def query_db(query, args=(), one=False): with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(query, args) r = [dict((cur.description[i][0], value) \ for i, value in enumerate(row)) for row in cur.fetchall()] return (r[0] if r else None) if one else r
def InitDb(): if not os.path.exists(GetDbDir()): os.mkdir(GetDbDir()) if not os.path.exists(GetDbDir() + "version"): with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: sqlfile = os.path.join(GetDbDir(), "db/subnodedb", versionIter[0])"刷%s 脚本", sqlfile) with open(sqlfile, encoding='utf-8') as f: sqltxt = cur = con.cursor() cur.executescript(sqltxt) with open(os.path.join(GetDbDir(), "version"), "w+") as f: f.write("0") with open(GetDbDir() + "version") as f: version = int( if version < len(versionIter) - 1: logger.warning("版本更新, %d -> %d", version, len(versionIter) - 1) for i in range(version, len(versionIter)): dbfile = os.path.join(GetDbDir(), "superdb.db") with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(dbfile)) as con: sqlfile = os.path.join(GetDbDir(), "db/subnodedb", versionIter[i])"刷%s 脚本", sqlfile) with open(sqlfile, encoding='utf-8') as f: sqltxt = cur = con.cursor() cur.executescript(sqltxt)
def DbStateDel(): with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: c.execute("delete from state") c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback")
def DbStateUpdate(account, region, role=None, curlevel=None, zhiye=None, curpilao=None, money=None, wuse=None, kicktime=None, kicklong=None, timeup=False): with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: DbStateInsert(account, region, role) c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: if role is not None: conditionstr = " where account = ? and region = ? and role = ?" conditiontup = (account, region, role) else: conditionstr = " where account = ? and region = ?" conditiontup = (account, region) if curlevel is not None: c.execute("update state set curlevel = ? %s" % conditionstr, (curlevel, ) + conditiontup) if zhiye is not None: c.execute("update state set zhiye = ? %s" % conditionstr, (zhiye, ) + conditiontup) if curpilao is not None: c.execute("update state set curpilao = ? %s" % conditionstr, (curpilao, ) + conditiontup) if money is not None: c.execute("update state set money = ? %s" % conditionstr, (money, ) + conditiontup) if wuse is not None: c.execute("update state set wuse = ? %s" % conditionstr, (wuse, ) + conditiontup) if kicktime is not None: c.execute("update state set kicktime = ? %s" % conditionstr, (kicktime, ) + conditiontup) if kicklong is not None: c.execute("update state set kicklong = ? %s" % conditionstr, (kicklong, ) + conditiontup) if timeup: t = time.time() c.execute("update state set timepoint = ? %s" % conditionstr, (int(t), ) + conditiontup) c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback")
def DbEventAppend(account, region, role, content): with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: c.execute( "insert into event (account, region, role, timepoint, content) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (account, region, role, int(time.time()), content)) c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback")
def CreateJueseAppend(account, region, juese): yyyymmdd ='%Y-%m-%d') with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: c.execute( "insert into createrole (account, region, juese, yyyymmdd) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (account, region, juese, yyyymmdd)) c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback")
def AccountXingyunxingRule(account, region): count = 0 with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: c.execute( "select count(*) from state where account=? and region=? and curlevel >= 25", (account, region)) rows = c.fetchall() count = rows[0][0] c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback") return count > 0
def DayCreateJueseNum(account, region): yyyymmdd ='%Y-%m-%d') count = 0 with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: c.execute( "select count(*) from createrole where account=? and region=? and yyyymmdd=?", (account, region, yyyymmdd)) rows = c.fetchall() count = rows[0][0] c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback") return count
def IsAccoutnZhicai(account): count = 0 with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: c.execute( "select count(*) from state where kicktime IS NOT NULL and datetime(kicktime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') " "< datetime('now', 'localtime') and datetime('now', 'localtime') < datetime(kicktime + kicklong, 'unixepoch', " "'localtime') and account=?", (account, )) rows = c.fetchall() count = rows[0][0] c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback") return count > 0
def DbStateInsert(account, region, role): with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: c.execute( "select count(*) from state where account=? and region=? and role=?", (account, region, role)) rows = c.fetchall() if rows[0][0] == 0: c.execute( "insert into state (account, region, role) values (?, ?, ?)", (account, region, role)) c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback")
def DbItemAppend(account, region, role, moneyadd=None, wuseadd=None, timeadd=None): with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: DbItemInsert(account, region, role) c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: yyyymmdd ='%Y%m%d') conditionstr = " where account = ? and region = ? and role = ? and yyyymmdd = ?" conditiontup = (account, region, role, yyyymmdd) c.execute( "select todaymoney, todaywuse, todaysumtime from item %s" % conditionstr, conditiontup) rows = c.fetchall() for row in rows: todaymoney, todaywuse, todaysumtime = row[0], row[1], row[2] if moneyadd is not None: c.execute( "update item set todaymoney = ? %s" % conditionstr, (todaymoney + moneyadd, ) + conditiontup) if wuseadd is not None: c.execute( "update item set todaywuse = ? %s" % conditionstr, (todaywuse + wuseadd, ) + conditiontup) if timeadd is not None: c.execute( "update item set todaysumtime = ? %s" % conditionstr, (todaysumtime + timeadd, ) + conditiontup) c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback")
def DbItemInsert(account, region, role): with contextlib.closing(sqlite.connect(getDbFile())) as con: c = con.cursor() c.execute("begin") try: yyyymmdd ='%Y%m%d') c.execute( "select count(*) from item where account=? and region=? and role=? and yyyymmdd=?", (account, region, role, yyyymmdd)) rows = c.fetchall() if rows[0][0] == 0: c.execute( "insert into item (account, region, role, yyyymmdd, todaymoney, todaywuse, todaysumtime) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (account, region, role, yyyymmdd, 0, 0, 0)) c.execute("commit") except con.Error as e: logger.warning("sql error! %s" % e) c.execute("rollback")