Пример #1
def compute_output_commitments(election):
    """ Make commitments to all output values and save them in sdbp.

    For each race,
    for each of n_reps copies (indexed by k),
    for each row (indexed by i)
    for each of the n vote shares (call them y)
    compute two commitments (cu and cv) to split-value rep (u,v) of y.
    using randomization values ru and rv.
    cols = election.server.cols
    full_output = dict()
    for race in election.races:
        race_modulus = race.race_modulus
        race_id = race.race_id
        full_output[race_id] = dict()
        for k in election.k_list:
            full_output[race_id][k] = dict()
            for py in election.p_list:
                full_output[race_id][k][py] = dict()
                for i in election.server.row_list:
                    rand_name = \
                    sdbp = election.server.sdb[race_id][i][cols - 1][k]
                    y = sdbp['y'][py]
                    (u, v) = sv.get_sv_pair(y, rand_name, race_modulus)
                    ru = sv.bytes2base64(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
                    rv = sv.bytes2base64(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
                    cu = sv.com(u, ru)
                    cv = sv.com(v, rv)
                    sdbp['u'][py] = u
                    sdbp['v'][py] = v
                    sdbp['ru'][py] = ru
                    sdbp['rv'][py] = rv
                    sdbp['cu'][py] = cu
                    sdbp['cv'][py] = cv
                    ballot = {
                        'y': y,
                        'u': u,
                        'v': v,
                        'ru': ru,
                        'rv': rv,
                        'cu': cu,
                        'cv': cv
                    full_output[race_id][k][py][i] = ballot
    election.full_output = full_output
Пример #2
    def random_choice(self):
        """ Return a random choice for this race.

        If write-ins are allowed, then pick a write_in from
        a small built-in list of alternatives.

        choice_index = sv.get_random_from_source(self.rand_name,
        choice = self.choices[choice_index]
        all_stars = all([c == "*" for c in choice])
        if not all_stars:
            return choice
        # select write_in from fixed list of alternatives
        # but truncate if needed so it is not longer than list of stars
        max_len_write_in = len(choice)
        index = sv.get_random_from_source(self.rand_name, len(WRITE_INS))
        choice = WRITE_INS[index][:max_len_write_in]
        return choice
Пример #3
def compute_output_commitments(election):
    """ Make commitments to all output values and save them in sdbp.

    For each race,
    for each of n_reps copies (indexed by k),
    for each row (indexed by i)
    for each of the n vote shares (call them y)
    compute two commitments (cu and cv) to split-value rep (u,v) of y.
    using randomization values ru and rv.
    cols = election.server.cols
    full_output = dict()
    for race in election.races:
        race_modulus = race.race_modulus
        race_id = race.race_id
        full_output[race_id] = dict()
        for k in election.k_list:
            full_output[race_id][k] = dict()
            for py in election.p_list:
                full_output[race_id][k][py] = dict()
                for i in election.server.row_list:
                    rand_name = \
                    sdbp = election.server.sdb[race_id][i][cols-1][k]
                    y = sdbp['y'][py]
                    (u, v) = sv.get_sv_pair(y, rand_name, race_modulus)
                    ru = sv.bytes2base64(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
                    rv = sv.bytes2base64(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
                    cu = sv.com(u, ru)
                    cv = sv.com(v, rv)
                    sdbp['u'][py] = u
                    sdbp['v'][py] = v
                    sdbp['ru'][py] = ru
                    sdbp['rv'][py] = rv
                    sdbp['cu'][py] = cu
                    sdbp['cv'][py] = cv
                    ballot = {'y': y, 'u': u, 'v': v,
                              'ru': ru, 'rv': rv, 'cu': cu, 'cv': cv}
                    full_output[race_id][k][py][i] = ballot
    election.full_output = full_output
Пример #4
def make_left_right_challenges(election, rand_name, challenges):
    """ make dict with a list of n_voters left/right challenges for each race.

        Modify dict challenges to have a per race list of True/False values
        of length n_voters (True = left).
    leftright_dict = dict()
    # sorting needed in next line else result depends on enumeration order
    # (sorting is also done is sv_verifier.py)
    for race_id in sorted(election.race_ids):
        leftright = dict()
        for p in election.p_list:  # note: p_list is already sorted
            leftright[p] = "left"\
                           if bool(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name,
                           else "right"
        leftright_dict[race_id] = leftright
    challenges['leftright'] = leftright_dict
Пример #5
def make_left_right_challenges(election, rand_name, challenges):
    """ make dict with a list of n_voters left/right challenges for each race.

        Modify dict challenges to have a per race list of True/False values
        of length n_voters (True = left).
    leftright_dict = dict()
    # sorting needed in next line else result depends on enumeration order
    # (sorting is also done is sv_verifier.py)
    for race_id in sorted(election.race_ids):
        leftright = dict()
        for p in election.p_list:   # note: p_list is already sorted
            leftright[p] = "left"\
                           if bool(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name,
                           else "right"
        leftright_dict[race_id] = leftright
    challenges['leftright'] = leftright_dict
Пример #6
def make_left_right_challenges(rand_name, db):
    """ make dict with a list of n_voters left/right challenges for each race.

    Result per race is a list of left/right values of length n_voters.
    (This routine copied from sv_prover.py.)
    This is recomputed here to check consistency with hash of sbb.
    leftright_dict = dict()
    # sorting needed in next line else result depends on enumeration order
    # (sorting is also done is sv_prover.py)
    for race_id in sorted(db['races']):
        leftright = dict()
        for p in db['p_list']:
            leftright[p] = 'left'\
                           if bool(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name,
                           else 'right'
        leftright_dict[race_id] = leftright
    return leftright_dict
Пример #7
def make_left_right_challenges(rand_name, db):
    """ make dict with a list of n_voters left/right challenges for each race.

