pairs_indices

        # XXX: Maybe unnecessary.
        pairs_data_gaussian = [
            (gaussian_filter1d(a, 15), gaussian_filter1d(b, 15))
            for a, b in pairs_data

        # If we used integer arithmetic, we would accept more invalid
        # values.
        pairs_data_gaussian64 = np.float64(pairs_data_gaussian)
        least = [
            leastsq(self._to_minimize(a,b), [1, 0])[0]
            for a, b in pairs_data_gaussian64

        factors = [x for x, y in least]
        constants = [y for x, y in least]

        return pairs_indices, factors, constants

    def homogenize(self, other, maxdiff=1):
        """ Return overlapping part of self and other as (self, other) tuple.
        Homogenize intensities so that the images can be used with
        combine_frequencies. Note that this works best when most of the
        picture is signal, so use :py:meth:`in_interval` to select the subset
        of your image before applying this method.

        other : CallistoSpectrogram
            Spectrogram to be homogenized with the current one.
        maxdiff : float
            Threshold for which frequencies are considered equal.
        one, two = self._overlap(other)
        pairs_indices, factors, constants = one._homogenize_params(
            two, maxdiff
        # XXX: Maybe (xd.freq_axis[x] + yd.freq_axis[y]) / 2.
        pairs_freqs = [one.freq_axis[x] for x, y in pairs_indices]

        # XXX: Extrapolation does not work this way.
        # XXX: Improve.
        f1 = np.polyfit(pairs_freqs, factors, 3)
        f2 = np.polyfit(pairs_freqs, constants, 3)

        return (
            two * polyfun_at(f1, two.freq_axis)[:, np.newaxis] +
                polyfun_at(f2, two.freq_axis)[:, np.newaxis]

    def extend(self, minutes=15, **kwargs):
        """ Request subsequent files from the server. If minutes is negative,
        retrieve preceding files. """
        if len(self.instruments) != 1:
            raise ValueError

        instrument = iter(self.instruments).next()
        if minutes > 0:
            data = CallistoSpectrogram.from_range(
                self.end, self.end + datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes)
            data = CallistoSpectrogram.from_range(
                self.start - datetime.timedelta(minutes=-minutes), self.start

        data = data.clip_freq(self.freq_axis[-1], self.freq_axis[0])
        return CallistoSpectrogram.join_many([self, data], **kwargs)

    def from_url(cls, url):
        """ Return CallistoSpectrogram read from URL.

        url : str
            URL to retrieve the data from
        return cls.read(url)
Пример #10
class LightCurve(object):

    A generic light curve object.

    args : filepath, url, or start and end dates
        The input for a LightCurve object should either be a filepath, a URL,
        or a date range to be queried for the particular instrument.

    data : pandas.DataFrame
        An pandas DataFrame prepresenting one or more fields as they vary with 
        respect to time.
    header : string, dict
        The comment string or header associated with the light curve input

    import sunpy
    import datetime
    base = datetime.datetime.today()
    dates = [base - datetime.timedelta(minutes=x) for x in range(0, 24 * 60)]
    light_curve = sunpy.lightcurve.LightCurve.create(
    {"param1": range(24 * 60)}, index=dates)

    | http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/dsintro.html

    _cond_dispatch = ConditionalDispatch()
    create = classmethod(_cond_dispatch.wrapper())

    def __init__(self, data, header=None):
        self.data = data
        self.header = header

    def from_time(cls, time, **kwargs):
        date = parse_time(time)
        url = cls._get_url_for_date(date)
        filepath = cls._download(
            url, kwargs, err="Unable to download data for specified date")
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_range(cls, from_, to, **kwargs):
        url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(from_, to)
        filepath = cls._download(
            err="Unable to download data for specified date range")
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_timerange(cls, timerange, **kwargs):
        url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(timerange)
        filepath = cls._download(
            err="Unable to download data for specified date range")
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_file(cls, filename):
        filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)

        header, data = cls._parse_filepath(filename)
        return cls(data, header)

    def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs):
            filepath = cls._download(url, kwargs)
        except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, ValueError):
            err = ("Unable to read location. Did you "
                   "specify a valid filepath or URL?")
            raise ValueError(err)
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_data(cls, data, index=None, header=None):
        return cls(pandas.DataFrame(data, index=index), header)

    def from_yesterday(cls):
        return cls.from_url(cls._get_default_uri())

    def from_dataframe(cls, dataframe, header=None):
        return cls(dataframe, header)

    def plot(self, axes=None, **plot_args):
        """Plot a plot of the light curve
        axes: matplotlib.axes object or None
            If provided the image will be plotted on the given axes. Else the 
            current matplotlib axes will be used.
        **plot_args : dict
            Any additional plot arguments that should be used
            when plotting the image.

        #Get current axes
        if axes is None:
            axes = plt.gca()

        axes = self.data.plot(ax=axes, **plot_args)

        return axes

    def peek(self, **kwargs):
        """Displays the light curve in a new figure"""

        figure = plt.figure()



        return figure

    def _download(uri, kwargs, err='Unable to download data at specified URL'):
        """Attempts to download data at the specified URI"""
        _filename = os.path.basename(uri).split("?")[0]

        # user specifies a download directory
        if "directory" in kwargs:
            download_dir = os.path.expanduser(kwargs["directory"])
            download_dir = sunpy.config.get("downloads", "download_dir")

        # overwrite the existing file if the keyword is present
        if "overwrite" in kwargs:
            overwrite = kwargs["overwrite"]
            overwrite = False

        # If the file is not already there, download it
        filepath = os.path.join(download_dir, _filename)

        if not (os.path.isfile(filepath)) or (overwrite
                                              and os.path.isfile(filepath)):
                response = urllib2.urlopen(uri)
            except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError):
                raise urllib2.URLError(err)
            with open(filepath, 'wb') as fp:
                shutil.copyfileobj(response, fp)

        return filepath

    def _get_default_uri(cls):
        """Default data to load when none is specified"""
        msg = "No default action set for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _get_url_for_date(cls, date):
        """Returns a URL to the data for the specified date"""
        msg = "Date-based downloads not supported for for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _get_url_for_date_range(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns a URL to the data for the specified date range"""
        msg = "Date-range based downloads not supported for for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _parse_csv(filepath):
        """Place holder method to parse CSV files."""
        msg = "Generic CSV parsing not yet implemented for LightCurve"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def _parse_fits(filepath):
        """Place holder method to parse FITS files."""
        msg = "Generic FITS parsing not yet implemented for LightCurve"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def _parse_filepath(cls, filepath):
        filename, extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)

        if extension.lower() in (".csv", ".txt"):
            return cls._parse_csv(filepath)
            return cls._parse_fits(filepath)

    def truncate(self, a, b=None):
        """Returns a truncated version of the timeseries object"""
        if isinstance(a, TimeRange):
            time_range = a
            time_range = TimeRange(a, b)

        truncated = self.data.truncate(time_range.start(), time_range.end())
        return LightCurve(truncated, self.header.copy())

    def extract(self, a):
        """Extract a set of particular columns from the DataFrame"""
        # TODO allow the extract function to pick more than one column
        if isinstance(self, pandas.Series):
            return self
            return LightCurve(self.data[a], self.header.copy())

    def time_range(self):
        """Returns the start and end times of the LightCurve as a TimeRange
        return TimeRange(self.data.index[0], self.data.index[-1])
Пример #11
class LightCurve(object):

    A generic light curve object.


    meta : `str` or `dict`
        The comment string or header associated with the data.
    data : `~pandas.DataFrame`
        An pandas DataFrame prepresenting one or more fields as a function of time.

    >>> import sunpy
    >>> import datetime
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> base = datetime.datetime.today()
    >>> dates = [base - datetime.timedelta(minutes=x) for x in range(0, 24 * 60)]
    >>> intensity = np.sin(np.arange(0, 12 * np.pi, step=(12 * np.pi) / 24 * 60))
    >>> light_curve = sunpy.lightcurve.LightCurve.create({"param1": intensity}, index=dates)
    >>> light_curve.peek()   # doctest: +SKIP

    * `Pandas Documentation <http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/dsintro.html>`_

    _cond_dispatch = ConditionalDispatch()
    create = classmethod(_cond_dispatch.wrapper())

    def __init__(self, data, meta=None):
        self.data = pandas.DataFrame(data)
        if meta == '' or meta is None:
            self.meta = OrderedDict()
            self.meta = OrderedDict(meta)

    def header(self):
        Return the lightcurves metadata

        .. deprecated:: 0.4.0
            Use .meta instead
            """lightcurve.header has been renamed to lightcurve.meta
for compatibility with map, please use meta instead""", Warning)
        return self.meta

    def from_time(cls, time, **kwargs):
        Called by Conditional Dispatch object when valid time is passed as
        input to create method.
        date = parse_time(time)
        url = cls._get_url_for_date(date, **kwargs)
        filepath = cls._download(
            url, kwargs, err="Unable to download data for specified date")
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_range(cls, start, end, **kwargs):
        """Called by Conditional Dispatch object when start and end time are
        passed as input to create method.

