Пример #1
def commit(ui, repo, rev_ctx, meta, base_revision, svn):
    """Build and send a commit from Mercurial to Subversion.
    file_data = {}
    parent = rev_ctx.parents()[0]
    parent_branch = rev_ctx.parents()[0].branch()
    branch_path = meta.layoutobj.remotename(parent_branch)

    extchanges = svnexternals.diff(svnexternals.parse(ui, parent),
                                   svnexternals.parse(ui, rev_ctx))
    addeddirs, deleteddirs = _getdirchanges(svn, branch_path, parent, rev_ctx,
                                            rev_ctx.files(), extchanges)
    deleteddirs = set(deleteddirs)

    props = {}
    copies = {}
    for file in rev_ctx.files():
        if file in util.ignoredfiles:
        new_data = base_data = ''
        action = ''
        if file in rev_ctx:
            fctx = rev_ctx.filectx(file)
            new_data = fctx.data()

            if 'x' in fctx.flags():
                props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:executable'] = '*'
            if 'l' in fctx.flags():
                props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:special'] = '*'
            isbinary = hgutil.binary(new_data)
            if isbinary:
                    file, {})['svn:mime-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'

            if file not in parent:
                renamed = fctx.renamed()
                if renamed:
                    # TODO current model (and perhaps svn model) does not support
                    # this kind of renames: a -> b, b -> c
                    copies[file] = renamed[0]
                    base_data = parent[renamed[0]].data()
                    if 'l' in parent[renamed[0]].flags():
                        base_data = 'link ' + base_data
                    autoprops = svn.autoprops_config.properties(file)
                    if autoprops:
                        props.setdefault(file, {}).update(autoprops)

                action = 'add'
                dirname = '/'.join(file.split('/')[:-1] + [''])
                base_data = parent.filectx(file).data()
                if ('x' in parent.filectx(file).flags()
                        and 'x' not in rev_ctx.filectx(file).flags()):
                    props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:executable'] = None
                if 'l' in parent.filectx(file).flags():
                    base_data = 'link ' + base_data
                    if 'l' not in rev_ctx.filectx(file).flags():
                        props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:special'] = None
                if hgutil.binary(base_data) and not isbinary:
                    props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:mime-type'] = None
                action = 'modify'
            pos = file.rfind('/')
            if pos >= 0:
                if file[:pos] in deleteddirs:
                    # This file will be removed when its directory is removed
            action = 'delete'
        file_data[file] = base_data, new_data, action

    def svnpath(p):
        return ('%s/%s' % (branch_path, p)).strip('/')

    changeddirs = []
    for d, v1, v2 in extchanges:
        props.setdefault(svnpath(d), {})['svn:externals'] = v2
        if d not in deleteddirs and d not in addeddirs:

    # Now we are done with files, we can prune deleted directories
    # against themselves: ignore a/b if a/ is already removed
    deleteddirs2 = list(deleteddirs)
    for d in deleteddirs2:
        pos = d.rfind('/')
        if pos >= 0 and d[:pos] in deleteddirs:

    newcopies = {}
    for source, dest in copies.iteritems():
        newcopies[svnpath(source)] = (svnpath(dest), base_revision)

    new_target_files = [svnpath(f) for f in file_data]
    for tf, ntf in zip(file_data, new_target_files):
        if tf in file_data and tf != ntf:
            file_data[ntf] = file_data[tf]
            if tf in props:
                props[ntf] = props.pop(tf)
            del file_data[tf]

    addeddirs = [svnpath(d) for d in addeddirs]
    deleteddirs = [svnpath(d) for d in deleteddirs]
    new_target_files += addeddirs + deleteddirs + changeddirs
    if not new_target_files:
        raise NoFilesException()
        return svn.commit(new_target_files, rev_ctx.description(),
                          file_data, base_revision, set(addeddirs),
                          set(deleteddirs), props, newcopies)
    except svnwrap.SubversionException, e:

