Пример #1
def geodesic(nTime,
    """Implementation of the algorithm for computing the geodesic in the Wasserstein space.

      nTime: Number of discretization points in time
      nameFileD: Name of the .off file where the triangle mesh is stored
      mub0: initial probability distribution
      mub1: final probability distribution
      cCongestion: constant for the intensity of the regularization
        (alpha in the article)
      eps: regularization parameter for the linear system inversion
      Nit: Number of iterations
      detailStudy: True if the value of the objective functional (i.e. the
        Lagrangian) and the residuals are computed at every time step (slow),
        false if computed every 10 iterations (fast)

      phi,mu,A,E,B: values of the relevant quantities in the interpolation,
        cf. the article for more details (Note: E is the momentum, denoted by m
        in the article) objectiveValue: evolution (in term of the number of
        iterations of the ADMM) of the objective value, ie the Lagrangian
      primalResidual,dualResidual: evolution (in term of the number of
        iterations of the ADMM) of primal and dual residuals, cf the article for
        details of their computation.

    startImport = time.time()

    # Boolean value saying wether there is congestion or not
    isCongestion = cCongestion >= 10**(-10)

    if verbose:
        print(15 * "-" + " Parameters for the computation of the geodesic " +
              15 * "-")
        print("Number of discretization points in time: {}".format(nTime))
        print("Name of the mesh file: {}".format(nameFileD))
        if isCongestion:
            print("Congestion parameter: {}\n".format(cCongestion))
            print("No regularization\n")

    # Time domain: staggered grid
    xTimeS = np.linspace(0, 1, nTime + 1)
    # Step Time
    DeltaTime = xTimeS[1] - xTimeS[0]
    # Time domain: centered grid
    xTimeC = np.linspace(DeltaTime / 2, 1 - DeltaTime / 2, nTime)
    # Domain D: call the routines
    Vertices, Triangles, Edges = read_off.readOff(nameFileD)
    areaTriangles, angleTriangles, baseFunction = geometricQuantities(
        Vertices, Triangles, Edges)
    gradientDMatrix, divergenceDMatrix, LaplacianDMatrix = geometricMatrices(
        Vertices, Triangles, Edges, areaTriangles, angleTriangles,
    originTriangles, areaVertices, vertexTriangles = trianglesToVertices(
        Vertices, Triangles, areaTriangles)

    # Size of the domain D
    nVertices = Vertices.shape[0]
    nTriangles = Triangles.shape[0]
    nEdges = Edges.shape[0]

    # Vectorized quantities
    # Enable to call in parallel on [0,1] x D something which is only defined on D.

    # Vectorized arrays
    areaVectorized = np.kron(np.kron(np.ones(6 * nTime), areaTriangles),
                             np.ones(3)).reshape(nTime, 2, 3, nTriangles, 3)
    areaVerticesGlobal = np.kron(np.ones(nTime), areaVertices).reshape(
        (nTime, nVertices))
    areaVerticesGlobalStaggerred = np.kron(np.ones(nTime + 1),
                                               (nTime + 1, nVertices))

    # Vectorized matrices
    vertexTrianglesGlobal = scsp.kron(scsp.eye(nTime), vertexTriangles)
    originTrianglesGlobal = scsp.kron(scsp.eye(nTime), originTriangles)

    # Data structure with all the relevant informations. To be used as an argument of functions
    geomDic = {
        "nTime": nTime,
        "DeltaTime": DeltaTime,
        "Vertices": Vertices,
        "Triangles": Triangles,
        "Edges": Edges,
        "areaTriangles": areaTriangles,
        "gradientDMatrix": gradientDMatrix,
        "divergenceDMatrix": divergenceDMatrix,
        "LaplacianDMatrix": LaplacianDMatrix,
        "originTriangles": originTriangles,
        "areaVertices": areaVertices,
        "vertexTriangles": vertexTriangles,
        "nVertices": nVertices,
        "nTriangles": nTriangles,
        "nEdges": nEdges,
        "areaVerticesGlobal": areaVerticesGlobal,
        "areaVectorized": areaVectorized,

    # Build the Laplacian matrix in space time and its inverse
    LaplacianInvert = laplacian_inverse.buildLaplacianMatrix(geomDic, eps)

    # Variable initialization
    # Primal variable phi.
    # Staggerred in Time, defined on the vertices of D
    phi = np.zeros((nTime + 1, nVertices))
    # Lagrange multiplier associated to mu.
    # Centered in Time and lives on the vertices of D
    mu = np.zeros((nTime, nVertices))
    # Momentum E, lagrange mutliplier.
    # Centered in Time, the second component is indicating on which side of
    # the temporal it comes from. Third component indicates the origine of
    # the triangle on which it is. Fourth component is the triangle. Last
    # component corresponds to the fact that we are looking at a vector of R^3.
    E = np.zeros((nTime, 2, 3, nTriangles, 3))