        :param start:
        :param end:
        :param kwargs:
        url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(parse_time(start), parse_time(end),
        filepath = cls._download(
            err="Unable to download data for specified date range")
        result = cls.from_file(filepath)
        result.data = result.data.truncate(start, end)
        return result

    def from_timerange(cls, timerange, **kwargs):
        Called by Conditional Dispatch object when time range is passed as
        input to create method.
        url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(timerange, **kwargs)
        filepath = cls._download(
            err="Unable to download data for specified date range")
        result = cls.from_file(filepath)
        result.data = result.data.truncate(timerange.start, timerange.end)
        return result

    def from_file(cls, filename):
        """Used to return Light Curve object by reading the given filename.

        filename: `str`
            Path of the file to be read.

        Lightcurve object.
        filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
        meta, data = cls._parse_filepath(filename)
        if data.empty:
            raise ValueError("No data found!")
            return cls(data, meta)

    def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs):
        Called by Conditional Dispatch object to create Light Curve object when
        given a url. Downloads a file from the given url, attemps to read it
        and returns a Light Curve object.

        url : str
            A url given as a string.
            filepath = cls._download(url, kwargs)
        except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError, ValueError):
            err = "Unable to read location {!s}.".format(url)
            raise ValueError(err)
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_data(cls, data, index=None, meta=None):
        Called by Conditional Dispatch object to create Light Curve object when
        corresponding data is passed to create method.

        data : `~numpy.ndarray`
            The data array
        index : `~datetime.datetime` array
            The time values

        return cls(pandas.DataFrame(data, index=index), meta)

    def from_yesterday(cls):
        Called by Conditional Dispatch object if no input if given
        return cls.from_url(cls._get_default_uri())

    def from_dataframe(cls, dataframe, meta=None):
        Called by Conditional Dispatch object to create Light Curve object when
        Pandas DataFrame is passed to create method.

        dataframe : `~pandas.DataFrame`
            The data.
        meta : `str` or `dict`
            The metadata.

        return cls(dataframe, meta)

    def plot(self, axes=None, **plot_args):
        """Plot a plot of the light curve

        axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or None
            If provided the image will be plotted on the given axes. Otherwise
            the current axes will be used.

        **plot_args : `dict`
            Any additional plot arguments that should be used
            when plotting.

        axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
            The plot axes.

        # Get current axes
        if axes is None:
            axes = plt.gca()

        axes = self.data.plot(ax=axes, **plot_args)

        return axes

    def peek(self, **kwargs):
        """Displays the light curve in a new figure.

        **kwargs : `dict`
            Any additional plot arguments that should be used
            when plotting.

        fig : `~matplotlib.Figure`
            A plot figure.

        figure = plt.figure()

        return figure

    def _download(uri, kwargs, err='Unable to download data at specified URL'):
        """Attempts to download data at the specified URI.

        **kwargs : uri
            A url

        _filename = os.path.basename(uri).split("?")[0]

        # user specifies a download directory
        if "directory" in kwargs:
            download_dir = os.path.expanduser(kwargs["directory"])
            download_dir = config.get("downloads", "download_dir")

        # overwrite the existing file if the keyword is present
        if "overwrite" in kwargs:
            overwrite = kwargs["overwrite"]
            overwrite = False

        # If the file is not already there, download it
        filepath = os.path.join(download_dir, _filename)

        if not (os.path.isfile(filepath)) or (overwrite
                                              and os.path.isfile(filepath)):
                response = urllib.request.urlopen(uri)
            except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError):
                raise urllib.error.URLError(err)
            with open(filepath, 'wb') as fp:
                shutil.copyfileobj(response, fp)
                "Using existing file rather than downloading, use "
                "overwrite=True to override.", RuntimeWarning)

        return filepath

    def _get_default_uri(cls):
        """Default data to load when none is specified."""
        msg = "No default action set for {}"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(cls.__name__))

    def _get_url_for_date(cls, date, **kwargs):
        """Returns a URL to the data for the specified date."""
        msg = "Date-based downloads not supported for for {}"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(cls.__name__))

    def _get_url_for_date_range(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns a URL to the data for the specified date range."""
        msg = "Date-range based downloads not supported for for {}"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(cls.__name__))

    def _parse_csv(filepath):
        """Place holder method to parse CSV files."""
        msg = "Generic CSV parsing not yet implemented for LightCurve"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def _parse_fits(filepath):
        """Place holder method to parse FITS files."""
        msg = "Generic FITS parsing not yet implemented for LightCurve"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def _parse_filepath(cls, filepath):
        """Check the file extension to see how to parse the file."""
        filename, extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)

        if extension.lower() in (".csv", ".txt"):
            return cls._parse_csv(filepath)
            return cls._parse_fits(filepath)

    def truncate(self, a, b=None):
        """Returns a truncated version of the timeseries object.

        a : `sunpy.time.TimeRange`
            A time range to truncate to.

        newlc : `~sunpy.lightcurve.LightCurve`
            A new lightcurve with only the selected times.
        if isinstance(a, TimeRange):
            time_range = a
            time_range = TimeRange(a, b)

        truncated = self.data.truncate(time_range.start, time_range.end)
        return self.__class__.create(truncated, self.meta.copy())

    def extract(self, column_name):
        """Returns a new lightcurve with the chosen column.

        column_name : `str`
            A valid column name

        newlc : `~sunpy.lightcurve.LightCurve`
            A new lightcurve with only the selected column.
        # TODO allow the extract function to pick more than one column
        if isinstance(self, pandas.Series):
            return self
            return LightCurve(self.data[column_name], self.meta.copy())

    def time_range(self):
        """Returns the start and end times of the LightCurve as a `~sunpy.time.TimeRange`
        return TimeRange(self.data.index[0], self.data.index[-1])
Пример #12
def test_types():
    f = ConditionalDispatch()
    f.add(lambda x: 2 * x, lambda x: x % 2 == 0, [int])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Пример #13
class Map(np.ndarray, Parent):
    Map(data, header)

    A spatially-aware data array based on the SolarSoft Map object

    data : numpy.ndarray, list
        A 2d list or ndarray containing the map data
    header : dict
        A dictionary of the original image header tags

    carrington_longitude : str
        Carrington longitude (crln_obs)
    center : dict
        X and Y coordinate of the center of the map in units.
        Usually represents the offset between the center of the Sun and the
        center of the map.
    cmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap
        A Matplotlib colormap to be applied to the data
    coordinate_system : dict
        Coordinate system used for x and y axes (ctype1/2)
    date : datetime
        Image observation time
    detector : str
        Detector name
    dsun : float
        The observer distance from the Sun.
    exptime : float
        Exposure time of the image in seconds.
    heliographic_latitude : float
        Heliographic latitude in degrees
    heliographic_longitude : float
        Heliographic longitude in degrees
    instrument : str
        Instrument name
    measurement : str, int
        Measurement name. In some instances this is the wavelength of image.
    name: str
        Human-readable description of map-type
    nickname : str
        An abbreviated human-readable description of the map-type; part of
        the Helioviewer data model
    observatory : str
        Observatory name
    reference_coordinate : float
        Reference point WCS axes in data units (crval1/2) 
    reference_pixel : float
        Reference point axes in pixels (crpix1/2)
    rsun_arcseconds : float
        Radius of the sun in arcseconds
    rsun_meters : float
        Radius of the sun in meters
    scale : dict
        Image scale along the x and y axes in units/pixel (cdelt1/2).
    units : dict
        Image coordinate units along the x and y axes (cunit1/2).

        Return the standard deviation of the map data
        Return the mean of the map data
        Return the minimum value of the map data
        Return the maximum value of the map data
    resample(dimension, method)
        Returns a new map that has been resampled up or down
    superpixel(dimension, method)
        Returns a new map consisting of superpixels formed from the
        original data.
        Save the map to a fits file.
    submap(range_a, range_b, units)
        Returns a submap of the map with the specified range
        Return a matplotlib plot figure object
        Display a matplotlib plot to the screen 
        Returns the original header from when the map was first created.

    >>> aia = sunpy.Map(sunpy.AIA_171_IMAGE)
    >>> aia.T
    AIAMap([[ 0.3125,  1.    , -1.1875, ..., -0.625 ,  0.5625,  0.5   ],
    [-0.0625,  0.1875,  0.375 , ...,  0.0625,  0.0625, -0.125 ],
    [-0.125 , -0.8125, -0.5   , ..., -0.3125,  0.5625,  0.4375],
    [ 0.625 ,  0.625 , -0.125 , ...,  0.125 , -0.0625,  0.6875],
    [-0.625 , -0.625 , -0.625 , ...,  0.125 , -0.0625,  0.6875],
    [ 0.    ,  0.    , -1.1875, ...,  0.125 ,  0.    ,  0.6875]])
    >>> aia.units['x']
    >>> aia.show()
    >>> import matplotlib.cm as cm
    >>> import matplotlib.colors as colors
    >>> aia.show(cmap=cm.hot, norm=colors.Normalize(1, 2048))

    See Also
    numpy.ndarray Parent class for the Map object

    | http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.classes.html
    | http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.subclassing.html
    | http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/ufuncs.html
    | http://www.scipy.org/Subclasses

    _create = ConditionalDispatch.from_existing(Parent._create)
    create = classmethod(_create.wrapper())

    def __new__(cls, data, header):
        """Creates a new Map instance"""
        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
            obj = data.view(cls)
        elif isinstance(data, list):
            obj = np.asarray(data).view(cls)
            raise TypeError('Invalid input')

        return obj

    def __init__(self, data, header):
        self._original_header = header

        # Set naxis1 and naxis2 if not specified
        if header.get('naxis1') is None:
            header['naxis1'] = self.shape[1]
        if header.get('naxis2') is None:
            header['naxis2'] = self.shape[0]

