with Schematic(filename='mfed.svg', line_width=2, background='none'): vin = Source(name='Vin', value='1 V', kind='sine') Ground(C=vin.n) rs = Resistor(name='Rs', value=Rref, n=vin.p, xoff=25) Wire([vin.p, rs.n]) c1 = Capacitor(name='C1', value=C1, p=rs.p, xoff=25) Ground(C=c1.n) l2 = Inductor(name='L2', value=L2, n=c1.p, xoff=25) Wire([rs.p, l2.n]) c3 = Capacitor(name='C3', value=C3, p=l2.p, xoff=25) Ground(C=c3.n) l4 = Inductor(name='L4', value=L4, n=c3.p, xoff=25) Wire([l2.p, l4.n]) c5 = Capacitor(name='C5', value=C5, p=l4.p, xoff=25) Ground(C=c5.n) rl = Resistor(name='Rl', value=Rref, p=c5.p, xoff=100, orient='v') Ground(C=rl.n) out = Pin(name='out', C=rl.p, xoff=50, w=2) Wire([l4.p, out.t]) Label(S=c3.N, yoff=-50, name=f'{Fo} LPF', loc='s') Dot(C=c1.p) Dot(C=c3.p) Dot(C=c5.p) Dot(C=rl.p) except Error as e: e.report() except OSError as e: error(os_error(e))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from svg_schematic import (Schematic, Amp, Dot, Ground, Label, Pin, Resistor, Source, Wire) from inform import Error, error, os_error try: with Schematic(filename="noninverting.svg", line_width=2): vin = Source(kind='sine') Label(C=vin.p, name='Vin', loc='n') Ground(C=vin.n) amp = Amp(pi=vin.p, xoff=100, kind='oa') Label(C=amp.ni, xoff=-25, name='Vf', loc='n') Wire([vin.p, amp.pi]) out = Pin(C=amp.o, xoff=50, name='out', w=2) Wire([amp.o, out.C]) oj = Dot(C=amp.o, xoff=25) r1 = Resistor(p=amp.ni, off=(-25, 50), name='R1', orient='v') Wire([r1.N, amp.ni], kind='|-') r2 = Resistor(C=amp.C, yoff=75, name='R2') Wire([r1.p, r2.W], kind='|-') Wire([oj.C, r2.E], kind='|-') fj = Dot(C=r2.W, xoff=-25) Ground(C=r1.n) except Error as e: e.report() except OSError as e: error(os_error(e))
Wire([pfet.d, ind.n]) cap = Capacitor(p=ind.p, orient='v') Ground(C=cap.n) out = Pin(C=ind.p, xoff=100, kind='out', name='out', w=2) out_wire = Wire([ind.p, out.C]) fb = shift_y(R1.n, 100) Rt = Resistor(n=with_x(fb, out_wire.m), orient='v') Rb = Resistor(p=with_x(fb, out_wire.m), orient='v') Wire([Rt.p, with_y(Rt.p, out.C)]) Ground(C=Rb.n) RG = Box(o=C1.n, yoff=175) rg2cmp = Wire([RG.o, cmp.ni], kind='-|-') Dot(C=with_y(rg2cmp.m, fb), color='white') Wire([ shift_x(RG.C, -30), shift(RG.C, -25, 25), shift(RG.C, 25, -25), shift_x(RG.C, 30) ]) Label(C=RG.S, loc='s', name='ramp_gen') Wire([R1.n, fb, Rt.n], kind='|-') en = Pin(C=lvl.C, yoff=250, kind='in', name='en', w=2) Wire([en.C, shift_x(en.C, 50)]) avss = Pin(C=en.C, yoff=50, kind='in', name='avss', w=2) Wire([avss.C, shift_x(avss.C, 50)]) except Error as e:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from svg_schematic import (Schematic, Amp, Dot, Ground, Label, Pin, Resistor, Source, Wire) from inform import Error, error, os_error try: with Schematic(filename="inverting.svg", font_size=16, font_family='serif'): vin = Pin(kind='in', name='in', w=1.5) vout = Pin(C=vin.C, xoff=350, kind='out', name='out', w=2) Wire([vin.C, vout.C]) rin = Resistor(W=vin.C, xoff=25, name='Rin') vg = Dot(C=rin.E, xoff=25) rfb = Resistor(W=vg.C, xoff=25, name='Rfb') oj = Dot(C=rfb.E, xoff=25) amp = Amp(C=rfb.C, yoff=75, orient='-', kind='oa') Wire([oj.C, amp.o], kind='|-') gnd = Ground(C=amp.pi, xoff=-25, orient='h|') Wire([gnd.C, amp.pi]) Wire([vg.C, amp.ni], kind='|-') Label(C=vg.C, name='Vg', loc='sw') except Error as e: e.report() except OSError as e: error(os_error(e))
d3 = Diode(a=d2.c, xoff=50, orient='h') c3 = Capacitor(p=d3.c, off=(25, 25), orient='v') d4 = Diode(a=d3.c, xoff=50, orient='h') c4 = Capacitor(p=d4.c, off=(25, 25), orient='v') d5 = Diode(a=d4.c, xoff=50, orient='h') c5 = Capacitor(p=d5.c, off=(25, 25), orient='v') vout = Pin(C=d5.c, xoff=75, kind='out', name=r'$V_{\rm out}$', w=2) Ground(t=c5.n) Wire([vin.t, d1.a]) Wire([d1.c, d2.a]) Wire([d2.c, d3.a]) Wire([d3.c, d4.a]) Wire([d4.c, d5.a]) Wire([d5.c, vout.t]) Wire([with_x(vin.t, c1.C), c1.p]) Wire([with_x(vin.t, c2.C), c2.p]) Wire([with_x(vin.t, c3.C), c3.p]) Wire([with_x(vin.t, c4.C), c4.p]) Wire([with_x(vin.t, c5.C), c5.p]) Wire([p1.t, c1.n], kind='-|') Wire([p2.t, c2.n], kind='-|') co = Dot(C=with_x(p1.C, c2.C), color='white') # wire cross over Wire([p1.t, c3.n], kind='-|') Wire([p2.t, c4.n], kind='-|') except Error as e: e.report() except OSError as e: error(os_error(e))