    # Primal Variable A, corresponds to d_t phi.
    # Same staggering pattern as mu
    A = np.zeros((nTime, nVertices))
    # Primal variable B, same pattern as E
    B = np.zeros((nTime, 2, 3, nTriangles, 3))
    # Lagrange multiplier associated to the congestion. If there is no
    # congestion, the value of this parameter will always stay at 0.
    lambdaC = np.zeros((nTime, nVertices))
    # Making sure the boundary values are normalized
    mub0 /= np.sum(mub0)
    mub1 /= np.sum(mub1)
    # Build the boundary term
    BT = np.zeros((nTime + 1, nVertices))
    BT[0, :] = -mub0
    BT[-1, :] = mub1

    # ADMM iterations
    # Value of the "augmentation parameter" for the augmented Lagragian problem (update dynamically)
    r = 1.

    # Initialize the array which will contain the values of the objective functional
    if detailStudy:
        objectiveValue = np.zeros(3 * Nit)
        objectiveValue = np.zeros((Nit // 10))

    # Initialize the arry which will contain the residuals
    primalResidual = np.zeros(Nit)
    dualResidual = np.zeros(Nit)

    # Main Loop
    for counterMain in range(Nit):
        if verbose:
            print(30 * "-" + " Iteration " + str(counterMain + 1) + " " +
                  30 * "-")

        if detailStudy:
            objectiveValue[3 * counterMain] = objectiveFunctional(
                phi, mu, A, E, B, lambdaC, BT, geomDic, r, cCongestion,
        elif (counterMain % 10) == 0:
            objectiveValue[counterMain // 10] = objectiveFunctional(
                phi, mu, A, E, B, lambdaC, BT, geomDic, r, cCongestion,

        # Laplace problem
        startLaplace = time.time()
        # Build the RHS
        RHS = np.zeros((nTime + 1, nVertices))
        RHS -= BT * nTime
        RHS -= gradATime(mu, geomDic)
        RHS += np.multiply(r * gradATime(A + lambdaC, geomDic),
                           areaVerticesGlobalStaggerred / 3)
        # We take the adjoint wrt tp the scalar product weighted by areas, hence the multiplication by areaVectorized
        RHS -= divergenceD(E, geomDic)
        RHS += r * divergenceD(np.multiply(B, areaVectorized), geomDic)

        # Solve the system
        phi = 1. / r * LaplacianInvert(RHS)
        endLaplace = time.time()
        if verbose:
            print("Solving the Laplace system: {}s.".format(
                round(endLaplace - startLaplace, 2)))

        if detailStudy:
            objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 1] = objectiveFunctional(
                phi, mu, A, E, B, lambdaC, BT, geomDic, r, cCongestion,

        # Projection over a convex set ---------------------------------------------------------
        # It projects on the set A + 1/2 |B|^2 <= 0. We reduce to a 1D projection, then use a Newton method with a fixed number of iteration.
        startProj = time.time()

        # Computing the derivatives of phi
        dTphi = gradTime(phi, geomDic)
        dDphi = gradientD(phi, geomDic)

        # Computing what there is to project
        toProjectA = dTphi + 3. / r * np.divide(mu, areaVerticesGlobal)
        toProjectB = dDphi + 1. / r * np.divide(E, areaVectorized)

        # bSquaredArray will contain
        # (sum_{a ~ v} |a| |B_{a,v}|**2) / (4*sum_{a ~ v} |a|)
        # for each vertex v
        bSquaredArray = np.zeros((nTime, nVertices))
        # square and sum to compute in account the eulcidean norm and the temporal average
        squareAux = np.sum(np.square(toProjectB), axis=(1, 4))
        # average wrt triangles
        bSquaredArray = originTrianglesGlobal.dot(
            squareAux.reshape(nTime * 3 * nTriangles)).reshape(
                (nTime, nVertices))
        # divide by the sum of the areas of the neighboring triangles
        bSquaredArray = np.divide(bSquaredArray, 4 * areaVerticesGlobal)
        # Value of the objective functional. For the points not in the convex, we want it to vanish.
        projObjective = toProjectA + bSquaredArray
        # projDiscriminating is 1 is the point needs to be projected, 0 if it is already in the convex
        projDiscriminating = (np.greater(
            projObjective, 10**(-16) * np.ones(
                (nTime, nVertices)))).astype(float)