        # Parse header and set map attributes
        for attr, value in list(self.get_properties(header).items()):
            setattr(self, attr, value)

        # Validate properties

    def get_properties(cls, header):
        """Parses a map header and determines default properties."""
        return {
            cm.gray,  # @UndefinedVariable
            parse_time(header.get('date-obs', None)),
            header.get('detector', ''),
            header.get('dsun_obs', constants.au),
            header.get('exptime', 0.),
            header.get('instrume', ''),
            header.get('wavelnth', ''),
            header.get('telescop', ''),
            header.get('telescop', '') + " " + str(header.get('wavelnth', '')),
            header.get('detector', ''),
            header.get('rsun_ref', constants.radius),
                    header.get('radius', constants.average_angular_size))),
            "coordinate_system": {
                'x': header.get('ctype1', 'HPLN-TAN'),
                'y': header.get('ctype2', 'HPLT-TAN')
            header.get('crln_obs', 0.),
                       header.get('crlt_obs', header.get('solar_b0', 0.))),
            header.get('hgln_obs', 0.),
            "reference_coordinate": {
                'x': header.get('crval1', 0.),
                'y': header.get('crval2', 0.),
            "reference_pixel": {
                'x': header.get('crpix1', (header.get('naxis1') + 1) / 2.),
                'y': header.get('crpix2', (header.get('naxis2') + 1) / 2.)
            "scale": {
                'x': header.get('cdelt1', 1.),
                'y': header.get('cdelt2', 1.),
            "units": {
                'x': header.get('cunit1', 'arcsec'),
                'y': header.get('cunit2', 'arcsec')
            "rotation_angle": {
                'x': header.get('crota1', 0.),
                'y': header.get('crota2', 0.)

    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
        """Finishes instantiation of the new map object"""
        if obj is None:

        if hasattr(obj, '_original_header'):
            properties = [
                '_original_header', 'cmap', 'date', 'detector', 'dsun',
                'exposure_time', 'instrument', 'measurement', 'name',
                'observatory', 'rsun_arcseconds', 'rsun_meters', 'scale',
                'units', 'reference_coordinate', 'reference_pixel',
                'coordinate_system', 'heliographic_latitude',
                'heliographic_longitude', 'carrington_longitude',

            for attr in properties:
                setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr))

    def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None):
        """Returns a wrapped instance of a Map object"""
        return np.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Overiding indexing operation to ensure that header is updated"""
        if isinstance(key, tuple) and type(key[0]) is slice:
            x_range = [key[1].start, key[1].stop]
            y_range = [key[0].start, key[0].stop]

            return self.submap(y_range, x_range, units="pixels")
            return np.ndarray.__getitem__(self, key)

    def __add__(self, other):
        """Add two maps. Currently does not take into account the alignment
        between the two maps."""
        result = np.ndarray.__add__(self, other)

        return result

    def __repr__(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'observatory'):
            return np.ndarray.__repr__(self)

        return ("""SunPy Map
Observatory:\t %s
Instrument:\t %s
Detector:\t %s
Measurement:\t %s
Obs Date:\t %s
dt:\t\t %f
Dimension:\t [%d, %d] 
[dx, dy] =\t [%f, %f]
""" % (self.observatory, self.instrument, self.detector, self.measurement,
        self.date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), self.exposure_time,
        self.shape[1], self.shape[0], self.scale['x'], self.scale['y']) +

    def __sub__(self, other):
        """Subtract two maps. Currently does not take into account the
        alignment between the two maps.

        numpy dtype nums:
            1    int8
            2    uint8
            3    int16
            4    uint16
        # if data is stored as unsigned, cast up (e.g. uint8 => int16)
        if self.dtype.kind == "u":
            self = self.astype(to_signed(self.dtype))
        if other.dtype.kind == "u":
            other = other.astype(to_signed(other.dtype))

        result = np.ndarray.__sub__(self, other)

        def norm():
            mean = result.mean()
            std = result.std()
            vmin = max(result.min(), mean - 6 * std)
            vmax = min(result.max(), mean + 6 * std)

            return colors.Normalize(vmin, vmax)

        result.norm = norm
        result.cmap = cm.gray  # @UndefinedVariable

        return result

    def xrange(self):
        """Return the X range of the image in arcsec from edge to edge."""
        xmin = self.center['x'] - self.shape[1] / 2 * self.scale['x']
        xmax = self.center['x'] + self.shape[1] / 2 * self.scale['x']
        return [xmin, xmax]

    def yrange(self):
        """Return the Y range of the image in arcsec from edge to edge."""
        ymin = self.center['y'] - self.shape[0] / 2 * self.scale['y']
        ymax = self.center['y'] + self.shape[0] / 2 * self.scale['y']
        return [ymin, ymax]

    def center(self):
        """Returns the offset between the center of the Sun and the center of 
        the map."""
        return {
            wcs.get_center(self.shape[1], self.scale['x'],
            wcs.get_center(self.shape[0], self.scale['y'],

    def _draw_limb(self, fig, axes):
        """Draws a circle representing the solar limb"""
        circ = patches.Circle([0, 0],
        return fig, axes

    def _draw_grid(self, fig, axes, grid_spacing=20):
        """Draws a grid over the surface of the Sun"""
        # define the number of points for each latitude or longitude line
        num_points = 20
        hg_longitude_deg = np.linspace(-90, 90, num=num_points)
        hg_latitude_deg = np.arange(-90, 90, grid_spacing)

        # draw the latitude lines
        for lat in hg_latitude_deg:
            hg_latitude_deg_mesh, hg_longitude_deg_mesh = np.meshgrid(
                lat * np.ones(num_points), hg_longitude_deg)
            x, y = wcs.convert_hg_hpc(self.rsun_meters,
            axes.plot(x, y, color='white', linestyle='dotted')

        hg_longitude_deg = np.arange(-90, 90, grid_spacing)
        hg_latitude_deg = np.linspace(-90, 90, num=num_points)

        # draw the longitude lines
        for lon in hg_longitude_deg:
            hg_longitude_deg_mesh, hg_latitude_deg_mesh = np.meshgrid(
                lon * np.ones(num_points), hg_latitude_deg)
            x, y = wcs.convert_hg_hpc(self.rsun_meters,
            axes.plot(x, y, color='white', linestyle='dotted')

        return fig, axes

    def _validate(self):
        """Validates the meta-information associated with a Map.

        This function includes very basic validation checks which apply to
        all of the kinds of files that SunPy can read. Datasource-specific
        validation should be handled in the relevant file in the
        sunpy.map.sources package."""
        if (self.dsun <= 0 or self.dsun >= 40 * constants.au):
            raise InvalidHeaderInformation("Invalid value for DSUN")

    def std(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """overide np.ndarray.std()"""
        return np.array(self, copy=False, subok=False).std(*args, **kwargs)

    def mean(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """overide np.ndarray.mean()"""
        return np.array(self, copy=False, subok=False).mean(*args, **kwargs)

    def min(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """overide np.ndarray.min()"""
        return np.array(self, copy=False, subok=False).min(*args, **kwargs)

    def max(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """overide np.ndarray.max()"""
        return np.array(self, copy=False, subok=False).max(*args, **kwargs)

    def data_to_pixel(self, value, dim):
        """Convert pixel-center data coordinates to pixel values"""
        if dim not in ['x', 'y']:
            raise ValueError("Invalid dimension. Must be one of 'x' or 'y'.")

        size = self.shape[dim == 'x']  # 1 if dim == 'x', 0 if dim == 'y'.

        return (value - self.center[dim]) / self.scale[dim] + ((size - 1) / 2.)

    def get_header(self, original=False):
        """Returns an updated MapHeader instance"""
        header = self._original_header.copy()

        # If requested, return original header as-is
        if original:
            return header

        # Bit-depth
        #   8    Character or unsigned binary integer
        #  16    16-bit twos-complement binary integer
        #  32    32-bit twos-complement binary integer
        # -32    IEEE single precision floating point
        # -64    IEEE double precision floating point
        if not header.has_key('bitpix'):
            bitdepth = 8 * self.dtype.itemsize

            if self.dtype.kind == "f":
                bitdepth = -bitdepth

            header['bitpix'] = bitdepth

        # naxis
        header['naxis'] = self.ndim
        header['naxis1'] = self.shape[1]
        header['naxis2'] = self.shape[0]

        # dsun
        if header.has_key('dsun_obs'):
            header['dsun_obs'] = self.dsun

        # rsun_obs
        if header.has_key('rsun_obs'):
            header['rsun_obs'] = self.rsun_arcseconds
        elif header.has_key('solar_r'):
            header['solar_r'] = self.rsun_arcseconds
        elif header.has_key('radius'):
            header['radius'] = self.rsun_arcseconds

        # cdelt
        header['cdelt1'] = self.scale['x']
        header['cdelt2'] = self.scale['y']

        # crpix
        header['crval1'] = self.reference_coordinate['x']
        header['crval2'] = self.reference_coordinate['y']

        # crval
        header['crpix1'] = self.reference_pixel['x']
        header['crpix2'] = self.reference_pixel['y']

        return header

    def resample(self, dimensions, method='linear'):
        """Returns a new Map that has been resampled up or down

        Arbitrary resampling of the Map to new dimension sizes.