        if len(e.args) > 0 and e.args[1] in (svnwrap.ERR_FS_TXN_OUT_OF_DATE,
            raise hgutil.Abort('Outgoing changesets parent is not at '
                               'subversion HEAD\n'
                               '(pull again and rebase on a newer revision)')
        elif len(e.args) > 0 and e.args[1] == svnwrap.ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE:
            # Special handling for svn hooks blocking error
            raise hgutil.Abort(e.args[0])
Пример #2
def commit(ui, repo, rev_ctx, meta, base_revision, svn):
    """Build and send a commit from Mercurial to Subversion.
    file_data = {}
    parent = rev_ctx.parents()[0]
    parent_branch = rev_ctx.parents()[0].branch()
    branch_path = 'trunk'

    if meta.layout == 'single':
        branch_path = ''
    elif parent_branch and parent_branch != 'default':
        branch_path = 'branches/%s' % parent_branch

    extchanges = svnexternals.diff(svnexternals.parse(ui, parent),
                                   svnexternals.parse(ui, rev_ctx))
    addeddirs, deleteddirs = _getdirchanges(svn, branch_path, parent, rev_ctx,
                                            rev_ctx.files(), extchanges)
    deleteddirs = set(deleteddirs)

    props = {}
    copies = {}
    for file in rev_ctx.files():
        if file in util.ignoredfiles:
        new_data = base_data = ''
        action = ''
        if file in rev_ctx:
            fctx = rev_ctx.filectx(file)
            new_data = fctx.data()

            if 'x' in fctx.flags():
                props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:executable'] = '*'
            if 'l' in fctx.flags():
                props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:special'] = '*'
            isbinary = hgutil.binary(new_data)
            if isbinary:
                props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:mime-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'

            if file not in parent:
                renamed = fctx.renamed()
                if renamed:
                    # TODO current model (and perhaps svn model) does not support
                    # this kind of renames: a -> b, b -> c
                    copies[file] = renamed[0]
                    base_data = parent[renamed[0]].data()

                action = 'add'
                dirname = '/'.join(file.split('/')[:-1] + [''])
                base_data = parent.filectx(file).data()
                if ('x' in parent.filectx(file).flags()
                    and 'x' not in rev_ctx.filectx(file).flags()):
                    props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:executable'] = None
                if ('l' in parent.filectx(file).flags()
                    and 'l' not in rev_ctx.filectx(file).flags()):
                    props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:special'] = None
                if hgutil.binary(base_data) and not isbinary:
                    props.setdefault(file, {})['svn:mime-type'] = None
                action = 'modify'
            pos = file.rfind('/')
            if pos >= 0:
                if file[:pos] in deleteddirs:
                    # This file will be removed when its directory is removed
            action = 'delete'
        file_data[file] = base_data, new_data, action

    def svnpath(p):
        return ('%s/%s' % (branch_path, p)).strip('/')

    changeddirs = []
    for d, v1, v2 in extchanges:
        props.setdefault(svnpath(d), {})['svn:externals'] = v2
        if d not in deleteddirs and d not in addeddirs:

    # Now we are done with files, we can prune deleted directories
    # against themselves: ignore a/b if a/ is already removed
    deleteddirs2 = list(deleteddirs)
    for d in deleteddirs2:
        pos = d.rfind('/')
        if pos >= 0 and d[:pos] in deleteddirs:

    newcopies = {}
    for source, dest in copies.iteritems():
        newcopies[svnpath(source)] = (svnpath(dest), base_revision)

    new_target_files = [svnpath(f) for f in file_data]
    for tf, ntf in zip(file_data, new_target_files):
        if tf in file_data and tf != ntf:
            file_data[ntf] = file_data[tf]
            if tf in props:
                props[ntf] = props.pop(tf)
            del file_data[tf]

    addeddirs = [svnpath(d) for d in addeddirs]
    deleteddirs = [svnpath(d) for d in deleteddirs]
    new_target_files += addeddirs + deleteddirs + changeddirs
    if not new_target_files:
        raise NoFilesException()
        svn.commit(new_target_files, rev_ctx.description(), file_data,
                   base_revision, set(addeddirs), set(deleteddirs),
                   props, newcopies)
    except svnwrap.SubversionException, e:
        if len(e.args) > 0 and e.args[1] in (svnwrap.ERR_FS_TXN_OUT_OF_DATE,
            raise hgutil.Abort('Outgoing changesets parent is not at '
                               'subversion HEAD\n'
                               '(pull again and rebase on a newer revision)')