        # Newton method iteration
        # Value of the Lagrange multiplier. Initialized at 0, not updated if already in the convex set
        xProj = np.zeros((nTime, nVertices))
        counterProj = 0

        # Newton's loop
        while np.max(projObjective) > 10**(-10) and counterProj < 20:
            # Objective functional
            projObjective = (toProjectA + 6 * (1. + cCongestion * r) * xProj +
                             np.divide(bSquaredArray, np.square(1 - xProj)))
            # Derivative of the ojective functional
            dProjObjective = 6 * (1. + cCongestion * r) - 2. * np.divide(
                bSquaredArray, np.power(xProj - 1, 3))
            # Update of xProj
            xProj -= np.divide(np.multiply(projDiscriminating, projObjective),
            counterProj += 1

        # Update of A
        A = toProjectA + 6 * (1. + cCongestion * r) * xProj
        # Update of lambda
        lambdaC = -6 * cCongestion * r * xProj
        # Transfer xProj, which is defined on vertices into something which is defined on triangles
        xProjTriangles = np.kron(
                nTime * nVertices)).reshape((nTime, 3, nTriangles)),
        ).reshape((nTime, 3, nTriangles, 3))

        # Update of B
        B[:, 0, :, :, :] = np.divide(toProjectB[:, 0, :, :, :],
                                     1. - xProjTriangles)
        B[:, 1, :, :, :] = np.divide(toProjectB[:, 1, :, :, :],
                                     1. - xProjTriangles)

        # Print the info
        endProj = time.time()
        if verbose:
            print("Pointwise projection: {}s.".format(
                str(round(endProj - startProj, 2))))
            print("{} iterations needed; error committed: {}.".format(
                counterProj, np.max(projObjective)))
        if detailStudy:
            objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 2] = objectiveFunctional(
                phi, mu, A, E, B, lambdaC, BT, geomDic, r, cCongestion,

        # Gradient descent in (E,muTilde), i.e. in the dual
        # No need to recompute the derivatives of phi
        # Update for mu
        mu -= r / 3 * np.multiply(areaVerticesGlobal, A + lambdaC - dTphi)
        # Update for E
        E -= r * np.multiply(areaVectorized, B - dDphi)

        # Compute the residuals
        # For the primal residual, just what was updated in the dual
        primalResidual[counterMain] = sqrt((scalarProductFun(
            A + lambdaC - dTphi,
            np.multiply(A + lambdaC - dTphi, areaVerticesGlobal / 3.0),
        ) + scalarProductTriangles(B - dDphi, B - dDphi, geomDic)) /
        # For the residual, take the RHS of the Laplace system and conserve only
        # BT and the dual variables mu, E
        dualResidualAux = np.zeros((nTime + 1, nVertices))
        dualResidualAux += BT / DeltaTime
        dualResidualAux += gradATime(mu, geomDic)
        dualResidualAux += divergenceD(E, geomDic)

        dualResidual[counterMain] = r * sqrt(
                            areaVerticesGlobalStaggerred / 3.0),
            ) / np.sum(areaTriangles))
        # Break early if residuals are small
        if primalResidual[counterMain] < tol and dualResidual[
                counterMain] < tol:
        # Update the parameter r
        # cf. Boyd et al. for an explanantion of the rule
        if primalResidual[counterMain] >= 10 * dualResidual[counterMain]:
            r *= 2
        elif 10 * primalResidual[counterMain] <= dualResidual[counterMain]:
            r /= 2
        # Printing some results
        if verbose:
            if detailStudy:
                print("Maximizing in phi, should go up: {}".format(
                    objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 1] -
                    objectiveValue[3 * counterMain]))
                print("Maximizing in A,B, should go up: {}".format(
                    objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 2] -
                    objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 1]))
                if counterMain >= 1:
                    print("Dual update: should go down: {}".format(
                        objectiveValue[3 * counterMain] -
                        objectiveValue[3 * counterMain - 1]))
            print("Values of phi: {}/{}\n".format(np.max(phi), np.min(phi)))
            print("Values of A: {}/{}\n".format(np.max(A), np.min(A)))
            print("Values of mu: {}/{}\n".format(np.max(mu), np.min(mu)))
            print("Values of E: {}/{}\n".format(np.max(E), np.min(E)))
            if isCongestion:
                    scalarProductFun(lambdaC, mu, geomDic) - 1 /
                    (2. * cCongestion) * scalarProductFun(
                        lambdaC, np.multiply(lambdaC, areaVerticesGlobal /
                                             3.), geomDic))
                print(cCongestion / 2. *
                      np.sum(np.divide(np.square(mu), 1 / 3. * areaVertices)) /