        Uses the same parameters and creates the same co-ordinate lookup points
        as IDL''s congrid routine, which apparently originally came from a
        VAX/VMS routine of the same name.

        dimensions : tuple
            Dimensions that new Map should have.
            Note: the first argument corresponds to the 'x' axis and the second
            argument corresponds to the 'y' axis.
        method : {'neighbor' | 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'spline'}
            Method to use for resampling interpolation.
                * neighbor - Closest value from original data
                * nearest and linear - Uses n x 1-D interpolations using
                * spline - Uses ndimage.map_coordinates

        out : Map
            A new Map which has been resampled to the desired dimensions.

        | http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Rebinning (Original source, 2011/11/19)

        # Note: because the underlying ndarray is transposed in sense when
        #   compared to the Map, the ndarray is transposed, resampled, then
        #   transposed back
        # Note: "center" defaults to True in this function because data
        #   coordinates in a Map are at pixel centers

        # Make a copy of the original data and perform resample
        data = resample(np.asarray(self).copy().T,

        # Update image scale and number of pixels
        header = self._original_header.copy()

        # Note that 'x' and 'y' correspond to 1 and 0 in self.shape,
        # respectively
        scale_factor_x = (float(self.shape[1]) / dimensions[0])
        scale_factor_y = (float(self.shape[0]) / dimensions[1])

        # Create new map instance
        new_map = self.__class__(data.T, header)

        # Update metadata
        new_map.scale['x'] *= scale_factor_x
        new_map.scale['y'] *= scale_factor_y
        new_map.reference_pixel['x'] = (dimensions[0] + 1) / 2.
        new_map.reference_pixel['y'] = (dimensions[1] + 1) / 2.
        new_map.reference_coordinate['x'] = self.center['x']
        new_map.reference_coordinate['y'] = self.center['y']

        return new_map

    def superpixel(self, dimensions, method='sum'):
        """Returns a new map consisting of superpixels formed from the
        original data.  Useful for increasing signal to noise ratio in images.

        dimensions : tuple
            One superpixel in the new map is equal to (dimension[0],
            dimension[1]) pixels of the original map
            Note: the first argument corresponds to the 'x' axis and the second
            argument corresponds to the 'y' axis.
        method : {'sum' | 'average'}
            What each superpixel represents compared to the original data
                * sum - add up the original data
                * average - average the sum over the number of original pixels

        out : Map
            A new Map which has superpixels of the required size.

        | http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2010-July/051760.html

        # Note: because the underlying ndarray is transposed in sense when
        #   compared to the Map, the ndarray is transposed, resampled, then
        #   transposed back
        # Note: "center" defaults to True in this function because data
        #   coordinates in a Map are at pixel centers

        # Make a copy of the original data and perform reshaping
        reshaped = reshape_image_to_4d_superpixel(
            np.asarray(self).copy().T, dimensions)
        if method == 'sum':
            data = reshaped.sum(axis=3).sum(axis=1)
        elif method == 'average':
            data = ((reshaped.sum(axis=3).sum(axis=1)) /
                    np.float32(dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]))

        #data = resample(np.asarray(self).copy().T, dimensions,
        #                method, center=True)

        # Update image scale and number of pixels
        header = self._original_header.copy()

        # Note that 'x' and 'y' correspond to 1 and 0 in self.shape,
        # respectively
        new_nx = self.shape[1] / dimensions[0]
        new_ny = self.shape[0] / dimensions[1]

        # Create new map instance
        new_map = self.__class__(data.T, header)

        # Update metadata
        new_map.scale['x'] = dimensions[0] * self.scale['x']
        new_map.scale['y'] = dimensions[1] * self.scale['y']
        new_map.reference_pixel['x'] = (new_nx + 1) / 2.
        new_map.reference_pixel['y'] = (new_ny + 1) / 2.
        new_map.reference_coordinate['x'] = self.center['x']
        new_map.reference_coordinate['y'] = self.center['y']

        return new_map

    def save(self, filepath):
        """Saves the SunPy Map object to a file.
        Currently SunPy can only save files in the FITS format. In the future
        support will be added for saving to other formats.
        filepath : string
            Location to save file to.
        pyfits_header = self.get_header().as_pyfits_header()
        hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(self, header=pyfits_header)
        hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])

    def submap(self, range_a, range_b, units="data"):
        """Returns a submap of the map with the specified range

        range_a : list
            The range of the Map to select across either the x axis.
        range_b : list
            The range of the Map to select across either the y axis.
        units : {'data' | 'pixels'}, optional
            The units for the supplied ranges.

        out : Map
            A new map instance is returned representing to specified sub-region

        >>> aia.submap([-5,5],[-5,5])
        AIAMap([[ 341.3125,  266.5   ,  329.375 ,  330.5625,  298.875 ],
        [ 347.1875,  273.4375,  247.4375,  303.5   ,  305.3125],
        [ 322.8125,  302.3125,  298.125 ,  299.    ,  261.5   ],
        [ 334.875 ,  289.75  ,  269.25  ,  256.375 ,  242.3125],
        [ 273.125 ,  241.75  ,  248.8125,  263.0625,  249.0625]])

        >>> aia.submap([0,5],[0,5], units='pixels')
        AIAMap([[ 0.3125, -0.0625, -0.125 ,  0.    , -0.375 ],
        [ 1.    ,  0.1875, -0.8125,  0.125 ,  0.3125],
        [-1.1875,  0.375 , -0.5   ,  0.25  , -0.4375],
        [-0.6875, -0.3125,  0.8125,  0.0625,  0.1875],
        [-0.875 ,  0.25  ,  0.1875,  0.    , -0.6875]])
        if units is "data":
            # Check edges (e.g. [:512,..] or [:,...])
            if range_a[0] is None:
                range_a[0] = self.xrange[0]
            if range_a[1] is None:
                range_a[1] = self.xrange[1]
            if range_b[0] is None:
                range_b[0] = self.yrange[0]
            if range_b[1] is None:
                range_b[1] = self.yrange[1]

            #x_pixels = [self.data_to_pixel(elem, 'x') for elem in range_a]
            x_pixels = [
                np.ceil(self.data_to_pixel(range_a[0], 'x')),
                np.floor(self.data_to_pixel(range_a[1], 'x')) + 1
            #y_pixels = [self.data_to_pixel(elem, 'y') for elem in range_b]
            y_pixels = [
                np.ceil(self.data_to_pixel(range_b[0], 'y')),
                np.floor(self.data_to_pixel(range_b[1], 'y')) + 1
        elif units is "pixels":
            # Check edges
            if range_a[0] is None:
                range_a[0] = 0
            if range_a[1] is None:
                range_a[1] = self.shape[0]
            if range_b[0] is None:
                range_b[0] = 0
            if range_b[1] is None:
                range_b[1] = self.shape[0]

            x_pixels = range_a
            y_pixels = range_b
            raise ValueError("Invalid unit. Must be one of 'data' or 'pixels'")

        # Make a copy of the header with updated centering information
        header = self._original_header.copy()

        # Get ndarray representation of submap
        data = np.asarray(self)[y_pixels[0]:y_pixels[1],

        # Instantiate new instance and update metadata
        new_map = self.__class__(data.copy(), header)
        new_map.reference_pixel['x'] = self.reference_pixel['x'] - x_pixels[0]
        new_map.reference_pixel['y'] = self.reference_pixel['y'] - y_pixels[0]

        return new_map

    def plot(self,
        """Plots the map object using matplotlib

        overlays : list
            List of overlays to include in the plot
        draw_limb : bool
            Whether the solar limb should be plotted.
        draw_grid : bool
            Whether solar meridians and parallels
        grid_spacing : float
            Set the spacing between meridians and parallels for the grid
        gamma : float
            Gamma value to use for the color map
        colorbar : bool
            Whether to display a colorbar next to the plot
        basic_plot : bool
            If true, the data is plotted by itself at it's natural scale; no
            title, labels, or axes are shown.
        **matplot_args : dict
            Matplotlib Any additional imshow arguments that should be used
            when plotting the image.
        if overlays is None:
            overlays = []
        if draw_limb:
            overlays = overlays + [self._draw_limb]
        # TODO: need to be able to pass the grid spacing to _draw_grid from the
        # plot command.
        if draw_grid:
            overlays = overlays + [self._draw_grid]

        # Create a figure and add title and axes
        if figure is None:
            figure = plt.figure(frameon=not basic_plot)

        # Basic plot
        if basic_plot:
            axes = plt.Axes(figure, [0., 0., 1., 1.])

        # Normal plot
            axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
            axes.set_title("%s %s" % (self.name, self.date))

            # x-axis label
            if self.coordinate_system['x'] == 'HG':
                xlabel = 'Longitude [%s]' % self.units['x']
                xlabel = 'X-position [%s]' % self.units['x']

            # y-axis label
            if self.coordinate_system['y'] == 'HG':
                ylabel = 'Latitude [%s]' % self.units['y']
                ylabel = 'Y-position [%s]' % self.units['y']