    Result per race is a list of left/right values of length n_voters.
    (This routine copied from sv_prover.py.)
    This is recomputed here to check consistency with hash of sbb.
    leftright_dict = dict()
    # sorting needed in next line else result depends on enumeration order
    # (sorting is also done is sv_prover.py)
    for race_id in sorted(db['races']):
        leftright = dict()
        for p in db['p_list']:
            leftright[p] = 'left'\
                           if bool(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name,
                           else 'right'
        leftright_dict[race_id] = leftright
    return leftright_dict
Пример #8
def compute_output_commitments(election, row_index, col_index):
    """ Make commitments to all output values and save them in sdbp.

    For each race,
    for each of n_reps copies (indexed by k),
    for each row (indexed by i)
    for each of the n vote shares (call them y)
    compute two commitments (cu and cv) to split-value rep (u,v) of y.
    using randomization values ru and rv.
    cols = election.server.cols
    full_output = dict()
    for race in election.races:
        race_modulus = race.race_modulus
        race_id = race.race_id
        full_output[race_id] = dict()
        for k in election.k_list:
            full_output[race_id][k] = dict()
            for py in election.p_list:
                full_output[race_id][k][py] = dict()
                if col_index == cols - 1:  # TODO move this logic to ServerMix handler
                    i = row_index
                    rand_name = \
                        rand_name)  # TODO optional remove later
                    sdbp = election.server.sdb[race_id][i][cols - 1][k]
                    y = sdbp['y'][py]
                    (u, v) = sv.get_sv_pair(y, rand_name, race_modulus)
                    ru = sv.bytes2base64(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
                    rv = sv.bytes2base64(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
                    cu = sv.com(u, ru)
                    cv = sv.com(v, rv)
                    sdbp['u'][py] = u
                    sdbp['v'][py] = v
                    sdbp['ru'][py] = ru
                    sdbp['rv'][py] = rv
                    sdbp['cu'][py] = cu
                    sdbp['cv'][py] = cv
                    ballot = {
                        'y': y,
                        'u': u,
                        'v': v,
                        'ru': ru,
                        'rv': rv,
                        'cu': cu,
                        'cv': cv
                    full_output[race_id][k][py][i] = ballot
    election.full_output = full_output
    coms = dict()
    # same as full_output, but only giving non-secret values (i.e. cu, cv)
    for race in election.races:
        race_id = race.race_id
        coms[race_id] = dict()
        for k in election.k_list:
            coms[race_id][k] = dict()
            for py in election.p_list:
                coms[race_id][k][py] = dict()
                '''for i in election.server.row_list: # TODO remove this for loop -> shared memory
                    coms[race_id][k][py][i] = \
                        {'cu': full_output[race_id][k][py][i]['cu'],
                         'cv': full_output[race_id][k][py][i]['cv']}'''
                coms[race_id][k][py] = dict()
                if col_index == cols - 1:  # TODO move this logic to ServerMix handler
                    i = row_index
                    coms[race_id][k][py][i] = \
                        {'cu': full_output[race_id][k][py][i]['cu'],
                         'cv': full_output[race_id][k][py][i]['cv']}
    election.output_commitments = coms
    return ("proof:output_commitments", {"commitments": coms})
Пример #9
    def cast_vote(self, race):
        """ Cast random vote for this voter for this race in simulated election.

        Of course, in a real election, choices come from voter via tablet.

        election = self.election
        cvs = election.cast_votes
        race_id = race.race_id
        race_modulus = race.race_modulus
        rand_name = self.rand_name
        px = self.px

        # cast random vote (for this simulation, it's random)
        choice_str = race.random_choice()  # returns a string
        choice_int = race.choice_str2int(choice_str)  # convert to integer

        # ballot_id is random hex string of desired length
        ballot_id_len = election.ballot_id_len
        ballot_id = sv.bytes2hex(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
        ballot_id = ballot_id[:ballot_id_len]
        assert len(ballot_id) == election.ballot_id_len

        # secret-share choice
        n = election.server.rows
        t = election.server.threshold
        share_list = sv.share(choice_int, n, t, rand_name, race_modulus)

        # double-check that shares reconstruct to desired choice
        assert choice_int == sv.lagrange(share_list, n, t, race_modulus)
        # double-check that shares are have indices 1, 2, ..., n
        assert all([share_list[i][0] == i + 1 for i in range(n)])
        # then strip off indices, since they are equal to row number + 1
        share_list = [share[1] for share in share_list]

        # save ballots on election data structure
        for row, x in enumerate(share_list):
            (u, v) = sv.get_sv_pair(x, rand_name, race_modulus)
            ru = sv.bytes2base64(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
            rv = sv.bytes2base64(sv.get_random_from_source(rand_name))
            cu = sv.com(u, ru)
            cv = sv.com(v, rv)
            i = election.server.row_list[row]
            vote = {
                "ballot_id": ballot_id,
                "x": x,
                "u": u,
                "v": v,
                "ru": ru,
                "rv": rv,
                "cu": cu,
                "cv": cv
            cvs[race_id][px][i] = vote

        # compute voter receipt as hash of her ballot_id and commitments
        # note that voter gets a receipt for each race she votes in
        receipt_data = [ballot_id]
        d = dict()
        for i in election.server.row_list:
            cu = cvs[race_id][px][i]['cu']
            cv = cvs[race_id][px][i]['cv']
            d[i] = {'cu': cu, 'cv': cv}
        receipt_data_str = sv.dumps(receipt_data)
        receipt_hash = sv.bytes2base64(sv.secure_hash(receipt_data_str))
        self.receipts[ballot_id] = {'race_id': race_id, 'hash': receipt_hash}