    # Print some informations at the end of the loop
    if verbose:
        print("Final value of the augmenting parameter: {}".format(r))
        # Integral of mu wrt space (depends on time), should sum up to 1.
        intMu = np.sum(mu, axis=(-1))
        print("Minimal and maximal value of int mu: {}/{}".format(
            np.min(intMu), np.max(intMu)))
        print("Maximal and minimal value of mu: {}/{}".format(
            np.min(mu), np.max(mu)))

        dTphi = gradTime(phi, geomDic)
        dDphi = gradientD(phi, geomDic)
        print("Agreement between nabla_t,D and (A,B)")
        print(np.max(np.abs(dTphi - A)))
        print(np.max(np.abs(dDphi - B)))

    endProgramm = time.time()
    print("Primal/dual residuals at end: {}/{}".format(
        primalResidual[counterMain], dualResidual[counterMain]))
    print("Congestion norm: {}".format(
        np.linalg.norm(lambdaC - cCongestion * (mu / (areaVertices / 3)))))
    print("Objective value at end: {}".format(objectiveValue[counterMain //
    print("Total number of iterations: {}".format(counterMain))
    print("Total time taken by the computation of the geodesic: {}".format(
        round(endProgramm - startImport, 2)))
    return phi, mu, A, E, B, objectiveValue, primalResidual, dualResidual
# Value for the congestion parameter (alpha in the article)
cCongestion = 0.1

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read the .off file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Extract Vertices, Triangles, Edges
Vertices, Triangles, Edges = read_off.readOff(nameFileD)

# Compute areas of Triangles
areaTriangles, angleTriangles, baseFunction = surface_pre_computations.geometricQuantities(
    Vertices, Triangles, Edges)

# Compute the areas of the Vertices
originTriangles, areaVertices, vertexTriangles = surface_pre_computations.trianglesToVertices(
    Vertices, Triangles, areaTriangles)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define the boundary conditions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

nVertices = Vertices.shape[0]

mub0 = np.zeros(nVertices)
mub1 = np.zeros(nVertices)

lengthScale = 0.1

# Center of the "blobs" for mub0 and mub1
center0 = Vertices[4492, :]
center1 = Vertices[4225, :]
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,
        self.vertices = vertices
        self.edges = edges
        self.triangles = triangles

        self.n_vertices = vertices.shape[0]
        self.n_edges = edges.shape[0]
        self.n_triangles = triangles.shape[0]

        t_geom = time()
        print("Building geometric quantities...", end=' ')
        self.areaTriangles, self.angleTriangles, self.baseFunction = geometricQuantities(
            vertices, triangles, edges)
        print(f"(in {time() - t_geom:.1f}s)")

        t_mat = time()
        print("Building geometric matrices...", end=' ')
        self.gradient, self.divergence, self.laplacian = geometricMatrices(
            vertices, triangles, edges, self.areaTriangles,
            self.angleTriangles, self.baseFunction)
        print(f"(in {time() - t_mat:.1f}s)")

        t_TtoV = time()
        print("Building triangles to vertices...", end=' ')
        self.originTriangles, self.areaVertices, self.vertexTriangles = trianglesToVertices(
            self.vertices, self.triangles, self.areaTriangles)
        print(f"(in {time() - t_TtoV:.1f}s)")

        t_mean = time()
        print("Building adjacency matrix...", end=' ')
        self.mean_triangles = mean_of_triangles(vertices, triangles,
        print(f"(in {time() - t_mean:.1f}s)")

        # Allow to sum on R3 components
        self.triangles_R3_to_R = np.kron(np.eye(self.n_triangles),
                                         np.ones((3, 1)))

        self.has_boundaries = False
        if boundaries is not None or normal is not None:
            assert boundaries is not None and normal is not None, "Boundaries and normal: provide either both or " \
            assert boundaries.ndim == 1 and normal.ndim == 2 and normal.shape[
                1] == 3
            assert boundaries.shape[0] == normal.shape[0], f"Boundaries and normal should have same length. " \
                                                           f"Got {boundaries.shape[0]}, {normal.shape[0]}."
            self.has_boundaries = True

        self.boundaries = boundaries
        self.normal = normal
        self.n_boundaries = boundaries.shape[0] if self.has_boundaries else 0

        # self.normal_product makes the product w.r.t the normal.
        if self.has_boundaries:
            k = np.kron(np.eye(self.n_boundaries), np.ones(3))
            k[k == 1] = self.normal.flatten()
            self.normal_product = k

            assert self.normal_product.shape == (self.n_boundaries,
                                                 3 * self.n_boundaries)
            assert (self.normal_product[1, 3:6] == self.normal[1]).all()