        # Determine extent
        extent = self.xrange + self.yrange

        # Matplotlib arguments
        params = {"cmap": self.cmap, "norm": self.norm()}

        if gamma is not None:
            params['cmap'] = copy(params['cmap'])

        im = axes.imshow(self, origin='lower', extent=extent, **params)

        if colorbar and not basic_plot:

        for overlay in overlays:
            figure, axes = overlay(figure, axes)
        return figure

    def show(self,
        """Displays map on screen. Arguments are same as plot()."""
        self.plot(figure, overlays, draw_limb, gamma, draw_grid, colorbar,
                  basic_plot, **matplot_args).show()

    def norm(self):
        """Default normalization method"""
        return None

    def parse_file(cls, filepath):
        """Reads in a map file and returns a header and data array"""
        return read_file(filepath)

    def read(cls, filepath):
        """Map class factory

        Attempts to determine the type of data associated with input and
        returns an instance of either the generic Map class or a subclass
        of Map such as AIAMap, EUVIMap, etc.

        filepath : string
            Path to a valid FITS or JPEG 2000 file of a type supported by SunPy

        out : Map
            Returns a Map instance for the particular type of data loaded.
        data, header = cls.parse_file(filepath)

        if cls.__name__ is not "Map":
            return cls(data, header)

        for cls in Map.__subclasses__():
            if cls.is_datasource_for(header):
                return cls(data, header)

        return Map(data, header)

    def read_header(cls, filepath):
        """Attempts to detect the datasource type and returns meta-information
        for that particular datasource."""
        header = read_file_header(filepath)

        for cls in Map.__subclasses__():
            if cls.is_datasource_for(header):
                properties = cls.get_properties(header)
                properties['header'] = header

                return properties
Пример #14
class LightCurve(object):

    A generic light curve object.

    args : filepath, url, or start and end dates
        The input for a LightCurve object should either be a filepath, a URL,
        or a date range to be queried for the particular instrument.

    data : pandas.DataFrame
        An pandas DataFrame prepresenting one or more fields as they vary with 
        respect to time.
    header : string, dict
        The comment string or header associated with the light curve input

    >>> import sunpy
    >>> import datetime
    >>> base = datetime.datetime.today()
    >>> dates = [base - datetime.timedelta(minutes=x) for x in 
    range(0, 24 * 60)]
    >>> light_curve = sunpy.lightcurve.LightCurve({"param1": range(24 * 60)}, 
    >>> light_curve.show()

    | http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/dsintro.html

    _cond_dispatch = ConditionalDispatch()
    create = classmethod(_cond_dispatch.wrapper())

    def __init__(self, data, header=None):
        self.data = data
        self.header = header

    def from_time(cls, time, **kwargs):
        date = sunpy.time.parse_time(time)
        url = cls._get_url_for_date(date)
        filepath = cls._download(
            url, kwargs, err="Unable to download data for  specified date")
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_range(cls, from_, to, **kwargs):
        url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(from_, to)
        filepath = self._download(
            err="Unable to download data for specified date range")
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_timerange(cls, timerange, **kwargs):
        url = cls._get_url_for_date_range(timerange)
        err = "Unable to download data for specified date range"
        filepath = self._download(url, err, kwargs)
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_file(cls, filename):
        filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)

        header, data = cls._parse_filepath(filename)
        return cls(data, header)

    def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs):
            filepath = cls._download(url, kwargs)
        except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, ValueError):
            err = ("Unable to read location. Did you "
                   "specify a valid filepath or URL?")
            raise ValueError(err)
        return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def from_data(cls, data, index=None, header=None):
        return cls(pandas.DataFrame(data, index=index), header)

    def from_yesterday(cls):
        return cls.from_url(cls._get_default_uri())

    def from_dataframe(cls, dataframe, header=None):
        return cls(dataframe, header)

    def plot(self, **kwargs):
        """Plot a plot of the light curve"""
        axes = self.data.plot(**kwargs)
        return axes.get_figure()

    def show(self, **kwargs):
        """Shows a plot of the light curve"""
        fig = self.plot(**kwargs)

        return fig

    def _download(uri, kwargs, err='Unable to download data at specified URL'):
        """Attempts to download data at the specified URI"""
        _filename = os.path.basename(uri).split("?")[0]

        # user specifies a download directory
        if "directory" in kwargs:
            download_dir = os.path.expanduser(kwargs["directory"])
            download_dir = sunpy.config.get("downloads", "download_dir")

        # overwrite the existing file if the keyword is present
        if "overwrite" in kwargs:
            overwrite = kwargs["overwrite"]
            overwrite = False

        # If the file is not already there, download it
        filepath = os.path.join(download_dir, _filename)

        if not (os.path.isfile(filepath)) or (overwrite
                                              and os.path.isfile(filepath)):
                response = urllib2.urlopen(uri)
            except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError):
                raise urllib2.URLError(err)
            with open(filepath, 'wb') as fp:
                shutil.copyfileobj(response, fp)

        return filepath

    def _get_default_uri(cls):
        """Default data to load when none is specified"""
        msg = "No default action set for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _get_url_for_date(cls, date):
        """Returns a URL to the data for the specified date"""
        msg = "Date-based downloads not supported for for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _get_url_for_date_range(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns a URL to the data for the specified date range"""
        msg = "Date-range based downloads not supported for for %s"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg % cls.__name__)

    def _parse_csv(filepath):
        """Place holder method to parse CSV files."""
        msg = "Generic CSV parsing not yet implemented for LightCurve"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def _parse_fits(filepath):
        """Place holder method to parse FITS files."""
        msg = "Generic FITS parsing not yet implemented for LightCurve"
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def _parse_filepath(cls, filepath):
        filename, extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)

        if extension.lower() in (".csv", ".txt"):
            return cls._parse_csv(filepath)
            return cls._parse_fits(filepath)

    def discrete_boxcar_average(self, seconds=1):
        """Computes a discrete boxcar average for the DataFrame"""
        date_range = pandas.DateRange(self.data.index[0],
        grouped = self.data.groupby(date_range.asof)
        subsampled = grouped.mean()

        return LightCurve(subsampled, self.header.copy())

    def truncate(self, start=None, end=None):
        """Returns a truncated version of the Lyra object"""
        if start is None:
            start = self.data.index[0]
        if end is None:
            end = self.data.index[-1]

        truncated = self.data.truncate(sunpy.time.parse_time(start),
        return LightCurve(truncated, self.header.copy())
Пример #15
class Map(np.ndarray, Parent):
    Map(data, header)

    A spatially-aware data array based on the SolarSoft Map object

    data : numpy.ndarray, list
        A 2d list or ndarray containing the map data
    header : dict
        A dictionary of the original image header tags

    original_header : dict
        Dictionary representation of the original FITS header
    carrington_longitude : str
        Carrington longitude (crln_obs)
    center : dict
        X and Y coordinate of the center of the map in units.
        Usually represents the offset between the center of the Sun and the
        center of the map.
    cmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap
        A Matplotlib colormap to be applied to the data
    coordinate_system : dict
        Coordinate system used for x and y axes (ctype1/2)
    date : datetime
        Image observation time
    detector : str
        Detector name
    dsun : float
        The observer distance from the Sun.
    exptime : float
        Exposure time of the image in seconds.
    heliographic_latitude : float
        Heliographic latitude in degrees
    heliographic_longitude : float
        Heliographic longitude in degrees
    instrument : str
        Instrument name
    measurement : str, int
        Measurement name. In some instances this is the wavelength of image.
    name: str
        Human-readable description of map-type
    nickname : str
        An abbreviated human-readable description of the map-type; part of
        the Helioviewer data model
    observatory : str
        Observatory name
    reference_coordinate : float
        Reference point WCS axes in data units (crval1/2) 
    reference_pixel : float
        Reference point axes in pixels (crpix1/2)
    rsun_arcseconds : float
        Radius of the sun in arcseconds
    rsun_meters : float
        Radius of the sun in meters
    scale : dict
        Image scale along the x and y axes in units/pixel (cdelt1/2).
    units : dict
        Image coordinate units along the x and y axes (cunit1/2).

        Return the standard deviation of the map data
        Return the mean of the map data
        Return the minimum value of the map data
        Return the maximum value of the map data
    resample(dimension, method)
        Returns a new map that has been resampled up or down
    superpixel(dimension, method)
        Returns a new map consisting of superpixels formed from the
        original data.
        Save the map to a fits file.
    submap(range_a, range_b, units)
        Returns a submap of the map with the specified range
        Return a matplotlib imageaxes instance, like plt.imshow()
        Display a matplotlib plot to the screen 
        Draw a line on the image where the solar limb is.
        Draw a lon/lat grid on a map plot.
        Returns the original header from when the map was first created.

    >>> aia = sunpy.make_map(sunpy.AIA_171_IMAGE)
    >>> aia.T
    AIAMap([[ 0.3125,  1.    , -1.1875, ..., -0.625 ,  0.5625,  0.5   ],
    [-0.0625,  0.1875,  0.375 , ...,  0.0625,  0.0625, -0.125 ],
    [-0.125 , -0.8125, -0.5   , ..., -0.3125,  0.5625,  0.4375],
    [ 0.625 ,  0.625 , -0.125 , ...,  0.125 , -0.0625,  0.6875],
    [-0.625 , -0.625 , -0.625 , ...,  0.125 , -0.0625,  0.6875],
    [ 0.    ,  0.    , -1.1875, ...,  0.125 ,  0.    ,  0.6875]])
    >>> aia.units['x']
    >>> aia.peek()

    See Also
    numpy.ndarray Parent class for the Map object

    | http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.classes.html
    | http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.subclassing.html
    | http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/ufuncs.html
    | http://www.scipy.org/Subclasses

    _create = ConditionalDispatch.from_existing(Parent._create)
    create = classmethod(_create.wrapper())

    def __new__(cls, data, header):
        """Creates a new Map instance"""
        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
            obj = data.view(cls)
        elif isinstance(data, list):
            obj = np.asarray(data).view(cls)
            raise TypeError('Invalid input')

        return obj

    def __init__(self, data, header):
        self._original_header = header

        # Set naxis1 and naxis2 if not specified
        if header.get('naxis1') is None:
            header['naxis1'] = self.shape[1]
        if header.get('naxis2') is None:
            header['naxis2'] = self.shape[0]

        # Parse header and set map attributes
        for attr, value in list(self.get_properties(header).items()):
            setattr(self, attr, value)

        # Validate properties

    def get_properties(cls, header):
        """Parses a map header and determines default properties."""
        if is_time(header.get('date-obs',
                              [])):  # Hack! check FITS standard is a time
            date = header.get('date-obs')
            # Check commonly used but non-standard FITS keyword for observation time is a time
        elif is_time(header.get('date_obs', [])):  # Horrible [] hack
            date = header.get('date_obs')
            date = None
        return {
            cm.gray,  # @UndefinedVariable
            parse_time(date) if date is not None else 'N/A',
            header.get('detector', ''),
            header.get('dsun_obs', constants.au),
            header.get('exptime', 0.),
            header.get('instrume', ''),
            header.get('wavelnth', ''),
            header.get('telescop', ''),
            header.get('telescop', '') + " " + str(header.get('wavelnth', '')),
            header.get('detector', ''),
            header.get('rsun_ref', constants.radius),
                    header.get('radius', constants.average_angular_size))),
            "coordinate_system": {
                'x': header.get('ctype1', 'HPLN-TAN'),
                'y': header.get('ctype2', 'HPLT-TAN')
            header.get('crln_obs', 0.),
                       header.get('crlt_obs', header.get('solar_b0', 0.))),
            header.get('hgln_obs', 0.),
            "reference_coordinate": {
                'x': header.get('crval1', 0.),
                'y': header.get('crval2', 0.),
            "reference_pixel": {
                'x': header.get('crpix1', (header.get('naxis1') + 1) / 2.),
                'y': header.get('crpix2', (header.get('naxis2') + 1) / 2.)
            "scale": {
                'x': header.get('cdelt1', 1.),
                'y': header.get('cdelt2', 1.),
            "units": {
                'x': header.get('cunit1', 'arcsec'),
                'y': header.get('cunit2', 'arcsec')
            "rotation_angle": {
                'x': header.get('crota1', 0.),
                'y': header.get('crota2', 0.)

    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
        """Finishes instantiation of the new map object"""
        if obj is None:

        if hasattr(obj, '_original_header'):
            properties = [
                '_original_header', 'cmap', 'date', 'detector', 'dsun',
                'exposure_time', 'instrument', 'measurement', 'name',
                'observatory', 'rsun_arcseconds', 'rsun_meters', 'scale',
                'units', 'reference_coordinate', 'reference_pixel',
                'coordinate_system', 'heliographic_latitude',
                'heliographic_longitude', 'carrington_longitude',

            for attr in properties:
                setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr))

    def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None):
        """Returns a wrapped instance of a Map object"""
        return np.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Overriding indexing operation to ensure that header is updated.  Note
        that the indexing follows the ndarray row-column order, which is
        reversed from calling Map.submap()"""
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            # Used when asking for a 2D sub-array
            # The header will be updated
            if type(key[1]) is slice:
                x_range = [key[1].start, key[1].stop]
                x_range = [key[1], key[1] + 1]

            if type(key[0]) is slice:
                y_range = [key[0].start, key[0].stop]
                y_range = [key[0], key[0] + 1]

            return self.submap(x_range, y_range, units="pixels")
            # Typically used by np.ndarray.__repr__() due to indexing with [-1]
            # The header will not be updated properly!
            return np.ndarray.__getitem__(self, key)

    def __add__(self, other):
        """Add two maps. Currently does not take into account the alignment
        between the two maps."""
        result = np.ndarray.__add__(self, other)

        return result

    def __repr__(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'observatory'):
            return np.ndarray.__repr__(self)

        return ("""SunPy Map
Observatory:\t %s
Instrument:\t %s
Detector:\t %s
Measurement:\t %s
Obs Date:\t %s
dt:\t\t %f
Dimension:\t [%d, %d] 
[dx, dy] =\t [%f, %f]
""" % (self.observatory, self.instrument, self.detector, self.measurement,
        self.date, self.exposure_time, self.shape[1], self.shape[0],
        self.scale['x'], self.scale['y']) + np.ndarray.__repr__(self))

    def __sub__(self, other):
        """Subtract two maps. Currently does not take into account the
        alignment between the two maps.

        numpy dtype nums:
            1    int8
            2    uint8
            3    int16
            4    uint16
        # if data is stored as unsigned, cast up (e.g. uint8 => int16)
        if self.dtype.kind == "u":
            self = self.astype(to_signed(self.dtype))
        if other.dtype.kind == "u":
            other = other.astype(to_signed(other.dtype))

        result = np.ndarray.__sub__(self, other)

        def norm():
            mean = result.mean()
            std = result.std()
            vmin = max(result.min(), mean - 6 * std)
            vmax = min(result.max(), mean + 6 * std)

            return colors.Normalize(vmin, vmax)

        result.norm = norm
        result.cmap = cm.gray  # @UndefinedVariable

        return result

    def xrange(self):
        """Return the X range of the image in arcsec from edge to edge."""
        xmin = self.center['x'] - self.shape[1] / 2. * self.scale['x']
        xmax = self.center['x'] + self.shape[1] / 2. * self.scale['x']
        return [xmin, xmax]

    def yrange(self):
        """Return the Y range of the image in arcsec from edge to edge."""
        ymin = self.center['y'] - self.shape[0] / 2. * self.scale['y']
        ymax = self.center['y'] + self.shape[0] / 2. * self.scale['y']
        return [ymin, ymax]

    def center(self):
        """Returns the offset between the center of the Sun and the center of 
        the map."""
        return {
            wcs.get_center(self.shape[1], self.scale['x'],
            wcs.get_center(self.shape[0], self.scale['y'],

    def draw_limb(self, axes=None):
        """Draws a circle representing the solar limb 
            axes: matplotlib.axes object or None
                Axes to plot limb on or None to use current axes.
            matplotlib.axes object

        if not axes:
            axes = plt.gca()

        if hasattr(self, 'center'):
            circ = patches.Circle([self.center['x'], self.center['y']],
            print("Assuming center of Sun is center of image")
            circ = patches.Circle([0, 0],

        return axes

    def draw_grid(self, axes=None, grid_spacing=20):
        """Draws a grid over the surface of the Sun
        axes: matplotlib.axes object or None
        Axes to plot limb on or None to use current axes.
        grid_spacing: float
            Spacing (in degrees) for longitude and latitude grid.
        matplotlib.axes object

        if not axes:
            axes = plt.gca()

        x, y = self.pixel_to_data()
        rsun = self.rsun_meters
        dsun = self.dsun

        b0 = self.heliographic_latitude
        l0 = self.heliographic_longitude
        units = [self.units.get('x'), self.units.get('y')]

        #TODO: This function could be optimized. Does not need to convert the entire image
        # coordinates
        lon_self, lat_self = wcs.convert_hpc_hg(rsun, dsun, units[0], units[1],
                                                b0, l0, x, y)
        # define the number of points for each latitude or longitude line
        num_points = 20

        #TODO: The following code is ugly. Fix it.
        lon_range = [lon_self.min(), lon_self.max()]
        lat_range = [lat_self.min(), lat_self.max()]
        if np.isfinite(lon_range[0]) == False:
            lon_range[0] = -90 + self.heliographic_longitude
        if np.isfinite(lon_range[1]) == False:
            lon_range[1] = 90 + self.heliographic_longitude
        if np.isfinite(lat_range[0]) == False:
            lat_range[0] = -90 + self.heliographic_latitude
        if np.isfinite(lat_range[1]) == False:
            lat_range[1] = 90 + self.heliographic_latitude

        hg_longitude_deg = np.linspace(lon_range[0],
        hg_latitude_deg = np.arange(lat_range[0], lat_range[1] + grid_spacing,

        # draw the latitude lines
        for lat in hg_latitude_deg:
            hg_latitude_deg_mesh, hg_longitude_deg_mesh = np.meshgrid(
                lat * np.ones(num_points), hg_longitude_deg)
            x, y = wcs.convert_hg_hpc(self.rsun_meters,
            axes.plot(x, y, color='white', linestyle='dotted', zorder=100)

        hg_longitude_deg = np.arange(lon_range[0], lon_range[1] + grid_spacing,
        hg_latitude_deg = np.linspace(lat_range[0],

        # draw the longitude lines
        for lon in hg_longitude_deg:
            hg_longitude_deg_mesh, hg_latitude_deg_mesh = np.meshgrid(
                lon * np.ones(num_points), hg_latitude_deg)
            x, y = wcs.convert_hg_hpc(self.rsun_meters,
            axes.plot(x, y, color='white', linestyle='dotted', zorder=100)


        return axes

    def _validate(self):
        """Validates the meta-information associated with a Map.

        This function includes very basic validation checks which apply to
        all of the kinds of files that SunPy can read. Datasource-specific
        validation should be handled in the relevant file in the
        sunpy.map.sources package."""
        if (self.dsun <= 0 or self.dsun >= 40 * constants.au):
            raise InvalidHeaderInformation("Invalid value for DSUN")

    def std(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """overide np.ndarray.std()"""
        return np.array(self, copy=False, subok=False).std(*args, **kwargs)

    def mean(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """overide np.ndarray.mean()"""
        return np.array(self, copy=False, subok=False).mean(*args, **kwargs)

    def min(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """overide np.ndarray.min()"""
        return np.array(self, copy=False, subok=False).min(*args, **kwargs)

    def max(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """overide np.ndarray.max()"""
        return np.array(self, copy=False, subok=False).max(*args, **kwargs)

    def data_to_pixel(self, value, dim):
        """Convert pixel-center data coordinates to pixel values"""
        #TODO: This function should be renamed. It is confusing as data
        # coordinates are in something like arcsec but this function just changes how you
        # count pixels
        if dim not in ['x', 'y']:
            raise ValueError("Invalid dimension. Must be one of 'x' or 'y'.")

        size = self.shape[dim == 'x']  # 1 if dim == 'x', 0 if dim == 'y'.

        return (value - self.center[dim]) / self.scale[dim] + ((size - 1) / 2.)

    def pixel_to_data(self, x=None, y=None):
        """Convert from pixel coordinates to data coordinates (e.g. arcsec)"""
        width = self.shape[1]
        height = self.shape[0]

        if (x is not None) & (x > width - 1):
            raise ValueError("X pixel value larger than image width (%s)." %
        if (x is not None) & (y > height - 1):
            raise ValueError("Y pixel value larger than image height (%s)." %
        if (x is not None) & (x < 0):
            raise ValueError("X pixel value cannot be less than 0.")
        if (x is not None) & (y < 0):
            raise ValueError("Y pixel value cannot be less than 0.")

        scale = np.array([self.scale.get('x'), self.scale.get('y')])
        crpix = np.array(
        crval = np.array([
        coordinate_system = [
        x, y = wcs.convert_pixel_to_data(width,

        return x, y

    def get_header(self, original=False):
        """Returns an updated MapHeader instance"""
        header = self._original_header.copy()

        # If requested, return original header as-is
        if original:
            return header

        # Bit-depth
        #   8    Character or unsigned binary integer
        #  16    16-bit twos-complement binary integer
        #  32    32-bit twos-complement binary integer
        # -32    IEEE single precision floating point
        # -64    IEEE double precision floating point
        if not header.has_key('bitpix'):
            bitdepth = 8 * self.dtype.itemsize

            if self.dtype.kind == "f":
                bitdepth = -bitdepth

            header['bitpix'] = bitdepth

        # naxis
        header['naxis'] = self.ndim
        header['naxis1'] = self.shape[1]
        header['naxis2'] = self.shape[0]

        # dsun
        if header.has_key('dsun_obs'):
            header['dsun_obs'] = self.dsun

        # rsun_obs
        if header.has_key('rsun_obs'):
            header['rsun_obs'] = self.rsun_arcseconds
        elif header.has_key('solar_r'):
            header['solar_r'] = self.rsun_arcseconds
        elif header.has_key('radius'):
            header['radius'] = self.rsun_arcseconds

        # cdelt
        header['cdelt1'] = self.scale['x']
        header['cdelt2'] = self.scale['y']

        # crpix
        header['crval1'] = self.reference_coordinate['x']
        header['crval2'] = self.reference_coordinate['y']

        # crval
        header['crpix1'] = self.reference_pixel['x']
        header['crpix2'] = self.reference_pixel['y']

        return header

    def resample(self, dimensions, method='linear'):
        """Returns a new Map that has been resampled up or down

        Arbitrary resampling of the Map to new dimension sizes.

        Uses the same parameters and creates the same co-ordinate lookup points
        as IDL''s congrid routine, which apparently originally came from a
        VAX/VMS routine of the same name.

        dimensions : tuple
            Dimensions that new Map should have.
            Note: the first argument corresponds to the 'x' axis and the second
            argument corresponds to the 'y' axis.
        method : {'neighbor' | 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'spline'}
            Method to use for resampling interpolation.
                * neighbor - Closest value from original data
                * nearest and linear - Uses n x 1-D interpolations using
                * spline - Uses ndimage.map_coordinates

        out : Map
            A new Map which has been resampled to the desired dimensions.

        | http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Rebinning (Original source, 2011/11/19)

        # Note: because the underlying ndarray is transposed in sense when
        #   compared to the Map, the ndarray is transposed, resampled, then
        #   transposed back
        # Note: "center" defaults to True in this function because data
        #   coordinates in a Map are at pixel centers

        # Make a copy of the original data and perform resample
        data = sunpy_image_resample(np.asarray(self).copy().T,

        # Update image scale and number of pixels
        header = self._original_header.copy()

        # Note that 'x' and 'y' correspond to 1 and 0 in self.shape,
        # respectively
        scale_factor_x = (float(self.shape[1]) / dimensions[0])
        scale_factor_y = (float(self.shape[0]) / dimensions[1])

        # Create new map instance
        new_map = self.__class__(data.T, header)

        # Update metadata
        new_map.scale['x'] *= scale_factor_x
        new_map.scale['y'] *= scale_factor_y
        new_map.reference_pixel['x'] = (dimensions[0] + 1) / 2.
        new_map.reference_pixel['y'] = (dimensions[1] + 1) / 2.
        new_map.reference_coordinate['x'] = self.center['x']
        new_map.reference_coordinate['y'] = self.center['y']

        return new_map

    def superpixel(self, dimensions, method='sum'):
        """Returns a new map consisting of superpixels formed from the
        original data.  Useful for increasing signal to noise ratio in images.

        dimensions : tuple
            One superpixel in the new map is equal to (dimension[0],
            dimension[1]) pixels of the original map
            Note: the first argument corresponds to the 'x' axis and the second
            argument corresponds to the 'y' axis.
        method : {'sum' | 'average'}
            What each superpixel represents compared to the original data
                * sum - add up the original data
                * average - average the sum over the number of original pixels

        out : Map
            A new Map which has superpixels of the required size.

        | http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2010-July/051760.html

        # Note: because the underlying ndarray is transposed in sense when
        #   compared to the Map, the ndarray is transposed, resampled, then
        #   transposed back
        # Note: "center" defaults to True in this function because data
        #   coordinates in a Map are at pixel centers

        # Make a copy of the original data and perform reshaping
        reshaped = reshape_image_to_4d_superpixel(
            np.asarray(self).copy().T, dimensions)
        if method == 'sum':
            data = reshaped.sum(axis=3).sum(axis=1)
        elif method == 'average':
            data = ((reshaped.sum(axis=3).sum(axis=1)) /
                    np.float32(dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]))

        #data = resample(np.asarray(self).copy().T, dimensions,
        #                method, center=True)

        # Update image scale and number of pixels
        header = self._original_header.copy()

        # Note that 'x' and 'y' correspond to 1 and 0 in self.shape,
        # respectively
        new_nx = self.shape[1] / dimensions[0]
        new_ny = self.shape[0] / dimensions[1]

        # Create new map instance
        new_map = self.__class__(data.T, header)

        # Update metadata
        new_map.scale['x'] = dimensions[0] * self.scale['x']
        new_map.scale['y'] = dimensions[1] * self.scale['y']
        new_map.reference_pixel['x'] = (new_nx + 1) / 2.
        new_map.reference_pixel['y'] = (new_ny + 1) / 2.
        new_map.reference_coordinate['x'] = self.center['x']
        new_map.reference_coordinate['y'] = self.center['y']

        return new_map

    def rotate(self,
        """Returns a new rotated, rescaled and shifted map.
        angle: float
           The angle to rotate the image by (radians)        
        scale: float
           A scale factor for the image, default is no scaling
        rotation_centre: tuple
           The point in the image to rotate around (Axis of rotation).
           Default: Centre of the array
        recentre: bool, or array-like
           Move the centroid (axis of rotation) to the centre of the array
           or recentre coords. 
           Default: True, recentre to the centre of the array.
        missing: float
           The numerical value to fill any missing points after rotation.
           Default: 0.0
        interpolation: {'nearest' | 'bilinear' | 'spline' | 'bicubic'}
            Interpolation method to use in the transform. 
            Spline uses the 
            scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affline_transform routine.
            nearest, bilinear and bicubic all replicate the IDL rot() function.
            Default: 'bicubic'
        interp_par: Int or Float
            Optional parameter for controlling the interpolation.
            Spline interpolation requires an integer value between 1 and 5 for 
            the degree of the spline fit.
            Default: 3
            BiCubic interpolation requires a flaot value between -1 and 0.
            Default: 0.5
            Other interpolation options ingore the argument.
        New rotated, rescaled, translated map
        Apart from interpolation='spline' all other options use a compiled 
        C-API extension. If for some reason this is not compiled correctly this
        routine will fall back upon the scipy implementation of order = 3.
        For more infomation see:

        #Interpolation parameter Sanity
        assert interpolation in ['nearest', 'spline', 'bilinear', 'bicubic']
        #Set defaults based on interpolation
        if interp_param is None:
            if interpolation is 'spline':
                interp_param = 3
            elif interpolation is 'bicubic':
                interp_param = 0.5
                interp_param = 0  #Default value for nearest or bilinear

        #Make sure recenter is a vector with shape (2,1)
        if not isinstance(recentre, bool):
            recentre = np.array(recentre).reshape(2, 1)

        #Define Size and centre of array
        centre = (np.array(self.shape) - 1) / 2.0

        #If rotation_centre is not set (None or False),
        #set rotation_centre to the centre of the image.
        if rotation_centre is None:
            rotation_centre = centre
            #Else check rotation_centre is a vector with shape (2,1)
            rotation_centre = np.array(rotation_centre).reshape(2, 1)

        #Recentre to the rotation_centre if recentre is True
        if isinstance(recentre, bool):
            #if rentre is False then this will be (0,0)
            shift = np.array(rotation_centre) - np.array(centre)
            #Recentre to recentre vector otherwise
            shift = np.array(recentre) - np.array(centre)

        image = np.asarray(self).copy()

        #Calulate the parameters for the affline_transform
        c = np.cos(angle)
        s = np.sin(angle)
        mati = np.array([[c, s], [-s, c]]) / scale  # res->orig
        centre = np.array([centre]).transpose()  # the centre of rotn
        shift = np.array([shift]).transpose()  # the shift
        kpos = centre - np.dot(mati, (centre + shift))
        # kpos and mati are the two transform constants, kpos is a 2x2 array
        rsmat, offs = mati, np.squeeze((kpos[0, 0], kpos[1, 0]))

        if interpolation == 'spline':
            # This is the scipy call
            data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(
            #Use C extension Package
            if not 'Crotate' in globals():
                    """"The C extension sunpy.image.Crotate is not 
installed, falling back to the interpolation='spline' of order=3""", Warning)
                data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(
            #Set up call parameters depending on interp type.
            if interpolation == 'nearest':
                interp_type = Crotate.NEAREST
            elif interpolation == 'bilinear':
                interp_type = Crotate.BILINEAR
            elif interpolation == 'bicubic':
                interp_type = Crotate.BICUBIC
            #Make call to extension
            data = Crotate.affine_transform(image,

        #Return a new map
        #Copy Header
        header = self._original_header.copy()
        # Create new map instance
        new_map = self.__class__(data, header)

        return new_map

    def save(self, filepath):
        """Saves the SunPy Map object to a file.
        Currently SunPy can only save files in the FITS format. In the future
        support will be added for saving to other formats.
        filepath : string
            Location to save file to.
        pyfits_header = self.get_header().as_pyfits_header()
        hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(self, header=pyfits_header)
        hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])

    def submap(self, range_a, range_b, units="data"):
        """Returns a submap of the map with the specified range

        range_a : list
            The range of the Map to select across either the x axis.
        range_b : list
            The range of the Map to select across either the y axis.
        units : {'data' | 'pixels'}, optional
            The units for the supplied ranges.

        out : Map
            A new map instance is returned representing to specified sub-region

        >>> aia.submap([-5,5],[-5,5])
        AIAMap([[ 341.3125,  266.5   ,  329.375 ,  330.5625,  298.875 ],
        [ 347.1875,  273.4375,  247.4375,  303.5   ,  305.3125],
        [ 322.8125,  302.3125,  298.125 ,  299.    ,  261.5   ],
        [ 334.875 ,  289.75  ,  269.25  ,  256.375 ,  242.3125],
        [ 273.125 ,  241.75  ,  248.8125,  263.0625,  249.0625]])

        >>> aia.submap([0,5],[0,5], units='pixels')
        AIAMap([[ 0.3125, -0.0625, -0.125 ,  0.    , -0.375 ],
        [ 1.    ,  0.1875, -0.8125,  0.125 ,  0.3125],
        [-1.1875,  0.375 , -0.5   ,  0.25  , -0.4375],
        [-0.6875, -0.3125,  0.8125,  0.0625,  0.1875],
        [-0.875 ,  0.25  ,  0.1875,  0.    , -0.6875]])
        if units is "data":
            # Check edges (e.g. [:512,..] or [:,...])
            if range_a[0] is None:
                range_a[0] = self.xrange[0]
            if range_a[1] is None:
                range_a[1] = self.xrange[1]
            if range_b[0] is None:
                range_b[0] = self.yrange[0]
            if range_b[1] is None:
                range_b[1] = self.yrange[1]

            #x_pixels = [self.data_to_pixel(elem, 'x') for elem in range_a]
            x_pixels = [
                np.ceil(self.data_to_pixel(range_a[0], 'x')),
                np.floor(self.data_to_pixel(range_a[1], 'x')) + 1
            #y_pixels = [self.data_to_pixel(elem, 'y') for elem in range_b]
            y_pixels = [
                np.ceil(self.data_to_pixel(range_b[0], 'y')),
                np.floor(self.data_to_pixel(range_b[1], 'y')) + 1
        elif units is "pixels":
            # Check edges
            if range_a[0] is None:
                range_a[0] = 0
            if range_a[1] is None:
                range_a[1] = self.shape[1]
            if range_b[0] is None:
                range_b[0] = 0
            if range_b[1] is None:
                range_b[1] = self.shape[0]

            x_pixels = range_a
            y_pixels = range_b
            raise ValueError("Invalid unit. Must be one of 'data' or 'pixels'")

        # Make a copy of the header with updated centering information
        header = self._original_header.copy()

        # Get ndarray representation of submap
        data = np.asarray(self)[y_pixels[0]:y_pixels[1],

        # Instantiate new instance and update metadata
        new_map = self.__class__(data.copy(), header)
        new_map.reference_pixel['x'] = self.reference_pixel['x'] - x_pixels[0]
        new_map.reference_pixel['y'] = self.reference_pixel['y'] - y_pixels[0]

        return new_map

    def plot(self, gamma=None, annotate=True, axes=None, **imshow_args):
        """ Plots the map object using matplotlib, in a method equivalent
        to plt.imshow() using nearest neighbour interpolation.
        gamma : float
            Gamma value to use for the color map
        annotate : bool
            If true, the data is plotted at it's natural scale; with
            title and axis labels.
        axes: matplotlib.axes object or None
            If provided the image will be plotted on the given axes. Else the 
            current matplotlib axes will be used.
        **imshow_args : dict
            Any additional imshow arguments that should be used
            when plotting the image.
        #Simple Plot with color bar
        #Add a limb line and grid

        #Get current axes
        if not axes:
            axes = plt.gca()

        # Normal plot
        if annotate:
            axes.set_title("%s %s" % (self.name, self.date))

            # x-axis label
            if self.coordinate_system['x'] == 'HG':
                xlabel = 'Longitude [%s]' % self.units['x']
                xlabel = 'X-position [%s]' % self.units['x']

            # y-axis label
            if self.coordinate_system['y'] == 'HG':
                ylabel = 'Latitude [%s]' % self.units['y']
                ylabel = 'Y-position [%s]' % self.units['y']


        # Determine extent
        extent = self.xrange + self.yrange

        cmap = copy(self.cmap)
        if gamma is not None:

            #make imshow kwargs a dict

        kwargs = {
            'origin': 'lower',
            'cmap': cmap,
            'norm': self.norm(),
            'extent': extent,
            'interpolation': 'nearest'

        ret = axes.imshow(self, **kwargs)

        #Set current image (makes colorbar work)
        return ret

    def peek(self,
        """Displays the map in a new figure

        draw_limb : bool
            Whether the solar limb should be plotted.
        draw_grid : bool or number
            Whether solar meridians and parallels are plotted. If float then sets
            degree difference between parallels and meridians.
        gamma : float
            Gamma value to use for the color map
        colorbar : bool
            Whether to display a colorbar next to the plot
        basic_plot : bool
            If true, the data is plotted by itself at it's natural scale; no
            title, labels, or axes are shown.
        **matplot_args : dict
            Matplotlib Any additional imshow arguments that should be used
            when plotting the image.

        # Create a figure and add title and axes
        figure = plt.figure(frameon=not basic_plot)

        # Basic plot
        if basic_plot:
            axes = plt.Axes(figure, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
            matplot_args.update({'annotate': False})

        # Normal plot
            axes = figure.gca()

        im = self.plot(axes=axes, **matplot_args)

        if colorbar and not basic_plot:

        if draw_limb:

        if isinstance(draw_grid, bool):
            if draw_grid:
        elif isinstance(draw_grid, (int, long, float)):
            self.draw_grid(axes=axes, grid_spacing=draw_grid)
            raise TypeError("draw_grid should be bool, int, long or float")


        return figure

    def norm(self):
        """Default normalization method. Not yet implemented."""
        return None

    def parse_file(cls, filepath):
        """Reads in a map file and returns a header and data array"""
        return read_file(filepath)

    def read(cls, filepath):
        """Map class factory

        Attempts to determine the type of data associated with input and
        returns an instance of either the generic Map class or a subclass
        of Map such as AIAMap, EUVIMap, etc.

        filepath : string
            Path to a valid FITS or JPEG 2000 file of a type supported by SunPy

        out : Map
            Returns a Map instance for the particular type of data loaded.
        data, header = cls.parse_file(filepath)

        if cls.__name__ is not "Map":
            return cls(data, header)

        for cls in Map.__subclasses__():
            if cls.is_datasource_for(header):
                return cls(data, header)

        return Map(data, header)

    def read_header(cls, filepath):
        """Attempts to detect the datasource type and returns meta-information
        for that particular datasource."""
        header = read_file_header(filepath)

        for cls in Map.__subclasses__():
            if cls.is_datasource_for(header):
                properties = cls.get_properties(header)
                properties['header'] = header

                return properties